S a ra h Ni c k le P r oj ec t 4 L XF M 7 4 0 P r of Be ta n c u r
Vis io n S ta te me nt
Outdoor Voices inspired yoga studio to furthur inspire individuals to #doingthings. The studio will be located in Sedona, Arizona to cultivate an aesthetically pleasing and inspirational atmosphere. A place to discover yourself or share practice with friends.
In s p ira tio n B o a r d
Bra n d A n a ly s is Outdoor Voices aims to inspire individuals to be active. The brand makes technical apparel for recreation. Styles and colors make for easily interchangable outfits to mix and match. Four core fabrics make up Outdoor Voices products. These fabrics are called textured compression, mossed jersey, stretch crepe and rec poly. The textured compression fabric has a tonal texture and spans seasons. The mossed jersey fabric is extremely soft and offers optimal stretch. The stretch crepe can be worn in all weather types. The rec poly is light weight and sustainable. Outdoor Voices “inspires Doing Things together by Doing Things Together.” The brand makes up a “community of Recreationalists who prefer a pickup game with friends to slashing seconds off a time. “
Br a n d P o s itio n i ng & Pe rc e p tu a l M ap High Market Share
Non-Com petative S portswear
Compet ati ve Sport swear
Low Market Share
T a r ge t Ma rk e t P r of i l es
Hailey Sage Age 26 From Minnesota Married Hobbies include trav el, hiking, photogra phy, anything vintage
Bryce Miller Age 28 From Los Angeles Single Hobbies include trav el, running, yoga, modeling, good food
Sienna Jane Age 33 From Austin, TX Married with children Hobbies include fash ion, wellness, crafts, painting, spa days
Ma rk e tin g S trat egy By creating a yoga studio in Sedona, it will foster consumer excitement and inspire individuals to get outside and be active. One can visit the yoga studio and shop for Outdoor Voices clothing.
Ma r k e tin g Me s s age The Outdoor Voices yoga studio will contribute content to the Outdoor Voices Instagram page. Individuals will also feel inclined to take “Instaworthy” pictures to share on their own social media channels. When doing so, Outdoor Voices will encourage individuals to add a “#DoingThings” to their posts. If an individual is to add this hashtag, then their photo may be featured on the official Outdoor Voices account page.
Lo c a tio n A n a l y s i s The Outdoor Voices yoga studio will be located in Sedona, Arizona. This location is a stunning, yet lesser-known, destination location for individuals to travel to and explore. OV encourages consumers not only to visit the yoga studio, but to also go on a hike or a bike ride. Sedona is a great location for countless outdoors activities.
OV App
Sto re A n a ly s i s Yoga Studio Equipped with all necessary yoga equipment
Check in desk with OV retail product hanging on wooden racks