Umami by Han Picnic menu

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The Beautiful Flavors of East and West 年轻,就是要新鲜! What is Chef’s Recommendation?

Picnic tAbout Umami by Han Picnic

如果您想品味到正宗的荷兰烤鸡,鲜美的波士顿龙虾, 地道的澳洲牛排,还有玲琅满目的特色小吃?那您来 Umami Picnic 就是对的,因为我们这里都有!我们的 菜品设计理念没有刻板地照搬欧洲西餐的样式,而是 创造性的融入生活美学。Umami Picnic 的就餐形式开 放,包容,分享用轻松随意的心态和同伴享受最新鲜的 食材!年轻,就是要新鲜 祝您用餐愉快! Welcome at Umami by Han Picnic! We are the first Dutch restaurant in Beijing, set up by the Cindy’s Group from China and the Han Group from the Netherlands. In our restaurant, we like to stay close to the original flavors of the ingredients, show respect for the real craftman’s spirit of our chefs, and use carefully selected ingredients from all over the world. In the kitchen, our chefs like to break with traditions and create a menu full of beautiful dishes. Would you like to try traditional Dutch roast chicken, delicious Boston lobster, authentic Australian steak or a collection of dazzling tapas? You came to the right place, because at Umami Picnic we have it all! And, even better, our dishes are not a copy of the western food served in Europe: we have created our own aesthetics of fine dining. At Umami Picnic we offer you an open, inclusive and shared dining experience. We want you and your friends to leisurely enjoy the freshest ingredients in our relaxed atmosphere. Be Young, Be Fresh. Enjoy your meal!

Health - Hermitage - Innovation AMSTERDAM / BEIJING

花舍集团 Cindy’s Group

荷兰翰集团 Han Group

Umami by Han 是欧洲唯一米其林必比登连锁品 牌,Umami by Han Picnic (花舍鲜之味)是中国 花舍 集团 与荷兰 翰集团 联合打造的北京首家荷兰创意西餐 厅。我们忠于食材本味,尊重厨师的匠心精神,用心 精选全球好食材。我们的厨师善于突破传统/开创新鲜 菜品。

关于我们的主厨 关于我们的主厨 / About our Chef Frank Naar 出生于1958年,现任职于 荷兰 翰集团 行政副总厨,服务于该集团 长达十年之久。在将近50年的从业生涯 里,Frank 在多家星级餐厅任职,常年 处于行业最前端的他对食材的搭配成竹 在胸,能够在极短的时间里创造出令人 惊艳的菜式。1982年,他被欧洲非常畅 销的美食杂志 Lekker 评为年度最受欢 迎的四大厨师之一。 1987年,由他担任大厨位于荷兰鹿特丹 市的法国餐厅 La Vilette 被评为米其林 星餐厅,当时才年仅29岁的 Frank 成 为欧洲极少见的如此年轻的米其林星级 厨师之一。 Frank Naar, born in 1958, has been working for the Dutch Han Group for about 10 years and currently is their Executive Sous Chef. With almost 50 years experience in this industry, Frank has worked in numerous Star Level restaurants. Through the years, Frank has gathered industry leading knowledge about which ingredients go well together and he can rapidly create new, breathtaking dishes. In 1982, Europe’s popular culinary magazine “Lekker” elected him as one of the four most popular chefs. In 1987, when Frank was barely 29 years old, French restaurant “La Vilette” in Rotterdam where he worked as a chef was awarded a Michelin Star, at the time making him one of the few chefs in Europe receiving this award at such a young age.

Executive Sous Chef

开胃菜 Starters 新 鲜 就 是 要

椰 香 微 辣

厨师精选泰国六头 野生黑虎虾,搭配独 一无二的秘制咖喱汁。 产量稀少,体大肉厚,虾 膏丰腴,肉质紧实…… 新鲜,就是要食材精选!


泰国野生黑虎虾 99 Thai Prawn Curry


我们一直寻找最美味, 最新鲜和最健康的食材。 来自澳洲南太平洋三千米以 上深海的带子,纯天然孕育生 长,100%野生捕获。吃到我们 最新鲜的海带子,您就品尝到 海鲜原始的味道。新鲜,就 是要百分百原产!

Thai Black Tiger King Prawn/ Mushrooms/ Celery/ Red Curry

新 鲜 就 是 要

咸 鲜 蒜 香

新 鲜 就 是 要


果 香 酸 甜 、 开 胃

香煎澳洲深海带子 79 Pan/Fried Australian Scallops

澳洲深海带子/有机蔬菜沙拉/XO酱/香蒜耗油汁 Australian Scallop/ Organic Salad/ XO Sauce/ Garlic


有机云耳芋丝 49 Organic Mushroom Noodle Salad

有机蔬菜/白玉菇/有机云耳/魔芋丝/酸甜酱油 Organic Vegetables/ White Bundle Mushrooms/ Organic Black Fungus/ Konjac

