New student's guide 2011

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69 Lämpömiehenkuja 2 02151 Espoo

Producer: Henna Lahti Layout: Robert Hanson Place of print: Redfina oy Print run: 1000 kpl Translation: Johanna Kouva

Table of contents

Greetings from the board 6 Beloved children have many names 9 Who takes care of new students 10 SYSTEMATIC STUDIES 11 Take advantage of these tips 13 Academic freedom! 13 STUDENT CULTURE IS THE SALT AND PEPPER OF STUDIES Overalls 14 Being academic is hip! 15 What is the Aalto culture? 15 Housing – roof over your head? 17 Change of address notification: change of residence and change of address 19 Resident activities 20 Education can be free, living cannot. Where do we get the funds? 21 Application and the components of student financial aid 21 Other benefits to secure income 23 Health, well-being and study ability 24 The core of the study ability 25 Health and well-being 27 Aalto pastors’ greetings 31 AYY AND SPORTS 32 SELL Student Games 2012 34 Transport in the metropolitan area 36 Tickets and fares in the public transport of the metropolitan area 36 Long-distance transport 37

What is the Student Union? 39 Service points and the central office 39 The roots of Aalto and AYY 40 Representative Council 42 Representative Council Elections 2011 42 The Board leads the Student Union 45 The sectors - the solid core of the student union 46 Main sector 46 Corporate Relations Sector 47 Academic affairs 48 Social affairs 49 Communications and IT issues 50 Aalto community and organisational affairs 51 Aalto is an international community 52 A thousand and one possibilities for internationalisation 52 AYY supports internationalisation 53 As an international student at Aalto 53 Special status associations 55 Find a variety of activities within AYY! 65

Aalto University - 67 School of Economics 67 School of Art and Design 67 Schools of Science and Technology 67 Hints from old younglings 69 mAPS OF THE cAMPUSES 76 AYY Dictionary 81

Greetings from the board Hello, and welcome!

international excursions, among other

Are you excited? Or are you feeling

things. There have been major achie-

pretty calm? I am sure there are as many different feelings as there are new

vements just at our own university: In

students, and rightly so. The best aspect

1968, the unique Finnfocus export

of our student community is its diver-

exhibition sailed to London and in

sity: we come from across Finland and

the early 1950s, Teekkari Village

around the world, study different sub-

was constructed in Otaniemi and

jects, engage in everything ranging from

the former University of Technology

football to culinary experiments, and we

moved there. And it was precisely Aalto

each have our own varying interests.

members who once were the originators of Finnish television broadcasting.

And enthusiasm, it always pays off.

Naturally, the role of students in one of

In the course of history, students’ en-

the major reforms of the Finnish univer-

thusiasm has been a factor behind many

sity system, the establishment of Aalto

major upheavals. Student activities have

University, has been quite significant.

been an incubator for new ideas and, above all, for people who have reflected

The question is: What’s the next big

ideas and issues absorbed in student


activities after they have moved to other

The life at Aalto has taught me this:

areas of society.

Shoot for the stars, land on the moon.

Students have found the courage

The best things in life are sometimes

to look towards the future and build

found by chance. You only need a pinch

a world for themselves and the future

of courage to aim high. It does not mat-

generations, in particular. Examples of

ter if you do not succeed every time or if

such efforts are the establishments of

something embarrassing happens some-

the organisations which now seem self-

times. In such a case, you can just take it

evident, such as Finnish Student Health

easy and say: ”Oh well!” and try again.

Service (FSHS) and the Foundation for

None of us alone can revolu-

Student Housing in the Helsinki Region

tionise or make the whole world ready,

(HOAS). Also, students have been in the

but the achievements of each student

forefront of the internationalisation in

generation are the sum of small big

Finland, as they have been encouraged

deeds and experiences lived together.

to leave for a student exchange and

The individual thoughts, ideas, smiles


and lessons that we absorb during our studies will continue to live on after our studies are completed, and they are a good source to draw inspiration from. *** I hope that you will keep in mind two thoughts from this writing. The first one is that the Student Union equals its members. For some, AYY seems distant, and for others it is dear and precious. This variety of feelings is also a good reminder that there are certainly all sorts of us. Search and find your own place in the community. Aalto, AYY and Aalto members have millions of paths to explore. The other thought is this: Dare to get excited and experiment! I promise that you will not regret it. All in all, we are quite a hilarious family. Welcome to our group! Saara Hyrkkรถ The writer smiles often and is the Chair of the AYY Board in 2011, studies Bioinformation Technology at Aalto University soon for the sixth year (and is proud of it!), is lovingly interested in whales (because they are so breathtakingly big), wants to learn something new every day and believes that embarrassing is pretty.



t M n O de C BE tu s a

Beloved children have many names the new students of technology and arts During your education path,

are called fuksi. Other terms derived

you have probably already been used to

from fuksi, such as phuksi or pHuksi, are

various names that students are given

also used in some guilds.

depending on their situation and status. University is not an exception in this sense and there are certain terms for

What on earth is a walrus? At the School of Economics, new

new students.

students are called walruses (mursu).

Fuksi (freshman)

Many generations of Economics students

Fuksi is almost a standard lan-

have surely wondered why the new stu-

guage term which is used to describe

dents of Economics are walruses instead

the first-year students in many Finnish

of freshmen, for example. Where do

universities. A large number of miscel-

these funny names come from?

laneous web pages suggest that the word

The degree at the School of

fuksi came to Finnish from the German

Economics was quite a modest two-year

language. The word ’fuchs’ means a fox

course which had no official title until

in German. The time period when the

the Second World War. New students

German term fuchs or the Finnish loan

were called the first-year students until

of the word was introduced was fished

the 1920s. When the student association

out from the German wikipedia, accord-

of the School of Economics became a

ing to which the term ‘fuchs’ was known

student union in 1923, there was a need

in the academic world more or less in

to create own academic traditions. In

its current meaning from the year 1780

accordance with the university model,

onwards. The history of the word is

particular initiation rites of new stu-

probably even older but it was men-

dents were organised for the first-year

tioned in German written sources for


the first time in that year. New students

For some reason, the word fuksi

were called foxes in Germany in the 18th

was never established at the School

century as the name was considered to

of Economics. Instead, the first-year

reflect their timidity and caution well.

students were called mursu, and the

Older students were also called foxes

term fuksimajuri (‘freshman major’)

when calling them names. (Kangasniemi

was changed to the form mursumajuri


or mursaattori. There was probably an At Aalto University, particularly

intention to be original and come up


with a different term for new students.

to the form mursu. The term first ap-

The origin of the word is not precisely

pears in official documents in 1930 but

known but it probably originates from

the new students were generally called

the chief god of trade Mercurius in the

mursu even before that.

Roman mythology. Initially, in the mid1920s, new students were called little

Kangasniemi, T. 2009. Tekniikka&Talous. Mitä

mercurius or mercurius. Probably at

sana “fuksi” tarkoittaa alun perin?. (http://www.

some point little mercurius was changed

Who takes care of new students? The first days at Aalto University can be

your perceptions of learning and the

exciting: an incredible amount of basic

student life.

information pours over you, and at the

In addition to your small fresh-

same time you have to keep track of is-

man group, we recommend you to get to

sues concerning students’ everyday life.

know other students in your own field.


The best way to do this is to become a

Not to worry, you are not alone!

member of a guild or a science as-

Whether you are a new student of

sociation and to get involved in their

technology (fuksi), a new student of


economics (mursu) or other, you have

Led by the freshman major,

at least one older student, a tutor or an

freshman captains in the guilds take new

international tutor, who will help you

freshmen through a year-long adventure

during your first hectic study year. Since

towards the magical May Day of fresh-

last spring, tutors and international tu-

men (if organised). The Association of

tors have been trained about important

Economics Students in Helsinki offers

issues concerning you and you can ask

plenty of high-quality activities and ener-

them almost anything. At least they can

getic happenings to freshmen. TOKYO

guide you in the right direction. Most

gathers Aalto’s arts students together

importantly, they can tell you about

and organises collective activities for

practical issues, as your tutors also

them on Arabia Campus where several

were once new students. Naturally, you

subject organisations of various arts

should not take everything at face value,

also operate.

ultimately you are the one who creates


SYSTEMATIC STUDIES or do not have at home. At the workplace, you do not play online games, for example, and you are committed to Are you stuck with your studies? Do

stay at your desk for a certain period

you feel that you are doing a lot but get

of time. In addition, you have working

nothing done? Do you usually only study

hours (concrete external goal) and you

on the night before the exam? Do you

have to obey them. You also have breaks

have too little free time?

and your calendar has daily goals. For all

You can begin to construct your

this, you naturally receive a salary which

own study path by getting to know the

is usually in relation to your working

study guide, planning your studies and


setting the goals. When you plan and

Students do not automatically

schedule your studies, you can focus

have access to these elements which

your resources and save time and ef-

support time management. However, it is

fort. Time management is also easier

very useful to apply some models of the

when you are aware of what you should

working life to your studies: students

be doing at any given time. Concrete

are recommended to create a journey to

goals maintain and increase your study

work, working hours and a work identity


to some extent. In this way, you can

University students often feel

automatically exclude some of the habits

that they just cannot begin to study

that you have during your free time and

and their time is spent on online games,

add some habits or requirements to your

facebook, youtube, internet surfing, et

study time. Wherever possible, you can


create a positive feedback suitable for Perhaps the best way to consider

you on your study day. After studying

your time management is through work-

for a certain period of time, you can

related time management. Most people

have good food, for example. You could

have experience of time management

also agree to have common breaks and

at work and they can usually handle it.

rewards together with your student

When you go to work you have to com-

friends after you have completed a

mute (transitional ritual) which switches

certain amount of work. Mutually agreed

on your work identity. In this process,

study methods and rewards have a much

you leave out something or add some

stronger effect than those agreed on by

manners or requirements which you do



How can you manage your time? 1. Reasonable amount of work Make sure that your schedule is reasonable and you also have enough spare time. If your schedule is too tight, there is a risk that you get tired or become lazy and achieve very little because of unreasonable goals.

2. Time tracking and structured work-

to have effect on them on the follow-

ing hours

ing week. Very often, it is only when we

Mark down in your calendar guided

record our actions that we can notice

teaching sessions and your own inde-

essential aspects about our own behav-

pendent work. Every day for one week,

iour. You might notice, for example, that

write down how you can achieve your

you have managed to achieve your goals

goals. After this, try to make your goals

when you have been in a quiet place

more reasonable. Consider the pitfalls

away from home.

of your own time management and try 3. Planning of time management

possible, telling you exactly what, when

Take advantage of time tracking and

and in which order you should study on

make a new and more advanced sched-

that day. Also consider which is a good

ule. Consider whether you were able

place to take a break. Usually, having a

to take a suitable amount of studies or

break by the computer is not refresh-

tried to do too much in too little time. If

ing. A short walk to a cafĂŠ or around the

staying on the schedule is difficult for

building will refresh you more.

you, try to make your plan as accurate as 4. Create a workplace for your studies

home. The location also helps you to

Choose a suitable place to study. It is

make a clear distinction between your

better to work in a different place than

studies and leisure time. If you have a

where you spend your spare time. In this

workplace, you also create a commute

way, there is a border between studies

for yourself and it is easier to determine

and leisure and there is a smaller risk

your working hours. If you do not need

for lazying around. Many students feel

the computer, do not study for an exam

that they can study easily and most

next to one. A temptation for internet

effectively when they are away from

browsing may become too big.


Take advantage of these tips 1. Reward yourself: Consider how you

3. Be flexible: Do not make your sched-

can reward yourself. You can agree with

ule too tight. Allow some time for unex-

yourself to go and have coffee with a

pected matters; calculating exercises or

friend after you have studied for 1.5

reading a book chapter may take more

hours, for example.

time than expected.

2. Prioritise: Make a to-do list and pri-

4. Say no: During the exam weeks, you

oritise your tasks. Start from the most

may have to engage less in your regular

important ones and do small things first

activities. If you delegate your tasks for

if they bother you and it does not take

later it helps your schedule during the

too long. (However, do not get stuck in

exam week.

taking care of small things.)

Academic freedom! University students have plenty of free-

order to complete the degree but the

dom but also responsibility. Students

student’s key objective should be learn-

are expected to take responsibility for

ing and the understanding of affairs and

their own studies and study progress.

the development as an expert in one’s

In practice, this means that students

field. This also includes in-depth under-

are responsible for the planning of their

standing of key issues in one’s own field.

own studies and time management and

At university, students have to

they are expected to take responsibility

construct their own diverse expertise by

for their own learning. Although it is not

themselves. There are several options

necessarily compulsory to participate in

for various study paths and there are

guided study sessions at university, you

optional courses and various methods to

should consider when it is useful to par-

complete courses. Students are required

ticipate in terms of your own learning

to have the ability to learn various af-

and development as a specialist. A regu-

fairs and have the skill to compare vari-

lar class attendance is often connected

ous options such as choosing a minor

with good performance on the course.

subject entity.

