Employability & Careers Handbook (Secondary & Sixth Form Edition)

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Careers & Employability Handbook (Secondary & Sixth Form Edition)

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STUDY & CAREERS HUB All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below. Copyright © 2019 Published by T-UK Professional Services Suite 59, 182-184 High Street North East Ham London E6 2JA Tel: 03333 44 35 44 www.studycareershub.com publications@studycareershub.com Printed in EU, 2020 Printed by Pulsio Print ISBN-13 978-1-9161875-2-8

Foreword The traditional career progression channels are changing for the current secondary school, sixth-form and college students. There has been a significant rise in prominence of school-leaver programmes, standard and degree apprenticeships, even amongst the FTSE 100 employers and prestigious accounting, law and investment banking firms. On another positive note, universities are increasingly valuing International Baccalaureate (IBs), BTECs, HNCs and other vocational qualifications as viable A Level/Advanced Higher equivalents. Such significant positive shifts are, however, coming at a very challenging time; when funding and resources for career advisory services in schools and colleges are reducing, a radical overhaul of GCSEs/N5s having just taken place, new T Levels being rolled out, and a new Careers Strategy being introduced by the government. That is a lot of change for school leavers looking to pursue further/higher education or directly enter the world of work. More choice for school leavers is a huge positive development. However, with so many opportunities, that probably exceed their expectations, comes a huge responsibility for them to fully understand the choices available and to make well informed career decisions. It is equally perplexing for parents and carers, who are also overwhelmed by the unprecedented changes, but are still being expected to effectively play their supporting and advisory role. Schools and colleges are having to rely on their very stretched Careers Departments and teachers to adequately educate and support every learner as they encounter crucial career decision-making junctions. This book is aimed at helping pupils/students, careers advisers & leaders, teachers and parents/carers in having a more holistic understanding of the UK’s Careers landscape. The book follows and/or supports the guidelines of organisations such as the Gatsby Foundation, CDI (Career Development Institute) and AGCAS (Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services) to support schools and colleges in developing effective Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) and to improve careers provision in line with the government’s 2018 Careers Strategy and the Gatsby Good Career Guidance benchmarks. The book covers the entire careers journey, from making education and career choices, to preparing candidates for going through the entire recruitment process and ultimately helping them settle in the workplace. Whilst acknowledging that there is plenty of careers and recruitment information all over the internet, we believe that the information has not be synthesised, consolidated and packaged in a way that makes it easier for pupils/students and school-leavers to understand and use. By putting together all the relevant information that an aspiring professional needs, including outlining various industries’ key employers, we believe this book will be a useful reference for young learners, careers advisors, and parents/carers when supporting in PreferPrefer ateachers hard a hard copy? copy? Order here the process of making life changing career choices and decisions. It will certainly be an invaluable resourc e for the next few years as learners and their advisors use our unrivalled information to excel in today’s competitive education and employment market. K eit h Be ro

Editor Careers & Employability Guide – Secondary & Six th Form Edition

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What are the Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance Your Role in the Gatsby Benchmarks Framework Linking this Handbook to the Gatsby Benchamarks Making Informed Career Choices Investing in Your Career Choosing a Career Path - Online Resources Career Choice- Online Tools Career Choice Questionnaire Career Suggestions









What Next After Your GCSEs/ National 5s Popular A Leve/Advanced Higher/ BTEC/ IB Diploma/HNC Subject Areas Progression Summary for GCSE/N5 Students Careers & Employability Timeline Year 11 Taineeships Apprenticeships How to Improve Your Chances of Getting onto an Apprenticeship Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers Work Placements & Interships How to Secure an Internship or Placement How to Get a Job With no Experience Voluntary Work Experience

WHAT NEXT AFTER A LEVELS/ BTECS/ SCOTTISH ADVANCED 190 HIGHERS Progression Summary for A Level/ Advanced Higher/ BTEC/ IB Diploma/ HNC Studies Degree Apprenticeships Level 6 Apprenticeships

WHAT NEXT AFTER A LEVELS/ BTECS/ SCOTTISH ADVANCED 208 HIGHERS Why Choose University Choosing the Right University Universities & College - UK Russell Group Universities Degree Choices Typical Degree Entry Requirements Careers & Employability Timeline Year 11 University/College Interview Tips Tips for Writing a UCAS Personal Statement

Is Studying Abroad for You?



How to Survive First Days at University University Timeline Essential Self-Care for Exam Season Managing Exam Stress Preparing for a Presentation Transitioning to Work



Employability Definition Key Employability Stakeholders A Healthy Employability Skills Mix 50 Top Employability Skills 10 Tips for Gaining Essential Employability Skills Top Employability Skills What Recruiters Look For Employability Skills, Attitudes, Attributes & Comptetences Audi/Sefl-Assessment Using Smart Goals in Careers Planning Using Johari Window in Careers Self-Assessment Career Networking Tips Managing Deadlines: A Key Employability Skill Using Social Media to Boost Career Prospects LinkedIn



Cover Letter How to Create A Masterpiece CV Top Tips to Make Your CV Stand Out Sample CVs Job Applications The UK’s Top Job Boards



Types of Interviews Preparing for a Job Interview Interview Dress Code 20 Golden Interview Tips How to Behave in an Interview 20 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions 10 Unique Questions Interviewers May Ask You Don’t Let Your Social Media Stop You Interviews Prefer Prefer afrom hard aGetting hard copy?copy? Order here How to Use the Star Interview Technique Questions to Ask the Interviewer



Preparing for Assessment Centres Assessment Centre Tips Assessment Day - Group Exercises

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Assessment Day - Presentations How to Ace the Presentation ‘My First 90 Days in the Job’ Assessment Day - Case Studies Personality Tests Psychometric Tests



Setting Up a New Business Top 10 Tips When Thinking About Starting Your Own Business Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? How to Prepare A Business Plan A Sample Business Plan Sources of Finance for a New Business



Transitioning from Studying to Working Balancing Work & Study How to Maximise Your Potential in a New Role How to Resolve Conflict in The Workplace Continuing Professional Development Making the Most of Your Team



The Power of Positivity 10 Ways to Build Your Confidence Self-Esteem Achieving Exceptional Performance in Your Studies or Career Looking after your Mental Health



Tips to Get onto A Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Tips to getting a Law Firm Apprenticeship Role Tips to Getting An Accounting Firm Apprenticeship Role Top Tips for Getting an Investment Banking Apprenticeship Role Top Tips to Get into Medical School Routes to QTS Teaching Qualifications What to Expect from a Degree/ Higher Apprenticeship Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Top School Leaver Programme Employers Top Professional Qualifications Top Employers by Industry



Work Experience/Placement Summary Work Experience/Placement Self-Evaluation Work Experience/Placement Weekly Diary

PARENTS SECTION Tips for Supporting your Son/Daughter in making Career Deciaions Key Takeaways on Supporting Your Son/Daughter



I N V E S T I N G I N Y O U R C A R E E R ........................................... G AT S B Y G O O D C A R E E R G U I D A N C E B E N C H A M A R K S ........ C H O O S I N G A C A R E E R PAT H ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C A R E E R C H O I C E O N L I N E T O O L S ....................................... C A R E E R C H O I C E Q U E S T I O N N A I R E .................................... C A R E E R C H O I C E S U G G E S T I O N S ........................................

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The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework of 8 guidelines that define the best careers provision in secondary schools and colleges. The eight benchmarks are a framework for good career guidance developed to support schools/colleges in providing students with the best possible careers education, information, advice, and guidance. They were established as part of Sir John Holman’s research into what pragmatic actions could improve career guidance in the UK and lay out what a world-class career guidance system should looks like. The Gatsby Benchmarks are a key part of the Government’s Careers Strategy, launched in December 2017. Whilst not a statutory

framework, adopting Gatsby Benchmarks reassures schools and colleges that they are fulfilling their duties to ensure that all pupils and students are equipped with good quality independent careers guidance to make informed decisions about their future. The DFE expects that schools should meet them by the end of 2020. The research highlighted 8 benchmarks of best practice that schools/colleges can use as a framework for improving their careers provision, which are now more commonly known as ‘The Gatsby Benchmarks’ of Good Career Guidance. This Careers and Employability Handbook uses the Gatsby Benchmarks’ guidelines in providing careers advisors, students and parents with a wealth of information about relevant education and careers options. It is aimed at supporting secondary and sixth form college students to explore the various educational and career options and to make informed decisions about their future and ultimately to make them more employable and enjoy a thriving and successful career.

Useful Resources

Further reading: Good Career Guidance (gatsby benchmarks): https://www.goodcareerguidance.org.uk/ The Careers and Enterprise Company: https://www.careersandenterprise.co.uk/ Career Development Institute: https://www.thecdi.net/ The Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS): https://www.agcas.org.uk/ Gatsby Foundation: https://www.Gatsby.org.uk/education/focus-areas/good-career-guidance Labour Market Information (lMI) portal: https://www.Lmiforall.org.uk/

Your role in the Gatsby ‘Good Role of Teachers/ Lecturers/ Careers Advisors


A stable Careers Programme


Learning from career and labour market information


Addressing the needs of each pupil


Linking curriculum learning to careers


Encounters with employers and employees


Experiences of workplaces


Encounters with further and higher education


Personal guidance

To ensure there is an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by pupils, parents, teachers and employers. Provide free and easy access to good-quality information about future study and career options as well as relevant and understandable labour market opportunities. Provide informed advice and support to enable parents/guardians and learners to the optimum use of the information. To tailor the advice and support each learner needs in line with their respective career guidance requirements and relevant to their specific career cycle stage. To fully incorporate and embed equality and diversity in the institution’s careers programme. Educators to extensively incorporate careers education into core curriculum and learning outcomes. Educators should aim to highlight the relevance of their subject area and the range of possible future career paths. The institution should create multiple employer opportunities for learners to get work-related and employment exposure from employers. The range of possible enrichment opportunities include employer visits, buddy and mentoring schemes, presentations, YouTube videos as well as entrepreneurship programmes. The institution must make effort for every learner to have first-hand workplace experiences through work experience sessions, site visits, work shadowing and work placements. Teachers/ Lecturers/ Careers Advisors must enable learners to understand the range of potential further/ higher educational and career progression opportunities; be it academic (undergraduate /postgraduate) or vocational (college/apprenticeship), or even professional qualifications & higher apprenticeships. The institution should provide opportunities for learners’ personal guidance (interviews/workshops/drop-in sessions) with a trained and suitably qualified/experienced careers adviser or equivalent member of staff.

Careers Guidance’ Benchmarks Role of Parents / Carers To develop an understanding of how to advice and support the learner in line with the institution’s career education and guidance framework Parents/Carers are encouraged to take active interest in supporting learners in exploring good-quality career options and labour market information and opportunities. They are encouraged to seek expert advice where they are not sure as well as using online resources. To help highlight to both the learner and the experts any career guidance needs that may need addressing and ensure the learner’s specific needs are dealt with timely and appropriately. Parents/Carers to support in advising and guiding the learners, highlighting the relevance and linkages between their curriculum with their future career choices. Parents/Carers must compliment the institution’s efforts by using their own work experiences and well as those of their connections to ensure learners have sufficient exposure of the world of work.

Role of Learners (Students/ Pupils) The learner must make a commitment to actively use the resources provided to build a better understanding of the world of careers and options available. Every learner should constantly read good-quality information about future study/career options and labour market information as much as possible. They should regularly seek the advice and support of informed advisers and parents/guardians to maximise the benefits of the resources provided. Every learner should be aware and seek to know their career guidance needs at their current stage in the career cycle. All learners are strongly advised to seek expert guidance before making crucial career decisions. Students should identify their subjects of interests and strengths and should use the expertise and resources available to explore how their career aspirations can be achieved.

Every learner must actively participate in any form of activity that has been provided to gain as much exposure as possible of different work environments and scenarios. They should be asking questions in the activities and must show interest in learning about careers. The higher the interest the higher the chances of successful career outcomes. Parents/Carers should support in facilitating, Every learner should take advantage of every firstencouraging participation, providing resources hand work experience opportunity to enhance their and emotional support for learners to explore career exploration, expand their network of the full range of potential career options. contacts & making more informed decisions. Parents/Carers should also invest in their Learners should develop an extensive knowledge of post qualification further/higher understanding of the full range of further/higher education opportunities and how they could education opportunities. This will include impact the learner’s career outcomes. The knowledge of the educational institutions, subject more informed they are, the more likely they will areas, type of qualifications, training schemes and be able to support the learner. work-related leaning opportunities. The parent/carer should also factor in input When making key study or career choices and from the careers professionals in guiding the decisions, every learner is strongly encouraged to learner’s decision-making during significant seek professional guidance and advice. This could study or career junctions. be anything from choosing a course, applying for jobs, interviews, building confidence or even stress-related issues.

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Investing in your career should become a permanent fixture on your ‘To-Do’ list. Why? Because 75% of who you are – where you live, your status, your dressing, your present and your future – are all somehow influenced by your career and your earnings. We believe having a continuous personal career review/ audit and evaluation is critical in ensuring you are maximising your personal ROI (return on investment) for the time you are putting into your career, given that more than 50% of the time you are awake is spent working. We have shortlisted 10 tips we think will help you analyse and improve your career investment.

Have a clear mission and vision

Based on your values, beliefs, strengths and weaknesses, creating a little mission/vision about what you want to achieve from your job. Key words you may want to consider in creating this: ‘happiness’, ‘enjoying’, ‘job satisfaction’, ‘work-life-balance’, ‘flexibility’, ‘progress’, ‘more responsibility’, ‘promotion’, ‘earn more’, ‘network’ or ‘build confidence’. Create your own little personal mission statement, briefly defining your values, beliefs, motives and purpose – both in life and at work. Based on your mission, strengths and weaknesses, creating a little vision about what you want to achieve from your job. Key words you may want to consider in creating this: ‘happiness’, ‘enjoying’, ‘job satisfaction’, ‘work-life-balance’, ‘flexibility’, ‘progress’, ‘more responsibility’, ‘promotion’, ‘earn more’, ‘network’ or ‘build confidence’.

Create a career game plan and SMART objectives Then use the mission/vision to build momentum by creating a simple game-plan and objectives you can use to achieve this. Use the popular management mnemonic; SMART to ensure the

objectives in your game-plan objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. Make nice little practical, realistic, actionable and measurable steps which you should constantly review. For instance, your little steps could be as follows: • I want to make a decision on which college/university to go to by visiting open days of 4 possible institutions in the next two weeks. • I want to create/update my CV and LinkedIn profile in the next 48 hours • I want to register my details with job boards and recruitment agencies in the next 3 days • I want to search for jobs on job boards, employer websites and recruitment consultants’ websites by end of week • I want to reach out to and network with potential employers in the next week If you are aiming to getting promoted, your little steps towards that would include: • I want to start connecting and hanging around with key people such as XYZ from this month • I want to mention my intentions to get promoted to my manager in my next monthly review, and I want to clarify the key criteria and pre-requisites to progress within the organisation • I want to propose having meetings with a key manager(s) in the business to discuss my weekly/monthly reports, accomplishments and progress as a way of making my achievements visible to key stakeholders • I want to enrol on this, course XYZ next month and I will be updating my manager on my progress on a regular basis • I have identified a need within the business for this XYZ report/project which could help the business, I want to speak to my manager and the big boss if it’s possible to action this in the next 3 months

some aspects you hate in your current role or organisation, focus more on the aspects that you like or that are positive whilst you gradually map your strategy. Start thinking of where you would see yourself in the next 12 months – a new job? a senior role? working in another department within the business?

Build a network Build your ideal trusted network to advise, support and guide you in the career enhancement process. Some useful networking tips include: • Be-friending and linking up with key decisionmakers and people in high places within the business as well as within your circle, even outside your organisation • Identify a few people who could act as your mentors and professional allies. These could be within or outside your organisation • Connect online, especially LinkedIn with people you think could be relevant to your career progression • Join relevant professional associations or LinkedIn groups

Identify career-enhancing initiatives Through embracing a bit of curiosity, creativity/innovation and an appetite for learning, investigate what people at the roles that you are aiming for have that you don’t have. Find out jobs relating to what you are aspiring for and identify what they are looking for that you don’t have. Possible gaps could include: • Specific qualification(s) or training course(s) • Experience of a specific nature • Unique skills e.g. soft skills, leadership skills, technical expertise, IT skills or even advanced Excel skills

Constantly monitor and measure your Once you have identified what you need progress and tick any achieved objectives and consider the following; milestones. • Find out if you can get funding/sponsorship to undertake the course/training. sponsoring Stay focussed as you build ‘Brand it You’ • If it’s not possible, consider funding it yourself or get a loan Whether you are looking for a job, new to • Volunteer to undertake a project that could the role or have been in the role for donkey help you acquire the skills years and you feel you’re stagnating or it’s a • Request to transfer/volunteer/work in a relatively new role, stay focussed to ensure specific team that have and are willing to help you build ‘Brand You’. Even if there are you acquire the skills on-the-job

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Maintain a positive attitude Whether you are looking for a college/sixth form/university/ job or you are faced with dissatisfaction, confusion or lack of support, always maintain a positive mental attitude. Positivity goes beyond putting a plastic smile on your face. It goes a lot deeper than that, helping you see beyond your current situation and visualise a broader spectrum of possibilities available to you and the great potential within you. • Positivity energises you, enabling you to widen your mind-frame and happily think of how you are more than capable of getting those extra skills and competences to take you to the next level • Positivity helps you to think long-term and

avoid a myopic mind-set • Positivity enables you to overcome fear and to embrace change (new job, new challenges, new environments) On the flip-side, negativity yields fear, narrow mindedness, and a moaning and whinging personality, which could be costly to yourself, your team and the entire organisation – it could even cost you your job. Avoid complaining, blaming others and believing that someone owes you a favour/apology Tips to maintain positivity include: • Invest in positivity - be it books, music, videos, social media and even friends; feed your mind with positive inputs and surround yourself with positive personalities to create a truly positive atmosphere • Think positively, speak positively, act positively – tame your tongue, mind and body to view everything and everyone in a positive way. Remember to take a deep breath and take time to think before saying anything, especially in the face of a challenge or adversity • Create a positive lifestyle; whatever works for you – laughing, humour, taking breaks, eating healthy, gym, getaways

• Celebrate little successes and daily/weekly/ monthly high points • Take responsibility and train yourself to anticipate challenges and to create positive solutions

Carry out a personal SWOT analysis Another tool we could borrow from the academic and business world is the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis. This will enable you to selfreflect and identify your: • Strengths – your internal key selling points and your strongest attributes – those that you excel in and are within your control • Weaknesses – your weakest internal attributes that negatively impact your career and are substantially within your control • Opportunities – these are positive external environmental influences that are not within your control but could potentially benefit you if exploited • Threats - these are negative external environmental influences that are not within your control but could potentially negatively affect you if you do not take action to protect yourself After carrying out a personal SWOT Analysis, you then use it to seek for possible actions you can use to enhance your strengths, overcome your weaknesses, maximise on your opportunities and mitigate your threats.

Be willing to invest in your career • Invest your time and money through getting relevant qualifications, education or training • Invest your time in teaching yourself soft skills. Use relevant books and YouTube videos to master the skills. • Invest time in building a solid online brand on the likes of LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Beware, if not used correctly, social media can be a threat instead of being an asset. Expand your network through befriending or connecting with relevant contacts on social media platforms and if possible find yourself a coach/mentor. • Invest your time volunteering in charities, clubs or as a non-executive director. • If relevant, consider learning a new language.

Calculate your Return on Investment (ROI) When deciding where to invest your time and money, consider this technique (borrowed from the field of accounting and finance) of determining your Return on Investment. This will enable you to determine: how much time or money do I need to spend? What am I expecting to get from this career investment? Will it make a profit through making me more ‘employable’ or ‘promotable’? How long will it take before I realise the gain? The return on investing of in your career is way higher than average property value increases, savings or stock markets investments. For instance, if someone on a £40k per annum salary invests in their career development and it leads to a promotion to a role with a £50k per annum salary; that’s a 20% per annum return, for the rest of your career, at the very least! Annual house price increase averages around 5%. Over the 100 years between 1917 and 2017, the average annual return for the FTSE AllShare is 7%. Personal development increases your personal net-worth, apart from boosting your esteem, self-actualisation, courage and confidence.

Avoid being average or mediocre

Personal career development gives you that all-important safety net, reducing your risk as you face each day in this complex and unpredictable world. With the level of competition on the job market, you can’t afford to be average, or worse still mediocre. In a market where only the fittest survive, ensure your hard and soft skills are exceptional and in everything you do, be it your current job, looking for a new job, writing your CV, attending an interview or working on a career enhancing project.


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Are you wondering which career path is right for you? The path you do choose will determine a huge part of the rest of your life. You’ll spend a lot of your time at work, so it’s imperative you make the most informed decision.

year. Over a lifetime, this comes to roughly 31 ½ years out of the 45 years an average person spends working, from the beginning of the career up until retirement. Therefore, it is key to choose the correct career. Did you know if you choose a career path that you are interested in, it is more likely you will remain motivated? If you are passionate about the profession you’ve chosen, you will push yourself to achieve and therefore, you are more likely to be successful. A lot of steps should be considered when you’re deciding which route to take.


Choosing a career is one of the most important Know yourself: decisions you will make in life, because it’s To make the right choice, you need to know more than just deciding what you want to do yourself. Identify your strengths and weaknesses to earn a living. to know which career path is right for you. Assess your interests and values. Being aware of skills Think about the amount of time spent at work: you have highlights the gaps in your knowledge we are on the job approximately 71% of the that may need to be fulfilled in order to achieve

your goals.

Explore your options:

Research the job market and career paths of interest to you and narrow down your options. Exploring career options develops your knowledge on the professional opportunities that are available.


Combine what you’ve learned about yourself with the options you’ve discovered. Decide which profession interests you the most and select one or two alternatives to fall back on if you are unable to pursue your first choice.


Set achievable goals and have a career plan. A career plan is a practical approach to determine your expertise and interests. Your career plan should outline how you’ll get to your chosen career and what actions are needed.

OPTIONS FOR STUDENTS AFTER COMPLETING GCSE’s/ NATIONAL 5’S: If you intend to continue down the academic route and go on to further education, you can study vocational courses or A-Levels/ Scottish Advanced Highers at a sixth form or college. Universities will look at your GCSEs as part their application process, but their interest is more in A-levels. So, if you decide on a career that requires a degree, then you’ll need to continue studying for A-levels.

Apply for an apprenticeship:

An apprenticeship is when you work for an employer and are trained to do a specific job at the same time. Apprenticeships combine practical training in a job with study. They last between one and four years. As an apprentice, you work alongside experienced staff, develop skills and earn a wage.

They usually last from six weeks up to a minimum wwof six months. Traineeships are unpaid and include English and Maths support, if required.

CHOICES TO PICK FROM AFTER COMPLETING A LEVELS A Levels are over, and school is now a thing of the past! But what do you do now? There are many options to choose from including university, apprenticeships, degree apprenticeships, full time jobs or you could even become a young entrepreneur.

Going to University:

In your final year of sixth form/college, you will have to decide on whether you want to be attending university next year. There are many courses to choose from just like how there are hundreds of universities to go to. Think hard and carefully about what course to do because you will be doing it for 3 years plus.

Apply for an Apprenticeship:

If going back into education via university and studying more isn’t for you, then you could apply for an apprenticeship. As you have completed A Levels, you could head straight into a Level 3 apprenticeship instead of a lower level. Doing an apprenticeship will allow you to gain a qualification and work at the same time.

Apply for a Degree Apprenticeship:

There are several choices that you could pick from but if you feel like you could handle university whilst working, then a degree apprenticeship is for you. The employer is the one that would pay for the degree so you would essentially be getting a degree for free!

Apply for a traineeship:

A traineeship is an education and training programme designed to help young people who want to get an apprenticeship or job, but don’t have the skills or experience.

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“I don’t know what I’m doing with my life.” “I don’t know where to start looking.” “What more can i do to prepare myself on how to jump onto the career ladder?” “I don’t know what career I would be happy in.”


We’ve all struggled with finding a career that is best suited to our skills, character and personality. There are many different quizzes, articles, selfhelp guides and tests out on the internet that strive to show you what career path is best. However, it’s easy to get loaded with different advice and answers that oppose one another. Well don’t worry, a helping hand is all you need, and you have that right here. Read on to find the best websites to gain all the insi and advice you will need to help you

Does this sound familiar to you? Morrisby Profile Morrisby is an impartial decision making companion and psychometric test. It covers all important decision points including: • Careers guidance, suggestions, information, career requirements and routes to careers. • Options at 13/14 (GCSEs, Scottish Nationals, IGCSEs, MYP, High School Diploma) • Options at 15/16 (A-Levels, Scottish Highers, IBs, Pre-Us, BTECs) • Options at 18 (Higher education, subjects, courses, universities, apprenticeships, and further education) • Planning - Pathways, helping keep options open, and interviews The Morrisby Profile psychometric test provides an objective statement of a person’s underlying abilities, personality and career preferences. The test is verified by the British Psychological Society and provide you with an objective analysis of your: • Reasoning (solving difficult abstract problems) • Verbal ability (being good with words) • Numerical ability (being good with

numbers) Perceptual ability (being good with diagrams and pictures) • Spatial ability (being good with plans and 3D shapes) • Mechanical ability (knowing how things work and fit together) • Manual speed (working quickly with your hands) • Manual skill (working carefully with your hands) • Awareness (noticing people and things around you) • Flexibility (enjoying change and variety) • Inner conviction (being sure of your own capabilities) • Decisiveness and confidence (having ideas, taking the initiative) Once the results have been processed (usually about 10-14 days later), you will get a detailed Profile and Guidance Report with key findings and career recommendations. The report will also help you to discover more about your strengths and abilities, find out how to make the most of your skills, work out your personal goals and explore new career opportunities. The report will also include career suggestions and information about further education and training. •

National Careers Service – Skills Assessment The National Careers Services offers a range of assessments to help you find out about careers options that might be ideal for you. The ‘Discover your skills and careers’ Assessment is a 5 - 10 minute assessment to help you discover what job categories, and which particular job roles, might suit you. The ‘Skills health check’ Assessments are a set of 4 assessments covering personal skills and 6 on work activities, each taking 15-30 mins to complete. These assessments are a brilliant way to to help you decide which types of jobs might be right for you and you might find the output also handy for preparing your CV, applications and interviews.

Before you have signed up, you are allowed to quick test that will take all of 5 minutes and offer you a few different choices. However, once you do sing up, you will be able to take the full test and be given a range of different careers with information about how to jump on certain career ladders and what opportunities are available in those careers. www.getmyfirstjob.co.uk/Develop/CareersQuiz.aspx

Prospects Planner

In order to take the quiz, you will first have to register but then you can take it for free! The quiz has numerous questions that you have to answer on whether you think you would be good at what it is asking or not. Once you have finished the quiz, it will give you a number of different careers that matched your answers. You can click on each career and it will take you to a different page that tell you all about that career, the salary, the qualifications you need, the skills you need and work experience that is required or preferred. www.prospects.ac.uk/planner

16 Personalities

16 Personalities allows the user to take a free personality test to determine what their best strengths are and what their weaknesses are. With this information, you can decide what you think the best careers for you would be. www.16personalities.com

Career Key

Career Key offer genuine advice and professional help in order to help people find the career of their dreams. On their website, they offer a personality test based on John Hollands theory of the six different personality types. Career Key’s test will help you find out which personality type you have and what career and university course would best suit you. www.careerkey.org/choose-a-career/holland-personality-types.html#.XXuvdShKjIW

Career Hunter

Career Hunter offers a free test (on the basis that you sign up) to help you find a career based on your answers to the questions. Once taken, the test will give you a number of accurate career matches and a personalised Get My First Job career report. There are different tests that you The Get My First Job career personality test can take including verbal reasoning, career is designed to test your personality and then motivators and your work personality to help give you a list of careers that best suit it. find the right career for you.

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Red Bull Wingfinder

This test has been developed by Red Bull and university professors from University College London and Columbia University New York. Here you can take a free 35-minute test that will determine which personality type you have and split it up into four categories - connections, creativity, thinking, and drive. Before you take the test, you will have to sign up but once you have completed the test you will receive a free 19-page report outlining your strengths and weaknesses. You will then also be given advice from Red Bull athletes that have the same strengths as you. www.wingfinder.com

The Big Five Project

The Big Five Project offers a very in-depth, free personality test. There are 61 questions to take about what you are like as a person and your beliefs and then it has some personal questions afterwards. Although it doesn’t tell you what career would be best for you, it is completely anonymous and offers lots of advice on what your personality is like. www.outofservice.com/bigfive

Career Steer

This personality quiz will ask you a series of questions on what you like and dislike. Once the quiz has been completed, it will tell you what your personality is like and score you on each section from 1 to 10. It will then give you the option to find careers best suited to you based on what you scored the highest on. www.careersteer.org/uk/Practic.php

123 Career Test

Another test that is based on John Hollands personality theory, this test will tell you which career best fits your character. Each question is made up of 4 pictures and you have to decide which picture appeals to you the most.

It will take 5 to 10 minutes to complete and afterwards it will give you a rundown of what careers would suit you with a percentage and your personality type. www.123test.com/career-test



This free test will ask a series of questions that will determine what personality type you are. Once the test is concluded, the results will be emailed to you but you will also have the option to purchase a full report. www.profile.keirsey.com/#/b2c/assessment/start


Sokanu offers a free test which will assess your personality, abilities, skills, interests and preferences. The quiz asks a series of questions, all different, that will then determine which career would suit you. It will ask you to rate careers from ‘hate it’ to ‘love it’. www.careerexplorer.com/assessments/welcome

Human Metrics

This free personality test based on Carl Jung and Isabelle Brigg Myers’ personality theory, will help you to determine which careers would be good for you based on your personality. At the end of the test, it will give you the strengths and a description of your personality along with what career paths and university degrees would best complement your personality. It will also let you know which famous celebrities have the same personality type as yours! www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp#questionnaire

O*Net Interest Profiler

This quiz tests you on 60 things that are related to work activities. You will have to answer on whether you like doing it or do not. Once you have finished the test it will give you a score on 6 different characteristics. It will then give you a list of different career paths based on your answers. w www.mynextmove.org/explore/ip


JobQuiz is an extremely in-depth test that will determine the best career for you through numerous, different questions. It takes quite a while to complete so make sure you have set aside some time to do it. Do keep in mind that after taking the test, you will have to pay a fee of $9.99 to receive the results. www.jobquiz.com

Self-Directed Search

The SDS is a brilliant website that contains a personality test. The test will ask the user a series of questions which will then calculate what type of career would be best suited to the user’s personality. The SDS even has a category that is tailored to army veterans that are no longer in the army and don’t know what type of career they want to do next. Keep in mind that this is not a free quiz. For a single user, the SDS costs $9.95. www.self-directed-search.com

Path Source

Path Source is a mobile phone app that can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play. It has different assessments including a lifestyle assessment that figures out how much you need to earn to support your lifestyle and a career assessment that will help you match with careers based on your personality. www.app.pathsource.com/users/sign_in

Career One Stop

good you think you are at specific skills. Once the test is over it will give you a range of careers where you can see how much the annual salary is and what qualifications you will need to get into that career.

Career One Stop has developed a test to help people understand what skills they can incorporate into their career. The test will ask you to rate from beginner to expert on how

Rasmussen Personality Test

Rasmussen is a university in America that offers a free personality test on their website to help you decipher what career would be right for you. The user would have to place the point on the slider from lowest to highest for how interested they are in that particular area. Once completed, the test will give you a series of careers based on where you placed the circle on the slider. By hovering over the careers, it will give you information on the salary, education needed and a brief description of the job. www.rasmussen.edu/resources/aptitude-test

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Do you enjoy implementing prescribed ideas or converting other peoples’ proposals into practice?


Do you enjoy or are comfortable with working in a busy, fast-paced or hectic work environment?


Do you think methodically or like planning, organising and developing strategies?


Would you describe yourself as structured, systematic and methodical?


Do you consider yourself as someone good at following detailed or complex instructions/procedures?


Do you enjoy working with facts, lists, instructions and prescribed directions?


Would you consider yourself to be well-organised and methodical?


Do you like working to a set plan or schedule and very passionate about get tasks completed on time?


Are you interested in collecting, organising and disseminating information, facts and figures?


Do you like documented processes and working to set budgets?


Do you like auditing, inspecting, reviewing, editing or correcting other people’s work?


Do you like or feel comfortable with solving problems?


Do you feel comfortable or like dealing with numerical or quantitative information?


Do you like critically evaluating or reveiwing information?


Do you enjoy asking questions and gathering information?


Are you comfortably working independently or alone when its necessary?


Are you comfortable planning and managing your own workload?


Are you comfortable with making key judgements and decisions on your own?


Do you enjoy working with complex and challenging technical processes or data?


Do you enjoy assembling, building, carrying out regular processes or working with things/objects?


Do you enjoy maintaining, testing, repairing, monitoring and inspecting operations and processes?


Do you enjoying collecting, keeping an inventory/log of goods, objects or processes


Are you more likely to confront someone or challenge one’s attitude/behaviour if necessary?


Do you see yourself as a very competitive person?


Do you love working in pressurised working environment with tight deadlines/challenges?


Are you comfortable working unsociable hours (e.g. evenings / weekends / bank holidays)?


Are you good at adapting to change on a regular or consistent basis?


Would you consider yourself to be ambitious and target-driven?


Are you very wealth-driven and prefer to work for a job that pays very well?


Are you more motivated to work in a profession where your work performance is linked to your wage?


Do you enjoy working mostly outdoors than indoors?


Do you love to see your skills being directly impacting results, profits or output?


Do you enjoy or are comfortable with working in a busy, fast-paced or hectic work environment?





Strongly Disagree






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Do you prefer working as part of a team rather than on your own?


Do you enjoy working collaboratively with other colleagues from a different discipline?


Do you feel comfortable working in a collaborative team, sharing ideas, resources & responsibilities?


Would you consider yourself to be creative or innovative?


Are you a person who likes thinking outside the box and generating unique idea?


Would you consider yourself as a flexible person?


Are you comfortable working in environments/situations that change frequently even at short notice?


Do you enjoy working with abstract data or ideas that are yet to be developed?


Do you enjoy active involvement in the creation of new products, services, knowledge or ideas?


Do you prefer to have autonomy and freedom of choice in your workload, working pattern or output?


Do you generally prefer using your own initiative instead of working to set guidelines?


Do you enjoy advising, supporting or training & developing people using your expert skills/knowledge?


Do you like or feel comfortable with communicating verbally to a group of people?


Do you like or feel comfortable with presenting to a group of people (with PowerPoint/Flipcharts)?


Do you enjoy motivating and helping people to achieve set goals or objectives?


Do you enjoy or feel comfortable with managing/leading or supervising people?


Do you like managing people or supervising activities, events or processes?


Do you love reaching out and persuading others to buy goods and services?


Do you like/feel comfortable with communicating verbally with people on an individual (1-to-1) basis?


Are you good at communicating detailed information, ideas or facts in writing?


Are you good at bargaining or negotiating or influencing others?


Do you enjoy persuading people to choose a product, service, ideology or way of thinking?


Do you enjoy helping reconcile others or helping them reach agreement or consensus?


Are you passionate about making a positive contribution to society or your community?


Are you passionate about caring and making a difference in other people’s lives?


Are you passionate about responding to and addressing other people’s needs?


Are you good at listening carefully to what people are saying?


Do you like helping and advising others?


Do you like/feel comfortable with listening & analysing the feelings, attitudes & problems of people?


Do you enjoy dealing with national or global issues?


Are you passionate about helping people who are vulnerable, disadvantaged, poorly or at risk?


Are you comfortable dealing with emotionally challenging problems?


Do you have good proficiency of two or more major languages? TOTAL SCORES

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Acknowledgements This Labour Market Information has been populated using data from; LMI for All Online Portal, UK Commisssion for Employment & Skills (UKCES), The Careers & Enterprise Company, National Statistical Office (Labour Force Survey, Annual Survey of Hours & Earnings, Standard Occupational Classification) and National Careers Service.

Overviews of Popular Professi

There are postgraduate degrees available in transport planning, supply chain management and logistics. Qualifications through the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) or the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT UK) might be necessary to advance your career. CIPS run qualification and training programmes equipping new students with the knowledge and skills needed to practice proficiently, successfully and confidently.

QUALIFICATIONS Level 2: GCSEs (5 C-A*) Level 3-4: A-Level, BTEC, Diploma, Apprenticeship Level 5-6: Degree Apprenticeship, University Degree, Foundation Degree, HND, Intermediate Professional Qualifications Level 7: Masters Degree, Institute Membership - CIPS, CILT.

BECOME A PURCHASING & SUPPLY CHAIN PROFESSIONAL A purchasing and supply manager, a business service buyer, or procurement professional purchase goods and services and take a strategic approach to business goals. Whatever the organisation needs – whether it’s raw materials for manufacture, obtaining marketing services or getting more profitable agreements in place, it is their responsibility to get the best goods, at the best price, while maintaining good relationships with suppliers in a sustainable and ethical way.

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A PURCHASING & SUPPLY CHAIN PROFESSIONAL Your tasks will vary depending on which sector you work in, but typically include: • Deciding what goods, services and equipment is needed • Monitoring and forecasting stock levels • Researching and identifying new products and suppliers • Assessing tenders from potential suppliers • Negotiating prices and agreeing contracts • Making sure that suppliers deliver on time • Processing payments and invoices • Keeping up with market trends • Managing and motivating a team of supply chain staff • Improving the overall supply chain performance and look for any possible innovations to the process • Implementing new technologies and staying alert to new trends in the sector.

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per annum

per annum

Average Salary:






Females, 1,900,300

Males, 1,881,400


Key Stage 4 Destinations (Post 16 / Post GCSE) Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 3% Advanced and Higher apprenticeships (level 3 and above) 1%

Sustained employment destination 4%

Sixth form college 10%

Destination not sustained 4% Other 1%

Further education college or other FE provider 36%

School sixth form - state funded 41%

Key Stage 5 Destinations (Post 18 / A Level / College) Other 6% Destination not Higher education (level 4 and sustained above) 12% 33% Sustained employment destination 29% Further education (level 3 and below) 9% Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 4% Higher and degree apprenticeships (level 4 and above) 1%

Other education destinations Advanced apprenticeships 2% (level 3) 4%

LABOUR MARKET INFORMATION - EAST OF ENGLAND QUALIFICATION LEVELS Other Qualifications (Professional/Foreign Qualifications) 7%

No Qualifications 8%

NVQ 4 & Above (HNC/HND/Degrees) 35%

NVQ 1 (GCSE (1-3 / DG); Introductory Awards) 13%

NVQ 2 (GCSE / Intermediate Diploma/Certificates) 18%

NVQ 3 (A Level / ONC/OND / BTEC Diplomas) 16%

Trade Apprenticeships 3%


52,000 44,000

Unemployment Rate:











JOBS BY INDUSTRY Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 3%

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Mining 1% Manufacturing 7%

Health And Social Work 12% Education 9%

Energy, Water Supply; Sewerage & Waste 1%

Construction & Real Estate 9%

Public Administration And Defence 3%

Retail 15% Administrative And Support Service 12%

Transportation And Storage 6%

Professional Scientific And Technical 11%

Financial And Insurance Information And Communication Activities 3% 2%

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Accommodation And Food Service 6%






per annum

per annum

Average Salary:






Females, 1,494,800

Males, 1,488,500


Key Stage 4 Destinations (Post 16 / Post GCSE) Sustained employment destination 5% Advanced and Higher apprenticeships (level 3 and above) 4% Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 4%

Other 1%

Destination not sustained 1% Further education college or other FE provider 38%

Other education destinations 1% Sixth form college 7%

School sixth form - state funded 39%

Key Stage 5 Destinations (Post 18 / A Level / College) Destination not sustained 12%

Other 5%

Higher education (level 4 and above) 34%

Sustained employment destination 26%

Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 6% Higher and degree apprenticeships (level 4 and above) 1%

Advanced apprenticeships (level 3) 5% Further education (level 3 and below) 9% Other education destinations 2%

LABOUR MARKET INFORMATION - EAST MIDLANDS QUALIFICATION LEVELS Other Qualifications (Professional/Foreign Qualifications) 7%

No Qualifications 8%

NVQ 4 & Above (HNC/HND/Degrees) 39%

NVQ 1 (GCSE (1-3 / DG); Introductory Awards)…

NVQ 2 (GCSE / Intermediate Diploma/Certificates) 16%

NVQ 3 (A Level / ONC/OND / BTEC Diplomas) 17%

Trade Apprenticeships 3%


35,000 Unemployment Rate:


22,000 13,000 9,000







JOBS BY INDUSTRY Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 3%

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Mining 1%

Health And Social Work 13%

Education 8%

Energy, Water Supply; Sewerage & Waste 1%

Manufacturing 12%

Construction & Real Estate 8%

Public Administration And Defence 4%

Administrative And Support Service 11%

Retail 16%

Transportation And Storage 6%

Professional Scientific And Technical 6% Financial And Information And Insurance Activities Communication 2% 3%

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Accommodation And Food Service 6%






per annum

per annum

Average Salary:






Females, 2,978,300

Males, 3,035,800


Key Stage 4 Destinations (Post 16 / Post GCSE) Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 1%

Sustained employment Other destination 1% 2%

Advanced and Higher apprenticeships (level 3 and above) 1%

Destination not sustained 4% Further education college or other FE provider 24%

Other education destinations 1% Sixth form college 9%

School sixth form - state funded 57%

Key Stage 5 Destinations (Post 18 / A Level / College)

Destination not sustained 12% Higher and degree apprenticeships (level 4 and above) 0%

Other 8%

Higher education (level 4 and above) 44%

Sustained employment destination 17% Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 2% Advanced apprenticeships (level 3) 3% Other education destinations 3%

Further education (level 3 and below) 11%

LABOUR MARKET INFORMATION - LONDON QUALIFICATION LEVELS Other Qualifications No Qualifications 7% (Professional/Foreign Qualifications) 8% NVQ 1 (GCSE (1-3 / D-G); Introductory Awards) 7% NVQ 4 & Above (HNC/HND/Degrees) 53%

NVQ 2 (GCSE / Intermediate Diploma/Certificates) 11% NVQ 3 (A Level / ONC/OND / BTEC Diplomas) 13%

Trade Apprenticeships…




Unemployment Rate:


70,000 60,000 40,000







JOBS BY INDUSTRY Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 3%

Health And Social Work 10%

Energy, Water Manufacturing Supply; Sewerage & 5% Waste 2%

Construction & Real Estate 8%

Education 7%

Retail 6%

Public Administration And Defence…

Transportation And Storage 5%

Administrative And Support Service 13%

Professional Scientific And Technical 14%

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Accommodation And Food Service 8% Information And Communication 8% Financial And Insurance Activities 7%






per annum

per annum

Average Salary:






Females, 837,600

Males, 822,900


Key Stage 4 Destinations (Post 16 / Post GCSE) Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 4%

Advanced and Higher apprenticeships (level 3 and above) 2% Other education destinations 1% Sixth form college 6%

Destination not sustained 5%

Sustained employment Other destination 1% 4%

Further education college or other FE provider 45% School sixth form - state funded 32%

Key Stage 5 Destinations (Post 18 / A Level / College)

Destination not sustained 16%

Other 6% Higher education (level 4 and above)…

Sustained employment destination 20% AdvancedFurther education (level apprenticeships 3 and below) 9% (level 3) 6%

Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 7%

Other education destinations 1% Higher and degree apprenticeships (level 4 and above) 1%

LABOUR MARKET INFORMATION - NORTH EAST QUALIFICATION LEVELS Other Qualifications (Professional/Foreign Qualifications) 6%

No Qualifications 9% NVQ 4 & Above (HNC/HND/Degrees) 31%

NVQ 1 (GCSE (1-3 / D-G); Introductory Awards) 12%

NVQ 2 (GCSE / Intermediate Diploma/Certificates) NVQ 3 (A Level / ONC/OND 19% / BTEC Diplomas) 19%

Trade Apprenticeships 4%

JOBS BY INDUSTRY Agriculture, Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 2%

Health And Social Work 16%

Forestry, Fishing & Mining 1%

Manufacturing 10%

Construction & Real Estate 7%

Unemployment Rate:


Energy, Water Supply; Sewerage & Waste 1%

Education 9% Retail 13% Public Administration And Defence 6% Administrative And Support Service 11%

Professional Scientific And Technical 6%

Transportation And Storage 5%

Accommodation And Food Service 8%

Information And Financial And Communication Insurance Activities 3% 2%


45,000 38,000




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per annum

per annum

Average Salary:






Females, 2,281,100

Males, 2,261,500


Key Stage 4 Destinations (Post 16 / Post GCSE) Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2), 4%

Sustained employment destination, 4%

Advanced and Higher apprenticeships (level 3 and above), 2% Sixth form college, 18%

Destination not sustained, 5%

Further education college or other FE provider, 42%

Other education destinations, 1% School sixth form - state funded, 24%

Key Stage 5 Destinations (Post 18 / A Level / College) Other 6% Destination not sustained 12%

Higher education (level 4 and above)… Sustained employment destination 23% Advanced Further education (level apprenticeships 3 and below) (level 3) 10% Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 5% 5% Higher and degree apprenticeships (level 4 and above) 1%

Other education destinations 2%

LABOUR MARKET INFORMATION - NORTH WEST QUALIFICATION LEVELS Other Qualifications (Professional/Foreign Qualifications) 6%

No Qualifications 9%

NVQ 4 & Above (HNC/HND/Degrees) 36%

NVQ 1 (GCSE (1-3 / DG); Introductory Awards) 11% NVQ 2 (GCSE / Intermediate Diploma/Certificates) 17%

NVQ 3 (A Level / ONC/OND / BTEC Diplomas) 18%

Trade Apprenticeships 3%



Unemployment Rate:




78,000 57,000







JOBS BY INDUSTRY Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 3%

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Mining 1%

Health And Social Work 13%

Energy, Water Supply; Sewerage & Waste 1%

Manufacturing 9% Construction & Real Estate 7%

Education 8% Public Administration And Defence 4%

Retail 16%

Administrative And Support Service 11% Professional Scientific And Technical 9%

Transportation And Storage 6%

Accommodat ion And Food Service 6%

Financial And Insurance Information And Communication Activities 3% 3%

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per annum

per annum

Average Salary:






Females, 594,900

Males, 585,000


Key Stage 4 Destinations (Post 16 / Post GCSE) Sustained employment destination 11%

Advanced and Higher apprenticeships (level 3 and above) 2%

Destination not sustained 2%

Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 15% Further education college or other FE provider 67%

Other education destinations 3%

Key Stage 5 Destinations (Post 18 / A Level / College) Sustained employment destination Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 10% 6% Advanced apprenticeships (level 3) 2%

Destination not sustained 2%

Higher education (University Higher and degree apprenticeships (level 4 and above) & Level 4)… 2% Further education (Level 3 and below) Other education destinations 34% 1%


NVQ 4 & Above (HNC/HND/Degrees) 34%

Other Qualifications (Professional/Foreign Qualifications) 5% NVQ 1 (GCSE (1-3 / DG); Introductory Awards) 9%

NVQ 3 (A Level / ONC/OND / BTEC Diplomas) 17%

NVQ 2 (GCSE / Intermediate Diploma/Certificates) 17% Trade Apprenticeships 4%

JOBS BY INDUSTRY Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 2%

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Mining 4%

Manufacturing 10%

Health And Social Work 15%

Unemployment Rate:

Construction & Real Estate 8%

Education 8%


Public Administration And Defence 6%

Energy, Water Supply; Sewerage & Waste 1%

Retail 16% Administrative And Support Service 10%

Professional Scientific And Technical 5%

Financial And Information And Insurance Activities Communication 3% 2%


Transportation And Storage 4% Accommodation And Food Service 6%


60,000 54,000





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per annum

per annum

Average Salary:






Females, 1,774,700

Males, 1,717,800


Key Stage 4 Destinations (Post 16 / Post N5) Destination not sustained 2%

Sustained employment destination 46%

Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 3%

Further education college or other FE provider 46%

Advanced and Higher apprenticeships (level 3 and above) 1%

Key Stage 5 Destinations (Post 18 / Scottish Higher / College) Destination not sustained 1% Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 5% Advanced apprenticeships (level 3) 2% Higher and degree apprenticeships (level 4 and above)…

Sustained employment destination Higher education (University 23% & Level 4) 41% Further education (Level 3 and below) 27%

Other education destinations 2%

LABOUR MARKET INFORMATION - SCOTLAND QUALIFICATION LEVELS Other Qualifications (Professional/Foreign Qualifications) 7%

No Qualifications 10%

NVQ 4 & Above (HNC/HND/Degrees) 44%

NVQ 1 (GCSE (1-3 / DG); Introductory Awards) 8% NVQ 2 (GCSE / Intermediate Diploma/Certificates) 13% NVQ 3 (A Level / ONC/OND / BTEC Diplomas) 14% Trade Apprenticeships 4%

PREDICTED JOB GROWTH 78,000 67,000 58,000 48,000 40,000

Unemployment Rate:








JOBS BY INDUSTRY Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 4%

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Mining 3%

Energy, Water Supply; Sewerage & Waste 1%

Manufacturing 7% Health And Social Work 14%

Construction & Real Estate 8%

Education 7%

Retail 12%

Public Administration And Defence 6% Administrative And Support Service 11%

Professional Scientific And Technical 7%

Transportation And Storage 6%

Accommodation And Food Service 7% Financial And Insurance Activities 4%

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Information And Communication…






per annum

per annum

Average Salary:






Females, 2,817,900

Males, 2,798,700


Key Stage 4 Destinations (Post 16 / Post GCSE) Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 3%

Sustained employment destination Other 1% 3%

Destination not sustained 4%

Advanced and Higher apprenticeships (level 3 and above) 1%

Further education college or other FE provider 35%

Other education destinations 1% Sixth form college 14%

School sixth form - state funded 38%

Key Stage 5 Destinations (Post 18 / A Level / College)

Destination not sustained 12%

Sustained employment destination 30% Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 4% Higher and degree apprenticeships (level 4 and above) 1%

Other 6%

Higher education (level 4 and above) 32%

Advanced apprenticeships (level 3) 4% Further education (level 3 and below) 9% Other education destinations 2%


Other Qualifications (Professional/Foreign Qualifications) 5%

NVQ 1 (GCSE (1-3 / D-G); Introductory Awards) 10%

NVQ 4 & Above (HNC/HND/Degrees) 42%

NVQ 2 (GCSE / Intermediate Diploma/Certificates) 16%

NVQ 3 (A Level / ONC/OND / BTEC Diplomas) 18% Trade Apprenticeships 3%


87,000 Unemployment Rate:



60,000 50,000








Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Mining 1%

Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 3%

Energy, Water Supply; Sewerage & Waste 1%

Manufacturing 6% Health And Social Work 12%

Education 9%

Construction & Real Estate 8%

Retail 15%

Public Administration And Defence 4% Administrative And Support Service 12%

Transportation And Storage 5% Accommodation And Food…

Professional Scientific And Technical 9% Information And Financial And Communication Insurance Activities 5% 3%

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per annum

per annum

Average Salary:






Females, 1,697,200

Males, 1,685,400


Key Stage 4 Destinations (Post 16 / Post GCSE) Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 4%

Sustained employment Other destination 1% 3%

Advanced and Higher apprenticeships (level 3 and above) 2%

Destination not sustained 4% Further education college or other FE provider 41%

Other education destinations 1% Sixth form college 5%

School sixth form - state funded 39%

Key Stage 5 Destinations (Post 18 / A Level / College) Destination not sustained 13%

Other 4%

Higher education (level 4 and above) 27%

Further education (level 3 and below) 10%

Sustained employment destination 33%

Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 5%

Other education destinations 2% Higher and degree apprenticeships (level 4 and above)… Advanced apprenticeships (level 3)…


Other Qualifications (Professional/Foreign Qualifications) 5%

NVQ 1 (GCSE (1-3 / D-G); Introductory Awards) 11%

NVQ 4 & Above (HNC/HND/Degrees) 39%

NVQ 2 (GCSE / Intermediate Diploma/Certificates) 16% NVQ 3 (A Level / ONC/OND / BTEC Diplomas) 20% Trade Apprenticeships 4%


45,000 40,000

Unemployment Rate:


27,000 16,000







JOBS BY INDUSTRY Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 3%

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Mining 2%

Manufacturing 8%

Energy, Water Supply; Sewerage & Waste 1%

Health And Social Work 13% Construction & Real Estate 9% Education 8% Retail 14%

Public Administration And Defence 5% Administrative And Support Service 10%

Professional Scientific And Technical 8%

Financial And Insurance Activities 3%

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Accommodation And Food Service 9%

Transportation And Storage 4%

Information And Communication 3%






per annum

per annum

Average Salary:






Females, 965,100

Males, 958,800


Key Stage 4 Destinations (Post 16 / Post GCSE) Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 5% Advanced and Higher apprenticeships (level 3 and above) 1%

Sustained employment destination 2%

Destination not sustained 6%

Further education college or other FE provider 45% School sixth form - state funded 41%

Key Stage 5 Destinations (Post 18 / A Level / College)

Advanced apprenticeships (level 3)…

Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 8%

Higher and degree apprenticeships (level 4 and above)… Other education destinations 2%

Sustained employment destination 10%

Destination not sustained 4%

Higher education (University Further education (Level 3 and & Level 4)… below) 14%

LABOUR MARKET INFORMATION - WALES QUALIFICATION LEVELS Other Qualifications (Professional/Foreign Qualifications) 7%

No Qualifications 9% NVQ 4 & Above (HNC/HND/Degrees) 35%

NVQ 1 (GCSE (1-3 / DG); Introductory Awards) 11% NVQ 2 (GCSE / Intermediate Diploma/Certificates) 17%

NVQ 3 (A Level / ONC/OND / BTEC Diplomas) 18%

Trade Apprenticeships 3%

JOBS BY INDUSTRY Agriculture, Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 3%

Forestry, Fishing & Mining 3%

Health And Social Work 15%

Unemployment Rate:

Manufacturing 10%

Construction & Real Estate 9%

Education 9%


Public Administration And Defence 6%

Energy, Water Supply; Sewerage & Waste 1%

Retail 12% Administrative And Support Service 9% Transportation And Storage 4%

Professional Scientific And Technical 6%

Financial And Information And Insurance Activities Communication 2% 3%


Accommodation And Food Service 8%


70,000 62,000

51,000 43,000 35,000


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per annum

per annum

Average Salary:






Females, 1,821,000

Males, 1,830,200


Key Stage 4 Destinations (Post 16 / Post GCSE) Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) Sustained employmentOther destination 1% 3% 4% Advanced and Higher apprenticeships (level 3 and above) 1%

Destination not sustained 5% Further education college or other FE provider 42%

Other education destinations 1% Sixth form college 8%

School sixth form - state funded 35%

Key Stage 5 Destinations (Post 18 / A Level / College) Destination not sustained 12%

Other 6%

Higher education (level 4 and above) 36%

Sustained employment destination 23%

Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 5%

Advanced apprenticeships (level 3) 5%

Higher and degree apprenticeships (level 4 and above) 1%

Further education (level 3 and below) 10% Other education destinations 2%

LABOUR MARKET INFORMATION - WEST MIDLANDS QUALIFICATION LEVELS Other Qualifications (Professional/Foreign Qualifications) 8%

No Qualifications 10% NVQ 4 & Above (HNC/HND/Degrees) 33%

NVQ 1 (GCSE (1-3 / DG); Introductory Awards) 11%

NVQ 3 (A Level / ONC/OND / BTEC Diplomas) 18%

NVQ 2 (GCSE / Intermediate Diploma/Certificates) 17% Trade Apprenticeships 3%


70,000 Unemployment Rate:



48,000 40,000







JOBS BY INDUSTRY Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 2% Health And Social Work 13%

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Mining Energy, Water 1% Supply; Sewerage & Waste 1% Manufacturing 11%

Education 9% Public Administration And Defence 3% Administrative And Support Service 11%

Construction & Real Estate 9%

Retail 16%

Transportation And Storage 7%

Professional Scientific And Financial And Accommodation Technical Insurance Information And And Food Service 7% Activities Communication 5% 3% 2%

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per annum

per annum

Average Salary:






Females, 1,710,100

Males, 1,706,800


Key Stage 4 Destinations (Post 16 / Post GCSE) Sustained employment destination 4% Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 4%

Destination not sustained 6%

Advanced and Higher apprenticeships (level 3 and Further education college or above) other FE provider Sixth form college 2% 38% 13% Other education destinations 1% School sixth form - state funded 32%

Key Stage 5 Destinations (Post 18 / A Level / College) Destination not sustained 8%

Intermediate apprenticeships (level 2) 4%

Sustained employment destination 19%

Advanced apprenticeships (level 3) 4% Higher and degree apprenticeships (level 4 and above) 2% Other education destinations… Further education (Level 3 and below)…

Higher education (University & Level 4)…


No Qualifications 9%

NVQ 4 & Above (HNC/HND/Degrees) 33%

NVQ 1 (GCSE (1-3 / DG); Introductory Awards) 12%

NVQ 2 (GCSE / Intermediate Diploma/Certificates) 16%

NVQ 3 (A Level / ONC/OND / BTEC Diplomas) 19%

Trade Apprenticeships 4%

PREDICTED JOB GROWTH 78,000 67,000 58,000

Unemployment Rate:


48,000 40,000







JOBS BY INDUSTRY Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 3%

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Mining 1% Energy, Water Supply; Sewerage & Waste 1%

Health And Social Work 13%

Manufacturing 11%

Construction & Real Estate 7%

Education 9%

Public Administration And Defence 4%

Retail 14%

Administrative And Support Service 11%

Professional Scientific And Technical 7%

Transportation And Storage 6%

Accommodation And Food Service 7%

Financial And Insurance Information And Communication Activities 3% 3%

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Acknowledgements This Labour Market Information has been populated using data from; LMI for All Online Portal, UK Commisssion for Employment & Skills (UKCES), The Careers & Enterprise Company, National Statistical Office (Labour Force Survey, Annual Survey of Hours & Earnings, Standard Occupational Classification) and National Careers Service.

Procurement & Supply Chain

Procurement & Supply Chain

Buyers & Procurement Officers

Purchasing Managers & Senior Professionals National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate Purchasing managers and senior professionals plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate the purchasing functions of industrial, commercial, government organisations and public agencies to ensure cost-effectiveness. Devises purchasing policies, decides on whether orders should be put out to tender and evaluates suppliers’ bids; negotiate prices and contracts with suppliers and draws up contract documents.


Female 55%

Male 45%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

Average Monthly Salary


4% 28%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Buyers and procurement officers organise and undertake the buying of raw materials, equipment and merchandise from manufacturers, importers, wholesalers and other sources for wholesale distribution, resale or for own internal use.

Approx number of employees in the UK:

3,200 24,600

69% 4% 28% 1%


Female 31%

Male 69%

£7,000 £6,000 £5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Number of Employees

14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0

Average Monthly Salary

Procurement & Supply Chain


2,600 17,300

Average Number of Employees

Procurement & Supply Chain

Stock Control Clerks / Officers

Storage & Warehousing Professionals & Managers National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):

62% 33%

5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Male 62%

16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

£1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

82% 4%


28% 2%


Femal e 18%

Male 82%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

Procurement & Supply Chain



Managers and directors in storage and warehousing plan, organise, direct and coordinate the activities and resources necessary for the safe and efficient receipt, storage and warehousing of goods and for the maintenance of stocks at an optimal level.

Female 38%


Average Number of Employees

Retail & Consumer Services

Postal Workers / Couriers / Mail Sorters

Shelf Fillers / Shop Assistants National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:






5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):

Collect, receive, sort and deliver mail, documents, correspondence or messages, either between or within establishments. Sorts mail, parcels and other incoming and outgoing material for delivery, and maintains records of material received and despatched; delivers mail, parcels, correspondence and other materials to specified or agreed routes and schedules.

Male £26,200 £2,183



National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 72%

35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

£2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

Shelf fillers receive incoming goods from storage, check them for damage and place them on the appropriate shelves in the store. Monitors depletion of stocks and re-fills shelves as required. Shop assistants demonstrate and sell a variety of goods and services in shops, stores, showrooms and similar establishments.









5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 28%


Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Stock control clerks and assistants receive orders from customers, prepare requisitions or despatch documents for ordered goods, maintain and update records, files and other correspondence in relation to the storage and despatch of goods.











5% Female 41%

Male 59%

£1,800 £1,600 £1,400 £1,200 £1,000 £800 £600 £400 £200 £0

20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

Retail & Consumer Services

Retail & Consumer Services

Shopkeepers & Proprietors

Merchandisers National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Shopkeepers and proprietors co-ordinate, direct and undertake the activities in the running of small, independent retail and wholesale establishments. Defines the market position for the business, decides what to sell, forecasts demand and develops the brand image of the business.