芥 香 清 甜 、 蒜 香


THE PLACE TO BE 酸 甜 开 胃 、 爽 脆

深海金枪鱼塔塔 79 Deep Sea Tuna Tartar

有机青瓜/芒果、芥末酱 Organic Cucumber/ Mango/ Wasabi Mayonnaise


芥 香 清 甜

深海金枪鱼塔塔 39 Deep Sea Tuna Tartar

有机青瓜/芒果、芥末酱 Organic Cucumber/ Mango/ Wasabi Mayonnaise

香 辣 咸 鲜


清脆香泥海鲈鱼 79 Crispy Sea Bass

/有机白菜花泥/黑鱼籽/芥味蛋黄汁 Organic Cauliflower Puree/ Caviar/ Wasabi Mayonnaise


香辣泰国黑虎虾 99 Spicy Tai Prawn

有机蔬菜沙拉/芒果/香辣汁 Organic Salad/ Mango/ Spicy Dressing

咸 鲜 微 辣


有机椒香西班牙伊比利亚黑猪肉卷 89 Iberico Pork Belly Roll

有机蔬菜沙拉/芒果/香辣汁 Stuffed Cucumber/ Organic Green Bell Pepper Sauce

年 轻 就 是 要



酱 香 微 辣

奶 香 微 酸

干锅香辣元蹄 69 Spicy Pork Knuckle

有机蔬菜/香辣汁 Thai Black Tiger King Prawn/ Mushrooms/ Celery/ Red Curry

年 轻 就 是 要



脆 香 、 橙 香

美洲脆香牛油果 49 American Crispy Avocado

鸡蛋/牛油果酸奶汁/墨西哥酱 Egg/ Avocado Yogurt Dressing/ Mexican Sauce

微 辣 清 甜 、 脆 香 美洲脆香牛油果 49 American Crispy Avocado

鸡蛋/牛油果酸奶汁/墨西哥酱 Egg/ Avocado Yogurt Dressing/ Mexican Sauce

玉 米 奶 香 、

微 酸 微 辣



香炸龙利鱼 微辣清甜、脆香 49 Fried Sole Fish

有机混合生菜/芒果/泰汁 Organic Mixed Salad/ Mango/ Thai Dressing

生煎松香银鲷鱼 79 Pan Fried Silver Snapper

鸡蛋/牛油果酸奶汁/墨西哥酱 Egg/ Avocado Yogurt Dressing/ Mexican Sauce

沙拉 Salads 就 是 要 酸 爽 清 脆

Umami picnic所有沙拉食材均為 天然有機原料,健康的藜麥、鮮美 的烤蝦,誘人的三文魚、低脂的雞胸 肉,總有一款適合您。我們的沙拉僅有 300——600卡路里,由荷蘭知名營養 師和星廚聯合研發,確保您吃出健康, 甩掉脂肪!


就 是 要 奶 油 蒜 香

Marinated Salmon Salad

有机蔬菜/杏仁片/水波蛋/牛油果片/ 帕玛森芝士。酱汁4款任选:凯撒 汁、油醋汁、芝麻汁、罗勒蛋黄汁 Organic Vegetables/ Almond Shavings/ Egg/ Avocado/ Parmesan Cheese. Pick one of the following four dressings: Caesar Dressing/ Balsamic Vinegar/ Sesame Dressing/ Basil Mayonnaise

就 是 要


丁香三文鱼沙拉 79

微 甜 微 酸 、 爽 口

凯撒培根沙拉 49 Caesar Salad

有机蔬菜/水波蛋/炒蘑菇/酸黄瓜/帕 玛森芝士。酱汁4款任选:凯撒汁、 油醋汁、芝麻汁、罗勒蛋黄汁 Organic Vegetables/ Egg/ Sautéed Mushrooms/ Pickle/ Parmesan Cheese. Pick one of the following four dressings: Caesar Dressing/ Balsamic Vinegar/ Sesame Dressing/ Basil Mayonnaise

就 是 要

香 草 奶 香 、 真 爽 口


牛油果藜麦沙拉 59 Avocado Quinoa Salad

葡萄干/甜菜头/玉米粒/番茄莎莎/酸 奶酱/青椒芥末汁 Raisins/ Beetroot/ Tomato Salsa/ Yogurt Sauce/ Green Pepper Mustard Dressing


牛油果藜麦沙拉 59 Caesar Salad

烤大虾/水波蛋/脆豌豆/牛油果/帕玛 森芝士/酸黄瓜/酱汁4款任选:凯撒 汁、油醋汁、芝麻汁、罗勒蛋黄汁 Organic Vegetables/ Egg/ Sautéed Mushrooms/ Pickle/ Parmesan Cheese. Pick one of the following four dressings: Caesar Dressing/ Balsamic Vinegar/ Sesame Dressing/ Basil Mayonnaise


就 是 要 鲜 甜 芥 末 香 、 爽 口

給新鮮,加點料。 + 牛油果 15 + 鸡肉 19 + 培根 19 + 牛肉 29 + 烤虾 29 + 金枪鱼 25 + 三文鱼 25

丁香三文鱼沙拉 79 Marinated Salmon Salad

有机蔬菜/杏仁片/水波蛋/牛油果片/ 帕玛森芝士。酱汁4款任选:凯撒 汁、油醋汁、芝麻汁、罗勒蛋黄汁 Organic Vegetables/ Almond Shavings/ Egg/ Avocado/ Parmesan Cheese. Pick one of the following four dressings: Caesar Dressing/ Balsamic Vinegar/ Sesame Dressing/ Basil Mayonnaise