Becoming a specialist requires perseverance and you must give enough

xxx You may want to use the variety

time for learning. If you study super-

of counselling and guidance services

ficially for too long, your studies may

offered by the University as they pro-

begin to feel difficult and frustrating.

vide you with information you might

Naturally, you have to gain credits in

not necessarily find otherwise. Study


advisors, teacher tutors, study planners

counselling psychologists with issues re-

and study coordinators of your own unit

lated to time management, development

are often the primary source of infor-

of learning skills, as well as motivation

mation, who advise students with issues

and coping, among other things.

related to their own field. You can also get significant support and information

We wish you success with your studies!

from your student friends about choices

in the study path, various courses and


The Educational counselling

learning methods. If necessary, you can also contact the University’s educational

Student culture is the salt and pepper of studies Mad partying or incredible experi-

number of community events, traditions,

ences? In the public, the student culture

history, symbols and the spirit of to-

manifests itself too often as intoxicated

getherness and that is what the student

young people wearing overalls in the

culture is really all about. Be bold and

park. This image, unfortunately, does

participate wholeheartedly in the events

not tell the truth about the real variety

of your own field and the Student Union,

of the student culture. During your

and exceed your limits by getting to

study years, you will encounter a huge

know students in other fields.

Overalls Student overalls are a widely used uni-

At Aalto Schools, overalls were

form of almost all university students

never established as the garment of

since the early 80’s. Overalls are interest-

students at the School of Arts and

ing because of their ability to express

Design, and that is fine. This can also be

the wearer’s history, study field, tasks in

seen in Aalto culture where the over-

the student community or a relationship

alls are not always such an important

status. Spend some time to purchase,

factor. However, overalls are more than

maintain and decorate your overalls and

a popular garment for Technology and

make the most of them.

Economics students.


: ow Tip foll ely v i he t c of t da l dar oul ecia n h e s e sp as cal h t You t n l eve and wel on e the s as Uni n f th o t o i n de ciat ack r o t s Stu p as kee ur tus in o and sta k o ngs o i b n e . pe fac nity hap mu com

What is the Aalto culture? The merger of three student unions only two years ago began with the collision of cultures. The strong subcultures of Technology, Economics and Arts students explored each other, but at the same time a fresh and inspiring touch of Aalto culture breaking the traditions was created within the university and it has found its place in the Student Union. The cultures of Technology and Economics students, which emphasise traditions and permanence, encountered the

Being academic is hip!

playful and soul-searching Aalto spirit

University students’ position in the

with a creative, fun and artistic attitude

Finnish society has significantly spiced

towards student activities.

up the student culture. Today, this is

You can constantly encounter

visible in Aalto’s student associations

Aalto culture in the Student Union

and the Student Union as a long history

events and by getting to know the

full of traditions, academic parties and

students in various fields. You can see

tactfulness. Students sing traditional

Aalto culture at its best in the Aalto

drinking songs in their academic dinner

Party arranged in connection with

parties, wear a dress suit and honours to

the opening of the academic year, the

the anniversary, know the manners and

Student Union’s magnificent Christmas

act as exemplary citizens. Sitsit, the aca-

party or the anniversary in February.

demic dinner parties are a popular and

Aalto culture is surprising, it exceeds

great pastime. Almost all special status

boundaries and is appropriately mis-

associations celebrate their anniversaries

chievous. It takes itself seriously but

with style and put their student or tech-

is always full of joy. In addition, Aalto

nology student caps on their heads on

culture involves change and constant

May Day with the appropriate symbols

search for something new. Nothing is

and traditions. All these are valuable tra-

permanent and even the craziest ideas

ditions where you can feel the rustle of

can be realised, and you can be involved

history and see a mirror into the future.

in the process!



Housing – roof over your head?

ice: g off ousin H AYY o@ay st i m i ice: toto g off n asun i s u ho 4 iemi 0 940 Otan 50 52 : ice: tel 0 o g ff usin o h 2 ön 0 949 Tööl 50 52 tel: 0

AYY’s housing Aalto University Student Union owns approximately 2,500 apartments in Helsinki and Espoo. All Aalto University students who have registered for the attendance and paid the Student Union’s membership fee may apply for these apartments. AYY has a total of dozen apartment buildings of which 13 are located

Aalto University Student Union

in Helsinki. The rest are located in

promotes high-quality student housing

Leppävaara in Espoo and Teekkari

and follows students’ housing situa-

Village in Otaniemi. The buildings in-

tion together with the other student

clude shared apartments or apartments

unions in the metropolitan area. Finding

with one, two, three or four rooms.

affordable rental housing in the metro-

Apartments can be applied for through-

politan area is not easy and you should

out the year and they are allocated based

be prepared to spend time on finding a

on the housing queue order and score.

home. It is advisable to submit a housing

The application period for the first-year

application to many organisations in

students concerning the shared apart-

good time before the beginning of the

ments and studios in Teekkari Village,

academic term (immediately after you

Vuosaari, Pohjois-Haaga and Roihuvuori

receive the letter of acceptance from

is arranged in July and you cannot apply

the university). Housing search through

for the previously-mentioned apart-

various channels increases your chances

ments before that. Please submit a hous-

of finding a comfortable and affordable

ing application for these apartments


during July.


Hoas, Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region As a member of AYY, you can apply You can apply for AYY’s housing

for the housing of the Foundation for

through the electronic housing system.

Student Housing in the Helsinki Region

No one is automatically offered housing!

(Hoas). The housing foundation owns ap-

It is good to remember that the right

proximately 8,000 apartments and their

of residence of the students living in

apartments in the metropolitan area can

AYY’s housing is reviewed annually. The

accommodate approximately 16,000

condition for housing is that the student

residents. In addition to Otaniemi, Hoas

completes a sufficient number of credits

housing in Espoo is located in Espoon

– at least 18 credits per an

keskus, Leppävaara, Lintuvaara, Kilo and

academic year.

Olari. Hoas housing in Helsinki is located

Please note that only those living in shared apartments in Teekkari Village may apply for studios in Teekkari Village.

along the metro line and Kamppi, among other locations. Hoas offers rental rooms in shared apartments, studios and apart-

More specific information on the

ments (so-called family apartments) for

application of AYY’s housing and the

students. The rents vary depending on

available apartments is available in the

the size and location of the apartment.

housing section on AYY’s website and

In order to live in Hoas housing, the stu- where you can also submit

dent has to gain enough study credits.

a housing application.

The right of residence of the students

AYY’s Töölö Service Point, located on the ground floor of the Aalto University School of Economics, attends

living in Hoas housing is also reviewed annually! Information on housing is avail-

to issues related to housing in Helsinki.

able on Hoas website at

Otaniemi Housing Office attends to

You can also submit a housing applica-

housing issues in Espoo.

tion which is valid for four months.


Student nation housing

Private rental market

Student nations are cross-disciplinary

It is also advisable to search housing on

student communities operating within

the private rental market. Students may

the Student Union of the University of

find some issues on the private rental

Helsinki (HYY), which provide

market difficult, such as high deposits,

their members with activities and the

commissions and high rents. Sublease

company of kindred spirits from across

apartments may be an affordable and

Finland. Many student nations also

comfortable option for young students.

provide housing and their members can apply for the apartments. Aalto University students may under certain conditions join a student nation by paying a membership fee. After this, the student can also apply for the student nation’s housing. Apartments are mostly located in Helsinki. Application periods vary depending on the student nation. Further information is available on the common website of the student nations at

http:// Change of address notification: change of residence and change of address By law, you must always notify the registry office about moving when the place

HSL. If you want to change your study

of domicile or the registered residence

municipality as your place of domicile,

changes. The notification must be made

you have to make the change of address

no later than one week after moving. A

notification. With one change of address

permanent address determines the tax

notification, information is updated to

municipality, polling station and access

the national population register system

to certain services related to social se-

(registry office) and post offices. You can

curity. A student is entitled to a student

make the change of address notification

discount in public transport in the met-

online or over the phone. Instructions

ropolitan area only if one’s municipality

are available at

is located in the regional ticket area of


In the housing sector the specialist and the member of the board act as the link between residents and the Student Union and take care of developing the comfort of living and services related to real estates and housing together with the housing office. If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail: or over phone 050 520 9444 (Specialist) 050 520 9416 (member of the board). .

Resident activitieS

The Village Senate, elected through direct elections, acts as the tenants’ com-

AYY’s residents have many opportuni-

mittee in Teekkari Village. The Senate

ties to influence their own comfort of

makes plans to improve the comfort of

living and general activities in the resi-

living and is pleased to receive ideas,

dential buildings.

wishes and feedback concerning issues

Tenant’s councils operate in the

that could be done in Teekkari Village.

housing localities in Helsinki. Their pur-

The Village Senate also organises events

pose is to promote residents’ comfort-

for residents such as residents’ evenings,

ability and develop residential facilities

community efforts and Christmas par-

and services. Tenants’ councils guide

ties. The Village Senate has an important

new residents when they move into the

role in fostering the traditions of tech-

building and organise common events

nology students, including the declara-

for residents. Currently, tenants’ coun-

tion of May Day celebrations from the

cils operate in seven housing localities.

roof of Servi Cottage on May Day Eve.

Tenants’ councils receive fi-

All residents living in AYY’s housing in

nancial assistance for common furni-

Teekkari Village are welcome to join the

ture purchases, social gatherings and


newspaper subscriptions. Tenant council

Castle wardens operate in all

activities are intended for all residents

locations in Teekkari Village and most

– so if you are interested and have any

of the housing localities of the Student

ideas for development, take part in the

Union. The castle warden’s duties in-

activities! The council activities are co-

clude, among other things, reporting on

ordinated by chairpersons. The contact

the cleanliness of buildings and helping

information of the chairpersons in the

people who have forgotten their keys at

tenants’ councils in 2010 is available on

home for a small fee. All residents have

AYY’s website at



the opportunity to apply for the position of the castle warden in their building.

Education can be free, living cannot. Where do we get the funds? A Finnish student’s main source of income is student financial aid. A student can supplement one’s income

Student financial aid is mainly limited to Finnish students. International students can receive student financial

by working if one’s situation in life and

aid under certain conditions – if the

well-being allow it, keeping in mind the

reason for residence in Finland is to

income limits of student financial aid.

study, the person is not entitled to

Depending on a student’s situation in

student financial aid. Further informa-

life, there are other possible benefits to

tion on the student financial aid right,

secure income – a student may receive

the application and amount of the aid,

the maternity benefit, general housing

et cetera, is available on Kela’s website

allowance, sickness allowance or social and Aalto’s Student Portal



Application and the components of student financial aid A university student’s financial aid

use online banking identifiers on Kela’s

consists of a study grant, a housing sup-

electronic services.

plement and a government-guaranteed

Student financial aid is currently granted

student loan. The maximum student fi-

in two phases – what does it mean?

nancial aid of a university student living

From the autumn of 2011 onwards,

independently is approximately 800 euro

student financial aid will be granted

per month – the amount depends on the

first for the Bachelor’s degree even if the

amount of rent and whether or not the

student is accepted to complete both the

student takes out the student loan.

Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.

You can and should apply for

The maximum aid period for

student financial aid as soon as you are

the Bachelor’s degree is 37 months of

accepted to Aalto University – when

aid (the degree of 180 credits). When

you apply in advance you can ensure

students have completed the Bachelor’s

that student financial aid will be on your

degree, they are granted the maximum

bank account right at the beginning of

of 28 months of aid (the degree of 120

September. The most convenient way

credits) to complete the Master’s degree.

to apply for student financial aid is to


Means-testing refers to the fact that The maximum aid period granted for

the student’s own income affects the

the completion of the Bachelor’s and

student financial aid. The income

Master’s degree is, however, a total of no

monitoring of student financial aid is

more than 55 months of aid (degrees of

made after the taxation of the calendar

300 credits). As a consequence, the stu-

year is completed (in the spring of 2013

dent financial aid is adequate for the en-

for the year of 2011). Income is consid-

tire study time provided that the student

ered to include all taxable income and

completes the average of 5.5 credits per

capital income, tax-free grants intended

each month when the student receives

to secure subsistence and income from

student financial aid.

foreign sources. Students themselves are responsible for monitoring their own in-

Study progress and the income monitor-

come limits. ”Excess” months of student

ing of student financial aid

financial aid should be returned volun-

Student financial aid is a remunerative

tarily by the end of March in the follow-

and means-tested benefit. Remunerative

ing year. If a student receives a request

aid means that the study progress must

for the recovery of financial aid, the aid

be adequate, with the average of five

will be recovered with a 15 % interest.

credits per each month when aid is re-

Kela’s website has an income calculator

ceived, in order to continue the payment

and you can use it to evaluate how much

of student financial aid. The study pro-

other income you can have in addition

gress of the new students starting in the

to student financial aid – please monitor

autumn of 2011 will be monitored for

your income throughout the year!

the first time in October 2012 when the number of credits in the academic year

Work and student financial aid

2011–2012 will be reviewed. If students

Most students work at least at some

do not have enough credits, they will

stage of their studies. Most students

receive a request for clarification. If a

also aim to work in the summer time,

student does not respond to the request

in particular, and it is common to work

for clarification or does not present ac-

during the academic terms especially in

ceptable reasons for the lack of credits,

the metropolitan area. During the first

student financial aid is discontinued

few study years, you should consider

starting from the beginning of January

whether you have the resources both for

on the following year. Therefore, please

studying and work. Your own tutor and

ask for advice from Aalto’s student

more experienced students can provide

financial aid services if your studies do

invaluable advice on the combining of

not progress quickly enough!

studies and work.


