Katayoon Forouhesh portfolio

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KATAYOON FOROUHESH Graphic Design Portfolio

Education University of the Arts London, London 2010 • M.A. Graphic Moving Image Art University, Tehran 2004-2008 • B.A. Pint Media EXHIBITION Group Exhibition, Film Screening, Ragfactory, London MA Show Exhibition, London College of Communication Photo slide show screening, SOAS, London The 11th Iranian National Photo Biennal,Saba Museum Tehran Avenue One shot film competition,Mehrva Gallery Water Color Painting- Reza Abbasi Museum- Tehran

January 2011 November 2010 October 2010 December 2008 June 2007 September 2002

1.From Brits to Britain


2.Magical Nights Auction Catalogue, Invitation and art diary

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3.The Man with the Stolen Heart

4.Parallel Vision Co.

5.Unit one project visual summary


7.Archi Progress

8.Baset-Pazouh- Novin (BPN)

9.Tadbir Shahr-e-Farda

10.Poster design workshop




From Brits to Britain

From Brits to Britain presentation Graphic Designer June 2012 Devil Fish Creative, London


Magical Nights

Magical Nights Auction Catalogue Graphic Designer October- March 2012 Magic of Persia, London This catalogue and invitation belongs to MOP fundraising auction in Dubai March 2012.

Magical nights catalogue- Inside the front cover-Designed in London and printed in Dubai

Magical nights catalogue- Inside the back cover-Designed in London and printed in Dubai

Magical nights Art Diary- front and back cover-Designed in London and printed in Dubai

Magical nights Art Diary- Designed in London and printed in Dubai

Magical nights Invitation- Designed in London and printed in Dubai

Magical nights Invitation- Designed in London and printed in Dubai


The man with the Stolen Heart

The Man with the Stolen Heart Animator (Internship) February- May 2011 Humpty Dumpty Ltd., London Animating background shots of a 2D animation by using AfterEffect. Moreover drawing and illustrating frame sequences and also,colouring, texturising and making the shots ready in Photoshop.


Parallel Visiom

Parallel Vision Parallel Vision, London Freelance Motion Graphic Designer September 2010 Designing company’s brand, logo, film Leaflet, film catalogue


‘John Hughes’ is a 30-year-old businessman working in th city of london. The witnessing of an horrific event changes his lfe for the worst, he happend to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. John loses everything he has worked so hard to achieve. falling deeper into his subconscious he begin to question his reality.

a short film by annajurkowiekca

JOHNHughes Writer and Director Anna Jurkowiekca and Producer Paris Chaliha are currently studying BA (Hons) Film and Television course at the London College of Communication. This short graduation film will explorethe character’s unique journey through the london metropolis. To make this important film, we welcome a small donation from you. The film will be screened at the British film institue in June 2011. We would be very grateful for your support. Please visit our website: ‘www.parallelvision.co.uk’ to make a donation. Thank you. www.parallelvision.co.uk Spetember 2010

‘John Hughes’ is a 30-year-old businessman working in th city of london. The witnessing of an horrific event changes his lfe for the worst, he happend to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. John loses everything he has worked so hard to achieve. falling deeper into his subconscious he begin to question his reality. Writer and Director Anna Jurkowiekca and Producer Paris Chaliha are currently studying BA (Hons) Film and Television course at the London College of Communication.

a short film by annajurkowiekca

JOHNHughes This short graduation film will explorethe character’s unique journey through the london metropolis. To make this important film, we welcome a small donation from you. The film will be screened at the British film institue in June 2011. We would be very grateful for your support. Please visit our website: ‘www.parallelvision.co.uk’ to make a donation. Thank you. www.parallelvision.co.uk Spetember 2010

Parallel Vision Parallel Vision, London Freelance Motion Graphic Designer March 2011 Designing Logo, title and credit of a short movie “John Hughes�, by using AfterEffect.