5,200 60,500

Female 45%

Male 55%


26% -2% 29% 5%


Merchandisers replenish stocks of goods in stores, advise retailers on the optimum display of merchandise and create displays of merchandise in shop windows. Monitors stock movements, considers customer requirements and assists customers in completing orders. Develops ideas and plans for merchandise display.


400 8,100


Female 26%

Male 74%
























Average Monthly Salary

Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

Retail & Consumer Services

Average Number of Employees

Retail & Consumer Services

Mobile Salespersons / Roundspersons / Van Salespersons

Retail Cashiers & Check-Out Operators National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK: -

5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):








National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Retail cashiers and check-out operators accept payments from customers and give change in respect of sales or services. Receives cash, cheque or debit or credit card payment, checks validity of form of payment, gives change and issues receipts for purchase.


£16,640 250,534

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 30%


















Deliver and sell food, drink and other goods by calling on householders or by selling from a mobile shop or van and call on households to collect and receive payment for laundered or similarly serviced articles.

Female 23%

Male 70%

Male 77%

£1,800 £1,600 £1,400 £1,200 £1,000 £800 £600 £400 £200 £0

35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

















Average Number of Employees


Average Monthly Salary

Retail & Consumer Services

Average Number of Employees

Retail & Consumer Services

Retail Managers & Senior Professionals

Market & Street Traders & Assistants

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



Male 65%

80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 -

Average Number of Employees


Market and street traders and assistants sell goods (other than refreshments) from stalls, barrows and other portable containers in streets and market places. Sells goods at fixed price or by bargaining with customer.








Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate Female 35%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

4% 28%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Retail and wholesale managers and directors plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate the operations of major retail and wholesale establishments in order to maximise business performance and meet financial goals.


17,200 114,600


Male 52%

£1,800 £1,600 £1,400 £1,200 £1,000 £800 £600 £400 £200 £0


Female 48%

3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

Average Monthly Salary

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Average Number of Employees


Retail & Consumer Services

Retail & Consumer Services

Importers & Exporters

Butchers National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 36%









Butchers direct and undertake the slaughter of animals and prepare carcasses for storage, processing and sale. Cuts carcass parts into chops, joints, steaks, etc. for sale.

Male 64%

4% Female 12%

Male 88%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0















500 -

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Importers and exporters buy commodities from overseas for the home market and sell homeproduced commodities to overseas markets. Arranges for shipment of commodities overseas and ensures that insurance and export licences are in order; carries out customs clearance procedures for imports, arranges their storage and delivery.





Average Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Retail & Consumer Services

Average Number of Employees

Retail & Consumer Services


Hairdressers & Barbers National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



Approx number of employees in the UK:





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Florists sell flowers and related products in a wholesale or retail business, and design and make up floral bouquets, wreaths, tributes and other floral arrangements for sale to the public.

Male 1%

Female 99%

Hairdressers and barbers shampoo, cut, colour, style and treat hair. Discusses customer requirements, analyses hair condition and other relevant features to define and advise on hair style; washes, conditions, bleaches, tints or dyes hair and provides any necessary basic scalp treatments.









£1,500 £1,000


£500 £0









Male 27%

Female 73%

40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

£500 £0


Average Monthly Salary


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Average Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Retail & Consumer Services

Average Number of Employees

Retail & Consumer Services

Hairdressing & Beauty Salon Managers & Proprietors


National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 58%

9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

£2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Male 42%


Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate the activities and resources of hairdressing salons, beauty treatment and similar establishments. Provides clients with information and advice on styles and treatments, and resolves any complaints or problems.



Beauticians and related workers give facial and body beauty treatments, apply cosmetics and dress wigs. Discusses clients requirements, analyses and advises client on appropriate skin / nail / hair care, and applies treatments to the face or body.








2% Female 15%

Male 85%

16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

£2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

Human Resources & Recruitment

Human Resources & Recruitment

Careers Advisers / Employability Specialists

Human Resources Managers & Senior Professionals National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:








5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



Approx number of employees in the UK:



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

39 Male 37%

Female 63%

£5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0










28% 2% Female 27%

Male 73%


9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

£2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Human Resources & Recruitment



Give advice on careers or occupations, training courses and related matters, direct school leavers and other job seekers into employment and assess their progress. Liaises with employers to determine employment opportunities and advises schools, colleges or individuals accordingly.


£27,560 39,146

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Number of Employees

Human Resources & Recruitment

Human Resources & Recruitment Professionals

Health & Safety Officers

National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK: 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):








National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Human resources, recruitment and industrial relations officers conduct research and advise on recruitment, training, staff appraisal and industrial relations policies and assist specialist managers with negotiations on behalf of a commercial enterprise, trade union or other organisation. Screen and interviews candidates for jobs. Work with employers to help fill in job


£32,760 168,683

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


Female 58%









5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Male 42%






28% 2%


Health and safety officers counsel employees to ensure and promote health and safety in the workplace and co-ordinate accident prevention and health and safety measures within an establishment or organisation.

Female 21%

Male 79%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Average Monthly Salary



Average Monthly Salary

National Female Average Annual Salary


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Human resource managers and directors plan, organise and direct the personnel, training and industrial relations policies of organisations, advise on resource allocation and utilisation problems, measure the effectiveness of an organisation’s systems, methods and procedures and advise on, plan and implement procedures to improve utilisation of labour, equipment and





10,000 8,000








Average Number of Employees


Average Monthly Salary

Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Average Number of Employees

Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Bar Staff

Catering & Bar Managers National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:








5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate





20,000 10,000 -

Average Number of Employees

Catering and bar managers plan, direct and coordinate the catering and bar facilities and services of licensed premises, factories, shops, theatres, educational premises and other establishments. They also manage outside catering businesses and shops selling food cooked on the premises.












5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 49%

Male 51%

£1,800 £1,600 £1,400 £1,200 £1,000 £800 £600 £400 £200 £0

Average Monthly Salary

National Female Average Annual Salary


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Bar staff prepare, mix and serve alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and beverages at bars in public houses, hotels, clubs and other establishments. Takes customer orders and mixes and serves drinks; receives payment for drinks.










Male 40% Female 60%

16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

£2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

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Average Number of Employees


Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality


Cooks National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 25%

Male 75%

70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 -

£2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

109,609 -

Cooks prepare, season and cook food, often using pre-prepared ingredients, in clubs, private households, fast food outlets, shops selling food cooked on the premises and the catering departments and canteens of other establishments.









Male 31%

Female 69%


18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

£1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Average Number of Employees

Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Cleaning & Housekeeping Managers / Supervisors

Cleaners & Domestic Operators

National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:







5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Manage and supervise cleaning and other housekeeping tasks within private households, hotels, schools, hostels and other non-private households, and in offices and other premises. Supervises the activities of cleaners and other housekeeping staff and inspects work undertaken.



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


Female 16%

Cleaners and domestics clean interiors of private houses, shops, hotels, schools, offices and other buildings. Scrubs, washes, sweeps and polishes floors, corridors and stairs; dusts and polishes furniture and fittings.









5-Year Growth (New jobs created):







Male 22%



Female 78%

Male 84%










2,000 -


Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

-2% 31%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Chefs plan menus and prepare, or oversee the preparation of food in hotels, restaurants, clubs, private households and other establishments. Plans menus, prepares, seasons and cooks foodstuffs or oversees their preparation and monitors the quality of finished dishes; supervises, organises and instructs kitchen staff and manages the whole kitchen or an area of the


5,500 75,300

£1,800 £1,600 £1,400 £1,200 £1,000 £800 £600 £400 £200 £0

Average Number of Employees

100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Average Number of Employees

Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Conference & Exhibition Managers / Organisers

Hotel & Accommodation Managers

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

38 Male 37%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Female 63%

20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

4% 28%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Manage, organise and coordinate business conferences, exhibitions and similar events. Plans work schedules, assigns tasks, and coordinates the activities of designers, crafts persons, technical staff, caterers and other events staff.


2,800 21,800

Average Number of Employees


Plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate the activities and resources of hotels, hostels, lodging homes, holiday camps, holiday flats and chalets, and organise the domestic, catering, and entertainment facilities on passenger ships.








Male 51%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0


Female 49%

14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Kitchen & Catering Assistants

Launderers, Dry Cleaners & Pressers National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:



5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 44%

Female 56%

£1,800 £1,600 £1,400 £1,200 £1,000 £800 £600 £400 £200 £0







31% 5%


Launderers, dry cleaners and pressers supervise and undertake the washing, dry cleaning, ironing and pressing of clothing, household and other linen, carpets, curtains and other articles.

Female 38% Male 62%














Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

1% 31%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Assist in the preparation and service of food and beverages in restaurants, cafés and other eating establishments, and perform various cleaning, fetching and carrying tasks. Prepares and serves food, beverages and light refreshments, accepts payment and gives change.


5,800 155,900

5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):

4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000


Average Number of Employees


Average Monthly Salary

Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Average Number of Employees

Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Waiters / Waitresses

Leisure & Theme Park Operators National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

40 Male 30%

£1,800 £1,600 £1,400 £1,200 £1,000 £800 £600 £400 £200 £0


60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 -

Leisure and theme park attendants monitor the operation of amusement arcades, check tickets of entry to theatres and cinemas and show people to their seats, operate rides at funfairs and theme parks, and entertain and look after guests at holiday camps.




31% 5%


Female 44%

Male 56%

£1,600 £1,400 £1,200 £1,000 £800 £600 £400 £200 £0

Average Number of Employees

6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 70%

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Waiters and waitresses serve food and beverages in hotels, clubs, restaurants and other establishments. Presents menus and wine lists to patrons and may describe dishes and advise on selection of food or wines.



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Average Number of Employees

Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Publicans & Licensed Premises Managers

Rail Transport Operatives

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):





5-Year Growth (New jobs created):




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Publicans and managers of licensed premises organise, direct and co-ordinate the activities and resources of public houses (pubs) and bar and catering facilities at non-residential clubs.

Female 37% Male 63%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

Rail transport operatives assist drivers in the operation of passenger and goods trains, drive locomotive engines in coal mines, guide wagons and coaches in marshalling yards and sidings to make up trains, operate signals and points to control the movement of rail traffic, and monitor the operation of surface and underground railways.



0% 34% 2%



Male, 99%










500 -


Average Monthly Salary

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Average Number of Employees


Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Restaurant & Catering Establishment Managers

Sports & Leisure Associates

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate



Male 60%

Sports and leisure assistants, provide and maintain facilities for sporting and recreational activities and supervise their use, maintain the continuity of entertainment and social events, offer odds and accept bets on the result of sporting and other events and control gambling activities.







5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 40%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0



Male 44%

Female 56%















5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Restaurant and catering establishment managers and proprietors plan, direct and coordinate the catering services of restaurants, hotels and large-scale catering services within other organisations.





Average Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Average Number of Employees

Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Fitness Instructors

Sports Coaches & Instructors National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 45%

Female 55%




25,000 20,000









Average Monthly Salary


Sports coaches, instructors and officials work with amateur and professional sportsmen and women to enhance performance, encourage greater participation in sport, supervise recreational activities such as canoeing and mountaineering, and organise and officiate at sporting events according to established rules.








2% Female 32%

Male 68%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Average Number of Employees

Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Travel Agency Managers & Proprietors

Travel Agents National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:







5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Travel agency managers and proprietors plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate the resources and activities of travel agencies and booking offices. Makes and confirms travel and accommodation bookings, arranges group holidays, tours and individual itineraries.



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


Male, 65%

3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

Average Number of Employees

Travel agents advise travellers upon travel arrangements, make bookings and receive payment for travel arrangements made. Establishes availability with tour operators and makes bookings; consults travel time-tables, books travel tickets and accommodation.









5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female, 35%

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

3% 32%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Fitness instructors deliver training in a range of fitness activities, including weight training, yoga, pilates, personal training and other forms of exercise at private health and fitness centres, local authority run sports and leisure centres, other public and community establishments, and in private homes.


1,900 19,500








Male 15%


Female 85%














Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

Transport & Logistics

Transport & Logistics

Air Traffic Controllers

Air Transport/Travel Operatives National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Air traffic controllers prepare flight plans, authorise flight departures and arrivals and maintain radio, radar and/or visual contact with aircraft to ensure the safe movement of air traffic. Directs the movement of aircraft en route to its destination and ensures minimum distances are maintained between planes.


Average Annual Salary






Average Monthly Salary






Approx number of employees in the UK:



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 14%


Air transport operatives refuel, load and unload aircraft, direct the movement of aircraft at airports, and positions gangways or staircases to allow passengers to board and disembark aircraft.

Male 86%








2% Female 8%

Male 92%

1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 -

£10,000 £8,000 £6,000 £4,000 £2,000 £0


4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

£2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Transport & Logistics

Average Number of Employees

Transport & Logistics

Aircraft Pilots & Flight Engineers

Train & Tram Drivers National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:








5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):

Aircraft flight deck officers check, regulate, adjust and test engines and other equipment prior to take-off, navigate and pilot aircraft and give flying lessons. Directs or undertakes the operation of controls to fly aeroplanes and helicopters, complying with air traffic control and aircraft operating procedures.



National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK: 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Male 92%
























1% 34%


2% Female 1%

Male 99%

4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -


Average Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Transport & Logistics




Drive diesel, diesel-electric, electric and steam locomotives that transport passengers and goods on surface and underground railways, and transport passengers in trams. Checks controls, gauges, brakes and lights before start of journey and studies route, timetable and track information.




28% Female 8%


£55,120 28,114

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


£112,840 24,555

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Average Monthly Salary





Average Monthly Salary

National Female

£101,400 9,253

5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Number of Employees

Transport & Logistics

Bus & Coach Drivers

Van Drivers National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Bus and coach drivers drive road passengercarrying vehicles such as buses, coaches and mini-buses. Drives single- and double-decked vehicle over pre-determined route, complying with traffic regulations and keeping to time schedule; may collect fares from passengers and issue tickets or ensure that they use a ticket machine.




5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 6%

Male 94%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0









Average Number of Employees

Van drivers collect, transport and deliver goods in vehicles up to 7.5 tonnes in weight. Drives vehicle from depot to loading/unloading point; assists with loading/unloading and obtains receipts from customers for goods collected/delivered.



Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

500 40,500









3% Female 7%

Male 93%

35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

£500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

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Average Number of Employees


Transport & Logistics

Transport & Logistics

Taxi & Cab Drivers & Chauffeurs

Fork-Lift Truck Drivers National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):




5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Taxi and cab drivers and chauffeurs drive motor cars for private individuals, government departments and industrial and commercial organisations, drive taxis for public hire, drive new cars to delivery points and drive motorcycles and other motor vehicles.








3% Female 2%

Male 98%

Male 95%

45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

£2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Transport & Logistics

Average Number of Employees

Transport & Logistics

Large Goods Vehicle Drivers

Transport & Distribution Managers National Female

Average Annual Salary






Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


Large Goods Vehicle (LGV) drivers (formerly HGV drivers), collect, transport and deliver goods in rigid vehicles over 7.5 tonnes, articulated lorries and lorries pulling trailers. Assists with loading/unloading and ensures that load is evenly distributed and safely secured.


National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Female 2%

Male 98%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Managers and directors in transport and distribution plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate the activities and resources necessary for the safe, efficient and economic movement of passengers and freight by road, rail, sea and air transport.





30,000 20,000 10,000









5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

19% 4%




2% Female 19%

Male 81%

16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

£4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000

Average Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Transport & Logistics





Average Monthly Salary


Fork-lift truck drivers operate fork-lift trucks in factories, warehouses, storerooms and other areas to transfer goods and materials. Operates controls to pick up load on forks. Keeps records of work undertaken.

Female 5%


Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

900 74,200

Average Number of Employees

Transport & Logistics

Marine & Waterways Transport Operatives

Mobile Machine Drivers & Operatives

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Marine and waterways transport operatives supervise and carry out a variety of deck duties and operate and maintain engines, boilers and mechanical equipment on board ships, boats and other marine vessels.




5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 -

Average Number of Employees


Supervise and undertake the operation of machines to transport, excavate, grade, level, and compact sand, earth, gravel and similar materials, drive piles into the ground and lay surfaces of asphalt, concrete and chippings, and operate other mobile machines.

Female 1%

Male 99%

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

100 2,600








3% Female 2%

Male 98%


9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

£2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

Transport & Logistics

Transport & Logistics

Ship & Hovercraft Officers

Transport & Distribution Clerks / Administrators National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):




5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Ship and hovercraft officers command and navigate ships and other craft, co-ordinate the activities of officers and deck and engine room ratings, operate and maintain communications equipment on board ship and undertake minor repairs to engines, boilers and other mechanical and electrical equipment.

Male 92%

4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

£5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0




-1% 33%


4% Female 37%

Male 63%














Average Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary


Average Number of Employees


Book-Keepers, Accounts Assistants, Payroll Professionals National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:






5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


National Female


Average Annual Salary


Average Monthly Salary


Approx number of employees in the UK:




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Book-keepers, payroll managers and wages clerks maintain and balance records of financial transactions, oversee the operation of payroll functions and calculate hours worked, wages due and other relevant contributions and deductions.

Chartered & Certified Accountants / Auditors



Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Female 73%

70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 -




Male £45,900 £3,825








Provide accounting and auditing services, advise clients on financial matters, collect and analyse financial information and perform other accounting duties required by management for the planning and control of an establishment’s income and expenditure.


Female 45%

Male 55%

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 -

Average Monthly Salary


£54,720 266,548

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Male 27%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

78,648 22,100


Perform various clerical functions relating to the transport and distribution of goods and freight. Processes customer orders and forwards requisition documentation to storage and distribution personnel; formulates delivery loads, vehicle schedules and routes to be followed by delivery staff.

Female 8%


Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

700 5,200

Average Number of Employees


Credit Controllers

Debt Collectors National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

39 Male 30%

Female 70%















Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

-1% 33%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Credit controllers perform financial, administrative and other tasks in relation to credit control and debt collection. Ensures that accounting, recording and statutory procedures are adhered to for all credit transactions.


200 12,600

Average Number of Employees

23,488 -

Debt, rent and other cash collectors collect payments due or overdue from households and businesses and empty cash from prepayment meters or machines. Receives payment at centralised office or calls on household/business premises.








5% Female 32%

Male 68%


3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

£1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

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Average Number of Employees




Finance Officers / Assistant Accountants / Accounting Technicians

Financial Controllers / Finance Managers / Finance Directors

National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:






5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


Average Annual Salary


Average Monthly Salary






Male £83,000 £6,917



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):




Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

38 Male 32%

Female 68%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:



Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Finance officers / Assistant Accountants / Accounting Technicians oversee book-keeping, general accounting and other financial and related clerical functions mainly within a variety of public/private sector organisations.

National Female




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Financial managers and directors plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate financial information and advise on company financial policy. Participates in the formulation of strategic and long-term business plans, assesses the implications for the organisation financial mechanisms and oversees their implementation.

Female 42% Male 58%

£9,000 £8,000 £7,000 £6,000 £5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Number of Employees

80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 -

Average Monthly Salary




Average Number of Employees

Banking, Insurance & Financial Services

Taxation Experts

Actuaries, Economists & Statisticians National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 47%

Female 53%


14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

£5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Monthly Salary


Apply theoretical and mathematical principles and practical techniques to assess risk and formulate probabilistic outcomes in order to inform economic, insurance, pensions and business policy, and to analyse and interpret data used to assist in the formulation of financial, business and economic policies in order to maximise growth or improve business






32% 1%


Female 44%

Male 56%

£7,000 £6,000 £5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Number of Employees

18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Banking, Insurance & Financial Services

Average Number of Employees

Banking, Insurance & Financial Services

Bank & Post Office Clerks

Brokers National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK: -

5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):








National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Bank and post office clerks deal with the payment and receipt of money, cheques and other routine financial transactions and open and close accounts. They advise upon financial products and services offered by banks, building societies and post offices.


£26,000 172,242

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


Brokers deal in commodities, stocks, shares and foreign exchange on behalf of clients or on own account, broker insurance and reinsurance, and buy and sell shipping and freight space.

Female 74%

35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

£2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees









5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Male 26%


Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

4% 28%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Taxation experts advise on tax matters and assess tax liabilities. Examines accounts of individuals or businesses to determine their tax liability and makes adjustments to claims where necessary.


1,500 11,300








2% Female 18%

Male 82%














Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

Banking, Insurance & Financial Services

Banking, Insurance & Financial Services

Financial Institution Managers & Directors

Investment Analysts & Financial Advisers

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



Approx number of employees in the UK:



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Financial institution managers and directors plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate the activities and resources of banks, building societies, insurance companies and post offices.

Female 37%



40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

£8,000 £6,000 £4,000 £2,000 £0

Female 36%

£4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

Banking, Insurance & Financial Services

Insurance Underwriters

Pensions & Insurance Administrators & Clerks National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK: 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):








National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Insurance underwriters identify and measure the risks associated with an activity, determine whether this risk is insurable and issue insurance polices which provide financial compensation in the event of loss.


£43,680 36,299

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


Female 61%

14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

£4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Approx number of employees in the UK: 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):

Includes those who head large enterprises and organisations. They plan, direct and co-ordinate, with directors and managers, the resources necessary for the various functions and specialist activities of these enterprises and organisations.









Male 32%

16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

£2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

Business & Related Research Professionals Male

National Female





Average Annual Salary







Average Monthly Salary





5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



Consulting, Management & Administration National Female

Average Monthly Salary



Average Monthly Salary

Chief Executives & Senior Officials Average Annual Salary


Female 68%

Average Number of Employees

Consulting, Management & Administration



Pensions and insurance clerks and assistants provide general clerical support to senior colleagues and perform specialist clerical tasks in relation to the administration of pensions and insurance policies.


£23,920 92,171

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Male 39%




Approx number of employees in the UK:



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 21%

Male 79%














Average Monthly Salary

90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 -


Average Number of Employees

Banking, Insurance & Financial Services

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 64%


Average Monthly Salary


4% 28%

Advise customers, who may be individuals, companies or specialist groups, on the purchase of investments, insurance, mortgages, pensions and other financial services and products.

Male 63%

Average Monthly Salary


8,100 62,500

Average Number of Employees


Business and related research professionals carry out a variety of research activities for the broadcast and print media, for the police and armed forces intelligence services, for national security agencies and in other non-scientific areas.









Male 38%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Female 62%

18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

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Average Number of Employees


Consulting, Management & Administration

Consulting, Management & Administration

Inspectors Of Standards & Regulations

Business & Financial Project Management Professionals National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:








5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 63%

70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 -










28% 2% Female 35%

Male 65%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Consulting, Management & Administration



Inspectors of standards and regulations undertake investigations and inspections to verify and ensure compliance with acts, regulations and other requirements in respect of: buildings; weights, measures and trade descriptions; the installation and safety of electrical, gas and water supplies and equipment; marine pollution, ships’ structures, equipment and


£33,800 53,737

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 37%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

National Female Average Annual Salary


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Manage and oversee major projects across all sectors of modern industry, commerce and the public sector, in areas such as e-commerce, business analysis, finance, product development, marketing, human resources.


Average Number of Employees

Consulting, Management & Administration

Management Consultants & Business Analysts

Office Managers & Office Supervisors

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 39% Male 61%


80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 -

£5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:


Female 75%

30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Number of Employees






269,039 -





National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 5%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Female 95%

35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

39 Male 25%

Receptionists & Administrators

Average Annual Salary

Personal assistants and secretaries provide administrative and secretarial support to individuals, departmental or management teams within organisations. Takes telephone enquiries, takes and passes on messages; arranges appointments, keeps business diary, organises travel arrangements, makes reservations and organises a variety of functions.


-1% 33%

Consulting, Management & Administration National Female

5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


1,000 58,200

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Personal Assistants & Secretaries

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

207,117 -

Office managers/supervisors plan, organise and co-ordinate the activities and resources of offices within commercial, industrial and other nongovernmental organisations and public agencies. Common tasks include: plans work schedules, assigns tasks and delegates responsibilities; advises on the handling of all correspondence and enquiries relating to accounts, sales,

Average Number of Employees

Consulting, Management & Administration

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Approx number of employees in the UK:

4% 32%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Advise industrial, commercial and other establishments on a variety of management and business-related matters to assist in the formulation of financial and business policies in order to maximise growth or improve business performance.


8,500 67,300

Average Number of Employees






283,986 -

Receptionists and administrators receive and direct telephone calls and visitors to commercial, government and other establishments. Types reports, memos, notes, minutes and other documents; receives and distributes incoming and outgoing correspondence.










Male 10%



Female 90%

35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

£1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

Sales & Marketing

Sales & Marketing

Advertising Accounts Managers & Creative Managers

Public Relations Professionals

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 47%

Female 53%

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

Average Monthly Salary


Public relations professionals plan, organise and co-ordinate the activities that promote the image and understanding of an organisation and its products or services to consumers, businesses, members of the public and other specified audiences.









Male 41% Female 59%

£7,000 £6,000 £5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Number of Employees

20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Sales & Marketing

Average Number of Employees

Sales & Marketing

Marketing & Sales Directors & Executives

Call & Contact Centre Operatives

National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK: 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):








National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Marketing and sales directors plan, organise and direct market research and formulate and implement an organisation’s marketing and sales policies and strategies. Examines and analyses sales figures, advises on and monitors marketing campaigns and promotional activities.


£83,720 202,491

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 32%

Receive and respond to telephone calls from potential clients and existing customers regarding the products and services offered by an organisation. Advises on services available and sells additional products or services.









5-Year Growth (New jobs created):









Male 42% Female 58%

Male 68%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0







40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000





£500 £0


Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

4% 32%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Advertising accounts managers and creative directors plan, design, organise and direct the advertising activities of an organisation. Creates and manages an advertising campaign to impart the desired product image in an effective and economical way.


1,500 11,800

Average Number of Employees


Average Monthly Salary

Sales & Marketing

Average Number of Employees

Sales & Marketing

Collector Salespersons & Credit Agents

Customer Service Advisors

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):





5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):




Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 42% Female 58%

3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

£2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

-2% 29%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Collector salespersons and credit agents visit private households to obtain orders and collect payments for goods and services. Quotes prices and terms, collects any payments and completes hire purchase or credit arrangements; distributes advertising literature and sample goods.


300 5,800

Average Number of Employees

Common tasks in this job: receives enquiries from potential and existing clients, discusses requirements, and recommends products or services. Discusses pricing processes with clients, agrees payment arrangements and handles customer accounts.



Male 33%

Female 67%

45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

£2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

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Average Number of Employees


Sales & Marketing

Sales & Marketing

Customer Service Managers & Supervisors

Market Research Interviewers

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 45%

Female 55%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0














26% 5%


Market research interviewers conduct interviews to collect information on the opinions and preferences of consumers, businesses, the electorate and other selected groups. Records progress of interviews by noting answers, completing questionnaires, making audio or visual recordings or inputting responses into a computer.



Male 37% Female 63%

4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

£500 £0


Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

5% 26%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Plan, organise and co-ordinate resources necessary for receiving and dealing with the responses, complaints or further requirements of purchasers and users of a product or service, and supervise customer service occupations.


6,900 39,500

Average Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Sales & Marketing

Average Number of Employees

Sales & Marketing

Sales Executives & Business Development Managers

Sales Administrators

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



Approx number of employees in the UK:





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Sales executives and business development managers plan, organise and undertake market research to meet the requirements of an organisation’s marketing and sales policies.


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 31%


79% -1%


33% 4%


Male 21%

Sales administrators provide support to the process of selling equipment, materials and other products or services. Prepares sales invoices and maintains records and accounts of sales activity.

Male 69%

Female 79%


35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

£5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Monthly Salary
















Average Number of Employees


Average Monthly Salary

Sales & Marketing

Average Number of Employees

Sales & Marketing

Sales Supervisors

Vehicle & Parts Salespersons & Advisers National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:








5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Sales supervisors oversee operations and directly supervise and coordinate the activities of sales and related workers in retail and wholesale establishments. Establishes and monitors work schedules to meet sales and productivity targets.



Male 49%

Female 51%







5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


Vehicle and parts salespersons and advisers sell new and used vehicles to the general public, and vehicle accessories and parts to garages, vehicle dealerships and the general public.










6% Female 19%

Male 81%




25,000 20,000









Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

Sales & Marketing


Telephone Salespersons

Barristers & Judges National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 43% Female 57%

7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

£2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

-2% 29%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Telephone salespersons (Telesales) obtain, receive, process and record telephone orders for goods and services. Telephones potential customers, explains purpose of call, discusses their requirements and advises on the goods/services being offered.


600 11,700




4% 32%


Prepare and conduct court cases on behalf of clients, preside over judicial proceedings, and pronounce judgements within a variety of court settings and tribunals. Hears, reads and evaluates evidence, and instructs or advises the jury / client on points of law or procedure.


Male 48%

Female 52%

£7,000 £6,000 £5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Number of Employees

12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

Average Monthly Salary


39,146 11,000

Average Number of Employees



Legal Associate Professionals National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Male 44%

Female 56%

£7,000 £6,000 £5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Solicitors advise and act on behalf of individuals, organisations, businesses and government departments in legal matters. Scrutinises statements, reports and legal documents relevant to the case being undertaken and prepares papers for court or contracts or other legal purposes.








Legal associate professionals provide administrative support for legal professionals, and investigate and make recommendations on legal matters that do not fall within the province of a normal court of law.


Male 36%

Female 64%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary




Average Number of Employees


Legal Secretaries

Company Secretaries / Chartered Secretaries National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK: -

5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate








5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Legal secretaries file and maintain legal and other records, transcribe notes and dictation into typewritten form and perform other routine clerical tasks in legal practices. Maintains court and clients’ records, organises diaries and arranges appointments; answers enquiries and directs clients to appropriate experts.




Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 4%

Female 96%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

National Female Average Annual Salary

Average Number of Employees







5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


Company secretaries file and maintain company records, maintaining statutory books, including registers of members, directors and secretaries, organising board meetings and AGMs, preparing agendas and taking minutes. Advice the board on corporate law, finance, governance, strategy and corporate secretarial practice issues, Monitor changes in relevant legislation and the











Male 24%

£8,000 £7,000 £6,000 £5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Female 76%

6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

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Average Number of Employees


Information & Technology

Information & Technology

Graphic Designers

IT Business Analysts, Systems Architects & Systems Designers National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate








23% 2%


Workers in this unit group provide advice on the effective utilisation of IT and design IT systems in order to meet the business objectives or to enhance the business effectiveness of the organisation.

Female 29%

Female 15%

Male 71%

Male 85%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

3% 32%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Graphic designers use illustrative, sound, visual and multimedia techniques to convey a message for information, entertainment, advertising, promotion or publicity purposes, and create special visual effects and animations for computer games, film, interactive and other media.


2,900 29,500














Average Number of Employees


Average Monthly Salary

Information & Technology

Average Number of Employees

Information & Technology

Programmers & Software Development Professionals

IT Engineers

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


86% 3%


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Programmers and software development professionals design, develop, test, implement and maintain software systems in order to meet the specifications and business objectives of the information system; they also design and develop specialist software e.g. for computer games.


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


32,028 -






25% 3%


IT engineers install, maintain and repair the physical components of computer systems and equipment. This includes advising on and installs operating soft/firm ware and may carry out upgrades.

Female 14%

Female 4%

Male 86%

Male 96%

80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 -

£5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK: 5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Information & Technology

Average Number of Employees

Information & Technology

IT Operations Technicians

IT Project / Programme Managers National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


70% 1%

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


IT operations technicians are responsible for the day-to-day running of IT systems and networks including the preparation of back-up systems, and for performing regular checks to ensure the smooth functioning of such systems.

Female 30%

Male 70%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

1,500 27,400

Average Number of Employees


Manage, coordinate and technically supervise specific IT projects and programmes of a discrete duration and/or budget. Plans the stages of the project or programme, reviews actions and amends plans as necessary; coordinates and supervises the activities of the project/programme team.








2% Female 25%

Male 75%

£7,000 £6,000 £5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

Information & Technology

Information & Technology

IT Specialist Managers

IT User Support Technicians National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate



Male 75%






24% 2%


IT user support technicians are responsible for providing technical support, advice and guidance for internal/external users of IT systems and applications, either directly or by telephone, email or other network interaction.

Female 25%

Female 22%

Male 78%














Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

3% 23%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

IT specialist managers plan, organise, manage and coordinate the provision of specialist IT services and functions in an organisation. Managing the development of a specialist aspect of IT provision such as user support, network operations, service delivery or quality control.


6,200 50,300

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Information & Technology

Average Number of Employees

Information & Technology

Web Designers & Developers

IT & Telecommunications Directors & Executives National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



Approx number of employees in the UK:



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

5-Year Growth (New jobs created): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Design, develop and maintain websites to meet a client’s specified requirements. Including graphics, animation and functionality to maximise visual effectiveness and facilitate appropriate access.

Female 27%


18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

Female 10%

Install, service and repair air-conditioning and refrigeration systems in factories, offices, shops and homes. Plans layout of the system (pipework, ducts and control panels); plans work schedule and installs the system




5,000 -

Average Number of Employees





National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 98%












Average Number of Employees

Electrical engineers undertake research and design, direct construction and manage the operation and maintenance of electrical equipment, power stations, building control systems and other electrical products and systems.









5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 2%

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary



£38,480 13,167

5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Electrical Engineers

National Female

Approx number of employees in the UK:


Electrical, Electronic & Telecoms Engineering

Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Engineers

Average Monthly Salary


Average Monthly Salary

Electrical, Electronic & Telecoms Engineering

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

£8,000 £7,000 £6,000 £5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Number of Employees

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



Plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate the work, resources and strategies necessary to provide and operate information technology and telecommunications services within an organisation.

Male 90%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Annual Salary

90% 4% 28%

Male 73%

Average Monthly Salary


3,600 24,000








2% Female 5%

Male 95%

7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -


Average Monthly Salary

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Average Number of Employees


Electrical, Electronic & Telecoms Engineering

Electrical, Electronic & Telecoms Engineering

Electricians & Electronics Technicians / Assemblers

Electronics Engineers National Female


National Female




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:




Approx number of employees in the UK:

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Electronics engineers undertake research and design, direct construction and manage the operation and maintenance of electronic motors, communications systems, microwave systems, and other electronic equipment.

Female 6%


7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

£5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Female 4%

4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

£5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

Electrical, Electronic & Telecoms Engineering

Electrical, Electronic & Telecoms Engineering

Precision Instrument Technicians

Telecommunications Engineers National Female Male

Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:








5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate



Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Male 95%

3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -














Telecommunications engineers install, maintain and repair public and private telephone systems and maintain, test and repair telecommunications cables. Uses testing equipment to locate defective components of circuitry and makes any necessary repairs.

Female 3%

Male 97%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Mechanical, Automotive & Aerospace Engineering



£36,400 49,822

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 5%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

National Female Average Annual Salary

700 43

Precision instrument makers and repairers make, calibrate, test and repair precision and optical instruments such as barometers, compasses, cameras, calibrators, watches, clocks and chronometers.



Electricians, electronic technicians and electrical fitters assemble parts in the manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment, and install, maintain, and repair electrical plant, machinery, appliances and wiring.

Average Number of Employees

Average Annual Salary


-3% 25%

Male 96%


Average Monthly Salary


7,400 61,000


Male 94%

Average Number of Employees

Mechanical, Automotive & Aerospace Engineering

Aircraft Maintenance Technicians

Vehicle & Machinery Mechanics/Technicians/Assemblers National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary






Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Fit, service, repair and overhaul aircraft engines and assemblies. Examines and inspects airframes and aircraft components, including landing gear, hydraulic systems, and deicers to detect wear, cracks, breaks, leaks, or other problems.


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Femal e 0%

4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

£4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Number of Employees

177,580 -

Vehicle technicians, mechanics and electricians accept calls for help and repair and service the mechanical parts and electrical/electronic circuitry and components of cars, lorries, buses, motorcycles and other motor vehicles, and repair and service auto air-conditioning systems.

Male 100%


Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

800 6,500




Average Annual Salary








Femal e 1%


Male 99%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

Mechanical, Automotive & Aerospace Engineering

Mechanical, Automotive & Aerospace Engineering

Boat & Ship Building Builders/Technicians

Design & Development Engineers

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):




5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Boat and ship builders and repairers construct, install and repair wooden structures and fittings, and shape, position, rivet and seal metal plates and girders to form the metal structures and frameworks for marine craft.

Male 0%

Female 100%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 -

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

300 2,700


3% 23% 2% Female 4%

Male 96%

14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

£5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

Mechanical, Automotive & Aerospace Engineering

Mechanical Engineers

Engineering Technicians National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK: 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate








National Female Average Annual Salary






Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate









Engineering technicians perform a variety of technical support functions to assist engineers with the design, development, operation, installation and maintenance of engineering systems and constructions.

Female 6%



Average Monthly Salary

2,600 40

Mechanical engineers undertake research and design, direct the manufacture and manage the operation and maintenance of engines, machines, aircraft, vehicle and ships’ structures, building services and other mechanical items.


£49,400 75,801

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

1% Female 12%

Male 94%

Male 88%


16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

£5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Monthly Salary


2,300 39

Design and development engineers conceive engineering designs from product ideas or requirements in mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering. Produces final design information for use in preparation of layouts, parts lists.

Average Number of Employees

Mechanical, Automotive & Aerospace Engineering

67,972 19,100

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Mechanical, Automotive & Aerospace Engineering

Average Number of Employees

Mechanical, Automotive & Aerospace Engineering

Garage Managers / Dealership Managers

Metal Working Machine Operatives/Fitters

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Garage/dealership managers and proprietors plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate the day-today running of garages, dealerships and vehicle maintenance and repair establishments.






5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 88%

7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

£5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Number of Employees


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 12%


Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:




2,400 12,000

Metal working machine operatives operate machines to cut, shape, abrade and otherwise machine metal, use hand and power tools to remove surplus metal and rough surfaces from castings, forgings or other metal parts, and clean, smooth and polish metal workpieces.



-5% 26% 3% Female 9%

Male 91%


9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

£2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

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Average Number of Employees


Mechanical, Automotive & Aerospace Engineering

Mechanical, Automotive & Aerospace Engineering

Physical Scientists

Rail Construction & Maintenance Operatives National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary






Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 26%




26% 3%


Rail construction and maintenance operatives lay, re-lay, repair and examine railway track and maintain surrounding areas. Patrols length of track and visually inspects rails, bolts, fishplates and chairs for distortion or fracture.

Female 0%

Male 100%

7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 -

Average Monthly Salary

Mechanical, Automotive & Aerospace Engineering

Average Number of Employees

Chemical & Pharmaceutical Sciences

Welding Technicians

Chemical Process Operatives National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK: -

5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):









2,200 18,400

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Welding trades workers join metal parts by welding, brazing and soldering, and cut and remove defects from metal using a variety of equipment and techniques. Adjusts controls to regulate gas pressure and rate of flow during welding.


£29,120 65,480

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Operate plant and machinery in the processing of chemical and related materials by chemical, heat or other treatment, manufacture synthetic materials and bleach, dye or otherwise treat textiles, and treat hides, skins and pelts for making into fur, leather and skin products.

Female 0%

Male 100%

14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -











26% 6%


Female 16%

Male 84%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Chemical & Pharmaceutical Sciences


£31,720 39,502

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

9,609 -

Male 74%

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

3% 23%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Physical scientists study relationships between matter, energy and other physical phenomena, the nature, composition and structure of the Earth and other planetary bodies and forecast weather conditions and electrical, magnetic, seismic and thermal activity.


900 7,100

Average Number of Employees

Chemical & Pharmaceutical Sciences

Chemical Scientists / Engineers

Laboratory Technicians National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Chemical scientists analyse and research physical aspects of chemical structure and change within substances and develop chemical techniques used in the manufacture or modification of natural substances and processed products. Chemical engineers undertake research on commercial scale chemical processes and processed products,



Approx number of employees in the UK:



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 20%

Male 80%

Laboratory technicians carry out routine laboratory tests and checks, and perform a variety of technical support functions requiring the application of established or prescribed procedures and techniques to assist scientists with their research, development, analysis and testing, and to verify the physical, chemical and other characteristics of materials and products.















£3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0


Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees









1% Female 34%

Male 66%

14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -


Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

Chemical & Pharmaceutical Sciences

Chemical & Pharmaceutical Sciences

Pharmaceutical Technicians

Pharmacists National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:




Approx number of employees in the UK:

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 14%

Pharmaceutical technicians work in hospitals or in the community and assist pharmacists in the preparation and dispensing of drugs and medicines. Prepares drugs, medicines other specialised, tailor-made drugs for intravenous administration by hospital medical staff/pharmacists.

Pharmacists dispense drugs and medicaments in hospitals and pharmacies and advise on and participate in the development and testing of new drugs, compounds and therapies. They counsel on the proper use and adverse effects of drugs and medicines.

Female 86%




5,000 4,000









Average Monthly Salary

Female 72%

Average Number of Employees

Production & Process Engineers

National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:






80,071 -





National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 10%

Pharmacy and other dispensing assistants work under the supervision of pharmacists or other relevant health professionals to dispense drugs and medicines, issue pre-packaged prescriptions, sell over-the-counter medication, dispense spectacles and contact lenses and other related products.

12,000 10,000




6,000 4,000








Male £45,375 £3,781






Production and process engineers advise on and direct technical aspects of production programmes to ensure cost-effectiveness and efficiency. Plan production schedules, work sequences, and manufacturing and processing procedures to ensure accuracy, quality and reliability.

23% 2%


Female 7%

Male 93%

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

£44,720 54,093

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 90%


Average Monthly Salary


41 Male 28%

Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

Pharmacy & Medical Dispensing Assistants

5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


5% 30%

16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Chemical & Pharmaceutical Sciences



£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

67,616 19,000

Average Number of Employees

Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

Product, Clothing & Related Designers

Production / Manufacturing Managers / Directors National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):





5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):




Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

41 Male 39%

Female 61%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0




10,000 5,000 -

Average Number of Employees

Production managers and directors in manufacturing plan, organise, direct and coordinate the activities and resources necessary for production in manufacturing industries including the maintenance of engineering items, equipment and machinery.



Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

3% 32%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Product, clothing and related designers plan, direct and undertake the creation of designs for new industrial and commercial products, clothing and related fashion accessories, costumes and wigs, and for building interiors and stage sets.


2,400 24,700


1% Female 10%

Male 90%

45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

£4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Monthly Salary

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Average Number of Employees


Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

Quality Control & Planning Engineers

Quality Assurance, Inspectors & Regulatory Professionals National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



Approx number of employees in the UK:



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Quality control and planning engineers plan production schedules, work sequences, and manufacturing and processing procedures to ensure accuracy, quality and reliability.


57% 4% 32% 0%


Plan, organise, co-ordinate and direct the effective measurement monitoring and reporting on the qualitative and regulatory aspects of a specified tangible (industrial production) or nontangible (service provision) output.

Female 28%


3,700 28,900

Female 43% Male 57%

Male 72%

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

Average Monthly Salary













Average Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

Average Number of Employees

Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

Quality Assurance Technicians

Research & Development Managers National Female

Average Annual Salary



Average Monthly Salary



Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


National Female


Average Annual Salary


Average Monthly Salary


Approx number of employees in the UK:




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Quality assurance technicians perform a variety of technical inspections and testing and monitoring tasks to detect processing, manufacturing and other defects. Analyses and interprets the results of tests undertaken and writes up reports upon completion.



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):






Female 30%


23% 5%

Male 66%














Average Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

66% 3%

Female 34%

Male 70%

4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -




Managers in this unit group plan, organise, coordinate and manage resources to undertake the systematic investigation necessary for the development of new, or to enhance the performance of existing, products and services.

Male £54,750


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary


Average Number of Employees

Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

Bakers & Flour Confectioners

Manufacturing / Process / Plant Operatives National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 50%

Female 50%




5,000 4,000









Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

-2% 31%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Bakers and flour confectioners prepare and bake dough, pastry and cake mixtures and make and finish flour confectionary products by hand. Fills and glazes pastry, mixes ingredients for cakes.


800 11,500


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):

Average Number of Employees

27,402 -

Perform a variety of processing, plant and machinery operations in various manufacturing operations. Conveys goods, materials, equipment, etc. to work area, assists in setting up machinery and equipment and prepares tools, lamps and other equipment for use.








Male 47%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0


Female 53%

3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

Glass & Ceramics Makers, Decorators & Finishers

Industrial Cleaning Process Operatives

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Glass and ceramics workers, form, shape, decorate, smooth and polish glassware, earthenware, refractory goods, clay bricks and other ceramic goods. Throws, casts and presses clay by hand or machine to form pottery, stoneware.


300 4,200 43

Male 48%

Female 52%









Clean manufactured goods, plant and machinery, and industrial, commercial and other premises. Clean commercial and industrial premises, public buildings and building exteriors as well as and other industrial plant and machinery.

8% Female 39%

Male 61%
















Average Monthly Salary







1,000 -


Average Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

Average Number of Employees

Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

Packers, Bottlers, Canners & Fillers

Paper & Wood Machine Operatives National Female

Average Annual Salary



Average Monthly Salary



Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):

£22,950 £1,913



National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Pack, wrap, fill, label and seal containers by hand or machine. Packs heavy goods in crates and boxes using hoist, mobile crane or similar lifting equipment. Loads machine with packaging containers, materials, adhesive, etc.



Male 60%





5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 40%






95% -5%




Paper and wood machine operatives operate machines to treat and cut wood, to produce, treat and cut paper, paperboard, leatherboard, plasterboard and similar material, and to assemble and make wooden crates and containers.

Male £24,000

3% Female 5%

Male 95%












10,000 5,000




Average Monthly Salary









Average Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

Average Number of Employees

Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

Planning, Process & Production Technicians

Food, Drink & Tobacco Process Operatives

National Female Average Annual Salary



Average Monthly Salary



Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):

Perform a variety of technical support functions to assist production, process and planning engineers with production programmes and schedules and with manufacturing and processing procedures in order to ensure accuracy, cost-effectiveness and efficiency.



National Female


Average Annual Salary


Average Monthly Salary


Approx number of employees in the UK:



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 33%





116,014 -

Male £22,950 £1,913








Food, drink and tobacco process operatives set, operate and attend machinery to bake, freeze, heat, crush, mix, blend and otherwise process foodstuffs, beverages and tobacco leaves.

Male 67%

6% Female 33%

Male 67%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

Average Monthly Salary


Average Number of Employees

£2,000 £1,950 £1,900 £1,850 £1,800 £1,750 £1,700 £1,650 £1,600 £1,550

20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

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Average Number of Employees


Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

Footwear & Leather Manufacturing Operatives

Tailors & Dressmakers

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


42% -2%

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Make and repair shoes, cut out, make up, sew, decorate and finish leather and leather substitute goods. Uses hand and machine tools to sew and stitch leather and/or other material in the making and decoration of footwear and leather goods.

Male 42% Female 58%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 -

Average Monthly Salary

15,658 -








Tailors and dressmakers prepare patterns and make, fit and alter tailored garments, dresses and other articles of clothing. Makes clothing to customer’s measurements and discusses required style and material.


Male 31%

Female 69%








1,000 500




Average Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

Average Number of Employees

Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

Textiles / Garments Process Operatives

Upholsterers National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:






5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):

National Female


Average Annual Salary


Average Monthly Salary



Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Operate machines to prepare natural and synthetic fibres for processing, spin and twist fibre into yarn, thread, twine, rope and other similar material, and estimate the quantities of colouring matter required for printing and dyeing fabrics.



Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Male 48%

Female 52%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 -

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:





17,082 -

Upholster vehicle, aircraft and other seating, fix trimmings to the interiors of vehicles and aircraft, upholster furniture such as chairs and sofas, and make mattresses, curtains and other soft furnishings.

Male £27,650 £2,304









Female 46%

Male 54%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

Average Monthly Salary

Manufacturing & Consumer Goods


Average Number of Employees

Manufacturing & Consumer Goods

Weavers & Knitters

Weighers, Graders, Sorters & Order Pickers National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Weavers and knitters set up and operate hand and power operated looms and machines to weave fibre into fabrics and carpet, or to knit (by machine or by hand) garments and other articles from yarn.


100 1,500 51


Weigh, grade and sort materials, goods and products. Ascertains material(s) required from order card, recipe, or specification and weighs and measures prescribed quantities accordingly

Male 36%

Female 64%








Male 55%


Female 45%























Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

1,500 1,000 500 -


Average Monthly Salary

Average Number of Employees

Mining, Energy, Environment & Agriculture

Mining, Energy, Environment & Agriculture

Mining, Energy, Environment & Agriculture Senior Professionals /Directors

Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry / Fishing Operatives

National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:








5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):




Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Engineers/production managers and directors in mining, energy, environment, agriculture and water supply plan, organise, direct and coordinate the activities and resources necessary for the extraction of minerals and other natural deposits and the production, storage and provision of gas, water and electricity supplies as well as agricultural and environmental activities.

Male 92%

£9,000 £8,000 £7,000 £6,000 £5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -










27% 4%

Male 40% Female 60%


4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

£2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Mining, Energy, Environment & Agriculture



Perform a variety of tasks in relation to the breeding and rearing of animals and fish, catch fish at sea and from inland waterways, assist in the picking and lifting of crops, plant and maintain hedges, oversee the incubation and hatching of eggs and perform other fishing and elementary agricultural tasks.

Female 8%


£19,240 24,911


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Monthly Salary

National Female Average Annual Salary

Average Number of Employees

Mining, Energy, Environment & Agriculture

Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry / Fishing Professionals & Managers

Waste Disposal & Environmental Services Managers

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 28%

Mine / Quarry Operatives

Conservation/Environment professionals are responsible for ensuring that landscapes, habitats and species are protected and enhanced via appropriate management and conservation. They promote public understanding and awareness of the natural environment and help to develop and implement appropriate policies to achieve these objectives.




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary



Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 19%

Male 81%

2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

Approximate Number of Employees













Quarry / Mine workers erect supports in underground workings, set and detonate explosives to loosen rocks and set up and operate drilling equipment to extract minerals from the ground, and operate machinery to wash, crush or separate stone and ores.


£31,720 11,032


£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

National Female

£38,480 39,146

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Number of Employees

Mining, Energy, Environment & Agriculture National Female

5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):

Female 22%

3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

Average Monthly Salary

Conservation & Environmental Professionals

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



Male 78%

Mining, Energy, Environment & Agriculture

Approx number of employees in the UK:


3% 37%

£7,000 £6,000 £5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary


600 6,600

Waste disposal and environmental services managers plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate the operations and development of waste disposal and related environmental services facilities within private firms or public authorities.

Male 72%

4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

Average Annual Salary


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

3% 37%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Plan, organise and co-ordinate the activities and resources of farming establishments cultivating arable crops, fruits, trees and shrubs, and/or raising cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry. Managers and proprietors in horticulture oversee the production of plants for wholesale and/or retail.


900 10,800


3% Female 0%

Male 100%

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

Average Monthly Salary

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Approximate Number of Employees


Mining, Energy, Environment & Agriculture

Mining, Energy, Environment & Agriculture

Energy Plant Operatives

Environmental Health Professionals National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary






Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Operate boilers to produce hot water or steam and attend and operate compressors, turbines, electrical substations, switchboards and auxiliary plant and machinery to fuel nuclear reactors, drive blowers and pumps, electricity generators and other equipment.

5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 100%


4% 32% 1% Female 29%

Male 71%

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

Average Monthly Salary

Mining, Energy, Environment & Agriculture


600 4,500 41

Use specialist technical skills and knowledge to protect people from health risks associated with the environment in which they live and work. They maintain and safeguard standards, including taking legal action to enforce relevant legislation with regard to public health policy.

Female 0%

1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 -

Approximate Number of Employees

Mining, Energy, Environment & Agriculture

Farm Workers

Farmers National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK: 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Farm workers perform a variety of tasks, by hand and machine, to produce and harvest crops and to breed and rear cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry. Operates farm machinery to prepare soil, fertilise and treat crops.









5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 23%

Male 77%























43% 2% Female 21%

Male 79%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Mining, Energy, Environment & Agriculture



Farmers and related occupations cultivate arable crops, fruits and trees, and raise cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry and other livestock for wholesale and retail markets. Operates and maintains farm machinery such as combine harvesters, straw balers, milking machines and tractors.


£31,720 265,836



Average Monthly Salary


-5% 26%

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

300 1,700

Approximate Number of Employees

Mining, Energy, Environment & Agriculture

Gardeners & Landscape Gardeners

Water & Sewerage Plant Operatives National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary






Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Gardeners and landscape gardeners cultivate flowers, trees, shrubs and other plants in public and private gardens, construct features to improve the appearance of existing terrain, and cut and lay turf.





5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 12%

Male 88%




25,000 20,000









Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

1,700 77,500

Approximate Number of Employees


Water and sewerage plant operatives operate valves to control water supplies in mains and pipelines, attend screening, filtering, water purifying and sedimentation plant, clear any blockages and patrol and maintain sewerage systems.




26% 3%

43 Female 0%

Male 100%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Approximate Number of Employees

Mining, Energy, Environment & Agriculture

Construction, Civil Engineering & Building Services

Agricultural Machinery Drivers

Civil Engineers National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:




5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Operate and drive tractors, combine harvesters or other farm vehicles to clear and cultivate land and to sow and harvest plants and crops. Services and maintains equipment and carries out any minor repairs.


Approx number of employees in the UK: 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 -






3% 23%


2% Female 10%

Male 90%


16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

£5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Construction, Civil Engineering & Building Services



Civil engineers undertake research and design, direct construction and manage the operation and maintenance of civil and mining engineering structures including roads, dams, bridges, railways, hydraulic systems, sewerage systems, industrial and other buildings and plans the layout of tunnels, wells and construction shafts.

Male 100%





£45,760 73,310

34% Female 0%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Average Monthly Salary 5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



National Female Average Annual Salary

Approximate Number of Employees

Construction, Civil Engineering & Building Services

Construction Project Managers

Building & Civil Engineering Technicians National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Manage and oversee major construction and civil engineering projects and major building contracts for quality of work, safety, timeliness and completion within budget; forecast travel patterns and develop strategies for managing the impact of traffic-related demand.



Approx number of employees in the UK:




5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female, 15%

Building and civil engineering technicians perform a variety of technical support functions to assist civil and building engineers, including inspecting construction materials and supervises work of contractors to ensure compliance with specifications.


£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary


1% 24%


1% Female 12%

Male 88%

£2,900 £2,800 £2,700 £2,600 £2,500 £2,400 £2,300 £2,200

Approximate Number of Employees

3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

Average Monthly Salary

Construction, Civil Engineering & Building Services


300 4,800

Approximate Number of Employees

Construction, Civil Engineering & Building Services

Construction & Building Operatives

Bricklayers & Masons National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary






Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Those working in construction and building trades undertake a variety of tasks in the construction, alteration, maintenance and repair of buildings, steeples, industrial chimneys and other tall structures, and of underwater structures





5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Bricklayers and masons erect and repair structures of stone, brick and similar materials and cut, shape and polish granite, marble, slate and other stone for building, ornamental and other purposes.

Female 3%

Male 97%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 -

Approximate Number of Employees






2% Female 0%

Male 100%


Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

1,700 72,400

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

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Approximate Number of Employees


Mechanical, Automotive & Aerospace Engineering

Construction, Civil Engineering & Building Services

Moulders, Core Makers & Die Casters

Crane Drivers National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary






Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Moulders, core makers and die casters make sand, loam and plaster moulds and cores for casting metal and pour or inject molten metal into dies by hand or machine. Applies refractory bonding solution to moulds and dies.



5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Crane drivers supervise and undertake the operation of cranes, jib cranes, power driven hoisting machinery and power driven stationary engines to raise and lower mine and other cages, and to lift and move equipment, materials, machinery and containers.

Female 9%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

0% 34% 2%

51 Female 0%

Male 100%

1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 -

£5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Approximate Number of Employees

Construction, Civil Engineering & Building Services


Floorers & Wall Tilers National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK: 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Draughtspersons prepare technical detailed drawings, plans, charts or maps that include natural features, desired surface finish, elevations, electrical circuitry and other details as well as checks feasibility of construction and compliance with safety regulations. considers the suitability of different materials with regard to the dimensions and weight and calculates the likely


National Female




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 12%

Male 88%

7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

Floorers and wall tilers lay composition mixtures (other than mastic asphalt) to form flooring, plan, fit and secure carpet, underlay and linoleum and cover and decorate walls and floors with terrazzo and granolithic mixtures, tiles and mosaic panels.

Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:

Install pre-glazed wooden, metal or PVC framework, and cut, fit and set glass in windows, doors, shop fronts, and other structural frames. Applies mastic, putty or adhesive between glass and frame.






26% 2%

46 Female 0%

Male 100%

4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

Approximate Number of Employees












5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



Painters & Decorators


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Construction, Civil Engineering & Building Services

National Female

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



Average Monthly Salary

Glaziers, Window Fabricators & Fitters Average Annual Salary


£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

Construction, Civil Engineering & Building Services


£29,120 33,808


£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

12,600 44

£1,000 £500 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

Approx number of employees in the UK:







5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):

Apply paint, varnish, wallpaper and other protective and decorative materials to interior and exterior walls and surfaces, paint designs on wood, glass, metal, plastics and other materials, and stain, wax and french polish wood surfaces by hand.




Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


£26,520 132,740


8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -


Average Monthly Salary


Male 98%


National Female Average Annual Salary

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 2%


Average Monthly Salary

10 3,400


Approximate Number of Employees

Construction, Civil Engineering & Building Services

Average Monthly Salary


-3% 25%

Male 91%

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

100 800





Female 4%

Male 96%














Average Monthly Salary

Approximate Number of Employees

Construction, Civil Engineering & Building Services

Construction, Civil Engineering & Building Services


Plumbers & Heating & Ventilating Engineers National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary






Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Plasterers apply plaster and cement mixtures to walls and ceilings, fix fibrous sheets and cast and fix ornamental plasterwork to the interior or exterior of buildings. Installs and secures plaster board and/or ornamental plasterwork to walls and ceilings.





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate



2% Female 4%

Male 100%

Male 96%

9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Construction, Civil Engineering & Building Services

Approximate Number of Employees

Construction, Civil Engineering & Building Services

Roofers, Roof Tilers & Slaters

Carpenters & Joiners National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK: 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):











5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Cover roofs and exterior walls with felting, sheeting, slates, tiles and thatch to provide a waterproof surface. Lays, aligns and secures successive overlapping layers of underfelt & roofing material













Carpenters and joiners construct, erect, install and repair wooden structures and fittings used in internal and external frameworks and cut, shape, fit and assemble wood to make templates, jigs, scale models and scenic equipment for theatres.

Female 0%


£29,640 255,160


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

2% Female 1%

Male 100%

Male 99%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

Average Monthly Salary




Assemble, install, maintain and repair plumbing fixtures, heating and ventilating systems and pipes and pipeline systems in commercial, residential and industrial premises and public buildings.

Female 0%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK: 5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Construction, Civil Engineering & Building Services

Approximate Number of Employees

Construction, Civil Engineering & Building Services

Furniture Makers & Other Craft Woodworkers

Road Construction Operatives

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary






Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Furniture makers and other craft woodworkers make, repair and restore wooden furniture, decorative objects and other crafted pieces of woodwork. Assembles parts with crafted joints, nails, screws, dowels or adhesives and fits locks, catches, hinges, castors, drawers, shelves and other fittings.





5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 17%






3% Female 0%

Male 100%



















Approximate Number of Employees


Road construction operatives construct, repair and maintain roads and lay paving slabs and kerbstones to form pavements and street gutters. Spreads bitumen, tar or asphalt and compacts surface using rollers.

Male 83%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

800 11,300




Average Monthly Salary

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Approximate Number of Employees


Construction, Civil Engineering & Building Services

Real Estate & Facilities Management

Scaffolders, Stagers & Riggers

Quantity Surveyors National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary






Approx number of employees in the UK:

Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Erect and dismantle scaffolding and working platforms, set up lifting equipment and ships’ rigging, maintain and repair steeples, industrial chimneys and other tall structures and install, maintain and repair ropes, wires and cables.

Quantity surveyors advise on financial and contractual matters relating to, and prepare bills of quantities for, construction projects and provide other support functions concerning the financing and materials required for building projects.

Female 0%

Male 100%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

Average Monthly Salary





Female 10%

Male 90%

14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

£4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Approximate Number of Employees

Real Estate & Facilities Management

Town Planning Officers

Chartered Surveyors National Female

Average Annual Salary



Average Monthly Salary



Approx number of employees in the UK:




National Female


Average Annual Salary


Average Monthly Salary


Approx number of employees in the UK:



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Town planning officers direct or undertake the planning of the layout and the co-ordination of plans for the development of urban and rural areas. Examines and evaluates development proposals submitted and recommends acceptance, modification or rejection.


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 28%

Male 72%

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -




Male £43,300 £3,608


89% 4%


Chartered surveyors conduct surveys related to the measurement, management, valuation and development of land, natural resources, buildings, other types of property, and infrastructure such as harbours, roads and railway lines.