就 是 要

就 是 要 酸 甜 微 辣 / 爽 口


香 草 奶 香 、 爽 口


炭烤鸡肉沙拉 59 Charcoal-Grilled Chicken Salad

有机蔬菜/蘑菇/爆米花/帕玛森芝士/ 酱汁4款任选:凯撒汁、油醋汁、芝 麻汁、罗勒蛋黄汁 Organic Vegetables/ Mushrooms/ Popcorn/ Parmesan Cheese. Pick one of the following four dressings: Caesar Dressing/ Balsamic Vinegar/ Sesame Dressing/ Basil Mayonnaise

炭烤澳洲牛肉沙拉 89 Charcoal-Grilled Beef Salad

有机蔬菜/鸡蛋/酸黄瓜/椰脆/芒果胶/ 酱汁4款任选:凯撒汁、油醋汁、芝 麻汁、罗勒蛋黄汁 Organic Vegetables/ Egg/ Pickles/ Cocos Crisps/ Mango Jelly. Pick one of the following four dressings: Caesar Dressing/ Balsamic Vinegar/ Sesame Dressing/ Basil Mayonnaise

好喝的靓汤上场了 Home made Soups

好 喝 的 靓 汤 就 是 要

菌 香 咸 鲜


黑松露菌菇汤 39 Truffle Mushroom Soup

真好喝! 精选20多种天然秘制植物调料,熬 制3个小时的老鸡汤/搭配上鲜嫩的海 白虾,一口喝出新鲜感! With utmost care, we selected over 20 secret seasonings to create this amazing chicken soup that is cooked for 3 hours. Add in some fresh and tender whiteleg shrimps, and one sip of this soup brings you to a whole other level of freshness!



鲜虾老鸡汤 49 Seafood Chicken Soup

好 喝 的 靓 汤 就 是 要

微 酸 咸 鲜

好 喝 的 靓 汤 就 是 要

咸 鲜 咸 鲜

鱼子酱海鲜汤 49 Caviar Seafood Soup

好吃牛的排上场了 Delicious Steak 我们精选澳洲谷饲200天牛排,没有筋膜,肥瘦均匀,大理石肉质纹理清晰。 为了让您尝到最好吃又难忘的牛排,切配和烹饪方法都由欧洲最受欢迎的米其林 星级厨师 Frank Naar 先生到店指导培训。新鲜,就是要大快朵颐!

24. 澳洲谷饲200天厚切菲力 239

Australian Black Angus Dry Aged, 200 Days, Grain, Fed Ribeye 奶油玉米/焗土豆/焗烤时蔬/烤小番茄/孜然辣椒粉/黑胡椒汁或蚝蒜汁任选 Choose one of the following three seasonings: Herbs / Passion Fruit / Spicy)/ Organic Vegetable Salad/ Seafood Risotto or Seafood Pasta

25. 澳洲谷饲200天肉眼牛排 298 Australian Black Angus Dry Aged, 200 Days, Grain, Fed Ribeye

奶油玉米/焗土豆/焗烤时蔬/烤小番茄/孜然辣椒粉/黑胡椒汁或蚝蒜汁任选 牛排標示克重:200g Steak Weight: 200g Choose one of the following three seasonings: Herbs / Passion Fruit / Spicy)/ Organic Vegetable Salad/ Seafood Risotto or Seafood Pasta

24. 澳洲谷饲200天精选牛排 159 Australian Black Angus Dry Aged/ 200 Days - Grain-Fed Rib Steak

奶油玉米/焗土豆/焗烤有机时蔬/烤洋葱/烤小番茄/孜然辣椒粉/黑胡椒汁或蚝蒜汁任选 牛排標示克重:200g Steak Weight: 200g Baked Potatoes/ Baked Organic Vegetables/ Grilled Onion/ Grilled Cherry Tomatoes/ Homemade Spicy Cumin Powder. Pick one of the following sauces: Black Pepper Sauce or Garlic Oyster Sauce

我们的厨师采用20多种天然 秘制调料准备精选澳洲谷饲200 天肉眼牛排。同传统果木烤炉结 合,600度高温,360度立体烘烤, 给牛排穿上酥脆外衣,锁住鲜美肉 汁,充分吸收天然果木香气。我们 的肉眼牛排的口感细腻,鲜香四溢 ,您敢错过吗?新鲜 ,就是要 鲜香四溢!