Other benefits to secure income Students are also entitled to the ultimate form of income, social assistance, if a student does not have any

If you are unable to study due to

other sources of income (due to the

illness for more than two months, you

discontinuation of student financial aid,

may want to clarify your right to the

for example). Social assistance is applied

sickness allowance in order to save your

for from the social services of one’s mu-

student financial aid while ill. A student

nicipality. The income and savings of the

who receives the sickness allowance is

entire household affect the granting of

also entitled to the general housing al-

social assistance. Further information is

lowance. The sickness allowance can be

available at or www.

applied for from Kela. Medical reports

and certificates on illnesses that affect

Students who are not entitled to

studies should always be saved even

the housing supplement of student fi-

if you do not apply for the sickness

nancial aid may apply for Kela’s general

allowance. You might need the certifi-

housing allowance. A student may be

cates later if you apply for the exten-

entitled to the general housing allowance

sion of the student financial aid period

instead of the housing supplement if the

or if your study progress is monitored.

student lives together with one’s child or

Medical certificates for the period of ill-

a spouse’s child or the student financial

ness may also be necessary if your right

aid is discontinued.

of residence is reviewed.

STUDENT FINANCIAL AID SERVICES Student financial aid services at


Aalto are provided on all three main

Wed 1pm–3pm Arabiakeskus service

campuses as well as through phone

point HELPPI

counselling and email. A student can


use all the service points. However,

Weekdays 9am-12noon Otakaari 7,

Arabianranta service point does not

3rd floor, room 345.

have access to Kela’s information.



Mon klo 14pm–16pm and Thu

arkisin klo 9-12 p. (09) 470 25060.

klo 9am-12noon, main building,


ground floor, wing A, room A012

(Runeberginkatu 14–16).


Health, well-being and study ability Health, well-being and the study ability are issues which are easy to forget until one of them no longer functions. A student is a mental, physical and social entity – and every part of this entity should work in order to progress in studies. To put it in jargon, the transition from adolescence to adulthood is an individual’s important but often a demanding development phase. Very often, a student lives precisely in this transition phase – you begin your studies at the new university, move into your own home maybe for the first time and change your place of residence. It is no wonder if you feel a bit stressed out!


The core of the study ability

The objective of studies is to graduate.

closely related to the student’s own re-

However, studies, performance and com-

sources, including the experiencing and

petition must not become your whole

managing of stress, in particular. Typical

life. The study ability is essential for a

problems for students are overstress,

successful study progress. The study

depression and concentration difficul-

ability means how your own resources,

ties, all of which have negative impact

study skills, teaching, guidance and the

on the study ability.

learning environment support your stud-

The learning environment con-

ies. You can think of the study ability as

sists both of the physical and psycholog-

a building where those four factors are

ical learning environment. The physical

the supporting pillars – the building is

learning environment covers the organis-

unstable or collapses if one or more pil-

ing of studies, teaching equipment and

lars are in bad shape.

learning facilities. The psychological and

The student’s own resources con-

social learning environments consist

sist of the personality, social relations,

of the mutual interaction between

health and habits. The resources change

the personnel and students, learn-

constantly. Social relationships may

ing atmosphere, student communities

change dramatically when studies begin,

and the university’s operating culture,

for example. The life management is also

among other things. It is difficult for a


student to have influence on many of these issues but a student organisation in the student’s own field, for example, can have a significant effect on them. It is obvious that studies will suffer if courses overlap constantly, it is difficult to contact teachers and the exam results are always late. Another challenge is that the student’s ’work community’ is much vaguer than a regular work community! Groups similar to those in

upper secondary school and therefore

regular workplaces are not automatically

it is advisable to spend some time on

created at university and in the culture

contemplating your own learning skills

of the academic freedom (all degrees are

– you can also develop your learning


skills! Teaching and guidance also partly

Study skills are the student’s

construct the study ability. Teaching

professional skills. Study skills are es-

and guidance include the interaction

sentially connected with learning habits,

between teachers and students, feedback

problem solving skills, social skills, IT

and evaluation, student and teacher

skills and time management. Inadequate

tutoring and a student’s integration into

study skills have negative effect on

the study community. Just like with the

study results; they might not correspond

learning environment, it is difficult to

to the workload or the workload may

influence these matters alone, but you

seem too heavy, for example. University

can achieve many things with actors in

studies significantly differ from the

the special status associations.


Health and well-being

hospital. When using municipal services there may be differences depending on the student’s country of origin (particularly if the student is not from the EU or EEA countries) – please clarify the A student is not always young and fit.

practices in advance from the website

Just like at any other stage of life, you

of your place of residence during your

might suffer from back pain, acute


angina, toothache or mental health problems during your studies. You should

FSHS services

take care of your health and well-being,

FSHS services are divided into three

which is easier during your studies than

sectors: general health, mental health

later in the middle-age.

and oral health. The general health

In Finland, Finnish Student

sector provides the services of public

Health Service, FSHS is responsible for

health nurses, general practitioners and

the health care of university students.

specialists. In the mental health sector,

When you pay AYY’s membership

psychologists and psychiatrists help the

fee, the Student Union pays approxi-

students. Oral hygienists and dentists

mately 40 euro of the fee to FSHS. This

are professionals of oral health care. The

health care fee entitles a student to use

services of FSHS are very extensive but

all foundation services right from the

do not include all fields of specialised

first autumn term onwards. A student

health care such as maternity services.

may also use all FSHS health centres

Most of the FSHS services are free

(health centres in the metropolitan area

of charge, such as appointments with a

are located in Töölö and Otaniemi). FSHS

public health nurse or a general practi-

is an excellent system created just for

tioner. Appointments with a specialist

students, so take advantage of these

or a dentist are chargeable services, for

diverse services and keep your study

example. You must always have your

ability in shape.

student card with you when visiting

A student is also entitled to mu-

FSHS. Before you receive your student

nicipal health care services. When FSHS

card, you can use the certificate of your

is closed, you can use the services of a

student status, which is available from

health centre or the nearest emergency

the study office.


- Do I have to queue? The FSHS queues are a subject of discussion from year to year. In fact, the truth is not that bad, and it is easier to have an appointment than you might have heard. Make your appointment on time and contact FSHS immediately if you even remotely feel like it! The common problem is that students come to see

ct onta The c ion and mat SHS infor ours of F ing h mpor open enty of i on is and pl formati n i foun tant e on the abl ite at avail n’s webs ! datio ww

the doctor too late, for one reason or another, even though it would be easier to solve problems at an early stage. If you have to wait for the doctor’s appointment for too long, you can make

appointment with a public health nurse

an appointment with the public health

and/or oral hygienist. If you do not re-

nurse. The public health nurses of FSHS

ceive an invitation by email to the health

are extremely experienced professionals

questionnaire during your first study

of the student life and can help you in

year, please contact the public health

almost all situations. For emergencies,

nurse in your health centre. Invitations

FSHS has acute appointments which you

are sent gradually throughout the

can inquire by calling and making an ap-

academic year and some of the new stu-

pointment in the morning.

dents will only receive the questionnaire in the spring.

- Health check-ups FSHS invites all first-year students to

- Cancel on time!

a health check-up which consists of an

Unbelievable but true, students are often

electronic health questionnaire and a

so indifferent that they do not use the

personal appointment, if necessary. The

reserved appointment and do not even

health questionnaire includes questions

cancel it. This is extremely disappointing

on general and oral health and issues

to a peer student who might need the

which affect them. A public health nurse

appointment badly. So please remember

and an oral hygienist go through the

to cancel your appointment in advance

answers and send a personal evalua-

if you do not use it. FSHS charges the

tion on one’s general and oral health. If

appointment fee + 15 euro fine for un-

necessary, they ask students to make an

cancelled appointments.


Other health services If students become ill in the evenings or at weekends, they are entitled to use municipal emergency services. You can find your own hospital in the metropolitan area and other advice (instructions for the treatment of common diseases, for example) by calling the health counselling phone which is open around the clock, tel. (09) 10023. Further information is also available on the website of the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa at Students living in Espoo are treated in the emergency health centre

emergency services in your own place of residence, you can use the services of other municipalities). Support for well-being Study years turn a student’s life around and this stage of life also includes joys and sorrows. The present time requires a lot from students and therefore they should also give time for themselves and relationships. Sometimes even the best Aalto University student may come to a dead end. There is plenty of help available!

at Jorvi Hospital (address Turuntie 150) on weekday evenings and nights and around the clock on weekends. Students in Helsinki can get help on weekdays between 4pm–8am and around the clock at weekends in Haartman and Maria hospitals. The address of Haartman hospital is Haartmaninkatu 4 and the address of Malmi hospital is Talvelantie 6. Students in Vantaa can get help from the emergency health centre of Peijas (address Sairaalakatu 1) on weekday evenings and nights and around the clock at weekends. The residents of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen who are seriously ill and need urgent health care can also use the emergency health centres in Helsinki, Espoo or Vantaa on weekdays between 4pm–8am and on weekends and public holidays (in addition to

Students’ support centre Nyyti Students’ support centre Nyyti provides confidential counselling, support and an outsider’s perspective on various situations in life when you feel helpless or cannot cope alone. The most popular Nyyti services are online groups where you can discuss a variety of themes during the academic terms. Information on Nyyti’s services and plenty of


t a a p i a k n Ku


information about studies as a life phase is available online at The need to talk is a good enough reason to


get in touch!


University pastors Several university pastors work at Aalto University. They provide confidential

Arabian kampus

discussions covering all themes between

p. 050 355 9294

Henrinen Järvi Töölön kampus p. 050 596 5417


inin e H a Kais

heaven and earth. You can contact the pastors whether or not you are a member of the Church – in addition to religious issues, pastors are trained to discuss and help you. Contact information is available on the website of your own university. Educational counselling psychologists With study-related problems – concentration difficulties, motivation prob-

Otaniemen kampus pus

lems and other matters – you can get

p. 040 531 1052

help from the university’s educational

Juha la Lassi

counselling psychologists. The contact information of the educational counselling psychologists is available in Aalto’s Student Portal Into.

Otaniemen kampus p. 040 513 0853

Jaani ilä Vilkk

You can, and should, enjoy hearty and nutritious meals in student restaurants. You can purchase student-priced meals,


Espoon oppilaitostyössä p. 040 720 0764

ngas a K a j Kat 30

Student meals

subsidised by the government, with a valid student card or by presenting the receipt of the paid membership fee with your ID. Student restaurants are located on all three campuses. In addition, affordable meals are provided in UniCafe restaurants in Helsinki.

Aalto pastors’ greetings Study years are in many ways an im-

that we are glad to participate in your

portant stage of life. Just as important

joys and sorrows. We want to hear how

as it is to learn to study one’s subject,

you are doing. Please do not hesitate to

it is just as important to learn to study

contact us even if your issue is not that

life and oneself. Reading and adopting

serious. You can talk with us confiden-

new information takes time and mental

tially about anything.

capabilities. Our studies change us in a

Otakappeli Chapel, built by

certain direction and the relationships

technology students, stands in the mid-

created during the study years are often

dle of Teekkari Village as the reminder

more important than we can even imag-

of God’s community, the parish. In this

ine. And making new friends is not the

community, you have the opportunity

least important thing. Without friends

to come together with others to quiet

we don’t know who we really are.

down. Every Sunday, a student mass is

It is not always easy to find your

organised at Otakappeli. In the mass,

own place. Sometimes you have to put in

there is room for brokenness and

a lot of effort for the big things in life.

incompleteness; the weak can find new

Studies may get stuck for one reason or

strength from there. The chapel also has

another, it can be difficult to create close

its own Chapel Choir which accepts new

relationships, you have to resolve your

singers at the beginning of the semester,

relationship with your childhood family

in particular.

and become independent. In the middle

We, Aalto pastors, serve you and

of all these events, your mind can have a

the whole Aalto community in all the

good reason to feel burdened.

units as well as in and outside the chapel

Invest in yourself, take the time

with different situations and questions

to listen to yourself and, at the same

in life. Please feel free to contact us. We

time, do not be alone! The community is

can talk whenever you have the need.

important, and you are now a part of the Aalto community. You can also meet us, the university pastors, on your own cam-

See you around! The Aalto pastors

pus. We are here for you, which means



START A freshman's year is often filled with plenty of activities. You might get exhausted in the middle of the year if you do not remember to look after yourself. Exercising is a great way to take care of your physical and mental well-being, reduce stress and

AYY AND SPORTS AYY supports students' physical activities by assisting the sports activities of the associations, participating in national lobbying as a member of Finnish Student Sports Federation and communicating on current sports affairs. If you

improve the community spirit. Take a sweat towel, water bottle and an open mind with you and explore the

have any sports-related questions on your mind, the sports specialist and the board member in charge of sports affairs

sports opportunities at Aalto!

working in the sports sector answer your questions in the Student Union. You can easily contact them via e-mail at