Female 11%

Male 89%

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Real Estate & Facilities Management

£42,640 77,580

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Average Monthly Salary

90% 4% 32%


Approximate Number of Employees

Real Estate & Facilities Management


1,900 15,300

Approximate Number of Employees

Real Estate & Facilities Management

Estate Agents / Auctioneers

Estimators / Valuers / Assessors National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female, 43% 57%


16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

£2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

4% 28%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Estate agents and auctioneers arrange for the valuation, sale, purchase, rental and leasing of property on behalf of clients. Conducts or arranges for structural surveys of properties and undertakes any necessary valuations of property or agricultural land. markets the property on behalf of the vendor, prepares written information and press advertisements.


2,200 16,800

Approximate Number of Employees

Estimators, valuers and assessors plan and undertake the calculation of probable costs of civil, mechanical, electrical, electronic and other projects, estimate the value of property and chattels, and investigate insurance claims to assess their validity and to assign liability.








1% Female 21%

Male 79%

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Approximate Number of Employees

Real Estate & Facilities Management

Real Estate & Facilities Management

Property, Housing & Estate Managers

Pest Control Officers National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 38% Male 62%

45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

£4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

60% 5% 32% 1%


Female 40% Male 60%













Approximate Number of Employees

Real Estate & Facilities Management

Street / Window / Building Cleaners

Groundsmen & Greenkeepers National Female

Average Annual Salary



Average Monthly Salary




5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



92% 1%


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK: 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Groundsmen and greenkeepers cut and lay turf and maintain areas for golf courses and other sports grounds. Cuts and lays turf using hand and machine tools and repairs damaged turf, maintains plants, flowers and other landscape features.

Male 92%


7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0

1500 1000 500 0




Male £21,950 £1,829


92% 1%


5% Female 8%

£21,320 48,754

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



Window cleaners wash and polish windows and other glass fittings. Street cleaners clean, sweep and remove refuse from public thoroughfares. Washes and polishes glass, furniture, floors or building surfaces with brushes, cloths, sponges, water and solvents

Male £26,100


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


500 3,200


Average Monthly Salary

Real Estate & Facilities Management

Average Monthly Salary

Pest control officers investigate the presence of pests that are hazardous to public health or cause nuisance, lay traps to capture pests and treat areas of infestation. Lays traps to capture pests, and fumigates and disinfects areas to remove infestations and advises property owners on courses of action to prevent the return of pests.

Approximate Number of Employees

Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

3% 37%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Manage shopping centres, residential areas and private estates, and arrange for the sale, purchase, rental and leasing of property on behalf of clients and employers. Manages general upkeep, maintenance and security of the estate’s amenities; makes sure that the amenities meet health and safety standards, energy efficiency and legal requirements.


6,700 77,800





Female 8%

Male 92%














Approximate Number of Employees


Average Monthly Salary

Real Estate & Facilities Management

Approximate Number of Employees

Real Estate & Facilities Management


Security Guards & Private Investigators National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 37% Male 63%

14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0

2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

0% 35%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Caretakers supervise and undertake the care and maintenance of church, school, office and other buildings, their facilities, fixtures and contents. Undertakes minor repairs and supervises major repairs, cleaning and security of premises.


100 29,100

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Approximate Number of Employees

Protect merchandise, individuals, hotels, offices, factories, public grounds and private estates from injury, theft or damage, and investigate fraud and crime on a non-statutory basis. Private investigators investigates crimes, trading practices and the private affairs of individuals








3% Female 16%

Male 84%

35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0

2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Average Monthly Salary

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Approximate Number of Employees


Architecture & Design

Architecture & Design

Interior designers

Architects National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

39 Male 30%

Female 70%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

1% 24%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Interior designers help in creating and modifying building interior spaces to make them more functional, safe, and beautiful by determining space requirements and making decorative chioces such as colours, lighting, and materials. They work to client's required blueprints and must adhere to relevant building codes and inspection and other related regulations.


300 5,500

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Architects plan and design the construction and development of buildings and land areas with regard to functional and aesthetic requirements. They analyse site survey and advises client on development and construction details and ensures that proposed design blends in with the surrounding area. They liaise with client and other professionals to establish building type,


1% Female 31%

Male 69%

18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0

4000 3000 2000 1000 0

Average Monthly Salary

Approximate Number of Employees

Architecture & Design

Architectural & Town Planning Technicians

Chartered Architectural Technologists

National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:

National Female




Average Annual Salary







Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):









5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

5-Year Growth (New jobs created): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Architectural and town planning technicians perform a variety of technical support functions to assist architects and planners with the design of buildings and the layout of urban and rural areas.

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 31%


100 1,000



Chartered architectural technologists provide architectural design services, negotiate construction projects and manage the development of projects from conception to completion.

1% Female 0%

Male 69%

Male 100%

3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Average Monthly Salary


4% 32%


Approximate Number of Employees

Architecture & Design


2,700 21,100

4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Approximate Number of Employees

450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0

Average Monthly Salary

Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary & Nursing

Approximate Number of Employees

Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary & Nursing

Medical Practitioners

Dentists / Dental Practitioners National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Medical practitioners diagnose mental and physical injuries, disorders and diseases, prescribe and give treatment, recommend preventative action, and conduct medical education and research activities. They may specialise in particular areas of modern medicine or work in general practice and, where necessary, refer the patient to a specialist.


Male 47%

8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0

Female 53%

35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0

Average Monthly Salary

Approximate Number of Employees

Dental practitioners diagnose dental and oral diseases, injuries and disorders, prescribe and administer treatment, recommend preventative action and, where necessary, refer the patient to a specialist.








Male 50%


Female 50%















Average Monthly Salary

Approximate Number of Employees

Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary & Nursing

Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary & Nursing

Dispensing Opticians

Radiographers National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 48%

Female 52%

3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

5% 28%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Dispensing opticians supply, fit and service spectacles, contact lenses and other optical aids in accordance with a prescription from an ophthalmologist or optometrist.


300 1,700

Diagnostic radiographers use a range of techniques to produce high quality images to diagnose an injury or disease. Therapeutic radiographers manage the patient pathway through the many radiotherapy processes, providing care and support for patients throughout their radiotherapy treatment.


5% 30%


1% Female 25%

Male 75%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Average Monthly Salary

Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary & Nursing


3,100 19,400

Approximate Number of Employees

Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary & Nursing


Medical & Dental Technicians National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Veterinarians diagnose and treat animal injuries, diseases and disorders, and advise on preventative action. They may work in practices, specialising according to their location in either a rural or urban area, or in the public sector or associated industries such as pharmaceuticals, food production or drug regulation.


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Male 38% Female 62%

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0

Average Monthly Salary







Male 39% Female 61%

3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Approximate Number of Employees

9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0

Average Monthly Salary

Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary & Nursing

Approximate Number of Employees

Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary & Nursing

Medical Radiographers

Medical Secretaries National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK: 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):

National Female



Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary



Approx number of employees in the UK:




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Male 25%

Female 75%

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0














Male 4%

Female 96%







4000 3000 2000 1000 0

Approximate Number of Employees

Medical secretaries deal with correspondence, make appointments and handle patients’ queries; file and maintain medical and other records; transcribe notes and dictation; and perform other clerical tasks in hospitals/surgeries and other medical establishments.


£22,880 87,189


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Medical (diagnostic) radiographers operate x-ray machines, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging and other imaging devices for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, assist in the diagnosis of injuries and diseases and are involved in intervention procedures such as the removal of kidney stones. Therapeutic radiographers specialise in the planning and administration of


£39,000 31,673

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Average Monthly Salary

Medical and dental technicians operate, calibrate and maintain cardiographic and encephalographic testing equipment, assist in the conduct of post mortems, give simple dental treatments, fit artificial limbs and hearing aids, and undertake a wide range of related medical and dental tasks.












Average Monthly Salary

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Approximate Number of Employees


Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary & Nursing

Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary & Nursing


Dental Nurses National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Dental nurses prepare patients for, and assist with, dental examinations, prepare and sterilise instruments and maintain case records, assists with minor treatment, such as preparing materials for fillings.

Male 14%









Male 1%

Female 99%

Female 86%

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0





80000 60000 40000 20000 0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

5% 30%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Nurses provide general and/or specialised nursing care for the sick, injured and others in need of such care, assist medical doctors with their tasks and work with other healthcare professionals and within teams of healthcare workers. They advise on and teach nursing practice.


34,500 218,000

9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0

1500 1000 500 0

Approximate Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary & Nursing

Approximate Number of Employees

Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary & Nursing


Veterinary Nurses National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary






Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Midwives deliver, or assist in the delivery of babies, provide antenatal and postnatal care and advise parents on baby care. They work with other healthcare professionals, and advise on and teach midwifery practice.

Approx number of employees in the UK:

2,600 38

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Veterinary nurses provide assistance to veterinarians in the treatment and care of sick or injured animals. Dispenses and administers medication and applies dressings to animals under direction from the veterinarian.

Male 0%

85% 5%





Male 15%

Female 100%

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Female 85%














Average Monthly Salary



2000 1500 1000 500


Approximate Number of Employees


Average Monthly Salary

Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary & Nursing

Approximate Number of Employees

Allied Health Professions

Nursing Auxiliaries & Assistants

Ambulance Staff National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Nursing auxiliaries and assistants assist doctors, nurses and other health professionals in caring for the sick and injured within hospitals, homes, clinics and the wider community.



Approx number of employees in the UK:




5-Year Growth (New jobs created):




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):




Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 15%

Female 85%

Ambulance staff transport sick, injured and convalescent persons and give first aid treatment in emergencies. They drive ambulances or accompanies driver to transport patients to hospitals or other treatment centres and homes as well as ascertaining nature of injuries and provides first aid treatment.
















Average Monthly Salary


19,500 122,600

Approximate Number of Employees


3% Female 33%

Male 67%

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

1500 1000 500 0

Average Monthly Salary

Approximate Number of Employees

Allied Health Professions

Allied Health Professions

Health Care Practice Managers

Hospital Porters National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

37 Male 33%

Female 67%

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

3% 37%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Healthcare practice managers plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate the work and resources of medical, dental and other types of healthcare practice, including veterinary practices. They plan work schedules, assign tasks and delegate responsibilities of practice staff. They negotiate contracts for services with other health care providers and purchasers.


800 9,800

Hospital porters perform various manual tasks in hospitals to assist nursing and domestic staff with the care of patients. They lift, escort and wheel patients or hospital equipment between hospital wards and assist with the delivery of meals, laundry, medical supplies and post to the wards or theatres.


5% Female 8%

Male 92%

3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

2000 1500 1000 500 0

Average Monthly Salary

Approximate Number of Employees

Allied Health Professions


Physiotherapists National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:











National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Paramedics provide first aid and life support treatment in emergency situations and transport sick and injured people who require skilled treatment. Transport and accompanies patients who either require or potentially require skilled treatment whilst travelling.


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 45%

Male 55%




5000 4000









Physiotherapists plan and apply massage, promote and encourage movement and exercise, use hydrotherapy, electro-therapy and other technological equipment in the treatment of a wide range of injuries, diseases and disabilities in order to assist rehabilitation by developing and restoring body systems.














Male 19%

Female 81%

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Approximate Number of Employees

12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0

Average Monthly Salary

Allied Health Professions


£35,360 69,039

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Average Monthly Salary


1% 31%


Approximate Number of Employees

Allied Health Professions


200 6,200

Approximate Number of Employees

Allied Health Professions

Podiatrists / Chiropodists

Psychologists National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary






Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Podiatrists (formerly known as chiropodists) diagnose and treat ailments and abnormalities of the human foot and lower limb, deal with minor infections, injuries and deformities, and conditions resulting from other major health disorders such as diabetes.



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 23%

Psychologists research, study and assess emotional, cognitive and behavioural processes and abnormalities in human beings and animals and how these are affected by genetic, physical and social factors.


4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Approximate Number of Employees







Male 17%

Female 77%

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

900 5,600


Female 83%

9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0

5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0

Average Monthly Salary

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Approximate Number of Employees


Allied Health Professions

Allied Health Professions

Operating Department Practitioners

Therapy Professionals National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):





5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


ODPs are responsible for supporting patients during anaesthetic, surgical and recovery phases of operations.

Femal e 25%

Male 75%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

3,100 19,400


5% 30% 1%


Male 10%

Plan and apply physical and therapeutic treatments and activities to assist recovery from physical and mental illness and to minimise the effects of disabilities. Therapy professions include: Occupational therapists, Art Therapists, Drama therapists, Music therapists, Speech and language therapists, Physiotherapists.

Female 90%

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Approximate Number of Employees

9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0

Average Monthly Salary

Allied Health Professions


2,200 14,000

Approximate Number of Employees

Allied Health Professions

Undertakers, Mortuary & Crematorium Operatives

Biological Scientists & Biochemists

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Undertakers, mortuary and crematorium assistants make funeral arrangements for clients, prepare the deceased for burial or cremation, and supervise and assist the proceedings of funerals.


Femal e 19%

Biological scientists/biochemists/ biomedical scientists examine and investigate the morphology, structure, chemistry and physical characteristics of living organisms/ blood, including their inter-relationships, environments and diseases. Identify and study the chemical substances, including microbial infections, involved in physiological processes and the

Male 81%

3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Average Monthly Salary


3% 23% 3%


Femal e 39% Male 61%

4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Approximate Number of Employees

20000 15000 10000 5000 0

Average Monthly Salary

Social Care


3,100 25,300

Approximate Number of Employees

Social Care

Social Workers

Counsellors National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Social workers provide information, advice and support to those who are socially excluded or are experiencing crisis; they protect the welfare of vulnerable groups including children, young people, people with disabilities, elderly people and people who are mentally or physically ill, and they may specialise in specific areas of work.





5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 23%

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Femal e 77%

25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:


Approximate Number of Employees

Provide counselling services to clients with a wide variety of problems by means of assisting them to reach their own resolutions to the difficulties they face. Counsellors may specialise in a particular area or client group or address a wide range of issues.







Male 23%


3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0


Femal e 77%

7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0

Average Monthly Salary

Approximate Number of Employees

Social Care

Social Care

Residential Domiciliary Care Managers

Care Workers & Home Carers National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK: 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary



Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Care workers and home carers attend to the personal needs and comforts of the elderly and the infirm with care and support needs (‘service users’) within residential care establishments, day care establishments or in their own homes.

Male 26%











Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate the resources necessary in the provision and running of residential and day care establishments and domiciliary care services for persons who require specialised care and/or supervision.

National Female

£38,480 90,036

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):







Male 15%

Female 74%

4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Female 85%






140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 -









Average Monthly Salary



Approximate Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Social Care

Approximate Number of Employees

Social Care

Welfare & Housing Associate Professionals

Youth & Community Workers

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Approx number of employees in the UK:



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Male 27%

Female 73%

Youth and community workers provide support to individuals or groups of individuals through a range of activities or services that aim to encourage participation in social and community life and promote personal and social development.
















Average Monthly Salary









Male 26%

Female 74%

18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

£2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Public Service, Charity & NGOs

Approximate Number of Employees

Public Service, Charity & NGOs

Politicians, Elected Officers & Representatives

Fire Service Officers

National Female Average Annual Salary



Average Monthly Salary



Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):

Elected representatives formulate and ratify legislation and government policy, act as elected representatives in Parliament, European Parliament, Regional Parliaments or Assemblies, and as representatives of the government and its executive. Elected officers in local government act as representatives in the local authority and participate in the formulation, ratification and

Male £34,400 £2,867



National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 44%

Male 56%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 -

Approximate Number of Employees







Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Monthly Salary



Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Workers in this unit group provide pastoral care relating to religious denominations, and a variety of welfare-related services including advice on benefits, health, disability and residential care.



Co-ordinate and participate in fire fighting activities, provide emergency services in the event of accidents or bomb alerts, and advise on fire prevention. Operates hose pipes, ladders, chemical, foam, gas or powder fire extinguishing appliances.

Male £37,025 £3,085








2% Female 7%

Male 93%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

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Approximate Number of Employees


Public Service, Charity & NGOs

Public Service, Charity & NGOs

Housing Officers

Librarians National Female

Average Annual Salary



Average Monthly Salary



Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):

National Female


Average Annual Salary


Average Monthly Salary



Approx number of employees in the UK:





Male £32,350 £2,696




5-Year Growth (New jobs created):





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):




Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate



Librarians appraise, obtain, index, collate and make available library acquisitions and organise and control other library services. Identifies the information needs of clients, and secure relevant books and other electronic information sources.

Male 25%















Female 42%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Public Service, Charity & NGOs


Male 58%

Female 75%

Average Monthly Salary



Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Housing officers assess and address housing needs of particular localities and individuals and oversee the day-to-day management of rented properties belonging to local authorities or housing associations.


Approximate Number of Employees

Public Service, Charity & NGOs

Library Clerks & Assistants

Local Government Administrators National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):









Male 22%

Female 75%

Female 78%

4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

£2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0


18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

£2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Approximate Number of Employees

Public Service, Charity & NGOs

Approximate Number of Employees

Public Service, Charity & NGOs

National Government Administrators

Armed Forces Officers National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:






5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):

Undertake a variety of administrative and clerical duties in national government departments, and in local offices of national government departments. Assists senior government officers with policy work, external liaison or general administrative work.


National Female


Average Annual Salary


Average Monthly Salary



Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

39 Male 29%


Female 71%

35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

£2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Approximate Number of Employees







Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Monthly Salary


Undertake a variety of administrative and clerical duties in local government offices and departments. Updates and maintains data, correspondence and other records for storage or despatch.

Male 25%


Average Monthly Salary



Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Library clerks and assistants classify, sort and file publications, documents, audio-visual and computerised material in libraries and offices. Issues library material and records date of issue/ due date for return; classifies, labels and indexes new books.

Approx number of employees in the UK:



Participate in warfare, international peacekeeping and humanitarian efforts. Operate/ maintain warfare equipment, systems and vehicles. May undertake specialist duties such as engineering, pilot responsibilties, air traffic control, finance, HR, training and administration

Male £72,500 £6,042








4% Female 16%

Male 84%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Approximate Number of Employees

Public Service, Charity & NGOs

Public Service, Charity & NGOs

Senior Fire, Ambulance, Prison, Customs Officers

Charities / Non-Governmental Organisations Officers

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 38% Male 62%

£7,000 £6,000 £5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

4% 28%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Senior Fire officers plan, organise, direct & coordinate the activities and resources of a specific physical or functional area of a statutory or private fire brigade/service and the resources necessary for the protection of property on fire. Senior Ambulance officers plan, organise, direct & co-ordinate the resources necessary for the provision of ambulance services. Senior Prison


700 4,500

Officers of non-governmental organisations perform a variety of administrative and clerical tasks in the running of trade associations, employers’ associations, learned societies, trade unions, charitable organisations and similar bodies.









Male 18%

Female 82%














Approximate Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Public Service, Charity & NGOs


Approximate Number of Employees

Public Service, Charity & NGOs

Parking & Civil Enforcement Officers

Police Community Support Officers National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Approx number of employees in the UK: 5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) support the local police force by patrolling the streets to provide a visible and reassuring presence and to tackle a range of crime and disorder problems. PCSOs are also attached to the British Transport Police who operate the specialised police service for the railway network across Britain.

Female 16%

Male 84%













£1,500 £1,000 £500









Female 44%

Male 56%

3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -






Average Monthly Salary


1% 31%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Patrol assigned areas to detect and prevent infringements of local parking regulations and control the parking of vehicles in public and private car parks. Notes any cases of obstruction, evasion of tax or other infringement and reports them to the police.


200 6,000

Approximate Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Public Service, Charity & NGOs

Approximate Number of Employees

Public Service, Charity & NGOs

Police Officers

Prison Service Officers National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 33%








Prison service officers direct, co-ordinate and participate in guarding inmates and maintaining discipline in prisons and other detention centres. Investigates disturbances or any other unusual occurrences.

Male 67%

2% Female 25%

Male 75%

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Police officers co-ordinate and undertake the investigation of crimes, patrol public areas, arrest offenders and suspects and enforce law and order. Officers of the British Transport Police operate within the specialised police service for the railway network across Britain.



Approximate Number of Employees

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

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Approximate Number of Employees


Public Service, Charity & NGOs

Public Service, Charity & NGOs

Probation Officers

Public Services Associate Professionals National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Probation officers work to rehabilitate offenders. They supervise, counsel and help them before trial, during any prison or community sentence and on release from prison. Works with prisoners and ex-offenders in giving advice on problems such as drug and alcohol abuse, addressing training needs, finding work and getting accommodation.



5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 22%

Public services associate professionals supervise, manage and undertake general administrative work in national and local government departments, organise the activities of local offices of national government departments, and promote the image and understanding of an organisation and its products and services to consumers and other

Female 78%

3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

£2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0






28% 2%

38 Male 38%

Female 62%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Public Service, Charity & NGOs

Approximate Number of Employees

Public Service, Charity & NGOs

Refuse & Salvage Professionals

Senior Police/Military Officers National Female

Average Annual Salary



Average Monthly Salary



Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

National Female


Average Annual Salary


Average Monthly Salary


Approx number of employees in the UK:






Male £69,400 £5,783




5-Year Growth (New jobs created):




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):




Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Refuse and salvage collectors supervise and undertake the collection and processing of refuse from household, commercial and industrial premises. Empties refuse into vehicle manually or using an electronic tipping device.




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):

Senior police/military officers plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate the resources and activities of a specific geographical or functional area of generalised or specialised police/army force or unit. Senior officers of the British Transport Police direct the specialised police service for the railway network across Britain.

Female 7%

Male 93%




5,000 4,000









Average Monthly Salary


4% 32%


Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

600 4,400

Female 38% Male 62%

£7,000 £6,000 £5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

Average Monthly Salary

Public Service, Charity & NGOs



Approximate Number of Employees


Protective Service Professionals (Inspectors/ Immigration /Customs Officers)

Senior Professionals Of Educational Establishments

National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 32%

Male 68%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

Plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate the administration, support systems and activities that facilitate the effective running of a university, college or other educational establishment. Leads or contributes to decision making processes regarding curricula, budgetary, disciplinary and other matters.









Male 25%

Female 75%
















Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

0% 20%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Inspect goods to ensure compliance with regulations concerning payment of duty, establish that persons entering and leaving the UK have necessary authorisation for crossing national borders, monitor maritime conditions, undertake search and rescue operations, plan and coordinate services of private detection agencies and security measures for individuals,


100 9,300

15,000 10,000 5,000 -


Average Monthly Salary

Approximate Number of Employees



Education Advisers & School Inspectors

Higher Education Teaching Professionals / Lecturers

National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:








5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Male 25%

Femal e 75%

Higher education teaching professionals deliver lectures and teach students to at least first degree level, undertake research and write journal articles and books in their chosen field of study. Prepares, delivers and directs lectures, seminars and tutorials; prepares, administers and marks examinations, essays, assignments and independent research.














Average Monthly Salary

5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate









Femal e 46%

Male 54%

Approximate Number of Employees

National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Femal e 56%

25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Secondary teachers plan, organise and provide instruction in one or more subjects, including physical education and diversionary activities, within a prescribed curriculum in a secondary school. Prepares and delivers courses and lessons in accordance with curriculum requirements and teaches one or more subjects; prepares, assigns and corrects exercises and











33% 2%

34 Male 39%

Femal e 61%

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 -

Average Monthly Salary



£41,600 581,495

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


Approximate Number of Employees


Primary & Nursery Teachers

Educational Support Assistants National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK: 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Primary and nursery education teaching professionals plan, organise and provide instruction to children at all levels up to the age of entry into secondary education. Prepares and delivers courses and lessons in accordance with curriculum requirements and teaches a range of subjects; prepares, assigns and corrects exercises and examinations to record and









5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Male 11%

Female 89%

120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 -

Approximate Number of Employees

Educational support assistants work with teachers to provide one-to-one support for children with particular learning needs. Supports schoolwork under teacher’s supervision; helps child understand instruction through a variety of means and encourages self-confidence and independence.










£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary





£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary




Further education teaching professionals supervise and teach trade, technical, commercial, adult education, secondary and post- Male secondary courses to students beyond minimum 44% school leaving age. Prepares, delivers and directs lectures, seminars and tutorials; prepares, administers and marks examinations, essays and other assignments.





£39,520 157,295



Secondary Education Teaching Professionals / Teachers

National Female

Approx number of employees in the UK:




Further Education Teaching Professionals / College Lecturers/Tutors

Average Monthly Salary


40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



Approximate Number of Employees

Average Annual Salary






£55,640 215,302


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Education advisers and school inspectors plan, organise and direct the educational activities and resources in a local authority education area, and undertake inspections of schools and other training establishments excluding universities.









Male 11%



Female 89%

30,000 25,000




15,000 10,000





Average Monthly Salary

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Approximate Number of Employees




Teaching Assistants

Special Needs Education Teaching Professionals National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):





5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 10%

Teaching assistants assist teachers with their day-to-day classroom work and with routine administrative tasks. Assists teacher with preparation or clearing up of classroom. Listens to children read, reads to them or assist their learning.

Female 90%


70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 -

£1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

22,000 138,200



Male 15%

Female 85%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Approximate Number of Employees


Speech & Language Therapists

Vocational & Industrial Trainers & Instructors National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:











National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Speech and language therapists are responsible for the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of speech, language, fluency and voice disorders caused by disability, injury or illness. Designs and initiates appropriate rehabilitation and/or Female remedial programmes of treatment; treats 100% speech and language disorders by coaching and counselling clients or through the use of artificial


Male 0%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -










28% 2%

Female 48%

Male 52%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Approximate Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary




Vocational and industrial trainers provide instruction in manual, manipulative and other vocational skills and advise on, plan and organise vocational instruction within industrial, commercial and other establishments. Assesses training requirements and prepares lectures, demonstrations and study aids; supervises trainee development, assists trainees with


£32,760 186,121

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Average Monthly Salary


4% 33%

Special needs education teaching professionals organise and provide instruction at a variety of different levels to children who have emotional, behavioural or learning difficulties or physical disabilities. These professionals may also work with exceptionally gifted pupils.

Approximate Number of Employees



3,300 28,500

Approximate Number of Employees



School Secretaries / Administrators National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Playworkers deliver and facilitate play opportunities for children in a range of formal and informal settings including play groups, play schemes, free play locations, and in pre- and after-school activities.







5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 17%

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 83%

£2,000 £1,500




3,000 2,000





Approximate Number of Employees


School secretaries/administrators provide administrative support in schools by keeping and maintaining school records and performing a range of routine clerical tasks within the school. Maintains administrative records relating to pupils and staff, and generates statistical and other reports; handles enquiries from parents and arranges meetings with members of staff.

6,000 4,000


Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:









Male 9%


Female 91%

14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

£1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary

Approximate Number of Employees




Nursery Nurses & Early Years Professionals National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):









Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

38 Male 4%

Female 96%







10,000 5,000




Nursery nurses and early years professionals care for children from birth up to seven years of age in day or residential nurseries, children’s homes, maternity units and similar establishments. Supervises young children at mealtimes; plans and organises games and other activities and supervises children’s play


39 Male 2%

Female 98%

£1,800 £1,600 £1,400 £1,200 £1,000 £800 £600 £400 £200 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Arts, Media & Publishing

Approximate Number of Employees

Arts, Media & Publishing

Actors / Entertainers / Presenters

Archivists & Curators National Female

Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK: 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):








National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:




5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 43% Male 57%


16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

£5,000 £4,000 £3,000 £2,000 £1,000 £0





£2,875 55%



32% 3%


Female 45%

Male 55%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

Average Monthly Salary

Arts, Media & Publishing



5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Archivists and curators collect, appraise and preserve collections of recorded and other material of historical interest. Maintains indexes, bibliographies and descriptive details of archive material and arranges for reproductions of items where necessary; examines objects to identify any damage and carries out necessary restoration whilst preserving original


£33,800 18,149


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Actors, entertainers and presenters sing, portray roles in dramatic productions, perform comedy routines, gymnastic feats and tricks of illusion, train animals to perform and perform with them, and introduce and present radio and television programmes.


£64,500 57,651

5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Average Monthly Salary


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

5% 32%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Childminders and related occupations provide day-to-day care of children within a domestic setting, and supervise and participate in their play, educational and other activities. Changes babies’ nappies and clothes as necessary and makes up bottles for feeds; plans, prepares and serves children’s meals and supervises children during meals.


7,900 49,800

Approximate Number of Employees

Arts, Media & Publishing


Arts Officers, Producers & Directors National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Female 31%

Male 69%





£2,000 £1,500




£500 £0


Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

3% 32%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Artists create artistic works using appropriate techniques, materials and media; design artwork and illustrations; and restore damaged pieces of art. Conceives and develops ideas and ways of working for artistic composition; prepares sketches, scale drawings or colour schemes; builds up composition into finished work by carving, sculpting, etching, painting, engraving,


1,800 18,200

Approximate Number of Employees

Arts officers, producers and directors assume creative, financial and organisational responsibilities in the production and direction of television and radio programmes, films, stage presentations, content for other media, and the promotion and exhibition of other creative activities.








Male 48%

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0


Female 52%

45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

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Approximate Number of Employees


Arts, Media & Publishing

Arts, Media & Publishing

Authors, Writers & Translators

Clergy National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 47%

Female 53%

£4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

3% 32%

Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Write, edit and evaluate literary material for publication excluding material for newspapers, magazines and other periodicals but including scripts and narrative for film, TV, radio and computer games and animations; and translate spoken and written statements into different languages.


2,700 27,900

Members of the clergy provide spiritual motivation and guidance, conduct worship according to the form of service of a particular faith/denomination and perform related functions associated with religious beliefs and practices. Prepares and delivers sermons and talks and leads congregation in worship. Performs marriages, funerals, baptisms and other special


4% 32%



Female 40% Male 60%


18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

£2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

Average Monthly Salary

Arts, Media & Publishing


2,300 17,700

Approximate Number of Employees

Arts, Media & Publishing

Dancers & Choreographers

Journalists, Newspaper & Periodical Editors National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Dancers and choreographers devise, direct, rehearse and perform classical and contemporary dance routines. Participates in dance performance; demonstrates and directs dance moves, monitors and analyses technique and performance, and determines how improvements can be made.





5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Male 19%

Investigate and write up stories and features for broadcasting and for newspapers, magazines and other periodicals, evaluate and manage their style and content and oversee the editorial direction of these types of output and publication.









Female 47%

Male 53%

Female 81%

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:

500 5,500

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Arts, Media & Publishing

Approximate Number of Employees

Arts, Media & Publishing

Musicians National Female


Photographers, Audio-Visual & Broadcasting Equipment Operators National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):





5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 29%

Operate and assist with still, cine and television cameras and operate other equipment to record, manipulate and project sound and vision for entertainment, cultural, commercial and industrial purposes.

Male 71%

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Approximate Number of Employees








2% Female 20%

Male 80%


Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Musicians write, arrange, orchestrate, conduct and perform musical compositions. Conceives and writes original music; tunes instrument and studies and rehearses score; plays instrument as a soloist or as a member of a group or orchestra; scores music for different combinations of voices and instruments to produce desired effect.



£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Approximate Number of Employees

Arts, Media & Publishing

Arts, Media & Publishing

Multimedia designer / producer/ programmer

Pre-Press Technicians

National Female Average Annual Salary Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK:








5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



Average Monthly Salary Approx number of employees in the UK: 5-Year Growth (New jobs created):



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Specialise in creating multimedia products such as adverts and TV/Film animated content, especially incorporating graphics, sound, pictures, motion, digital animation, video-clips and virtual reality. Work closely with other multidisplinary professionals such as iaison with animators, graphic designers, programmers, writers, musicians, video producers, sound


Male 99%

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0











31% 3%


Pre-press technicians prepare, format and compose text and graphics in a form suitable for use in a variety of print processes. Uses computer applications to generate images and text; scans and retouches digital images to create sample proofs, plans and lays out artwork to match planned design.

Female 1%


£28,080 7,829


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Female 25%

Male 75%


















500 -

Average Monthly Salary

National Female Average Annual Salary



5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):



Approximate Number of Employees


Average Monthly Salary

Arts, Media & Publishing

Approximate Number of Employees

Arts, Media & Publishing

Print Finishing & Binding Workers

Printers National Female


National Female


Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary




Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created): 5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):

45% 31%

5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):

Female 45%

Male 55%

3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

£2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0


Printers set up and operate various small offset printing presses and digital printing processes. Prints and examines proof copies and adjusts press as necessary; starts or directs start of printing run and monitors machine to ensure that printing proceeds smoothly.






31% 3%


Female 19%

Male 81%

£3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Approximate Number of Employees

6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 -

Average Monthly Salary

Arts, Media & Publishing

Approximate Number of Employees

Arts, Media & Publishing

TV, Video & Audio Engineers

Sports Players / Athletes National Female


National Female

Average Annual Salary




Average Annual Salary

Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements): Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

TV, video and audio engineers manufacture, service and repair domestic television, video and audio appliances. Examines equipment and observes reception to determine nature of defect; re-assembles equipment, tests for correct functioning and makes any necessary further adjustments.



Approx number of employees in the UK:


5-Year Growth (New jobs created):


5-Year Growth (Replacements/retirements):


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate


Professional sportsmen and women / athletes train and compete, either individually or as part of a team, in their chosen sport for financial gain. Participates in exhibitions, pre-qualifying events, tournaments and competitions; attends training sessions to develop skills and practice individual or team moves and tactics.

Female 1%

Male 99%











32% 2%


Female 8%

Male 92%













2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -

Approximate Number of Employees


£108,500 20,996

400 3,000

£4,500 £4,000 £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 £0

Average Monthly Salary




Average Monthly Salary

Approx number of employees in the UK:


Average Weekly Hours / Unemployment Rate

Print finishing and binding workers bind books and other publications and finish printed items by hand or machine. Trims head, tail and fore-edge of book and gilds and marbles page edges as necessary.






Average Monthly Salary

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Approximate Number of Employees




• • • • • • • • • • • • •


Overviews of Popular Professi

There are postgraduate degrees available in transport planning, supply chain management and logistics. Qualifications through the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) or the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT UK) might be necessary to advance your career. CIPS run qualification and training programmes equipping new students with the knowledge and skills needed to practice proficiently, successfully and confidently.

QUALIFICATIONS Level 2: GCSEs (5 C-A*) Level 3-4: A-Level, BTEC, Diploma, Apprenticeship Level 5-6: Degree Apprenticeship, University Degree, Foundation Degree, HND, Intermediate Professional Qualifications Level 7: Masters Degree, Institute Membership - CIPS, CILT.

BECOME A PURCHASING & SUPPLY CHAIN PROFESSIONAL A purchasing and supply manager, a business service buyer, or procurement professional purchase goods and services and take a strategic approach to business goals. Whatever the organisation needs – whether it’s raw materials for manufacture, obtaining marketing services or getting more profitable agreements in place, it is their responsibility to get the best goods, at the best price, while maintaining good relationships with suppliers in a sustainable and ethical way.

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A PURCHASING & SUPPLY CHAIN PROFESSIONAL Your tasks will vary depending on which sector you work in, but typically include: • Deciding what goods, services and equipment is needed • Monitoring and forecasting stock levels • Researching and identifying new products and suppliers • Assessing tenders from potential suppliers • Negotiating prices and agreeing contracts • Making sure that suppliers deliver on time • Processing payments and invoices • Keeping up with market trends • Managing and motivating a team of supply chain staff • Improving the overall supply chain performance and look for any possible innovations to the process • Implementing new technologies and staying alert to new trends in the sector.

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Typical Entry Level / Apprenticeship / Level-6/Degree Apprenticeship Roles: Trainee/Junior: Social Worker, Probation Officer, Charity Social Support Specialist, Counselling PractitioProcurement Specialist, Supply Chain Specialist, Supply Chain Analyst, Procurement Manager, Supplier Development Manager, Commercial and Purchasing Analyst, Supply Chain Coordinator, Procurement Coordinator, Procurement Analyst, Buyer, Sourcing Specialist, Commercial Trader, Product Manager, Supply Chain Manager, Supply Network Specialist, Contracts Manager, Planning Manager, Commercial Analyst

WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR: Pursuing CRM/SAP/Oracle training Advanced Excel Skills Invest in more Industry Knowledge Quality Awareness Lean Six Sigma Awareness Data Analysis Skills Contracts Knowledge


Passion and commitment to quality care and support to clients

High levels of professional knowledge & social work laws

Improved attention to detail

Build on your analytical skills and be more observant

Continuous improvement and ability to learn and reflect

Ability to communicate to clients in simple jargon-free way

TYPICAL EMPLOYERS: Most Companies’ Procurement and Supply Chain Departments including the likes of Accenture, Aldi, Amazon, Arcadia, ASDA, ASOS, B&M, Boston Consulting Group, Burberry, Co-operative, Department for Transport, DFID, DHL, EY, FirstGroup plc, G4S Plc, GIST, Grafton Group (inc Selco, Buildbase, Plumbase), Greencore Group plc, Greggs, International Airlines Group (IAG) (Inc British Airways, Iberia, Air Lingus), JD Sports (inc Tessuti, Blacks, Milllets, Size?), John Lewis Partnership (inc Waitrose), Kingfisher (inc B&Q and Screwfix), KPMG, Kuehne + Nagel, Lidl, Marks & Spencer plc, Mars (inc Wrigley), McKinsey & Company, Mitie, Morrison (Wm) Supermarkets, National Express, Nestle, Network Rail, New Look, Next plc, NGDP, NHS, Ocado Group plc, PWC, PZ Cussons Plc, Royal Mail (inc Parcelforce, GLS), Safestore Holdings, Sainsbury’s (inc Argos, Home Retail Group, Habitat), Serco Group plc, Smurfit Kappa, Sports Direct, Stagecoach Group plc, Tesco, TNT, Trailfinders, Trainline, Transport for London, Travelport, TUI Group, Virgin Atlantic, WH Smith Plc

REGIONAL SALARY London & South: £35k - £55k Midlands: £27k - £50k North: £25k - £45k Scotland: £25k - £45k Wales: £27k - £45k Northern Ireland: £25k - £45k

PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Logistics/ Supply Chain/ Procurement/ Business Studies/ Product Quality/ Economics, Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS)/ Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT)



WHAT QUALIFICATIONS ARE NEEDED TO WORK IN THE PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN INDUSTRY? Vacancies in the Purchasing and Supply Chain industry are open to all, but it’s common to hold a Degree, an HND (Higher National Diploma), or a Foundation Degree/Diploma in a relevant subject such as: Supply Chain Management Business Management Computing Information Systems Transport, Distribution or Logistics

There are postgraduate degrees available in transport planning, supply chain management and logistics. Qualifications through the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) or the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT UK) might be necessary to advance your career. CIPS run qualification and training programmes equipping new students with the knowledge and skills needed to practice proficiently, successfully and confidently.

SALARY Starting salaries for supply chain managers are between £20,000 and £25,000. With increased responsibility and managerial duties, salaries can increase to between £25,000 and £45,000. Larger companies may pay more and advancing will depend on experience. Middle to senior managers can earn up to £60,000. Top executives and directors, at the most senior level, can earn more than £100,000 annually.

CAREER PROSPECTS You can enter the industry through a variety of career pathways. There are entry opportunities through standard apprentices, as well as a wide range of degree apprentice roles. From here, you can progress across all sectors to senior management and to board level. The sector is characterised by career pathways that lead directly to senior management roles for those who have the right skills and determination.


Level 3-4: A-Level, BTEC, Diploma, Apprenticeship Level 5-6: Degree Apprenticeship, University Degree, Foundation Degree, HND, Intermediate Professional Qualifications Level 7: Masters Degree, Institute Membership - CIPS, CILT.

BECOME A PURCHASING & SUPPLY CHAIN PROFESSIONAL A purchasing and supply manager, a business service buyer, or procurement professional purchase goods and services and take a strategic approach to business goals. Whatever the organisation needs – whether it’s raw materials for manufacture, obtaining marketing services or getting more profitable agreements in place, it is their responsibility to get the best goods, at the best price, while maintaining good relationships with suppliers in a sustainable and ethical way.


Your tasks will vary depending on which sector you work in, but typically include: • Deciding what goods, services and equipment is needed • Monitoring and forecasting stock levels • Researching and identifying new products and suppliers • Assessing tenders from potential suppliers • Negotiating prices and agreeing contracts • Making sure that suppliers deliver on time • Processing payments and invoices • Keeping up with market trends • Managing and motivating a team of supply chain staff • Improving the overall supply chain performance and look for any possible innovations to the process • Implementing new technologies and staying alert to new trends in the sector.

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WHAT QUALIFICATIONS ARE NEEDED TO WORK IN THE HUMAN RESOURCES INDUSTRY? The Human Resources Industry is open to school leavers with any subject backgrounds, however the following subjects may be particularly relevant: • Business with Languages • Business or Management • Human Resources Management • Psychology • Social Administration


Level 3-4: A-Level, BTEC, Diploma, Apprenticeship Level 5-6: University Degree, Degree Apprenticeship, HND, Intermediate Professional Qualification Level 7: Masters Degree, Institute Membership - CIPD, CIPP.

BECOME A HUMAN RESOURCES PROFESSIONAL Human Resources (HR) professionals are responsible for hiring, developing and looking after employees. This involves functions such as training and monitoring performance. HR Officers develop, advise and implement policies relating to the effective use of staff in an organisation. The aim of their role is to ensure the organisation they work for employs the right balance of staff in terms of skill and experience, and that training and development opportunities are available to colleagues to enhance their performance and achieve the company’s business aims. HR officers are involved in a range of activities whatever the size or type of business. These cover areas such as: • Conditions of Employment • Equality and Diversity • Negotiation with External Work-Related Agencies • Pay • Recruitment • Working Practices

TYPICAL WORKING DAY HR Officers add value to the organisation they support and perform a broad range of duties. The exact nature of the work varies according to the organisation, but their day-to-day responsibilities include: • • • • • • • • • •

Recruiting, training and developing staff Looking after the health, safety and welfare of all employees Organising staff training sessions and activities Monitoring staff performance and attendance Negotiating salaries, contracts and working hours with staff and representatives Assisting line managers to understand and implement policies and procedures Undertaking regular salary reviews Administering payroll and maintaining employee records Preparing staff handbooks Analysing training needs in conjunction with departmental managers.

SALARY HR officers, or those working toward CIPD Level 5 Intermediate or above, earn in the region of £22,000£25,000. There are opportunities for progression & salary increases as you gain experience, particularly if you have a CIPD qualification. HR officers with experience can expect to earn above £25,000.

CAREER PROSPECTS Individuals are likely to begin their career in human resources by working in a general HR role. Many enjoy the breadth of this work and choose to remain in this environment or move into a more senior position with responsibility for several HR officers. In the longer term, HR managers may move into more senior roles within an organisation and be promoted to a HR director role, possibly as far as board level. Promotion depends on ability and career prospects are enhanced by completing the highest level of CIPD qualifications.


TYPICAL ENTRY LEVEL / APPRENTICESHIP / LEVEL-6/ DEGREE APPRENTICESHIP ROLES: Trainee/Junior: Human Resources Officer, Recruitment Consultant, People & Change Management Specialist, Employee Engagement Specialist, Careers Adviser, Employment Adviser, HR Analytics, HR Data Analyst, Reward & Recognition Specialist, Head of Employee Experience, HR Operations Manager, HR Service Centre Manager, HR Business Partner, Recruitment Specialist, HR Transformation Manager, Head of Organisational Development, Training & Development Manager, Candidate Manager, Talent Acquisition Manager, Hiring Manager, Recruitment Manager, Corporate Wellness Specialist, Corporate Social Responsibility Specialist, Payroll Manager, Health & Safety Officer, Learning & Development Manager

WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR: Administration & Organisational Skills Excellent Communication Skills Collaboration and Team-Working Skills Negotiating Skills Time-management & Multi-tasking Skills


Ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines

London & South: £27k - £50k

Commercial awareness & Strategic Mindset

Midlands: £25k - £45k

Confidence, Courage, Passion and Ambition

North: £24k - £40k


Scotland: £24k - £42k

Getting HR Software Training

Wales: £25k - £45k

Advanced PowerPoint & Presentation Skills

Northern Ireland: £24k - £42k

Invest in Industry Knowledge HR Trends Awareness HR Analysis Skills


Most Companies’ HR Departments & Recruitment & HR Consulting firms including the likes of: Adecco, Allegis, AON, Accenture, Avensure, Bain, Capgemini Consulting, CGI, Department of Work and Pensions, Deloitte, EY, Hay Group, Hays plc, IBM, Kelly Services, KPMG, PWC, McKinsey & Company, Mercer, Mitie, Newton, NGDP, Oliver Wyman PageGroup (Page Personnel, Michael Page), Pareto, Randstad, Robert Walters, Robert Half, Peninsula, Reed, Serco, Towers Watson

Employment Law Knowledge Networking & Social Media Skills Improve your Influencing Skills

TYPICAL QUALIFICATIONS: Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources / Business Studies / Management Studies, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP), Institute of Employability Prefer Prefer a hard a hard copy? copy? Order hereof Occupational Safety and Professionals (IEP), Institution Health (IOSH), British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS), Institute of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (ICRS), Institute of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (ICRS), International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM), Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC), Institute of Recruitment Professionals (IRP)

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Trainee/Junior: Electrical Engineer, Electronics Engineer, Telecommunications Engineer, Electrical Network Engineer, Avionics Engineer, Electrical Distribution Engineer, Broadcasting Engineer, Circuit Design Engineer, Control Systems Engineer, Process Control Engineer, Energy Transmission Engineer, Electrical Safety Test Engineer, Electrical/Electronic Engineering Consultant, Instrumentation and Controls Engineer, Technical Writer, Quality Engineer, Document Control Specialist, Electrical Maintenance Engineer, Health & Safety Specialist, Service Engineer, Power Supply Design Engineer, Project Manager/ Coordinator, Networks & Systems Engineer, Aerospace Engineer, Computer Hardware Engineer, Electrical and Electronics Equipment Installer, Sales Engineer

WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR: Strong Quantitative/Mathematical Skills Analytical & Problem-Solving Skills Innovation and initiative Attention to detail and high degree of accuracy and concentration Collaboration and Team-Working Skills Ability to deal with Complex Situations Courage and professional integrity


Passion for quality and zero tolerance for mistakes Advanced Design Skills High levels of Scientific and Technical Proficiency Improved Attention to Detail Build on you Analytical Skills and be more Observant & Inquisitive Ethics and Integrity and a high regard for Health & Safety Ability to communicate to both technical and non-technical colleagues TYPICAL EMPLOYERS: 3M, Abaco, Airbus, Alcon Eye Care, Alstom, Anite, Ansaldo Nuclear, ARM, BBC, Bureau Veritas, Boeing, Bombardier, Bosch, BT Group (inc EE & Plusnet), Canon, Chemring (Roke), Cirrus Logic, CISCO, Computacenter, Dell, DNV-GL, Drax Group, DSTL, E.ON, EDF Energy, Edif ERA, Edwards, Electrocomponents, ElectroImpact, Electrolux, Emerson, Faurecia, Federal-Mogul, Ferguson, Fluor, Ford, Fujitsu, GE, Halma, Hewlett Packard (HP), Hilti GB, HMK Automation, HoareLea, IBM, IMI, Inmarsat, Instron, Intel, Intellectual Property Office, Intertek, ITV, Jaguar Land Rover, Loenardo Helicopters, Mahle, MBDA, McLaren, Meggitt, Melrose, Mercedes AMG, Microsoft, Mitie, Morgan, MTC, National Grid, National Instruments, National Nuclear Laboratory, NATS, Nissan, NOV, npower, Nucleargraduates, O2, Olympus, Philips, QinetiQ Group, Renishaw, Rolls Royce, Rotork, Royal Air Force, Royal Haskoning DHV, Royal Navy, RWE, Samsung, Schlumberger, Schneider Electric, Scottish Power, Senior plc, Siemens, Sky, Smiths Group, Softcat, Sony, Sophos, Spectris, Spirax-Sarco Engineering, Spirent Communications, SSE, Stanley Black & Decker (+PIH, CRC Evans, DeWalt), Sulzer, Talktalk Telecom, Telecom Plus plc (Utility Warehouse), Thales, TI Fluid Systems, UK Power Network, UK Research and Innovation, Ultra Electronics, Verizon, Virgin Media (Liberty Global), Vodafone, Volkswagen, Weir Group plc, Whirlpool, Wood Group, Worley


TYPICAL QUALIFICATIONS: Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering / Electronics / Telecommunication Engineering/ Network Engineering / Building Services Engineering/ Physics, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Energy Institute (EI), Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE), Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST), Institute of Measurement and Control (InstMC), Institute of Physics (IoP), Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM), Institute of Science and Technology (IST), Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE), Institution of Lighting Professionals (ILP), Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM), Chartered Quality Institute (CQI), The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (US Based)


RELEVANT ENGINEERING DISCIPLINES INCLUDE : Aeronautical engineering Agricultural engineering Computer-aided engineering Engineering science Manufacturing engineering Mechanical engineering Nuclear engineering


Level 3 - 4: A-Level, BTEC, Diploma, Apprenticeship Level 5-6: Degree Apprenticeship, University Degree, HND, BSc (Bachelor of Science Engineering), Intermediate Professional Qualifications Level 7: Master Degree.


SALARY Starting salaries for most engineers, and for those on graduate training schemes, are in the range of £20,000 to £28,000. With experience this can increase to between £25,000 and £35,000. At a mid-level for lead or principle engineers, salaries are around £35£50,000. Senior positions, such as chief engineer, can earn £45,000 to £60,000+.

Engineers create solutions and solve problems, playing a central role in the design and implementation of moving parts in a range of industries. They provide efficient solutions to the development of processes and products, ranging from small component designs to extremely large plants, machinery or vehicles. Engineers need to be technically minded, able to demonstrate numerical and scientific ability and have problem-solving skills.

CAREER PROSPECTS Most careers in engineering lead to a senior position with responsibility for other staff or larger projects and budgets. If you’re required to lead teams or manage projects, developing people management skills will be helpful. Gaining chartered status (CEng) is a significant help in career progression - this is proof that you’ve met a standard of experience and knowledge in the engineering profession. Once you have developed your technical skills, you can move into senior engineering posts, such as engineering director.

TYPICAL WORKING DAY The day-to-day responsibilities of an engineer they perform are the following: • •

Analyse problems to see how mechanical and thermal devices might help solve the problem Design or redesign mechanical, electrical, structural or thermal devices using analysis and computer-aided design Develop and test prototypes of devices they design Analyse the test results and change the design as needed Oversee the manufacturing process for the device Monitor and commission plant and systems Work with other professionals, within and outside the engineering sector Manage projects using engineering principles and techniques Research and develop products Make sure a product can be made reliably and will perform consistently in specified operating environments.

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TYPICAL ENTRY LEVEL / APPRENTICESHIP / LEVEL-6/DEGREE APPRENTICESHIP ROLES: Trainee/Junior: Civil Engineer, Structural Engineer, Structural Designer, Building Services Engineer, Project Manager, Project Coordinator, Site Engineer, Building Services Manager, Site Manager, Construction Engineer, Quantity Surveyor, Civil Engineering Consultant, Planner, Transport Engineer, Geotechnical Engineer, Land Surveyor, Design Engineer, Hydraulic Engineer, Rail Engineer, Engineering Planner, Environmental Engineer, Urban Planning Engineer, Landscape Architect, Drafting and Architectural Engineer, Highway Engineer, Hydraulic Engineer, Estate Agent, Valuations Surveyor, Properties Manager, Estate Manager, Town Planner, Property Developer, Planning Consultant WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR:

Strong Quantitative/Mathematical Skills Creativity, Innovation & Problem-Solving Skills Communication & Negotiating Skills Collaboration and Team-Working Skills Efficiency & Organisational Skills Time-management & Multi-tasking Skills Ability to Plan and to Tight Deadlines Ability to deal with Complex Situations Courage, Passion and Ambition WHAT CAN MAKE A CANDIDATE STAND OUT

Passion for Learning & Continuous Improvement Advanced Design Skills Customer Focus, Commercial Awareness & Relationship Building Skills Invest in Accuracy and Technical Proficiency Improve Attention to Detail Build on you Analytical Skills and be more Observant & Inquisitive Strengthen your ability to adapt to many environments Ability to communicate to both technical and non-technical colleagues Enhance your Project Management Skills


AECOM, Aecon, Amey, Anglian Water, Arcadis, Arup, Atkins, Babcock International, Balfour Beatty, BAM Nuttal, Barratt Developments, Bechtel, Bellway, Berkeley Group, BNP Paribas Real Estate, BMI Group, Bovis Homes, Bouygues, BuroHappold, Canary Wharf Contractors, CBRE, CGG, Costain, Crest Nicholson, Cundall, Department for Transport, Faithful + Gould, Fluor, Galliford Try Plc (inc Morrison Construction & Linden Homes), Gerald Eve, Goldcrest Land, Grafton Group (inc Selco, Buildbase, Plumbase), GVA, Ibstock, Interserve, ISS, Jacobs, James Fisher & Sons plc, JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle), Kier, Knight Frank, Laing O’Rourke, Landlease, Lloyd’s Register, Mace, Marshalls Plc, Max Fordham, McCarthy & Stone plc, Mitie, Morgan Sindall, Mott MacDonald, MWH, Network Rail, NGDP, OCS, Pennon Group, Persimmon plc, Polypipe Group, Redrow, Rider Levett Bucknall, Rotork, Royal Haskoning DHV, Saint Gobain, Savills plc, Severn Trent, Sig, Sir Robert McAlpine, SISK Building Contractors, Skanska, Sodexo, Spirax-Sarco Engineering (inc Gestra, Chromalox, Watson Marlow), St Modwen Properties plc, Strutt & Parker, Tamdown Group, Tarmac, Taylor Wimpey, Thames Water, UK Research and Innovation, Unite Group, United Utilities, Valuation Office Agency, Wates, WRC, WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff, Yorkshire Water

REGIONAL SALARY London & South: £25k - £49k Midlands: £23k - £45k North: £22k - £44k Scotland: £22k - £45k Wales: £23k - £45k Northern Ireland: £22k - £45k

TYPICAL QUALIFICATIONS: Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s/ Master’s in Civil Engineering/ Structural Engineering/ Building Services Engineering/ Environmental Engineering, Real Estate Management/ Facilities Management, Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE), Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT), Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM), Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE), Chartered Institute of Building, Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI)



TYPICAL ENTRY LEVEL / APPRENTICESHIP / LEVEL-6/DEGREE APPRENTICESHIP ROLES: Mechanical Engineer, Mechanic, Manufacturing Engineer, Automotive Engineer, Aerospace Engineer, Project Manager/Coordinator/Engineer, Plant Engineer, Manufacturing Technical Specialist, Materials Engineer, Engineering Consultant, Naval Architect, Transport Engineer, Geotechnical Engineer, Petroleum Engineer, Design Engineer, Hydraulic Engineer, Rail Engineer, Engineering Planner, Production Manager, Process Engineer, Industrial Engineer, Technical Writer, Test/Quality/ Safety Engineer, Document Control Specialist, Maintenance Engineer, Sales Engineer, Technical Consultant, Health & Safety Specialist, Operational Research Scientist


Strong Quantitative/Mathematical Skills Creativity, Design, Innovation & Problem-Solving Skills Collaboration and Team-Working Skills Efficiency & Organisational Skills Time-management & Multi-tasking Skills Ability to Plan and to Tight Deadlines Ability to deal with Complex Situations Courage, Passion and Ambition

REGIONAL SALARY London & South: £29k - £50k Midlands: £25k - £47k North: £24k - £45k


Scotland: £24k - £45k

Passion for Learning & Continuous Improvement Advanced Design Skills

Wales: £24k - £45k

Invest in Scientific and Technical Proficiency

Northern Ireland: £22k - £45k

Improve Attention to Detail


Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering/ Automotive Engineering / Design Engineering / Automotive Engineering, Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Institution of Royal Engineers (InstRE), Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Institution of Engineering Designers (IED), Chartered Quality Institute (CQI), Chartered Society of Designers (CSD), Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE), Operational Research Society (ORS)

Build on you Analytical Skills and be more Observant & Inquisitive Strengthen your ability to adapt to many environments Ability to communicate to both technical and non-technical colleagues Enhance your Project Management Skills


Airbus, Alcon Eye Care, Alstom, Anite, Ansaldo Nuclear, ARM, BBC, Bureau Veritas, Boeing, Bombardier, Bosch, BT Group (inc EE & Plusnet), Canon, Chemring (Roke), Cirrus Logic, CISCO, Computacenter, Dell, DNV-GL, Drax Group, DSTL, E.ON, EDF Energy, Edif ERA, Edwards, Electrocomponents, ElectroImpact, Electrolux, Emerson, Faurecia, Federal-Mogul, Ferguson, Fluor, Ford, Fujitsu, GE, Halma, Hewlett Packard (HP), Hilti GB, HMK Automation, HoareLea, IBM, IMI, Inmarsat, Instron, Intel, Intellectual Property Office, Intertek, ITV, Jaguar Land Rover, Loenardo Helicopters, Mahle, MBDA, McLaren, Meggitt, Melrose, Mercedes AMG, Microsoft, Mitie, Morgan, MTC, National Grid, National Instruments, National Nuclear Laboratory, NATS, Nissan, NOV, npower, Nucleargraduates, O2, Olympus, Philips, QinetiQ Group, Renishaw, Rolls Royce, Rotork, Royal Air Force, Royal Haskoning DHV, Royal Navy, RWE, Samsung, Schlumberger, Schneider Electric, Scottish Power, Senior plc, Siemens, Sky, Smiths Group, Softcat, Sony, Sophos, Spectris, Spirax-Sarco Engineering, Spirent Communications, SSE, Stanley Black & Decker (+PIH, CRC Evans, DeWalt), Sulzer, Talktalk Telecom, Telecom Plus plc (Utility Warehouse), Thales, TI Fluid Systems, UK Power Network, UK Research and Innovation, Ultra Electronics, Verizon, Virgin Media (Liberty Global), Vodafone, Volkswagen, Weir Group plc, Whirlpool, Wood Group, Worley

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ALLIED HEALTHCARE TYPICAL ENTRY LEVEL / APPRENTICESHIP / LEVEL-6/DEGREE APPRENTICESHIP ROLES: Trainee/Junior: Physiotherapist, Rehabilitation Therapist, Sports Physiotherapist, Geriatric Physiotherapist, Paediatric Physiotherapist, Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapist, Neurological Physiotherapist, Veterinary Physiotherapist, Bio-kineticist, Occupational Health Officer, Speech & Language Therapist, Audiologist, Medical Practitioner, Radiographer, X-ray Operator, Sonographer, Clinical Photographer, Medical Engineer, Medical Technician, Biomedical Engineer, Clinical Engineer, Laboratory Technologist, Hospital Technician, Ophthalmic Optician, Dispensing Optician, Ophthalmologist, Optometrist, Orthoptist, Podiatry, Food Scientist, Dietician, Nutritionist, Art Therapist, Art Psychotherapist, Drama Therapist, Medical Forensic Specialist, Forensic Biochemical Specialist, Forensic Psychologist, Forensic Psychiatrist, Forensic Blood/DNA Analyst, Public Health Officer

WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR: • Communication & interpersonal skills • Empathy and compassion • Attention to detail and high degree of accuracy and concentration • Collaboration and team-working skills • Ability to deal with complex situations • Ability to deal with emergencies in a calm and collected manner • Ethics and professional integrity

WHAT CAN MAKE A CANDIDATE STAND OUT: • Passion for patients and zero tolerance for mistakes • High levels of professional knowledge & proficiency • Improved attention to detail • Build on your analytical skills and be more observant • Ethics and integrity and a high regard for health & safety • Ability to communicate to patients in simple non-clinical way TYPICAL QUALIFICATIONS: Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy/ Audiology/ Speech & Language Therapy / Medical Technology / Biomedical Science / Optometry / Ophthalmology / Food & Nutrition Sciences; Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists (RCSLT), Society and College of Radiographers (SCoR), Institute of Measurement and Control (InstMC), Institute of Physics (IoP), Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Royal Microscopical Society (RMS), Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS), Royal College of Radiologists (RCR), Royal College of Ophthalmologists, College of Optometrists (CoO), Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST), Chartered Quality Institute (CQI)


London & South: £20k - £35k Midlands: £18k - £30k North: £18k - £30k Scotland: £18k - £30k Wales: £18k - £30k Northern Ireland: £18k - £30k


NHS, BMI Healthcare, HCA Healthcare, BUPA, Wellcome, British Army, Royal Air Force, Royal Navy, Barnardo’s, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Cancer Research UK, DFID, GSK, Marie Curie, Pfizer, Roche, CVS Vet Group, Independent Vetcare, International SOS, Linnaeus Vet Group, White Cross Vets, National Office of Animal Health, Mars, Pets At Home, Medivet U.K., Panadent, Coltene, Alpha Dental Group, Centre for Dentistry, Colosseum Dental, Community Dental Services, Damira Dental Studio, The Dental Care Group, Dental Partners, Dentex, Genix Healthcare, Gensmile Dental, {my}dentist, Nationwide Healthcare Providers, Obex Dental, Portman Dental Care, Rodericks Dental, Smile Dental Care, Smile Together, 543 Dental, Asda Opticians, Boots Opticians, Costco Opticians, Optical Express, Scrivens Opticians, Specsavers, Vision Express, Smith & Nephew, Smiths Group, Victrex, MSD, Boots, Charityworks, Cranswick, Danone, Diageo, DSTL, Frontline, GCHQ, GE, GIST, Greencore, Nestle,

Oxfam, Peninsula, Philips, Police Now, Procter & Gamble, Serco, Teach First, Think Ahead, TPP, UDG Healthcare, Unilever



In the Health industry, there are several specialities to choose to work in. Some of the common areas include: Medicine Nursing Physiotherapy/Psychiatry Radiology/Radiotherapy


SALARY Junior doctors in Foundation Year 1 (F1) earn a basic starting salary of £26,614. In Foundation Year 2 (F2) this rises to £30,805. A hospital doctor in specialist training starts on a basic salary of £36,461 and can go up to £46,208. Once training is finished, speciality doctors can earn from £35-£70,000. Consultants earn between £76,761-£103,490 depending on experience. Other Healthcare Professionals such as Nursing, Physiotherapy and Radiotherapy starting salaries range between £22k -£30k.

