Why: Madewell resonates with the CF community and the brand aesthetics align. Product/Service Promoted: Blue Jeans Go Green - “Recycle your old jeans with us.” Theme of the Partnership: “CF Goes Green”
Community Member Information: Product/Service Provided: Community members will be instructed to exchange an old pair of denim jeans for twenty dollars off a new pair. However, due to the terms of this partnership, the participating community members will be given the new pair of jeans for free. It is the community members responsbility to explain Madewell’s “Blue Jeans Go Green” process to their followers. SOW: 1 IG post about the service and denim, 2 IG stories about the service, 1 IG story about the denim
Mood Board Inspiration
Client Information: 30 community members participating. Selected members have strong potential to create on brand native content. Example of members: @cassidiaah @brinnafromtheblock @tunesandtunics @emmamaarlow
SOW: Two dedicated Instagram stories that explain the denim recycling program, where the recycled jeans end up, and the discount that you get on a new pair of jeans by participating. One Instagram story gushing about how amazing Madewell’s denim jeans are. One Instagram post represented with native content to show how amazing the jeans look on and feel. ROI will consist of a spike in sales, increased engagement and new followers. KPI’s would include likes, comments, saves, shares, reach, impressions, and profile visits.
Propose influencers to the client
Client to review and approve influencer assets
Product Shipment
Securing the influencers
Due date for assets from influencers
Influencer outreach
Client to review and approve assets to be shared on CF’s channels
Collection of metrics on CF’s end and sending the final numbers to the client Posting date for influencer and CF
Final Goals: To have a successful partnership, amazing content, timely communication, and on target ROI’s and KPI’s.