Freelance Motion Graphic Designer March 2010 Short B.A student film, London Title and Credit Design of the film “where the Dream lies�


Unit one project visual summary

Unit 1.1 Design Literacy Katayoon Forouhesh Tehrani M.A Graphic Moving Image Tutor:Penny Hilton London College Communication

Index 1-Form -Line,Plain,Space -Color -Void 2-Context -Pixlation -Impressionism -Censorship 3-Out put



Col o r 32

Unit One 1.1.1 LCC, London March 2010 Unit one project-visual summary








Do cu ment



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I m p r e s s i o n i s m Taking their name from Claude Monet’s ‘Impression, Sunrise’, the Impressionists were established in Paris during the 1870’s. Concentrating on relaying the immediate visual effect of the world around them, using bold brush strokes and contrasts of colour, the artists initially drew heavy criticism for their perceived naive and

• Impressionists in France: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Eduard Manet Claude Monet Pierre Auguste Renoir Alfred Sisley Edgar Degas Camille Pissarro Berthe Morisot Armand Guillaumin Frédéric Bazille

trivial approach to art. The subject matter varied from Monet’s landscapes to Renoir’s boulevards of bustling Paris life and Degas’ delicate ballerinas, but all pertained to capture the impression of the moment. From the late 1880’s, public perception

• 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Neo-Impressionists in France: Georges-Pierre Seurat Camille Pissarro Paul Signac Charles Angrand Maximilien Luce Henry Edmond Cross

gradually changed and the Impressionists received reverence, paving the way for their followers Guaguin, Seurat and Van Gogh. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/multimedia/impressionism/)


I m p r e s s i o n i s t


Part2 1-After examination of square as a form, in order to find the context, first, I focused on square Pixels which videos and photos have been made of. I took pictures of people in street and some portrait and by reducing the resolution of pictures; consequently the amount of pixels has been decreased and make the photo like an abstract painting. After that, I played with those pixels by changing the color and reducing or adding pixels in some parts. 2-Furthermore, I found Impressionism art so close to the concept of pixel. As impressionists tried to paint mostly by dots and color spots, I made some moving image like impressionism painting. I made the moving image from still image, by changing the amount of square pixels; it gives the impression of moving on still image. 3-Third, the idea of pixilation reminded me censorship in films in which the particular scene had been pixilated in order to prevent audience from watching that scene regarding of indecent content. In this stage, I attracted to film censorship in purpose of how it may change the content of film and distract the audiences from main points.





Masking Photos



Part 1 For investigating square as a form, I tried to find and observe squares in environment, such as squares in tiles, train seats, windows etc. Then, after interrogating enough in environment, I started three approaches regarding studying line, dots, plane, mass and volume etc. first, I created square by using torch light in inside and outside environment. To do so, I reduced the speed of camera in dark room, make square from line and dots. Second, for studying color, I discovered colorful square forms in “Tetris�. Thus, I decide to make a moving image like Tetris that these colorful squares come together and make a big one and then the colors begin to change. Third, in Flash I made three squares that they came together to make a volume then these volumes spread through the screen regularly and start to vanish irregularly.



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·HoÄH Áj¯¼Î R¯¼~d¶ ·I¬k¹¹¨ njI‚ ¸µ\ºH

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1586873434 : ÂTvQk¨ www.AISPEX.com (+9821)8854087 info@AISPEX.com : ¸Ÿ±U (+9821)88736665 : oMIµº www.AISPEX.com info@AISPEX.com

Association of Iranian steel products Exporters (AISPEX) Association of Iranian No. 392, unit 10,Beheshti Ave Mohammad reza Shamsabadi Ghaem magham junc, steel productsChair Exporters man of the Board (AISPEX) Tehran, Iran

Code : 1586873434 Mohammad reza Shamsabadi Post Tel : (+9821)88540874-6 Address : No. 392, unit 10, 2nd flat,Beheshti Ave, Chair man of the Board Fax : (+9821) 88736665 Ghaem magham junc,Tehran, Iran www.AISPEX.com : 1586873434 P.O Box info@AISPEX.com Tel : (+9821)88540874-6 Fax : (+9821) 88736665 www.AISPEX.com info@AISPEX.com