Healthcare and Medical degrees are available at undergraduate level (taking three-five years to complete). Entry into medicine and healthcare is very competitive and your motivation and commitment are rigorously assessed. You may be required to complete the UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT) or Biomedical Admissions Test (BMAT). The BMAT has two test dates, which fall in September and October. Level 3-4: A-Level, BTEC, Diploma, Apprenticeship Level 5-6: University Degree, Degree Apprenticeships, HND Level 7: Masters Degree

BECOME A HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL Healthcare professionals work in many areas. They work at different levels from trainees to specialists to consultants. Being a medical or healthcare professional is a rewarding but demanding role that will suit you if you enjoy caring for patients, have good stamina and can work under pressure. Durations widely vary. For instance, to become a hospital consultant, you must complete: A degree in medicine, recognised by the General Medical Council (GMC) A two-year foundation programme of general training Specialist training in your chosen area of medicine



Most healthcare professionals examine, diagnose and treat patients who’ve been

Most hospital doctors aspire to become a consultant. As a consultant, you’ll be responsible for your own work and for supervising the work and training of all doctors on your team. You can apply for consultancy roles six months before you achieve your Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) at the end of your specialist training. You may need to wait longer than this though as extra experience and research is often needed for competitive posts.

referred to hospital by GPs and other health professionals. They apply their medical knowledge and skills to the diagnosis, prevention and management of disease. The day-to-day duties of a Healthcare Professional consist of the following: •

Monitoring and providing general care to patients on hospital wards and in outpatients clinics Admitting patients requiring special care, followed by investigations and treatment Examining and talking to patients to diagnose their medical condition Carrying out specific procedures, for example, performing operations and specialist investigations Making notes and preparing paperwork, both as a legal record of treatment and for the benefit of other healthcare professionals Communicating with other medical and non-medical staff in the workplace to ensure quality treatment Promoting health education Undertaking managerial responsibilities, such as planning the workload Carrying out auditing and research.

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TYPICAL ENTRY LEVEL / APPRENTICESHIP / LEVEL-6/DEGREE APPRENTICESHIP ROLES: Trainee/Junior: Hospital Doctor (Working towards: General Practice (GP) Doctor, Anaesthetist, Clinical Oncologist, Clinical Radiologist, Gynaecologist, Ophthalmologist, Paediatrician, Pathologist, Psychiatrist, Surgeon), Complementary Medical Practitioner, Veterinary Surgeon (General Practice, Private, Farms, Zoos, Charity, Government, Military), Veterinary Nurse, Veterinary Support Officer, Vet Practice Manager, Agricultural and Food Scientist, Veterinary Dentist, Veterinary Laboratory Technician, Dentist (NHS/Military), Dentist (Practice/Private), Orthodontist, Cosmetic Dentist, Lecturer, Medical Research Specialist, Medical Technology Specialist, Dental Hygienist, Dental Technician


Applying to medical school for graduate, mature and foundation students: • Graduate candidates with other degrees who want to study medicine/dentistry/ vet medicine usually need a 1st or 2.1 honours degree, usually in a science subject. Some, though very few, medical schools accept Arts students


Patient-centred attitude & mentality Attention to detail and high degree of accuracy and concentration Collaboration and Team-Working Skills Diligence and professional integrity

GRADUATE ENTRY PROGRAMMES: The GMC have shortened/ accelerated medical courses for graduates, usually lasting up to 4 years, if you don’t want to enrol in the traditional 5-year route. Universities with Graduate Entry Programmes: Barts and The London Queen Mary’s School; Nottingham; Birmingham; Oxford; Cambridge; Southampton; Imperial College London; St George’s London; King’s College London; Swansea; Liverpool; Warwick; Newcastle

TYPICAL QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (BMBS) degree, Bachelor of Medical Sciences (BMedSci) degree, MBChB Medicine & Surgery degree, British Medical Association, Royal Society of Medicine (RSM), Royal College of Anaesthetists, Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), Royal College of Physicians, Royal College of Psychiatrists, Royal College of Surgeons, Royal Veterinary College (RVC), British Veterinary Association (BVA), Government Veterinary Services (GVS), Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons (SPVS), Royal Army Veterinary Corps (RAVC), British Small Animals Veterinary Association, The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), General Dental Council (GDC), Royal College of Surgeons (RCS), Federation

of Independent Veterinary Practices (FIVP), British Dental Industry Association (BDIA).

REGIONAL SALARY London & South: £30k - £45k Midlands: £25k - £40k North: £25k - £40k Scotland: £25k - £40k Wales: £25k - £40k Northern Ireland: £25k - £40k

TYPICAL EMPLOYERS: NHS, BMI Healthcare, HCA Healthcare, BUPA, Wellcome, British Army, Royal Air Force, Royal Navy, Barnardo’s, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Cancer Research UK, DFID, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Marie Curie, Pfizer, CVS Veterinary Group, Independent Vetcare, Linnaeus Veterinary Group, White Cross Vets, National Office of Animal Health, Mars, Pets At Home (Companion Care and Vets4Pets), Medivet U.K., Panadent, Coltene, Alpha Dental Group, Bupa Dental Care, Centre for Dentistry, Colosseum Dental, Community Dental Services, Damira Dental Studio, The Dental Care Group, Dental Partners, Dentex, Genix Healthcare, Gensmile Dental, {my} dentist, Nationwide Healthcare Providers, Obex Dental, Portman Dental Care, Rodericks Dental, Smile Dental Care, Smile Together, 543 Dental.



Adult Nurse, Mental Health Nurse, Learning Disability Nurse, Paediatric/Children’s Nurse, Midwife, Paramedic, Health Visitor, District Nurse, Counsellor, Nurse Practitioner, Theatre and Recovery Nurse, Dental Nurse, Veterinary Nurse, Veterinary Support Officer, Vet Practice Manager, Veterinary Dental Nurse, Veterinary Laboratory Technician, Medical Technology Specialist, Dental Hygienist, Dental Technician

WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR: Communication & interpersonal skills Empathy and compassion Attention to detail and high degree of accuracy and concentration Collaboration and team-working skills Ability to deal with complex situations Ability to deal with emergencies in a calm and collected manner Ethics and professional integrity

REGIONAL SALARY London & South: £26k - £32k Midlands: £24k - £30k North: £24k - £30k Scotland: £24k - £30k Wales: £24k - £30k Northern Ireland: £24k - £30k

TYPICAL EMPLOYERS: NHS, BMI Healthcare, HCA Healthcare, BUPA, Wellcome, British Army, Royal Air Force, Royal Navy, CVS Veterinary

WHAT CAN MAKE A CANDIDATE STAND OUT: Passion for patients and zero tolerance for mistakes High levels of professional knowledge proficiency Improved attention to detail Build on your analytical skills and be more observant Ethics and integrity and a high regard for health & safety Ability to communicate to patients in simple non clinical way

Group, Independent Vetcare, Linnaeus Veterinary Group, White Cross Vets, National Office of Animal Health, Mars, Pets at Home (Companion Care and

TYPICAL QUALIFICATIONS: Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing/ Coltene, Alpha Dental Group, Bupa Midwifery/Veterinary Nursing, Nursing and Dental Care, Centre for Dentistry, Midwifery Council (NMC), Royal College Colosseum Dental, Community Dental Services, Damira Dental Studio, The Nursing (RCN), Chartered Institute of PreferPrefer aof hard a hard copy?copy? Order here Dental Care Group, Dental Partners, Environmental Health (CIEH), Institution Dentex, Genix Healthcare, Gensmile of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), Dental, {my}dentist, Nationwide Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Healthcare Providers, Obex Dental, (RCPCH), Royal Society for Public Health Portman Dental Care, Rodericks Dental, (RSPH), College of Paramedics (CoP) Smile Dental Care, Smile Together, 543 Vets4Pets), Medivet U.K., Panadent,


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There’s a wide range of positions in the Architecture industry. This creative industry provides you with an adaptable set of skills that can give you entry to a vast range of occupations leading in many career directions. It offers employment opportunities for Art & Design students who can particularly utilise their artistic, design, creative problem-solving abilities and expertise in connecting different ideas and concepts.

QUALIFICATIONS Level 3-4: A-level, BTEC, Diploma, Apprenticeship Level 5-6: Degree Apprenticeship, University Degree, HND Level 7: Masters Degree.

BECOME AN ARCHITECT Architecture offers an inspiring and innovative career for those with the right technical and creative aptitude. An architect designs new buildings, extensions or alterations to existing structures, and advises on the restoration and conservation of old properties. Architecture offers an inspiring and innovative career for those with the right technical and creative aptitude. Architects work closely with clients and users, making sure that projected designs match requirements and are functional, safe and economical. Architects control a project from start to finish and work with several construction professionals, including surveyors and engineers. In addition to the professional experience required, any preentry work experience in an architectural, design or construction environment is desirable and highly regarded by recruiters. Architects should regularly practice drawing to enhance skills. Model-making skills are also an advantage. It’s important to take an interest in publications or TV programmes about buildings, and to keep up to date with the current trends in architecture and design.

TYPICAL WORKING DAY • • • • • • • • • • •

Discussing ideas, objectives, requirements and the budget of a project Consulting with other professionals about design Assessing the needs of a building and its users, advising the client on the practicality of their project Keeping with financial budgets and deadlines Producing detailed workings, drawings and specifications Specifying the nature and quality of materials required Preparing presentations Negotiating with contractors and other professionals Carrying out regular site visits to check on progress and ensure that the project is running on time and to budget Resolving problems and issues that arise during construction Ensuring that the environmental impact of a project is managed.

SALARY The starting salary for an architect ranges from £1822,000. Individuals with experience can expect a salary rising to £25,000. A fully qualified architect, depending on experience, could earn between £32-45,000. At senior associate, partner or director level, an architect can expect to earn from £45,000 to £70,000.

CAREER PROSPECTS Gaining chartered membership of RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architect Studio) and undertaking agreed levels of CPD (Continuing Professional Development) are key parts of career development and will enable your progression into more senior posts. Architects who have demonstrated distinguished achievement in architecture with more than 5 years of chartered membership, may be awarded Fellow of RIBA status.



Trainee/Junior: Architect, Architectural Assistant, Architectural Technician, Design Architect, Project Architect, Project Manager, Project Coordinator, Site Manager, Quantity Surveyor, Cost Estimator, Design Architectural Engineer, Structural Designer, Civil Engineer, Urban Designer, Draftsperson, BIM Documenter, Landscape Architect, Building Surveyor, Planning Specialist, Buildings Inspector, Estates manager, Construction Manager, Interior Designer, Town Planner, Estate Agent


Strong Design & Artistic Skills Analytical & Problem-Solving Skills High Levels of Origination, Innovation and Initiative Attention to Detail Prioritising, Juggling Limited Resources and Managing Deadlines Ability to Deal with Complex Construction Issues Ethics and Professional Integrity

REGIONAL SALARY London & South: £28k - £45k Midlands: £26k - £40k North: £25k - £38k Scotland: £25k - £40k Wales: £24k - £39k Northern Ireland: £25k - £40k


TYPICAL EMPLOYERS Foster + Partners, BDP, Zaha Hadid, Allford Hall Monaghan Morris, Sheppard Robson, Hawkins\ Brown, Allies & Morrison, Hawkins\ Brown, Atkins, Grimshaw, Scott Brownrigg, Purcell, Stride Treglown, Squire & Partners, PLP, tp bennett, EPR, AHR, Feilden Clegg Bradley, PRP, Pollard Thomas Edwards, Broadway Malyan, WilkinsonEyre, Pascall+Watson, Make, Chapman Taylor, Levitt Bernstein, ADP, 3DReid, NORR, HTA Design, Fletcher Priest, HLM, Hopkins, Ryder, jmarchitects, Donald Insall, Eric Parry, Glenn Howells, BuckleyGrayYeoman, SimpsonHaugh, KSS, FaulknerBrowns, NPS Group, Associates, bptw partnership (+40), Corstorphine + Wright, Farrells, Jestico + Whiles, Bond Bryan Weston Williamson + Partners

Passion for Design Quality Unique Portfolio High Levels of Built Environment Knowledge Knowledge of Planning Laws Being More Observant & Inquisitive Ethics and Integrity and a High Regard for Health & Safety Excellent Interpersonal Communication Skills - Ability to Communicate to Both Technical and Non-Technical Colleagues

TYPICAL QUALIFICATIONS: Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree in Architecture/Architectural Engineering/Architectural Technology/Building Design/Building Services Engineering/Civil Engineering, Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT), Royal Society of Ulster Architects (RSUA), Association for Project Management (APM), Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM), Chartered

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The IT industry covers many information technology-oriented organisations. It is currently an important industry for the creation of technology that will shape humanities future. It has become of the most robust industries in the world. IT has an increased productivity and is a key driver of global economic growth. A technology career provides you with long-term job security in today’s world. Experience and education in the information technology field, as well as keeping current on changes in the industry, makes you sought-after by employers.


You can get into the IT industry without a degree: through an Apprenticeship Programme, and work your way up through Technician, Engineer and Manager levels. To get onto an Apprenticeship Programme you will need to have 5 GCSEs (A-C), including Maths and Science. Level 3-4: A-Level, BTEC, Diploma, Apprenticeship Level 5-6: University Degree, Degree Apprenticeship, HND Level 7: Masters Degree, Institute Membership: Institute of Analysts and Programmers, Microsoft Certificate.


They create, maintain, audit and improve hardware and systems to meet needs, testing both hard and software systems to diagnose and resolve system faults. The roles also cover writing diagnostic programs and designing and writing code for operating systems and software to ensure efficiency.

Typical entry level salaries start from £18,000-£30,000 a year. The average annual salary for an IT professional is between £30,000 and £60,000. At senior or management level, IT professionals can earn between £60,000 to £100,000 or more per annum. The exact salary you’ll receive is dependent upon the company, location and nature of your employer’s business.



IT Professionals are responsible for designing, developing and

There are different levels of IT roles and promotion is usually dependent upon both your ability and experience. An entry-level post typically involves working under supervision, formulating the scope of, and objectives, for systems and designing code. Progression is mainly into management via team leadership roles, or to consultant via technical specialisation.

BECOME A IT PROFESSIONAL IT jobs combine highly complex, technical work with computer science and mathematics. IT professionals work in a constantly evolving environment, due to technological advances and the strategic direction of organisations.

maintaining of hardware and software systems including operating systems, business applications, mobile and web applications, games, connected hardware devices, networking systems and more. The day-to-day duties of an IT professional include the following: • • • • • • • •

Analysing user requirements Researching, designing and writing new software programs Evaluating the software and systems that make computers and hardware work Developing existing programs by analysing and identifying areas for modification Creating technical specifications Maintaining systems by monitoring and correcting software defects Consulting clients and colleagues concerning the maintenance and performance of software systems with a view to writing or modifying current operating systems Investigating new technologies

Transfer between organisations for advancement is often possible.


Typical Entry Level / Apprenticeship / Level-6/Degree Apprenticeship Roles:

Trainee/Junior: IT Manager/Specialist, IT Technician; IT/Applications Support Specialist, IT Business Analyst, IT Consultant, Database Administrator, Software Developer, Software Engineer, Infrastructure Engineer, Cloud Engineer, Games Developer, Full Stack Developer, Programmer, Network Engineer, Systems Analyst, Systems Administrator, Data Analyst, Coding Specialist, IT trainer/teacher, Information Systems Auditor, IT Security Analyst, Cyber security analyst, Web Developer, Hardware Engineer, Solutions Architect, Project Manager/Coordinator, SAP/Oracle/CISCO/Linux Consultant, Quality Assurance Engineer, Business Intelligence Analyst

WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR: Analytical & Problem-Solving Skills Relationship Building Skills Prioritising, Juggling Limited Resources and Managing Deadlines Ability to Deal with Complex Issues


Good Customer Service and Communication Skills

London & South: £30k - £50k Midlands: £27k - £45k North: £26k - £42k Scotland: £25k - £42k Wales: £25k - £41k Northern Ireland: £25k - £42k



Solicitors can progress to senior Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s degree in IT/Hardware/Software Engineering/Network Engineering/ Information Systems, Institution of Analysts and Programmers, The Chartered Institute for IT, Microsoft Certifications, Cisco Certifications, CompTIA, IAPP (CIPP), Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA - ISACA), Institute of Information Security Professionals (IISP), Chartered Society of Designers (CSD), Institute for the Management of Information Systems (IMIS), Certifications: Microsoft, Cisco, CompTIA, Google, Linux, AWS, VMWare, Citrix, Oracle, SAP

Fluency in Something Technical e.g. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), SQL, JavaScript, Linux, .NET, Agile, Azure, PHP, HTML, Willing to work towards some form of ‘Certification’ Stay up to date with latest industry trends Keep continually improving your skills by enlarging your technical skillset Always aim to go the extra mile to meet and exceed expectations Be innovative and think outside the box Excellent interpersonal communication skills - ability to communicate to both technical and non-technical colleagues

MAJOR EMPLOYERS: Abaco, Accenture, Alstom, Amadeus, Amazon, Anite, Apple, ARM, Atos, Autodesk, Avanade, Bain & Company, Bloomberg, Boston Consulting Group, Broadbridge, BT, BBC, CDL, CGI, CHP Consulting, Cirrus Logic, CISCO, Citrix, Cognito iQ, Cognizant, Computacenter, Critical Software, Delcam, Dell, Deloitte, Dimension Data, Dorset Software, Electrocomponents, ElectroImpact, Equiniti, Experian, EY, Facebook, FDM, Fidessa, Finablr, Fujitsu, GCHQ, Google, HCL Technologies, Hewlett Packard (HP), HMK Automation, IBM, Imagination, Informa, Infosys, Inmarsat, Instron, Integral Information Solutions, Intel, Intellectual Property Office, ITV, Jagex, Just Eat, Konica Minolta, KPMG, Lloyd’s Register, London Stock Exchange Group, McKinsey & Company, Metaswitch, Micro Focus, Microsoft, MTC, National Instruments, NCC, NHS, O2, Ocado, Oracle, Orbium, PA Consulting, Playtech, ProspectSoft, PWC, QA Consulting, Redgate, RELX, Renishaw, Reed Business Information (RBI), RM Education, Roke, Sage, Samsung, SAP, Schneider Electric, Siemens, Sky, Softcat plc, Sony, Sophos, Sopra Steria, Sparx, Spirent Communications, Talktalk Telecom, Telecom Plus, Ten10, Tesco, Tessella, Thompson Reuters, TP ICAP, TPP, Trainline, Travelport, Turnkey Consulting, Ubisoft, Verizon, Viagogo, Virgin Media, Virtusa, VMWare, Vodafone, Willis Towers Watson

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Typical Entry Level / Apprenticeship / Level-6/Degree Apprenticeship Roles: Trainee/Junior: Solicitor, Barrister, Advocate, Legal Executive, Paralegal, Company Secretary, Government Legal Advisor/Counsel, Parliamentary Clerk, Tax Inspector, Tax Consultant, Town Planner, Compliance Associate, Legal Publisher/Correspondent, Loss Adjuster, Local Authority Legal Counsel, Corporate Legal Counsel/In-house Experts, Conveyancer, M & A Consultant, Foreign Office Diplomat, Police Detective, Private Investigator, Insolvency Practitioner, Court Reporter, CPS Criminal Prosecutor/ Caseworker, Justice Clerk WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR: Excellent written and interpersonal communication skills Analytical, innovative and entrepreneurial mindset Confidence and initiative Attention to detail Collaboration, team-working, networking and relationship building skills Confidence, resilience and self-discipline Flexibility, open-minded approach and ability to adjust to a constantly changing environment WHAT CAN MAKE A CANDIDATE STAND OUT: Passion for legal and commercial excellence Commercial awareness and keeping up to date with current issues Vacation experience and extra-curricular activities Motivation, dedication and willingness to go the extra mile Build on your analytical skills and be more observant & inquisitive Improved confidence and a daring can-do attitude Constant networking and building connections SOLICITOR PRACTICE AREAS: Banking & Financial Services, Insurance, Corporate, Commercial, Capital Markets + IPOs + Private Equity, Competition, Intellectual Property & Media, Tax, Employment, Insolvency, Transport & Energy, Shipping, Environmental, Property & Infrastructure, Dispute Resolution, Professional Negligence, IT + Communication + Media, Sports, Private Client, Personal Injury, Criminal, Family, Health & Social Care, Human Rights


Solicitors: Addleshaw Goddard, Allen & Overy, Ashurst, Berwin Leighton Paisner, Baker McKenzie, Bird & Bird, BLM, Burges Salmon, Charles Russell Speechlys, Clifford Chance, Clyde & Co, CMS, DAC Beachcroft, DLA Piper, DWF, Eversheds Sutherland, Fieldfisher, Freeths, Freshflields Bruckhaus Deringer, Gateley, Gowling WLG, Herbert Smith Freehills, HFW, Hill Dickinson, Hogan Lovells, Ince & Co, Irwin Mitchell, Kennedys, Keoghs, Linklaters, Macfarlanes, Mills & Reeve, Mishcon de Reya, Norton Rose Fulbright, Osborne Clarke, Penningtons Manches, Pinsent Masons, RPC, Shakespeare Martineau, Shoosmiths, Simmons & Simmons, Slaughter and May, Stephenson Harwood, Taylor Wessing, TLT, Travers Smith, Trowers & Hamlins, Watson Farley & Williams, Weightmans, Withers, Womble Bond Dickinson Barristers: 11KBW, 3 Raymond Buildings, 3 Verulam Buildings, 39 Essex Chambers, 4 New Square, Blackstone Chambers, Brick Court Chambers, Doughty Street Chambers, Essex Court Chambers, Fountain Court Chambers, Garden Court Chambers, Kings Chambers, Landmark Chambers, Maitland Chambers, Matrix Chambers, Monckton Chambers, No5 Chambers, One Essex Court, Serle Court, St Philips Chambers, Wilberforce Chambers Public Sector: Crown Prosecution Services, Government Legal Department, NGDP, Civil Services Fast Stream, Houses of Parliament, HMRC, FCO, Ministry of Justice, Police Now, Metropolitan Police

REGIONAL SALARY London & South: £25k - £50k Midlands: £23k - £48k North: £20k - £45k Scotland: £20k - £48k Wales: £20k - £47k Northern Ireland: £20k - £48k


Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Law/ Employment Law / Family Law/ Civil Law / Criminal Law / Conveyancing , LLB, Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL), Legal Practice Course (LPC), CILEx Level 6 Diploma in Law and Practice, Certificate/ Diploma in Legal Studies, Diploma in Law and Legal Skills, Diploma for Legal Secretaries, Paralegal Apprenticeship, Chartered Legal Executive Level 6 Apprenticeship, CIS (Institute of Chartered Secretaries), Bar Common Professional Examination (CPE), Bar Professional Training Course, PG Dip Professional Legal Studies (Barrister)


Throughout history, societies have established systems of law to govern people. The Law industry influences what we can and cannot do. Laws play a central role in social, political and economic life and provides inspiring, intellectual challenges. Law firms have many employees besides solicitors. They employ legal secretaries, paralegals, interns, junior associates and partners, as well as employees responsible for putting together legal documents and transferring files to courthouses and clients. However, some basic qualifications are necessary to work in a law firm, regardless of the firm’s size.


Level 3-4: A-Level, BTEC, Diploma Level 5-6: University Degree (LLB/BA Law), Degree Apprenticeship, HND Level 7: Post Graduate Diploma/Masters Degree, Institute Membership: LLM (Master of Law), LPC (Legal Practice Course).

SALARY Salaries for legal professionals start from between £20,000-£50,000. Qualified barristers with five years’ experience can earn anything from around £60,000 to £200,000. For those with over ten years’ experience, earnings can range from £75,000 to £300,000.

CAREER PROSPECTS Solicitors can progress to senior solicitor, then salaried partner and ultimately equity partner. Challenges to career development for selfemployed barristers may include long hours required to cover cases and hefty workloads. Because of this, career development is very much dependent on your cases, your approach to work and your ability to successfully build a reputation. Getting involved with professional bodies such as the Young Barristers’ Committee (YBC), from an early stage can help to raise your profile and develop your professional skills.


This demanding, highly rewarding field requires an analytic mind, a logical approach and excellent attention to detail to succeed. Barristers are specialists in advocacy and representing individuals or organisations in court. They are generally hired by solicitors to represent a case in court and only become involved once advocacy before a court is needed. Solicitors/Barristers specialise in different areas of the law, such as: Environmental Law Banking and Finance Law Commercial Law Corporate Law Criminal Law Family Law Media Law Public /Human Rights Law

TYPICAL WORKING DAY Many barristers work on a self-employed basis, while solicitors work in prractising firms, government departments or agencies such as the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the Government Legal Profession. • • • • • • • • • • • •

Following instructions from clients and dealing with their solicitors Understanding and interpreting the law Managing legal briefs (cases) Undertaking legal research into relevant points of law Writing opinions and advising solicitors and other professionals Preparing cases for court, including holding client conferences and preparing legal arguments Representing clients in court Presenting arguments in court Examining and cross-examining witnesses Drafting legal documents Negotiating settlements Carrying out auditing and research.

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Typical Entry Level / Apprenticeship / Level-6/Degree Apprenticeship Roles:Trainee/Junior: Marketing Executive, Sales Executive, Account Manager, Market Research Analyst, Marketing Consultant, Marketing and Promotions Manager, Brand Manager, Content Marketing Manager, Digital Marketing Manager, SEO Specialist, E-Commerce Marketing Analyst, Corporate Communications Specialist, Media Relations Coordinator, Public Relations Executive, Portfolio Marketing Manager, Engagement Manager, Social Media Strategist, Trainee Graduate Sales & Marketing Specialist, Technical Sales Representative, Telesales Executive, Sales Analyst Data, Content Production Coordinator, Editorial Specialist


Excellent communication skills (marketing to customers, writing reports, emails…) Strong public speaking skills (drafting press releases, doing sales/PR pitches…) Analytical Skills (market/consumer research, competitor analysis, advertising strategies) Creativity, Innovation and Initiative (designing adverts, packaging, sales tools…) Negotiating skills (getting the best deal on price, time, contractual terms…) Networking, Collaboration and Team-Working Skills (Building contacts, motivating, market planning…)

WHAT CAN MAKE A CANDIDATE STAND OUT: Improve your digital marketing knowledge & skills


London & South: £25k - £48k Midlands: £23k - £42k North: £21k - £40k Scotland: £23k - £42k Wales: £24k - £43k Northern Ireland: £23k - £42k

Develop social media technical & analytical skills High levels of commercial awareness, product & technical proficiency Improved attention to detail and an appreciation of image, presentation and aesthetics Finetune your analytical skills, Excel skills to help in consumer/market data analysis Continually perfect your presentation, story-telling & networking skills


Nestlé, EE, The Hut Group, 3M, Peter Brett Associates, Marks & Spencer, Sky, Morrisons, GlaxoSmithKline, Virgin Media, Cisco, Burberry, Yell, Samsung, Randox, Eaton, BuyItDirect, ABF, Morgan, Barclays, KPMG, Tesco, Lloyds Banking Group, BT, Jaguar Land Rover, British Gas, O2, RB, 3M,Adidas, Apple, Arcadia, ASDA, Aviva, AXA, Barclays, Barratt, Bellway, Berkeley, BMW, Bovis, Burberry, Cadbury, Capital One, Carnival, Centrica, Coca-Cola, Cranswick, CYBG, Danone, DHL, Diageo, Dixons Carphone plc, Dyson, E.ON, Ebay, EDF, Enterprise Rent a Car, Experian, Facebook, Ford, Google, Greencore, Honda, HSBC, IBM, Imperial Brands, Informa, IPG Media Brands, ITV, Regus, Jagex, JD Sports, John Lewis, Johnson & Johnson, Just Eat, Kimberly-Clark Professional, Kingfisher, Legal & General, Lidl, Lloyds Banking, L’Oreal (inc Lancôme, Maybelline, Garnier), Mars, McDonald’s, Mercedes AMG, Microsoft, Mitchells & Butlers, Mitie, Nationwide, New Look, Next plc, Nissan, npower, Ocado, Oracle, P&G, Pareto, Pearson plc, Penguin Random House, Persimmon, Pfizer, Philips, Procter & Gamble, Provident Financial, Prudential, PSA, PWC, RELX, Rentokil Initial, RSA, RWE, Sainsbury’s, Samsung, Santander, SAP, Scottish Power, Sky, Sony, Sports Direct, Stanley Black & Decker, Talktalk, Taylor Wimpey, Telecom Plus, Toyota, Unilever, Vauxhall, Virgin Atlantic, Vodafone, Volkswagen

TYPICAL QUALIFICATIONS: Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing/ Business Studies/ Public Relations/ Sales & Customer Services, Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA), Direct Marketing Association (DMA), Institute of Customer Service (ICS), Institute of Sales Management (ISM)


Elements of marketing exist in most businesses and across all sectors. Employees help clients to connect with their audiences, promoting brands, products and sending messages using a range of techniques. The Marketing industry covers fields such as: Management, Analytics, Product Design, Social Media Management, Advertising and many more. The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) supports, presents and develops marketers, teams, leaders and the profession. Whether you’re starting out or you’ve worked in the industry for over twenty years, the Chartered Institute of Marketing helps support and inspire you at every stage of your marketing career.


Level 3-4: A-Level, BTEC, Diploma, Foundation Degree Level 5-6: University Degree, Degree Apprenticeship, HND Level 7: Master’s Degree/Professional Qualifications (CMI/ISM/IDM)

SALARY Marketing assistants start on salaries of around £18,000 to £22,000. As a marketing executive, you can expect to earn in the region of £20,000 to £30,000. Senior marketing executives (with around five years’ experience) can earn between £30,000 and £45,000, with marketing managers earning up to £60,000. Marketing directors can earn from £60,000 to more than £80,000.

Achieving Chartered Marketer Status recognises your experience, knowledge and commitment to your career and the Marketing profession. It is the highest certificate you can be awarded.

BECOME A MARKETING PROFESSIONAL Marketing professionals contribute and develop integrated marketing campaigns to

promote a product, service or idea. The exact nature of your role will vary depending on the size of the organisation and sector and whether the focus is on selling a product or service, or on raising awareness of an issue that affects the public. Marketing executives may also be known as marketing officers or coordinators. It’s a varied role that includes: Planning Advertising Public relations Event organisation Product development Distribution Sponsorship Research

CAREER PROSPECTS Taking relevant professional qualifications can help your career prospects and is becoming essential for senior marketing roles. After 3 to 10 years you can expect a promotion to marketing manager, with a move to marketing director after 10 to 15 years. Gaining chartered status with the CIM can help provide evidence of your skills and experience. To increase your experience, you could move between in-house departments or work in a marketing agency or consultancy for several different clients. There are also opportunities to become a freelance marketing consultant.

TYPICAL WORKING DAY Create awareness of and develop the brand your marketing • • • • • • • • • • •

Communicate with target audiences and build and develop customer relationships Help with marketing plans. Advertising, direct marketing and campaigns Support the marketing manager in delivering agreed activities Work closely with in-house or external creative agencies to design marketing materials such as brochures and adverts Write and proofread marketing copy for both online and print campaigns Produce creative content Organise and attend events such as conferences, seminars, receptions and exhibitions Liaise with designers and printers and organise photo shoots Maintain and update customer databases Conduct market research Develop relationships with key stakeholders.

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The Consulting industry is a lucrative profession for individuals good at building strong connections and an innovative mindset. This industry provides you with the opportunity to implement the goals of a business and help build other individuals strengths and talents. Management consultants can come from different backgrounds both scientific and art related subject areas are acceptable.

QUALIFICATIONS Business or non-business related HNC/HND/Degrees MBA MSc Professional Qualifications such as: CMI ACCA CIMA ACA CIPFA CFA CEng

BECOME A MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT Management consultants help organisations to solve issues, create value, maximise growth and improve business performance. They use their business skills to provide objective advice and expertise and help an organisation to develop any specialist skills that it may be lacking. The role of a Management Consultant is to identify options for the organisation and suggest recommendations for change, as well as advising on additional resources to implement solutions.

TYPICAL WORKING DAY Management consultants help businesses grow and improve their performance. Consultancy firms offer services across all areas of business – from HR and marketing, to IT and finance. The broad span of consulting work makes it an attractive career, offering a variety of projects, challenges and opportunities for personal development. The day-to-day responsibilities of a Management Consultant could include the following: • • • • • • • • • • •

Carrying out research and data collection to understand the organisation Conduct analysis Interview the client’s employees, management team and other stakeholders. Run focus groups and facilitate workshops Prepare business proposals and presentations Identify issues and form hypotheses and solutions Present findings and recommendations to clients Implement recommendations or solutions and ensure the client receives the necessary assistance to carry it out Manage projects and programmes Lead and manage a team Liaise with clients to keep them informed of progress and to make relevant decisions.

SALARY Starting salaries for junior consultants can be in the region of £25,000 to £30,000 with large firms. However, smaller consultancies may offer lower levels of pay and salaries do vary depending on the location, type and size of consultancy. With around three to five years’ experience, it’s possible for management consultants to earn up to £50,000. At senior level, with significant experience, it’s possible to above £80,000.

CAREER PROSPECTS As a new trainee you’ll usually begin your career in an analyst role. Once you’ve gained some experience, you’ll move on to the full consultancy role. From here you’ll typically progress to senior consultant or manager level, and this is usually achieved within about three years. Once you reach senior consultant or manager level, you can go on to become a partner or director of a firm where you’ll have responsibility for generating new business, developing client relationships and overseeing the strategic growth of the firm.



Typical Entry Level / Apprenticeship / Level-6/Degree Apprenticeship Roles: Trainee/Junior:

Management Consultant, Associate Consultant, Business Analyst, Business Adviser, Strategy Analyst/ Consultant, Operations Research Specialist, Corporate Strategy Specialist, Digital Strategy Consultant, Change Management Specialist, Marketing consultant, Human Resources Consultant, Associate Business Consultant, Consulting Executive, Economic Consultant, Financial Consultant, Recruitment Consultant, Employment Law Consultant, Healthcare Management Consultant, IT Consultant, Project Manager, Brand Management Consultant, Health & Safety Consultant, Organisational Development Consultant, Risk Consultant, CSR Consultant, Investment Analyst

WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR: Level Analytical & problem-solving skills Innovation and initiative Attention to detail and ability to visualise the strategic picture Ability to investigate and make possible solutions Ability to deal with complex situations


Communication and interpersonal skills

LONDON & SOUTH: £30K - £50K

Leadership skills and commercial awareness

MIDLANDS: £27K - £48K

Courage and professional integrity

NORTH: £25K - £45K


SCOTLAND: £25K - £45K

Passion for learning & continuous improvement

WALES: £25K - £45K

Advanced knowledge of various business and strategy tools & techniques


Invest in high levels of commercial awareness Improved attention to detail


Build on your analytical skills and be more observant & inquisitive


Enhance your ability to communicate at senior levels

Accenture, Alfa, AlixPartners, AlphaSights, Alvarez & Marsal, AON, Argon Consulting, Bain & Company, Baringa Partners, BearingPoint, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), BDO, Bloomberg, Capgemini, Capita, Capp & Co, CHP Consulting, CIL Management Consultants, Deloitte, EY, EY Parthenon, Faithful+Gould, FTI Consulting, G4S, Hays, IBM, IPG Media Brands, Javelin Group, KPMG, Kubrick Group, L.E.K. Consulting, Mars & Co, McGrigor Group, McKinsey & Company, Mercer, Nera Economic Consulting, Newton, NGDP, Michael Page, OC&C, Oliver Wyman, Operis, PA Consulting, Peninsula, PWC, RBB Economics, Roland Berger, RSM, ScotGrad, Serco, Securitas, Turnkey Consulting, Vendigital, Willis Towers Watson

Consider studying for qualifications like an MBA or equivalent qualifications or take Strategy-related short courses

TYPICAL QUALIFICATIONS: Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Management/ Business / Finance / Science / Engineering / Mathematics / MBA / Chartered Management Institute(CMI); Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM); Association for Project Management (APM), Project Management Institute (PMI), The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM);

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Accountants (ICAEW/ ICAS); Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA); Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA); Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT), Institute of Supply Chain Management (ISCM); Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT); CFA Institute, London Institute of Banking & Finance, Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administrators (CIS), Institute of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (ICRS), Institute of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (ICRS), International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM), Institute of Recruitment Professionals (IRP)

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Accounting is a fulfilling industry- whether you choose to work in the private or public sector. The skills of analysis, interpretation and adaptability are required to communicate accurate financial information, put forward realistic targets and drive business growth. A variety of finance qualifications are available to those interested in accounting careers.


Level 3-4: A-Level, BTEC, Diploma, AAT Level 5-6: Degree Apprenticeship, University Degree, HND, AAT Level 3 Level 7: Masters Degree, Institute Membership - such as: • • • •

• • • • • •

AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians) accounting courses - made up of three qualifications across three levels, they combine industry knowledge and practical work skills. ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) qualifications - comprise of two levels; Fundamentals and Professionals. Modules cover a variety of topics from corporate and business law to audit and assurance. ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales) chartered accountant status - also referred to as the ACA, this qualification consists of three to five years of practical work experience and the completion of 13 modules. CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants) business finance award oversees the widely-recognised CGMA (Chartered Global Management Accountant), which requires you to have already gained the postgraduate-level Certificate in Business Accounting. CIPFA (Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy) AIA (Association of International Accountants) ACT (Association of Corporate Treasurers) CIA (Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors) CTA (Chartered Institute of Taxation) ATT (Association of Taxation Technicians)

BECOME AN ACCOUNTANT An Accountant gives advice, audits accounts and provides reliable information about financial records. This sometimes involves: financial reporting, taxation, auditing, forensic accounting, corporate finance, business recovery, tax and insolvency, or accounting systems and processes. You’ll have the choice of many different settings to work in, including accounting practice firms, industry and commerce, as well as in the not-for-profit and public sectors. Working strategically, your aim will be to maximise profitability, financial sustainability and prudent stewardship on behalf of your client or employer.

TYPICAL WORKING DAY • • • • • • • • • • •

Managing financial systems and budgets Undertaking financial audits (an independent check of the financial position of an organisation) Providing financial advice Liaising with clients, businesses or individuals and providing financial information Reviewing the company’s systems and analyse risk Performing tests to check financial information and systems Advising clients on tax planning Detect and prevent fraud Prepare financial statements Advise on tax and treasury issues Negotiate terms with suppliers.

SALARY Starting salaries for accountants vary depending on the location, sector, size and type of firm. Graduates entering the career can expect to earn salaries of up to £25,000. The average earning potential (salary + bonus) of chartered accountants with two to four postqualification years of experience is around £56,000. After 5 or more years, the average annual salary for a chartered accountant in business rises to £90,200, with an average yearly bonus of £20,600.

CAREER PROSPECTS Progression is often structured and opportunities for development and promotion are plentiful. You may become a manager two years after qualification and a senior manager three years after that. Progress to partnership is competitive but is achievable between eight and 15 years after qualification. In small firms, progression may be more rapid. It’s possible to attain the position of finance director of a major company within 10 to 15 years of qualification.

ACCOUNTING Typical Entry Level / Apprenticeship / Level-6/Degree Apprenticeship Roles:Trainee/Junior: Accountant, Audit Associate/Trainee, Tax Associate/Trainee, Financial Accountant, Management Accountant, Finance Graduate Trainee, Investment Banker, Audit and Assurance Associate, Business Advisory Associate, Business Recovery and Insolvency Associate, Corporate Finance Consultant, Corporate Finance Associate, Audit and Risk Management Consultant, Forensic Accountant, Tax Accountant, Financial Analyst, Commercial Finance Analyst, Finance Business Partner, Trainee Chartered Accountant, Audit Trainee, Assurance Trainee, Assistant Financial Controller, Mergers & Acquisition (M & A) Associate, Fund Accountant, Senior Bookkeeper, Financial Planning & Reporting Accountant, Business Strategy Consultant, Property Accountant, Corporate Tax Associate/Assistant, Private Client Tax Associate/Assistant

WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR: Professional Strong numerical skills Analytical & problem-solving skills Attention to detail and high degree of accuracy Collaboration and team-working skills Ability to deal with complex spreadsheets


London & South: £20k - £45k Midlands: £18k - £40k North: £18k - £40k Scotland: £18k - £40k Wales: £18k - £40k Northern Ireland: £18k - £40k

TYPICAL QUALIFICATIONS: Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s degree in Accounting / Accounting & Finance / Business Studies / Economics / Mathematical Finance / Banking & Financial Services / Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ACA- ICAEW), Institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland (CA - ICAS), Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA - CGMA), Chartered Institute of Public Finance Accountants (CIPFA), Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT - CTA), CFA Institute, Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT), Association of International Accountants (AIA), Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors (CIA), Chartered Banker Institute, Chartered Institute of Credit Management (CICM), Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT)

Ethics and professional integrity

WHAT CAN MAKE A CANDIDATE STAND OUT: A financial Passion for accuracy High levels of business and financial proficiency Advanced Excel and database skills Invest in improving your attention to detail Build on your analytical skills Ethics and a high regard for confidentiality, integrity and objectivity Ability to communicate to both financial and non-financial colleagues

TYPICAL EMPLOYERS: Public Practice: PwC, Deloitte, EY, KPMG, Grant Thornton, BDO, RSM, PKF Francis Clark, Moore Stephens, Crowe Clark Whitehill, Mazars, Haines Watts, UHY Hacker Young, MHA MacIntyre Hudson, Baker Tilly, Smith & Williamson, Saffery Champness, Brebners, Baldwins, Buzzacott, Cooper Parry, Duncan & Toplis, HAT, Hays Macintyre, Hazlewoods, HW Fisher, Kingston Smith, Kreston Reeves, Menzies, Old Mill, Price Bailey, Wilkins Kennedy, SJD, Begbies Traynor, FRP, Frank Heath, Barnes Roffe, SLRV, MHA Moore & Smalley, Hillers Hopkins, James Cowper Kreston, Simmonds Gainford, BKL, Campbell Dallas, Shipleys, Rothmans, Goodman Jones, Beaver and Struthers, Gerald Edelman, French Duncan, Dains, Mitchell Charlesworth, Whittingham Riddell, Critchleys, Alliotts, RGL, Taylorcocks, LB Group, Broomfield & Alexander, Creaseys

Commerce and Industry: Accenture, Aon, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Barclays, BP, Capita, Capital One, Deutsche Bank, Dyson, GSK, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Jaguar Land Rover, J.P. Morgan, Legal & General, Lloyds Banking Group, Morgan Stanley,

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Nationwide, NFU Mutual, Prudential, Royal Bank of Scotland (inc Natwest, Lombard, Ulster Bank, Coutts), Santander, Standard Life Aberdeen, UBS, Serco, Associated British Foods, Boots, BAT, Diageo, Johnson & Johnson, Nestle, Procter & Gamble, PZ Cussons, Reckitt Benckiser, Smurfit Kappa, Tate & Lyle, Unilever, ASDA, Burberry, Cooperative, Marks & Spencer, Morrisons, Next, Sainsbury’s Tesco, Whitbread

Public sector, Charity & NGOs: National Audit Office, HMRC, NGDP, Charityworks, NHS, Bank of England, FCA, HM Treasury, Civil Service Fast Stream, BBC, British Army, Government Actuary’s Department (GAD), Department of Work and Pensions, FCO, Cancer Research UK, OXFAM, RAF

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Typical Entry Level / Apprenticeship / Level-6/Degree Apprenticeship Roles:Trainee/ Junior: Economist, Private Banker, Investment Analyst, Economic Advisor, Stockbroker, Commodity Broker, Pensions Specialist, Underwriter, Corporate Finance Accountant, Finance Manager, Fund Accountant, Fund Manager, Corporate Banker, Financial Adviser, Insurance/ Mortgage Underwriting Associate, Investment Consultant, Operational Research Scientist, Statistician, Financial Services Software Developer, Stockbroker, Trading Data Analyst, Technical Consultant, Paraplanner, Claims Manager, Claims Inspector, Loss Adjuster, Risk Analyst/Surveyor, Financial Services Product Manager, Business Development Manager, Management/Risk/Actuarial Consultant, Pensions Manager/ Administrator, Employee Benefits Consultant


Strong quantitative/numerical/mathematical skills

Analytical & problem-solving skills and intellectual curiosity

Innovation, initiative and entrepreneurial skills

Attention to detail and high degree of accuracy

Collaboration and team-working skills

People & customer services skills

Resilience, ability to deal with complex situations and work under pressure

Enthusiasm, loyalty, diplomacy and professional integrity


Passion for quality and zero tolerance for mistakes

Broadmindedness, a strategic eye on the future and a global outlook

Advanced commercial awareness and industry expertise

High levels of financial and business knowledge

Improved attention to detail

Build on your analytical skills and be more observant & inquisitive

Ethics, confidentiality, integrity and risk awareness

Ability to communicate in more than one language and cultural awareness


Accenture, Admiral, American Express, Aon, APR, Aviva, AXA, Baillie Gifford & Co, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Bank of England, Bank of Ireland, Barclays, Barnet Waddingham, BDO, BlackRock, Bloomberg, Brewin Dolphin, Broadbridge, Canada Life, Capita, Capital One, Citi, Close Brothers, Co-operative Bank, Credit Suisse, CYBG (inc Clysdesdale, Yorkshire Bank, Virgin Money), Deloitte, Deutsche Bank, deVere Group, Direct Line, EY, Equiniti, Experian, Fidelity, Finablr plc (inc Travelex), FCA, Goldman Sachs, Government Actuarial Department (GAD), Grant Thornton, Guy Carpenter, Hargreaves Lansdown, Hastings, Hiscox, HM Treasury, Houlihan Lokey, HSBC, Hymans Robertson, IG Group, Investec, J.P. Morgan, Jupiter, KPMG, Lane, Clark & Peacock, Lazard, LCP, Legal & General, Lloyds Banking Group, Lloyd’s of London, London Stock Exchange Group, M & G, Macquarie, Man Group, Marsh & McLennan, Metro Bank, Moody’s, Morgan Stanley, Mercer, MUFG, Munich Re, Nationwide, NFU Mutual, Nomura, ONS, Paragon Banking, Phoenix Group, Provident Financial, Prudential, PwC, Quilter, Rathbone Brothers, Rothschild, Royal Bank of Canada, Royal Bank of Scotland (inc Natwest, Lombard, Ulster Bank, Coutts), RSA Insurance, RSM, RWE Supply & Trading, Sainsbury’s Bank, Sanne Group, Santander, Schroders, Smith & Williamson, Societe Generale, St James’s Place, Standard Chartered, Standard Life Aberdeen, Swiss Re, Tesco Bank,The Pensions Regulator, Tilney Smith & Williamson, UBS, Willis Towers Watson, XPS Pensions Group, Zurich Insurance Group

SALARY London & South: £25k - £50k Midlands: £23k - £48k North: £20k - £45k Scotland: £22k - £45k Wales: £20k - £45k Northern Ireland: £22k - £45k

TYPICAL QUALIFICATIONS: Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Banking and Finance, Diploma/HND/ Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting & Finance, Diploma/ HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Business Studies, London Institute of Banking & Finance (LIBF), Chartered Financial Analyst Institute (CFA), Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT), Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFA), Chartered Banker Institute (CB), Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment (CISI), Pensions Management Institute (PMI), Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), Royal Statistical Society (RSC), Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS), Operational Research Society (ORS), Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters (CILA), Institute of Economic Development (IED), Royal Economic Society (RES), Chartered Institute of Credit Management (CICM), Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ACA- ICAEW), Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA CGMA), Chartered Institute of Public Finance


The banking and financial services covers many types of businesses involved in managing finances and investments and plays a vital role in the world’s economy. The industry is vast and includes companies engaged in activities such as retail banking, investment banking, lending, insurance, securities trading and issuance, asset management, corporate advisor, accounting, foreign exchange, and more. Many people study while working - many part-time and distance learning options are available in banking, investment management, insurance and risk management, and financial management.


SALARY Typical starting salaries for entry-level trainees range from £15,000 to £28,000. After five to eight years, salaries rise above £30,000. Salaries vary significantly according to the nature and size of the company and the location.

CAREER PROSPECTS General career development routes include: Starting your career as an trainee with the aim of becoming an associate in a in a speciality Progress to management, supervising others and taking on responsibility for a financial services area Becoming a manager in charge of a specific department/fund, e.g. a bank, insurance company or pension fund Moving into directorship/ senior executive roles.

Professional qualifications in finance - for example, CFA, ACT, CFP, CII, IFA - can open employment opportunities, while guiding you down a clearly mapped-out career path. Level 3-4: A-Level, BTEC, Diploma, Apprenticeship Level 5-6: University Degree, Degree Apprenticeship, HND Level 7: Master’s Degree

BECOME A FINANCIAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL A financial services professional provides research and information to help in making investment trading, fund management and stock broking decisions. The information provided ensures investment portfolios are well managed and that potential investment opportunities are highlighted. Some professional work for investment management companies, providing information to in-house fund managers: others work for stockbrokers and investment banks, where research is needed by portfolio managers or by clients who make their own investment decisions. Some Investment Analysts are likely to research investments globally. Types of financial services roles include: Retail/Commercial Banker/Relationship Manager Stock Broker/Trader/Investment Analyst/Fund Manager Actuary/Pension Professional/Underwritter/Risk Manager/Analyst Welath Manager/Financial Adviser/Paraplanner Corporate Finance Manager

TYPICAL WORKING DAY Financial Services Professionals become involved in a broad range of activities and disciplines, which vary according to the nature of the employer. They should have a developed understanding of financial information, such as financial statements, company accounts and sector data. A day in the life of a Investment Analyst consists of the following: Analysing financial information relating to specific companies, e.g. company results, profit and loss, balance sheet and cash flow statements to determine how an organisation is positioned to deliver for investors. Keeping up to date with market developments, new investment products and other areas that can affect the market Drafting and writing research reports for fund manager or client use. Meeting with and providing information to fund managers- summary of research, investment ideas and key events Making recommendations for fund managers. Ensuring that all compliance regulations are met.

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The Science industry makes a huge difference to the world by solving the problems of today and developing the technology of tomorrow. Working in this industry, you develop skills such as time management, patience , teamwork and communication. Although the Science industry is demanding, individuals are surrounded by others who are open-minded and want to make a difference.


Level 3-4: A-Level, BTEC, Diploma Level 5-6: Degree Apprenticeship, University Degree, HND Level 7: Masters Degree - MSc, MEng, MChem Science professions include Biological and Life Sciences, Chemical/ Mechanical Engineering and Technology,

BECOME A SCIENTIST/ SCIENCE PROFESSIONAL A Scientist carries out a range of laboratory and scientific tests to help solve scientific problems. The Science profession requires strong analytical skills and practical laboratory experience. Scientists usually specialise in one of the following areas: • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • •

Biological/Medical/Veterinary Sciences Pharmaceutical Sciences Chemical Sciences Physical Sciences Material Sciences Geological Sciences Forensic Sciences

TYPICAL WORKING DAY Perform routine and specialist analytic test on a range of samples Give test results to allied staff, who use the information to solve scientific problems Process scientific experiments Prioritise workload and perform urgent analytic testing when required Maintain and run specialist lab equipment Maintain and order stocks of materials Answer telephone enquiries about test results and other general lab issues Support, mentor and supervise trainee scientists and other staff Keep professional knowledge up to date.

SALARY Starting salaries range from £22,000 to £28,000. With experience or specialist knowledge, a salary of £26,000 to £35,000 can be earned. The starting salary for a senior scientist salary ranges £31,000 to £48,000. Salaries for consultant scientists, who have reached the top of their profession, are higher.

CAREER PROSPECTS Opportunities for career development are generally good. Upon qualification, many scientists choose to specialise in an area of science and progress to senior and specialist roles. With further experience and qualifications, for example an MSc /MEng or PhD, it’s possible to reach the top of the profession by becoming a consultant scientist. Senior roles often involve managing a team or department within a laboratory or managing an area of service provision such as health and safety, quality management or service delivery. You may also become involved in advanced specialist scientific work, research or training and education.



Typical Entry Level / Apprenticeship / Level-6/Degree Apprenticeship Roles:Trainee/ Junior: Chemical Engineer, Chemist, Biotechnologist, Medical Scientist, Pharmacologist, Teacher, Lecturer, Biochemist, Medicinal Chemist, Food Scientist, Forensic Scientist, Consultant, Agricultural Engineer; Biomedical Engineer; Design Engineer; Environmental Engineer; Marine Engineer; Petroleum Engineer, Industrial/ Manufacturing Engineer, Materials Science Engineer, Nuclear Engineer, Thermal Engineer, Transport Engineer, Hydrological Engineer, Pharmacist, Pharmacologist, Toxicologist, Analytical Chemist, Pharmacy Technician, Biomedical Scientist, Pathologist, Clinical Researcher, Medical Sales Executive.

WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR: Strong quantitative/mathematical/scientific skills Analytical & problem-solving skills


Innovation and initiative

London & South: £24k - £50k Midlands: £22k - £48k North: £20k - £45k Scotland: £20k - £45k Wales: £22k - £48k Northern Ireland: £20k - £45k

Attention to detail and high degree of accuracy Ability to deal with complex situations Organisation, flexibility and patience


TYPICAL QUALIFICATIONS: Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry/Chemical Engineering/ Pharmacy/ Pharmaceutical Sciences/ Pharmacology/ Manufacturing Engineering, Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), Institute of Science and Technology (IST), Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), General Pharmaceutical Council, British Pharmacological Society, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Institution of Royal Engineers (InstRE), Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM), Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry.

Passion for quality and the customer/patient Research about the company to prove your eye for detail High levels of scientific and technical proficiency Improved knowledge of the industry; trends and insights Build on your analytical skills - more observant & inquisitive Ethics and integrity and a high regard for health & safety Ambition and enthusiasm


Abbott Healthcare, Abbvie, Actelion, Air Products, AkzoNobel, Alliance Healthcare, Ansaldo, Anglian Water, ASDA Pharmacies, AstraZeneca, BASF, Bayer, BOC (Linde), Boots, BP, Co-operative Pharmacies, Croda, DCC, DNV-GL, DSTL, Essar Oil UK, Essentra, ExxonMobil, GSK (Glaxosmithline), HCA Healthcare, Ineos, Intertek, Johnson & Johnson, Johnson Matthey, Lloyd’s Register, LloydsPharmacy, L’Oreal, Lubrizol, Lucite International, Merck & Co., Morgan Advanced Materials, MSD, MTC, MWH, National Composites Centre, National Nuclear Laboratory, NHS, Norvatis, Nucleargraduates, Nuffield Health, Novartis, PCC, Pfizer, Phillips 66, Roche, Sanofi, Stantec, STFC (Science and Technology Facilities Council), Superdrug, Saint Gobain, Sellafield, Severn Trent, Shell, Smith & Nephew, Synthomer, Tarmac, Tesco Pharmacies, Thames Water, TOTAL, UDG Healthcare, UK Research and Innovation, United Utilities, Vesuvius, Victrex, Wellcome, Worley, WRC, Yorkshire Water

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Typical Entry Level / Apprenticeship / Level-6/Degree Apprenticeship Roles: Trainee/Junior: Social Worker, Probation Officer, Charity Social Support Specialist, Counselling Practitioner, Mental Health Support Officer, Mental Health Nurse, Youth Support Officer, Community Work Coordinator, Adoption Services Officer, Care Worker, Rehabilitation Worker, Advocacy Worker, Housing Support Officer, Welfare Officer, Occupational Therapist, Complementary Therapist, Counsellor, Aromatherapist, Psychologist, Sociologist, Employment Advisor

WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR: Excellent communication & interpersonal skills Empathy and compassion Attention to detail and high degree of accuracy and concentration Collaboration and team-working skills Ability to deal with complex social situations Ability to deal with emergencies in a calm and collected manner Ethics and professional integrity Ability to treat clients with dignity and respect and having a high regard for confidentiality, equality & diversity WHAT CAN MAKE A CANDIDATE STAND OUT: • Passion and commitment to quality care and support to clients • High levels of professional knowledge & social work laws • Improved attention to detail • Build on your analytical skills and be more observant • Continuous improvement and ability to learn and reflect • Ability to communicate to clients in simple jargon-free way TYPICAL QUALIFICATIONS: Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work/ Health & Social Care/ Psychology/ Psychotherapy/ Mental Health Nursing, British Association of Social Workers (BASW), British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), Social Work England (Regulator), Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) (Regulator), Skills for Care, Care Council for Wales, Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC), Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) (Regulators)

REGIONAL SALARY London & South: £20k - £40k Midlands: £18k - £35k North: £18k - £35k Scotland: £18k - £35k Wales: £18k - £35k Northern Ireland: £18k - £35k .MAJOR


Local Authorities, National Probation Service (NPS), Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service. NHS Leadership Academy, BMI Healthcare, HCA Healthcare, BUPA, Wellcome, British Army, Royal Air Force, Royal Navy, Barnardo’s, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Cancer Research UK, DFID, Marie Curie, Charityworks, Frontline, GCHQ, Oxfam, Peninsula, Police Now, Serco, Teach First, Think Ahead, Step Up to Social Work, G4S, HC-One, Four Seasons Health Care, Barchester Healthcare, Care UK, Active Assistance


The Social Science industry covers fields such as sociology, psychology, criminology, politics and many more. A career in the Social Science industry ensures you have plenty of learning opportunities and develops transferable skills such as communication, organisation, networking and team building.


Level 3-4: A-Level, BTEC, Diploma Level 5-6: University Degree, Degree Apprenticeship, HND Level 7: Masters Degree, Institute Membership, eg: British Psychological Society (BPS) British Association Of Social Workers



Trainee social scientist start at £26,000. After qualification, salaries progress up to £31,000. More experienced social scientists can earn between £48,000 and £55,000. Consultant social scientist roles typically range from £56,000 to £79,000. Heads of department/ executive directors can earn above £80,000.

A social scientist deals with a range of social issues such as the diagnosis and psychological treatment of mental, behavioural and emotional illnesses as well as addressing social challenges. The aim of a social scientist is to reduce distress and improve the psychological wellbeing of clients, using physical methods and research. They work in partnership with clients to diagnose, assess and manage their condition. The patients may have a variety of mental or physical health issues, such as: Anxiety Depression Mental illness Adjustment to physical illness Neurological disorders Addictive behaviours

CAREER PROSPECTS You’ll usually need a minimum of six years’ experience to be eligible to apply for consultantlevel positions.

You must be registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) to work as ; Psychologist Social Worker Occuaptional Therapist Arts Therapist

With experience, you may


choose to move into academic research and teaching. There are also opportunities to train as a specalist in one of the following areas: Psychology Social Work Occuaptional Therapy Arts Therapy

Assessing client’s needs, abilities or behaviour using various methods, including psychometric tests, interviews and direct observation • Monitoring appropriate treatment programmes, including therapy and counselling • Working as part of a multidisciplinary team alongside doctors, nurses, social workers, health visitors, psychiatrists, occupational therapists and education professionals • Offering therapy and treatment for issues relating to a range of mental health conditions • Developing and evaluating service provision for clients • Providing consultation to other professionals: encouraging a psychological approach in their work • Counselling and supporting carers Carrying out applied research.