27. 澳洲谷饲300天战斧牛排 888

Black Angus Dry Aged/ 300 Days - Grain-Fed Côte de Boeuf 奶油玉米/焗土豆/焗烤有机时蔬/烤洋葱/烤小番茄/孜然辣椒粉/黑胡椒汁或蚝蒜汁任选 牛排標示克重:1200g Steak weight: 1200g Butter Corn/ Baked Potatoes/ Baked Organic Vegetables/ Grilled Onion/ Grilled Cherry Tomatoes/ Homemade Spicy Cumin Powder. Pick one of the following sauces: Black Pepper Sauce or Garlic Oyster Sauce

我们的厨师采用20多种天然秘 制调料准备精选澳洲谷饲200天肉 眼牛排。同传统果木烤炉结合,600 度高温,360度立体烘烤,给牛排穿 上酥脆外衣,锁住鲜美肉汁,充分吸 收天然果木香气。我们的肉眼牛排 的口感细腻,鲜香四溢,您敢错过 吗?新鲜,就是要鲜香四溢!

烤鸡 Grilled Chicken 29. 荷兰皇家脆皮烤鸡 整只 259 半只139 Dutch Royal Crispy Chicken

穗香鸡/烤胡萝卜/烤洋葱/酸奶胶/自制辣酱/孜然辣椒粉/番茄莎莎/ 克重:整隻1200g 半只600g Suixiang Chicken/ Grilled Carrot/ Grilled Onion/ Yogurt Jelly/ Homemade Spicy Sauce/ Homemade Spicy Cumin Powder/ Tomato Salsa

28. 烟熏豉油皇烤鸡 半只 89 整只 259 Soy Sauce Smoked Chicken

孜然辣椒粉/鲜紫苏春笋/鲜薄荷脆黄瓜/自制辣酱/ 克重:整隻1000g 半只500g Homemade Spicy Cumin Powder/ Shiso Leaf/ Minty Crispy Cucumber/ Homemade Spicy Sauce

27. 无骨百香鸡 半只 139 整只 259 Stuffed Boneless Chicken

糯米鸡/荷叶饼/青瓜乳酪汁/健康红薯条/腌黄瓜/腌春笋/孜然辣椒粉/ 克重: 整隻 900g 半只450g Boneless Chicken Stuffed with Sticky Rice and Chinese Sauce. Buns/ Cucumber Yogurt Dip/ Sweet Potato Fries/ Pickled Cucumber/ Pickled Bamboo Shoots/ Homemade Spicy Cumin Powder

鲜活龙虾 Fresh Lobster 31. 鲜活波士顿龙虾

半只 199/整只 379(多人分享) Fresh Boston Lobster

口味任选:香草味/百香果味/香辣味 /有机 蔬菜沙拉1份/海鲜饭或海鲜面

Choose one of the following three seasonings: Herbs / Passion Fruit / Spicy)/ Organic Vegetable Salad/ Seafood Risotto or Seafood Pasta

主厨推荐套餐 Chef’s Choice Set Menu’s 主厨推荐套餐

+ 32. 套餐 279


Australian Black Angus Dry Aged/ 200 Days - Grain-Fed Thick-Cut Tenderloin & 1/2 Soy Sauce Smoked Chicken

+ 主厨推荐套餐

33. 套餐 299

鲜活波士顿龙虾半只/烟熏豉油皇烤鸡 1/2 Fresh Boston Lobster & Soy Sauce Smoked Chicken


Signature Dishes

您喜欢龙虾的话,您肯定会爱上我们的龙虾海鲜饭和龙虾海鲜面。鲜活的波士顿龙虾肉质紧致, 弹性十足,搭配上丰富的小海鲜就更完美了!厨师采用荷兰传统的烹饪工艺为让您吃出新鲜感。

If you like lobster, you will surely fall in love with our Lobster Risotto and Lobster Spaghetti. The delicate meat of our fresh Boston lobster combined with a rich selection of seafood makes for a perfect food pairing. These dishes are prepared according to Dutch traditional cooking techniques and lift you right up to freshness heaven.

34. 阿姆斯特丹鸡肉烩饭 微酸咸鲜 89


38. 香煎伊比利亚黑猪肉饭 奶香微酸 89

Rotterdam Seafood Risotto

Iberico Risotto



Risotto/ White Shrimp/ Green Asian Mussel/White Clam/Squid/Emmental Cheese/ Tomato Sauce

35. 阿姆斯特丹鸡肉烩饭 奶香/香草味/咸鲜 89 Amsterdam Chicken Risotto


Risotto, Chicken, Crème Fraîche, Emmental Cheese, Basil Sauce

36. 黑松露蘑菇饭 奶香咸鲜 59 Black Truffle Mushroom Risotto


Spanish Iberico Fillet/ Risotto/ Mushroom/ Crème Fraîche/ Emmental Cheese/ Green Bell Pepper Sauce

39. 鲜活波龙海鲜饭 份/半只龙虾 199 Fresh Boston Lobster Risotto 1/2 Lobster


White Shrimp/ Razor Clam/ Green Asian Mussel/ Squid/ White Clam/ Risotto/ Emmental Cheese/ Tomato Sauce

40. 鲜活波龙海鲜饭 份/半只龙虾 199 Fresh Boston Lobster Spaghetti 1/2 Lobster

Black Truffle/ Saint George’s Mushroom/ Shiitake/ White Beech/ Mushroom/ Beech Mushroom/ Emmental Cheese/ Basil Sauce