,ÂTz¿M oT¨j ·IMIÃi ,·Ho¿U ,·HoÄH ,392 ·IµTiIw,³I£¶ ´GI¤ ·IMIÃi yLº 10 keH» ,³»j Á ¾£LŠ 1586873434 : ÂTvQk¨ (+9821)8854087 : ¸Ÿ±U (+9821)88736665 : oMIµº

ÁjIMA uµ{ I†nkµd¶ ½oÄk¶ RFÃÀ uÃGn ,³I£¶ ´GI¤ ·IMIÃi yLº ,ÂTz¿M oT¨j ·IMIÃi : tnjA 10 keH» ,³»j Á ¾£LŠ ,392 ·IµTiIw 1586873434 : ÂTvQk¨ (+9821)8854087 : ¸Ÿ±U (+9821)88736665 : oMIµº www.AISPEX.com info@AISPEX.com

Association of Iranian steel products Exporters (AISPEX) Mohammad reza Shamsabadi

Chair man of the Board

Address :

No. 392, unit 10, 2nd flat,Beheshti Ave, Ghaem magham junc,Tehran, Iran 1586873434 P.O Box : Tel : (+9821)88540874-6 Fax : (+9821) 88736665 www.AISPEX.com info@AISPEX.com

,ÂTz¿M oT¨ j ·IMIÃi ,· Ho¿U ,·HoÄH ,392 ·IµTi Iw,³I£¶ ´GI¤ ·I¬k¹¹¨ nj ·IMIà I‚ ¸µ\ºH 10 keH» ,³» i yLº j Á ¾£LŠ ·HoÄH Áj¯¼Î 15868734 R¯¼~d¶ 34 : ÂTvQ (+9821)8 854087 : k¨ ÁjIMA uµ{ I† ¸Ÿ±U ½oÄ nkµd¶ (+9821)8 k¶ RFÃÀ u 8736665 ÃGn : oMIµº

·I¬k¹¹¨ njI‚ ¸µ\ºH ·HoÄH Áj¯¼Î R¯¼~d¶

ÁjIMA uµ{ I†nkµd¶

½oÄk¶ RFÃÀ uÃGn

www.AIS PEX.com info@AIS PEX.com

www.AISPEX.com info@AISPEX.com

AISPEX Co. Association of Iranian No. 392, unit 10, 2nd flat, AISPEX Co., Tehran steel products Exporters Beheshti Ave, Ghaem magham junc, Tehran, Iran (AISPEX) Designer Freelance Graphic P.O Box : 1586873434 Mohammad reza Shamsabadi Tel : (+9821)88540874-6 man of the Board Fax : (+9821) 88736665 NovemberChair 2008 www.AISPEX.com info@AISPEX.com Creating, branding and designing Catalogue and Business Card.

Address :

d flat, unit 10, 2n junc, No. 392, agham Ghaem m

steel Beheshti Ave, n of Iranian Associatio rters (AISPEX) Tehran, Iran 873434 1586 Expo P.O Box : )88540874-6 products 21 amsabadi ad reza Sh Mohamm air man of the Board Ch

Tel : (+98 65 21) 887366 Fax : (+98 EX.com www.AISP EX.com info@AISP

‫‪Association of Iranian Steel‬‬ ‫)‪Products Exporters (AISPEX‬‬

‫‪·HoÄH Áj¯¼Î R¯¼~d¶ ·I¬k¹¹¨ njI‚ ¸µ\ºH‬‬

‫‪,ÂTz¿M oT¨j ·IMIÃi ,·Ho¿U‬‬ ‫‪,³I£¶ ´GI¤ ·IMIÃi yLº‬‬ ‫‪10 keH» ,392 ·IµTiIw‬‬ ‫¨‪1586873434 ÂTvQk‬‬ ‫‪(+9821)88540874-6 : ¸Ÿ±U‬‬ ‫‪(+9821)88736665 : oMIµº‬‬ ‫‪info@aispex.com‬‬ ‫‪www.aispex.com‬‬

