RESTAURANT ZHENG At Zheng, gastronomy, culture, art and health are the focal points. Zheng takes us to the Chinese Empire, where at one time, on the day after New Year, the most important officials were invited to an extensive Zheng banquet. It was an impressive spectacle where the table was fully adorned with luxurious food and drinks, all of which were served according to ancient ceremonies.
REGIONAL CUISINE The Imperial Lu-cuisine from Beijing; the hot and dry Chuan cuisine from Sichuan; the subtle Yue cuiasine from Guangzhou/Canton and the balanced Huaiyang cuisine from Shanghai. Coming chapters will take you on a journey through the flavours of these four regions.
COOKING TECHNIQUE Chinese food has a distinctive culinary style, marked by the use of stir frying, deep frying, steaming, red stewing, boiling, roasting and braising. Through each of our chosen cuisines, Chef Han Ji will demonstrate regional cooking techniques.
HEALTH BENEFITS For thousands of years, traditional Chinese approaches to excellent nutrition, health, and living habits are crucial to maintaining a balanced flow of qi, or life energy, through the body. An ancient Taoist concept of essential life force present in all objects and aspects of life, qi is balanced in the body through the integration of nutrition and medicine.
ZHENG ARTWORK For Zheng Banquet, we have been collecting the most precious treasures of China. On your journey to the East, you will discover the treasures of China Blue Ware, Longuan Celdon Ware and Yixing Clay Ware amongst others. Each of our meal chapters is accompanied by a cultural artefact.
CONTACT T. +31 (070) 3620828