UNISPORT Aalto University also invests in students' well-being by providing services as a member of UniSport. Along with UniSport, Aalto members have the opportunity to exercise on all six campuses (Meilahti, Centre, Viikki, Kumpula, Töölö (1 Sept) and Otaniemi (1 Sept)). The selection is very extensive including gym facilities, climbing, group sports, courses, individual services, leagues and clubs. Exercising AYY also trains sports tutors every year. Sports tutors are regular or international tutors who have completed a separate training for sports tutors. They can give you information on sports opportunities at Aalto, AYY and the surrounding area. In addition, sports tutors organise group games and they can certainly find a sports group for a freshman.

is inexpensive for students and you can exercise without limits with the seasonal card. Further information on UniSport is available at


TO UNIVERSITY SPORTS CLUB Aalto University Sports Club (AaltoUS) is Aalto community's own sports club which aims to support diverse physical exercises of Aalto members. The club organises leagues together with UniSport, supports individual students' participation in sports competitions, coordinates competitive sports and rewards Aalto Athlete of the Year. Further information on the club and its activities is available at

SPORTS EVENTS AYY gets students moving in many events throughout the whole academic year. AYY organises plenty of sports events for students, where you can come and witness the joy of exercising. Aalto-Liike, established at the beginning of the year 2011, is mainly in charge of the implementation of sports events. Among other things, the following events are included in AYY's sports event calendar: - Aalto Kymppi - Shrovetide celebration - Night futsal and Night floorball - Sports and well-being week

- Aalto by Night - SELL games 2012 - Helleaalto

CONTESTS AND ATHLETES Students' National Championships (OSM)are the university students' championships in Finland. OSM offers the possibility for competitive sports and group exercising to students on all levels in amateur and competitive series. Champions in the competitive series can automatically represent their sports in Students' European Championships. SELL Games are university student sports games organised annually either in Finland, Estonia, Lithuania or Latvia. SELL Games are a great combination of fun, sports and creating of international contacts. In 2012, the championships will be

Approximately 60 sports associations engaging in various sports operate within AYY. The sports vary from traditional ball games such as football and basketball to less common sports such as rugby and sailing. Find your own sport and visit the association on AYY's website. Active ball game leagues are also organised at Aalto. Futsal and floorball leagues begin in the autumn and last until the spring, while volleyball and basketball are played in the spring.



organised at Aalto! If you are already a top athlete or heading for the top, we recommend you to contact URHEA, the sports academy in the metropolitan area. The objective of URHEA is to support young athletes in their study progress and the sporting career. Another objective is to support athletes in their daily exercise, in particular, and develop the athlete's academic opportunities. Further information: More information at Aalto is available at

FINISH Fulfill your needs with the opportunities provided along the way and: keep yourself refreshed have energy to study feel good get to know people reduce stress stay healthy be happy!


SELL Student Games 2012 The traditional SELL Student Games will

Location: Espoo, Finland

be one of the largest and most interna-

Date: 17-20 May 2012

tional student sports events in Finland in 2012. The games will be organised in

Team and individual sports*: athletics,

Espoo, Otaniemi, on 17-20 May 2012.

badminton, basketball, bowling, chess,

SELL Games are a laid-back multisport

fencing, floorball, judo, mini-football,

student event open to all university

orienteering, swimming, table tennis,

students in the world. In addition to the

tennis, ultimate, volleyball and disc golf

competitions, plenty of other activities and the traditional SELL party will be

Participation fee: â‚Ź25/day/person

organised. SELL Games offer sports and

(including food and transport to sports

fun times for students!

venues) Organisers: Aalto University Sports Club and Aalto University Student Union Registrations are made through the universities or the local contact person. Contact persons will be published on the website of SELL 2012 in the autumn of 2011. Further information: E-mail: *The final sports of SELL 2012 will be published in the autumn of 2011.


Vuokraa koti!

Rent a home -


Transport in the metropolitan area Public transport in the metropolitan area

Where do I get a travel card?

is flexible and efficient. It is easy to find

New students need a discount ticket ap-

a parking space in Otaniemi but it may be

plication with a school stamp and an ID

challenging to find one on TÜÜlÜ campus

in order to purchase a travel card. If you

on weekdays, in particular. It is also good

have only recently registered yourself

to remember that cycling routes in the

in the metropolitan area, you will also

metropolitan area are functional and fast.

need the certificate of residence which is available from the registry office. You

Tickets and fares in the public transport of the metropolitan area

can only purchase the personal travel card required for the student discount from a travel card service point. There are several service points and they are located

Public transport in the metropolitan area

in Helsinki Railway Station and Espoo

uses the common tariff pricing. This

Cultural Centre in Tapiola, for example.

means that the distance of the journey

In the beginning of the autumn

does not affect the price of the journey.

term (16.8.-3.9 at 9.00-16.00), temporary

The same ticket can be used for travelling

service points for updating travel cards

on buses, trams, the metro, commuter

will be opened on Aalto Otaniemi Campus

trains and the ferry to Suomenlinna. If

where you can update information on

you cross the border between two mu-

your travel card, such as the student sta-

nicipalities on your journey, you will be

tus. You can also update your card at HSL

charged the price of the regional ticket

and municipal service points.

instead of the internal ticket. Student

After updating your travel card,

discount is granted to those students

you can load value into your travel card at

who are registered in the region of HSL

any service point regardless of your domi-

(Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen, Kerava,

cile and the period you load into your

Kirkkonummi, Vantaa), and who have the

card. You can load your card at all the

student status on their travel card. The

R-kiosks, many other kiosks, municipal

student discount in the whole metropoli-

service points and ticket machines located

tan area is 50 %. Student discount tickets

in metro and commuter train stations.

are also granted to international exchange

You can recognise the loading points from

students residing temporarily in the

the Travel Card sign.

regional ticket area if the ticket allocation criteria is otherwise met.


You can load a certain period (time, the ticket is valid 24h/day) or value

Long-distance transport (money to pay for a single ticket) into

The student discount of VR on long-dis-

your travel card. If you have any problems

tance train journeys is 50 %. The student

with your travel card, you can ask the

discount is not granted for 30-day tickets,

public transport staff for help!

pet charges, sleeping carts or car-carrier

For more information on prices, travel card and the discount ticket application is available on

train tickets. Further information: www. The student discount of Matkahuolto is 50 % on bus journeys of

Connections to Aalto campuses and be-

over 80 kilometres. Further information:

tween the campuses

You can easily reach Aalto campuses

You need a valid student card both

with public transport buses. You can

in trains and buses in order to receive

travel quickly from Kamppi to Otaniemi

the student discount. The receipt of the

with buses 102 and 103 driving along

paid student union membership fee does

Länsiväylä. Buses 194 and 195 leaving

not entitle to the discount! If you do not

from Eliel Square next to the Railway

receive your student card before you need

Station drive through Kuusisaari. In ad-

the student discount, the only option

dition, buses 505, 506, 510, 512 and 550

is to purchase the joint student card of

operate in the regional transport. The

VR and Matkahuolto. You can purchase

science route 506 connects the scien-

the student card from VR’s ticket office

tific communities: Viikki, Arabianranta,

or Matkahuolto office. The card is free

Kumpula, Pasila, Meilahti, Otaniemi and

of charge but you have to purchase the

Pohjois-Tapiola are along the same route.

academic term or the academic year tag

In the internal transport of Espoo, buses

of eight euro to prove the validity of the

2, 4, 10, 15 and 52 travel to Otaniemi. You

card. You can print out the application

can travel between Kamppi and Arabia by

form required for purchasing the card on

taking tram 6 or buses 71 and 74 in front

the website of VR or Matkahuolto.

of the Railway Station. More specific routes and schedules


are available in the timetables of trans-

1. See the timetables at

port companies or the website

2. Go to the bus stop on time

Check out the convenient Journey Planner

3. Stop the bus by clearly indicating

of HSL at where you

that you want to get aboard. A good

can easily find the current timetables and

tip is to keep your hand up until the

routes of public transport.

driver puts the turn signal on. 4. Jump in and show your ticket. 37

s r u

e d tu



u t n

n o i n

What is the Student Union? Service points and the central office Arabianranta service point

As a new student of Aalto University,

Hämeentie 135 C, Helsinki

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) is

your student union. All Aalto University

09 470 30431

students undertaking a Master’s or Bachelor’s degree are members of AYY.

Töölö service point

A total number of members is approxi-

Runeberginkatu 14–16, Wing A, Helsinki

mately 15,000. AYY provides its mem-

bers with services and works to promote

050 520 9490

their well-being and develop teaching at Aalto University.

Otaniemi service point

The Student Union is a public

Otakaari 11, Espoo

corporation and its status is defined in

the Universities Act. The Universities Act

050 520 9400

also stipulates that each undergraduate university student is a member of the

The opening hours of the service points

student union. In order to register for

are available at

the attendance at Aalto University, you

AYY’s postal address is PL 69, 02151

have to pay the membership fee of the


Student Union. This is not a tuition fee, even if the payment is a prerequisite for

The Student Union office is called

studies. To get value for your member-

AYY’s central office and it is lo-

ship fee, you should find out how the

cated in Otaniemi at the address

Student Union serves you. This guide is

Lämpömiehenkuja 2.

designed to help you get started.


The roots of Aalto and AYY Although Aalto University is barely two

post-war industry and the selling of

years old, the joint projects of Aalto

Amer generated massive revenue for KY

students have a great history together

later on.

already for more than a hundred years. Aalto University’s primitive

In the late 1950s, Economics and Technology students together founded

form peeked out for the first time in

Finland’s first commercial television

1857. There were plans to establish a

channel, TES-visio. The channel was

polytechnic institute teaching techni-

later sold to YLE (national public service

cal and commercial skills. The plan,

broadcasting company) which built TV2

however, was soon put on hold due to

channel around it. In the 1950s, indus-

the ongoing famine. The predecessor of

trial design became more popular at

the University of Technology was estab-

the University of Art and Design. It was

lished in the mid-1800s and the School

suggested that the degree would include

of Economics in 1911. The predecessor

courses from TKK and the School of

of the University of Art and Design, the


School of Arts and Crafts, was founded

In the years 1964-1999, TKY and

in 1871 so that the Finnish industry

KY published their joint magazine called

could compete equally with emerging in-


dustries in other countries and raise ”the pathetic level of the Finnish industry”. The Finnish infrastructure was

Aalto University and AYY were established on 1 Jan 2010.

created during the post-war reconstruction in the 1940s. The student unions,

The fruits of the merger: UniSport,

TKY and KY in the forefront and hand

AaltoES, Venture Garage, Aalto on

in hand, organised versatile business

tracks, Aalto on Waves, Aate, Aino, com-

operations together ranging from orange

mon campus, Aalto Village, SELL 2012,

lottery to the import of luxury goods

AYY-pin, Volunteerwork, AYY’s colours

and the tobacco industry. At the last

& flag, AYY scolarships, kyky-project,

minute, TKY’s sponsors prevented the

Aalto-Liike, Aava, Aura, Communications

Student Union’s participation in the to-

Group X, Länsimetro

bacco factory project Amer, initiated by TKK’s professors. Amer developed into one of the milestones in the Finnish


Property dispute Everything in the merger did not go that smoothly. KY’s decision to transfer over 40 million euro to its foundation from the Student Union has led to a bunch of still ongoing lawsuits, among other things. Sources: Taideteollisuuden muotoja ja murroksia. Taideteollinen korkeakoulu 130 vuotta. Panu Nykänen: Toiveet ja todellisuus. Teekkaritoiminnan edistämisyhdistyksen 60 vuotta. Elina Pöykkö & Aaro Jalas: Liikkeessä! Kauppakorkeakoulun vuosisata.


Representative Council The Representative Council is the Student Union’s highest decision-making body – in a way, it is the Student Union’s parliament or the government. The Representative Council consists of the chairperson and 45 actual members (edaattori) who meet about once a month to decide on the major policies of

Representative Council Elections 2011

the Student Union and certain statutory matters such as membership fees and

The Representative Council’s term of

budgets. In addition, the Representative

office is two years and therefore the

Council appoints the Student Union’s

elections are held every second year.

secretary general, the chair of the

The next elections will be organised in

board and the chief editor for Student

October–November 2011. In the elec-

Magazine Aino. An example of a typi-

tions, each student union member is

cal major policy is the Student Union’s

entitled to vote and may vote either

view on student financial aid or the

traditionally with a ballot on cam-

University’s strategy. The Representative

puses or electronically online. The new

Council may appoint a working group

Representative Council will meet for the

or a committee to prepare significant

first time at the end of 2011 and begin


its actual term of office at the beginning

The Representative Council is divided into Representative Council

of 2012. The nomination of candidates for

groups which may be based on educa-

the elections takes place in September–

tional background, common goals or

October. Candidates choose an electoral

political beliefs. When the actual repre-

coalition for themselves – or establish

sentative is unable to attend because of

one by themselves. Electoral coalitions

exams or exchange studies, for example,

may in turn organise themselves into

a vice member is invited to replace the

electoral alliances to improve their posi-

representative. The vice members of the

tion. The elections are based on propor-

Representative Council may be very ac-

tional representation and function in

tive if they want to and they have access

the same way as the parliamentary and

to the same information as the actual

municipal elections.