‫‪Unit 10, No. 392, Beheshti Ave,‬‬ ‫‪Ghaem Magham junction, Tehran, Iran‬‬ ‫‪Post Code 1586873434‬‬ ‫‪Tel : (+9821)88540874-6‬‬ ‫‪Fax : (+9821) 88736665‬‬ ‫‪www.aispex.com‬‬ ‫‪info@aispex.com‬‬

‫اهد اف انجمن صاد ركنند گان محصوالت فوالد ي ايران‬

‫پيش گفتار‬

‫انجمن صاد ر كنند گان محصوالت فوالد ي ايران‬

‫وجود بيش از ‪ 4/5‬ميليارد تن ذخيره سنگ آهن د ر كشور و د ر اختيار د اشتن‬ ‫دومين ذخائر گاز طبيعي جهان كه ‪ 940‬تريليون متر مكعب ذخيره كشف شد ه آن‬ ‫مي باشد‪ .‬همچنين نيروي انساني ماهر و تجربه ‪ 40‬ساله د ر صنعت فوالد و سرمايه‬ ‫گذاري هاي انجام شد ه در توسعه تجهيزات‪ ،‬د انش فني‪ ،‬ساخت قطعات د ر د اخل‬ ‫كشور از يك طرف و توسعه صنايع معد ني باالدست فوالد براي تامين مواد اوليه‬ ‫مصرفي از جمله نسوزها و فرو آلياژها از طرف د يگر و بومي شد ن تعمير و نگهد اري‬ ‫سيستم هاي سخت افزاري و نرم افزاري اين صنعت‪ ،‬همه و همه ما را بر آن ميد ارد‬ ‫كه اهميت ويژه اي براي صنعت فوالد قائل شد ه و د ر راستاي جهاني شدن اقتصاد‬ ‫از وجود اين منابع و امكانات بهترين بهره گيري را نمود ه و به عنوان بزرگترين توليد‬ ‫كنند ه منطقه و يكي از توليد كنند گان شاخص فوالد د ر د نيا مطرح شويم‪ .‬در حال‬ ‫حاضر ويژگيهاي اين سرزمين و ساختار اقتصاد ي و اجتماعي آن و همچنين فقد ان‬ ‫يك برنامه هد فمند توسعه اي مانع از رشد اين صنعت به عنوان يك صنعت زير‬

‫• انجام هر گونه فعاليت تشكيالتي قانوني با توجه به امكانات اعضاء د ر جهت تسهيل و‬ ‫توسعه صاد رات محصوالت فوالد ي‬ ‫• تباد ل اطالعات ضروري در امر صاد رات و تجارت بين المللي محصوالت فوالد ي‬ ‫• اطالع رساني به اعضاء جهت آگاهي در زمينه توسعه امر صاد رات‬ ‫• انجام هر گونه فعاليت هاي علمي و تحقيقاتي در داخل و خارج كشور در چهار چوب‬ ‫قوانين موضوعه براي نيل به اهد اف انجمن‬ ‫• حمايت از منافع مشترك اعضاء‬ ‫• تشويق و حمايت از سرمايه گذاري در بخش فوالد كه زمينه افزايش توليد و صاد رات‬ ‫را فراهم نمايد‬ ‫• تشويق و ترغيب اعضاء به عد م رقابت ناسالم د ر بازارهاي بين المللي‬ ‫• تالش براي افزايش د سترسي به بازارهاي جهاني كاالهاي صادراتي كشور و ايجاد‬ ‫فرصت هاي مناسب براي كليه اعضاء جهت ورود به بازارهاي هدف صادراتي‬ ‫• شناسائي موانع صاد رات محصوالت فوالد ي و انعكاس بموقع و مناسب آن به مسئولين‬ ‫ذيربط‬ ‫• همكاري د ر تدوين و اجراي استاند ارد هاي مورد نياز كاالهاي صاد راتي موضوع فعاليت‬ ‫انجمن‬ ‫• دريافت مسائل و مشكالت صادرات اعضاء و تالش در ارائه راه حل كارشناسي به‬ ‫سازمانهاي ذيربط و رفع آنها‬ ‫• اجراي آند سته از وظايف اجرائي مرتبط با امور صادراتي وزارتخانه ها و سازمانهاي‬ ‫اقتصاد ي كه به انجمن تفويض مي شود‬ ‫• برگزاري دوره هاي آموزشي و انجام تحقيقات علمي ‪ ،‬صنعتي و تجارتي مورد نياز اعضاء‬ ‫• برگزاري همايش هاي تخصصي و ميزگرد ها و همچنين حضور د ر همايش هاي مختلف‬ ‫داخلي و خارجي و تاليف و ترجمه مقاالت علمي در زمينه موضوع فعاليت انجمن‬ ‫• برگزاري و يا حضور در نمايشگاه هاي د اخلي و خارجي مرتبط با اهد اف و وظايف انجمن‬