37. 代尔夫特鲷鱼饭 奶香微酸 79 Delft Silver Snapper Risotto

41. 红咖喱海鲜面 89



Risotto/ Japanese Silver Snapper Fillet/ Crème Fraîche/ Black Truffle/ Emmental Cheese/ Orange Sauce

White Shrimp/ Razor Clam/ Green Asian Mussel/ Squid/ White Clam/ Emmental Cheese/ Tomato Sauce

Red Curry Sea Food Spaghetti

Spaghetti/ White Shrimp/ Razor Clam/ Green Asian Mussel/ Squid/ White Clam/ Emmental Cheese/ Red Curry Sauce

42. 鹿特丹海鲜烩面 咸鲜软糯 89

Rotterdam Seafood Spaghetti


Spaghetti/ White Prawn/ Razor Clam/ Green Asian Mussel/ Squid/ White Clam/ Emmental Cheese/ Tomato Sauce

43. 黑松露菌菇贝壳面 奶香/香草味/咸鲜 59 Black Truffle Mushroom Conchiglie


Conchiglie (Shell Shaped Pasta)/ Beech Mushroom/ Black Truffle/ Pine Nuts/ Basil Sauce/ Parmesan Cheese

44. 澳洲牛肉黑胡椒意面 咸鲜 89

Pepper Beef Spaghetti


Spaghetti/ Australian Angus Sliced Tenderloin/ Onion/ Green Pepper/ Red Pepper/ Black Pepper

45. 澳洲和牛肉酱面 微甜微酸/咸鲜 79 Australian Wagyu Spagheti

意大利面/和牛肉酱/帕玛森芝士 Spaghetti/ Minced Wagyu Beef/ Parmesan Cheese

午市超值套餐 序号34-45为 午市时段 (12:00-14:00) 点任意一款特色主食+10元赠送指定沙 拉一份或任选果饮一杯。 果饮:日落极 光/绿光星空/满满西柚茶/草莓水果茉莉/玫 柚趣泡任选一杯。 Dishes 34 - 45 can be ordered as a Lunch Deal between 12:00 and 14:00. Order any of our Signature Dishes and for 10 yuan extra you get one special salad OR one of the following fruit drinks: Beautiful Sunset/ Starry Night/ Grapefruit All The Way or Bubbly Pomelo.



Burgers and Tapas

46. 马尔肯迷你牛肉汉堡 3个 咸鲜 59 Marken Mini Beef Burger 3 Pieces


Mini Hamburger Bun/ Australian Black Angus Fillet/ Pickle/ Cheese/ Onion/ Lettuce/ Spicy Mayonnaise

47. 马尔肯迷你鸡肉汉堡 3个 咸鲜 59

Marken Mini Chicken Burger

烤制:迷你汉堡/鸡肉/酸黄瓜/芝士片/洋葱/生菜/酸黄瓜蛋黄酱 Grilled: Mini Hamburger Bun/ Chicken/ Pickle/ Cheese/ Onion/ Lettuce/ Piccalilly

48. 马尔肯迷你虾肉汉堡 3个 咸鲜 59

Marken Mini Chicken Burger

烤制:迷你汉堡/大虾/酸黄瓜/芝士/洋葱/生菜/橙味酱 Grilled: Mini Hamburger Bun/ Prawn/ Pickle/ Cheese/ Onion/ Lettuce/ Orange Dressing

49. 鲜活龙虾面包皇 239

Fresh Lobster Bread Bowl

烤制:吐司面包/波士顿龙虾/牛油果酱/牛油果/培根/广式腊肠/番茄 莎莎/黑橄榄 Grilled: Mini Hamburger Bun/ Prawn/ Pickle/ Cheese/ Onion/ Lettuce/ Orange Dressing

50. 澳洲牛肉塔帕斯 3个 59

Australian Beef Tapas 3 Pieces

烤制:蒜香面包/烤澳洲牛肉/杏仁片/炸葱丝/辣味蛋黄酱 Cold: Garlic Bread/ Grilled Australian Black Angus Fillet/ Almond Shavings/ Fried Shallots/ Spicy Mayonnaise

几乎天天都吃面包的 荷兰人应该都可以告诉您: 面包也可以包罗万象喔! 我们的面包皇包含半只龙虾也充满丰 富的食材/超出您的想象。新鲜,就是 要满足您对龙虾的一切幻想! All those bread devouring Dutchmen can probably tell you this: bread can be marvellous too! This big bread bowl,,, filled with half a lobster and an abundance of other ingredients, certainly goes beyond your imagination. Be Fresh, make all your lobster dreams come true!