Please remember to vote!

Run as a candidate? Are you interested in influencing the Student Union or the University and do you want to make a difference? Run as a candidate in the Representative Council

Further information

elections in the autumn! A background

Further information on the

in organisations or political expertise is

Representative Council is available on

not necessary but you can, and should,

the Student Union’s website and the

run as a candidate purely out of inter-

blog. You can follow the Representative

est. New representatives will receive

Council meetings live on the Student

training in meeting techniques as well

Union’s television channel and everyone

as finances and contents. And even if

can also subscribe to the Representative

you are not elected, the position of a

Council’s email list. All student union

vice representative gives an excellent

members also have the right to attend

view on the Student Union’s activities.

the meetings of the Representative

The next chance to participate in the

Council. The presiding officers of the

Representative Council activities will be

Representative Council are glad to help

in two years, so you should really grab

and answer to matters related to the

this opportunity.

Representative Council.


Tervetuloa työpaikkaan, joka tarjoaa parempia mahdollisuuksia, suurempia haasteita ja enemmän työniloa. Organisaatioon, jonka toiminta perustuu tiimityöskentelyyn ja yhteistyöhön. Yritykseen, joka työskentelee teknologian kärjessä auttaen 18:aa Suomen 20 suurimmasta yrityksestä liiketoimintansa uudistamisessa. Tarjoamamme mahdollisuudet ovat rajattomat, voit vaihtaa töitä vaihtamatta yritystä. Tutustu meihin ja löydä mahdollisuutesi. ©2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.


The Board leads the Student Union

The Student Union Board consists of ca. ten students annually elected by the Representative Council, who work full-time on behalf of all Aalto students. Each board member has one or several

the action plan, representing AYY out-

sectors as their operational area for

side the Student Union, supervising the

which they are responsible. Board mem-

administration and attending to all ac-

bers work together with the employees

tivities within the limits set by the rules

and volunteers in the sector.

and the decisions of the Representative

The Board holds meetings approximately once a week during the

Council. Acting in the Board is not only

academic terms and all the Student

responsible, educational and challenging

Union members can see the decisions on

work but it also provides you with plenty

AYY’s website. AYY’s Board is a so-called

of experiences and adventures. One year

working board: in addition to decision

at the core of the Student Union offers a

making, the Board also participates in

great perspective on Aalto, the neigh-

the implementation of decisions and

bouring municipalities and the field of

also works hard outside the meetings.

national university students as well as

In official terms, the Board

plenty of new experiences and friends.

elected by the Representative Council has the Student Union’s administrative

The Representative Council will ap-

and executive power and therefore is

point the Board for the year 2012 in

responsible for the implementation of



The sectors - the solid core of Main sector

The main sector could also be called the general sector as it deals with all sorts of issues, such as interesting management-related issues, developing the work community, representing the Student Union in various events and fiddling with papers, which is not always so much fun. In 2011, the sector includes the Chair of the Board Saara and Vice Chair Ville as well as Secretary General Teemu and Administrative Secretary Jarmo. Saara leads the Board and Teemu acts as the director of specialists

From the right, Judicial Secretary Jarmo Mäkelä, President of the Board 2011 Saara Hyrkkö, Secretary General Teemu Halme and

and producers, the so-called ideological employees. The group discusses financial

Vice President Ville Poikolainen development of the organisation, as well as the comfortability and well-being of

matters (together with the financial

the work community. The main sector

director, of course), resource planning,

also solves various emerging problems

administration and how to make it more

and keeps in contact with interest

straightforward, recruitment and the

groups and operators in the field.


f the student union Corporate Relations Sector

Sales Coordinator Lari Palenius and Mikko Saastamoinen, who is responsible for Corporate Partner and alumni matters in the The purpose of corporate relations

Board of the Student Union

is to increase the awareness of Aalto University Student Union, its members and the whole Aalto Community, both in Finland and abroad. We support the other activities of our Student Union, collect funds for our operations and we aim to improve our students’ recruitment opportunities and provide them with benefits. In addition to the board member in charge and the sales coordinator, the corporate relations are run by the volunteer group Aura.


Academic affairs

Juha Isotalo, Specialist in Educational Policy and member of the AYY represents the student’s interests in

Board, Educational Policy, Antti Karkola.

education-related matters and develops teaching together with the University. The emphasis is on the development

objective is that the entire academic

of the quality and the appreciation of

community would pull together. In

teaching as well as on maintaining the

addition to developing the University,

student perspective at Aalto. We aim

AYY participates in educational policy

to increase the interaction between

discussion and advocacy work in Finland

students and the personnel, and our

and abroad.


Social affairs

Liisa Lähteenaho, specialist of Social Policy matters and member of the board, Social Policy, Salla Seppälä.

The social policy sector is the expert of the everyday life in the Student Union. The sector represents the student’s interests, advises and takes care of matters related to income, well-being, health and public transport.


Communications and IT issues

Communications Officer Henna Lahti, Member of the Board, Communications and Organizational matters, Henna Mattila and Communications Specialist Joonas Jylhä A large group of people take care of the

close collaboration with the various

Student Union’s communications and IT

university media. You can ask for advice

issues: the board member responsible

concerning communications and printed

for communications, communications

publications, for example. There is also a

specialist, communications officer,

group of volunteers working in the com-

graphic designer, web developer and

munications sector. The group is called

IT specialist. In the communications

‘Viestinnän ryhmä X’ (Communications

sector, we inform students about

group X).

AYY’s events and decisions, update the

In the IT sector, we take care of

Student Union’s website, produce the

AYY’s internal IT services and represent

Student Union’s printed publications

the members’ interests related to IT is-

(such as this guide) and keep in touch

sues at Aalto University.

with the media. In addition, we have


Aalto community and organisational affairs

The crocodile, Otto Palonen, Producer, organizations and the Aalto Community, the Tiger, chairman of the Teekkari section Ilmari Pärnänen and the missing guys are portrayed by a bear wearing a Voitto Kangas mask and a fox wearing a Mika Tarhala mask. The main objective of the community

association, those considering to estab-

sector is to make Aalto membership

lish their own association and well-expe-

a real experience! Together with Aalto

rienced organisation members. You can

Community Committee, Aava, we cre-

also contact the organisational sector

ate massive or at least fun events and

with issues related to rules, operating

opportunities to meet Aalto members,

grants or club premises.

enjoy life and discuss what is going on in the world. Take everything out of AYY’s active association system. The organisational sector is happy to advise students who are looking for their favourite


Aalto is an international community In addition to the Finnish students, a

people in the lectures, student organisa-

growing number of international stu-

tions, shared apartments and leisure

dents study at Aalto. There are about

time and do not just wait for others’

1,600 international students of which


950 are international degree students and about 650 are exchange students. Some of them speak Finnish but the

A thousand and one possibilities for internationalisation

vast majority use English as their study language. Therefore, this guide was also

International experience is valued and

translated into English. AYY informs stu-

you should invest in achieving it. You

dents about its activities and provides

should find out which part of your de-

services in three languages; Finnish,

gree would be the most suitable for your

Swedish and English.

exchange period already at the early

Aalto’s international students

stage of your studies. Aalto is involved

bring colour and diversity to the

in many international exchange pro-

academic community. Aalto and AYY

grammes that will open doors for you

find it important that all students work

anywhere in the world. Aalto University

together without stumbling on language

and AYY grant scholarships to those

and cultural barriers. Finnish students

who leave for the student exchange

need intercultural competence and

in order to cover the exchange costs.

language skills in their lives and the

Many international networks also offer

internationalising labour market, which

internships abroad. An exchange period

they can develop in Aalto’s diverse stu-

or internship abroad could be the best

dent community. A multicultural circle

experience of your life!

of friends also makes your own way of thinking more diverse. It is important for international

Aalto Campuses have international student affairs offices, field-specific advisors for international affairs and

students to make Finnish friends as

career services which are glad to advise

they can make the adaptation into a new

students with matters related to studies

country easier. Finding local friends is


a major part of building a new life in Finland. Have the courage to get to know


If your situation in life does not allow you to go abroad, you can invest

As an international student at Aalto in internationalisation at home. Many

Adapting to a new country does not hap-

international associations operate within

pen automatically and it requires effort.

the Student Union where you can get

It is advisable to read information about

to know students coming from differ-

Finland, the selection in the metropoli-

ent countries and have international

tan area and studies at Aalto from the

cooperation. In addition, you can act as

internet and travel guides before your

an international tutor for international

arrival. You should be prepared to invest

degree students and exchange students

time and energy in finding local friends

and, naturally, participate in language

– it is certainly worth the effort!

courses and foreign-language courses in your own field.

Finland is known as the country of thousand lakes but it is also a country of 130,000 associations. Association

AYY supports internationalisation

activities are an effective way to create natural contacts with locals, as most Finns do not very easily get to know the

The international sector of the Aalto

random people they meet. A member-

University Student Union operates as the

ship in the same association can be a

interest representative of international

unifying factor and a life-long friendship

students and brings student perspective

may begin from there.

where decisions on internationalisation

Approximately 200 student

are made. We also support international

organisations operate within AYY and

organisational activities. Our objective

there is something for everyone: subject

is that Aalto would offer the students a

organisations in your field, sports, mu-

wide range of opportunities for interna-

sic, politics, culture and much more. So

tionalisation at home and abroad, and

please read the chapter on association

the international degree and exchange

activities, which presents the various

students would have free and high-qual-


ity education, extensive services, good

It may also seem natural to

employment opportunities after their

participate in the activities of interna-

graduation and plenty of opportunities

tional organisations where you can meet

to participate in the activities of the

both other international students and

student community.

internationally-oriented Finns who are glad to speak English and other foreign languages. These include, for example,


Erasmus Student Network (ESN Aalto),

If necessary, the Student Union will hire

International Students’ Association

an interpreter to assist a representative.

(ISA), the Board of European Students of

All degree students are also welcome to

Technology (BEST) and AYY’s interna-

join the International Degree Students’

tional section.

Committee (IDSC) which operates to

We encourage international students to participate in the organis-

support AYY in the advocacy work of international students.

ing of activities. It is also important that the international students’ own voice is

Where can I get information?

heard wherever the decisions concerning them are made. International students

E-mail lists: We recommend that you

who join AYY can vote in the Student

subscribe to AYY’s international degree

Union’s Representative Council elec-

or exchange student list at first. AYY’s

tions, run as candidates and be elected

weekly newsletter in English and other

and apply for the position of a student

information on student events, for

representative in university administra-

example, will be sent to the list. You

tion. The next Representative Council

can subscribe to the degree student list

will be elected in the autumn of 2011.


ISSUES TO REMEMBER WHEN YOU ARRIVE IN FINLAND: - Finland is an expensive country: students are offered many discounts and affordable housing but you still need at least 600–900 euro per month to spend on living. - You can study in English in Finland but it is very useful to know Finnish in everyday life. In particular, if you would like to stay in Finland after your studies it is advisable to study Finnish seriously. - In the most fields, it is difficult for international students to find a job, especially without Finnish skills and good networks. - Further information on Finland, useful links and a question-answer survey:


int-degree and the exchange student list at exchange. Facebook: International associations inform students about English events and international-minded events on Facebook site International AYY. website has the most extensive information on AYY’s selection. Further information on international association activities is available, for example, on international-affairs/.

Special status associations Guild of Automation and Systems Technology The Guild of Automation and Systems AYY works in close cooperation

Technology or, more familiarly, AS is the

with special status associations which

subject organisation of Automation and

extensively represent the students of

Systems Technology, which connects the

one or several education fields, rep-

students in the field, represents their in-

resent their interests, keep in touch

terests at the University and encourages

with the economic life and promote the

students to follow their professional and

diverse activities of the Student Union.

social interests.

Special status associations have the right

AS is the most purple guild in

and the duty to provide guidance to new

Otaniemi. We do not take things too seri-

students and send representatives to

ously and we do what we want. Recently,

the cooperation forums offered by the

popular activities in our guild have been

Student Union.

all kinds of construction and tuning, partying, playing, in-depth discussions

Aalto University Postgraduate Student Association – Aallonhuiput

and education policy issues.

The Guild of Physics

Aalto University Postgraduate Student

The Guild of Physics is the association

Association or, more familiarly,

uniting Aalto University students of

Aallonhuiput, operates as the liaison

Engineering Physics and Mathematics,

between Aalto University graduate

which is also open to others in the field.

students and those who are interested

The guild’s history dates back to 1947

in postgraduate studies. The associa-

and it currently has approximately 400

tion represents graduate students in


university administration, spreads good

The guild organises its students

practices related to graduate studies and

a large variety of leisure time activities,

guidance, initiates discussion on how to

both in and outside Otaniemi, represents

develop graduate studies and highlights

students’ interests in the university

issues that postgraduate students con-

organs, takes care of students’ relations

sider important.

to other students in the same sector in


Finland and abroad and aims to ensure

Challenge organised in the spring and

their well-being. All guild activities

Kylterisoudut rowing competition

are based on volunteering under the

organised in the autumn. In addition,

tradition of technology students and

KY’s committees, subcommittees and

the community spirit. Our guild room

subject organisations as well as associa-

is located on the school premises and

tions within HYY provide an opportunity

there is a lounge and study space for

to participate in activities and engage

our members and almost inexhaustible

in almost anything from sports to wine

reserves of coffee.

tasting. KY Building is familiar to every

We are glad to receive any feed-

Economics student and it is located in

back and new ideas in order to make our

Kamppi. You can recognise the building

guild activities interesting to you.

from the letters KY shining brightly on the roof.