‫بنائي متناسب با پتانسيل هاي موجود د ر كشورمان شد ه است‪ .‬به هر حال با همه‬

‫آشنائي با انجمن صاد ركنند گان محصوالت فوالد ي ايران‬

‫ميزان توليد از مصرف د اخلي فراتر رفته و لذا از هم اكنون برنامه ريزي و راهيابي‬

‫نام ‪ :‬انجمن صاد ركنند گان محصوالت فوالد ي ايران ‪ ،‬ثبت شد ه به شماره ‪ 221‬مورخ ‪1386/2/30‬د ر‬ ‫اتاق بازرگاني و صنايع و معاد ن ايران‬ ‫موضوع فعاليت ‪ :‬ساماند هي فرآيند صادرات كاالهاي فوالد ي و فراهم كردن امكان بهره برداري بيشتر‬ ‫از سرمايه گذاري وصاد رات و همچنين استفاد ه و انتقال تجربيات علمي و عملي د ست اند ركاران و به‬ ‫هنگام نمودن آن براي نيل به اهد اف توسعه و دفاع از منافع مشروع و قانوني اعضاء‪.‬‬ ‫حوزه فعاليت ‪ :‬حوزه فعاليت انجمن سراسر ايران مي باشد ‪.‬‬ ‫مركز اصلي ‪ :‬خيابان د كتر بهشتي ‪،‬نبش خيابان قائم مقام فراهاني ‪ ،‬ساختمان ‪ ، 392‬واحد ‪10‬‬ ‫شرايط عضويت ‪ :‬كليه صادركنندگان محصوالت فوالدي اعم از اشخاص حقيقي و حقوقي با رعايت ضوابط‬ ‫و مقررات و تصويب هيات مد يره مي توانند عضو انجمن شوند ‪.‬‬ ‫مد يريت ‪:‬انجمن به وسيله هيات مد يره اي مركب از پنج نفر عضو و دو نفر عضو علي البد ل كه به وسيله‬ ‫مجمع عمومي از بين اعضاء انتخاب مي شوند براي مد ت ‪ 3‬سال عهد ه د ار مديريت انجمن مي باشند و‬ ‫فعاليتهاي اجرايي انجمن توسط دبير انجمن انجام مي شود ‪.‬‬

‫اين امكانات و د ستاورد ها رشد توليد فوالد به گونه اي است كه در آيند ه نزد يك‬ ‫مناسب براي توسعه صاد رات محصوالت فوالد ي ضروري بنظر ميرسد‪.‬‬ ‫بدين لحاظ عد ه اي از صنعت گران فعال اين بخش بر آن شد ند تا به منظور‬ ‫ساماند هي فرآيند صاد رات محصوالت فوالد ي شامل فوالد خام‪ ،‬مقاطع تخت و طويل و‬ ‫انواع لوله و پروفيل و ميلگرد و ساير محصوالت سفارشي‪،‬‬ ‫با موافقت و نظارت اتاق بازرگاني و صنايع و معاد ن ايران‪،‬‬ ‫انجمني صنفي متشكل از صادركنند گان فعال صنعت‬ ‫فوالد تاسيس نمايند‪.‬‬