49. 鲜活龙虾面包皇 239

Fresh Lobster Bread Bowl 波士顿龙虾/牛油果酱/牛油果/培根/广式腊肠/番茄莎莎/黑橄榄 Fresh Boston Lobster/ Avocado Puree/ Bacon/ Cantonese Sausage/ Tomato Salsa/ Black Olive

51. 丁香三文鱼塔帕斯 3个 49

Marinated Salmon Tapas 3 Pieces

冷制:蒜香面包/丁香三文鱼/辣味蛋黄酱/青椒芥末汁 Cold: Garlic Bread/ Marinated Salmon/ Spicy Mayonnaise/ Green Pepper Mustard Mayonnaise

52. 牛油果藜麦塔帕斯 3个 49

Avocado Quinoa Tapas 3 Pieces


Cold: Garlic Bread/ Avocado/ Quinoa/ Tomato Salsa/ Avocado Puree

53. 金枪鱼塔帕斯 3个 49

Tuna Tapas 3 Pieces


Cold: Garlic Bread/ Tuna/ Spicy Mayonnaise

54. 牛奶炒鸡蛋塔帕斯 3个 39

Milky Scrambled Egg Tapas 3 Pieces


Garlic Bread/ Egg/ Greek Yogurt Dressing

55. 鲜果塔帕斯 3个 29 Fresh Fruit Tapas Tapas 3 Pieces


Cold: Garlic Bread/ Greek Yogurt Dressing/ Fresh Fruit/ Mango Jelly/ Cocos Crisps

56. 登波士粗薯条 香脆 45 Den Bosch Thick Fries


Deepfried: Fries/ Piccalilly Mayonnaise/ Ketchup

57. 登波士脆香红薯条 清甜香脆 45 Den Bosch Crispy Sweet Potato Fries


Deepfried: Sweet Potato Fries/ Piccalilly Mayonnaise/ Ketchup

58. 豪达烤鸡翅中 咸鲜微辣 69 Crispy Popcorn Chicken


Deepfried: Chicken Wings/ Chili Powder/ Tomato Salsa

59. 脆香鸡米花 咸鲜香脆 39 Crispy Popcorn Chicken

炸制:鸡米花/辣椒粉/番茄莎莎 Deepfried: Popcorn Chicken/ Chili Powder/ Tomato Salsa

甜品 Dessert

下午茶单人套餐 Afternoon Tea Sets for One 福伦丹午后花园 + 10元任选咖啡或果饮 一杯 89 Volendam Afternoon Garden/ add a coffee or fruit drink of your choice for 10 yuan extra 莱瓦顿鲜果杯 + 10元任选咖啡或果饮一杯 79 Leeuwarden Fresh Fruit Cones/ add a coffee or fruit drink of your choice for 10 yuan extra

60. 福伦丹午后花园 79

Volendam Afternoon Garden


Selection of Macarons/ Caramelized Walnuts/ Oreo Cookie/ Marshmallow

幸福泥石流 + 10元任选咖啡或果饮一杯 69 Happy Drip Cake/ add a coffee or fruit drink of your choice for 10 yuan extra 茉莉花提拉米苏 + 10元任选咖啡或果饮一杯 59 Jasmine Tiramisu/ add a coffee or fruit drink of your choice for 10 yuan extra 咖啡或果饮任选一杯 Pick one of the following coffees or fruit drinks: 咖啡: 每日咖啡(冷/热)Everyday Coffee (Iced or Hot) 卡布奇诺 Cappuccino 拿铁(黑巧克力/原味)- Latte (Chocolate/Original) 甜心拿铁 - Sweetheart Latte 摩卡冰激凌咖啡(冰)- Moccha Ice Cream Coffee (Iced) 脏脏咖啡 Dirty Coffee 趣泡咖啡 Sparkling Coffee 果饮: 日落极光 Beautiful Sunset 绿光星空 Starry Night 满满西柚茶 Grapefruit All The Way 草莓水果茉莉 Strawberry Fruity Jasmine 玫柚趣泡 Bubbly Pomelo

60. 福伦丹午后花园 79

Volendam Afternoon Garden


Selection of Macarons/ Caramelized Walnuts/ Oreo Cookie/ Marshmallow

62. 幸福泥石流 59

Happy Drip Cake

芒果蛋糕/淡芝士/草莓脆/蓝莓 Mango Cake/ Creamcheese/ Strawberry Crispies/ Blueberry

63. 茉莉花提拉米苏 49

Jasmine Tiramisu

提拉米苏/巧克力糖/奥利奥饼干粉/蜜瓜球 Tiramisu/ Chocolates/ Oreo Cookie Crumb/ Melon Balls

61. 莱瓦顿鲜果杯 69

Leeuwarden Fresh Fruit Cones

鲜果手卷杯/奥利奥饼干/爆米 Cookie Cones with Fresh Fruit/ Oreo Cookie/ Puffed Rice

64. 库肯霍夫下午茶套餐 (2-3人) 199

Beautiful Combo (to share with 23 persons)

茉莉花提拉米苏/幸福泥石流/巧克力布朗尼/水果茶或西式茶任选1壶 Jasmine Tiramisu/ Happy Drip Cake/ Chocolate Brownie/ 1 pot of Fruit Tea or Western Tea

水果茶明细 Fruit Teas: 新鲜水果茶 Fresh Fruit Tea 百果金橘茶 Fruity Kumquat Tea 红枣桂圆奶茶 Red DateLongan Milk Tea 帝泊洱蜂蜜大枣茶 Deepure Pu’er Honey Red Date Tea 西式茶明细 Western Teas: 英式早餐茶 English Breakfast Tea 大吉岭茶 Darjeeling Tea 伯爵茶 Earl Grey Tea 洋甘菊茶 Chamomile Tea

约上闺蜜或三五好友,来 Umami Picnic 享受悠然午后, 享受荷式下午茶带来的美丽心情。 新鲜/就是要浪漫! Take your besties to Umami Picnic and have a joyful afternoon with our Dutch style afternoon tea. Be fresh, be romantic!