Association of Economics Students in Helsinki (KY)

ies, study conditions and future careers

and acts as an active interest representa-

Established in 1911, KY operates as the

tive in education policy and social affairs

liaison and interest representative for

concerning the students of Economics

its members who study at the Aalto

at Aalto. KY’s purpose is to develop

University School of Economics and

and maintain national and international

it provides opportunities for diverse

cooperation and promote the student

recreational activities. The membership


KY supports its members’ stud-

is open to all students completing a The Foundation for Economics Students

Guild of the Information Networks Athene

in Helsinki (KY Foundation) supports

Economics students and associations

Athene is the second youngest guild in

with stipends, operating grants and

Otaniemi, a group of friends consist-


ing of two hundred members. Our close

degree in Economics at Aalto University.

KY organises a wide range of

group, focusing around our guild room,

events. The most famous ones are fresh-

bustles and hustles spontaneously and

man parties organised for new students,

in a more organised manner.

student union parties organised about

The subject club of information

once a month on Thursday evenings,

networks Athene was founded under

the anniversary, herring breakfast and

the auspices of the Information Guild

May Day party. From sports events,

(TiK) in the first year of the degree

the greatest and the grandest is the

programme in 1999. From there, the

urban adventure competition KY City

club expanded significantly and soon


we realised that it was time to detach

University Student Union. The logo of

ourselves from the Information Guild.

the guild presents a circuit board cow.

The guild project was initiated and

Inkubio raises the freshmen of

finally the Guild of the Information

the degree programme that it represents,

Networks Athene was added to the

provides leisure time activities and

Student Union’s guild register in the

represents the members’ interest. The

Representative Council meeting of TKY

guild’s anniversary Apoptoosi and the

on 13 Feb 2003.

freshman party Meioosi are organised

The main events during the year are, naturally, our anniversary Infoähky and the bar night Club ”X” organised

in the early spring. Our guild journal is called S’napsi. You can recognise the guild mem-

by the freshmen. The guild is not only

bers by their russet-coloured overalls

green in colour but also in mentality,

decorated with white cow spots. An aver-

and despite its young age, it has had the

age guild member is slightly more likely

time to leave its mark on the national ro-

to be male than female. He is otherwise

mantic landscape of Otaniemi by plant-

social but due to his conscientiousness,

ing a tree behind Maarintalo in the tenth

his sense of humour may be limited just

anniversary in the spring of 2009. The

before the exam week. His major subject

original hippie spirit is also reflected in

belongs to the field of technology and

our guild journal Kukka.

has a prefix ”bio”.

Athene members represent a wide range of people and that is why

Chemistry Guild

every year has been uniquely legendary

so far. The guild organises a variety of

The Chemistry Guild is the subject

activities and almost anyone can find

organisation of Chemistry students. The

something interesting from the guild

history of the Chemistry Guild begins

activities. If you do not find anything

from the year 1891 and thus we are the

interesting, you can always create some-

oldest guild of Aalto University. The

thing by yourself!

guild’s symbol is a white neon atom on a blue background. The official colour of


the guild is blue, although our overalls

are red.

Inkubio is a guild for the students of

The guild offers its members

Bioinformation Technology at Aalto

fun get-togethers and a wide range of

University. We began as a student as-

events in sports and culture. In addition,

sociation in 2003 and became a guild in

we organise excursions (i.e. field trips

2007 and we are the youngest technolo-

to corporations in the field) as often as

gy student subject organisation in Aalto

we have time. We also reserve time for


relaxed leisure time in our guild room

1915 and it currently has around 1,100

playing various board games and read-

members. The proud duty of our guild is

ing Donald Duck. The guild cordially

to unite the students of Mechanical and

welcomes the freshmen and organises

Energy Engineering and organise other

events just for them.

activities such as parties and events re-

Our less visible but at least as an

lated to studies and the field. The guild

important duty is interest representa-

also actively represents the students’

tion. The guild has representatives in

interests and participates in the devel-

the working groups of the Department

opment of studies in close cooperation

of Chemical Technology and Aalto

with the teaching personnel. In the au-

University Student Union, the organs

tumn, the guild takes responsibility for

which promote the interests of the

new students and helps them to begin

chemists. The Chemistry Guild also co-

their studies and the student life. The

operates with companies in the industry

activities of the guild are managed by

by organising various events and the

the board with the executive power and

overalls of the freshmen.

the representatives of the guild with the

The guild has a variety of du-

highest decision-making power. All guild

ties, more than you can count, and we

members can apply for both organs and

need plenty of people to help us. In the

thus influence the activities of the guild.

Chemistry Guild, you can participate in

KIK also provides its members

event organising, the publication of the

with a variety of services. The members

guild journal Tisle or interest represen-

can borrow a van or a grill, for example,

tation. In the spring, the guild celebrates

and we even have a welding machine.

its anniversary Kondensaatio and an

The guild room is open to all members

open committee is responsible for the

and it is a relaxed place to study and

arrangements. In addition to organis-

hang out. A copy machine, exam archive

ing the anniversary, it is important to

and the binding service of Bachelor’s

participate, because it’s the people who

thesis makes the students’ everyday

make the party.

lives easier. The several sections of the guild offer members the opportunity to

The Guild of Mechanical Engineering

explore new sports or make the guild

KIK is probably the unquenchable spirit

The Guild of Mechanical Engineering

of technology students and the spirit

(KIK) with pink overalls is the subject

of doing things – cooperation is our

organisation of Mechanical and Energy

strength and we do not leave our friends

Engineering students at the School of

behind. One example of this is the

Engineering. The guild was founded in

guild’s tracked tractor section and our


journal, for example. The best aspect of

great source of pride, the wonder of the

to renovation and everyone is cor-

Soviet era, our Tela-Veera tractor.

dially invited to see our new temporary premises.

Surveyors’ Guild


Surveyors’ Guild is the association of the

enthusiasts and students of Real Estate

Probba is the official student organi-

Economics and Geomatics. Surveyors’

sation of Aalto University School of

Guild is the second oldest guild in

Economics on Mikkeli Campus. The

Finland which was founded already in

organisation was founded in 1989, the

1901. The guild has approximately 400

same year as the original BBA pro-

members. The guild is quite small com-

gramme. This is also where the name

pared with other Otaniemi guilds, but it

Probba originates from; Pro BBA, Latin

is very active and the most family-like

for “For BBA”. Later the programme was


changed into BScBA, but the name for All new students are welcome to

join the guild activities right from the

Probba remained the same. All the members are entitled to

beginning: you will enjoy spending time

participate in Probba’s activities which

with this group!

include numerous events such as the

Freshman education is one

famous Probba Orientation Week, Grand

of the most important duties of the

Annual Ball, Career Day and many theme

guild. The guild helps, supports and

parties especially during the autumn

guides you and the other freshmen. The

months. We are proud of our crowd and

guild organises plenty of events for its

we welcome new students every year

members, where you can easily get to

with a special way. The Mikkeli spirit is

know other students. Versatile events

a unique, unforgettable experience that

are organised frequently so we certainly

can’t be explained – you have to come

have something for everyone. The guild

and see for yourself!

board and officials are jointly responsible for the events and the running of

Forest Products Guild

other activities.

In addition, the guild represents

Forest Products Guild (PJK) connects

students’ interests and aims to improve

students in the Department of Forest

students’ learning opportunities and

Products Technology both profession-

their transition to the working life.

ally and in leisure time. The guild was

The Department of Surveying and

founded in 1945 and it celebrated its

the Surveyors’ Guild moved to Falcon

66th anniversary last spring. The pur-

premises in the summer of 2011 due

pose of the guild is to offer its members


nutrition for the body and mind as a

If you answered yes to all or any of the

counterbalance for studies by organising

previously mentioned questions, the

various events. The guild’s own host and

Guild of Civil Engineers is for you! IK,

hostess are in charge of the events and

founded in 1913, gathers together the

they organise many hilarious events. The

students of Structural Engineering and

guild organises sauna and game nights,

Building Technology and Transportation

academic dinner parties for its members

and Environmental Engineering. The

and parties in cooperation with other

guild was originally called Insinööriklubi


(Engineer Club), and the guild abbreviaThe guild supports its members

in academic and working life affairs by

tion IK originates from there. The guild organises corporate

organising info events together with the

visits for its members, excursions in

department and people in the industry.

Finland and abroad and, naturally, excel-

The guild actively promotes academic

lent parties and academic dinner parties.

affairs at the university by presenting

In addition to the freshmen events on

students’ thoughts about the functioning

the first week, the annually organised

of current teaching and making sugges-

guild traditions include ½ Hermanni

tions for future plans.

party in September, Christmas party

We create relations with the

and the anniversary Hermanninsitsi. The

industry on several excursions organised

guild aims to influence academic affairs

by the guild. Our aim is to make excur-

at university and it particularly looks

sions to sites in all different fields from

after the freshmen.

plywood mills to biorefineries to paper machines and printing houses. You can take part in international

The guild members are traditionally a close and laid-back group and in spite of the age of almost hundred years,

excursions by participating in the activi-

the guild is youthful and active. Our

ties of a separate excursion association.

guild is known for its community spirit,

Every two years, the association organis-

which is visible and loud in Otaniemi.

es a month-long trip abroad, for example to China, Australia, South Africa or South America.

Students of the School of Art and Design – TOKYO association This year, TOKYO association celebrates

The Guild of Civil Engineers

its 50-year-old journey as the associa-

tion supervising students’ interests and

Can you handle moments, torques and

maintaining the culture of students at

dimensioning? Do you get excited about

the School of Art and Design. TOKYO

explosions, subways and highways, or do

Student Union was founded in 1961 and

you want to save the world from waste?

after its merger into Aalto University


Student Union on 1 Jan 2010, the new

an old guild, established in 1908, and is

TOKYO association was established. The

known for its creative mentality. The most important responsibili-

association will continue to foster the student culture and traditions of the

ties of the guild is to represent students’

students of art and design and support

interests and organise various events

their activities.

ranging from night orienteering to par-

The purpose of TOKYO is to

ties and theatre nights. The guild has an

serve as a link between its members and

email list which is currently the most im-

bring together students and alumni in

portant communications channel of the

the field of art and design as well as to

Department of Architecture, it publishes

promote their societal, professional and

the guild journal called Paperitukos,

social aspirations. TOKYO comments

and runs the vital cardboard store for

on societal issues concerning the arts

architecture students in the basement of

students and cooperates with the trade

the department. One of the special features of

unions in the fields of arts, industrial arts and culture. The annual events organised by

the guild is its own cabin located by Särkilampi pond in Västerskog, Sipoo,

TOKYO are, among others, Finland’s

about 25 kilometres away from Helsinki

largest and most stylish masquerade

towards Porvoo. The cabin is also famil-

Arabia Maskerad, rousette skating on

iar to many other technology students as

Valentine’s Day and the design contest

it can be rented from AYY’s office. On May Day, architecture stu-

of the design calendar. TOKYO also publishes Torso magazine made by the

dents can be recognised from their white


overalls and at other times from their

TOKYO office is located in the

dark clothing and Marimekko bags. In

basement of the School of Art and

festive occasions, they usually carry

Design, next to the vegetarian restaurant

around a huge red flag of AK. Wähäjoulu, the anniversary of

Kipsari owned by the association.

the Architecture Guild, is tradition-

Architecture Guild of the School of Science and Technology

ally celebrated on 5 December, the eve

swimming hall of Yrjönkatu in the early

Architecture Guild is the student


organisation of Aalto University stu-

of Independence Day. The celebration culminates with herring breakfast in the

From over 300 members of the

dents of Architecture and Landscape

guild, forty are actively involved in

Architecture, which operates within the

organising events and activities, so the

Aalto University Student Union. AK is

guild atmosphere is quite informal and


warm. In addition to the guilds operat-

university premises where everyone

ing within AYY, the most important

is welcome to have coffee on lecture

partners in cooperation are TOKYO

breaks. The workshop is a new member

and the sister guilds in Tampere and

service which provides an opportunity

Oulu. The architecture guilds in various

for those interested in electronic build-

municipalities publish their common

ing to pursue their own projects with

Arkkitehtiopiskelija magazine, organise

better equipment and facilities than a

the annual architecture student days and

student’s budget would normally allow.

summer days, among other things.

