Early and Special Needs Solution
Step by Step Shape fundamental skills, enhance comprehensive development This unique product expands and orders experiences acquired by the child in the real world, and enables the integration of sensory experiences. It focuses on shaping the main skills required for the child’s appropriate progress: sense of cause and effect, visual perception and visual-motor coordination, auditory perception, audio-visual-motor coordination, graphomotor skills, mathematical skills, spatial perception, knowledge of nature, social skills, thinking skills.
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Logo Games Encourage to speak, train vocal and articulation skills Logo Games uses the child’s voice to control elements that they see on the computer screen. It contains exercises aimed at: encouraging to speak and utter sounds, develop child’s auditory sensitivity, controlling the rhythm, pace, volume, level of the voice, modulation, intonation, and lengthening of the expiratory phase.
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Talking Pictures Teach to talk and shape auditory skills Thanks to Talking Pictures children learn how to speak and differentiate sounds. It makes use of onomatopoeic expressions in the first stage and allows to train all vocal functions. The program provides the possibility to record the child’s speech and compare it with the sounds from the program’s sound base, conduct exercises for auditory sensitivity and print out a variety of flashcards.
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Word Games Develop language and communication skills Word Games lets the child shape the skill of understanding speech and allows it to speak its mind. It supports the process of child’s language acquisition. It also helps to avoid potential linguistic difficulties. The program lets the child achieve such a level of language advancement that will be sufficient for free communication with the child’s immediate environment.
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Look and Say Expand vocabulary, memorise and practise Look and Say expands a child’s knowledge of vocabulary in the specific lexical categories and masters communication skills and competence. The multimedia vocabulary collection is divided into 30 categories, each accompanied by a number of screens and activities at different levels of difficulty. With Look and Say, children can learn the basics of sign language and have the opportunity to look closely at the lip movements performed while particular words are uttered.
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Logo Rhythmics Develop musical skills and potential. Shape audio-motor coordination Logo Rhythmics uses the influence of music therapy and aims to improve or correct language communication as well as prevent delays in this area. It increases the level of sensitivity to sound stimuli, and contains activities working on speech fluency. The product supports exercises in: motor activity, basic locomotive movements, motor coordination combined with visual and auditory coordination, auditory perception, pace differentiation, rhythm, accent, meter, timbre, articulation and melody of sounds.
Let’s sing together
So many different sounds!