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TYPICAL ENTRY LEVEL / APPRENTICESHIP / LEVEL-6/DEGREE APPRENTICESHIP ROLES: Trainee/Junior: : Hotel Manager, Flights Planner, Travel Agent, Tour Manager/ Operator, Events Coordinator, Events Manager/Organiser, Hospitality and Travel Consultant, Marketing Executive, Advertising Executive, PR (Public Relations) Manager, Project Manager, Restaurant Manager, Sports Analyst, Club Manager, Fleet Manager, Branch Manager, Spa Manager, Gaming Dealer, Guest Relations Manager, Reservations Manager, Catering Manager, Food and Beverage Manager, Sales and Marketing Manager, Shift Manager, Wedding/Events Sales Manager, Housekeeping Manager, Bar/ Manager, Cinema Manager

WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR: Excellent Communication and Interpersonal Skills Collaboration and Team-Working Skills Leadership and Motivating Skills Ability to Multi-Task and Juggle Several Responsibilities Time-management Skills and Working to Tight Deadlines Enthusiasm and Passion for Customer Service Excellence and for the Industry

REGIONAL SALARY London & South: £20k - £40k Midlands: £18k - £38k North: £18k - £35k

WHAT CAN MAKE A CANDIDATE STAND OUT: Passion for Improving Customer Satisfaction in Everything You Do High Levels of Flexibility and Ability to Change to Suit Changing Priorities Attention to Detail Build on your Listening Skills and be Observant Professionalism and Integrity and a high regard for Health & Safety Show your Awareness of Diversity and the Importance of Equality and Tolerance Ability to Communicate and Create a Friendly Atmosphere

TYPICAL QUALIFICATIONS: Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism/ Leisure/ Hospitality/ Travel/ Business / Management/ Logistics/ Transport Management/ Sports Management/ Sports Science/ Food Science, The Hospitality Professionals Association (Hospa), Institute of Hospitality, British Institute of Innkeeping, Academy of Food & Wine Service, Hospitality Guild, The Master Chefs of Great Britain, Wine and Spirit Education Trust, Association for Project Management (APM), Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT), Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA), British Guild of Travel Writers (BGTW), Institute of Tourist

Scotland: £18k - £35k Wales: £18k - £37k Northern Ireland: £18k - £35k


Burger King UK, Carnival, Cineworld, Compass Group, Greene King, Domino’s Pizza Group, GolfBreaks, Greggs Plc, GVC Holdings plc (inc Ladbrokes, Coral, Gala Bingo), InterContinental Hotels (inc Holiday Inn, Crown Plaza), J D Wetherspoon, KFC UK, Marstons plc, McDonald’s, Merlin Entertainments (inc Legoland, Alton Towers…), Mitchells & Butlers (inc Harvesters, Browns, Toby’s …), Nando’s, Pizza Hut, Playtech plc, Rank Group (inc Mecca Bingo, Grosvenor Casino), SSP Group (inc Uppercrust, Ritazza, Camden Food, Haven, Cabin), Subway, The Restaurant Group (inc Frankie & Bennie, Chiquito, Wagamama), Trailfinders, Travelport, TUI Group, Vue, Walt Disney, Whitbread plc (Inc Premier Inn, Beefeater, Brewers Fayre, Table Table and Bar+Block), William Hill plc




Trainee/Junior: Transport Analyst/Manager, Fleet Co-ordinator/Manager, Supply Chain Business Partner, Logistics Manager/ Co-ordinator, Airline/Rail/Coach Scheduling Analyst, Procurement Analyst/Manager, Warehouse Supervisor/ Manager, Logistics Modelling Specialist, Transport Scheduler, Fleet Manager, Materials Control Manager, Distribution Manager, Inventory Control Analyst, Production Scheduler, Transportation Analyst, Air Traffic Controller, Supply Chain Analyst, Travel Coordinator

WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR: Strong quantitative/mathematical and systems/modelling skills Analytical & problem-solving skills Collaboration and team-working skills Ability to make quick decisions and deal with complex situations Commercial awareness and a thorough understanding of the industry

REGIONAL SALARY London & South: £25k - £50k Midlands: £23k - £45k North: £20k - £40k Scotland: £21k - £42k

WHAT CAN MAKE A CANDIDATE STAND OUT: Advanced excel skills Appetite for continuous professional development & learning new skills Enhanced attention to detail Build on your analytical skills and be more observant & inquisitive Ability to communicate ideas in a logical and convincing way Project management skills would make you stand out

Wales: £20k - £40k Northern Ireland: £21k - £42k

TYPICAL EMPLOYERS: Abellio, Arriva, Bunzl, Carnival, Department for Transport, DHL, easyJet, Enterprise Rent-a-Car, Expedia, FirstGroup, Flybe, Freightliner Group, GIST, Go Ahead Group, GolfBreaks, International Airlines Group (IAG) (Inc British Airways, Iberia, Air Lingus), International Airlines


Group (IAG) (Inc British Airways,

Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Transport/ Logistics/ Supply

Iberia, Air Lingus), Kuehne + Nagel, National Express, NATS

Chain/ Business/ Management/ Economics/ Mathematics,

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(National Air Traffic Services), Network Rail, Royal Mail (inc Parcelforce, GLS), Royal Air Force, Royal Navy, Ryanair, Safestore Holdings, Trailfinders, Trainline plc, Transport for London, Travelport,

Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS), Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT), Institute of Transport Administration (IoTA), Institution of Railway Operators (IRO), Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE), National Air Traffic Services (NATS)

TUI Group, Unipart, Virgin Atlantic, Zodiac Maritime.

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TYPICAL ENTRY LEVEL / APPRENTICESHIP / LEVEL-6/DEGREE APPRENTICESHIP ROLES: Trainee/Junior: : Administration Manager, Policy Advisor, Regulatory Officer, Data Analyst, Public Affairs Consultant, International Development Officer, Parliamentary Manager, Department Manager, Corporate Partnership Officer, Fundraising Manager, Public-Private Partnership Consultant, Customer Services Manager, Events & Community Manager, Business Development Officer, Training officer, Human Resources Officer, Centre Manager, Membership Manager, Support Manager, Communications Manager, Public Sector Consultant, Public Sector Accountant/ Auditor, Charity/Public Sector Solicitor, Relationship Manager, Project Manager, Charity Social Support Specialist, Charity Veterinary Surgeon, Teacher, Social Worker, Nurse, Army Officer, Statistician, Police Officer, Environmental Officer, Licensing & Commissioning Officer, Procurement Officer, Librarian, Transport Manager, Housing Manager, Town Planner, Health & Safety Manager, Language Therapist, Careers & Employability Officer


Strong communication, negotiation and social skills A diverse range of skills including from school, extra-curricular activities, travel, voluntary work Knowledge of the organisation’s mission, values and objectives Collaboration and Team-Working Skills Project management, time management and organisation skills Ethics and professional integrity

WHAT CAN MAKE A CANDIDATE STAND OUT: Passion for serving and making a difference to society A track record of stability and reliability Ethics and Integrity and a high regard for diversity and equality Ability to communicate at all levels Ability to work to tight deadlines Evidence of paid/voluntary work experience/ internship/ placements/ work shadowing

TYPICAL QUALIFICATIONS: Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s degree in Public Services / Politics/ Health & Social Care / Teaching/ Business / Management / Economics/ Engineering/ Geography/ Planning/ Quantity Surveying and any other relevant discipline, Social Services (BSA, BASW, BACP, CSP), Public Finance (CIPFA, ACT), Management (ILM, CMI, ICSA), Archives and Records (ARA), Project Management (APM, Prince 2), Environment & Water (CIEEM, IEMA, IES, CIEH, CIWEM), Housing (CIH), Surveyors (ICES, RICS), Transport (CILT, CIHT, IoTA), Landscape (LI), Town Planning (RTPI), Facilities (IWFM, CIBSE), Safety (IIRSM), Language (RCSLT, CIOL); Marketing (CIM); HR (CIPD), Supply Chain (ISCM), Public Relations (CIPR), Teaching (CCT), University Admin (AUA), Geography (RGS-IBG), Employability (IEP), Energy (EI), Plumbing (CIPHE), Gas (IGEM, InstRE)), Railway (IRSE, IRO), Lighting (ILP), Quality (CQI), Library (CILIP), Sustainability (ICRS), Records (IRMS), Customer Service (ICS), Trading Standards (CTSI), Agriculture (RASE, IAgrE), Economics (IED), Sport (CIMSPA, BASES), Tourism (ITG), Fire (IFE), Health (IHEEM, RSPH NMC, RCN, IOSH, RCPCH, CoP), Politics (PSA), Theology (SST, BIAPT), Procurement (CIPS), Veterinary (RVC, BVA, GVS, SPVS, RAVC, BSAVA, APHA).

REGIONAL SALARY London & South: £20k - £50k Midlands: £18k - £48k North: £18k - £45k Scotland: £18k - £45k Wales: £18k - £45k Northern Ireland: £18k - £45k TYPICAL EMPLOYERS: Amnesty International, Bank of England, Barnardo’s, BBC, British Army, British Red Cross, Cancer Research UK, Charityworks, Civil Service Fast Stream, Defence Engineering and Science Group (DESG), Deliotte, Department for Transport, Department of Work and Pensions, DFID, DSTL, European Commission, European Patent Office, EY, FCA, FCO, Frontline, Government Actuary’s Department (GAD), Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), Government Legal Profession (GLP), Grant Thornton, HMRC, HM Treasury, Home Office, Intellectual Property Office, IntoUniversity, KPMG, Macmillan Cancer Support, Marie Curie, Metropolitan Police Service, MI5, MI6, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Justice, National Audit Office, Network Rail, NGDP, NHS, nucleargraduates, Ofcom, Oxfam, People and Planet, Police Now, Premier Pathways, PWC, Royal Air Force, Royal Navy, Serco, Starfish Greathearts Foundation, Teach First, Think Ahead, Try Teaching, Unlocked, Wellcome, Worthwhile, Schools, Colleges, Universities,

Local Authorities

EDUCATION TYPICAL ENTRY LEVEL / APPRENTICESHIP / LEVEL-6/DEGREE APPRENTICESHIP ROLES: Early Years Practitioner, Nursery Manager, Ofsted Inspector, Primary School Teacher, Secondary School Teacher, Lecturer, Tutor, Trainer, Research Associate, Laboratory Technician, Librarian, Teaching

Assistant, Special Educational

NeedsCoordinator (SENCO), Educational Psychologist, Careers Advisor, Counsellor, Community Education Officer, Educational Administrator, E-Learning Practitioner, Academic Book Publisher, Local Authority Educational Officer, Academic Registry Professional, Children Social Work Practitioner, Educational Recruiter


REGIONAL SALARY London & South: £21k - £40k Midlands: £20k - £38k North: £18k - £35k Scotland: £18k - £37k Wales: £20k - £38k Northern Ireland: £18k - £37k

TYPICAL EMPLOYERS: Schools, Colleges, Universities, Children’s Nurseries, BBC, Capita, CGP Books, Coop Academic Trusts, Department of Education, Department of Work and Pensions, Deloitte, EY-Parthenon, PWC, KPMG,

Confidence & strong communication skills – spoken and listening skills Analytical & problem-solving skills Innovation and creativity Attention to detail and high degree of enthusiasm Planning and organisational skills Patience, persistence and dedication Conflict resolution & problem-solving skills Professional integrity


Passion for sharing knowledge and for students/pupils’ progress Enhance presentation skills High subject knowledge proficiency Enhance knowledge on educational psychology Build on your analytical skills and be more observant Ethics and integrity and a high regard for diversity & equality Ability to simplify information and communicate to students

Ofsted, Frontline, Grant Thornton, Hays, Informa plc (inc


Taylor Francis), Mercer, NGDP, Page Personnel, Pearson Education, Penguin Random House, Police Now, RELX plc (inc Elsevier, LexisNexis, Reed Exhibitions), RSM, Serco Group, Sparx, Teach First, Think Ahead, Premier

Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Education/ Subject Specialism / Publishing / Library & Information Management/ Training & Development/ Careers Guidance, PGCE, QTS, QTLS, The Chartered College of Teaching (CCT), Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL), Chartered Management Institute (CMI), Association of University

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Pathways, Explore Learning,

Development (CIPD), Royal Geographical Society (RGS-IBG), Royal

Try Teaching, Tutor101

Society of Biology (RSB), Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Institute of Employability Professionals (IEP), Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILP), TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Qualification, Cambridge English Qualifications (ESOL)

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TYPICAL ENTRY LEVEL / APPRENTICESHIP / LEVEL-6/DEGREE APPRENTICESHIP ROLES: Trainee/Junior: :Animator, Journalist, Photographer, Editor, Actor, Scriptwriter, Location manager/ scout, Costume designer, Makeup artist, Graphic Designer, Multimedia Designer, Model, Animator, Fashion Designer, Musician, Screen/Stage/Production Director, Choreographer, Sound mixer, Video Game Publisher/ Developer, Author, Creative Executive, Content Manager, Copy Writer, Social Media Manager, News Analyst, Reporter, Art Director, News Analyst/Reporter, Project Coordinator/Manager, Public Relations Specialist, Arts and Crafts Instructor, Activities Manager, Arts and Heritage Officer/ Librarian

WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR: Creativity Analytical and innovative mindset Confidence and initiative Attention to detail Collaboration, team-working and networking skills Confidence, resilience and self-discipline Self-awareness and ability to self-reflect Flexibility, open-minded approach and ability to adjust to a constantly changing environment Organisation and time management skills WHAT CAN MAKE A CANDIDATE STAND OUT: Passion for Passion uniqueness, originality and excellence Advanced design/artistic skills High quality creative portfolio of previous work done Continuous improvement and attention to detail Build on your analytical skills and be more observant & inquisitive Improved confidence and a daring can-do attitude Constant networking and building connections TOP EMPLOYERS: AKQA, Amberley Publishing, Abercrombie & Fitch, Arcadia, ASDA (George), Atwood Tate, ASOS, AMV BBDO, BBC, Big Active, Bloomberg, Bloomsbury, Burberry, Cambridge University Press, Card Factory, Channel 4, Charityworks, Cineworld, Civil Service Fast Stream, CGP Books, Coats Group, Creative Access, DFID, Dunelm Group, Ealing Studios, Elis (Berendsen), Endemol Shine UK, English Heritage, Facebook, Grey London, HarperCollins, Harrods, Hachette, Imagination, Informa plc (inc Taylor Francis), IPG Media Brands, ITV, Jagex, JD Sports (inc Tessuti, Blacks, Milllets, Size?), John Lewis, Leo Burnett, Marks & Spencer, McCann, Mediargh, Morrisons (Nutmeg), National Trust, National Galleries Scotland, National Museum Wales, Net-A-Porter, New Look, Next, NGDP, Opera North, Oxford University Press, Pearson, Penguin Random House, Pinewood Studios, Premier Pathways, Primark, RELX plc (inc Elsevier, LexisNexis, Reed Exhibitions), Saatchi & Saatchi, Sainsbury’s (inc TU, Argos, Habitat), Serco, Sports Direct, Sony Music, Sony Pictures, Teach First, Telegraph Media Group, The Financial Times, The Guardian, The Times, Thomson Reuters, Try Teaching, Universal Music, Victoria & Albert Museum, Vue, Walker Books, Walt Disney, Warner Bros, WH Smith (+ FunkyPegion.com Greeting Cards), WPP plc (inc Ogilvy, Kantar, Landor, BCW)

REGIONAL SALARY London & South: £20k - £45k Midlands: £18k - £40k North: £17k - £40k Scotland: £17k - £40k Wales: £18k - £40k Northen Ireland: £17k - £40k PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Art/ Media/ Graphic Design/ Journalism/ English Literature/Language/ Morden/ Classical Languages/ Film Studies/ History/ Sports Sciences/ Library & Information Management, Chartered Society of Designers, Association of Illustrators, National Association for Fine Art Education, Design Council, The National Art Education Association (NAEA), Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM), International Society of Typographic Designers (ISTD), Royal Photographic Society (RPS)Unlocked, Wellcome, Worthwhile, Schools,

Colleges, Universities, Local Authorities

RETAIL TYPICAL ENTRY LEVEL / APPRENTICESHIP / LEVEL-6/DEGREE APPRENTICESHIP ROLES: Trainee/Junior: Retail Manager, Procurement Buyer, Customer Representative, Commercial Analyst, Business Analyst, Marketing Executive, Business Partner, Supplier Relationship Manager, Commercial Business Analyst, Retail Analyst, Management Consultant, Store Manager, Section Manager, Department Manager, Procurement Manager, Customer Services Manager, Loyalty Campaign Manager, Marketing Plan Planner, Design Planner, Customer Insight Manager, Supply Chain Manager, Health & Safety Officer, Contract Manager, Marketing and Communications Manager, Distribution Manager, Product Manager, Area Manager, Merchandising Manager, Pub Manager, Bar Manager, Restaurant Manager, Club Manager

REGIONAL SALARY London & South: £20k - £50k Midlands: £18k - £48k North: £18k - £47k Scotland: £18k - £47k Wales: £18k - £47k Northern Ireland: £18k - £47k PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS

Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Retail Management/ Business/ Management/ Supply Chain/ Procurement/ Logistics/ Economics/ Marketing/ Sales/ Hospitality Management/ HR/ Transport/ Mathematics/ Engineering/ Manufacturing or any related discipline; Chartered Management Institute (CMI); Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM); The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM); Institute of Supply Chain Management (ISCM), Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA), Direct Marketing Association (DMA), Institute of Customer Service (ICS), Institute of Sales Management (ISM)Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA), Direct Marketing Association (DMA), Institute of Customer Service (ICS), Institute of Sales Management (ISM)

WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR: Excellent communication and customer services skills Passion for retail, marketing, buying, merchandising, the brand & the company Analytical & numerical skills Creativity, Innovation and Initiative Negotiating and bargaining skills Leadership, motivating and team-working skills Organisational and time management skills WHAT CAN MAKE A CANDIDATE STAND OUT: Improve your problem solving & conflict resolution capabilities Develop flexibility, adaptability and change management High levels of commercial awareness, products & company knowledge An appreciation of health & safety, diversity, equality, fairness and respect for colleagues Finetune your analytical skills, Excel skills to help in consumer/ market data analysis TOP EMPLOYERS:

Abercrombie & Fitch, Adidas, Aldi, Amazon, Arcadia, Argos, ASDA, Asos, B&M, Boots, Burberry, Burger King, Card Factory, Co-operative, Costcutter (Bibby), Domino’s, Dunelm, Ebay, Enterprise Rent a Car, Ferguson plc (inc Wolseley and William Wilson), Grafton Group (inc Selco, Buildbase, Plumbase), Greene King, Greggs Plc, Halfords, Harrods, Howdens, JD Sports (inc Tessuti, Blacks, Milllets, Size?), John Lewis Partnership (inc Waitrose), Just Eat, KFC, Kingfisher (inc B&Q and Screwfix), Lidl, Marks & Spencer, Marstons, McDonald’s, Mitchells and Butler, Morrisons, Nando’s, Net-A-Porter, New Look, Next, Ocado, Pets At Home, Pizza Hut, Primark, QVC, Sainsbury’s (inc Argos, Home Retail Group, Habitat), Sports Direct, SSP Group (inc Uppercrust, Ritazza, Camden Food, Haven, Cabin), Subway, Tesco, T K Maxx, The Restaurant Group (inc Frankie & Bennie, Chiquito, Wagamama), Travis Perkins, Travelex, Uniqlo, Watches Of Switzerland Group plc, WHSmith, Wetherspoon, Whitbread plc (Inc Premier Inn, Beefeater, Brewers Fayre, Table Table and Bar+Block)

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TYPICAL ENTRY LEVEL / APPRENTICESHIP / LEVEL-6/DEGREE APPRENTICESHIP ROLES: Trainee/Junior: Environmental Consultant, Farm Manager, Environmental Officer, Agricultural Consultant, Food Scientist, Geologist, Geophysicist, Geochemist, Geotechnical Engineer, Landscape Engineer, Land Surveyor, Quarry Technician, Drilling Technician, Mud-logger, Mechanical Engineer, Project Manager, Environmental and Sustainability Consultant, Hydrologist, Hydrogeologist, Teacher, Lecturer, Environmental Analyst, Mining Supervisor, Mine Engineer, Mine Manager, Marine Engineer, Ecologist, Air Quality Scientist, Conservation Consultant, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Manager, Environmental Assessment Consultant, Environmental Scientist, Sustainable Development Consultant, Waste Management Consultant, Water Quality Engineer


Strong quantitative/mathematical skills Analytical & problem-solving skills Flexibility and ability to work outdoors and in different parts of the country/world Project management skills Attention to detail Industry awareness Collaboration and team-working skills Ability to deal with complex situations


London & South: £25k - £50k Midlands: £23k - £45k North: £22k - £45k Scotland: £22k - £45k Wales: £23k - £45k Northern Ireland: £22k - £45k


Passion for the job and profession Organisation and advanced planning skills High levels of scientific and environmental knowledge & proficiency Build on your analytical skills and be more observant & inquisitive Ethics and integrity and a high regard for health & safety Ability to communicate to both technical and non-technical colleagues

TOP EMPLOYERS: AB Agri, AECOM, AGCO, AHDB, APHA, Ansaldo, APEM, Arcadis, Arup, Atkins, Bibby Line, BP, BAT, British Sugar, CABI, Caterpillar, Centrica, CGG, Charityworks, Civil Service Fast Stream, CNH Industrial, Cefas, ConocoPhillips, DEFRA, Deloitte, DESG, DFID, DNV-GL, Doosan, Drax Group, EAME, EDF Energy, Environment Agency (EA), E.ON, ENI, ERM, Essar Oil, ExxonMobil, EY, Forestry Commission, Imperial Brands, Ineos, Geosyntec, Grant Thornton, Greencore, HoareLea, Jacobsen, James Fisher & Sons, JCB, John Deere, Johnson Matthey, KPMG, KUHN, Lloyd’s Register, Magnox, Marine Management Organisation, Mott MacDonald, MWH, National Grid, National Nuclear Laboratory, National Trust, Natural England, NERC, NGDP, NOV, npower, Nucleargraduates, OFWAT, OVO Energy, PCC, Pennon Group, Pegasus Group, Phillips 66, PIH, PWC, Rio Tinto, Rotork, Royal Haskoning DHV, RPS Group, RSK Group, RWE, SEPA, SNH, Scottish Power, Sellafield, Senior plc, Severn Trent, Schlumberger (inc Cameron, OneSubSea, Western Geco), Shell, Siemens, SLR Consulting, Smiths Group, Spirax-Sarco, SSE, Sulzer, Thames Water, TOTAL, UK Power Network, United Utilities, Weir, WSP, Wood Group, Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Worley Parsons, WRC, WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff, WYG, Yorkshire Water

PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Engineering/ Mining Engineering/ Agricultural Engineering/ Geology, Hydrology, CSR, Marine Studies, Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM), Institution of Agricultural Engineers (IAgrE), Association for Project Management (APM), Energy Institute (EI), Geological Society of London, Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM), Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM), Landscape Institute (LI), Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES), International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)



TYPICAL ENTRY LEVEL / APPRENTICESHIP / LEVEL-6/DEGREE APPRENTICESHIP ROLES: Trainee/Junior: Product Development Scientist, Production Team Leader, Production Manager/Supervisor, Quality Assurance Manager, Research and Development Specialist, HR Business Partner, Sales and Marketing Manager/Team Leader, Supply Chain Specialist/Manager/Business Partner, Chemical Engineer, Chemist, Biotechnologist, Biochemist, Medicinal Chemist, Food Scientist, Forensic Scientist, Manufacturing Consultant, Agricultural Engineer; Biomedical Engineer; Design Engineer; Industrial/Manufacturing Engineer, Materials Science Engineer, , Thermal Engineer, Transport Engineer, Production Engineer, Pharmacologist, Toxicologist, Analytical Chemist, Biomedical Scientist, Technical Sales Executive, Management Consultant, Field Trials Specialist, Procurement Manager, Packaging Manager



London & South: £24k - £50k Midlands: £22k - £48k North: £20k - £45k Scotland: £20k - £45k Wales: £22k - £48k Northern Ireland: £20k - £45k


2 Sisters Food Group, 3M, AB InBev, Adidas, Arla Foods, Associated British Foods, Avon, Bakkavor Group, BASF, Bayer, Birds Eye, Boots, BAT, British Sugar, Britvic, Cadbury (Mondelez), Carlsberg, Christian Dior, Coca-Cola, Colgate-Palmolive, Coty, Cranswick, Crown Packaging, Danish Crown, Danone, Diageo, DS Smith, Estee Lauder, Greencore, Hasbro, Heineken, Henkel, Herbalife, Hormel Foods, Hovis, Imperial Tobacco, Johnson & Johnson, Kellogg, Kerry Group, Kimberly-Clark, Kingsmill, Kraft-Heinz, L’Oréal, Lubrizol, LVMH, Mars, McCormick, McVitie’s, Molson Coors, Mondi, Muller, Nestle, Newell Brands, Nike, Pepsico, Pernod Ricard, Philip Morris, Premier Foods, Procter & Gamble, PVH, PZ Cussons, Reckitt Benckiser, Smurfit Kappa, Spectrum Brands, Swatch, Tate & Lyle, Unilever, United Biscuits, Walkers, Warburtons

Strong quantitative/mathematical/scientific skills Analytical & problem-solving skills Innovation and initiative Attention to detail and high degree of accuracy Ability to deal with complex situations Organisation, flexibility and patience


Passion for quality and the customer Research about the company to prove your eye for detail High levels of scientific and technical proficiency Improved knowledge of the industry; trends and insights Build on your analytical skills - more observant & inquisitive Ethics and integrity and a high regard for health & safety Ambition and enthusiasm

TYPICAL QUALIFICATIONS: Diploma/HND/Bachelor’s Degree in Manufacturing Management/ Chemical Engineering/ Material Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ HR Management / Marketing / Business / Procurement / Supply Chain/ Logistics, Business & Management, Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), Institute of Science and Technology (IST), , Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Institution of Royal Engineers (InstRE), Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM), Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST), Chartered Quality Institute (CQI), Chartered Trading

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W H A T N E X T A F T E R G C S E S ................................................................. A L E V E L / A D V A N C E D H I G H E R / B T E C / I B D I P L O M A / H N C S U B J E C T S ... P R O G R E S S I O N S U M M A R Y F O R G C S E S / N 5 S T U D E N T S ........................ C A R E E R S & E M P L O Y A B I L I T Y T I M E L I N E Y E A R 11 T R A I N E E S H I P S ................................................................................... A P P R E N T I C E S H I P S ............................................................................ I M P R O V I N G C H A N C E S O F A N A P P R E N T I C E S H I P ................................ T O P 100 A P P R E N T I C E S H I P P R O V I D E R S ............................................. W O R K P L A C E M E N T & I N T E R S H I P S ...................................................... H O W T O G E T A J O B W I T H O U T W O R K E X P E R I E N C E ............................ V O L U N T A R Y W O R K E X P E R I E N C E ........................................................

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Further Education/ Vocational Qualification

A LEVEL/ Scottish Higher/ Advanced Welsh Bacc

WHAT NEXT AFTER YOUR GCSE S / NATIONAL 5 S PART 1 Year 11 will soon be over - happy days! Most people by now have an idea of what they want to do. If you don’t, keep reading. We happy put together a summary of the main options available out there. Around 80% of young people stay in education after completing their GCSE/ National 5s. The four main options to consider are:

A LEVEL/ Scottish Advanced Higher/ Advanced Welsh Bacc: Generally,

these typically major on a more academic study approach with a course structure focussing more on written work and exams. A Levels/ Scottish Advanced Higher/ Advanced Welsh Bacc are considered the main (but not

Apprentices hip (and Traineeship)


Employment + Part-time study / Distance Leaning

the only) route into university/ higher education. Most people usually study three subjects over a 2-year period with main exams sat at the end of the course.

Vocational Qualifications: these tend to have a more practical approach, equipping with both the hands-on skills and practical knowledge to undertake the job. They range from those with a ‘Tech’ orientation (generally common in fields such as engineering, IT and Swcience) to those with an ‘Applied’ orientation (generally common in broader fields such as business, social science or sport).

The most popular further education progression option after GCSE/ National 5s is taking a Level 3 qualification. These include Level 3 NVQs (National Vocational Qualifications) or SVQs (Scottish Vocational Qualifications) BTEC Nationals, Advanced and Progression Diplomas, BTEC, OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technicals, T Levels and CACHE Level 3 Diplomas. Completing this level will give you entry into University, Degree Apprenticeships, some Training Schemes and a range of technical or supervisory roles.

Apprenticeships (and Traineeships):

This option is for those who are fed up with full-time classroom education but want to practically learn a new trade, profession or set of skills. An apprenticeship is typically a fulltime paid job with integrated on-the-job and college training built in. Apprenticeships ideal for school leavers tend to be Levels 1,2, and 3 and their duration usually range between one and three years. Traineeships tend to be unpaid training and work experience opportunities to help prepare you for an apprenticeship or work. They tend to be short - could be a few weeks or could last up to six months. They are popular for those who didn’t get a good grade in Maths and English as they often integrate Maths and English training to boost your chances of employability.

Employment + Flexible learning (Parttime study / Distance Learning): There • are a lot of employers who are willing to take someone straight after their GCSE/ National 5s and are willing to sponsor them to do a further education qualification part-time or by distancelearning. These opportunities are plenty in almost every field and discipline. Discuss with your advisors on the options available in your field. TIPS FOR CHOOSING THE RIGHT A-LEVEL OR VOCATIONAL SUBJECTS

Choose subjects you are strong at.

You are more likely to be motivated to study a subject that you have a natural ability for than one you are poor at. A good rule of thumb is to pick a subject you have sufficient ability to get at least a Grade 6 (B) in your GCSE/ National 5s. Choosing subjects that you are predicted to get strong GCSE grades – increases • your chances of great A Levels/ Scottish Advanced Higher/ Advanced Welsh Bacc and better prospects and wider degree/ employment options.

Choose subjects you are familiar with and enjoy. Again, you will most

probably be more motivated and engaged studying a subject you ‘to some extent’ enjoy. Take time to familiarise with the

range of subjects available at A Levels/ Scottish Advanced Higher/ Advanced Welsh Bacc, including some that are new to you – you never know if it’s something that could excite you. It is a good idea to consider a subject you have a connection with: - Someone who loves researching, developing an argument, and logical presenting ideas should consider subjects like history, sociology or law. - Someone who loves the outdoors, nature and environment-related issues may consider subjects like Geography or Environmental Science.

Align the subjects to your career aspirations.

Most universities and employers give you guidelines of what subjects are prerequisites for each degree or apprenticeship. For instance: - Pharmacy generally require Chemistry, plus at least one from Biology, Maths and Physics - Medicine generally require Chemistry, plus at least one from Biology, Maths and Physics - English generally require English Literature and/or English Language - Engineering generally require Maths and one related subject such as Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Science, Computing, Design

Avoid combining overlapping or ‘too similar’ subjects. Examples of combinations that could be classified as too similar, overlapping or too narrow and might give you issues: - Biology and Human Biology - Business and Economics - Business and Accounting - Drama and Media Studies

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preferred A-level subjects. If possible, include at least one or two of these in your combination. Examples of subjects that fall under this list include: - Mathematics - English - Geography - Biology - Chemistry - Physics - History - Classical / Modern languages

Minimise ‘non-preferred’, new and non-traditional subjects. Try have a maximum of one of these less popular subjects. Examples of subjects that fall under this list include:

- PE - Music - Media Studies - Drama - Textiles - Dance - Accounting - Home Economics

Our recommendation is to concentrate on the minimum required 3 subjects as much as possible, unless you feel you really need a wider choice, want to impress in your Oxbridge application or are very convinced the increased workload is not going to be any issue to you.

Prioritise ‘facilitating’ subjects. • Facilitating



Should you take three or four subjects?


Research Read the syllabuses and consult your teachers and Careers Advisor.

Lastly decide whether you prefer FE College, Sixth Form College or Sixth Form. Sixth Forms tend to focus more on the academic subjects (A LEVEL/ Scottish Higher/ Advanced Welsh Bacc). Most colleges tend to provide a much wider range of courses at different levels including vocational qualifications and in most cases A LEVEL/ Scottish Higher/ Advanced Welsh Bacc as well. There are few contrasts between the two. The learning environment at college tend to be more relaxed, with a less congested timetable, a more casual dress code (freedom to wear what you want) and a more diverse age range.


Consult with consult your teachers and Careers Advisor and any parent/senior colleagues who have progressed to Sixth Form/Sixth Form College/FE College.

Visit the different institution and have a first-hand experience of what it’s like to be at a Sixth Form/Sixth Form College/FE College.

Consider your career aspirations and research where the majority of people in your preferred profession/trade have been to.

USEFUL LINKS https://www.studential.com/student-underground/categories/a-levels https://icould.com/explore https://www.ucas.com/further-education https://university.which.co.uk/advice/a-level-choices https://www.informedchoices.ac.uk/qualifications https://www.gov.uk/apprenticeships-guide https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/ https://www.allaboutschoolleavers.co.uk/school-leaver-options https://www.notgoingtouni.co.uk/

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Create an Annual Plan of Action & Skills Audit

Employers are very keen on students who start investing in employability skills, competences and relevant experience right from high school. Here is a template timeline you can use to ensure you keep your career development targets and milestones on track. The timelines are based on someone in Year 11.

Finalise your careers options and choices


Discuss your career choices and

subjects with a careers advisor Apply for college/ Sixth form

Attend careers fairs & Open Days at Apprenticeships providers, Colleges and Sixth Form

NOVEMBER • Apply for Apprenticeships / College / Sixth form • Start networking with employers and alumni face-to-face and online (especially LinkedIn) • Attend careers fairs & Open Days at Apprenticeships providers, Colleges and Sixth Form •

DECEMBER Perfect your interview skills and practise online aptitude tests Book a mock interview with a careers advisor for a simulated experience Apply for Apprenticeships / College / Sixth form JANUARY Do a mid-year review of your Personal Development Portfolio and plan of action. Consult your careers advisor for advice and support

FEBRUARY • Attend College / Sixth Form / Apprenticeship interviews • Update your CV & LinkedIn profile • Keep applying for apprenticeships or summer roles and attend any interviews MARCH • Attend College / Sixth Form / Apprenticeship interviews • Attend networking events • Attend relevant training events



APRIL • Exam preparation • Get help from your Careers Advisor to make yourself Summer ‘Work ready’.

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What is a traineeship? A traineeship is a work preparation education and training programme with an integrated work experience scheme and incorporates Maths and English tuition and support for those lacking the required grades. The course does not only get 16 to 24 year olds work-ready but is often used as a ‘stepping-stone’ or ‘back-door’ avenue towards an apprenticeship or full-time job if you impress the employer. So if you do well, there may even be a opportunity for job/apprenticeship at the end of your traineeship.

It can last anything from 6 weeks to 6 months. There are no fees to be paid. Most traineeships do not pay a salary but may cover your travel and food costs. You may be able to apply for funding with the 16-19 Bursary Fund or Universal Credit. • To qualify, you need to be • eligible to work in the UK • keen and motivated to work • unemployed or working less than 16 hours a week • having little or no work experience • aged 16 to 24 with • having no qualifications above level 2 (GCSE/N5 or equivalent

On-the-job Work Experience Placement

A crucial opportunity to get hands on practical experience with an established employer. Develop quality employability and transferrable skills in a professional environment with experienced members of staff.

Work Preparation Training – covers everything from writing CVs, cover letters,

completing application forms to interview preparation. Most courses also include soft skills such as time management, planning, organising with applications for jobs and school leaver schemes. English & Maths Tuition/Support (if required) – for those who do not have the right grades - focus on helping you achieve Maths & English GCSE or Functional Skills Literacy & Numeracy passes.

How do I apply? A lot of traineeship positions are advertised on websites such as: • • • • • •

https://www.gov.uk/find-traineeship https://www.allaboutschoolleavers.co.uk https://www.ratemyapprenticeship.co.uk htttps://www.getmyfirstjob.co.uk https://allaboutapprenticeships.co.uk https://www.notgoingtouni.co.uk

You can also apply for traineeships directly with training providers and employers. The majority of training providers/employers who recruit traineeship candidates tend to be also apprenticeship providers.


On-the-job Work Experience Placement

Work Preparation Training

English & Maths Tuition/Support (if required)

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OCR Award in Employability Skills Key modules: • Employability • Being Entrepreneurial • Digital Employability • Personal Life Skills • Other transferable skills

Do I get any qualifications? It varies with the training provider / employer. You may be able to do a Level 1 Award in Employability Skills through OCR / NCE / City & Guilds. Check with your employer / training provider. In addition, if you still need to pass English and Maths, you will have the opportunity to work towards vocational qualifications such as Level 2 Functional Skills in Maths and English or your GCSE Maths and English. You may also have a chance of attending various employability and work preparation workshops to improve your CV, cover letter, application and interview preparation techniques. Typical courses include:

City & Guilds Award in Employability Skills Key modules: • • • • • • • •

Planning for progression Managing personal finance Work-based experience Effective communication Career planning and making applications Interview skills Searching for a job Career progression

When can I apply?

It varies with each employer. There are generally employers taking on traineeship candidates at any given time throughout the whole year.

Am I guaranteed of an apprenticeship after the traineeship? You are not guaranteed of a job/apprenticeship at the end of a Traineeship. However, a lot of employers use traineeships as a way to ‘try before you hire’ candidates. Those who impress stand a higher chance of an Apprenticeship contract or full-time job. However, if this doesn’t happen, you’ll still walk away with invaluable experience, training and quality work-related skills, which are highly valued by most employers.

Why you should consider a traineeship! “I loved every second of the traineeship. It helped me become work ready and even secured an apprenticeship contract at the end of traineeship!” – Recent Trainee “Our traineeships are highly flexible programmes that recognise that every young person is different, and thus requires a different level of training designed to cater for specific needs of each individual” - Employer “Over 50% of Traineeship trainees progress into an apprenticeship or other employment, and a further 17% undertake further education” – Department of Education “I didn’t have confidence in my skills and was

lacking hands-on work experience, making me unemployable. I received on-the-job training during my traineeship as well as completing a useful OCR’s employability qualification. I was also fortunate to be selected to carry on as an apprentice, and now I even train other trainees” – Past Trainee

Why choose to enrol on a traineeship • •

• • • •

A smart pathway towards an apprenticeship or full-time job An opportunity to gain real work skills and experience to make yourself more employable / work-ready and boost your CV A chance to gain essential employability qualifications and skills plus to better your Maths & English grades Local, flexible and tailored to candidate needs A flexible chance to try a job /profession before making a long-term commitment An ‘cool’ opportunity to upskill yourself whilst showcasing to a real employer your potential, determination and passion.


Qualifications Work Training Structure Time frame Salary


Work Placement






Often range from six months to 6 Months) Rare; but may get travel & food allowance. Possible funding through the 16-19 Bursary Fund or Universal Credit

Usually between 1 – 5 years Yes; minimum wage or higher

Usually 1 or 2 weeks but make be more. None, but may get travel & food expense allowance

Functional Skills & Work Preparation Qualifications Yes

Level 3 – 7 Qualifications

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Apprenticeships combine practical training in a job with study. You’ll be employed to do a real job whilst studying for a formal qualification. The study part is usually for one day a week either at a college or a training centre, and the rest of the time you will be working fulltime like a normal employee. To apply for an apprenticeship, you need to be 16 or over, living in the United Kingdom and not in fulltime education.

Why choose an apprenticeship?

An apprenticeship offers the chance to gain skills, qualifications and experience whilst earning a wage. It’s a great compromise between entering the workforce straight after school and earning a qualification to set you up in your chosen industry. It’s also a great opportunity to see whether this is the industry you want to pursue. As an apprentice, you’ll avoid student loans, as the government and your employer cover the entire cost of your training! Despite the low minimum wage for apprentices, you may find yourself financially better off than your friends who went to uni as you’ll be able to start putting money away without worrying about student debt.

Working hours and pay: Apprenticeships are paid, and you are entitled to the National Minimum Wage which the government can decide to change as and when they see fit. Apprenticeships hourly rate is a lot lower than a regular full time job. This is to help your employer cover the costs of your training. This rate applies to all apprentices in their first year, and apprentices aged 19 or over are paid a higher minimum wage after their first year. You’ll work full-time and your study time is usually part of your paid hours.

Length of apprenticeships:

Apprenticeships usually take between one • and four years to complete. The length of the apprenticeship depends on a number of factors, such as the level of education, your chosen sector, employer requirements and • your individual ability.


software development and cyber security Healthcare apprenticeships in roles such as dental, nursing and youth work, in addition to NHS apprenticeships that can fall under other sectors, such as accounting and administration. Engineering apprenticeships in roles such as civil engineering, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering Construction apprenticeships in roles such as building, plumbing and quantity surveying. Media apprenticeships in roles such as journalism, live events and costume design.

What you’ll learn will depend on the role that you will be training for. Apprentices in every role follow an approved study curriculum, which • means you’ll gain a nationally-recognised qualification at the end of your apprenticeship. These qualifications are available from the equivalent to GCSE-level all the way up to ‘89% of employers say they’d degree level.

do an apprenticeship if they were starting their career again.’

The qualifications can include: • •

• •

Functional skills - GCSE-level qualifications in English, Maths and IT National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) - from Level 2 (comparable to five GCSEs) up to Level 5 (similar to a postgraduate degree) Technical certificates - such as BTEC, City and Guild Progression Award etc Academic qualifications - including a Higher National Certificate (HNC), Higher National Diploma (HND) foundation degree or the equivalent of a full master’s degree.


Highest paid apprenticeships: Apprentices in the Legal sector can expect the highest pay, an average salary of £23,904. Engineering placements follow close behind, with an average salary of £22,512 on offer for apprenticeship schemes. The Accounting and Finance is a popular sector in apprenticeships, with advertised salaries starting from £17,988.


Apprenticeships are available in a wide range of different industries. Most job sectors offer apprenticeship opportunities in the UK, with a wide range of specific roles on offer within each.

Apprenticeships are designed to enhance your competency and confidence by developing your practical skills and knowledge.

These include:

• •

• •

Business apprenticeships in roles such as accounting, marketing, people/HR administration, recruitment and sales. A lot of these will also be available in other sectors as everything from the NHS to engineering firms need the skills business apprenticeships offer. Law apprenticeships offered at legal executive or solicitor level. IT apprenticeships in roles such as

By doing an apprenticeship, you benefit from the following:

• • • • •

Working alongside experienced staff Gaining a nationally recognised qualification and experience, both of which are highly attractive to employers Taking a fast route into your career Getting paid holidays (including bank holidays) Learning how to behave in a professional environment Developing your independence in a supported environment Earning while you’re learning

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Tailor your CV

When applying to apprenticeships, it’s a good idea to do some research into the company you’re applying for. Find out what the key responsibilities of your role as an apprentice will be and reference them in your application. Tailoring your application will help you stand out over other candidates who use the same CV for every role they apply for. The best thing about apprenticeships is that most of the time you don’t always need industry experience to land one, but it never hurts to do your research just in case the role has some prerequisites you’ll need to mention in your application.

What makes a great application


Take charge!

• One or two A4 pages maximum • Neatly laid out paragraphs with clear subheadings • No grammatical errors • Accompanying cover letter to optimise your chances of getting noticed

Show your interest in the industry

Despite not needing to have any prior experience in your chosen industry, it will help your application if you can prove that you have an interest! By listing any events or additional courses you have attended, you may become more favourable to an employer. You could also try and tie in your interests and hobbies. If you don’t have anything to add to your CV, search for any events in your area that can help boost your desirability!

Even before your heart is set on doing an apprenticeship, begin searching! Unfortunately, the ideal opportunity isn’t going to come and present itself to you unless you go out and look for it. Sit and think about what it is you would really like to do and then search for something suitable on recruitment and government sites. It can also be helpful to search social media and ask family and friends.

Social media

Some great websites to check

However, the right LinkedIn profile attached to your application can increase your chances of impressing any recruiters. Another great tip is to keep your eye out on company run social media profiles as it’s likely they will post any vacancies and apprenticeship schemes on there.

www.apprenticeships.gov.uk www.indeed.co.uk www.notgoingtouni.co.uk www.monster.co.uk www.careerfinder.ucas.com

Social media can be a blessing and a curse these days. When applying apprenticeships (or any job for that matter) ensure that your social media is presentable as it could deeply affect your chances of landing a role for a company you want to work for. If you’re the party type or enjoy the occasional inappropriate meme it’s probably best to keep your accounts on private, just in case.

Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers AT MAZARS YOU MATTER From the first day you arrive at Mazars, you will be welcomed with rewarding work, client exposure and supportive colleagues – all the crucial ingredients you need to inspire and educate you as you study for your qualification and develop your global employability skills.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Banking & Insurance, construction & real estate, retail defence, energy media & technology, private clients, owner managed business, charity, public sector, including local & central government

£17,000 - £21,000 based on location


www.mazarscareers. co.uk/school-leavers

They’re the UK’s largest water and wastewater services provider. they supply around 2,600 million litres of tap water across London and the Thames Valley. Apprenticeships play a key role in our success in delivering the essential service to their customers. They have a great history in taking on apprentices and more importantly our apprentices progressing through the company.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Mechanical & electrical (M/E), electrical & instrumentation apprenticeship (E/I)

£15,000 and each Apprentice will receive a laptop and smartphone on joining.


corporate.thameswater. co.uk/careers/ Apprentices

E.ON is one of the biggest energy providers in the UK. So when you join E-ON as an apprentice your work will matter to millions of people. During your time here, we’ll also equip you with the skills you need to build a successful career. Our apprenticeships are offered not only to 16-24 year olds school leavers looking for work experience, but open to everyone of all ages and backgrounds. We want to remove any hurdles to find the best and brightest candidates. Your time on the programme will see you learning from experienced professionals and discovering what it takes to succeed in our fast moving sector.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level


100 vacancies

Customer service, engineering, sales and degree apprenticeships

Competitive Salary


www.eon-uk-careers.com/ en/careers/apprenticestrainees.html

If you’re looking for an alternative to University with a qualification to match… Warner Bros. could have the perfect opportunity for you! The deal, simply put, is that you work for us full time earning a competitive salary, and in turn we will pay for you to gain a professional qualification, giving you time off to attend college/training with your peers.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level




£18,000, season ticket + 20 Days annual leave, bank holidays and local discounts and offfers


ww.warnerbrosapprenticeships. co.uk/

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Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers BAE Systems offers over 30 award winning programmes across our sectors and sites in the UK, at all levels up to degree level apprenticeships. Whether you’re interested in technical, engineering, business, project management, cyber security or finance, a BAE Systems Apprenticeship will get your career off to the best possible start. All their Apprenticeships guarantee you a good salary, recognised academic or vocational qualifications, hands-on training, and real work where you can make a valued contribution. With an average of 2,000 apprentices at any time, you’ll be joining others who could become great colleagues and friends for life.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level


600+ vacancies

Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Welding, Finance, Business, Aircraft Maintenance, Mechanical Engineering, Management, Design, Sheet Metal, Accounting, Finance, IT & Telecommunications.

Competitive salary Company pension scheme Company share scheme

Intermediate, advanced, higher and degree-level apprenticeships

www.baesystems.com/en/ careers/careers-in-the-uk/ apprenticeships

A National Grid Apprenticeship isn’t just about getting a job – it’s an opportunity to join a new generation of talent, charged with the destiny of shaping the future of energy. We’ll help you develop your skills through a combination of practical work and academic study, all the while providing you with the passion, skills and knowledge you need to power all our futures. Candidates with any level of qualification can apply as long as you meet the minimum requirements specified for the different programme levels. You’ll have the opportunity to study at one of our cutting-edge training facilities, at a local Academy Centre or, for some of our Higher Apprenticeships, at Aston University, Birmingham.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Energy Network

Generous salary, full board accommodation, travel cost covered for training, contribution to a mobile phone and driving lessons, if on the Advanced Apprenticeship.

Higher & advanced apprenticeships and training programmes

www.careers. nationalgrid.com/newtalent/apprentices

If you are looking to start an inspiring career in the civil engineering industry, then look no further! We recruit in excess of 30 apprentices per year, each forming a valuable part of our workforce. Our apprenticeship programmes offer structured development and the opportunity to fulfil your ambitions through gaining valuable skills, knowledge, and experience, along with achieving industry recognised qualifications. Your time will be spent on exciting and varied projects, led by highly skilled and professionally qualified staff, to give you a broad understanding and grounding in our business in preparation for your future career.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level


30 vacancies

Civil Engineering Industry

Competitive salary

Higher apprenticeship

www.bamnuttall.co.uk/ pg/careers

Our bases in England include Bristol, Salford and London. If the area you are working on is out on location, you may need to go with them. Training is delivered at regular intervals across the year. This can be individual days or blocks of days, including an initial block of training when you start the scheme. You will be assessed on the job as well as through completing academic modules. At the end of the scheme there may also be a review to discuss your achievements or an End Point Assessment, comprising a number of elements including a prepared project and professional discussion. You will have a scheme manager who will meet with you frequently and support you. You will also have a manager, and mentors/buddy, in your placement. In addition, you will have an assessor assigned from the college.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Production, Design, Engineering, Journalism, Business

£14,250. London salary: £18,810. Training fees covered + 25 days holiday

Level 3

www.live.bbc.co.uk/ careers/trainee-schemesand-apprenticeships

Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers During your apprenticeship, you’ll become a trusted technical expert for one of the world’s leading banks, earn a wage and achieve an industryrecognised qualification while you do. And with a wide range of schemes and levels available, we’re sure to have a role for you.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Banking – corporate and commercial banking; Digital engineering; Data science

£18,500 - £23,000 annual salary, depending on apprenticeship and location.

Degree-level apprenticeships

www.santanderjobs. co.uk/realiseyourfuture/ apprenticeships.php

Get a head start on your career in Goldman Sachs engineering while earning a degree in computer science. In partnership with Queen Mary University of London, the Goldman Sachs Degree Apprenticeship Program combines higher education with vocational training to offer a fee-free alternative to the traditional University route. The ‘Degree Apprenticeship Program’ will allow participants to complete an apprenticeship within Goldman Sachs’ Technology division while studying for a degree at Queen Mary University of London. After the four-year program, participants will graduate with a bachelor’s degree Digital and Technology Solutions, with the potential opportunity of a full-time position with Goldman Sachs.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Financial services and technology, computer science, engineering

Depends on apprenticeship

Degree-level apprenticeships

www.goldmansachs. com/careers/students/ programs/emea/ technology-apprentices. html

If you’re passionate about cars, technology and teamwork, then why not consider kick-starting your career with BMW Group? BMW are on the search for talented and enthusiastic individuals who are ready to take on the challenge of working with us as an apprentice. With their range of apprenticeships at four sites across the UK, they offer the chance to take on real responsibility and learn from the best in the industry. Whether it’s within a manufacturing, engineering, technical or business areas of BMW Group, their new apprentices will need the right blend of skills, education and ambition to make the most of every opportunity that comes their way. Apprenticeships last between 1.5 and four years, and training leads to an NVQ level three qualification - with some apprentices having the opportunity to progress right through to degree level. Joining their apprenticeship programme will quickly help you to build up a network of professional contacts and lay the foundations for a successful career.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Cars – maintenance, leather, engineering, toolmaker, business, finance, customer service and IT

Reduced rate for buying/ leasing a BMW or MINI vehicle, BMW Group Defined Contribution Pension Scheme, work/life balance flexibility and more!

Level 3, Foundation degree

www.bmwgroup.jobs/ gb/en/opportunities/ apprentice. html#ace-716862697

You don’t need a degree to start a successful career in business. If you’ve finished school and want to jump straight in, you can with EY apprenticeship programmes. Earn a salary from your very first day. Learn from inspirational colleagues on client projects. Do what you’re good at. Learn new skills. Get your professional qualifications before your uni-graduating peers – and go just as far. You’ll need a minimum of Level 2/GCSE (or equivalent) in English Language & Maths and to have completed three A-Levels, five Scottish Highers or equivalent by the time the programme starts.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level


Not specified

Business – assurance, business consulting remediation, IT risk and assurance, tax, transactions, digital and technology, business leadership and management

Up to £22,000 annual salary, depending on the apprenticeship, pension plans, gym membership discounts and more!

Level 3, Level 4 and master’s degree-level

www.ukcareers.ey.com/ students/programmes/ apprenticeships

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Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers BT apprenticeships offer a structured programme that takes you through the skills needed to complete your apprenticeship. Along the way you are supported by our dedicated apprentice development team. As most of the time is spent in the workplace, the majority of training takes place on the job. However, a few of their apprenticeships do have additional training taking place at a local college or a specialist training organisation.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level


3,500 vacancies

Customer experience, EE, open-reach trainee engineering, logistics, sales, digital and product, HR and finance, business/project management, technology, IT and cyber security.

Starting salary of £16,179. If you’re in London, you could get an extra £3,380, as well as a permanent job after the apprenticeship.

Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 and Degree-Level

www.btplc.com/ Careercentre/earlycareers/ apprentices/index.htm

Ready to make the most of your potential? Softcat is the perfect place to start out. They have a proud track record of training Apprentices, and then watching them follow successful careers with them. Whatever your talents, there could be an opportunity for you here – Softcat’s main intake is Sales, but there are Technology and Business Operations opportunities too. You will start earning from day one on all of the Apprentice Programmes. You’ll also be tasked with a variety of exciting challenges, with plenty of guidance on hand from experienced colleagues. Week by week, you’ll gain the knowledge, soft skills and confidence it takes to thrive.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Sales, technology and business operatives

Competitive salary, pension scheme, life insurance, healthcare cash plan, access to Perklife and an extra day holiday on your birthday



Do you want to help us shape the future? If you’re talented and passionate about change, then an apprenticeship at Siemens could be for you. Apprenticeships are a great way to turn today’s talented young people into the experts we need tomorrow. Whether you’re interested in Engineering, Business Administration or Finance, we have opportunities for you. Siemens have more than 500 apprentices in total and, with over 15,000 people working in the UK, you’ll play an important part in everyday life here. It’s why nearly all of their apprentices go on to secure permanent roles once they finish.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level


500 vacancies

Engineering, Manufacturing, Mechatronics, Rail Engineering (Design), Rail Engineering (Technician), Rail Operative, Business Administration, Sales, IT, Data Analyst, Accountancy/Taxation Professional, Project Management, Risk and Safety Management

Permanent job once you finish the apprenticeship

Level 3, Level 4, Level 6-7 (equivalent to Batchelors/Master’s degree)

new.siemens.com/ uk/en/company/ jobs/search-careers/ apprenticeships.html

KPMG offer a wide range of apprenticeships right across our firm. They have dedicated Audit and Software Engineering Apprenticeships, along with their KPMG360°, KPMG360° Digital and KPMG360° Business Servicesprogrammes; offering a broad overview of our firm so you can decide where your skills and passions best fit. All of their apprentices and graduates are enrolled into The Academy – a unique learning community that enables people to make connections not just for today, but also for their career ahead. It’s an environment in which new friendships are formed and networks are grown. KPMG are big believers that a great idea can come from anyone within our firm, so their apprentices are highly valued and given a say in what they do and how they do it.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Audit, software engineering, KPMG360, business services

Competitive salary + 25 days annual leave, an extra day off on your birthday, daily lunch allowance and staff discounts

Levels 1-7

www.kpmgcareers.co.uk/ apprentice

Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers

From the engineers in Unilever’s factories, to the scientists in their research and development sites; producers of brand artwork to those creating mobile optimised websites; their apprentices bring fresh ideas and deliver innovative ways to meet the everyday needs for nutrition, hygiene and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life. Unilever are proud to have been named as one of the Top 20 Employers of Apprentices in the Rate My Apprenticeship Top 100 Employers Table.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Business and technology, research and development, supply chain and engineering

Competitive salary, discounts on Unilever products and free ice cream

Level 3 (higher), Level 4 (advanced), Level 6 (degree)

www.unilever.co.uk/ careers/apprenticeships/

Cummins makes the best diesel-engine products on earth. Period. In order to maintain their unmatched quality and innovation, we hire the best and brightest from all over the world. And they are always searching for new ideas and viewpoints from a diverse group of fresh talent. It’s part of Cummins’ commitment to building partnerships with their people, their customers, their environment and their communities

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level


23 vacancies

Diesel-engine - mechanics and technician

22 days of holiday, plus two ‘Mace Days’ to support work-life balance, bank holidays and December holiday shut down

Level 3, Level 4 and Degree-level

www.macegroup.com/ careers/school-leaverand-apprenticeshipprogrammes

Mace Group’s apprenticeship programmes offer a wide range of opportunities to people who are looking to start a career in the construction industry. Mace Group’s trainees and apprentices have worked on iconic projects, including the London 2012 Olympic Park, The Shard, Battersea Power Station, Tottenham Hotspur Football Stadium and Manchester Business School. As well as the opportunity to work on some of the UK’s most exciting projects, all of their apprentices and trainees receive financial and practical support with part-time study towards an industry recognised qualification. Mace Group’s structured training programme will teach you technical and business skills to help you succeed in your career.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level


10 vacancies

Construction – technical and business

Reduced rate for buying/ leasing a BMW or MINI vehicle, BMW Group Defined Contribution Pension Scheme, work/life balance flexibility and more!

Level 3, Foundation degree

www.bmwgroup.jobs/ gb/en/opportunities/ apprentice. html#ace-716862697

You will study the Level 6 Chartered Surveyor Degree Apprenticeship. This includes completing an undergraduate degree in Real Estate on a part time basis, whilst gaining real work experience. You will then take the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) through the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. As you train, you will take on various rotations across the business to build your practical experience. This could include regional or international. You will help to deliver a broad range of projects for our clients. In fact, there will be no limit to what you can get involved in. And Cushman & Wakefield will do all they can to ensure you gain the experience you need to obtain your undergraduate degree and APC qualification. So, you’ll need to show potential and be open to new opportunities as they arise.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level


Not specified

Real estate – surveyor


Level 6 (degree)

www. cushwakeearlycareers. com/our-programmes/ apprenticeships/

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Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers

Undertaking an apprenticeship is hard work. Luckily, Tulip will provide you with the right amount of support that will allow you to thrive. Your manager and teams will be there for your day-to-day needs and you will be provided with a mentor who will guide you through various situations. Additionally, all training providers that we work with will give you extensive support in completing your studies. 80% of your time will be spent at work: learning your job and picking up new skills. 20% of your time will be spent off-the-job: time at college, mentoring sessions, job shadowing, other training and master-classes.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Food – butchery, engineering, technical

Competitive salary, a residential Welcome Week at an outdoor-activity centre, extensive support, top-class training and learning opportunities beyond your apprenticeship.

Level 2, Technical

www.tulipltd.co.uk/ careers/careeropportunities/apprenticescheme

Pinsent Masons are proud of the high-quality work they can offer to Apprentices, and are keen to offer the best possible experience to those who join them. Throughout your apprenticeship, you will receive: Technical training specific to your department, Soft skills training, applicable to your apprenticeship and to future roles, Employability skills training, both at the University of Law and Pinsent Masons, Accounts and Paralegal Apprentices have a dedicated study day each week and go to the University of Law or Damar Training (our training partners) to use their facilities The other four days (80% of their time) are office based.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Business operations and Paralegal

15,925 annual salary (£18,564 if located in London). Discounts on various purchases including hotel stays, mobile phone contracts & theatre tickets.

Level 3

graduate.pinsentmasons. com/programme/ apprenticeshipprogramme

The Arup apprenticeship gives you an unrivalled opportunity to put your skills to the test and your imagination to work on inspiring, high-profile projects. It’s just one way we’re developing the skills of young people in the local UK communities we work in. The Arup apprenticeship allows you to study for an academic qualification while working and learning in our offices alongside respected, technical professionals. As an apprentice, you’ll study at a local college on day release, working towards an accredited qualification and combine this experience with workplace learning. Some apprenticeships, for example in HR or finance, take place entirely within the workplace.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level


220 vacancies

Accountancy, Building services, Business and admin, Civil engineering, Digital consulting, Environmental consulting, Project management, Quantity surveying, Rail design, Structural engineering and Transport planning

Competitive salary, interestfree travel season ticket or bicycle loan, free eye tests and private medical insurance


www.arup.com/careers/ graduates-and-interns/ ukmea/apprenticeships

PwC know you have career goals and ambitions. But do you decide to start your career or go to uni? Perhaps you want to explore new opportunities. You know you have to start work at some point, but when is the right time, and what is the right path? Whatever you choose, it has to be right for you.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Audit, technology, consulting, deals and tax

Competitive salary


www.pwc.co.uk/careers/ school-jobs.html

Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers Designed for school and college leavers, BAM offer Apprenticeships in a huge variety of areas, such as Construction, Facilities Management, Plant, IT, Customer Service and Business Administration, just to name a few. An Apprenticeship with BAM is the ultimate way to earn while you learn.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level


2 vacancies

Construction, Facilities Management, Plant, IT, Customer Service and Business Administration


Entry and degree-level

www.bam.co.uk/ careers/early-careers/ apprenticeshipprogramme

Capgemini are a global leader in consulting, technology and digital transformation; they help their clients to transform their businesses through ingenious technology solutions. Capgemini is at the forefront of innovation to address the entire breadth of clients’ opportunities in the evolving world of cloud, digital and platforms. They are a multi-cultural organisation; join us as an Apprentice and you’ll have more than 200,000 colleagues across 40 countries in your support network.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Digital and technology, software development, business, cyber security and finance

£10,000 - £16,000 annual salary, permanent role, debt free degree, 25 days annual leave, study leave, mobile phone and laptop

Level 3 – 7 and degree-level

www.capgemini. com/gb-en/careers/ your-career-path/ apprenticeships/

Over 12-18 months, you’ll get some of the most comprehensive training in the business. You’ll be a valued member of the team, and be supported in dealing with real life situations in a working environment. Best of all you’ll receive a nationally recognised qualification whilst you earn. Whatever your background and whatever you aspire to be, you’ll find that Anchor Trust have opportunities for you. Working alongside experienced friendly colleagues, you’ll learn what goes into being a great care assistant supporting our residents every day, catering assistant helping to prepare excellent food for our residents to enjoy, or housekeeper making sure Anchor Trust homes are clean and tidy. If you’re looking for an office-based job, they have a number of opportunities in our Bradford Support Hub working in their Customer Centre talking to customers and dealing with enquiries or in their HR or IT teams helping all of your colleagues with queries and issues.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Elderly care home – caring assistant, customer service, HR and IT

Competitive salary. A formal graduation ceremony once completed your apprenticeship

Level 3

www.anchor.org.uk/ careers/where-you-fit/ apprenticeships

Syngenta are looking for talented apprentices to join the Applied Chemical Science Apprenticeship Scheme. During their 5 year Scientific Apprenticeship Scheme, you’ll be paid to gain a degree level qualification via the University of Kent and they will cover all your tuition fees, keeping you debt free. Not only that, you’ll be doing work that matters from day 1, making a contribution and helping to shape the future of agriculture by transforming how crops are grown and how food is produced across the globe. As part of Syngenta’s Research and Development team, you’ll be joining a world-leading agriculture company, helping to improve global food safety with a collaborative, trusted team of 28,000 colleagues in more than 90 countries.