The most convenient way to join the guild activities is to come to events

Guild of Electrical Engineering of the School of Science and Technology

or discuss with guild members in the

of orientation activities for all the fresh-

The Guild of Electrical Engineering, SIK,

men, and you can join the activities by

is the guild of students in the degree

just showing up when the academic term

programmes of Electronics and Electrical

begins. All AYY members can become

Engineering as well as Communications

actual members of the guild.

guild room, for example. During the orientation week, the guild organises plenty

Engineering. The purpose of the guild is to unite students in the previously


mentioned degree programmes and oth-

ers interested in electrical engineering,

Teknologföreningen (TF) är den enda na-

awake and promote interest in profes-

tionen vid Aalto-universitetet. TF grun-

sional, educational and societal issues.

dades 1872 och har ca 750 studerande

The guild represents its members’ inter-

medlemmar. Nationshuset Urdsgjallar

ests in the higher education institution,

finns i Otnäs och är svårt att missa i sin

university and professional associations

grå betongprakt. TF:s viktigaste uppgift

and promotes the spirit of technology

är att fungera som en sammanbindande

students. In order to achieve this noble

länk mellan alla studerande vid Aalto-

goal, the guild organises a large number

universitetet med intresse för svenska,

of various events ranging from sports to

även de som studerar ekonomi och

company visits (excu) and from academ-

konst kan bli medlemmar. Som medlem

ic dinner parties to study events.

kan man delta i allt program som

In addition to events, the guild

ordnas, vara med i eller grunda egna

offers its members services such as the

föreningar på TF, t.ex. teknologorkestern

guild room and the electronics work-

Humpsvakar och Whiskyföreningen,

shop. The guild room is the meeting

boka sportstugan i Noux och utrym-

place for the guild members on the

men i Urdsgjallar eller använda sig av


datorerna på hyllan. TF håller också koll

overalls. Many guild members embroi-

på bl.a. den svenskspråkiga phuxupp-

der their IRC name on the back of their

fostran, studierna och informeringen vid

overalls, which they usually use when

universitetet. På TF hittar du framtidens

talking to each other. Since the freshmen

vänner och kolleger och får minnen för

of the guild get their overalls already

livet! Mer info hittas i styrelserummet,

during the first school week, they can be

på andra våningen i Urds.

easily recognised in the freshmen events

Teknologföreningen (TF), founded in 1872, is Aalto University’s

in early autumn. The guild activities are visible to

only student nation. All Swedish-

the outside world along with two major

speaking students at the University

events. Cännärit, organised every au-

and students interested in the Swedish

tumn by the freshmen, is always worthy

language can become a member of TF.

of participation. Another major event

Teknologföreningen owns its student na-

of the year, also to those outside the

tion building called Urdsgjallar where we

guild, is the anniversary Muistinnollaus

organise most of our activities.

arranged every February.


end of the computer science building

next to the main building and right next

Founded in 1986, Tietokilta (TiK) is the

to the computer classroom of building T.

guild for computer science students at

In the guild room, you can play a variety

the Aalto University School of Science.

of console games or play good music

The guild has about 900 student mem-

from tikPlay. You can also drink coffee

bers of which the majority study the

and read the guild journal Alkorytmi.

The guild room is located at the

degree programme in computer science. Currently, there are many exchange student members who actively participate in the guild activities. The guild activities are varying:

The Guild of Industrial Engineering and Management Prodeko

the guild helps in studies, takes care

The Guild of Industrial Engineering

of connections with CSE Department,

and Management Prodeko was founded

organises free time activities and events

in 1966 for the students of Service

with corporations and helps new stu-

Management and Engineering in the

dents to find the secrets of the technol-

Department of Mechanical Engineering.

ogy student’s life.

Already at the early stage, the Board

The guild members wear black

of the Guild of Mechanical Engineering

overalls repelling dirt and women with

began to feel that Prodeko members

the white @ logo on the back of the

were a problem as ”their appalling


self-confidence has caused wonderment

The guild provides its members

in some cases�. Since then, industrial

with diverse recreational activities,

engineering has become a separate study

such as sauna evenings, sports events,

field, the club has become a guild and

academic dinner parties and plenty of

our activities almost professional.

other parties. Annual traditions include,

Our guild is one of the small-

among other things, the crab party,

est but also the most closest ones in

Christmas party, Kotimaanpitkä excur-

Otaniemi and it provides its members

sion, beer race and May Day lunch on

with events, parties, sauna evenings,

May Day Eve. The anniversary is celebrat-

trips (abroad), corporate visits as well

ed on the last Friday in November.

as the guild room, pool table, coffee,

Internationality has been part of

interest representation, good company, a

the guild activities right from the begin-

new family and life. Along with partying,

ning, especially in the form of the IFMMS

the freshmen who begin their studies in

International Student Weeks. We have

2011 get to organise the massive 45-year

close relations with industrial companies

anniversary of the guild.

and we organise plenty of excursion

In the previous years, Prodeko

visits to see companies in the fields of

has organised excursions to Korea and

metal and mining. The guild also takes

China, among others, and most recently

care of the relations between the stu-

to Brazil in the spring of 2011. Prodeko

dents and the Department of Materials

also collected hundreds of thousands

Science and Technology, and takes care

of euro for Aalto University as the only

of student representation in the various

guild in Otaniemi. The guild also has its

university committees and councils.

own recruitment company.

Our guild is one of the smallest ones in Otaniemi but our community

The Guild of Mining and Metallurgy Students - VK

spirit is great. In addition, we are very

and the members can be recognised

The Guild of Mining and Metallurgy

from their blue overalls where the back

Students VK is the association of the

is decorated with the logo of a diamond

students in the Degree Programme of

drill bit.

Materials Science and Engineering at Aalto University. The guild was founded in 1947 as the subject organisation of students in mining and metallurgy but the subject of mining engineering was transferred to the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering in 2005.


well known as a loud and lively guild

Find a variety of activities within AYY! Continue your old hobby or start a

less seriously, your hobby can be fun or

completely new one, find like-minded

teach you new skills. Are cars, hunting

friends, learn and experience! More than

or going to the sauna your thing? How

150 associations operate in the vicinity

about wine, female networks or Japanese

of AYY and they offer a wide range of


activities. Recreational opportunities range from choral singing to climbing

Music and culture associations

and from card games to baseball and

Are you interested in fostering the stu-

sailing. If you cannot find an interesting

dent culture? Are you a film enthusiast?

association among the existing asso-

Or are you more interested in singing,

ciations, you can establish your own

playing or listening to music? Many


choirs and orchestral ensembles, for example, operate within AYY.

Subject organisations Get to know other scientists and special-

International associations

ists in your field. Subject organisations

Internationally-minded students and

arrange a wide range of events which

international students are provided with

coach you for the working life and sup-

activities promoting cultural exchange.

port your studies, and they can also

In addition to associations, AYY has

engage in interest representation related

sections, such as ESN and BEST, which

to studies.

also organise international activities for students.

Sports associations Are you a team player or would you

Societal associations

rather exercise on your own but need

Are you interested in politics, environ-

other enthusiasts to share experiences

mental issues or entrepreneurship?

with? Check out if you can find your

Associations committed to various soci-

own sports association from the wide

etal issues operate within AYY, partici-

selection of AYY, and do not forget to

pate and become active!


You can easily find all associations and answers to association-related

Hobbies and games associations

questions on Associations section

From this category, you can look for

on You can also contact us at

activities that can be just about any-

thing! You can play games seriously or




Aalto University Aalto University is a new university built

bachelor’s, master’s, licentiate and doc-

on expertise in technology, economics

toral degrees in Economics and Business

and arts, which began its operations on


1 Jan 2010. Aalto University Schools – the School of Economics, the School of

School of Art and Design

Art and Design and the four Schools of

Science and Technology – are the most

Aalto University School of Art and

prestigious universities in Finland and

Design is an international university

internationally recognised in their fields.

of design, visual culture, art education

Aalto University’s goal is to become

and arts, which offers the bachelor’s,

one of the world’s top universities as a

master’s and doctoral degrees in Arts.

distinguishable entity. Aalto University is an international community of professionals with

Schools of Science and Technology

20,000 students and 4,700 employees. There are approximately 300 professors

The Aalto University School of Science

among the personnel. In 2010, a total of

and Technology was divided into four

approximately 2,300 students completed

Schools of Technology on 1 Jan 2011.

their Master’s degree and 180 students

These new schools of technology will

completed their doctoral degrees.

continue the traditions of TKK (the for-

Students are an important part

mer Helsinki University of Technology)

of the community – they are involved in

as the oldest university of technology in

building the new university and its lear-

Finland and as the pioneer in research

ning culture. We want to create a truly

and education of Finnish technology.

open and inspiring atmosphere at Aalto

The schools of technology are:

University, which encourages students to constantly learn new issues.

School of Engineering

School of Economics

School of Chemical Technology

Aalto University School of Economics is

School of Science

the leading research and teaching unit

in Economics in Finland. At the School

School of Electrical Engineering

of Economics, you can complete the


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Hints from old younglings

study year by approaching new experien-

their studies last autumn tell about their own

ces with an open mind.

schools and experiences, and provide invaluable tips for your freshman year. Welcome to Aalto!

Anssi came to the School of Economics from another municipality and the studies have matched his

Expectations The beginning of studies is often associated with a wide range of preassumptions, expectations and perceptions of the nature of university studies, among other things. However, our experts say that you can make the most of your first

expectations well. Anssi says that new students should not be nervous in advance. Architecture Student Rafael advises students to have an open-minded attitude at the beginning of studies. �It is best to take everything with an open mind,� the boys advise. For some, the career choice has been clear for a long time, at least on a certain level. Henry, for example, decided as a child to become a technology student and during the last year in upper secondary school, it was clear to him that his next school would be in Otaniemi, even though he had not yet

cs ysi


On the following pages, students who began

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decided his exact study field. Henry was not quite sure about the contents of Automation and Systems Technology studies when he applied for the school. ”I knew that it had something to do with

his dream school with fearful feelings.

robotics,” Henry laughs. Henry’s first

The University of Art and Design seemed

study year has progressed nicely and his

like a school which takes seriously eve-

own field seems more interesting with

rything that is done behind the school

each passing day.

walls. According to him, they work hard

Katriina began to study

and earnestly but not seriously. ”Or may-

Bioproduct Technology straight after

be what happens is that I begin to work

upper secondary school. Like Henri, she

so seriously that I no longer notice the

did not have a completely clear picture

seriousness!” Aleksanteri laughs.

about what she would like to do. ”A gap year would have given time to consider

Studies – mass lectures or intimate work

my own choices more thoroughly, but

in small groups?

you can also gain perspective through

There is a wide range of teaching forms

experience,” says Katriina. ”If at some

and methods and they are used in

point you start to feel that this is not

different proportions depending on the

my field, you always have the opportu-


nity to apply for another study place.”

According to our experts, you

Katriina’s expectations of both studies

can attend traditional mass lectures,

and the spirit of technology students

where you listen to the lecturer with

were positive. She likes the thought that

dozens or even hundreds of other

she studies in a close community instead

students in a large auditorium, at the

of an ordinary school.

School of Economics and some units of

It is common that people try to

the Schools of Technology. Anssi says

fit technology students in the geek ca-

that the mass lectures at the School of

tegory. Stereotypically thinking, physics

Economics during the first year are very

and mathematics students, for example,

similar to studies in upper secondary

are perceived as quiet geeks. A first-year

school, although there is more freedom

student Ismo, however, disagrees wig

and responsibility that come with inde-

the allegation: ”It is true that people

pendence. At the Schools of Technology,

with good high school grades in physics

mass lectures are supplemented with

and mathematics apply for this field but

calculation exercises where a group size

it does not mean that we are all geeks

is approximately 30 students. The Department of Design at

here.” Aleksanteri began his studies in


TaiK (The University of Art and Design)

also has one ”mass lecture”, the so-cal-

replaced with course assignments, such

led setting group project. In the course,

as project portfolios. With academic freedom comes

about 100 students are divided into four groups and their purpose is to design a

the opportunity not to attend all lectures

table setting for themselves. ”At the end

or courses. ”You need to attend the labs

of the project, we cook a meal which is

but otherwise the responsibility lies in

then enjoyed with the prepared setting

your own hands,” says Katriina about

under the teachers’ assessing eyes,” says

her course practices. Henry’s first-year

Aleksanteri. The mass lectures at the

courses were common with other fields

Schools of Technology are not always

and you can only have your own courses

just serious studying. ”A mathematics

on the second year of studies. ”However,

course in the spring was finished with a

I recommend to attend calculation exer-

drinking game. We came to the lecture

cises even if you do not have to!” Henry

with sparkling wine and drank it every


time when the lecturer behaved in a certain way,” laughs Ismo. Aalto also has room for other

Plenty of challenge and work Whether they completed a matriculation

study methods. In the Architecture

examination, army year, other studies or

Degree Programme at the School of

a gap year before coming to the univer-

Engineering work is done in projects,

sity, studies have been challenging for

and sometimes a student may spend

all our experts. You will certainly have

even a month working in one’s own

plenty to do regardless of your field or

bubble. Rafael thinks that he has also

background. Despite challenges, all our

learned very much from his fellow

experts survived their first study year

students. ”You constantly learn from the


others. When you see dozens of good

When entering university, our

answers to the same problem, you get

experts were prepared for hard work but

dozens of different perspectives on the

the workload surprised almost everyone.

same challenge at the same time,” says

Another challenge is that study methods

Rafael. In TaiK, teaching mainly takes

which worked in upper secondary school

place in small groups where a variety

may no longer work at university. ”You

of projects are done independently, together with fellow students or through business cooperation. Exams are mostly


have to read a lot and preparing for an exam must be systematic,” says Anssi. In order to make learning easier, Ismo suggests to spend some time on finding the most suitable study method for you.

