For creating modular independent work environments
CROSS BOX - solutions for Offices, Business Centres, Airports, Exhibitions, Hospitals.
Offices expand as needs arise, not always to any plan – and very often a motley collection of furniture results. If you feel your office has become a bit jaded and would benefit from a review of space planning and optimisation, would benefit from using modern office solutions and systems or would simply like to find out more – call us for a consultation and proposal.
Refurbish Reconfigure Relocate Space Audits Space Optimisation
An organised office, like an organised mind will yield better results through simple efficiency of process. People naturally respond positively to the correct working environment. Comfort at work in a pleasant environment is essential for the well-being of staff, which of course yields its own results.
A sensible office layout is part of this.
If you would like us to help you get the measure of your office, simply call Kevin Stanley on 1800 384 400.
Collaborare, dialogare, lavorare concentrati. Schermi curvilinei con cambio altezza che da H.107cm in estremità ad H.140 cm sul vero e proprio posto di lavoro consentono facilmente di variare la privacy desiderata.
Collaborate, confer, concentrate.
Curvilinear screens that flow from a height of H.107cm at one end to H.140 cm near the monitor area let intensive work alternate the degree of privacy. the panels so as to adapt the office panels to your own particular requirements.
Zusammenarbeiten, miteinander sprechen, konzentriert arbeiten. Trennplatten mit rundlicher Linienführung und unterschiedlicher Höhe, ausgehend von H.107 cm am Ende bis hin zu H.140 cm am eigentlichen Arbeitsplatz, gewährend je nach Wunsch die genügende Privatsphäre.
Collaborer, dialoguer et travailler concentrés. Les panneaux-écrans curvilignes dont la hauteur varie entre H 107 cm à l'extrémité et H 140 cm au niveau du poste de travail proprement dit permettent aisément de modifier l'intimité souhaitée.
We know about space and design - and being cost effective -
Our professional service provides a complete solution for the creation of any environment.
Partition Wall and Storage Wall systems, elegant in design and aesthetically pleasing provide flexibility and maintain your investment.
Furniture to match the wall system compliments the interior.
Design and specification caters for