吧台饮品 Drinks



/ Yogurt

/ Freshly

1. 蓝莓鲜果酸奶 49

6. 日落极光 36

Blueberry Fresh Fruit Yogurt

鲜果手卷杯/奥利奥饼干/爆米 Yogurt/ Mango/ Kiwi/ Strawberry/ Blueberry

2. 超级谷物酸奶 49 Super Cereal Yogurt

酸奶/巧克力酱/谷物圈/腰果/桃仁/蔓越莓/椰 子片

Yogurt/ Chocolate Sauce/ Cornflakes/ Cashew Nuts/ Walnuts/ Cranberry/ Cocos

3. 健康莓果酸奶 55

Beautiful Sunset 金桔橙汁/苏打水/橙子/青柠檬/薄荷叶/碟豆花茶 Kumquat Orange Juice/ Soda Water/ Orange/ Lime/ Mint Leaf/ Butterfly Pea Tea

7. 绿光星空 36 Starry Night


Mixed: Cucumber/ Soda Water/ Salted Lemon/ Butterfly Pea Tea

8. 满满西柚茶 32

Healthy Strawberry Yogurt


Strawberry/ Blueberry/ Raspberry/ Banana/ Yogurt

4. 牛油果水果酸奶 45

Mixed Fruit Drinks

Grapefruit All The Way


Grapefruit Juice/ Jasmine/ Grapefruit/ Fruit Sugar

Avocado Fruit Yogurt


Yogurt/ Avocado/ Strawberry/ Dragon Fruit/ Banana/ Quinoa

5. 水果燕麦玫香酸奶 45

9. 草莓水果茉莉 35 Strawberry Fruity Jasmine

茉莉茶汤/草莓酱/果糖/橙子/青柠檬/酸柑/西瓜 Jasmine Tea/ Strawberry Sirup/ Fruit Sugar/ Orange/ Lime/ Calamansi/ Watermelon

Fruity Oat & Rose Yogurt


Yogurt/ Rose/ Mango/ Strawberry/ Banana/ Oats

10. 玫柚趣泡 33 Bubbly Pomelo

红柚/玫瑰/迷迭香/苏打水 Pomelo/ Rose/ Rosemary/ Soda Water

在北京也吃得到荷兰皇家食物喔! 我们原装进口荷兰皇室专用手工酸奶, 富含多种维生素和乳酸菌, 促消化易吸收。搭配天然谷物或新鲜水果,酸奶口味更加丰富浓郁。 年轻,当然就是要新鲜! Did you know you do not have to travel to the Netherlands to be able to eat some of their royal ingredients?In the original packaging, we import this manually manufactured yogurt that the Dutch Royal family enjoys to eat as well. Full of vitamins and lactic acid bacteria, this yogurt is a good aid for digestion. To enrich the flavors, we have chosen to combine our yogurt with natural grains and fruits. Be Young, enjoy the freshness!



/ Freshly Pressed Juice

19. 意式浓缩 煮制 25

/ Coffee

Italian Espresso

11. 青春 35 Flavors of Youth


20. 每日咖啡(冷/热)29 Everyday Coffee (Iced or Hot)

Apple + Spinach + Avocado + Lemon + Honey

12. 流金岁月 35

21. 卡布奇诺 36

Passion Flower + Orange Juice + Mango Juice

Purple Dress

红心火龙果+香蕉+蓝莓 Dragon Fruit + Banana + Blueberry

14. 夏日 35

27. 新鲜水果茶 壶 48 Fresh Fruit Tea

28. 百果金橘茶 壶 48 Fruity Kumquat Tea

29. 红枣桂圆奶茶 壶 58

22. 拿铁(黑巧克力/原味)36

30. 帝泊洱蜂蜜大枣茶 壶 48

Latte (Chocolate/Original)

13. 紫衣 35

/ Fruit Tea


Golden Years



23. 甜心拿铁39 Sweetheart Latte

Red Date/Longan Tea

Deepure Pu’er Honey Red Date Tea


/ Western Tea

24. 摩卡冰激凌咖啡(冰) 45

Summer Day

Moccha Ice Cream Coffee (Iced)