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Programme Level




Competitive salary of £17,500


jobs.guidantglobal. com/job/scienceapprenticeship-3

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Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers

Discover apprenticeship training opportunities in the healthcare industry – from science careers to engineering, manufacturing and roles in our business operations. If you’re looking for an alternative route to college or university, GSK’s apprenticeship programmes have been designed for you! They have developed their apprenticeship programme to create an alternative career route and ensure that they provide opportunities for as many people as possible. As you’d expect, there are minimum entry requirements in order for you to be eligible and these vary depending on the programme. Each of GSK’s locations in the UK offers you the chance to join them on an apprenticeship programme. Depending on your location, you can apply for one of their apprenticeship programmes at your chosen site.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Health Care – Science, Engineering, Manufacturing and Business

Competitive, annual bonus, benefit programmes, recognition programme, development week before you start training (outbound trip)

Advanced, Higher and Degree-level

https://uk.gsk.com/en-gb/ careers/apprenticeships/

If you’ve just finished school or college, and gained A-levels or BTECs, Schroders Apprenticeship programme is a fantastic way to start your career. You’ll be given a permanent job within their business, as well as benefiting from a structured programme to support your training and skills development. The programme involves working full-time for Schroders. You will spend 20% of your working week receiving the training you need to qualify in your business area. Training costs are covered by the company. This means that, unlike university, you will end up qualified and debt-free. The training you receive will be specific to the apprenticeship programme and business area you choose to apply for. And you will receive an accredited apprenticeship qualification at the end of two years. This programme is ideal if you have decided that university is not the right choice for you and want to earn while you learn. It will support you in gaining government-approved qualifications and provide a springboard to your future career.

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Programme Level



Technology and Finance

Competitive salary and a permanent job at the company after completion.

Entry Level

www.schroders.com/ en/people/starting-out/ trainee-programme/ apprenticeshipprogramme

Aldi are not like other retailers. If you have the drive, commitment and grab-life-by-the-trolley-handles attitude, every day can be amazing working there. As an apprentice, you’ll learn the ins and outs of Aldi – one of the fastest-growing retailers in the country. It’s hands-on, practical work combined with theory, as you work towards a qualification and a permanent position at Aldi. They aren’t going to lie, this is hard work, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. And with opportunities in Stores, Logistics and Driving, there’s more than one way to succeed there. You just have to want it.

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Programme Level



Logistics, Stores and Driving

Industry-leading salary, real future opportunities and 28 days paid holiday

Level 2 and Level 3

www.aldirecruitment. co.uk/apprentice

Apprenticeships provide you with on the job training and responsibilities from day one. You’ll spend 20% of your time working towards an industry recognised professional qualification, this may be one day a week or through a structured programme. The combination of work and learning allows you to develop your learning through practical experience. Transport for London will invest in your training and pay you at the same time.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level


180 vacancies

Business, Engineering and Technology

£19,268 - £22,305 salary, free travel for you and a nominated partner/family member on the TfL

Advanced (level 3), Higher (level 4 and 5), Degree (level 6)


Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers J.P Morgan’s apprenticeship program at their Bournemouth & London offices offers a comprehensive introduction to the world of financial services and the chance to obtain industry-recognized qualifications while working alongside our expert professionals. You’ll develop your professional network, hear from senior leaders and learn from the best in the business. By applying your classroom learning to make meaningful contributions to J.P Morgan business, you’ll have both the technical and practical skills to take your career in any direction.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level


10+ vacancies

Financial services – investment operations, technology, compliance and finance

Competitive salary and possible permanent job after completion of apprenticeship

Level 4, Diploma and Level 6

https://careers.jpmorgan. com/us/en/students/ programs/financialservices-apprenticeship

Have you finished your A Levels and started looking for your first permanent job? M&G Investments regularly seek to employ school leavers to join our apprenticeship schemes, working in teams across the business. Throughout the 13-18-month apprenticeship you will achieve relevant qualifications; develop a wide range of skills and competencies by exploring the way our business is run and engaging with people from different teams; receive on-the-job training and earn a competitive salary. The schemes are designed to help people without degrees start their careers within a leading investment management company, straight after sixth form or college.

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Programme Level




Competitive salary, performance related bonuses, competitive pension scheme, interestfree season ticket loan, share purchase schemes, subsidise staff restaurant, Private Medical Insurance, private GP service and free health screening for all employees


www.mandg.com/it/ careers/apprentices/

Discover your career with AstraZeneca! Start a career that will help improve the lives of millions of people. Take on real responsibility in a supportive and truly innovative environment. Join a group of brilliant minds to solve problems that impact people on a global scale.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Biopharmaceuticals – Clinical trials, Global operations, Human Resources (HR), IT, Oncology Science

Competitive salary

Degree (Levels 5 and 6)

https://careers. astrazeneca.com/ early-talent

Start working or carry on studying? It’s one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make so you need to be as informed as possible. Here’s everything you need to know about one excellent option – a far-reaching and rewarding Apprenticeship at Aon. Rising tuition fees make university an increasingly costly prospect. If you’d rather develop vital skills, make a head start in your career and learn whilst you earn, an Aon Apprenticeship is a brilliant choice.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Actuarial, Client management, Insurance and Investment consulting

£18k - £22k annual salary with chances of an increase

Level 3 and Level 4

www.aonearlycareers. co.uk/apprenticeships

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Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers

If you have little or no experience, but are passionate about food and hospitality, Mitchells & Butlers’ apprenticeship programmes may be for you. You must at least 16 and school-leaving age, and not be in full-time education. You also need the right to work in the UK, with no criminal convictions. Mitchells & Butlers apprentices need to be hard working, with a positive attitude. They don’t expect you to have any relevant experience - you just need a passion for food and desire to learn.

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Programme Level



Hospitality, Chef and Bar/Waiting

Competitive salary

Level 2

www.mbapprenticeships. co.uk/#

Do you want a fulfilling career that rewards talent and performance? Are you looking for alternatives to university and a career path into financial services? Then UBS’ apprenticeship program is perfect for you. It introduces you to our culture, values and global capabilities, and offers you the opportunity to start your career at UBS. Their apprentice scheme is designed especially for school leavers and is a great opportunity to start your career in financial services and gain a professional qualification while you work. From Technology and Operations, through to Equities, Wealth Management and Compliance & Operational Risk Control, there’s a fantastic range of opportunities available for you to join UBS full time. In addition to the exciting challenges from your day-to-day role, you’ll also receive classroom based training on a variety of technical and behavioural topics to set you up for success in the world of UBS. You’ll also work towards acquiring a professional qualification recognized in your industry of choice.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Financial services – Compliance & operational risk control, Operations, Technology, Wealth management, Investment bank, HR and Finance

Full time jobs available after completion of the apprenticeship

Level 3, Undergraduate Degree and Level 6

www.ubs.com/global/ en/about_ubs/careers/ school-leavers/ apprenticeship-uk.html

Our award-winning engineering and business apprenticeship schemes offer a fantastic start to your career. Consisting of four-year programmes built around three areas of development – professional, personal and technical – we can provide the platform to build your entire skillset. The structured rotational work placements allow you to experience different areas of the business that are of interest whilst you combine study via day release at college or university. In addition to this, we further enhance our apprenticeships with bespoke internal and external courses focused on your development.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Engineering and Business

Flexi-time, 25 days annual leave and pension scheme

Level 2 and Level 3

www.mbdacareers. co.uk/early-careers/ apprenticeships

Going straight from school to college or university isn’t for everyone. Apprenticeships give you the freedom to start your career straight after your school exams. Gain valuable qualifications, and earn a salary at the same time. Rolls-Royce see their apprentices as the future of our business. They invest in learning and development programmes to equip you with the skills, knowledge and support you need to reach your full potential.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level


650+ vacancies

Varies. Check the website for details.

Competitive salary, debt free qualification, two day outdoors learning course, share plans and contribution pension scheme

Advanced and Degree-level

https://careers.rolls-royce. com/united-kingdom/ students-and-graduates/ apprenticeships-andschool-leavers/#studyingfor-gcse-or-a-levels

Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers SSE’s job is to provide the energy people rely on every day in a reliable, responsible and sustainable way. They are currently training 500 trainees, spending an average of £80,000 per person to develop their talent. SSE offer a number of different development programmes across their Energy businesses.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level


500 vacancies

Cyber security and telecoms – Engineering, Cyber and networking engineering

Competitive salary, maternity package, paternity pay, a gradual return to work after maternity, emergency day pass and purchase additional annual leave

Level 2 and Level 3

https://sse.com/careers/ apprentices-andtrainees/

If you’re thinking of a career in technology, then Accenture Apprenticeship scheme could set you up for long-term success. Wherever you join them, you’ll build your career from the start, working with industry experts and innovative technology while earning. After 3 or 4 years of classroom learning and live project experience, you’ll be a bit of an expert yourself, with a degree level BSc qualification in Technology.

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Programme Level




Competitive salary, generous holiday allowance, 3 days’ paid charity leave, subsided gym, end of scheme bonus and chance of permanent job


www.accenture. com/gb-en/careers/ apprenticeships

Nomura apprenticeships will see you working within one of our industry leading teams. In their first year you’ll spend time gaining a relevant NVQ qualification in partnership with one of their training providers. If successful you’ll then go on to study for further qualifications in your second year whilst having the opportunity to progress your career with Nomura in a wide range of roles. Alongside this, you’ll have your own personal development plan to ensure you are ready for the challenges ahead. Throughout the scheme you will get lots of support and encouragement from the HR team, your line manager, buddy, mentor and the team around you. Nomura offer apprenticeships on an ad-hoc basis across Technology, Operations, Multimedia, Human Resources and Real Estate for periods of between 12-24 months.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Technology, Operations, Multimedia, Human Resources and Real Estate

Competitive salary and a personal development plan


www.nomura.com/ europe/careers/

An opportunity for clever, curious people like you to leap into the world of professional services. This is an earn-while-you-learn apprenticeship, with the chance to gain professional and degree level qualifications. Get stuck in from day one, helping to solve some of our clients’ most complex problems right from the minute you join. Create a brilliant career for yourself with a business that’s making an impact worldwide. In Cardiff and Newcastle, Deloitte provide the support our client-facing people need to deliver outstanding quality services. By completing research, administrative and project management tasks. You’re not there to make tea; you’ll be working on our largest and most influential clients. You’ll become a subject matter expert. Communicating every day with colleagues, up to the most senior partners.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Audit and insurance, Business and finance, Human capital, Stategy and operations, Tax consulting and Technology

Competitive salary, a fully funded qualification, support from a mentor, regular increases and variable pay schemes that allow them to credit you for any work you do ‘above and beyond’

Level 3 and Degree-level

www2.deloitte.com/ uk/en/pages/careers/ articles/apprenticeshipscheme.html?icid=top_ apprenticeship-scheme

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Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers

If you enjoy working on different tasks every day, being part of a team, solving real life problems that help save lives and want to work with a market leading company, then continue reading! All of L-3 TRL apprentices have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and career path. If you’d like to take a step into a career where what you do matters, L-3 TRL have opportunities which will challenge and excite in equal measure. TRL is an award winning and industry leading engineering company, creating advanced electronic systems which help to protect people, assets and nation states from ever evolving threats in critical cyber and battlespace environments. In short, they make the world a safer place by always being one step ahead.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Technology – Commercial

Competitive salary, 25 days holiday, free eye tests, pension, annual bonus and child care vouchers

Level 4

www.trltech.co.uk/ careers/apprenticeships. aspx

Premier Foods are proud to be an apprentice employer that offers a variety of exciting career choices. Through their apprenticeship programmes we are feeding a future pipeline of skilled individuals to work throughout our business offering fantastic career prospects. Premier Foods’ apprentices are passionate about learning and driven to improve their capabilities and skills. Many have been promoted into more senior roles on completion of their programme.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Engineering, Food operations, Team leading, Food technology, Laboratory scientist, Finance, Digital marketing, Information technology, HR, Project management, Business administration and Packaging Development

Competitive salary, 25 days holiday plus bank holidays, pension scheme, life assurance and employee discount scheme

Advanced, Higher and Degree-Level

www.premierfoods. co.uk/Careers/ apprenticeships.aspx

The Volkswagen Apprenticeship Programme will give you all the life and technical skills you need to build your career. Now is an exciting time to join Volkswagen as an apprentice Service Techni-cian, Parts Advisor or Service Advisor working in one of our UK Retailers, training in world class facilities and learning from experts. Volkswagen Group are looking for people that are extraordinary to join their team. This is an excit-ing time to join the Volkswagen brand. With their commitment to developing technology and creat-ing an amazing customer experience, Volkswagen apprentices are at the forefront of our brand. If you have a minimum of GCSE (or equivalent) grade 9 – 4 (A-C) in English, Maths and Science then they want to hear from you.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Motor vehicle – Service technician, Parts advisor and Service advisor

Outwards bound trip in the second year + brand new technology

Check website for details


Our highly-regarded apprenticeship programmes – covering hardware and software engineering, business and cyber security – offer intensive training programme lasting 2-4 years, which results in apprentices graduating with a substantial depth of skills in their specialist area. Each year, Leonardo seeks to attract enthusiastic people to join one of our highly regarded apprenticeships programme. We are a large employer of engineering, business and cyber apprentices in the UK, with over 400 graduates and apprentices in training at different facilities across the country.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level


400 vacancies

Hardware and software engineering, business and cyber security

25 days annual leave, free parking, award winning pension scheme, flexible working and additional flexleave scheme


www.uk.leonardocompany. com/en/people-careers/ apprenticeships

Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers

Can’t decide between university or the world of work? Thinking about a career change? Earn, learn and make a real difference with a Lloyds Banking Group Apprenticeship. Lloyds Apprenticeships are a great opportunity for you to explore your interests, discover new ones and make an impact on millions of lives, all while getting paid.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Financial services, Digital and technology, Professional services

Competitive salary, bonus, generous pension contribution, flex cash and flexible working

Level 4 +

www. lloydsbankinggrouptalent. com/apprentices/

Costain recruit apprentices in a growing number of disciplines, from accountancy to track and signalling engineering and business administration.

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Programme Level



Accountancy, Engineering, Business administration

Competitive salary with two pay reviews throughout the year

Entry level

www.costain.com/ careers/routesinto-costain/ apprenticeships/

With 25 years’ experience, Colt want to take some of today’s driven school leavers and use them to propel the company even further as they envision becoming the most customer orientated business in the industry. The fresh outlook that young people provide can only help their networks to continue growing. As an apprentice you will be on the programme for two years working alongside experienced Colt employees, gaining on-the job training whilst earning a salary. Colt are looking for those who have that drive to start their career in a specialist field, and are open to learn aspects of technology that you may not even know exist yet! The opportunity is yours to make your own: they will provide you with the tools and you will need to hit the ground running to launch your career of the future. Being a Colt employee is more than just a job title, they pride themselves on living the Colt values through all aspects, including Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). CSR at Colt believes investing in the future is what matters. With every employee receiving two days of paid leave for volunteering, our employees have the opportunity to give back in a number of ways. With a competitive salary and full employee benefits, Colt is truly committed to rewarding and recognising performance through a number of measures.

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Programme Level




Competitive salary and two days paid leave for volunteering

Level 4 +


One of Engie’s main aims is to lead the way in delivering award winning apprenticeship standards that satisfy your career aspirations. No prior experience or qualifications are needed as with an apprenticeship you gain the relevant knowledge and training required for the job. Apprenticeship schemes vary in length from 12 months to 48 months, depending on the apprenticeship level. The training will be provided via either day release, block release or the trainer coming to your workplace. You will also be supported by a Skills Coach who is provided by the training provider who will provide one-to-one skills training to develop you in-line with your apprenticeship. A requirement of all apprenticeships if that they adhere to 20% off the job training, this is defined as learning which is undertaken outside of the normal day-today working environment and leads towards the achievement of an apprenticeship. Examples include: online learning, practical training, shadowing, mentoring, assessments and many more.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Business, Management, Administration, Construction, Customer service, Finance and IT.

Earn while you learn and no study fees

Level 2 – 7


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Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers

If you share Pfizer’s passion for science and want to help make a difference to patients around the world, then take a look at the breadth of opportunities available to you and kick start your career with one of the world’s leading innovative biopharmaceutical companies. Pfizer recognise the promise, passion, knowledge and diversity that talented people bring. That’s why we partner with Cogent Skills to offer apprenticeships across 11 different disciplines from science careers to engineering, and paralegal to digital marketing. Our apprenticeship scheme offers the best of both worlds – a unique opportunity to learn on the job alongside industry experts and professionals, whilst studying towards a nationally recognised academic or professional qualification. Our placements range from level 2 to level 7 depending on your chosen area, and, what’s more, earn a competitive salary while you’re doing it.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Science, HR, Engineering, Laboratory Technician, Digital Marketing, Project Management, Finance, Operational Management, Laboratory Scientist, Production, Paralegal, Procurement and Business Administration

Competitive salary

Level 2 - 7

www.pfizer.co.uk/ apprenticeships

The range of apprenticeships we offer can be a fantastic starting point, or a welcome change in your career. While working towards a recognised qualification and learning a variety of new skills, we’ll provide support every step of the way, and reward you with a competitive salary. Regardless of your previous experience, or even your understanding of Financial Services, you can count on great ongoing support, guidance and mentoring to help you realise and reach your full potential. You’ll also have the opportunity to build your understanding of the different departments across the bank, and meet a wide range of colleagues. New apprenticeship opportunities are posted all the time. If you can’t find the right opportunity today, head over to our primary search page and set up a job alerts - which will allow us to email you whenever a new apprenticeship is posted that matches your skills and preferences.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Customer service, Business administration, Relationship management, Technology

Competitive salary

Level 2

jobs.rbs.com/pages/ apprenticeships

Savers are not like other retailers. If you have the drive, commitment and a grab-life-with-both-hands attitude, every day can be amazing working there. As an apprentice, you’ll learn the ins and outs of Savers – one of the fastest-growing retailers in the country. It’s hands-on, practical work combined with theory, as you work towards a qualification and a permanent position at Savers. They aren’t going to lie, this is hard work, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. And with opportunities in Stores and Head Office, there’s more than one way to succeed. You just have to want it.

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Programme Level




£5.60 an hour, 28 days annual leave and discount card for Superdrug

Level 2


At Severn Trent, you’ll join the next generation of Operational Specialists, Engineering Leaders, Financial Experts and Digital Innovators who are helping Severn Trent to meet the challenges of the 21st century. They are doing that in incredible ways, from embracing mobile technology to running our own renewable energy businesses. Severn Trent want to become the most trusted water company by 2020, you can turn that vision into a reality.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Engineering, Finance and Digital technology

Starting Salary of £16,000, 25 days holiday plus bank holidays, performance reward scheme (bonus), 2 days paid volunteering and SMART water bill service

Level 4+

www.severntrent.com/ careers/apprentices/whychoose-us/

Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers Tesco want to help their apprentices to grow their skills, reach their potential and feel inspired. As an apprentice you will get real responsibility from day one and the opportunity to earn as you learn with a supported self-led learning path that is personal to them. You can apply your knowledge, by being innovative, working collaboratively across the business, and being responsiveness to the business’ needs. Tesco want their apprentices to feel welcome so there’s always a buddy or manager on hand to support them. A business of Tesco’s scale provides a wide variety of opportunities. They run successful office programmes and they support their apprentices to develop the career path that’s right for them. No two days are the same at Tesco and this, coupled with their fast-paced and vibrant culture, is something they’re really proud of. Tesco are committed to flexible working to give their colleagues the chance to manage their work around their lifestyles. They want their colleagues to be their best at work and at home. It’s important to Tesco that everyone feels welcome and feels part of the team.

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Programme Level



Check website for available specialisms

£20,000 starting salary, depending on the apprenticeship, bonus, 20 days holiday, discounted cinema tickets and flexible working

Level 4

www.tesco-programmes. com/apprenticeships/

Laing O’Rourke ‘Apprenticeship+’ scheme was developed for individuals with a passion for construction and engineering. It combines college and practice-based training, allowing participants to build their skills working on some of the most exciting projects in the UK, while gaining a recognised qualification. The Apprenticeship+ programme provides participants with a formal college education, leading to a technical certificate and NVQ 2 and 3 in their chosen discipline. They will also gain a broad set of technical and trade skills through on-the-job training, supported by experienced tradespeople and construction professionals. A dedicated mentor and apprentice officer will work closely with each apprentice, providing regular feedback on their progress towards completing their apprenticeship. The programme will range between two and four years, depending on the qualification route chosen and will also include an annual personal development module, designed to support our apprentices as they begin to build their careers.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Construction and Engineering

Competitive salary

NVQ Level 2, NVQ Level 3, Degree

careers.laingorourke. com/explore-byexperience/apprentices. aspx

Be part of something amazing at CGI. From the moment you join CGI as a school leaver, you’ll be playing a vital role in the services we deliver to our clients. CGI offer exciting opportunities for school and college leavers that they see as their next generation of leaders and technical experts. They are proud to work with Aston University, Edinburgh Napier University, Glasgow Caledonian University and the University of Winchester to deliver our Graduate/Degree Apprenticeship Programmes. CGI are equally proud to work with Makers Academy to deliver their software development higher apprenticeship and Firebrand Training to deliver their software testing higher apprenticeship.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



IT and Business

Share purchases and two annual relationship building programmes

Higher and Degree

www.cgi-group.co.uk/ en-gb/careers/schooland-college-leavers

Greene King’s programme can open doors in Front of House and Kitchen roles, all the way up to supervisory and management levels. They offer apprenticeships that cover a range of hospitality services - from food and beverage service and professional cookery, right through to leadership and management. An apprenticeship with Greene King is a work-based programme lasting a minimum of 12 months that is matched to a variety of jobs in their bars, restaurants and hotels. It’s a great way to gain a national recognised apprenticeship, get hands-on experience and develop the skills that will enable you to progress in front of house and kitchen roles, right up to supervisory and management levels.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level


10,000 in the next 3 years

Pub, Hotel, Brewery, Kitchen, Customer Service, Marketing and Logistics

Competitive salary

Level 2 - 4

jobs.greeneking.co.uk/ apprenticeships

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Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers

With opportunities in our stores, support centres and funeral homes, there’s an apprenticeship for everyone here at Co-op. Our apprentices will tell you the opportunities here are fantastic. We’re always thinking about your career development. The training and qualifications available are top quality – supporting you up to degree level. And you’ll have opportunities to give back to your community through volunteering and campaigning. In return for your hard work and commitment, you’ll enjoy the benefits of working in an inclusive environment, where we’ll pay you above the government’s minimum rate for apprenticeships.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Retail, funeral care, customer service and business administration

£8.38 an hour

Level 2, Level 3, Degree

jobs.coop.co.uk/ apprenticeship

Joining EDF Energy on one of their exciting apprenticeship programmes – Engineering Maintenance Apprenticeship, Quantity Surveyor Degree Apprenticeship, Nuclear Engineer Degree Apprenticeship, NDT Engineer Apprenticeship, Project Controls Apprenticeship and Civil Engineering Apprenticeship – you’ll not only earn the skills you need to build a great career, you’ll become part of a better energy future too.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Engineering, quantity surveyor, nuclear engineering and civil engineering

Starting salary of £15,000, help towards travel cost, flexible benefits, generous pension scheme and 25 days holiday


careers.edfenergy.com/content/ Apprenticeships-and-DegreeApprenticeships/?locale=en_GB

Apprenticeships are fast becoming the norm for people wanting to fast-track their career, learning and opportunity for earning. Get stuck in to something real and learn with Direct Line in a practical environment. Their apprenticeships run all over the country, ranging from vehicle repairs and project management to IT, HR and their front-line Customer Service. There are loads of routes to take to earn while you learn, all of which lead to a recognised qualification, and a permanent job at the end of it all. Go against the grain, think outside the box, join Direct Line’s apprenticeship scheme.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



IT, HR and Customer service

Generous holiday entitlement, plus the ability to buy or sell up to 5 days each year, study support towards a qualification relevant to your apprenticeship and flexible casual dress code.

Level 3+

www.directlinegroupcareers. com/apprenticeships/#section1

Fujitsu would love for you to be the next generation of our organisation - An organisation that is developing new technologies, pushing the boundaries of Digital, and shaping the way we live our lives. Fujitsu’s Apprentice Programme is a way for you to study whilst you earn with a wide range of different apprenticeships available for you to choose from. Fujitsu support their apprentices in delivering outstanding results. Additionally, they provide the opportunity for you to get involved in a number of exciting activities alongside your chosen role and recommend that their apprentices take these opportunities offered to them in order to stand out. Fujitsu’s Apprenticeship Programme is a blend of different learning mechanisms. You will earn whilst you learn, undertaking a nationally recognised professional qualification as well as gaining job specific skills by working alongside experienced Fujitsu colleagues. In addition to this they provide you with a pastoral programme to aid in your all-round personal development over the course of your apprenticeship. They have three levels of Apprenticeships available in a wide variety of different roles.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



IT and digital

Competitive salary

Advanced, Higher and Degree

www.fujitsu.com/emeia/ about/local/jobs/earlycareers/apprentices

Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers Apprenticeships at IBM are all about picking up skills for the workplace and embarking on a long and successful career. IBM have your professional development in mind from the day you join them as a permanent employee. Their apprenticeships range from Level 3 to Level 6 and each pathway gives you everything you need to start your career in the industry! You will get lots of exposure and an experience you simply can’t get anywhere else. In addition to the day job there are plenty of opportunities to get involved in social activities and volunteering with other Apprentices, Students and Graduates. Opportunities are located across England and salaries start at £20,000/annum. Roles open periodically throughout the year.

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Programme Level



Pension specialist, technology sales, software developer, technical consultant, test engineer and management consultant

£20,000 annual salary

Level 3 - 6

www.ibm.com/uk-en/ employment/school_ leaver.html

Mott MacDonald is a management, engineering and development consultancy which works on projects across the world. Put simply – they like to solve humanity’s most difficult challenges. Mott MacDonald’s people are equipped with a diversity of skills including science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). They make a huge difference around the world and you could be part of it.

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Programme Level



Civil engineering, building services engineering, transport planning, quantity surveying and infrastructure technology

Two-day residential event, competitive salary and flexible benefit schemes

Level 3 and Degree-level

www.mottmac. com/careers/ukapprenticeships#

Fidelity International give their employees the freedom and responsibility to take control of their careers and skills as they grow within their current role and beyond. Fidelity International pioneering investment philosophy looks to the long term and recognises individuality. And it’s the same with their approach to developing and rewarding their people. Start your career as part of privately owned, global asset management company with a long history, renowned for integrity, innovation and excellence where everyone who joins is valued, trained and rewarded. You will receive world-class training & development, enabling you to exceed your potential and enjoy outstanding career success. You don’t need a background in finance to apply for one of our schemes. Whichever scheme you choose, you’ll have lots of responsibility from day one.

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Commercial, technology and compliance

Competitive salary

Level 3

earlycareersatfidelity. com/apprentices

Combine workplace training and study with a real, value-add role in our business with one of our Apprenticeship programmes. You’ll have a debt-free, recognised qualification and invaluable experience. We offer a wide range of schemes at different levels across Nestlé, each providing huge opportunities within our teams.

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Programme Level



Engineering, food manufacturing, supply chain and finance

Potential annual bonus, shift allowance, pension fund, flexible reward scheme and discounts

Level 3 - 6

www.nestleacademy. co.uk/apprentices/

Bloomberg work on purpose, and they can help you find yours. If you’re passionate about the financial markets, solving complex problems and challenging the status quo, they want to hear from you. Learn the concepts and techniques required to work in a variety of departments including supply chain, human resources and media. Bloomberg apprenticeships are at both level 3 and level 6, to ensure you can finish with a well-recognised qualification.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Business administration, finance, infrastructure technician and software engineering

Comprehensive medical, dental and vision plans

Level 3 - 6

www.bloomberg.com/ company/early-career/

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Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers Choosing to study for an apprenticeship with Stannah can be both an inspiring and rewarding way to start your career. As an apprentice, you can expect support to achieve your potential and know that no two days will be the same. With apprentices out in the field, at their manufacturing sites and in their engineering teams, Stannah have opportunities to nurture a wide range of talents from NVQ through to degree level.

No. Vacancies


Salary & Benefits

Programme Level


15 vacancies


Competitive salary + company benefits discount/ rewards + health cash plan + 25 annual holiday, with chance to purchase more + cycle2work scheme

Advanced, Higher and Degree

www.stannah.com/work/ apprenticeships/

Microsoft don’t believe in the traditional notion of “work experience”. At Microsoft you are given real responsibility from the outset, with an employment contract for the full duration of your Apprenticeship and funded training relevant to your role. When you complete your Apprenticeship, you’ll receive a nationally recognised apprenticeship qualification and support try to help you continue your career at Microsoft. Their Apprentices are part of a community in which they will receive support and partake in community events throughout their apprenticeship. Whatever you’re good at, whatever your interests, Microsoft hire for both technical and business-related roles, so there’s something for everyone regardless of the subjects you have studied. And they are sure that, once you’ve experienced such a unique working environment and developed within the company, you’ll want to remain part of the family.

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Programme Level



Engineering, Evangelism, Finance, Marketing, Operations, Sales and Services.

Competitive salary, health programmes, flexible work schedules and discounts

Level 3, Higher, Degree

careers.microsoft.com/students/ us/en/ukapprenticeship

Teledyne E2V’s award-winning Apprenticeship scheme provides you with the opportunity to work with the brightest in the engineering world. Your journey will be as exciting as it is challenging and the sky is the limit. Teledyne E2V are passionate about developing their Apprentices as you are the future of their business. Teledyne E2V Apprenticeship schemes will enable you to gain hands-on experience and knowledge whilst achieving a recognized qualification in a company that is really going places. You will inspire students in physics, maths and engineering, be involved in company events and have heaps of fun in Wales on the Apprentice outbound trip!

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Programme Level



Physics, Maths and Engineering

Check website for details


www.teledyne-e2v.com/ careers/apprenticeshipscheme/

University. It’s not for everyone. Some people would rather earn while they learn. As one of Enterprise’s apprentices, you’ll do exactly that – growing your know-how while you build your bank balance. It’s a serious investment in your skills, talents, and abilities. What’s more, they will put your career on the fast track by providing you with all the training and development you need to thrive – and all sorts of opportunities for promotion.

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Programme Level




£13,000 annual salary


careers.enterprise.co.uk/ category/apprenticeshipsjobs/24824/62118/1

Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers Are you thinking about an apprenticeship? It can be a great way to find your dream career, doing a real job and earning a salary. Boots offer a wide range of programmes throughout their Nottingham support office and across our stores too. Ranging from twelve months to four years, Boots’ apprenticeship programmes give you the time and opportunity to practice your skills. No matter which one you choose, they will help you grow and unlock your potential.

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Programme Level



Pharmacy, Support office, Opticians and Beauty

Discount offers, 25 days holiday plus bank holidays, salary depends on apprenticeship and employee discount card

Intermediate, Advanced, Higher and Degree

www.boots.jobs/ graduates-and-earlycareers/apprenticeships/ apprenticeship-hub/

Gist’s scheme offers you a chance to learn a range of skills while studying for a B.A. (Hons) in Leadership and Management with Nottingham Trent University. You will receive a mixture of structured learning through workshops and coaching as well as on-the-job training supported by a mentor and buddy. Their scheme gives you a unique opportunity to kick-start your career and drive your own success in an innovative and exciting environment. Gist apprenticeship schemes can be based at any one of our UK sites, dependant on business requirements.

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Programme Level




Company pension scheme, holiday alloance, long service awards and life insurance


www.gistworld.com/ Work-for-Us/Early-Careers/ Apprenticeships

Whether you’re 16, or an experienced professional seeking a mid-life change of direction, Centrica would like to think there’s an opportunity for you on one of their many training and apprenticeship schemes. They know it can be daunting to feel that you don’t have quite the right qualifications for the sort of job you want, so let them help. The only qualification you need is the right attitude.

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Programme Level



Customer service

Competitive salary

Level 2

www.centrica.com/careers/ graduates-apprentices/ apprenticeships

Mondelez apprenticeships last between two and four years. Enjoying everything from world-class training to once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, you’ll thrive as part of a supportive team who’ll share their expertise with you and help you develop skills and knowledge on the job. In some cases, Mondelez run their programs in collaboration with a local college or university, where you’ll work towards a nationally recognized qualification. Before you know it, you’ll be a highly skilled professional with a bright future ahead of you.

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Programme Level



Food science and research

Competitive salary

Level 4 and Degree-level

careers. mondelezinternational. com/early-careers/ europe-apprenticeships

As an apprentice you’ll join either Assurance & Business Services, Business Tax or Private Client Tax Services. Whichever department you choose, you’ll enjoy first-class training and develop the skills you need to become a trusted business advisor. You’ll also experience placements in other departments and valuable networking opportunities. The qualifications you’ll study towards will depend on the department you’re in. These include: Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business (CBAF), Associate Chartered Accountant (ACA), Association of Tax Technicians (ATT) and Chartered Tax Advisor (CTA)

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Programme Level






www.smithandwilliamsontrainees. co.uk/higher-apprenticeships.php

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Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers Apprenticeships are valued jobs within DHL and, as such, level 2 to 7 Apprenticeships are available for you to undertake depending on your current skills, qualifications and experience. You could take up an Apprenticeship to become qualified to work in transport or warehousing, or in one of our support functions such as engineering, IT or finance. We offer a Degree Level Apprenticeship Program in Chartered Management which commences annually in September. The program is an excellent opportunity for individuals who want to study for a degree but also work alongside for a leading global brand in the supply chain industry, earning whilst learning! All apprentices earn a salary (you will be paid at least the national minimum Apprenticeship wage) and you will work for at least 30 hours per week. An Apprenticeship will take between one and five years to complete, depending upon the level of Apprenticeship and the qualification undertaken.

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Programme Level



Transport, Warehouse, IT, Finance and Engineering


Level 2 - Level 7

www.logistics.dhl/ gb-en/home/careers/dhlapprenticeships.html

They’re one of the top law firms in the UK and do some amazing work for both businesses and individuals. Their lawyers are regularly involved with high-profile cases all the way up to the Supreme Court and their work has even resulted in changes to UK law itself. As an apprentice, you’ll be part of the team that makes these cases happen and you’ll have a chance to make a real impact. Although they do very important work, Irwin Mitchell is still a relaxed and friendly place to work. It’s an attitude that comes from their roots in ‘Britain’s Largest Village’ – Sheffield – and has spread to our locations nationwide. You’ll have their support through every step of your apprenticeship and everyone you work with will be happy to help. You won’t have to wear a suit and tie all the time and you can use flexible working to make your apprenticeship fit around your life.

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Programme Level



Business Administration and Paralegal

£16,289, or £18,928 in London + Cycle To Work scheme + Generous referral incentives + Generous and flexible pension schemes + Annual bonus scheme + Free professional subscriptions

Level 3

www.irwinmitchell. com/recruitment/ apprenticeships

Jaguar Land Rover is a company that brings together two much loved, highly prestigious British car brands. They are looking for people who share our passion to join our highly successful Retailer Apprenticeship Programme. Stretching the length and breadth of the UK, there are a variety of exciting and challenging apprenticeship opportunities across the network that support their people to reach their full potential. Jaguar Land Rover have ambitious growth plans and recognise the importance in identifying talented people to become the next generation of professional retailer employees.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Light Vehicle Maintenance & Repair, Vehicle Sales Executive, Customer Service and Vehicle Parts

Minimum apprenticeship hourly wage. All of our apprentices have access to a range of other student benefits. This includes the NUS Extra Card, a 16-25 Student Railcard and the 16+ & 18+ Zip Oyster Cards.

Level 4 and Level 3

www. jaguarlandroverretailerapprenticeships. co.uk

M&S offer a fantastic opportunity to develop the skills needed to forge a career with one of the UK’s favourite retailers, gain a well recognised certificate, equivalent to a foundation degree – and, what’s more, earn good money while you’re doing it. They offer Apprenticeships in Retail, Distribution and Head Office. On all their schemes, they take our responsibilities towards young people seriously, helping them to do more and be more. As well as learning from people in your team who have been there, seen it and done it, more formal coaching and training will give you the skills that will stand you in good stead for the rest of your career.

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Programme Level



Retail, distribution, solicitor, maintenance & engineering

£13k, 28 holidays, 20% store discount, pension, discounts on gym membership, cinema tickets, computers & travel

Level 3, 4 and 7

careers. marksandspencer.com/ apprenticeship

Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers Their Apprenticeship Programme will help kick start your business or technical career. With a competitive starting salary and a permanent contract from day one, you’ll enjoy a structured learning journey, and be provided with the technical and business skills you need to confidently take on new responsibilities, as you build a rewarding and satisfying career.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Business administration, digital marketing, finance, human resources, infrastructure technology, IT customer service, project management & software development

£14,000 salary (or £16,000 in London) for Level 2 and Level 3 schemes, £16,000 (or £18,000 in London) for Level 4 schemes and 25 days’ holiday, plus the option to buy up to ten more

Level 2, 3 & 4

atos.net/en-gb/unitedkingdom/careers-uk/ apprentices-uk

They have a well-established and successful apprentice programme in lots of different functions. The aim of their apprenticeship programmes is to develop the skills of bright young talent who want to embark on a new career with a leading food manufacturer whilst working towards a nationally recognised qualification.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level


24 vacancies

Product development, manufacturing, technical process, procurement, engineering, marketing, HR and supply chain

Our advanced programme starts on £13,000 rising to £15,500 in year 2 & their Higher programme starts on £14,500 and rises to £16,000 in year 2

Level 2, 3 & 4

www.bakkavor.com/ careers/apprentices

Love working with customers, and facing new and exciting challenges every day? A career in retail could be perfect for you. With Level 2 Retail Apprenticeship opportunities available, right through to our fantastic Retail Degree Apprenticeship, working in one of our stores could be the ideal place for you to kick-start your career with Asda!

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Programme Level



Stores, logistics and technology


Level 4 and Level 6

www.asda.jobs/early-careers/ apprenticeships/

A university education isn’t for everyone – some people simply want to get out there and start earning straight away. Our Apprenticeship Programme lets you do just that. You’ll be supported throughout your training as you earn while you learn. With BDO you can pick up highly-regarded professional qualifications, while enjoying a permanent salaried career – all without the expense of funding higher education yourself. At the same time, you’ll be gaining invaluable experience in a commercial environment, working on real business projects alongside leading industry professionals.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Accountancy and taxation

Competitive salary, 25 days’ holiday, personal pension scheme, with matched employer contributions, life assurance cover and income protection insurance

Level 7 Accountancy & Taxation Professional Apprenticeship

bdoearlyincareer.co.uk/ apprenticeship/

The main objective for their apprenticeship scheme is to build talent, with your fresh skills and perspectives allowing you to benefit from our wide range of knowledge and expertise. The scheme is designed to challenge you and channel your potential, so we look for focused young people who are dedicated to achieving results, whether that is in a team or individually. From Day One you will be given the chance to capitalise on their expertise and guidance, allowing you to achieve your full potential. They also believe that your learning and development is integral to your growth, so provide a solid foundation for you to work towards your qualification.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Engineering, research and development, business administration, finance and accounting, marketing, information technology



www.3m. co.uk/3M/en_GB/ careers/students/ apprenticeships/

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Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers Their apprenticeship programme is designed to give you on the job experience whilst gaining a qualification. We will provide you with opportunities to learn and develop whilst challenging you with real responsibilities, allowing you to shape your future career with Schneider Electric. Discover the opportunity to join an international, dynamic, and responsible Company that emphasises the development of all its people around the world. Every day, we empower employees to achieve more and experience exciting careers. Help us deliver solutions that ensure Life Is On everywhere, for everyone and at every moment.

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Programme Level



Project & services, industrial & manufacturing, customer care centre & sales

Competitive, bonus scheme, 28 days annual leave, statutory days, DC pension, private medical insurance, on the job training and qualifications & flexible employee benefits

Advanced, Intermediate and Degree Level

www.se.com/uk/en/ about-us/careers/ apprenticeships.jsp

Apprenticeships at Network rail are designed to provide you with practical on the job training mixed with classroom-based learning. You’ll be earning whilst your learning, and supported by experience colleagues, allowing you to thrive in the rail industry. After completing our apprenticeship scheme you’ll be set up to take the next step on your career journey. With several years of experience, nationally recognised qualifications and a large support network, we want you to go on and be the best you can be!

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They pay £9,479 during your first year, plus £1,265 for successful completion. In the second year, this rises to: Age 18 – 20: £12,525 Age 21 – 24: £13,331.40 Age 25+: £14,182.3 and £14,924.20 in the third year

Level 3

www.networkrail.co.uk/ careers/early-careers/ apprenticeships/

DSTL employs some of the world’s brightest people. They’re always on the lookout for talented, creative, dedicated and innovative individuals to join us.

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Programme Level


10-15 vacancies

Engineering, Laboratory Technician and Business Administration

Work flexibility, 25 days annual leave (pro rata) when they start; this increases to 30 days after 5 years, pension scheme, supporting family life, facilities for staff, travel to work and other discounts


www.gov.uk/government/organisations/ defence-science-and-technologylaboratory/about/recruitment

Whether it’s TV, mobile, home phone or our super-fast broadband services, Virgin Media is all about switching people on to new possibilities – while making our customers’ lives easier, brighter and a bit more fun! They’ve been blazing trails through the Media & Telecoms industry ever since our business sparked into life in 2007 – providing ground-breaking products and services that are supported by the largest network in the UK and Europe. Our culture is led by ideas and pioneers, challenges and creativity, and diversity and opportunity. It’s about always looking forward, and the truth is we’re only just getting started. Virgin Media is a place where good things happen, and we give our people the power to make them happen.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Analyst, HR, legal, finance, customer service, network engineer, data protection, L&D, civil engineer, health & safety, project management and pre-sales

£17,500 to £21,500 + 25 Days Annual Leave rising to 28 days after 5 years + Special Birthday Gift + Team Rate

Intermediate, advanced, higher and degree apprenticeship

careers.virginmedia. com/early-careers/ apprentices/

Top 100 Apprenticeship Providers Their apprenticeships in the UK allow you to combine work and study with the opportunity to gain a formal qualification from Foundation level to degree level. They provide you an alternative to A-level and university paths with a range of different learning methods such as workplace teaching, classroom-based learning, and online and self-study. We are looking for people with drive and aspiration, those who think, see and do things differently and who can represent and relate to our diverse global customer base. They employ, develop and promote employees based on merit and provide a supportive and inclusive working environment.

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Programme Level



Commercial banking, retail banking, wealth management, commercial banking


Foundation and Degree Level

www.hsbc.com/careers/ students-and-graduates/ student-opportunities/ uk-apprenticeship

Young people spend their lives online. So who better to put at the heart of an organisation’s online activity than a digitally-connected, jargonliterate young person with a passion for online media? This is exactly what The Juice Academy offers via its industry-led digital marketing apprenticeship, the first ever in the UK.

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Programme Level


80 vacancies

Digital marketing

£10,000 per annum

Level 3

www.juiceacademy. co.uk/become-a-socialmedia-apprentice

John Sisk & Son, member of the SISK Group, is an International Construction Company who place a strong emphasis on performance, quality, teamwork and a “hands-on” management approach to ensure client satisfaction.Family ownership for five generations has set the cultural tone for John Sisk & Son. We have been Building Excellence for over 150 years by building trust, certainty and value for our clients.

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Programme Level



Carpentry, joinery, project management, quantity surveying & site management


Level 4 and Level 6

www.johnsiskandson.com/ working-us/construction-and-qsapprenticeships

Tax pays for vital public services that include hospitals, schools, police, transport, defence and security. HMRC is responsible for calculating and collecting taxes and duties paid by more than 50 million people and more than 5 million businesses. They pay and administer Child Benefit, Tax-Free Childcare, statutory pay and tax credits. We protect our citizens, for example, through enforcing the National Minimum Wage and Living Wage and we help keep our borders safe and ensure that trade flows smoothly in and out of the country.

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Programme Level



Digital, data and technology, delivery and policy

£19,000 outside London, £22,000 within London, flexible working arrangements, on-the-job and structured learning, access to a range of sports and social clubs and an employer contribution pension scheme

Level 4


Start your apprenticeship at EGGER and you will have the chance to become a real specialist within a few years. We will provide you with the right foundations. After completing an apprenticeship at EGGER you will be well trained in your field and enjoy a wide range of opportunities.

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Salary & Benefits

Programme Level



Business administration, engineering, laboratory technician.

Competitive salary, 25 days annual leave and statutory days


www.egger.com/shop/ en_GB/apprenticeships

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Future employers also prefer candidates to have industry experience and your peers may not have taken this chance, which will give you the edge when you’re looking for your first proper job. They can be done either through your course/school or arranged independently.


Placements and internships are often mentioned, but we rarely hear what they actually consist of. Deciding to do a placement or an internship can be a difficult decision to make when you are unsure of how they work and what the benefits are. Having the chance to do one of these is an incredible opportunity that will allow you to increase your skills and knowledge, making it much easier to know what you’re good at and what is the best path for you to take in the future.

When it comes to placements and internships there are some differences between the two: internships are usually a much longer commitment, and placements are shorter and more of an introduction to a particular workplace, designed to lead into a job at the end. However, on a day-to-day basis once you’re in the workplace, they’re pretty much the same. When beginning an internship or work placement you will be expected to have knowledge of the company you’re working for and some basic skills that are relevant to the role. You should also be treated the same as any other member of staff, including your duties, hours, holidays and staff privileges. While placements are low-level, temporary positions, you should be treated with respect

and not taken advantage of.


Internships can last from a few months to a year, as they tend to be a trial period for students to figure out if they like the industry and if they’d like to work somewhere like this in the future. These types of internships are usually done during gaps in your studies (such as summer holidays), giving you a taster of what you could be doing after you leave full-time education and what your day-to-day life could be like. It is also a good way to start networking within your industry and it may help you get your foot in the door for your first proper job. Some internships are actually created with the end goal of hiring the intern full-time when they’ve finished.


As for placements, these differ from internships as they are much shorter (one to twelve weeks) and are usually done during term time. Taking on an placements will help you gain practical skills, work-place experience and an understanding of how to progress. At the end of an placements you will probably come out with a reference, which will help when applying for other jobs, and sometimes you can even land a job at the place you were doing an placement.


Another major difference is that internships are usually paid, and placements generally are not. Receiving a wage always depends on what you do, the company you work for and the amount of time you are doing it for.

college, which are your completed tasks, applying your academic learning to work, and applying your workplace skills to your studies. How these are assessed varies.

Applying: Arranging a work placement or internship depends on what you are studying. Some college courses require a work placement or offer it as a module, which usually means it will be arranged for you, and some schools help arrange these for students. If it’s not available through school or college but you feel that it will benefit you, then you can arrange one on your own. Some companies will advertise internship and placement positions or even recruit directly from schools and colleges. Finding one on your own will be a slower process, as you will have to complete a formal application, liaise with the company and do all the paperwork yourself. However, this extra effort can be very worthwhile if it means securing a foothold at a great company, or really feeling certain about what you want from your future.


However, it’s unlikely that you will be paid for the placement if it’s only short term or something • you arranged for yourself. Placements arranged through a course often come with a wage. It is important that you discuss this with your employer after you receive an offer. •

Assessment: It is more than likely that you will be assessed during your placement, especially if it’s part • of your course or arranged through school. Employers usually track the progress of their employees regardless of whether they’re on a course. There are a few things that you will be potentially assessed on by your school or

Company websites - You can research companies you are interested in and approach them directly, and some that offer these opportunities regularly will advertise vacancies on their websites. Graduate Talent Pool – A government website designed to help new and recent graduates find internships. Placement Year International – Provides paid business, hospitality, medicine and healthcare, sports and leisure. Intern Jobs – A global database of internships and entry-level positions for students, recent graduates and career changers.

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needs – many internships are unpaid or pay low wages and you may need to travel or commute, so you need to have an idea of what you can afford before you start sending applications.

Research and Networking

Many students find it difficult to secure an internship or placement. However, there are several things you can do to give you the edge in this highly competitive market. Personal Assessment Looking for an internship requires many of the same steps as looking for a job. You must assess your goals and career aspirations and sketch out your ideal career path before you look at placements. This will help you when assessing whether an internship is suitable or not. You should also consider your financial

After personal assessment, research and networking are key. Information about companies is now available all over the internet and social media platforms, so there is no excuse for not doing your research. You should also network within your industry. This will help with gathering information about companies and vacancies in those companies. Job websites are also an essential resource for research and opportunities - it would be a good idea to set up job alerts.

Information Gathering Some companies do not advertise vacancies for internships, so you should contact companies you are interested in directly to ensure you don’t miss any opportunities. The HR department should be your first point of call when doing this. If there is an opening, you should request a meeting to gather more information on the

role, either over the phone or in person. You will need information on the application requirements, person specification, job role, and the application deadline. This is also a good opportunity to ask any questions pertaining to the needs you identified in your personal assessment, such as location and whether the role is paid.

Application Process After gathering information and weighing the available options, it is time to begin applications. You must know the key requirements of every internship and company you intend to apply for and tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight how your experience and qualifications fit these requirements. Some companies do not require any cover letter, which makes customising your CV for each role even more important. It is also vital that you meet the application deadline in time, if not early. Some companies close applications early if they receive a sufficient number of suitable applications. In most Colleges and Universities, there are employability departments who can assist with the application process.

Follow Up After completing the application process, you should contact the company to make sure that the company received your application and that you sent everything that was needed. If you’ve submitted your application early, (ideally a week before the deadline) you will have plenty of time to get in contact with the company and make any adjustments based on their feedback. Don’t worry about irritating your prospective employers – a polite and respectful follow-up shows your motivation and perseverance and helps to hammer home your interest in the role.

that internships can pave the way to full-time employment, so you need to impress at the interview and take the position seriously at all stages of the process. Even if you fail to secure the opening you originally applied for, you may find yourself applying for different opportunities with the same employer in future, so the impression you create now may help you later. After the interview, you should send an email to thank the company for the interview and for considering you.

Accepting the offer If you are offered the role, it is crucial to communicate that you have been offered an internship or placement to other companies you interviewed with. You need to liaise with your new employer to find out what paperwork they need (such as tax forms or identification) and any other requirements they need before your start date. Preparing for your new position also includes arranging your commute, double-checking you have appropriate workwear, and making sure you have no conflicting commitments, in addition to fulfilling your employer’s requirements. Congratulations! If you’ve followed all of our steps you should be on your way to securing the internship or placement of your dreams and taking your first steps onto the infamous career lattice.

However, remember to respect their time when asking for feedback and be patient when waiting for their decision. Hiring new employees takes time, and they may be dealing with many applications.

Interview Process The interview process takes place after the application has been accepted. Remember

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Applying for a job with no experience may feel like you’re fighting a losing battle, but don’t give up - learn what you can do to boost your chances of success. You need experience to get a job, and a job to get experience. This can feel disheartening but remember that you’re not alone. Finding a job with little or no experience isn’t impossible - you just need determination to uncover the right opportunities. There are plenty of ways to give your CV a boost, gain the skills that potential employers

are after and get your foot in the door.

Look for internships and apprenticeships If you’re struggling to secure a long-term or permanent position, internships and apprenticeships are great ways to gain that much needed experience. They make it possible to earn a wage while acquiring firsthand knowledge of a job or organisation, and are useful for building a network of contacts and can sometimes lead to permanent employment. An internship looks impressive on your CV and can make you stand out from the crowd. Some larger companies may offer a formal internship programme, so check the websites of organisations you’re interested in to see what’s available. Internships can last from a couple of weeks to a year, and they’re very popular just expect to face a competitive application process, especially at larger companies. On an apprenticeship you’ll be employed to do a real job while studying for a formal qualification. You’ll sign a contract with your

employer, who then trains you in a specific profession. Apprenticeships are a long-term agreement and can take from one to four years to complete. Most apprentices are guaranteed a job on completion of their programme.

Start volunteering Volunteering positions are more easily secured than an internship and they’re guaranteed to boost your employability, especially if you have no relevant experience. Although unpaid, you’ll profit from the skills and contacts you gain. Volunteering experience shows commitment, initiative and a strong work ethic - after all, you’re working for free - which are all valuable, appealing traits to prospective employers. You’ll also develop a range of sought after, transferable skills, such as teamwork, confidence, time management, adaptability, communication and organisation.

are crucial experiences that can ensure your CV doesn’t look empty at the application stage. Focus your CV on the skills you do have, rather than the ones you don’t. Analyse the job description and list all the skills and personal qualities that make you a good fit for the job. Be sure to emphasise soft and transferable skills such as communication, leadership ability, team working and attention to detail. However, if you lack direct experience in your chosen field, demonstrate your passion and motivation to learn. Highlight examples of your dedication and commitment to learning. These could include volunteering work, internships or work shadowing.

Target realistic roles

There’s nothing wrong with aiming high, but starting your job search by applying for senior roles is pointless if you’re lacking experience. When you’re starting out with no experience, Be realistic and instead target entry-level who you know can be just as important as what jobs and be prepared to start at the bottom you know. A recommendation to an employer and work your way up. from a personal contact can go a long way. But how do you build up a network of contacts if you’re struggling to enter the world of work?

Build your network

If you’re at university, utilise the contacts available to you before you graduate. Make the most of career fairs, recruitment networking events and employer talks or lectures. Visit your university careers service to see if they can put you in touch with employers in your area of interest. Keep in touch with lecturers and people you meet on work experience placements or internships and fellow volunteers - you never know when these contacts might come in useful. Social media is also an effective way of building and maintaining your professional network. Being present on sites such as LinkedIn and following and connecting with companies and individuals in your chosen field can yield impressive results.

Emphasise the skills you have Work experience, internships and volunteering

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HOW VOLUNTARY WORK EXPERIENCE CAN HELP YOUR CAREER Volunteering gives you the opportunity to: • •

Some students and graduates want to make a positive contribution to society, while others want to gain the skills needed to pursue certain careers. One of the biggest benefits is that it goes a long way in impressing potential employers. Volunteering can demonstrate your commitment to a sector, your proactive and independent nature and your ability to communicate effectively and work as part of a team.

• • •

Boost your CV Gain valuable transferable skills such as communication, teamwork, timemanagement, organisation and decisionmaking Build confidence Explore different areas of work Expand your network of contacts

How to apply Many voluntary opportunities are advertised and have set procedures that you need to follow. This may include completing an application form or submitting your CV and cover letter, followed by an interview if you’re successful. If you have an organisation and volunteer role in mind, you could send a speculative application.

You’ll need to explain why you want to volunteer with them, state any previous experience and outline what you have to offer. Make sure you find a contact so you can address your letter or email directly to them. Volunteering offers vital help to people and communities in need, both worthwhile causes, but the benefits can be just as great for you, the volunteer. Volunteering and helping others can reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated and provide a sense of purpose.

BENEFITS OF VOLUNTARY WORK EXPERIENCE Connects you with others One of the more well-known benefits of volunteering is the impact on the community. Volunteering allows you to connect with your community and help make it a better place. Even helping with the smallest tasks can make a real difference to the lives of people, animals, and organisations in need. Dedicating your time as a volunteer helps you make new friends, expand your network and boost your social skills.

Increases self-confidence Doing good things for others and the community will provide a natural sense of accomplishment. Your role as a volunteer can also give you a sense of pride and identity. The better you feel about yourself, the more likely you are to have a positive view on your life and future goals.

Brings fun and fulfilment to your life Volunteering is a fun and easy way to explore your interests and provides you with renewed creativity, motivation and vision that can carry over into your personal and professional life.

HOW TO FIND THE RIGHT OPPORTUNITIES There are numerous voluntary work experience opportunities available. The key is to find a position that you would both enjoy and be good at. It’s also important to make sure that your commitment matches the organisation’s needs.


Would you like to work with adults, children or animals? Do you prefer to work independently or as part of a team? How much time are you willing to commit? What skills can you bring to a volunteer job?

GET THE MOST OUT OF VOLUNTEERING You’re donating your valuable time, so it’s important that you enjoy and benefit from your work experience. To make sure that your volunteering position is a good fit:

Make sure you know what’s expected You should be comfortable with the organisation and understand the time commitment. Consider starting small so that you don’t over-commit. Give yourself some flexibility to change your focus if needed.

Ask questions You want to make sure that the volunteering opportunity is suitable for your skillset, goals and free time.

Don’t be afraid to make a change Don’t force yourself into a role that doesn’t quite fit and don’t feel obliged to stick with a volunteering role you dislike. Talk to the organisation about changing your focus or look for a different organisation that could be a better fit.

Enjoy yourself The best volunteer experiences benefit both the volunteer and the organisation. If you’re not enjoying yourself, ask yourself why. Pinpointing what’s bothering you can help you decide how to proceed.

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What next after A-Level / Scottish Advanced Higher / BTEC Level 3 / SCQF Level 6 / / NVQ Level 3?










W H A T N E X T A F T E R A L E V E L S / BTECs / SCOTTISH ADVANCED HIGHERS... D E G R E E A P P R E N T I C E S H I P S ............................................................... L E V E L 6 A P P R E N T I C E S H I P S ................................................................

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Higher apprenticeships, degree apprenticeships and school-leaver programmes are a real game-changer and a disruptor to the traditional higher education and young people’s earlydays career progression.

bulge bracket/top-tier investment banks, top law firms and industry leading giants all join the rush. Here are the key facts about each route: r investment banks, top law firms and industry leading giants all join the rush. Here are the key facts about each route:

Further Education



The options provide an excellent and competitive alternative to mainstream university education, allowing school-leavers to avoid student debt, whilst earning a salary, on-the-job experience and equivalent higher education qualifications. The popularity of the programmes is phenomenal, with high profile employers such as Big-4 accounting firms,


University Predominantly campusbased full-time learning. Limited opportunities for work-based placements Generally, earns no salary, except during placement year Students pay £9k+ tuition fees + living expenses (overall debt - £40k+). Level 6 / 7 Qualification (Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree) Academic Oriented Assessment mainly examinations and assignments Apply through UCAS or direct, most courses starting in September (A few in January and other months) Application process includes UCAS Application & Personal Statement, at times with interviews/tests A Level/Scottish Higher/ NVQ/HND/IB Wide choice of degree programmes

Can be competitive, particularly top Universities Entry mainly based on academic grades More relaxed with a focus on learning Most last 3 or 4 years Broad choice of career options upon qualification Follows traditional learning structure Ease of employment on completion: tough & competitive

Higher Apprenticeships

Full-time employment with work-based learning plus off-the-job further/higher education/professional qualification Earns a salary; £3.90 or above No Tuition Fees/Student Debt. Earns a salary.

Level 4 – 7 Qualification (HND/NVQ, Foundation Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, Professional Qualification) Practical/Technical Oriented Assessments more competency based Apply directly to employers or through partner providers or gov.uk/applyapprenticeship. Deadlines vary with employers. Application process includes Online Application, Aptitude Tests, Assessment Centres, Interviews A Level/Scottish Higher/ NVQ/HND/IB/Advanced Apprenticeship Wide range of large and small employers & sectors. Not available in certain areas such as Medicine Highly competitive Entry based on academic grades + employability skills More demanding and hectic, steep learning curve, juggling work and study Most last between 2 – 6 years Options mainly limited to area of speciality Follows national framework Ease of employment on completion: easier, many tend to secure employment within the same organisation

Degree Apprenticeships

Predominantly work-based learning plus off-the-job University-led degree qualification. Earns a salary, usually well above national minimum wage No Tuition Fees/Student Debt. Level 6 – 7 Qualification (Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, Professional Qualification) Practical/Technical Oriented Assessment mixed: competence-based and examinations/assignments Apply directly to employers or through partner providers or gov.uk/applyapprenticeship. Deadlines vary with employers.