‫كميته هاي مشورتي انجمن‬ ‫‪.1‬كميته آمار و اطالعات‬ ‫‪.2‬كميته مطالعات فني و تخصصي‬ ‫‪.3‬كميته امور حقوقي‬ ‫‪.4‬كميته امور بين الملل‬ ‫‪.5‬كميته اقتصاد ي ‪ ،‬مالي و بانكي‬ ‫‪.6‬كميته تبليغات و تشريفات‬ ‫‪.7‬كميته آموزش‬ ‫‪.8‬كميته حل اختالف بين اعضاء‬ ‫‪.9‬كميته پذيرش اعضاء جديد‬


Archi Progress



FCPE - Si`ege `a Paris

108, rue Ledru-Rollin -75011- Paris

FCPE - Head office in Paris

ORGANUM-Salle de receptions ORGANUM-reception hall in Saint-Denis

Archi Progress Archi Progress, France Freelance Graphic Designer August 2008 Design Catalogue and Business Card

LOGEMENTS -Un ensemble de av. logementsShiraz FRANCE LOISIRS -100 et 102 de Suffren Iran-75015 - Paris








Un ensemble de logements - Nigeria





FRANCE LOISIRS-100 et 102 av. de Suffren -75015 - Paris


France Loisirs


FRANCE LOISIRS-100 et 102 av. de Suffren -75015 - Paris


France Loisirs

France Loisirs -Am`enagement de 1000m2 de bureaux `a Paris France Loisirs -1000m2 of office spaces reconstruction France Loisirs -Am`enagement de 1000m2 de bureaux `a Paris France Loisirs -1000m2 of office spaces reconstruction


AMORINO stores


Rue fbg st Honore


Les boutiques AMORINO


AMORINO stores

HERMES- Rue fbg st Honore HERMES


Baset Pazhouh -e- Novin

Baset Pazhouh-e-Novin Baset Pazhouh-e-Novin, Tehran Freelance Graphic Designer October 2006&2007 Creating, branding and designing Poster,Catalogue and Business card.

9. Baset Pazhouh -e- Novin

Tadbir Shahr-e-Farda Tadbir Shahr-e-Farda, Tehran Freelance Graphic Designer October 2005 Creating, branding and designing stationary.

10. Poster Design Workshop

Poster Design Workshop Poster Design workshop, Tehran University of Art, June 2005



ALI AND THE TIGER NAMBI In the deep jungle of India lived a little boy Ali, who had just turned twelve years old. Ali lived in a little hut with his parents. Although they didn‛t have much, they had a simple and happy life. The whole village had only two hundred people and most men were hunters and traders. Usually, Ali‛s father would go hunting while his mother would take care of the house and cook. Ali didn‛t have many friends or fancy toys to play with like many children in other parts of the world. He spent his time roaming around the house. He would go deep into the jungle to make friends with big and little animals, anything from small lizards to baby elephants. He, like any other boy his age, had a little chipmunk for a pet, named Balu. He would carry him in his pocket when he went out on his excursions. On a beautiful but hot day, his father decided to take Ali with him so he could

learn the art of hunting. Usually Ali>s father hunted for wild boars, deer or sometimes a tiger for its fur. He could sell what he shot with his arrows to the market, which was about twenty miles away in a much bigger village. Ali was very excited about hunting and felt like a big powerful man. His father told him, «Ali, you are now growing up to be a young warrior and it is important for you to learn the art and tradition of hunting, as our forefathers have done, so that one day you will be a great warrior and hunter.»