31. 英式早餐茶 壶 38

25. 脏脏咖啡 39

32. 大吉岭茶 壶 48

Mango + Pineapple + Papaya + Honey

15. 绿野 35 Green Fields

奇异果+香蕉+青柠檬+菠菜 Kiwi + Banana + Lime + Spinach

16. 莓果 35 Very Berry


Frozen Raspberry + Frozen Blueberry + Frozen Strawberry + Banan

17. 红色浪漫 35 Red Romance


Red Apple + Beetroot + Carrot + Cherry Tomato

18. 柳橙汁/西瓜汁/芒果汁/ 苹果 汁/雪梨汁 35 Orange Juice / Watermelon Juice / Apple Juice / Snow Pear Juice

Dirty Coffee


English Breakfast Tea

Darjeeling Tea

33. 伯爵茶 壶 48 Earl Grey Tea

26. 趣泡咖啡 36 Sparkling Coffee


34. 洋甘菊茶 壶 48 Chamomile Tea


/ Cocktails

35. 明星马蒂尼 杯 48 Superstar Martini

36. 世界主义 杯 42 Cosmopolitan

37. 蝶变 杯 42

Butterfly Metamorphosis

38. 莫吉托 杯 45 Mojito

39. 辣味金汤力 杯 45 Spicy Gin Tonic

40. 杏仁柠檬酒 杯 48 Almond Lemon Tonic

无酒精鸡尾酒 / Mocktails

41. 椰林飘香 杯 32 Pina Colada (Mocktail)

42. 莫吉托 杯 32 Mojito (Mocktail)


UMAMI picnic 起泡

/Sparkling wine

1. 蒙大菲木桥起泡葡萄酒 瓶 198 霞多丽 / 美国 加利福尼亚州

Woodbridge By Robert Mondavi/Sparkling/ Extra Dry Chardonnay/ California USA


/ Red wine

1. 阿伦选·皮龙酒庄红葡萄酒 杯39/瓶168 佳美/法国 博若莱/2014 Alun’s choice X Domaine Dominique Piron Glass 39/Bottle168/ Gamay/ Beaujolais France/ 2014


/ Beer

1. 青岛纯生 18 Tsingtao Beer

2. 嘉士伯 18 Carlsberg Beer

2. 歌得利安粉红起泡葡萄酒 298 贝露娃 / 法国 勃艮第

Claude Chonion- Vin Mousseux Rose/ Pinot Noir/ Burgundy France


/Sweet wine

1. 路易古特姆酒庄莱茵白葡萄酒

2. 蒙大菲木桥赤霞珠红葡萄酒 瓶188 赤霞珠/美国 加利福尼亚州/2012

Alun’s choice X Domaine Dominique Piron Glass 39/Bottle168/ Cabernet Sauvignon/ California USA/ 2012

3. 蒙大菲木桥金粉黛红葡萄酒杯45/瓶198 金粉黛/美国 加利福尼亚州/2012 Alun’s choice X Domaine Dominique Piron

Glass 35/ Bottle198/ Zinfandel/ California USA/ 2012

杯45/瓶198/雷司令/德国 莱茵黑森/2013

Louis gucht’s chateau Rhine wine/ Riesling/ Rhine Hesse Germany/2013

2. 马佳连妮(雅丝提)白葡萄酒

4. 天使庄园干红葡萄酒 瓶258 霞西拉、歌海纳 / 法国 罗纳河谷梵度/2011 DOMAINE DES ANGES ROUGE/ Bottle 258 Syrah Grenache/ Vatican Rona Valley France/ 2011

瓶428/密丝佳桃/意大利 阿斯蒂/2014

Marcarini-Moscato D’Asti/ Moscato/ Asti Piemont Italy/2014


/White wine

3. 福佳白啤 36 Hoegaarden

4. 教士黑啤 36 Budweiser Beer


/ Soft Drinks

1. 可乐 18 Coke

2. 健怡可乐 18 5. 富隆香堡红葡萄酒 瓶488 梅乐、加本纳沙威浓/ 法国 露莎圣达美隆/2008 Chateau lafonette/ Bottle 488 Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon/ Luisa Saint-Ronda France/ 2008

Diet coke

3. 苏打水 20 Soda water

4. 汤力水 20 Tonic Water

1. 三柱石酒庄霞多丽白葡萄酒 杯39/瓶168 霞多丽/澳大利亚 南澳大利亚/2011

Three Pillars Chardonnay/ Chardonnay/ South Australia


/ Liquor

1. 轩尼诗VSOP 68 Hennessy VSOP

2. 马佳连妮(雅丝提)白葡萄酒 杯45/瓶198

长相思/美国 加利福尼亚州/2015

Woodbridge By Robert Mondavi Sauvignon Blanc Glass45/ Bottle 198/ Sauvignon Blanc/ California USA/ 2015

2. 黑方 45

雪当利/澳大利亚 新南威尔士/2015

Barwang The Wall Chardonnay/ Bottle 218 Chardonnay/ New South Wales Australia/ 2015

Ginger Ale


/ Soft Drinks

Black lable

3. 杰克丹尼 38 Jack Daniel

3. 吧王(领峰)雪当利白葡萄酒 瓶218

5. 干姜水 20

1. 圣培露250 ML 25 San Pellegrino 250ml

2. 圣培露750 ML 49 San Pellegrino 750ml

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