A Level/Scottish Higher/ NVQ/HND/IB/Advanced Apprenticeship Limited to participating (mainly large) employers & sectors. Not available in certain areas such as Medicine Highly competitive Entry based on academic grades + employability skills More demanding and hectic, steep learning curve, juggling work and study Most last 3 or 4 years Options mainly limited to area of speciality Does not follow national framework; structure unique to company Ease of employment on completion: easier, many tend to secure employment within the same organisation

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School-Leaver Programmes

Full-time employment with work-based learning plus off-the-job further/higher education/professional qualification Earns a salary, usually well above national minimum wage No Tuition Fees/Student Debt. Earns a salary. Level 4 – 7 Qualification (HND/NVQ, Foundation Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, Professional Qualification) Practical/Technical Oriented Assessments more competency based Apply directly to employers or through partner providers or gov.uk/applyapprenticeship. Deadlines vary with employers. Application process includes Online Application, Aptitude Tests, Assessment Centres, Interviews A Level/Scottish Higher/ NVQ/HND/IB/Advanced Apprenticeship Limited to participating (mainly large) employers & sectors. Not available in certain areas such as Medicine Highly competitive Entry based on academic grades + employability skills More demanding and hectic, steep learning curve, juggling work and study Most last between 2 – 6 years Options mainly limited to area of speciality Does not follow national framework; structure unique to company Ease of employment on completion: easier, many tend to secure employment within the same organisation



very competitive and to be considered for one of these apprenticeships, you should currently hold A

Degree apprenticeships are available at level 6. They combine work with study and include a work-based, academic or combined qualification or a professional qualification relevant to the industry. Levels 4 and 5 are equivalent to a Higher Education Certificate/ Diploma or a foundation degree, level 6 is equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree.

Degree apprenticeship entry requirements depend on the employer or company. •

As degree apprenticeships are the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree, you’ll usually need at least five A*-C or 9-4 grade GCSEs or passes at N5, as well as three A-levels or Scottish Advanced Highers/BTECs/NVQs/IBs in a specified grade range or a lower apprenticeship qualification, on top of at least five A*-C or 9-4 GCSE grades. You can apply for apprenticeships at any time of the year - it all depends when an employer has a vacancy. You’ll be able to check the specific entry Degree apprenticeships are the equivalent to a requirements of your chosen apprenticeship bachelor’s degree qualification. They’re once the position opens.


POPULAR FIELDS Accountancy Business Engineering Health, Public Services and Care IT Law Retail Travel and Tourism Human Resouces Supply Chain & Logistics

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Agriculture, environmental and animal care

Business and administration

Degree Type

Degree Type

Non-integrated degree

Non-degree qualification

Max. Funding

Max. Funding



Typical Duration

Typical Duration

60 months | 5 years

24 months | 2 years



www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/environmentalpractitioner-degree


www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/careerdevelopment-professional

SOCIAL WORKER Route Care services

Business and administration

Degree Type

Degree Type

Integrated degree

Integrated degree

Max. Funding

Max. Funding



Typical Duration

Typical Duration

36 months | 3 years

48 months | 4 years


Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/project-managerdegree

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/social-workerdegree





Business and administration

Business and administration

Degree Type

Degree Type

Non-integrated degree

Non-degree qualification

Max. Funding

Max. Funding



Typical Duration

Typical Duration

48 months | 4 years

18 months | 2 1/2 years



www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeship-standards/ chartered-manager


Degree Type Integrated degree

Max. Funding £21,000

Typical Duration 48 months | 4 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/architecturalassistant-degree

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/improvementleader


Degree Type Integrated degree

Max. Funding £24,000

Typical Duration 48 months | 4 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/building-controlsurveyor-degree


Degree Type Non-integrated degree


Degree Type Non-integrated degree

Max. Funding £27,000

Typical Duration 60 months | 5 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/buildingservices-design-engineerdegree/


Degree Type Non-integrated degree

Max. Funding £18,000

Typical Duration 36 months | 3 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/civil-engineeringsite-management-degree


Degree Type


Typical Duration 60 months | 5 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/charteredsurveyor-degree

CIVIL ENGINEER Route Construction

Degree Type Non-integrated degree

Max. Funding £27,000

Typical Duration 66 months | 5 1/2 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/civil-engineerdegree

Non-integrated degree

Max. Funding £18,000

Typical Duration 48 months | 4 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/buildingservices-engineering-sitemanagement-degree


Degree Type







Degree Type

Degree Type

Non-integrated degree

Non-integrated degree

Max. Funding

Max. Funding



Typical Duration

Typical Duration

36 months | 3 years

60 months | 5 years



www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/construction-sitemanagement

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/geospatialmapping-and-sciencespecialist-degree

Non-integrated degree

Max. Funding £18,000

Typical Duration 36 months | 3 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/constructionquantity-surveyor-degree

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Degree Type

Creative and design

Integrated degree

Degree Type

Max. Funding

Integrated degree





Education and childcare


Degree Type

Degree Type

Non-degree qualification

Integrated degree

Max. Funding

Max. Funding



Typical Duration

Typical Duration

12 months | 1 year

36 months | 3 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/teacher


Max. Funding

Typical Duration



42 months | 3 1/2 years

Typical Duration



36 months | 3 years

Engineering and manufacturing

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/senior-headof-facilities-managementdegree


Degree Type Integrated degree

Max. Funding £25,000

Typical Duration 36 months | 3 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/digital-andtechnology-solutionsprofessional-integrateddegree

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/broadcast-andmedia-systems-engineerdegree

Degree Type Non-integrated degree

Max. Funding £27,000


Degree Type Integrated degree

Max. Funding £24,000

Typical Duration 48 months | 4 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/cyber-securitytechnical-professionalintegrated-degree

48 months | 4 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/aerospaceengineer-degree

Website https://www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/data-scientistintegrated-degree/


Degree Type Non-integrated degree

Max. Funding £27,000

Typical Duration 48 months | 4 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/aerospacesoftware-developmentengineer-degree


Degree Type Non-integrated degree

Max. Funding £27,000

Typical Duration 60 months | 5 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeship-standards/ control-technical-supportengineer-degree


Degree Type Non-integrated degree

Max. Funding £27,000

Typical Duration 60 months | 5 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/electricalelectronic-technicalsupport-engineer-degree


Degree Type Non-integrated degree

Max. Funding £27,000

Typical Duration 36 months | 3 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/ embedded-electronicsystems-design-anddevelopment-engineerdegree






Engineering and manufacturing

Engineering and manufacturing

Degree Type

Degree Type

Non-integrated degree

Integrated degree

Max. Funding

Max. Funding



Typical Duration

Typical Duration

60 months | 5 years

42 months | 3 1/2 years



www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/manufacturingengineer-degree

FOOD AND DRINK ADVANCED ENGINEER Route Engineering and manufacturing

Degree Type Integrated degree

Max. Funding £24,000

Typical Duration 60 months | 5 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/food-and-drinkadvanced-engineer-degree

MATERIALS SCIENCE TECHNOLOGIST Route Engineering and manufacturing

Degree Type

Engineering and manufacturing

Non-integrated degree

Degree Type

Max. Funding

Non-integrated degree


Max. Funding

Typical Duration


48 months | 4 years

Typical Duration


48 months | 4 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/marine-surveyor

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/materials-sciencetechnologist

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/manufacturingmanager-degree

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Engineering and manufacturing

Engineering and manufacturing

Degree Type

Degree Type

Non-integrated degree

Integrated degree

Max. Funding

Max. Funding



Typical Duration

Typical Duration

48 months | 4 years

36 months | 3 years



www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/non-destructivetesting-engineer-degree

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/nuclear-scientistand-nuclear-engineerdegree


Degree Type Integrated degree

Max. Funding £24,000

Typical Duration 60 months | 5 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/ordnancemunitions-and-explosivesome-professional

PACKAGING PROFESSIONAL Route Engineering and manufacturing

Degree Type Integrated degree

Max. Funding £24,000

SCIENCE INDUSTRY PROCESS/PLANT ENGINEER Route Engineering and manufacturing



Non-integrated degree




Engineering and manufacturing

Engineering and manufacturing

Degree Type

Degree Type

Non-integrated degree Max. Funding

Integrated degree

Max. Funding £27,000


Typical Duration

Typical Duration

60 months | 5 years

36 months | 3 years



www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/product-designand-development-engineerdegree

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/rail-rail-systemssenior-engineer-degree

Degree Type Max. Funding

Typical Duration 48 months | 4 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/packagingprofessional-degree


Typical Duration


60 months | 5 years

Health and Science


Degree Type

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeship-standards/ science-industry-processplantengineer-degree/

Non-integrated degree

Max. Funding £26,000

Typical Duration 60 months | 5 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/clinical-trialsspecialist-degree





Health and science

Health and science

Degree Type

Degree Type

Non-integrated degree

Integrated degree

Max. Funding

Max. Funding



Typical Duration

Typical Duration

48 months | 4 years

48 months | 4 years



www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/midwife

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/dietitian-degree





Health and science

Health and science

Degree Type

Degree Type

Integrated degree

Integrated degree

Max. Funding

Max. Funding



Typical Duration

Typical Duration

48 months | 4 years

48 months | 4 years



www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/environmentalhealth-practitioner


LABORATORY SCIENTIST Route Health and science

Degree Type Non-integrated degree

Max. Funding £27,000

Typical Duration 60 months | 5 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/laboratoryscientist-degree


Degree Type

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/food-industrytechnical-professionaldegree


Health and science


Degree Type

Health and science

Integrated degree

Degree Type

Max. Funding

Integrated degree


Max. Funding

Typical Duration


36 months | 3 years

Typical Duration


48 months | 4 years

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeship-standards/ diagnostic-radiographerintegrated-degree


Integrated degree

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeship-standards/ occupational-therapistintegrated-degree

Max. Funding £27,000

Typical Duration 36 months | 3 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/healthcarescience-practitioner-degree

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Health and science

Health and science

Degree Type

Degree Type

Non-integrated degree

Integrated degree

Max. Funding

Max. Funding



Typical Duration

Typical Duration

36 months | 3 years

48 months | 4 years



Health and science

Degree Type Integrated degree

Max. Funding £24,000

Typical Duration 48 months | 4 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/operatingdepartment-practitionerintegrated-degree

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/paramedicdegree

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/physiotherapistintegrated-degree

REGISTERED NURSE - DEGREE (NMC 2010) Route Health and science

Degree Type Non-integrated degree

Max. Funding £27,000

Typical Duration 48 months | 4 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/registerednurse-degree-nmc-2010









Health and science

Health and science

Health and science

Health and science

Degree Type

Degree Type

Degree Type

Degree Type

Integrated degree

Integrated degree

Non-degree qualification

Non-integrated degree

Max. Funding

Max. Funding

Max. Funding

Max. Funding





Typical Duration

Typical Duration

Typical Duration

Typical Duration

48 months | 4 years

48 months | 4 years

12 months | 1 year

48 months | 4 years




Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/podiatrist-degree

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/prosthetistorthotist-degree

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/psychologicalwellbeing-practitioner

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/registerednurse-degree-nmc-2018


Degree Type Non-integrated degree

Max. Funding £27,000

Typical Duration 48 months | 4 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/registerednurse-degree-nmc-2018

SONOGRAPHER Route Health and science

Degree Type Integrated degree

Max. Funding £19,000

Typical Duration 36 months | 3 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/sonographerdegree


Degree Type Integrated degree

Max. Funding £25,000

Typical Duration 48 months | 4 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/speech-andlanguage-therapistintegrated-degree


Degree Type Integrated degree

Max. Funding £19,000

Typical Duration 36 months | 3 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/therapeuticradiographer-integrateddegree








Legal, finance and accounting

Legal, finance and accounting

Legal, finance and accounting

Legal, finance and accounting

Degree Type

Degree Type

Degree Type

Degree Type

Non-degree qualification

Non-degree qualification

Non-degree qualification

Integrated degree

Max. Funding

Max. Funding

Max. Funding

Max. Funding






Typical Duration

Typical Duration

Typical Duration

Typical Duration

60 months | 5 years

42 months | 3 1/2 years

18 months | 11/2 years

42 months | 3 1/2 years





www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/chartered-legalexecutive

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/financialservices-professional

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/licensedconveyancer

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www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/professionaleconomist-degree






Legal, finance and accounting

Legal, finance and accounting

Degree Type

Degree Type

Non-degree qualification

Non-degree qualification

Max. Funding

Max. Funding



Typical Duration

Typical Duration

48 months | 4 years

36 months | 3 years



www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/relationshipmanager-banking

PROBATION OFFICER Route Protective services

Degree Type Non-degree qualification

Max. Funding £21,000

Typical Duration 36 months | 3 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/probation-officer

www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/seniorcompliance-risk-specialist

DIGITAL MARKETER Route Sales, marketing and procurement

Degree Type Integrated degree

Max. Funding £21,000

Typical Duration 36 months | 3 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeship-standards/ digital-marketer-integrateddegree





Legal, finance and accounting

Protective services

Degree Type Non-degree qualification

Max. Funding £21,000

Typical Duration 36 months | 3 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/senior-insuranceprofessional

BUSINESS TO BUSINESS SALES PROFESSIONAL Route Sales, marketing and procurement

Degree Type Integrated degree

Max. Funding £21,000

Typical Duration 36 months | 3 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/business-tobusiness-sales-professionaldegree

Degree Type Integrated degree

Max. Funding £24,000

Typical Duration 36 months | 3 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/police-constabledegree

ASSISTANT BUYER / ASSISTANT MERCHANDISER Route Sales, marketing and procurement

Degree Type Non-integrated degree

Max. Funding £10,000

Typical Duration 24 months | 2 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/assistant-buyerassistant-merchandiser







Sales, marketing and procurement

Sales, marketing and procurement

Transport and logistics

Degree Type

Degree Type

Non-degree qualification

Integrated degree

Max. Funding

Max. Funding



Typical Duration

Typical Duration

24 months | 2 years

48 months | 4 years



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Degree Type Non-degree qualification

Max. Funding £27,000

Typical Duration 24 months | 2 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/first-officer-pilot


Degree Type Integrated degree

Max. Funding £21,000

Typical Duration 48 months | 4 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/supply-chainleadership-professionaldegree

TRANSPORT PLANNER Route Transport and logistics

Degree Type Integrated degree

Max. Funding £23,000

Typical Duration 60 months | 5 years

Website www. instituteforapprenticeships. org/apprenticeshipstandards/transport-plannerdegree

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W H Y C H O O S E U N I V E R S I T Y ?................................................................. C H O O S I N G T H E R I G H T U N I V E R S I T Y ..................................................... U N I V E R S I T I E S & C O L L E G E S I N U K ....................................................... R U S S E L L G R O U P U N I V E R S I T I E S .......................................................... D E G R E E C H O I C E S ................................................................................ T Y P I C A L D E G R E E E N T R Y R E Q U I R E M E N T S .......................................... C A R E E R S , E M P L O Y A B I L I T Y & U C A S Y E A R R 13 T I M E L I N E .................... I S S T U D Y I N G A B R O A D F O R Y O U ?........................................................ T I P S F O R W R I T I N G A U C A S P E R S O N A L S T A T E M E N T ..........................

Are you currently wondering whether or not to go to university? Well, you’re not alone. Many before you have asked themselves the very same question. People who go to university have a higher chance of earning more over their lifetime than those who have not been.


Universities are an advanced educational institution in which people study for degrees and conduct academic research. They offer a number of specialised courses that are taught by experts and have various research facilities that help students learn, such as libraries, laboratories and computer rooms. The courses and facilities available at universities enable students to pursue their academic goals in the field of their choice. The major benefit of university is improving your career prospects and earning potential in the long term. The major drawback is the cost of going to university – it’s important to weigh these up carefully. By going to university, you improve your career prospects in the long term. You develop specialist skills in a field, and some job roles require a university qualification (such as that of a doctor or architect). You also develop transferable skills such as communication, presentation and problem-solving skills, while enhancing your ability to work as part of a team. Finishing a lengthy qualification to a high standard also shows employers your ability to commit and persevere. Employers tend to look for university graduates to fill positions that have great responsibility and high pay. University is a great opportunity for you to develop your social life and have new experiences as you have the chance to meet new people who come from different places and diverse backgrounds. Universities help you to build your self confidence and independence, and the supported living in student accommodation is a great stepping stone for learning those frightening adult skills like managing your bills and cooking for yourself.


The major downside of university is the cost. Universities can charge thousands each year you study there. However, this can be paid back over a number of years. It’s quite normal to take out student loans to fund university. Student loans are split into two parts: tuition fee loans and maintenance loans. The tuition fee component is paid directly to the university to cover your course fees, and the rate differs depending on whether you are studying full-time or part-time. PreferPrefer a hard hard copy?copy? Orderloan here Thea maintenance is for funding your day-to-day expenses (like rent and food) and is paid directly into your bank account. When making the decision to go to university, it is important to research how many graduates from each course find employment in their field. We also recommend you look into the percentage of students that graduate from the courses as well as the amount of support available in case people find themselves struggling.

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Choosing the right uni can be very challenging. There are numerours factors to consider including distance from home, availability of the right degree, post qualification employment prospects and teachging and learnging style. Here are some hints and tips to help you make the right choice.

Do your research

First things first, you will need to do a bit of online research. The UCAS website will have every course that is being offered in the UK and you can filter them by location and name of the course. Once you have found a list of courses to choose from, you should have a look on each university’s website and look at what the actual course will entail. Each university tends to do things slightly differently

so you will have to find one that you think would be best for you.

Go to open days

You should be attending as many open days as possible. It’s suggested that you do this at least twice for each university you are interested in. Attending open days is a good way to get a feel for what the university itself is like. After all, the university you choose to attend will practically become your second home for the next few years. It is important that you choose a university not just for the course, but also because you like the university itself and its location is practical for you. Remember to talk to professors, students and university staff and also visit the city or town to see if you like it.

Find out what the course entails

Every university will have a different course structure for the same course. You will need to do a bit of researching to find out what the course structures are like at each university you are interested in. It would be a good idea to run it through with a teacher/careers advisor to get a second opinion on whether they think you would thrive with certain course structures. Some universities may even offer placement years with their courses, so you need to keep

that in mind.

Consider the location

It’s great when you find a university that has the best course for you, amazing results and is close to everything you could possibly need. However, you will need to consider the location as well. If you are more of a home bird and think you wouldn’t do well in a university that is far away, you will have to look into universities that are closer to home. You will also need to consider whether the location will be too expensive for you to live there and whether you will be able to find suitable accommodation. Would you prefer a busy city or a quiet outof-town campus? Are you going to be living at home or in student accommodation? What would your daily commute be like – will it be sustainable to do this for the next 3 or 4 years.

Find out what’s on offer

You’re going to be at the university you choose for upwards of three years so find out what they have to offer outside of the classroom. Whether you love partying the night away, or you prefer a quieter laid-back life, check if the Uni you are interested in tick all the boxes. Most universities have student unions with everything you need – check it out and see if its fully kitted to your liking! If you’re a foodie that loves going to good restaurants, then you will have to see if there are any decent restaurants around. Don’t forget about your universities societies as well! Sports teams, film clubs and music clubs are all part and parcel of societies so you will need to check if they have the one that you want. Some universities even let you start your own society.

Look at the reputation and ranking

Some universities have stellar reputations. Others, not so much. It is argued that a few high-profile employers (especially in areas like investment banking) don’t just look at what grades you have; they will also be on the lookout for which university you went to. If you want to pursue a specific career, you might

Useful links

want to consider which universities have a strong reputation or ranking in your particular area/discipline. Bear in mind that it is possible to have a Uni with a low overall ranking but a high ranking in a specific subject area due to their history and specialisation in that specific area. Oxford and Cambridge have their own exclusive application process, so if you are considering these ensure you meet their high standards and are well prepared for their highly competitive application process. If you are applying for higher ranking universities and the likes of Russell Group universities, make sure you’re predicted to get amazing grades, and should really push to achieve them in the real GCSEs as competition can be stiff. Yes, university ranking/reputation does carry a bit of weight, but it’s not everything. Don’t be put off if the Uni you are interested in has a low ranking. The average employer is not bothered about the Uni’s ranking, they are more interested in you, your degree class, other things you have done to beautify your CV. For instance, let’s say we have two graduates, one from a top 20 Uni and one from a bottom 20 Uni – if they both train and study to become qualified and chartered in their area of study – the majority of employers will not even bother comparing the Uni ranking – it’s the least on their criteria when ranking two competent and fully qualified professionals.


Remember to prepare thoroughly before you make the big decision. There is nothing worse than heading off to a university that you will come to hate and either transfer to a different university or end up dropping out. Neither of those options are ones that anyone wants to do, and it can impact your finances massively. So, make sure you do your research and choose a university that you feel is best suited for your needs.

www.ucas.com/undergraduate www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/league-tables www.university.which.co.uk www.theguardian.com/education/ng-interactive/2019/jun/07/university-league-tables-2020 www.thetimes.co.uk/article/good-university-guide-in-full-tp6dzs7wn www.timeshighereducation.com/student/best-universities/best-universities-uk www.topuniversities.com/universities/country/united-kingdom

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REASONS FOR GOING TO OPEN DAYS Visiting prospective colleges, sixthforms, universities or even employers you have short-listed can help in making this all-important decision. to find one that you think would be best for you. Some of the key benefits of attending open days include: 1. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about courses / roles you are considering. Such an invaluable experience can help you

make a better judgement on this big decision that will have a strong impact on the rest of your career. Speak to the lecturers/tutors/employers and get a better insight of the pros and cons of the different courses/programmes options available in order to make a better judgement on which one would suit you. Ask questions and get advice on areas such as: • Structure and duration of the course/ programme • Exact entry requirements or core skill expectations • Compulsory and optional components • Learning approaches, teaching and independent study • Examination/assessment methods • Practical and job-related components • How the programme prepares you for your career • Post-qualification opportunities

2. Take a tour of the institution/ organisation’s facilities. Visit your prospective department to see the facilities and resources available. Learn more

about the range of facilities available including library facilities, student union, laboratories and lecture theatres. For employer visits, learn more about what each department does, the typical working day, the nature of products and services they specialise in, the offices and operational facilities in place. Visiting the local surrounding will also give you a flavour of the shops, restaurants, attractions and other services available in the town, to check if it’s your cup of tea.

3. Speak to student support services, accommodation and other relevant departments’ staff. It’s Assess how friendly they are and clarify on all sorts of issues about the halls of residence and other facilities available. • The accommodation’s kitchen/bathroom/ communal facilities • What each room comes with • Its comfort/ cleanliness/warmth/safety and security • Distance from campus • Transport facilities • Clubs and sporting facilities

4. Speak to the student finance team about costs and funding issues. • • • • • •

know, you might be fortunate to make friends and flatmates this early – not a bad start! After making all the open day visits, it’s crunch time – decision-making time. • List all the things you liked and disliked. Highlight the most outstanding ones. • Picture yourself there. Can you see yourself settling, enjoying and spending a few years there? Were they friendly? • Do you like the course/programme? Will it help you progress in your career? • Ask your parents/family/friends’ opinions. Parental advice is important but remember, they are just opinions, you still must sum up everything and make your own decision. But if parents disagree, work together to agree with them, they are still important stakeholders in your career – keep them on your side.


After all these deliberations, scoring and pondering, and even considering your instincts and what’s on your heart, make up your mind then go for it and apply. Be positive and confident with your choice. Hopefully you will get a place and you will go on to like it!

Assess how friendly they are and clarify on all sorts of issues about the halls of residence and other facilities available. Ask about the full cost of the programme and check if there any extra tuition charges to be anticipated Other costs for study resources, equipment, workshops or field trips Are there any scholarships, discounts or bursary funding opportunities available How student finance works, if not sure about anything An idea of other costs: transport, accommodation, food and entertainment

5. Start building relationships. Use this golden opportunity to start building relationships with lecturers/tutors, staff/ managers and current colleagues. Also take this opportunity to make new friends with other colleagues attending the open day. You never

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The Russell Group represents 24 leading, established, research-intensive UK universities, which generally have worldclass facilities, consistent top UK and global rankings, outstanding research capabilities, excellent teaching and learning experiences, and unparalleled links and connections with top employers.

Why are Russell Group universities very popular and competitive? “19 out of 20 students who have attended Russell Group universities go on to work or further study soon after graduation, which is significantly higher than non-Russell Group graduates.” Russell Group “On average, a graduate from a Russell Group university earns 10% more compared to a graduate from a modern university.” Centre for Economics of Education “Starting salaries for Russell Group graduates are, on average, £3,000 higher than graduates from other universities.” - HESA “Russell Group Universities are more popular with top graduate recruiters and are highly rated by major employers and UK’s most prestigious firms” Complete University Guide “Russell Universities tend to be better funded, which often translate to generous bursaries and scholarships and better facilities” – Which? University Graduates from Russell

Group Universities can expect to earn an average £1.6 million over a lifetime, compared with £1.39 million earned by those with a non-Russell Group degree. Oxford & Cambridge Graduates can expect around £1.8 million lifetime earnings” – Sutton Trust

Key tips for getting into a Russell Group University: • Study for at least one or two ‘facilitating’ subjects • Strong academic grades. • Show evidence of good language proficiency, include foreign/classical languages • Show evidence of wider reading (books / magazines / newspapers / journals / online / TV / radio / podcasts). • Show evidence of passion for your subject area within your application/personal statement. • Relevant work experience will always enhance your competitiveness • Participate in at least a few extracurricular activities, summer camps • Evidence of critical reflection, motivation and enthusiasm in your personal statement. • Thoroughly prepare for their interviews and/or tests.

THE UNIVERSITY RANKINGS / LEAGUES TABLE WEBSITES The Complete University Guide: https://www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/ The Guardian University League Table: https://www.theguardian.com/education The Times Good University Guide: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/good-university-guide-in-full-tp6dzs7wn Times Higher Education: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/ QS World Rankings: https://www.topuniversities.com/ UKUNI: https://www.ukuni.net/uk-ranking/overall University Compare: https://universitycompare.com/rankings/all/


UNIVERSITY University of Cambridge University of Oxford University of St Andrews Imperial College London Loughborough University Durham University Lancaster University University of Bath London School of Economics University of Warwick University of Exeter University College London

TOP 2020 UNIVERSITY RANKINGS THE Complete UG Guardian 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 2 4 4 7= 5 8 4 6 6 5 PreferPrefer a hard copy?copy? 7 a hard 7Order here 7= 8 9 6 9 4 19 10 11= 9 11 11= 10 13 10 22

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Russell Group Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes



The first questions that come to people’s minds when choosing a Uni are: Is it a Russell Group University? Does it have a top ranking? Does it have a strong reputation? Yes, rankings and reputation do matter. Research has shown that there is a strong correlation between graduate employability & earnings and university rankings, with most Russell Group Universities consistently outshining their non-Russell Group counter parts.

We, however, argue that rankings and reputation are not everything. Our 10 reasons to encourage Year 13s to look beyond the rankings and also consider other factors are:

1. Consider Teaching Facilities A lot of modern universities, including some with lower rankings by far outperform these top ranked reputable universities in terms of student satisfaction, especially given their newer facilities and more focus on teaching than research. We therefore encourage you to do your homework to find a Uni that will give you satisfaction for the next 3-5 years of your life.

6. Fees & Funding If a University has lower tuition fees, accessibility to bursaries, scholarships and lower living costs, who would blame you for choosing such a Uni?

7. Extra Curricula Activivies Some Universities have unique extracurricular activities, sports, clubs, societies, exchange programmes, opportunities for time abroad / new language learning opportunities, placement opportunities and other unique course related activities, which may make them stand out. It’s worthwhile exploring this before making a choice.

2. Subject Reputation

8. Employability

Some Uni’s have a low overall ranking but are well respected for certain specific subject areas. So, you might also want to consider the subject rankings or the reputation of the university in your chosen area of study.

Most employers are now open-minded about the ranking of the university. If they have strong relationship with that Uni, they will happily recruit from the university regardless. So, it’s worthwhile checking the employability and graduate prospects for the Uni and Course and consider any key employers in the sector/area.

3. Location, Location, Location! The location of the university might be important to you. For instance, if you are wanting to commute from home, your choice is limited to the local universities as this can make a huge difference in terms of cost of living.

4. Consider Happiness Your open day experience might have convinced you that you will be able to enjoy your studies at a specific university, despite its low ranking. Some modern Uni’s have irresistibly lovely facilities, accommodation, local city/town life. Happiness is important so if it looks like it might make you happy, go for it!

5. Unique Degree Choices

9. Teaching vs Research Most modern Uni’s perform well in terms of teaching excellence. So consider your priorities between teaching and research when choosing a Uni.

10. Course Content & Delivery Compare the course content and delivery of the degrees from the different Uni’s on the market. They might have a similar name, but the course content, structure, mode of delivery and subject inclination may differ with each University. Have an insight of your future career and then decide which Uni fully satisfies your career aspirations.

Your choice of Uni’s might be limited due to the rare availability of the course you want to study. If there are only few universities offering the course, then focus on those Uni’s.

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Universities & Colleges - South of England

Universities & Colleges - South of England

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Degree choices BA/BS C ACCOUNTING & FINANCE Average Graduate Salary: £24,413 Popular Sectors: Accounting, Audit, & Tax Practice, Finance Graduate Schemes, Investment Banking, Consulting, Finance Departments (In-house Accountants - all sectors) Popular Roles: Accountant, Audit Associate, Tax Asociate, Financial Accountant, Management Accountant, Finance Graduate Trainee, Investment Banker Professional Qualifications & Associations: Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ACA- ICAEW), Institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland (CA - ICAS), Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA - CGMA), Chartered Institute of Public Finance Accountants (CIPFA), Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT - CTA), CFA Institute, Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT), Association of International Accountants (AIA), Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors (CIA), Chartered Banker Institute, Chartered Institute of Credit Management (CICM) Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Accounting & Finance, MSc Finance & Management, MSc Accounting and Business Management, MBA Finance, MBA, PGCert, PGDMRes,MPhil, PhD, Graduate Diploma in Law GDL


BS C/ BE NG BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION Average Graduate Salary:

Average Graduate Salary:



Popular Sectors:

Popular Sectors:

Construction, Building Services Engineering, Civil Engineering, Planning, Property and Estate Management

Aerospace Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Oil & Gas, Facilities Management, Consulting, Manufacturing, Actuarial Science, Investment Banking, Armed Forces Popular Roles: Aerospace Enginner, Automotive Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Actuary, Management Consultant, Investment/ Trading Analyst Professional Qualifications & Associations: Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS), Institute of Physics (IOP), Institution of Engineering Designers (IED) Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Institution of Royal Engineers (InstRE) Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Mechanical Engineering, MEng, MSc Plant Engineering, MSc Manufacturing Systems, MPhil, PhD

Popular Roles: Construction Manager, Site Manager, Project Manager, Building Services Technician, Civil Engineering Technician, Building Control Officer, Building Surveyor Professional Qualifications & Associations: The Chartered Institute of Building, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM), Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (ICES), Institute of Civil Engineering (ICE), Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE) Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Construction Building Surveying, MSc Building Surveying, MSc Construction Management, MSc Building Technology, MSc Civil Engineering, MSc Building Services Engineering, MSc Building Design Management, MSc Asset Management & Development, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Degree choices BA ARCHITECTURE Average Graduate Salary:


£21,529 Popular Sectors: Architecture, Civil Engineering, Planning and Development, Building Conservation Popular Roles: Architect, Architectural Technologist, Landscape Architect, Town Planner, CAD Technician

Average Graduate Salary:

Average Graduate Salary:



Popular Sectors:

Popular Sectors:

Healthcare, Education

Publishing, Media, Fashion, Arts Council, Interior Design, Advertising, Product Design, Photography, IT Designer, Perfomance Artist

Popular Roles:

Professional Qualifications & Associations:

Popular Roles:

Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT)

Farm Manager, Environmental Officer, Agricultural consultant, Food scientist Professional Qualifications & Associations:

Postgraduate Qualifications: MArch, MSc Urban Design, MA Architecture, MBA, Mres,MPhil, PhD


Chartered Society of Designers, Association of Illustrators, National Association for Fine Art Education, Design Council, The National Art Education Association (NAEA), Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM), International Society of Typographic Designers (ISTD), Royal Photographic Society (RPS)

Speech & Language Therapist, Audiologist, Medical Practitioner. Professional Qualifications & Associations: Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists (RCSLT) Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Aural & Oral Sciences, MSc Audiology, MSc Speech Science, MSc Language Pathology, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Postgraduate Qualifications:


MA Graphic Design, MA Fashion, MA Fine Art, MA Photography, MA Interior Design, MA Film & Screen Media, MA History of Art, MA Arts & Creative Technologies, MBA, Mres,MPhil, PhD

Average Graduate Salary: £21,964 Popular Sectors: Farm Managment, Rural Development, Environmental Consultancy Food Production, Agricultural Consultancy Popular Roles: Farm Manager, Environmental Officer, Agricultural Consultant, Food Scientist Professional Qualifications & Associations: Chartered Institution Of Water And Environmental Management (Ciwem), Institution Of Agricultural Engineers (Iagre) Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Farm Management, MSc Agricultural Economics, MSc Forestry, MPhil, PhD

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Average Graduate Salary:

Average Graduate Salary:



Popular Sectors:

Popular Sectors:

NGO, Social Work, Charity, Public Health, Higher Education, Museum

Health, Care, Education Popular Roles: Physician, Dietitian, Sports Scientist, Lecturer, Clinical Specialist Professional Qualifications & Associations:


Popular Roles: Social worker, Environmental / Conservation officer, Archaeologist, Museum worker, Public health officer, Humanitarian Officer, Lecturer Professional Qualifications & Associations:

Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS Institute), The Anatomical Society (AS) Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Anatomical Sciences, MSc Physiology, Medicine Conversion Course, MBA, Mres,MPhil, PhD, MBBch Medicine (Graduate Entry)

Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth; Royal Anthropological Institutes (RAI) Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc/MA Anthropology, MA Social Anthropology, MSc Public Policy, MSc International Development, MSc Public Health, MSc Forensic Anthropology, MBA, Mres,MPhil, PhD, Graduate Diploma in Law GDL


BA BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT STUDIES Average Graduate Salary: £25,048 Popular Sectors: Retail, Human Resources, Sales & Marketing, Banking, Insurance, Financial Services, Accounting, Hospitality, Administration, Supply Chain Popular Roles: Marketing Executive, Human Resources Officer/Business Partner, Finance Officer/ Business Patner, Personal/Corporate Banker, Relationship Manager, Business Analyst, Financial Analyst, Company Secretary, Wealth Manager, Financial Adviser, Events Manager, Hotel Manager, Investment Analyst, Stockbroker, Fund Manager, Management Consultant, Operations Research Officer, Pension Administrator Professional Qualifications & Associations: Chartered Management Institute(CMI); Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM); The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM); Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD); Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAEW/ ICAS); Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA); Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA); Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT), Institute of Supply Chain Management (ISCM); Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT); CFA Institute, London Institute of Banking & Finance, Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Adminstrators (CIS), Institute of Practitioners in Advertising

Average Graduate Salary:

Postgraduate Qualifications:


MBA, MSc Business and Management Studies, MSc Finance and Banking, MSc Marketing, MSc Human Resource Management, MSc Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism, MSc Transport and Logistics, MSc Finance & Management, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Popular Sectors:


Healthcare, Education, Science, Biochemistry, Manufacturing, Biotechnology, Clinical Research

Average Graduate Salary:

Popular Roles:

Popular Sectors:

Biomedical Scientist, Forensic Scientist, Microbiologist, Healthcare Scientist, Pharmacologist, Psychologist, Lecturer, Teacher, Sports therapist, Toxicologist

Education, Public Sector, Archaeology

Professional Qualifications & Associations: Society of Biology, Institute of Biomedical Science Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Biology, MSc Botany, MSc Zoology, MSc Genetics, MSc Microbiology, MSc Sport Science, MSc Molecular Biology, MSc Biophysics, MSc Biochemistry, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD, MBBch Medicine (Graduate Entry)


Popular Roles: Teacher, Lecturer, Cultural officer, Archaeologist Professional Qualifications & Associations: Chartered Institute for Archaeologists, Archives and Records Association (ARA) Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc/MA Archaeology, MSc Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology, MBA, Mres,MPhil, PhD, Graduate Diploma in Law GDL

Degree choices BA THEOLOGY & RELIGIOUS STUDIES Average Graduate Salary: £21,957 Popular Sectors: Religious Sector, Education, Archives, Aid Work, Journalism, Army, Civil Service, Publishing, Social Services, Youth and Rehabilitation Work Popular Roles: Clergy, Pastoral Officer, Community Worker, Teacher, Lecturer, Aid Worker, Journalist, Human Resources Officer Professional Qualifications & Associations: Society for the Study of Theology, The British & Irish Association for Practical Theology Postgraduate Qualifications: MA Theology, MA Theology & Religious Studies, MA Christian Theology (Catholic Studies), MA Christian Theology (Anglican Studies), MA Theology, Philosophy & Religious Studies, MSc Islamic Studies & Christian-Muslim Relations, MA Ministry, Theology & Practice, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD



Average Graduate Salary: £21,537

Average Graduate Salary:

Popular Sectors:


Transport (Road, Air, Rail, Sea), Distribution, Purchasing, Procurement, Logistics, Supply Chain

Popular Sectors:

Popular Roles: Transport Manager, Fleet Manager, Supply Chain Business Partner, Logistics Manager, Airline Manager, Procurement Manager, Warehouse Supervisor/Manager, Logistics Modelling Specialist Professional Qualifications & Associations: Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT), Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS), Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT), Institute of Transport Administration (IoTA), Institution of Railway Operators (IRO), Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE)

Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Transport Planning and Management, MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Transportation, MSc Planning and Engineering (Operations), MSc International Transport, Trade and Logistics, MSc Railway Operations, Management and Policy, MSc International Shipping and Logistics, MSc Supply Chain Management, MSc Air Transport Planning and Management, MA Transportation Design, MSc Strategic Procurement Management, MSc Procurement and Supply Chain Management, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Human Resources (HR), Recruitment, Career Advisory, Employment Law, Occupational Health and Safety, Corporate Social Responsibility Popular Roles: HR Specialist, HR Manager, HR Business Partner, Recruitment Consultant, Health and Safety Officer, Employment Law Specialist, HR Consultant, Careers Adviser, Employment Adviser, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Officer

Professional Qualifications & Associations: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP), Institute of Employability Professionals (IEP), Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS), Institute of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (ICRS), Institute of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (ICRS), International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM), Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC), Institute of Recruitment Professionals (IRP) Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Human Resources Management, MSc Global Human Resources Management, MSc Business with Human Resources, MPA Public Administration (Human Resources), MBA Human Resources Management, MSc Human Resources and Organisations, MSc International Business and Management, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

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Degree choices BS C/ BE NG CHEMISTRY & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Average Graduate Salary: £28,427 Popular Sectors: Chemical Manufacturing, Chemical Engineering, Oil & Gas, Petroleum Refining & Engineering, Energy Industry, Environmental Engineering, Pharmaceutical Industry Popular Roles: Chemical Engineer, Chemist, Biotechnologist, Medical Scientist, Pharmacologist, Teacher, Lecturer, Astrochemist, Biochemist, Medicinal Chemist, Food Scientist, Forensic Scientist, Consultant Professional Qualifications & Associations: Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Chemical Engineering, Meng Chemical Engineering, MSc Biochemical Engineering, MSc Chemistry, MSc Petroleum Engineering, MSc Renewable Energy, MChemChemical Sciences, MSc Organic Chemistry, MSc Analytical Chemistry, MSc Pharmacology & Drug Studies, MSc Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD, MBBch Medicine (Graduate Entry)



Popular Sectors:

Average Graduate Salary:

Building Construction, Road Construction, Bridge Construction, Canals and dam Construction, Planning, Mining, Geotechnology


BS C/ BE NG CIVIL ENGINEERING Average Graduate Salary:

Popular Roles: Civil Engineer, Building Service Manager, Site Manager, Construction Manager, Quantity Surveyor, Consultant, Site engineer, Structural engineer, Geologist, Planner, Geotechnical Engineer

Professional Qualifications & Associations: Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE), Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT), Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM), Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE), Chartered Institute of Building, Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Civil Engineering, MEng Civil Engineering, MSc Geotechnics, MSc Building Services Engineering, MSc Engineering Management, MSc Sanitation Engineering, MSc Geology, MSc Civil & Energy Engineering, MSc Civil & Architectural Engineering, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Popular Sectors: Media, Newspaper, Magazine, Television, Multimedia, Digital Media, Libraries, Public Relations, Marketing, Social Media Popular Roles: Journalist, Editor, News Correspondent, Reporter, Pesenter, Youtuber, Media/ Multimedia planner, News Researcher, Editorial Officer, Public Relations Officer, TV Runner, Producer, Marketing Executive, Press Relations Officer, Advertising Media Buyer, Copywriter, Media Researcher, Social Media Manager, television/film producer, PR Consultant, Web Content Manager, Photographer, Political Adviser

Professional Qualifications & Associations: Chartered Institute of Journalists, Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), The City of London Guild of Public Relations Practitioners, Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM) Postgraduate Qualifications: MA in Media and Communications, MA Media Studies, MA Film Studies, MA Photography and Media, MA Journalism and Media Studies, MA International Communications, MA Gender, Media and Culture, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Degree choices BA DRAMA, DANCE, CINEMATICS & PHOTOGRAPHY Average Graduate Salary: £20,744 Popular Sectors: Media, Perfoming Arts, Film, Music, Photography, Public Relations, Leisure, Tourism, Travel, NGO, Voluntary Sector, Education, Local Government Popular Roles: Singer/Musician, Actor/Actress, Choreographer, Art/Film/Theatre Director, Community Arts specialist, Teacher, Lecturer, Drama/Music therapist, Photographer, Graphic Designer, Journalist, lllustrator, Screenwriter, Producer, Creative Director, Camera Operator, Video Editor, Cinematographer, Broadcast Engineer, Lighting Technician Professional Qualifications & Associations: Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM), Royal College of Art, Royal Academy of Dance, Institute of Professional Sound, Chartered Institute of Journalists Postgraduate Qualifications: MA Music, MA Drama, MA Dance, MA Cinematics, MA Photography, MA Film Studies, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD



Average Graduate Salary:

Average Graduate Salary:



Popular Sectors:

Popular Sectors:

Retail Banking, Insurance, Financial Services, Investment Banking, Corporate Banking, Statistics, Actuarial Science, Finance, Accounting

Education (Early Years, Primary, Secondary, Further, Higher), Local Government, Social Services, Central government, Public administration, NGOs, Charity, Training, Research

Popular Roles:

Popular Roles:

Economist, Banker, Investment Analyst, Relationship Manager, Financial Analyst, Actuary, Economic Advisor, Stockbroker, Pensions specialist, Underwriter, Accountant, Finance Manager

Early Years Practitioner, Primary School Teacher, Secondary School Teacher, Lecturer, Tutor, Trainer, Research Associate, Professor

Professional Qualifications & Associations:

Professional Qualifications & Associations:

London Institute of Banking & Finance (LIBF), CFA Institute, Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT), Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFA), Chartered Banker Institute, Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment (CISI), Institute of Economic Development (IED), Royal Economic Society (RES), Chartered Institute of Credit Management (CICM), Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ACA- ICAEW), Institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland (CA ICAS), Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA CGMA), Chartered Institute of Public Finance Accountants (CIPFA), Pensions Management Institute (PMI) Postgraduate Qualifications:

The Chartered College of Teaching (CCT), Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL), Chartered Management Institute (CMI), Association of University Administrators (AUA), Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), Royal Geographical Society (RGS-IBG), Royal Society of Biology (RSB), Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Institute of Employability Professionals (IEP)

Postgraduate Qualifications: PGCE, PGDE, MA/MSc Education, MA/ MSc Childhood and Youth Studies, MSc Paediatric Nursing, MA/MSc Speech and Language Therapy, MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, MA English Language Teaching, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

MA/MSc Economics, MA/MSc Economics and Finance, MA/MSc Politics, Philosophy and Economics, MA/MSc in Financial Economics, MA/MSc Applied Econometrics, MA/MSc Development Economics, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

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BS C COMPUTER SCIENCE Average Graduate Salary:

Average Graduate Salary:



Popular Sectors:

Popular Sectors:

Information Technology, Computer Engineering, Health Informatics, Banking and Financial Services IT, Games Industry, Social Media, Cloud Computing

Media, Newspaper, Magazine, Television, Multimedia, Digital Media, Libraries, Public Relations, Marketing, Social Media Popular Roles: Journalist, Editor, News Correspondent, Reporter, Pesenter, Youtuber, Media/ Multimedia planner, News Researcher, Editorial Officer, Public Relations Officer, TV Runner, Producer, Marketing Executive, Press Relations Officer, Advertising Media Buyer, Copywriter, Media Researcher, Social Media Manager, television/film producer, PR Consultant, Web Content Manager, Photographer, Political Adviser

Professional Qualifications & Associations: Chartered Institute of Journalists, Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), The City of London Guild of Public Relations Practitioners, Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM) Postgraduate Qualifications: MA in Media and Communications, MA Media Studies, MA Film Studies, MA Photography and Media, MA Journalism and Media Studies, MA International Communications, MA Gender, Media and Culture, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Popular Roles: IT Business Analyst, IT Consultant, Database Administrator, Software Developer, Software Engineer, Games Developer, Programmer, Network Engineer, Systems Analyst, Coding Specialist, IT trainer/teacher, Information Systems Auditor, IT Security Analyst, Cyber security analyst, Web Developer, Hardware Engineer

Professional Qualifications & Associations: Institution of Analysts and Programmers, The Chartered Institute for IT, Microsoft Certifications, Cisco Certifications, CompTIA, IAPP (CIPP), Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA ISACA), Institute of Information Security Professionals (IISP), Chartered Society of Designers (CSD), Institute for the Management of Information Systems (IMIS)

BDS/ BS C DENTISTRY Average Graduate Salary: £32,124 Popular Sectors: Medical (NHS/Private/Practice/Military/ NGO), Medical Engineering, Higher Education, Research Popular Roles: Dentist (NHS/Military), Dentist (Practice/ Private), Orthodontist, Cosmetic Dentist, Lecturer, Medical Research Specialist, Medical Technology Specialist, Dental Hygienist, Dental Technician Professional Qualifications & Associations: General Dental Council (GDC), Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) Postgraduate Qualifications: Msc Dentistry, MSc Clinical Studies, MSc Endodontics, MSc Primary Dental Care, MSc Aesthetic Dentistry, MSc Dental Hygiene and Therapy, MSc Veterinary Dentistry), MSc Forensic Odontology, MSc Forensic Dentistry, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Computer Science, MSc Computing and IT, MSc Data Science, MSc Artificial Intelligence, MSc Computer Engineering and Informatics, MSc Computational Sciences, MSc Information Systems, MSc Software Engineering, MSc Health Informatics, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

BS C OPTOMETRY, OPHTHALMOLOGY & ORTHOPTICS Average Graduate Salary: £17,079 Popular Sectors: Medical Sector (NHS/Private/Practice/ Military/NGO), Higher Education, Research Popular Roles: Opthalmic Optician, Dispensing Optician, Ophthalmologist, Optometrist, Orthoptist Professional Qualifications & Associations: Royal College of Ophthalmologists, College of Optometrists (CoO) Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Optometry, MSc Ophthalmic Science, MSc Clinical Optometry, MSc Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science, MPhil Vision Sciences, MSc Clinical Ophthalmology, MSc Glaucoma Studies, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Degree choices BS C ELECTRICAL OR ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Average Graduate Salary: £28,350 Popular Sectors: Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications, Mechanical Engineering, Computing, Network Engineering, Software Engineering, Robotics, Aviation Engineering, Motor Engineering, Physics, Medical Engineering, Military (MOD, RAF, Royal Navy) Popular Roles: Electrical Engineer, Electronics Engineer, Power Supply Design Engineer, Safety Engineer, Project Manager, Electrical Technician, Electronics Technician, Systems Engineer, Aerospace Engineer, CAD Technician, Control & Instrumentation Engineer

Professional Qualifications & Associations: Energy Institute (EI), Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE), Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST), Institute of Measurement and Control (InstMC), Institute of Physics (IoP), Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM), Institute of Science and Technology (IST), Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE), Institution of Lighting Professionals (ILP), Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM), Chartered Quality Institute (CQI)

Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Electrical Engineering, MSc Electronic Engineering, MEng, MSc Electrical & Electronic Engineering, MSc Artificial Intelligence, MSc Geophysics, MSc Biomedical Engineering, MSc Instrumentation Engineering, MSc Electrical Power and Energy Systems, MSc Sustainable Electrical Power, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

BS C FOOD SCIENCE Average Graduate Salary:



Average Graduate Salary:

Popular Sectors:


Food Manufacturing, Food Technology, Food Chemistry, Nutrition & Dietary Science, Animal Nutrition, Brewing, Toxicology, Horticulture, Agriculture, Food Production, Food Quality Control, Food Sales, Food Retail, Restaurant and Hospitality

Popular Sectors:

Popular Roles: Food Scientist, Dietician, Nutritianist, Animal Nutritionist, Food Technologist, Brewer,Toxicologist, Horticulturalist, Production Supervisor/Manager, Quality Controller, Sales Executive Retail Supervisor/Manager, Hotel Supervisor/ Manager, Food Chemist, Farm Manager Professional Qualifications & Associations: Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST), Chartered Quality Institute (CQI), Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM), Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI), Royal Agricultural Society of England (RASE), Royal Society of Biology (RSB), Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Postgraduate Qualifications: MA/MSc Food Science, MSc Dietetic Practice, MSc Food Safety, MSc Food Science and Innovation, MSc Human Nutrition, MA/MSc Food Policy, MA/ MSc Food Security and Development, MA/MSc Nutrition, MSc Food Science and Engineering, MSc Food Technology & Quality Assurance, MSc Food Biotechnology, MSc in Molecular Nutrition and Food Technology, BSc Food Science and Microbiology, MSc Dietetics, MSc Nutrition and Sports Science, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Education, Public Relations, Broadcasting, Publishing, Journalism, Media, Perfomance Arts, Social Media, Information and Communication, Events Management, Film Industry, Advertising, Marketing, Library, Law, Corporate Social Responsibility, Customer Services Popular Roles: Teacher, Lecturer, Editor, Reporter, Writer, Producer, Television/Film Director, Author, News Correspondent, Social Media Content Writer, Publishing Associate, Marketing Executive, Advertising Associate, Public Relations Officer, Press Relations Officer, Librarian, Para-legal/Legal Executive, Corporate Social Responsibility Officer, Customer Services Officer Professional Qualifications & Associations: Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL), English Association (EA), Chartered Institute of Journalists, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP), Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA), Archives and Records Association (ARA), Institute of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (ICRS), Information and Records Management Society (IRMS), Institute of Customer Service (ICS), British Guild of Travel Writers (BGTW)

Postgraduate Qualifications: MA English, MA English Language, MA English Linguistics, MA English Literature, MA English Language and Linguistics, MA English Literary Studies, MA Applied Translation Studies, MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, MA Translation & Interpreting, MLitt Medieval English, MA English Language Teaching, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD, Graduate Diploma in Law GDL

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Degree choices BS C FORENSIC SCIENCE Average Graduate Salary: £20,831 Popular Sectors: Law, Research, Medical, Police Force, Crime Investigation and Prevention, Biological Testing, Biochemistry, Education, Psychology Popular Roles: Forensic Scientist, Crime Investigator, Research Associate, Medical Forensic Specialist, Police Officer, Intelligence Officer, Army Officer, Forensic Biochemical Specialist Teacher, Lecturer, Forensic Psychologist, Forensic Psychiatrist, Forensic Science Technician, Forensic Blood/DNA Analyst, Forensic Documents Examiner, Forensic Computer Investigator, Forensic Toxicologist

Professional Qualifications & Associations: The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences, British Psychological Society (BPS), The Law Society (LS), Royal College of Psychiatrists, Royal Microscopical Society (RMS), Royal Society of Biology (RSB), Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), The Academy of Experts (TAE), Archives and Records Association (ARA), British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), Information and Records Management Society (IRMS), Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS)

Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Forensic Science, MSc Cybercrime, MSc Applied Forensic Psychology, MSc Forensic Genetics, MSc Forensic Mental Health, MSc Forensic Odontology, MSc Forensic Dentistry, MSc Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology, MSc Forensic Psychology, MSc Forensic Radiography, MSc Forensic Toxicology, MSc Forensic Biology, MSc Forensic Entomology, MSc Forensic and Investigative Psychology, Graduate Diploma in Law GDL, MBBch Medicine (Graduate Entry), MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD


BS C GEOLOGY Average Graduate Salary:

Average Graduate Salary:



Popular Sectors:

Popular Sectors:

Mining, Quarring, Engineering, Oil & Gas, Environment, Conservation, Museums, Extraction Industries, Education, Consultancy, Hydrology

Rural and Urban Planning, Transport Planning, Conservation, Environmental Management, Sustainability, Geoscience, Tourism, International Development, Local & Central Government, NGOs, Transport, Logistics, Landscape Architecture, Geographical Information Systems Popular Roles: Town Planner, Transport Planner, Cartographer, Surveyor, Teacher, Lecturer, International Development Specialist, Landscape Architect, Research Associate, Environmental Consultant, Quantity Surveyor, Geographical Information Systems Consultant, Conservation Officer, Corporate and Social Responsibility Officer, Recycling Officer, Tourism Specialist, Hydrologist

Professional Qualifications & Associations: Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS), Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI), Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM), Landscape Institute (LI), Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH), Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT), Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (ICES), Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT), Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM), Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM), Energy Institute (EI), Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST), Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM), Royal Astronomical Society (RAS), Institute of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (ICRS), Institute of Economic Development (IED), Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA), Institute of Tourist Guiding (ITG), Institute of Transport Administration (IoTA), Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES), International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)

Postgraduate Qualifications: MA/MSc Geography, MSc Environmental Sciences, MSc Human Geography, MSc Cultural Geography, MSc Ecology, MSc Geography and Environment, MSc Meteorology, MSc Climatology, MA Geography (Education), MSc Aquatic Science, MSc Climate Change and Sustainability, MSc Urban and Economic Geography, MSc Physical Geograpghy, MSc Land Management, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Popular Roles: Geologist, Geophysicist, Geochemist, Geotechnical Engineer, Landscape Engineer, Land Surveyor, Quarry Technician, Drilling Technician, Mudlogger, Mechanical Engineer, Project Manager, Environmental and Sustainability Consultant, Hydrologist, Teacher, Lecturer, Environmental Officer, Mining Supervisor Professional Qualifications & Associations: Association for Project Management (APM), Energy Institute (EI), Geological Society of London, Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM), Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM), Landscape Institute (LI), Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES), International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)

Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Geology, MSc Petroleum Geology, MSc Structural Geology, MSc Geophysics, MSc Mining Geology, MSc Applied Environmental Geology, Msc Exploration Geology, MSc Environmental Geology and Contamination, MSc Marine Geology and Geophysics, MSc Earth Structure and Dynamics, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Degree choices BS C LIBRARY & INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Average Graduate Salary:


Popular Sectors:


Public Libraries, University, College & School Libraries, Information Centres, Book Retail, Publishing, Teaching, Local Authorities, Document Management, Authorship, Journalism, Marketing, Public Relations, IT, Museums

Popular Sectors:

Librarian, Bookstore Manager, Publishing Officer, Teacher, Author, Journalist, Public Relations Officer, Information Management Officer, Document Controller, Information Security Officer

Media & Publishing, Marketing, Creative Industries, Teaching & Education, Research & Academics, Museums, Government, Charities, NGOs, Heritage Bodies, Writing, Editorial & Publishing Popular Roles: Editor, Teacher, Cultural officer, Lawyer, Sales Executive, Journalist, Lecturer, Cultural Officer, Archaeologist, Heritage Site Manager, Museum Manager, Charity Manager, NGO Manager, Author, Editor

Professional Qualifications & Associations:

Professional Qualifications & Associations:

Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP), Information and Records Management Society (IRMS), Institute for the Management of Information Systems (IMIS), Institute of Information Security Professionals (IISP), Museums Association (MA), Archives and Records Association (ARA)

Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL), Chartered Institute of Journalists, Archives and Records Association (ARA), Information and Records Management Society (IRMS)

Postgraduate Qualifications: MA Library Studies, MA Librarianship, MA Archive Administration, MA Records Management, MA Information Science, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Average Graduate Salary: £22,517 Popular Sectors:


Popular Roles:


Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc American Studies MSc American History, MSc American Literature, MA Celtic Studies, MA Irish Studies, MA Welsh Studies, MA Celtic & Scottish Studies, MA Celtic & Viking Archeology, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Marketing, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Public Relations, Advertising, Market Research, Retail, Sales, Merchandising, Business Development, Consulting Popular Roles: Market research analyst, Marketing consultant, Marketing and promotions manager, Brand manager, Content marketing manager, Digital marketing manager, SEO specialist, Ecommerce marketing analyst, Corporate communications manager, Media relations coordinator, Public relations manager, Portfolio marketing manager, Engagement manager, Social media strategist

Professional Qualifications & Associations: Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA), Direct Marketing Association (DMA), Institute of Customer Service (ICS), Institute of Sales Management (ISM)

Postgraduate Qualifications: MA Mrketing, MBA (Marketing), MA Public Relations, MSc Marketing Management, MA/MSc Branding and Identity, MA/ MSc Consumer Marketing and Product Development, and MA/MSc Creative Advertising, MA/MSc Digital Marketing and Data Analytics, MA/MSc Strategic Marketing, MA/MSc Marketing: Branding and Communications, MA/MSc Global Sales and Marketing, MA/MSc Consumer Analytics and Marketing Strategy, MSc Advertising and Public Relations Management, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

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Degree choices BA/ BS C HOSPITALITY, LEISURE, RECREATION & TOURISM Average Graduate Salary: £21,537 Popular Sectors: Travel Agencies, Hotels, Bars, Restaurants, Events, Sports, Venues, Airline Industry, International Travel, Tourist Attractions Popular Roles: Flights Planner, Travel Agent, Hotel Manager, Tour manager, Events Coodinator, Events manager, Hospitality and Travel Consultant, Marketing Executive, Advertising Executive, Project Manager, Restaurant Manager, Sports Analyst, Club Manager, Fleet Manager, Branch Manager Professional Qualifications & Associations: Association for Project Management (APM), Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT), Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA), British Guild of Travel Writers (BGTW), Institute of Tourist Guiding (ITG), Museums Association (MA)

LLB/ BA LAW Average Graduate Salary:

Average Graduate Salary:



Popular Sectors:

Popular Sectors:

Legal Firms, Company Legal Department, Government Attorney, Government Departments, (Patents, Trading Standards, Courts, Lawyers), Property, Insurance, Medical

Financial Services, Insurance, Scientific Research, Education, IT and Computing, Operational Research, Government National Statistical Office, Investment Banking, Accounting and Finance, Consulting, Engineering, Risk Management

Popular Roles: Solicitor, Lawyer, Legal Executive, Paralegal, Barrister, Company Secretary, Legal Counsel, Coroner, Crown Prosecutor, Magistrate, Conveyancer, Patent Attorney, Trading Standards Officer, Legal consultant, Conveyancing Technician, Senior Claims Handler, Claims/Loss Adjuster

Popular Roles:

Professional Qualifications & Associations:

Professional Qualifications & Associations:

Law Society, The Bar Council, Chartered Institute of Legal Executives, Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters (CILA), Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA), Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI), Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA), The Law Society (LS), Faculty of Advocates, Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (ITMA) Postgraduate Qualifications:

Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Hospitality and Tourism Management, MSc International Events and Conference Management, MSc Hotel and Tourism Management, MSc Sports Management, MSc Air Transport Management, MSc Transport Planning and Management, MSc Tourism Management, MSc Sport and Health Sciences, MSc Sport Business Management, MSc Events Management, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD


LLM Law (General), LLM European Law, LLM Human Rights Law, LLM International Commercial Law, LLM Energy and Natural Resources Law, LLM Commercial and Maritime Law, LLM International Trade Law, LLM Law, Banking and Finance, LLM Intellectual Property Law, LLM Human Rights & Criminal Justice, LLM Corporate & Commercial Law, LLM Competition Law, LLM Environmental Law, LLM Immigration Law, LLM Tax Law, LLM Medical Law, LLM Law (Criminal Justice), MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Actuary, Accountant, Corporate Banker, Financial Adviser, Insurance Underwriter, Investment Analyst, Quantity Surveyor, Operational Research Scientist, Statistician, Software Developer, Teacher, Lecturer, Stockbroker, Data Analyst, Technical Consultant

Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Royal Statistical Society, Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT), British Computer Society (BCS), Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (CISI), Chartered Banker Institute, Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW), Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS), Institution of Analysts and Programmers (IAP), Operational Research Society (ORS), Pensions Management Institute (PMI)

Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Mathematics, MSc Finance and Investment, MSc Data Science, MSc Mathematics and Computing for Finance, MSc Applied Mathematics, MSc Financial Mathematics, MSc Engineering Mathematics, MSc Financial and Computational Mathematics, MSc Mathematics and Statistics, MSc Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Econometrics, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Degree choices BS C/ BE NG GENERAL & MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING & MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY Average Graduate Salary: £25,069 Popular Sectors: Manufacturing, Scientific Research, Materials Engineering, General Engineering, Naval Engineering, Production, Process Engineering, Energy, Oil and Gas, Metallurgy, Ceramics, Glass, Textiles, Maritime Technology, Biotechnology Popular Roles: Agricultural Engineer; Automotive Engineer; Biomedical Engineer; Design Engineer; Environmental Engineer; Marine Engineer; Petroleum Engineer, Acoustic Engineer, Audio Engineer, Industrial/Manufacturing Engineer, Materials Science Engineer, Mechatronic Engineer, Mining Engineer, Nuclear Engineer, Telecommunications Engineer, Thermal Engineer, Transport Engineer, Vehicle Engineer




Average Graduate Salary:

Popular Sectors:


Manufacturing, Automotive, Aerospace, Controls and Instruments, Investment Banking, Insurance - Actuarial Science, Consulting, Operations, Research, Forensics, Government

Popular Sectors:

Popular Roles:

Popular Roles:

Mechanical Engineer, Structural Engineer, Automotive Engineer, Aerospace Engineer, Actuary, Operational Research Scientist, Technical Consultant, Lecturer, Quality Engineer, Design Engineer

Radiographer, X-ray Operator, Sonographer, Clinical Photographer, Medical Engineer, Medical Technician, Biomedical Engineer, Clinical Engineer, Laboratory Technologist, Hospital Technician

Professional Qualifications & Associations: Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Institution of Royal Engineers (InstRE), Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Institution of Engineering Designers (IED), Chartered Quality Institute (CQI), Chartered Society of Designers (CSD), Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE), Operational Research Society (ORS), Institute and Faculty of Actuaries

Professional Qualifications & Associations: Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT), Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE), Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE), Institution of Agricultural Engineers (IAgrE), Institute of Cast Metals Engineers (ICME), Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE), Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management (IHEEM), Institute of Measurement and Control (InstMC), Institution of Royal Engineers (InstRE), Institute of Acoustics (IOA), Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM), Institute of Physics (IOP), Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM)

Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc in Engineering Management, MSc Operations Management, MSc Project Management, MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering, MSc in Mechanical Engineering, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

NHS, Private Healthcare, Medical Consulting, Medical Engineering, Medical Manufacturing, Medical Sales & Marketing

Professional Qualifications & Associations: Society and College of Radiographers (SCoR), Institute of Measurement and Control (InstMC), Institute of Physics (IoP), Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Royal Microscopical Society (RMS), Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS), Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Radiography, MSc Diagnostic Radiography, MSc Medical Technologies, MEng Medical Engineering, MSc Medical Imaging, MSc Health Informatics, MSc Clinical Reporting, MSc Therapeutic Radiography, MSc Forensic Radiography, MSc Biomedical Engineering, MSc Medical Physics, MSc Medical Devices, MSc Bioengineering: Biomaterials and Biomechanics, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Industrial Engineering and Management, MSc Materials Engineering, MSc Communications Engineering, MSc Sustainable Engineering Management, MSc Subsea Engineering, MSc Safety and Reliability Engineering, MSc Engineering Leadership and Management, MSc Advanced Engineering Design, MSc Medical Engineering, MSc Engineering Design, MSc Professional Engineering, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

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Degree choices MBC H B/MBBS MEDICINE


Average Graduate Salary:

Average Graduate Salary:



Popular Sectors:

Popular Sectors:

Medical Sector (NHS/Private/Practice/ Military/NGO), Medical Engineering, Higher Education, Research, Complementary Medicine

Medical Sector (NHS/Private/Practice/ Military/NGO), Adult Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Nursing with Learning Disabilities, Children’s Nursing, Occupational Health

Popular Roles: Hospital Doctor (Working towards: General Practice (GP) Doctor, Anaesthesist, Clinical Oncologist, Clinical Radiologist, Gynaecologist, Ophthalmologist, Paediatrician, Pathologist, Psychiatrist, Surgeon), Complementary Medical Practitioner Professional Qualifications & Associations: British Medical Association, Royal Society of Medicine (RSM), Royal College of Anaesthetists, Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), Royal College of Physicians, Royal College of Psychiatrists, Royal College of Surgeons Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Respiratory Medicine, MSc Clinical Medicine, MRes Experimental Medicine, MSc Genomic Medicine, MSc Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine MSc Advanced Audiology, MSc Orthopaedics, MSc Applied Epidemiology, MSc Acupuncture, MSc Chinese Herbal Medicine, MChiro Chiropractic Medicine, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

BS C PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY Average Graduate Salary: £27,399 Popular Sectors:

Adult Nurse, Mental Health Nurse, Learning Disability Nurse, Children’s Nurse, Midwife, Paramedic, Health Visitor, Paediatric Nurse, Counsellor

Physical Sciences, Astronomy, Planetary and Space Physics, Astrophysics, Environmental Physics, Medical Physics, Nanosciences, Nanotechnology, Nuclear Astrophysics, Particle Physics, Cosmology, Photonics, Quantum Technologies, Satellite Technologies, Telecommunications, Engineering, Manufacturing, Scientific Research, Consulting, Finance, Accountancy, Investment Banking, Actuarial Science, Computing, IT, Programming, Education

Professional Qualifications & Associations:

Popular Roles:

Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), Royal College of Nursing (RCN), Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH), Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH), College of Paramedics (CoP)

Physicist, Medical Physicist, Astrophysicist, Quantum, Physicist, Materials Engineer, Electronics Engineer, Research Associate, Consultant, Telecommunications Engineer, Programmer, Investment Banker, Accountant, Actuary, Teacher, Lecturer

Postgraduate Qualifications:

Professional Qualifications & Associations:

Masters in Nursing, MSc Advanced Practice, MSc Nursing and Midwifery, MSc Advanced Leadership for Professional Practice (Nursing), MSc Specialist Community Public Health Nursing, MSc Nursing: Adult and Mental Health, PgDip in Community Health Nursing, MSc Addiction Nursing, MBBch Medicine (Graduate Entry), MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Institute of Physics (IOP), Royal Astronomical Society (RAS), Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS), Institution of Engineering Designers (IED), Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Institution of Royal Engineers (InstRE)

Popular Roles:

Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Physics, MSc Particle Physics, MSc Mathematical Physics, MSc Experimental Physics, MSc Clinical Science (Medical Physics), MSc Biological Physics, MSc Physics: Nuclear Technology, MSc in Physics and Astronomy, MSc Physics of Materials, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Degree choices BS C PHYSIOTHERAPY & OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Average Graduate Salary: £23,296

BA POLITICS/ PPE Average Graduate Salary: £24,558 Popular Sectors:

Popular Sectors:

Politics, Journalism, NGO, Sales, Social Work, Charity, Public Relations, Higher Education, Local and National Government

Medical Sector (NHS/Private/Practice/ Military/NGO), Higher Education, Research, Schools, Sports Clubs, Corporate Occupational Health, Local Authorities

Popular Roles:

Popular Roles: Physiotherapist, Rehabilitation Therapist, Sports Physiotherapist, Geriatric Physiotherapist, Paediatric Physiotherapist, Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapist, Neurological Physiotherapist, veterinary physiotherapist, Biokineticist, Teacher, Lecturer, Sports Coach, Trainer, Occupational Health Officer

Politician, Political Analyst, Journalist, Legal Executive, Consultant, Teacher, Lecturer, Civil servant, Marketing Executive, HR Officer

The Political Studies Association, Chartered Institute of Journalists, Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), The City of London Guild of Public Relations Practitioners Postgraduate Qualifications:

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)

MA Politics, MSc Social Science Research Methods (Politics), MA International Relations and Democratic Politics, MSc Human Rights & International Politics, MLitt International Politics and Security, MA Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Politics & Development, Graduate Diploma in Law GDL, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

MSc Physiotherapy, MSc Sport Rehabilitation and Exercise Science, MSc Vocational Rehabilitation, MSc Veterinary Studies (Physiotherapy), MSc Applied Exercise Physiology, MSc Cognitive Rehabilitation, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Average Graduate Salary: £28,984 Popular Sectors: Veterinary Surgeries, Farms, Zoos, Animal Hospitals, Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), The People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA), The Blue Cross, Military, Police, Higher Education, Research, Local Authorities, Government Veterinary Services, Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA), Pharmaceutical Companies.

