Gazette VolumeX - Issue 62 - Apr 2011
Newsletter of the Peralta Hills Estates Improvement Association ELECTED OFFICERS Board of Directors President: Patrick Mahoney 714-920-0445 Vice President: James Jekums 714-348-0930 Secretary: Helen Curtis 714-637-6605 Treasurer: Lucille Krueger 714-637-2796 Immediate Past President: Sonia S. Jekums 714-865-5276
Comittee Chairs
Public Relations: David Flores Steve Kitsigianis Welcome: Delia Cabo Linda Knohl Sonia S. Jekums Joan Schlund Neighborhood Watch: James Jekums 714-348-0930 Tracey Frazier 714-863-9997 Underground Utilities: Andy Plisko, M.D. Cathy Wills Peralta Hills Awards Beautification: Emily Guichet Steve Kitsigianis Patrick Mahoney Cathy Wills Annual Gala:Craig & Roseli Wildvank Crescent Drive Speed Control: Anne Dos Santos
Club Chairs
Book Club: Lois Howland 714-998-3045 Kids Club: Raza Kitsigianis 714-974-2056 Movie Club: Martha Mahoney 714-602-7159 Pet Registry: Cathy Wills 714-998-3716 Tennis Club: Joan Schlund 714-637-2638 Wine Club: Cathy Wills 714-998-3716
Editorial Staff
Editor in Chief: Sonia S. Jekums Associate Editor: Patrick Mahoney Columnists: Bette Aitken Sandra Day Robert Frazier Raza Kitsigianis Martha Mahoney Richard Stegemeier Joan Schlund Cassandrea Chen Historian: Lucille Krueger Coming Together: Lois Howland Profile: Cathy Wills Potpourri: Helen Curtis Restaurant Review: Jeannette D. Curtis Humor: Craig Wildvank Graphic Designer: Sandy Chang
PAST PRESIDENTS IN RESIDENCE Richard Cramer Dr. Howard Knohl Bob McComber Sonia S. Jekums
Tammy Mount 714-307-6048
by Patrick Mahoney If you get a chance this weekend – step outside. Jolynn and I have been trying to get out and hike each weekend at Oak Canyon Nature Center which is behind Anaheim Hills golf course. It’s really hard to believe that such natural beauty is right in our own back yard. I would recommend it highly. Here in our own Peralta Hills neighborhood, plans are underway for our annual Neighborhood Gala. The date is set for September 24th. A good time is definitely on the menu as our hosts Tom and Eileen Miller share their new “Peralta Hills ocean front” property with us. Themed as a beach party – there is fun in store for all. Each year, the proceeds from the Gala fund additional landscape improvements to the common areas around Peralta Hills. The Peralta Hills website is a great way to share information and get involved in events and activities right here at home. Our Administrator, Tammy, needs help keeping the website current. Anyone with website knowledge and willing to help, please give her a call at 714.307.6048. The website has been the catalyst for many of the social clubs here in Peralta Hills. On March 27, Jolynn and I hosted the wine club in our home. We had a lovely evening tasting independent vintner’s wines from Rare Cat, Common Dog and Amici. Not to mention enjoying them in the company of our friend and neighbors. The Kid’s club is growing as well. By the time we print this newsletter, they will have had a really fun Easter Egg Hunt at Graylee’s. A beach adventure is in the works for the end of June – stay tuned to the web and neighborhood network for all the details. There is so much happening in the neighborhood, it’s a wonder we ever get out! Hope your spring is filled with family and friends.
Bikes for Tykes
Paul & Ilene David
Paul and Ilene are the co-chairmen for the Bikes for Tykes annual drive. For the past two years they have personally contacted neighbors, PHEIA, and coordinated with several Target stores to raise money to purchase new bikes for the kids in Anaheim. Over 100 Bikes have been delivered to the annual Toys for Tots Drive sponsored by Station 8 Fire Department. Let’s continue to assist them in this worthy endeavor.
Paul and Ilene have been Peralta Hills residents for 14 years and are transplanted Texans. Both are retired. Ilene was a sales executive and Paul was a regional CEO of an international printing firm. Ilene’s interests include bookclub, cooking, gardening and architecture. Paul’s interests include hunting & hot rods. Together their favorite pastimes include traveling, fly fishing & spending time with their three teenage grandchildren.