Illustration Freelance Illustrator August/September 2009 Illustrating children Book by Mohsen Sharifi, U.S.A Published in Washington D.C in August 2010

When they arrived home and saw the devastation, they didn>t know what to do or where to start. At the end, the chief, whose name was Ida, said, «It‛s no use to cry over spilled milk. We have to fix the damage. I will assign each of you a task according to your skills and abilities.» So everyone was given a special project. Ali was in charge of building the animal shelter where they used to keep a few domestic animals such as goats, cows, and hogs and so on. He was also in charge of rebuilding the hen house that was destroyed completely by the fire. Three months passed and slowly everyone and everything seemed to go back to normal, except for Nambi. He seemed restless, as though he was searching for something he had lost. Ali realized that it was Nambi‛s age and the time of the year to find a mate. It was the natural drive that his father had told him about a year ago. So he decided to go with his father and Nambi into the deep jungle to let him loose.

All of the villagers, including Ali, were in tears; but they were helpless. Nevertheless, they decided to sleep over that night to see what the next day might bring. As they were trying to build some temporary shelter and campfire, they heard heavy thunder and lightning in the sky. It was so strong that one might have thought the world was coming to an end. The sky was full of dark clouds and the lightning split them apart. It poured literary «cats and dogs». The people saw this as a blessing since it put out the fire and the forest had been partly saved. Early in the morning, the sun was just shining over the horizon as the villagers got up and saw the last few smoke clouds from the burning forest in the sky. Finally, one of the elders said, «We have to go back to our homes and we must rebuild our village.» So, they decided to go back to their boats and steer back home.

He wouldn‛t touch anything. She realized that it takes more than just hunger to make someone eat or drink. The baby had lost its mother and with it, also its hunger. Two hours passed before Ali, his father and the rest of the crew came back to the village with the slain tiger. Everybody was happy and they gathered around the tiger and danced, sang and arranged a feast. One of the more skilled hunters skinned the animal. The women took the skin, prepared it with salt, herbs and some exotic ointments and dried it in the sun. The others made a big barbecue fire and put the tiger on the skew. Nevertheless, the whole village was celebrating, except Ali, who felt sad about the tiger; but also a little happy because he found a new friend. Ali was too preoccupied with his new pal to join the other members of the village for the big feast. Instead, he spent the rest of the evening in the hut trying to cheer up the little cub.

Five years past and Nambi grew into a beautiful and graceful male tiger ten feet long and some five hundred pounds strong. He also had a thick yellow fur coat with dark stripes that was very beautiful to look at. Everybody in the village loved Nambi and he was as tame as a house cat. Whenever the hunters returned home from an excursion, they also gave Nambi some of their kill. Ali didn>t leave him out of his sight for one minute. One day, Ali‛s father said, «Ali, Nambi is loosing his natural instincts. We have to do something to bring him back to his wild and natural habitat. He has to learn how to hunt for himself and find a mate. If we don>t let him go free, he will get sick and die.» Of course Ali didn‛t want to lose Nambi by letting him go in the wild because he thought he might starve since he hadn>t killed any animals by himself. Besides, the other wild animals might hurt him since he was so tame and didn>t know how to fight. Ali told his father, «I love Nambi too much to let him go. If we set him free, he will not survive for sure.» Finally, his father gave in and Nambi remained with the tribe. It so happened while everybody was deep asleep; a forest fire began to brew towards the village. Nambi sensed the danger and woke up Ali and the other tribesmen right in time to escape the devastation. The people of the village

Finally, he took the bottle of milk and whispered in its ear, «I am going to call you Nambi. You are going to be my best friend; but you must eat. You know when you grow up and are as big as your mother; you can always protect me and make me feel strong.» As though the cub was waiting for this great moment to be inspired and cheered up by Ali, he accepted the bottle. Like a little baby that hadn‛t eaten for a whole day, Nambi drank all the milk in no time. Ali was so overjoyed to see Nambi drink the milk, that he ran out of the hut in a flash, joined the others and danced and sang all night. Ali was so happy that he forgot about Nambi. When he returned to his hut, he saw him deep asleep on the floor mat, where Ali lay down dead tired and fell asleep, too.

were as helpless as the animals. They left everything behind them and ran as fast as they could towards the sea to save their lives. It took four hours or more until everybody was on the other side of the sea. Luckily there were enough wooden boats to carry everyone to safety to a nearby island, which was one-hour away form the village. It was a tiny island, but the two hundred men, women and children were grateful they escaped with their lives. From the distance, they were watching their forest and village burn down. A lot of the animals tried to escape, but were either drowned or killed by the fire. The people tried to save as much wild life as possible by taking them into their boats, but there were just too many of them to carry.