The archetype of freshmen We often think that all students in the

s vitie acti e h t YY Join ear Y/A of K an y m h s fre once our e it y v i l y nly Enjo back an o ou c et it y g y s r a stud neve r to e and b lse em ng e rem ythi r e v Also ith e gw alon

same field are similar. Many of our experts can give an accurate descrip-

is slightly different from other arts

tion of the students in their own field.

students. They are more technically

A freshman in Bioproduct Technology

oriented than an average TaiK student

loves guilds and is perky but completely

and they are united by a never-ending

clueless, especially in the first autumn.

interest in the details of the surroun-

According to Katriina, their student

ding environment and things happening

group is very close and she thinks that

around them. ”If we are sitting in a café

the best community spirit at the whole

with a group of fellow students and

university can be found in the wood

someone comments that a table leg is

processing guild.

impractical, others do not even have

Ismo divides the freshmen in his field into two freshmen archetypes: A quiet and conscientious stu-

to turn to look as they have certainly already noted the same thing!” laughs Aleksanteri. ”Industrial design is more

dent who studies on his own. You can

like a 24/7 lifestyle than a school,” he

usually only catch a sight of this student


on the lectures or calculation exercises. An active guild member who

Rafael describes the architect freshman to be a hybrid of a techno-

participates in events and parties and

logy and an arts student, who is good

completes studies in a more social way.

at drawing, an analytical thinker and a

At the School of Economics, new students are called walruses. According

perfectionist at some level. Not everybody can, or wants to

to Anssi, a typical walrus is an extro-

think that all students are similar. Henry

verted person from the metropolitan

thinks that the whole range of students

area. The challenging admission to the

in his field cannot fit in one mould

school may appear as a slight proudness

and says that it is difficult to describe

about one’s achievement, which on the

a typical freshman in Automation and

other hand leads to ambition as the

Systems Engineering. ”Here we have all

studies progress.

sorts of people and everyone has their

A freshman in Industrial Design


own personality!” he says.

First study year

seriously and feel that my opinion is

The intensity and challenges of the first

valued.” Aleksanteri sums up his feel-

year of studies have surprised many stu-

ings. One thing that Aleksanteri regrets

dents. Everyone’s year included plenty

in his freshman year is that he missed

of other things in spite of challenging

the application process for the Master of

studies, and the beginning of studies has

European Design exchange programme.

been memorable as a whole. In Katriina’s

”Pay attention during the first year if

freshman year, the best thing was

you want to apply for that two-year ex-

getting to know new people as well as

change programme!” Aleksanteri advises

finding her own interests and all the dif-

the future freshmen of Design.

ferent experiences. She was disappointed

The best thing about Henry’s

not to be able to participate in the night

freshman year was to experience his

prank contest around May Day. ”Also, I

guild’s community spirit and the tech-

could have attended interesting morning

nology student spirit. ”All in all, this has

lectures more often,” says Katriina.

been the best year of my life,” summaris-

The best thing about Anssi’s

es Henry. ”The only downside is that the

freshman year was that he got the

freshman year is already ending!” Rafael

hang of KY’s spirit and met new people

agrees and concludes that the best thing

through the activities of the cultural

about his freshman year was to experi-

section. ”I assumed that people here

ence the community spirit.

would be even more competitive,” Anssi

Ismo thinks that the best things

recalls. Even active Anssi did not have

in his freshman year were to get to know

time to do absolutely everything. ”At

new people and the May Day week when

least the KY-spex is an event where I

there are plenty of events and everyone

want to participate one day.” On the

is on a good mood. ”From the first year,

other hand, being active has created a

I remember a nice atmosphere of doing

wide social network which also helps in

things together,” he summarises. If he

actual studies.

had to change something, he could have

According to Aleksanteri, the best aspect of his freshman year was

left out some courses in the spring to lighten the study burden.

the combination of everything that happened. ”At the same time, I studied

Sorrows, forgetfulness, stress?

at TaiK for the first year, worked at

It is important to take care of your own

Aarikka and actively participated in the

affairs but forget excessive worrying.

student activities of TOKYO. The best

According to our experts, you should

thing was the experience of being taken

not worry about the following issues on


your first study year:

productivity by 30 %.”

Katriina: getting the worst grade or even

Ismo: remember to study but also to

failing an exam. ”It is perfectly normal.”

have fun. ”It does not matter if you miss

Anssi: finding a home. ”Finding a home

some calculation exercises.”

can be particularly difficult if you are

Henry: do not forget leisure time. ”Do

from other municipality but eventually

not just stay at home with your books

everything will be arranged.”

and have only study credits on your

Aleksanteri: limited time. ”Also, do not


worry about worrying too much, as you

Rafael: do not forget life. ”Pull your own

will worry anyway!”

strings and find a good balance. Be open

Ismo: the beginning of studies.

to everything, reject and criticise only

”Although courses are challenging and

after you have tried it yourself.”

there is plenty of work to do, you can definitely manage if you just boldly take

At the early stage of studies, there will


be stressful situations. Our experts advi-

Henry: worry that you will not be part of

se you not to stress about the following

the group. ”We have an open atmosphere

issues, among other things:

here and you will surely find friends.”

Katriina: don’t stress about whether you

Rafael: worry about failures. ”During

study the right field. ”You will have time

the first year, you learn to do something

to consider your own choices later and

completely new. The most important

make new ones if necessary. There will

thing is to focus on your own thing with

certainly be terrible courses during the

your own motives.”

first year but there is no need to stress about them either.”

During the first study year, you have many things to remember. According to our experts, you should at least remember the following issues: Katriina: get to know people, have fun and remember to relax after the strict discipline at upper secondary school. ”Plenty of events are organised for the freshmen. You should participate as it is a good way to form a close group of friends.” Aleksanteri: remember to exercise. ”By exercising 3 times per week for 30 minutes at one time, you can improve your


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morning and lasts for the next 24 hours. plenty o

f time fo r the ac tivities the firs in t autum n, in pa Study to rticular gether with yo ur frien it is eas ds, ier to w ork in a group than alo ne Always dare to ask for from o help lder stu dents o r your tutors

In addition, you should definitely participate in May Day events and herring breakfast. ”There are plenty of events but it pays off to participate in them. In this way, you get to know new people and gain insight into the different activities that AYY and KY organise.” Aleksanteri: Apply for a summer job. ”You should pay attention already in the autumn and try to primarily apply for

Henry: don’t stress out if you do not

the jobs in your own field, as you will

pass courses on the first time. ”Everyone

learn from them even more than you

will fail an exam at some point but it

learn in school.”

does not matter. You can always try

Henry: May Day as a whole. ”May Day on


your freshman year is certainly different

Rafael: don’t stress out, even if every-

than the ones in the coming years. Do

thing does not work out immediately.

not let this unique experience pass you

”Take care of your own work in your


own way.”

Ismo: Apply for the night prank team

Ismo: don’t stress about exams. ”Study

and events organised by guilds where

during the courses and avoid preparing

you can easily get to know your fellow

for exams only in the last couple of



Rafael: Spending time with other students

Our experts also list events/issues which you should definitely not miss out on

With these pieces of advice and

your first study year:

tips, our first-year experts lead you to

Katriina: The freshman week and May

your freshman year and the interesting

Day. ”You should definitely participa-

academic world and community. Here it

te in the professor nights, if they are

begins, your student life, the best time

organised, as you can easily get informa-

of your life!

tion on other major subjects there. You should also have the energy to participate in the information sessions during the first weeks.” Anssi: The initiation rite of Economics students which starts at 6am in the



1. University of Art and Design 2. AYY’s service point 3. Kipsari 4. Kynä&paperi 5. Library 6. Post office 7. Pop&Jazz Conservatory 8. Shopping Centre Arabia

Tram stop Bus stop Walkway


Relaxed 1. AYY’s central office 2. Design Factory 3. Dipoli 4. Otahalli sports centre 5. AYY’s service point 6. Shopping centre 7. Teknologföreningen (TF) 8. Rantasauna 9. Servi Cottage, Jämeräntaival 4 10. Chapel Official 11. Main building 12. Civil and Environmental Engineering 13. Engineering Physics 14. Electrical and Communications Engineering

15. Electrical Engineering 32. Materials Science 16. Accounting and payment 33. Forest Products Technology 1 transaction services 34. Forest Products Technology 2 17. Maarintalo building 35. Technical Research 18. Mechanical Engineering 1 Centre of Finland 19. Mechanical Engineering 2 36. Architecture (workshop) 20. Mechanical Engineering 3 21. Mechanical Engineering 4 22. Premises and safety issues Bus stop 23. Computer Science and Engineering Walkway 24. Industrial Engineering and Management 25. Marine Technology 26. Water laboratory 27. Micronova 28. Innopoli 29. Innopoli 2 30. Library 31. Chemical Technology


School of Economics 1. Main Building 2. Chydenia building 3. Arkadia building 4. Library, Helecon information centre 5. KY, Association of Economics Students in Helsinki 6. Hanken 7. Kamppi Centre 8. Tennispalatsi 9. Parliament House 10. Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma 11. Railway Station 12. Ateneum Art Museum


Tram stop Metro Railway Walkway





AYY Dictionary members Filiaali: affiliate, in addition to the main campuses, Aalto University has affiAalto-Liike: a volunteer group working with AYY’s sports affairs Aate: AYY’s audiovisual media which follows, releases news and produces programmes about issues which concern

liate campuses in Vaasa, Pori, Lahti and Mikkeli FTMK: freshman committee, in charge of freshman education of new students in the field of technology

students and take place at AYY and

Fuksi: a first-year student in the field of

Aalto University.


Aava a.k.a. Aalto Community

Halloped a.k.a. student representative in

Committee: in charge of events and acti-

administration: a person who represents

vities organised for Aalto members

students in the university’s administra-

Aino: AYY’s own magazine which is published seven times a year Alakertsi: festive facilities on the ground floor of KY Building Arabia Masquerade: Finland’s largest

tive organs ISO a.k.a. ISO tutor: a person guiding the new students in the schools of technology, usually known as tutors at other universities

masquerade organised by TOKYO

ITMK: ISO person committee, in charge

Aura: a volunteer group working with

persons, the tutors at the schools of

AYY’s business relations


AYY: Aalto University Student Union

Jäynä: A humorous and harmless

Communications Group X: a volunteer

prank which purpose is to entertain the

of training and entertainment of ISO

group focusing on AYY’s communica-

pranksters and, above all, those who are

tions affairs

the subject of the prank. A prank should

Eastern harbour city: Helsinki Edari a.k.a. Representative Council: the highest decision-making body of the Student Union, consisting of 45

never cause resentment or material damage. Kilta: a subject organisation of students in one or several technical fields


Kipsari: TOKYO’s student restaurant located in the basement of the School of Art and Design in Arabianranta, Helsinki.

Sitsit: academic student feast Smökki a.k.a. Servin Mökki: AYY’s premises in Otaniemi which can be hired

KUJ a.k.a. KY’s cultural sub-committee

for organising large student feasts, for

known for overall collars, Mursu-fair for


the freshmen and KY’s herring breakfast KY Building: the heart of Economics students on Pohjoinen Rautatienkatu in Helsinki Kylteri: Student of Economics

SYL: the National Union of University Students in Finland Teekkari: Student of Technology TJ a.k.a. Teekkari section: maintains and fosters the culture of technology stu-

Lukkari: singing director at the academic

dents in AYY, organises Lakinlaskijaiset

student feast

party and grants permits for the use of

Lämppäri: AYY’s central offi-

the teekkari cap

ce in Otaniemi at the address

Toast, toastmaster: singing director at

Lämpömiehenkuja 2

the academic student feast

MoA: Masters of Arts. The Masters of

Tutor: person guiding the new students

Arts thesis exhibition with a touch of technology and economics.

Täffä: A lunch and catering restaurant located in Otaniemi and owned by Aalto

Mursu: ‘walrus’, a first-year student at

University’s Swedish student nation

the School of Economics


NESU: a.k.a. Nordiska Ekonomie

Unisport: A separate common institution

Studerandes Union which organises aca-

of the University of Helsinki and Aalto

demic student feasts and events

University which offers diverse sports

Noppa: students’ term for study credits

and well-being services for students and personnel of both universities from the

OLL: Finnish Student Sports Federation

autumn of 2011 onwards.

Service Point: a student’s base helping

Yläkertsi: event space on the third floor

with issues concerning the student card

of KY Building

or AYY’s housing, among other things SELL Student Games 2012: laid-back multisport student event open to all university students. The event will be organised in Otaniemi, Espoo on 17-20 May 2012.





TEKin tarjoamista eduista ja palveluista hyödyt jo opiskeluaikana. Opiskelijalle jäsenyys on maksuton. Kannattaa liittyä! ZZZ WHN Ĭ

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20.5.2011 14.51

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