Depliant Recycle in inglese

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Let's collect, separate and recycle We can save the Planet together




Waste is all around us… Waste is actually all around us… If we would behave recklessly throwing away used and unnecessary things everywhere instead of disposing it in trash bins, we would probably had trash hills all around us… And we don’t want that…That’s why, my friends, we have to pay attention to the way we dispose things that must end up in trash bins eventually. It doesn’t matter where we are, in school, at home, park, we must always think how to protect our Planet from waste and how we can help. There are different kinds of waste. Most common are: paper, plastic, metal, glass, food remains etc.

What can i do to help? You’re probably now asking how you can help protecting our beautiful Planet. The thing is very simple…If we all made at least one little green step, Planet would surely be happy. That’s what matters – all of us to do as much as we can.

Here are some good examples: Take care where you throw your trash away. Do it always in the bins or carry it with you until you find appropriate place for leaving it. If your friends don’t know, explain them why it’s important to dispose waste in special bins. When you see that someone is throwing away for instance an empty bag of chips or juice can through car window remind them not to do that, although they will probably realize it’s bad themselves. People often dispose waste near the traffic road, forming illegal dumpsites. Try not to do it yourself. If you dispose waste into container in front of your house or building it will end up where needed – on a sanitary landfill. Waste separation is one more thing you can do by yourself or with help of your housemates and friends. In order to separate the waste you should put every object in a bin provided for the specific material (plastic, paper, metal, glass…).



Some already used things we can reuse. There is no need for every object used to be disposed into the landfill. From boxes, cans, jars you can always make new things like pen holders, colourful vases etc. which will be very useful and you will make less waste in nature.

Game play

When we reuse old things again, that’s called recycling. What we do at home is small part of recycling, most important things happen in special recycling factories where old papers, glass, plastics or metal become totally new products.

In order for fabrics to do this important job waste must be correctly separated. That’s why it’s extremely important to separate waste when we can. In special bins we can dispose paper, plastic, glass, metal, that way we don’t mix materials which can be processed again. And we can recycle almost everything that we use on a daily basis and that’s extremely important when we want to help our mother nature.

Paper Old newspapers, posters, used notebooks etc. are great material when we want to make new paper. By recycling paper we save trees, because tree is essential for making paper. For couple of notebooks we need to cut entire tree which needs more than 30 years to grow. Therefore we should recycle old paper because it is more important for a tree to produce oxygen than to be cut for paper.

Plastics How often do you see plastic bags and bottles on the street, at the park or floating in the river? Very often, you must admit. And if someone tells you that nature needs more than 450 years to degrade one plastic bottle, than you have to admit that the future of the Planet is not bright at all. That’s why it’s important for old plastic to be recycled as well. Plastic is also processed in factories and we can for instance make a jacket from it. Sounds silly but it is truth. You will agree that it is better to produce one new jacket than trees covered with plastic bags.

Metal Similar situation is with metal. Cans and others metal objects represent waste that also can be recycled. After separation from other materials, metal is pressed with special machines, and then melted in order to make new objects.

Glass Did you know that glass is made from sand? That’s really truth! Basic material for glass is sand. And did you know that nature can never degrade glass products? Imagine now that no one ever recycles glass. Our Planet would become one big glassy landfill. That’s why glass is recycled too. That way we can get new bottles, cups, windows and other glass products without the need to spend all sand from deserts.

Food Not only paper, plastics, glass and metal can be recycled. Food remains are biological waste that is very simple to recycle. This process is called composting. This process produces compost which is good natural fertilizer which is used as food nutrient. This way of recycling is totally natural process, unlike others.

What is recycling?

(where does our waste go?) 1. When we use some things, and we can’t use them again, we throw them away in special bins 2. We always try to separate waste by its material... 3. When bins are full of waste there are employees who come and pick up waste with special vehicles… 4. Waste goes to city landfills where all waste from homes, schools and offices ends up. There are machines that process, arrange and compress waste in order to reduce its amount and prevent wind of spreading it... 5. On landfills waste goes into facilities for compressing and storage. Waste that can be recycled goes further into recycling factories, while other is disposed into sanitary beds... 6. Recycled waste goes into use again and again, that’s why recycling logo looks like unbroken circle...

What time is needed for waste degradation? Cans - 100 years Glass bottles – probably never Banana peel – 2 months Chewing gum - 2 months Plastic bag - 10 to 1000 years Plastic bottle - 450 years

Recycling poem Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – words that we all know. We have to save our planet so we can live and grow. We might be only children but we will try, you’ll see And we can save this planet it starts with you and me! We RECYCLE what we use, Separate things and you should too! Glass and paper, plastic tin, Go in you RECYCLING BIN! We must start now, we can’t wait, Quick, or it will be too late! (Mary – Songs for Teachers)


Author: Lejla Abdić Djoković Editor: Jovana Janjušević Illustrations, Design and Layout Coordination: OpenCom ApS Illustrator: Gordon Turriziani Designer: Loreto Pantano September 2014

This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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