But today it was different, even her constant companion, a Spider Monkey, by the name of Moku, who lost his mother when a Jaguar killed him sensed that there was something wrong. He was not himself, not jumping up and down and playing with Hannah as usual. He was clinging steadfast to Hannah, as though the world is about to come to an end in a terrible storm or earthquake……… Although they were both frightened, but it seemed like that Hannah was pulled forward by an invisible force to find her destiny……. So Hannah and Moku set out and went deep into the jungle and left a trail of pebbles behind them to find their way back. On her way deep into the jungle she would hear inner voices to call on her for an important mission and pull her deeper and deeper into the heart of the jungle to solve the mystery. It was already dusk as the golden rays of the sun imprinted their last marks on the trees and all the creatures small and big knew that it was time to rest, for everybody and everything, and soon, even the sun itself had to rest, too. Hannah had been so mesmerized by the Spirit and voice of Nature that she completely forgot about her Mother. When she looked behind her to find the trail of pebbles, she saw that all the pebbles were dispersed by the wind and she had no clue how to get back home now. A sudden cold chill engulfed her body. She was very frightened, but then she heard the soothing voice of Nature that gave her hope and a desire to continue. When the last golden rays disappeared over the horizon and set an eerie feeling near and far, Hannah decided to rest and continue with her journey tomorrow at dawn. She made a shelter out of some woods and branches and covered it up with large leaves and crawled into it with Moku, who was shivering and shaking out of fear, but Hannah gave him comfort and told him: “Don‛t be frightened Moku, everything will be all right – it is our destiny to continue with this journey.” Nevertheless, they both were so tired and out of energy that they fell asleep in an instant.

But now we really need to start Hannah‛s mission: It was on a hot, humid day in August. The sun was still hovering over the forest canopy and the last drizzle of rain that lingered in the air from yesterday still were soaking the leaves and sparkling in the golden sun rays. The howling monkeys, the birds of paradise and the many sounds of the animals from near and far were synchronized with each other in such a way, that it seemed like all the animals, and even the trees were performing in a choir and everybody and everything knew exactly when it was time for their performance. It is exactly this kind of connection that all the biomass in the jungle are dependent on each other and can only perform if everything is in balance…….. But on this particular day, Hannah, who lived with her sick cancer stricken old mother in a small village on the edge of the Amazon rainforest in a small wooden hut, realized that something was not right and decided to find out why. Everyday she woke up to the tune of nature‛s harmony, relaxed and refreshed, but today she wasn‛t herself. She woke up with a big nagging headache and everything seemed distorted and the birds and other animals were not in tune with each other. Hannah never left her mother for long, just to fetch some fresh water from

a spring nearby or get some groceries from the 10 minutes walk to the village grocer. Hannah would go only 2 days a week to the nearby village school, and the rest of the time make bread at home and sell to the village grocer to support her mother. She was a petite girl and had long dark curled hair all the way down to her lower back. Her eyes were clear and blue like the sky on a sunny day. They were full of mysteries and also sparkling and radiating with love and hope. Nonetheless, Hannah was only 12 years old, but she had the understanding and insight wisdom of a 30 year old woman. Hannah loved to read, write and draw. Many times when her mother was deep asleep, she would find an old torn book about animals and nature that her mother used to have from long time ago and read through the night under an old kerosene lamp or take her journal and write a story about her encounters with the forest and its inhabitants. In her stories she would write how she would finally find, with the help of the forest, a cure for her mother and the rest of the world. Every time she stumbled over something new, she discovered, and wrote in her journal that one day her search will be complete and a cure found.

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