Professional Qualifications & Associations:

Professional Qualifications & Associations:

Postgraduate Qualifications:


Popular Roles: Veterinary Surgeon (General Practice, Private, Farms, Zoos, Charity, Government, Military), Veterinary Nurse, Veterinary Support Officer, Vet Practice Manager, Agricultural and Food Scientist, Veterinary Dentist, Veterinary Laboratory Technician

Professional Qualifications & Associations: Royal Veterinary College (RVC), British Veterinary Association (BVA), Government Veterinary Services (GVS), Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons (SPVS), Royal Army Veterinary Corps (RAVC), British Small Animals Veterinary Association, The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Veterinary Education, MSc Veterinary Epidemiology, MSc Veterinary Science, MSc Veterinary Studies (Physiotherapy), MSc Veterinary Nursing, MSc Advanced Practice in Veterinary Nursing, MSc Veterinary Microbiology, MSc Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

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Degree choices BA PHILOSOPHY


Average Graduate Salary:

Average Graduate Salary:



Popular Sectors:

Popular Sectors:

Medical Sector (NHS/Private/Practice/ Military/NGO), Higher Education, Research

Journalism, NGO, Politics, Sales, Social Work, Charity, Public Relations, Higher Education, Local and National Government

Popular Roles:

Popular Roles:

Pharmacist, Pharmacologist, Toxicologist, Analytical Chemist, Pharmacy Technician, Biomedical Scientist, Pathologist, Clinical Researcher, Teacher, Lecturer, Medical Sales Executive

Politician, Political Analyst, Journalist, Legal Executive, Psychology Practitioner, Teacher, Lecturer, Civil servant, Marketing Executive, Psychotherapy Practitioner, HR Officer

Healthcare services, NHS, Local Authority, Social Services, Education, Research, Data Collection and Market Research, Legal Services, Welfare Services, Careers Advisory, Counselling Services, Forensic Psychology, Human Resources Services, Psychotherapy, Mental Health Services

MP HAM PHARMACY/ BS C PHARMACOLOGY Average Graduate Salary: £20,879 Popular Sectors:

Professional Qualifications & Associations: Professional Qualifications & Associations: Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), General Pharmaceutical Council, British Pharmacological Society Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Advanced Community Pharmacy Practice, MSc Pharmacy Practice with Research Project, MSc Clinical Pharmacy, MSc Clinical Pharmacology, MSc Experimental Pharmacology and Therapeutics, MSc Pharmacology and Drug Development, MSc Pharmaceutical & Analytical Science, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

British Philosophical Association, British Society for the Philosophy of Science, Chartered Institute of Journalists, Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), The City of London Guild of Public Relations Practitioners Postgraduate Qualifications: MA Philosophy, MA Philosophy of Psychology, MA in Philosophy of Religion, MA in Philosophy of Language and Logic, MA Philosophy, Politics & Economics, MA Modern European Philosophy, MA Ancient Philosophy, Graduate Diploma in Law GDL, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Popular Roles: Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist, Counselling Psychologist, Sport & Exercise Psychologist, Educational Psychologist, Forensic psychologist Lecturer, Occupational Psychologist, Mental Health Psychologist, Wellbeing Practitioner” Professional Qualifications & Associations: British Psychological Society, Association of Educational Psychologists, Experimental Psychology Society, British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy, UK Council for Psychotherapy, Royal College of Psychiatrists Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Psychology, MSc Health Psychology, MSc Psychology of Sport and Exercise, MSc Abnormal and Clinical Psychology, MSc Forensic Psychology, MSc Psychology of Health & Wellbeing, MSc Psychology of Education, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

Degree choices BA SOCIAL WORK Average Graduate Salary: £25,739 Popular Sectors: Healthcare services, NHS, Local Authority, Social Services, Education, Research, Probation Services, Legal Services, Welfare Services, Counselling Services, Mental Health Services Popular Roles: Social Worker, Senior Probation Officer, Charity Social Support Specialist, Counselling Practitioner, Mental Health Support Officer, and Youth Support Officer, Community Work Co-odinator, Adoption Services Officer Professional Qualifications & Associations: British Association of Social Workers (BASW), British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) Postgraduate Qualifications: MA Social Work, MA Applied Social Work Practice: Leadership & Management, MSc Advanced Social Work Studies, MA Adult Services Support, MA Advanced Child Protection, MA Advanced Clinical Practice, MA Autism Practice, MSc Neurorehabilitation, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

BA SOCIAL STUDIES, SOCIOLOGY & SOCIAL POLICY Average Graduate Salary: £22,416 Popular Sectors: Healthcare services, NHS, Local Authority, Social Services, Education, Research, Probation Services, Legal Services, Welfare Services, Counselling Services, Mental Health Services Popular Roles: Social Services Professional, Probation Officer, Charity Social Support Specialist, Counselling Practitioner, Mental Health Support Officer, and Youth Support Officer, Community Work Co-odinator, Adoption Services Officer Professional Qualifications & Associations: British Sociological Association, British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) Postgraduate Qualifications: MA Sociology, MA Visual Sociology, MSc Public Sociology, MA Sociology of Education, MA Dance Politics and Sociology, MPhil Sociology (Political and Economic Sociology), MPhil in Sociology (The Sociology of Marginality and Exclusion), Graduate Diploma in Law GDL, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

BS C SPORTS SCIENCE Average Graduate Salary: £20,958 Popular Sectors: Higher Education, Research, Schools, Sports Clubs, Corporate Occupational Health, Local Authorities Popular Roles: Sports Scientist, Sports Physiologist, Sports Therapist, Gym/Fitness Supervisor/ Manager, Teacher, Trainer, Lecturer, Sports Manager, Coach, Events Manager, Occupational Health Officer Professional Qualifications & Associations: The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES), Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) Postgraduate Qualifications: MSc Physiotherapy, MSc Sport Rehabilitation and Exercise Science, MSc Vocational Rehabilitation, MSc Veterinary Studies (Physiotherapy), MSc Applied Exercise Physiology, MSc Cognitive Rehabilitation, MBA, PGCert, PGDip, MRes, MPhil, PhD

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Employers are very keen on students who start investing in employability skills, competences and relevant experience right from high school. Here is a template timeline you can use to ensure you keep your career development targets and milestones on track. The timelines are based on someone in Year 13.





Apply for Standard/ Degree/ Higher Apprenticeships/ School Leaver Programmes

Start networking with employers and alumni face-to-face and online (especially LinkedIn)


Create an Annual Plan of Action & Skills Audit


4th September 2019 - UCAS

Discuss your career choices with a careers advisor

Attend careers fairs & Open Days at

Applications Open •

Finalise your careers options

Universities & Colleges

and choices •

1 Oct 2019 DEADLINE: Music UCAS Conservatoires

15 Oct 2019 DEADLINE : Oxford, Cambridge, Medicine, Dentistry & Veterinary Medicine

OCTOBER • 20 Oct DEADLINE for adding UCAS clearing choices • 20 Oct DEADLINE to receive university decisions


Perfect your interview skills and practise online aptitude tests

Book a mock interview with a careers advisor for a simulated experience

SEPTEMBER • 21 Sept 2020 Final Deadline for 2020 Entry applications • Sept 2020 Universities Open • Most apprenticeships start


AUGUST • 4 Aug 2020 SQA Results Day • 13 Aug 2020 A Level Results Day • 13 Aug 2020 UCAS Adjustments Open • 31 Aug 2020 DEADLINE to meet offer conditions • 31 Aug 2020 DEADLINE UCAS Adjustment closes

15 JAN 2020 DEADLINE: UCAS Undergraduate Applications

Keep a log of who is recruiting and what their deadlines are

Do a mid-year review of your Personal Development Portfolio and plan of action. Consult your careers advisor for advice and support

JULY • 5 July 2020 DEADLINE - UCAS Extra • 6 July 2020 UCAS Clearing Opens • 6 July 2020 IB Results Date • 13 July 2020 Unis respond to applications submitted by 30 June • 20 July 2020 Offers from Unis for applications submitted by 30 June


25 Feb 2020 UCAS Extra Opens

Explore professional development learning options

Attend workshops and presentations

Keep applying for apprenticeships or work experience



Attend university / employer

interviews •

Attend networking events and careers drop-in sessions


Get help from Careers Advisor to make yourself Summer ‘work ready’

Find a mentor

Connect with more connections and alumni

4 June 2020: DEADLINE to reply to offers received from Unis (Decisions received by 6 May 2020) 18 June 2020 DEADLINE to reply to offers received from Unis (Decisions received by 4 June 2020) 30 June 2020 New Entries automatically enter through clearing

MAY • 5 May 2020: DEADLINE for receiving offers from Unis for applications up to 31st March • 6 MAy 2020 Unis respond to applications submitted by 15 Jan 2020

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UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE INTERVIEW TIPS Some universities/colleges, especially Oxbridge, Russell Group, top American Uni’s and competitive Sixth-Form colleges tend to interview candidates before admission. We have listed key tips that could help you ace the interview, should you be asked to attend one:

Preparation is key: Sharpen your interview technique and public speaking skills. Practice with friends/family or enrol on a workshop, e.g the EtonX , Oxbridge or Medical School Prep Courses.

Research on the content, hints and tips posted on the University/ College’s website.

A lot of the interview questions will have no right or wrong answer. They just want to test your intellectual skills, confidence, ability to ‘think on your feet’ and your ability to navigate in unfamiliar territories.

Research on the online comments about past interviews (e.g. Studentroom, social media or YouTube) and newspaper articles about attending competitive university interviews.

Re-read your application a few times to thoroughly familiarise with everything you have written as you may be asked to expand on any statements you have written. Prepare to back up any claims, interests, hobbies, strengths and skills you have mentioned in your application.

Respond why you would like to study at this particular university with a set of credible facts that make that institution stand out for you. Think about its reputation, specialism, research or academic excellence, student satisfaction, teaching/learning style, strong recommendation from teachers/friends/ family and post-qualification employment track-record. Your answer should show that you have done a thorough research.

Plan your travel the night before and familiarise yourself with the route/ transport facilities you are going to use on the day. Show your passion and enthusiasm by thanking them for the opportunity.

Plan the clothing you are going to wear. Smart casual is the most popular for university interviews unless the university suggests otherwise. Avoid anything too bright, offensive or suggestive.

Do your utmost best to arrive on time please! It reflects on your time management and professionalism.

Read a lot of media (newspaper, magazine or blog) articles related to your area of study.

Use your experiences from any clubs, societies, sports, Duke of Edinburgh and extra-curricular activities to demonstrate your social and ethical skills and values as well as illustrating any life achievements.

When responding, if you need a moment or two to digest the question an prepare your response, feel free to pause and stay silent for a brief moment. Feel free to ask the interviewer to repeat or to give you a moment to prepare your answer. Sometimes admitting that it’s you first time to hear about it can be a nice way to give disclaimer but still attempting to respond. Do not hesitate to request to use a piece of paper or whiteboard to illustrate your answer.

Prepare solid answers for common questions like What are your strengths, weaknesses, greatest achievements ….

Show your enthusiasm about the Uni and passion for the course you are applying for. Don’t be ‘over-the-top’ or exaggerate things – try being as genuine and authentic.

Respond passionately to why you want to study this course, demonstrating genuine interest for the subject, the career destinations it opens, how it aligns with your career aspirations and link this to any latest or trending industry issues in this area of study.

Use questions like why you should be offered a place by selling yourself and any key strengths, skills, achievements, passion to learn, what contributions you can bring or add value to the college/ university and your passion for the area of study.

Respond in a confident and assertive manner. Speak clearly and audibly – but not too loud or aggressive. Smart use of body language can go a long way to show your confidence, openness and assertiveness. Pay attention and maintain eye contact with the interviewer(s).

Greet the interviewer positively, and if offered give a nice firm handshake.

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If you’re planning to go to university, you need to register with UCAS, the organisation administering the university applications process. You apply for university places through its online system which you need to register to use. After completing your personal details, university and course choice, you are required to prepare a personal statement, your pitch to the selected universities, justifying your course choice and why you would be the ideal student to enroll with them.

Writing a personal statement is an integral part of your UCAS application but the thought of writing it can be daunting. Don’t put off writing it until the last minute, though. Your personal statement is one of your biggest shots at selling yourself and proving to your course leaders how much you want to study! Before you start, it is important you visit www. ucas.com or the university website and thoroughly understand their entry requirements. This can help you tailor your personal statement to address the course requirements. It can be difficult to know where to start - you may feel as though you don’t have enough to say or have all the right things but are struggling with formatting. The first step you should take is to write down any piece of information you may think is useful. You don’t have to put them in any particular order but just making a list of the skills you possess, your reasons for applying, and any relevant experience is a great way to get your thoughts flowing. WHAT SHOULD YOU INCLUDE IN YOUR PERSONAL STATEMENT?

Outline your reasons for applying • Let your admissions tutors know what your goals are and what has persuaded you to pursue your studies in in this particular chosen area and at the chosen institutions • Show them your passion, positivity, excitement, focus, commitment and drive for the subject as well as why you have chosen higher education as an option • Outline your strengths and unique selling points and how they relate to this course

(any journals, blogs, YouTube videos, open days, careers advisory service visits, UCAS Exhibitions, Summer School….)

Extra-curricular activities

• To show your social side, outline some of your extra-curricular activities and how it fits in with your chosen area of study • To demonstrate you’re a well-rounded person, highlight your sporting, clubs, charitable activities, musical activities, relevant travelling experiences, life What interests you about the subject achievements and hobbies and find a way of selling the transferrable skills they present • Outline what has inspired your choice of course and their relevance in making you a welldemonstrating you have a full understanding of rounded university candidate the course and profession you’ve applied for. • Any awards and activities such as; Duke • Describe what key aspects and features draw of Edinburgh, National Citizen Service, you to the subject. It’s never a bad idea to show vInspired Awards, Step Together and the off a little bit of knowledge about the field you Crest Awards – linking these to universities’ have chosen to study so that the admission entry requirements tutors can see that you’re the right fit. • Any major event in your life that helped mould your character and how that relate to your course choice Why you • Write about what makes you compatible with studying your chosen course • Discuss the subjects you have studied, the knowledge and skills you have gained through them and their relevance to the course you are applying for. Discuss any major pieces of work, any prizes and awards • Include any previous courses you’ve done, work experience and voluntary activities that are relevant or make you stand out. Highlight the skills and capabilities that you have picked up throughout these work experience opportunities. Some other things you can include are:

Conclusion • Summary of what you hope to achieve from the course and your future career plans are after the course • Re-emphasise your key strengths, skills, interests and experiences • Conclude by showing your genuine engagement and enthusiasm to embark on this next phase of your career journey and the dreams and life ambitions it will help fulfill

• Traineeships and Apprenticeships • Any volunteering you may have done • Work placements or summer jobs/internships • If you have had any position of responsibility at school or outside school • If you have helped other students in the school • For every skill/quality you mention, show evidence of how, when and where you gained it • Don’t just list what you have done, give details of any lessons learnt and how this will benefit your future studies • Outline any research you have carried out to justify your understanding of the subject

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TIPS FOR WRITING THE PERSONAL STATEMENT Now that you know what to write, you will want to know how to write it! It usually helps to write everything into a separate document before uploading it to your UCAS application for the sake of arranging and editing your content though bear in mind the 4,000-character or 47 lines limit.

Keep it personal Whoever is reading your application is looking for your own individual experience of how and why you came to the decision to apply to University. Feel free to add your own individuality but try not to go overboard with the humour in case it flies over the heads of the reader!

Follow a structure Though there are no particular rules for creating your personal statement, it helps to keep everything in a neat and linear order so it’s easier for the reader to follow. Try to include only your most relevant experience for the sake of sticking to your character limit if you’re running out of space.


As much as you may want to send off your application after its first draft, it’s paramount you check it and check it again! Be on the lookout for any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes that might have gone amiss. Get a careers advisor, relative, friend or tutor to check through it and give you any pointers and make some edits until you are 100% happy!

Seek advice If you’re really struggling to find the right things to say, ask one of your tutors and advisors for help. UCAS has a brilliant personal statement builder that is designed to help you structure and format your statement and there are plenty of other helpful tools online. Writing your personal statement can be overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be if you follow these tips!

Keep it simple and professional • Short, concise sentences written with simple natural English – no flowery vocabulary • Positive statements and no negative statements • No mention of university names or specific degree titles – just mention the general theme or area of study • Original content - no plagiarised sentences or statements copied directly from the internet/ friends • Avoid excessively used clichés and humour

Useful links www.ucas.com/undergraduate/applying-university/how-write-ucas-undergraduate-personal-statement

www.ucasdigital.com/widgets/personalstatement/index.html#/splash www.ucas.com/file/130236/download?token=_gjkm4Io www.ucas.com/file/4251/download?token=KIC9lMgH www.ucas.com/connect/blogs/personal-statements-quick-fire-questions-answered www.university.which.co.uk/advice/personal-statements www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/universities/applying-to-university-and-ucas-deadlines

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• • • • •

When you head off to Uni/College, it’s important you make yourself aware of what the city is like for crime. One-third of students are likely to fall victim to some form of crime so you should clue up on what precautions you should put in place to help prevent anything happening to you!

Safety First!

To ensure that you’re safe on and around campus, make sure you can check out this list of tips can make your University/College experience a lot safer. • Make a list of contact numbers should you lose your phone • Familiarise yourself with the bus routes and the location of your accommodation

Invest in USB/Hard drive for backups of your Uni work Always let a housemate or a friend know if you’re leaving the house Make sure your phone is always charged and on-hand Buy a bike chain if you are going to be cycling Consider purchasing a personal alarm to carry around with you Always be aware of how much you drink

Protect Your Valuables

Making sure you have contents insurance before you move to Uni/College is really beneficial. It’s common for student houses to be the target of burglaries- especially during the winter and Easter breaks as thieves know that there will be nobody in the house. Some student accommodation and housing will offer free contents insurance, but you should definitely double check in your contract before skimping out on it. That extra twenty-odd pounds a year can be a real game changer in the case of a burglary. Have a look around for the best price and don’t leave it too late to purchase insurance.

You can even see if you can be added onto your parent’s insurance plan to make things a little cheaper. Also! •

• • • • • •

Always make sure you lock your door! Including the door on your bedroom if you are leaving the house- even if it’s just for a moment. Register your expensive items such as laptops, tablets and phones. Hide things like laptops and TVs away from the windows, where people can look in. Avoid leaving notes and tell-tale signs that you have left the house - if anyone needs to know, send them a text. Make sure your windows are locked and shut, even if you’re not on the ground floor. Ask your landlord to install a CCTV or burglar alarm. Use timers when you are away for your lights to give the impression that there is still someone in the house.

Nights Out

It’s important to note that there is a spike in students being targeted during the first few weeks of the academic year when new starters are at their most vulnerable due to partying and not being familiar with the area. When you’re heading on a night out, always make sure you know the safest route back. Avoiding taking shortcuts and wandering off on your own as it may make you more susceptible to an attack. Here are some other things to consider that will hopefully help reduce the risk of any trouble on a night out: Keep an eye on your drink: Spiking drinks is on the increase and somebody could do it for any reason (none of which are justifiable). Never leave your drink at the bar and never ever accept a drink from a stranger. If you have to nip to the loo, make sure you can leave your drink with somebody you 100% trust. If you begin to feel uneasy or strange, let a friend know and get them to guide you home and keep your eye out for your friends. Avoid Conflict: As tempting as it may be to step in and break up a fight, it’s best to stay out of it. Alert a bouncer or the bar staff who can fetch someone else. It’s better to not get involved as you can’t foresee the

consequences. Be Careful Around People You’ve Just Met: University is an exciting time for meeting new people and making new friends, but it never hurts to be cautious. Stick with the group you arrived with and avoid giving out your address to someone you’ve just met. Always let your friends know if you plan on going back to anybody else’s accommodation. Keep an Eye on Your Belongings: Kind of an obvious one here but if you’re planning on going on a night out, make sure you keep a tally on the items you take out with you! If you’re taking a little bag, try not to leave it on the floor of a toilet cubicle or forget to take it back from a friend if you ask them to hold on to it. Always double check that the things that you put in your pocket haven’t disappearedputting things in your front pockets can reduce the risk of pickpocketing. List of Hotlines Emergency Services 999 111- Non-Emergency Sexual Assault: Victims Support www.victimsupport.org.uk 0333 300 6389 RASASC www.rasasc.org.uk 0808 802 9999 Rape Crisis www.rapecrisis.org.uk 0808 802 9999 Suicide Helplines: Samaritans www.samaritans.org 116 123 Hope Line UK www.papyrus-uk.org 0800 585858 Drugs: Know The Score www.knowthescore.info 0800 587 587 9 Talk To Frank www.talktofrank.com 0800 776 600

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UNIVERSITY TIMELINE What Happens at University

Are you starting university any time soon? Moving out of your parent’s house into student accommodation? You must have a bundle of questions about what you can expect from your time at university so look at our university timeline!


1 2

Moving Day Trepidation

For those of you that are going to be moving into your own place, whether that be student dorms or a rented house, it is probably going to feel very strange and daunting at first. But worry not, give it a few weeks and you will get to know your roommates whilst making friends in the process.

Freshers Week

For many first-year students, Freshers Week is a time for socialising, partying, joining clubs and forming new relationships. Copious amounts of alcohol and late nights can leave you feeling rough but remember that it is okay to say ‘no’ if you don’t feel like going out or drinking. You should also consider your budget; you don’t want to spend all your money in one week.


Freshers Fair Freebies

You should head down to your universities Freshers Fair when you get the chance and look at all the societies they’re offering. Most stalls will give away free stuff like stationary, posters, food and drinks and you can also talk to the people that run the societies too. If anything, it is also a place to socialise and meet new people that share the same interests as you do.


Learning Begins

Once Freshers Week is over, the start of classes and lectures will roll around. Now is the time that you will have to get yourself in gear and start studying in your own time so that you remember everything from what your tutors have taught you. If you don’t revise, it will affect the outcome of your overall grade.

5 6


Throughout the academic year, you will be getting assignments from your tutors. Don’t take these with a pinch of salt as they are serious and most of the time, do go towards your final grade at the end of the year.

Exam Season For some lucky people, they will only have coursework to complete but for others, there will be exams. If you are one of those people that has exams, then you must study hard in the weeks leading up to them. I know there are one million and one distractions that will be thrown at you, but it is important you pass them if you want to be allowed into the second year.



Renting Your Own Accommodation Life in second year will be hard. You will most likely want to move out of student dorms and into your own place. Landlords and estate agents can be tricky to deal with if you don’t have a good one so always make sure to read the contract thoroughly before signing it. They also may claim to have your best interests at heart, but some are not as truthful as others. Your university should have an accommodation department that you can ask for advice if you have any problems.



The Second Year Slump

Once the first year is over, it can get harder. Many students find it difficult to stay on top of all the work that’s being handed to them; particularly as it’s much harder than the work in the first year. It’s easy to become less motivated when work gets harder and deadlines get shorter but it’s good to keep in mind that the grade you get in the second year will be going towards your overall grade.

Bills, Bills, Bills Now that you won’t be in student dorms, the university will no longer take care of your bills for you. You will need to learn how to find different utility providers and find out who is the cheapest. You can do this by either researching on the internet then ringing the company and negotiate a contract, or by going to a company that can do that for you. Keep in mind that they will take a small percentage of your money though. Remember that you will have to pay for a TV license if you’re going to watch TV and council tax as well.


More Library, Less Party The library is going to be like a second home come exam time. Unfortunately, your second year is going to be a lot harder than the first, so you will need to hit the books and study hard. You may also find that most people do not like to go out as much during the second year as it can be expensive and tiring. Also, you won’t want to be staying out until 4AM when you have a lecture at 9AM. So, leave the partying for when you don’t have any assignments, deadlines or exams coming up - for which you will need to put all your attention towards.


School’s out for Summer

Come May a lot of students will be finishing up for the year until they go back in September. Depending on what month you finish, you will have 2 – 5 months of summer to kick back and relax. However, for those that would like to get a head start into their careers, it’s a good idea to find a summer placement. You can do this by approaching companies and asking them if they have any internships available. This will put you ahead of the competition come graduation.

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1 2

No More Nights Out

Obviously, you’re still allowed to have the odd night out but you’re going to find that the mountain of work you will inevitably have is going take up too much of your time. Leave the nights out for birthdays and celebrations.


Depending on the course, not everyone will have to do a dissertation. However, most people do so. You need to keep in mind that this will be a huge essay that will go towards your overall grade. This is not something that can be done in a day so do not leave it until the night before. Doing well on your dissertation could be the difference between getting a 2:1 and a 2:2 so work hard on it.

3 4

Final Exams

Doing well in your exams at the end of the third year is crucial if you want to get a good grade. Months before your exams happen, you should have your head buried in books and studying hard. Everything else will have to take a backseat as these exams should be your number one priority.

Enjoy yourself

Exams are over, summer has begun, and you have time to chill out before you graduate. Have a BBQ, socialise with friends, host parties, go to festivals or maybe even go on a holiday. You should also investigate the job market now as well. Remember to have fun while you can because as soon as you graduate, it will be work, work, work.



Once you receive your results, you will have the option to go to your graduation ceremony. This is optional so if you are not one for standing in front of a big audience and having your picture taken, then you don’t have to go. For those that do go, the full graduation robes will have to be worn, and yes, that includes the funny hat (otherwise known as a mortarboard).



W H A T I S E M P L O Y A B I L I T Y ? ......................................................... K E Y E M P L O Y A B I L I T Y S T A K E H O L D E R S ........................................... A H E A L T H Y E M P L O Y A B I L I T Y S K I L L S M I X ...................................... 50 T O P E M P L O Y A B I L I T Y S K I L S ...................................................... W H A T R E C R U I T E R S L O O K F O R ...................................................... EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS, ATTITUDES, ATTRIBUTES AUDIT................ USING SMART GOALS IN CAREER PLANNING..................................... U S I N G J O H A R I W I N D O W I N C A R E E R S E L F - A S S E S S M E N T .............

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The primary objective of this section is to support pupils/students as well as enabling career advisers, teachers, parents/guardians and anybody in a position to support young people’s employability and transitioning from the school/college phase into the world of work/ higher or further education, in a way that which will maximise their career outcomes. What is ‘employability’? The concept of employability relates to the personal development of core knowledge, skills, qualities, competences, attitudes,

commercial awareness, values and behaviours necessary to gain and maintain a fulfilling career including further/higher education, employment, entrepreneurship, continuing professional development and career progression throughout one’s career life cycle.

DEFINITIONS OF EMPLOYABILITY “A set of attributes, skills and knowledge that all labour market participants should possess to ensure they have the capability of being effective in the workplace – to the benefit of themselves, their employer and the wider economy” (CBI, 2018). “A set of achievements – skills, understandings and personal attributes – that make individuals more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations, which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy” (Knight & Yorke, 2006). “A set of achievements, understandings and personal attributes that make individuals more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations” (ESECT, 2006). “The skills that make specific knowledge and technical skills fully productive” (UKCES, 2009). “Equipping the labour force with appropriate and relevant skills, in stimulating innovation and supporting productivity and in enriching the quality of life, in a fast-changing and increasingly competitive world” (DfES, 2003). “Developing critical, reflective abilities, with a view to empower and enhance the learner” (Harvey, 2003)

Factors influencing the development of successful employability skills

One's academic perfomance The school/college and parental support

One's motivation, commitment and engagement

One's choice of study & career options

One's confidence, assertiveness & ambition One's awareness and perception of the labour market

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A HEALTHY EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS MIX In practice, the right mix of employability skills, knowledge, qualities and attributes differ with each profession/ career path. Employability skills developed in your studies and extracurricular activities can be transferable to your working life. Some can be acquired or enhanced further in your career lifelong learning or continuing professional development (CPD).

•Subject knowledge, skills & understanding •Technical understanding/ capabilities •Good academic grades •Transferable skills

Educational & Technical Competences

Business acumen & Commercial Awareness •Work visits/placements •Part-time employment •Extra-curricular activities •Networking and building alumni & employer relations

•Communication skills •Teamworking skills •Analytical skills •Reflection & Critical thinking skills •Integrity and ethical values

Generic and Reflective Skills & Competences


Career Advisors

Employers & Supporting Organisations

Student / Pupil


Parents / Carers

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10 TIPS FOR EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS In addition to excelling in your studies, it is essential that you spare time for pursuing your extra-curricular interests, sports, clubs, societies, work experience and entrepreneurship initiatives. Such approaches can significantly boost your employability skills and personal career enrichment. There is nothing more rewarding than learning new transferrable skills whilst doing what you enjoy most.Follow our tips to look your best!

JOIN A SPORTS TEAM Skills & Attributes: Teamworking, collaboration, communication, self-management, motivation & leadership skills.

Sport s JOIN A CLUB OR SOCIETY (e.g drama, debate, choir, orchestra, scouts) Skills & Attributes: Teamworking, collaboration, communication, organisational, planning, initiative & leadership skills.

Sc hool Club

D uke of E dinbur g h

COMPLETE A DUKE OF EDINBURGH AWARD Skills & Attributes: Teamworking, self-discipline, independence, confidence, self-management, motivation, self-esteem and dedication.

CONTRIBUTE ARTICLES/ PRESENTATIONS / DEBATE/PUBLIC SPEAKING PERFOMANCES / PROJECT PARTICIPATION (in any academic subject/ careers events / club / society or student magazine) Skills & Attributes: Communication, initiative, self-management, confidence and interpersonal skills.

Online C o u r se

Public Speak ing

ENROL A ONLINE COURSE/MOOC/WEBINAR/ WORKSHOP / YOUTUBE TUTORIAL / SOFTWARE TUTORIAL DOWNLOAD/ BUSINESS GAME / NEW LANGUAGE COURSE Skills & Attributes: Computing/IT skills, initiative, self-management, language and relevant technical skills.

GAINING ESSENTIAL WHILST AT SCHOOL/COLLEGE CAMPAIGN FOR A LEADERSHIP POSITION IN YOUR CLASS/ YEAR/SCHOOL/COLLEGE/CLUB/ SOCIETY/UNION/PRESSURE GROUP Skills & Attributes: Leadership, motivation, initiative, planning, organising, communication, innovation and creativity skills.

Leaders hip Role HAVE A POSITIVE & HEALTHY SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE WITH CAREER-ENHANCING PROFILE, NETWORKS, POSTS AND GROUP PARTICIPATION Skills & Attributes: Communication, initiative, creativity, IT, social intelligence, commercial awareness, relationship building skills.

SECURE A WORK EXPERIENCE PLACEMENT, SUMMER/ WEEKEND JOB, EMPLOYER VISIT/INSIGHT DAY, TUTORING JOB OR VOLUNTARY PLACEMENT (e.g drama, debate, choir, orchestra, scouts) Skills & Attributes: Commercial awareness, tamworking, communication, self-management, time management, work ethic & relevant technical skills.

Volunt eer in g

Summer J ob

START A PROJECT, FUNDRAISING/CHARITABLE EVENT/ CONCERT/BALL/PROJECT/SOCIETY/ SOCIAL ENTEPRISE/ SMALL BUSINESS Skills & Attributes: Initiative, creativity, planning, organising, organisational, self-management, motivation & leadership skills.

CREATE A WEBSITE/ BLOG/ APP OR SOCIAL MEDIA GROUP FOR YOU OR YOUR CLUB/SOCIETY Skills & Attributes: Computing/IT, creativity, planning, organisational, commercial awareness, initiative and communication skills.

Des ign A Webs ite

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6 TOP EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS There are several key skills that employers look for when hiring someone. Along with good technical understanding and subject knowledge, employers often outline a set of skills that they want from an employee. These skills are what they believe will prove the employee can carry out their role.


Communication It’s vital that you can communicate fluently and effectively to ensure that people understand you. Communicating doesn’t just involve talking to people, it includes having the ability to listen, being able to convey your thoughts through writing and the use of your body language. These are all things you will have to work on to improve your communication skills.

Initiative Using your initiative means noticing and seeking out tasks that need to be completed and doing them without being asked. This can also involve thinking creatively to make improvements to the way things are done.

Technology Having technology skills is a must. Most places of work will have technology that you will need

to know and understand, so it is crucial that you know how to use it. Being able to use technology can include knowing how to use a computer for word processing, using spreadsheets and sending emails, or knowing how to use office equipment like a photocopier. If you’re not sure how to do anything technology related, you should tell the employer you don’t know how to use it, but that you are enthusiastic and willing to learn.

Problem-solving Problem-solving means finding solutions when you’re faced with difficulties or setbacks. It involves being able to use a logical process to figure things out. This is a vital skill that everybody should develop. Setbacks do happen and things go wrong in life. They are part and parcel of every job, so you will need to have the right, can-do attitude.

Teamwork Teamwork means being able to get along with the people you work with. It involves working together to achieve a shared goal. Working with your colleagues is an essential employability skill that employers will be looking for. Being able to work with others shows that you can encourage and inspire other members of the team to work more efficiently. Teamwork also demonstrates leadership, collaboration and good communication skills. As well as pointing out that you work well with others, being able to show that you can work independently is also a beneficial characteristic.

Organising Organising means working out what you need to do and how you’re going to do it. Organising involves things like developing project timelines and meeting deadlines. Having organised employees means that paperwork doesn’t get lost, deadlines are met and time isn’t wasted. Good organisational skills mean employers and teams will feel less stressed because they’ll have more time to get tasks done to a higher quality.


to enter the world of employment? Recruiters look for many qualities in candidates as specific skills are needed to do particular jobs or to be able to work in a specific industry. They search for candidates that can work in harmony with colleagues and can be an asset to the company.

Inner strength

Have the quality of persistence when the going gets tough. One easy way to demonstrate your inner strength is during the interview - just remain cool, calm and relaxed. This will give the recruiter a good indication of how you would appear when under pressure day-to-day.


Recruiters prefer candidates who are honest and true to themselves. You should be willing to admit your strengths and weaknesses. Candidates should demonstrate loyalty - never say anything negative about a previous employer or colleague. Even if you were fired from a previous job, don’t say anything critical.


Recruiters need candidates who have the courage to accept challenges and take risks. Having courage also means you’re willing to speak up and say exactly what you think.


Candidates who are well prepared and determined to succeed are highly valued by recruiters. If channelled correctly, ambitious people excel in their career, earn higher levels of income, are more motivated and enjoy greater satisfaction.


This is an important asset to have as it shows recruiters what they can expect of you going forward. Employers value reliability as a core trait that enhances employee trust. Reliable people have a track record of doing what they promised and you can count on them to deliver on time and to the expected levels of quality.


Even if you’re not applying for a management position, you’ll still need to demonstrate to employers that you have the potential to motivate and lead others to achieve common objectives. True leadership skills influence, guide, motivate, boosts morale and shows confidence and initiative.

Good communication skills

This is how clearly you put your ideas across and how good you are at listening to others. Employers will be keen to see how you build rapports, as well as being able to persuade and negotiate with people.

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Tick skills that you think will be critical to the profession you are aiming to enter once you have completed your studies Rate your profIciency & enjoyment scores for each of these skills on a scale of 1- 10, with 10 being excellent and 1 being lowest Enjoyment Score at start of Autumn Term Proficiency Score at start of Autumn Term Skills improvement actions undertaken (school, work, extracurricular/social)

Proficiency Score at start of Spring Term (on a scale of 1 - 10) Skills improvement actions undertaken (school, work, extracurricular/social)

Profeciency Score at start of Summer Term Skills improvement actions undertaken (school, work, extracurricular/social)

Proficiency Score at the end of the year ANNUAL CHANGE IN PROFICIENCY SCORE

Database Management Skills

Cultural Awareness

Customer Awareness & Orientation

Critical Thinking Skills

Creativity & Innovation

Confidence & Assertiveness

Computing Skills & Digital Literacy

Written Communication Skills / Literacy

Spoken Communication / Interpersonal Skills

Commercial Awareness

Commitment / Diligency / Hardworking

Autonomy / Independent Working Skills

Business Acumen / Professional Knowledge


Analytical and Decision-making skills


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Work Ethic

Time Management

Technical skills / knowledge

Team-working / Collaborative Skills

Excel/Spreadsheet Skills

Social Intelligence

Self-Management & Self-Promotion



Resilience/Stress Tolerance

Reliability / Dependability / Punctuality

Reflection & Critical thinking


Presentation Skills

Positive Attitude / Self Motivation

Planning & Organisational Skills

Persuading and Negotiating

Observing, Gathering & Research Skills

Numeracy Skills

Networking Skills


Commitment to Lifelong Learning

Leadership Skills

Language & Global Skills

IT/Computer Literacy

Intellectual Skills

Initiative / Proactiveness

Independent Thinking & Self-direction

Flexibility & Adaptability

Integrity / Honesty

Ethics & Fairness


Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

Emotional Intelligence


Aspiration / Drive / Ambition

Database Management Skills

Customer Awareness & Orientation

Cultural Awareness

Critical Thinking Skills

Creativity & Innovation


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Improving self-awareness mutual understanding colleagues.

and with

Throughout your career, self-awareness is key in becoming an effective team member. The Johari Window (created by psychologists Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham) is a simple and common model used by many students and professionals to better understand themselves and how they are perceived by others around them. Not only does it empower individuals, but helps in team development, group dynamics and inter-team relationships. The model has 4 quadrants/areas/regions. We will look at each in turn.







Information about you that both you and others know.

Information about you that you don’t know but others do.



Information about you that you know but others don’t know.

Information about you that neither you nor others know.

Open Self This quadrant contains information about an individual which is known to themselves and others around them. It includes information about behaviour, attitude, emotions, knowledge, skills, views, etc. This area is to be continuously developed because that’s where an individual and the team are most effective. As expected, long standing teams tend to know more about team members than would a new team. Regular feedback sessions as well as team building exercises help in expanding team awareness and productivity.

Blind Self This quadrant contains information about an individual which is known by the team but is unknown by the individual. Team culture should cultivate an environment that offers constructive critism and self-evaluation facilities to help the individual become more self-aware.

Hidden Self This quadrant contains information about an individual which is known by the team but is unknown by the individual. Team culture should cultivate an environment that offers constructive critism and self-evaluation facilities to help the

individual become more self-aware.

Unknown Self This quadrant involves information about a person which is unknown to them and to their team members. These issues can involve attitudes, capabilities, behaviours and feelings etc. In some cases, some people who lack self-confidence tend to have larger unknown areas. In practice the quadrants proportions tend to differ between different team members depending on their length of service and culture with the team. An established team member will have a larger ‘open area’ because of the regular feedback and interaction with other team members. They will be familiar with them hence they may find it easier to disclose confidential information which helps others to understand them. A new team member hardly knows anyone within the team hence they have a larger ‘unknown area’. However, this will reduce in size with time depending on how the environment encourages openness to disclose and how that information is treated with respect.

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Networking is interacting with others to exchange information, ideas and develop professional or social contacts. It is key to buidling a successful career foundation and buidling connections to help secure a job or improve commercial awareness.


• •

Make new friends and widen your social circle through your sports team or by joining a club, society, Duke of Edinburgh or any other extra-curricular activity. Always show a likeable impression and be nice, pleasant and helpful to everyone you bump into. Don’t forget that smiling and showing a positive attitude always go a long way in improving your likeability and will help you prepare for the world of work. Expand your network outside school/college through charitable and volunteering activities, community clubs or projects. Find a part-time job or placement to improve your employability skills and build that highly essential experience profile. Whilst there, always make a good impression, in terms of your attitude, work ethic, interpersonal skills and punctuality. Try to be in good books with bosses and co-workers and keep in touch with them afterwards. Tap into your parents/carers’ networks and contacts; and use them as a useful resource for building your own network. Use parents as resources. Your parents/carers’ and their friends’ knowledge-base, expertise, experience and rich network of contacts can open doors for your future career.

Networking has become a key opportunity for enhancing your career prospects.

NETWORKING TAKEAWAYS Here are 3 important takeaways to consider when networking:





PUT ON A POSITIVE HAPPY FACE :-) Lighten the moment by greeting a new contacts with a broad smile and warm expressions. This will set a positive tone that will help create a lasting relationship.

FOCUS & BE CONFIDENT A confident and assertive handshake, introduction and eye contact together with genuinely interested body language will help develop a good first impression and fuel a fruitful conversation. Stay focussed and be a good listener.

BE YOURSELF Always prepare yourself. Develop a meaningful conversation with the right questions and subject areas. Get people to talk and refer to them by their name. Be your authentic self and be honest and genuine in all your conversations. Talk about hobbies, passions, family, career interests or anything that you think might be relevant. Show interest in the other person’s life and story as much as you talk about yours. Afterwards make a follow-up or connect on LinkedIn.

SOCIAL MEDIA Create good social media profiles, especially a LinkedIn profile. We encourage students to start familiarising and building a solid profile and network on LinkedIn. Not only is LinkedIn a professional public ‘CV’ and platform for recording your key achievements, educational and work experience; it is also a key source of new contacts. Aim to: • Connect with classmates, teachers and any new contacts you meet during work experiences, voluntary work, extracurricular activities and past part-time jobs • Keep a professional picture and only clean professional postings • Join relevant networking groups, especially relating to your chosen career sector and town/region • Be on the look-out for any relevant new job postings • Define your own personal brand and a professional picture to impress employers • Use industry /profession keywords in your headline, title and summary to ensure your name appears in recruiter searches. • Connect and build rapport with key contacts and employers/recruiters • Make your profile and activity feed visible to allow maximum social engagement

1. An opportunity to gain useful careers advice and guidance from like-minded people or industry experts. 2. A platform for building relatioships, trust and confidence from useful connections and potential employers. A lot of young people ended up securing jobs or mentors through networking connections.So don’t forget to ask about new roles and tips of getting into their company/ industry. 3. Improves commercial awareness. Meeting other professionals in a social set-up can be a useful opportunity to ask about any professioanal issues or get industry insights which can help you when attending interviews. That insight can help you make sure if that industry is rghti for you. It is also a secure way of sharing ideas, innovations and challenges. 4. Step out of your comfort zone and go meet new people. It’s great for boosting your self confidence and sharpening your interpersonal and social skills. 5. Networking is a great way of getting your name out there. Whether it is attending professional functions or social events or even via social media platform, it is a way of building positive reputation which can be an invaluable career tool.

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A deadline is the final time a task must be completed by. It’s crucial to create deadlines for yourself to help you achieve your goals.

Why Deadlines Matter It’s easy to delay or forget a task. When creating a deadline for yourself, it forces you to think through the steps you need to achieve it. Each step will require a certain amount of time – and that will mean you can work out how much time you need altogether. Visualizing all the steps involved (and finishing it) can help motivate you to start tackling each small step. Deadlines encourage you to think about what it takes to accomplish your goal and to set expectations for yourself.

HOW TO MEET DEADLINES Whether you want to complete a project at school, university or work – or achieve a personal goal – it’s important to set realistic deadlines for yourself. Failing to work to a deadline can have considerable knock-on effects.

Make sure it’s realistic Agreeing to an unreasonable deadline can leave you feeling overwhelmed. If you are aware that a certain task is not achievable by the date it has been assigned to you, don’t agree to it. Approve deadlines that are doable.

Make a commitment If you agree to a deadline, then you should

be committed to doing so. If you have a poor attitude towards delivering your work when expected, people won’t be able to rely on you.

Understand what the deadline requires

Use your time productively Avoid trying to multitask, it isn’t timeeffective. Keep track of your time to help you work more efficiently, especially when deadlines are looming.

Before agreeing and committing to a deadline, make sure you understand the requirements. One of the important things you must know is the date and time of the deadline.

Ask for help

Make notes

Make meeting deadlines a habit

When you’re assigned a task that needs to be completed before a certain time, make sure to take some notes. Make use of your notes by writing an effective task list that helps you to work more efficiently.

Break the task down

There is nothing wrong with asking for help. If you need to, ask people for assistance.

Start by working towards smaller deadlines in your daily practice and use this approach when bigger deadlines arise.


Breaking up tasks into a series of smaller

Evaluate what’s required

tasks makes them easier to complete and stops you from leaving it all until the last minute.

of the tasks and deadline.

Divide your time Allocate a portion of each day to entirely focus all your attention on your goals and deadlines.

Work longer hours if necessary If you are committed to meeting a deadline, you may have to work extra hours. This will involve commitment and perseverance, but as long as you meet the deadline, it’ll be worth it.


Make sure you understand the requirements

Have the right resources Make sure you have the correct resources to complete your tasks. Will you have the people, technical support, equipment, training or materials ready and available in time?

Helping others meet deadlines You can help others meet their deadlines by encouraging them to develop their self confidence and supporting them with the pressure that comes with the job.

One important factor to be successful in meeting a deadline is managing yourself. Here are 4 tips on how to manage yourself when meeting a deadline:

Adjust your mindset Adopt a positive mindset and attitude towards deadlines by recognising that they help you achieve your long-term goals.

Be assertive Give yourself space to evaluate a deadline before agreeing to it.

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We all love using social media, whether you’re bragging about your cooking skills on Instagram, updating friends on Facebook or sharing your internal dialogue on Twitter. It’s fun, it’s easy, and it keeps us entertained when we’re bored. But what we always forget is that social media is one of the best tools for your career too. It’s great for advertising your personal brand, finding and landing a job, or moving up in your field.

You can do a lot more with it than just playing games and using it for entertainment. Social media is becoming a valuable tool for jobsearching and to boost your job skills. Did you know that 70% of employers use social media to identify and screen potential candidates? Most employers and recruitment agencies today are using social media to source the right employees, so you should recognise the power it holds. If you’re already spending most of your time online, why not put your social media accounts to good use and spring-board your career?

What is social job searching?

Social job searching involves using social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter for job searching. Social media is used by both job seekers who are looking for employment opportunities and companies looking to hire.

How to use social media in your job search It’s important to build a social network before you need it. You should be prepared for employers

finding you on social media, whether that’s with or without your knowledge. You need to do more than just have an online presence. Make sure your LinkedIn is filled out comprehensively, with your most recent employment information at the forefront and take responsibility for keeping it up-to-date. Being proactive when it comes to social media can give you a competitive advantage - whether that’s when you’re finding a job or looking for a change. You could also ensure your social profiles remain work-appropriate if they are public.

How employers use social media to recruit

It’s very important to consider your online presence, as more and more employers have been expanding their hiring procedures to incorporate social networking sites. Hiring managers and recruiters use social media to source candidates, to post jobs, and to accept job applications.

Social media and job-searching sites can help hiring managers get a clearer sense of your personality and values before they even meet you. For example, they can study your Beyond keeping your profile fresh and likes, dislikes and how well you might fit with professional, you should also try to engage the company. with people online. Talk to your connections on Twitter, join groups on LinkedIn and Facebook and join in the discussion. Be engaging and proactive on your social media.

Use social media to showcase your expertise

The growth of the internet and social media has made it easy for recruiters and employers to look for prospective employees on social media platforms. To maximise on such a trend to your advantage, use social media to showcase your talent. There might be someone out there looking for a your exact skill-set! Using a blog or a website can also play a huge part in highlighting your gifts.

Take part in online job platforms

Checking in on online career platforms is a great way to build and grow your prospects. Online platforms are rich in career-related discussions, which focus on the trending topics in the corporate world. In most cases, you might find such communities influential and useful in building your career. Taking part in online communities on career and job search sites can offer you valuable information. In addition, you can also come across recruiters and other like-minded individuals who can be of significant help in your career advancement.

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in your own mind. How do you want to be perceived by the head-hunter?

Include a profile picture

Research has shown you are 14 times more likely to be viewed if you have a profile photo included.

Get Proactive

LinkedIn is a social network, so be social, engage with content, share your point of view and let those connections help you on your way to your career.

Make your activity feed visible

This allows people to view your interests and the content you engage with online.


Use keywords relating to your industry and line of work

Using keywords will help you get headhunted, as the more skills and job titles that match recruiter searches for candidates, the higher If you don’t already have a LinkedIn profile the volume of traffic your profile will receive. The and you’re serious about landing a new role, important sections to include your keywords in then now is the time to set up your profile. are your professional headline, job title and Here are some tips on how to use LinkedIn to get your summary. headhunted:

Update Your Profile

Dedicate some time every week to ensuring your profile is as recent as possible. If you are given more responsibilities at work, add these to your description. If you change jobs, make sure you put this on your profile. Even if you have a genuinely impressive achievement, be sure your connections know about it.

Define your personal brand

Make sure you solidify your personal brand


Build strong connections and make sure you have an ongoing professional rapport with them.

Show Productivity

It may seem simple and obvious but the best way to get yourself noticed is to excel at what you do. Go the extra mile on projects and always look to take on responsibility. The harder you work and the better your output, the more word will get around.


USING SMART GOALS IN CAREER PLANNING Do you ever feel like you’re working hard, but not getting anywhere? Well, why not try setting S.M.A.R.T goals. Whether in the workplace, in business or in your personal life, having a goal gives you something to work towards. It pushes you forward and provides a constant reminder of what you want to achieve by giving you something to focus on. SMART is a popular technique used for guidance when setting goals. Planning and setting goals is a great way to explore the different paths for achieving your goals and choosing the best strategy.

Fantasising is a wonderful characteristic about being a human. However, your goal needs to be possible to be successful. You should set goals that you are able to accomplish, keeping in mind the resources, knowledge and time available. Goals should stretch your abilities but still remain possible.


Your goals need to be in line with reality. If you have established a goal to win a singing contest by Tuesday, you may want to reconsider the path your goal is taking you on.


Every goal needs a target date so that you have a deadline to focus on and work towards. This part of the SMART goal criteria helps to prevent everyday tasks from taking priority over your longer-term goals. Setting SMART goals is a smarter way of tracking your progress. It guides you to focus on your core goals and objectives whilst helping release your creative energy. If you have a goal you really want to achieve, think SMART.

S . M . A . R . T. Specific

Your goals should be clear and specific. You should be able to focus your efforts and feel motivated to achieve. When considering what goals to set, ask yourself the following questions: • •

What do I want to achieve? What is the importance of this goal?


It is important to have measurable goals, so you can track your progress and stay inspired. Assessing your progress helps you to stay focused. If your goal is not measurable, how will you know when you have achieved it?

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It’s safe to say that university is very

much education-oriented. Most students who finish their last year feel like they’ve been thrown in the deep-end. University careers departments provide a lot of support but not every student takes advantage of their support and guidance. For those who do, the advice on how to navigate the working world provides them a useful foundation for their career. For those who miss out, we’ve written 5 tips to prepare you for when university has finished. Take the initiative!

If your degree is very broad with lots of routes your career could go down, you might need to start thinking about what you want to head into. Your tutor/lecturer/careers advisor is not going to decide for you, so you need to use your own initiative. University is only there so you can get a degree; after that, it’s up to you where your career will turn. If you haven’t decided already, you need to start researching where your degree can take you. Look online and read up on different career paths that may interest you, network with industry professionals and find out how they got to where they are now, or even talk to your university careers advisor.

Money management! Most people that come out of university are littered with debt and student loans that they must pay back. Once graduates do get a job, it’s hard not to splurge most of the first pay check on things they want over things they need. It’s okay to spend money on treats every now and then but you must remember that if you are living independently, you will

have rent, bills and other essential payments, which all need to come first. It might be wise to talk to an older friend or family member that is completely self-sufficient and ask them for tips to manage your money. There are also many support guides and articles online that can give you advice as well.

Network, network, network! Networking is something you should have started as soon as you joined your university. It is crucial that you meet people within the industry you want to work in and start building connections. If you don’t know the right person, you might have to put in a bit more work, especially compared to somebody that already has contacts to vouch for them.

It’s all well and good being able to define what relative atomic mass is in detail, but can you explain it to a room of people without making them feel stupid? Many university students will come out of university with buckets-full of knowledge, but may not be able to efficiently communicate, work in a team, problem-solve and be organised. These are just some of the soft skills you will have to learn. You may have received the best grade in your year, but if you can’t communicate properly, then your chances of finding a job are slim. If you’re aware that your soft skills are not up to par with the working world, then it’s time to put some effort into improving them.

Real world knowledge won’t come from an educational establishment; it is something If you do not already have one, start by setting up you have to figure out for yourself. Prepare a LinkedIn account and add any previous work yourself for it now so it doesn’t come as bit of experience, qualifications and anything else a shock once you do start working. that you feel would be beneficial for potential employers to know. Build up your profile. Once your profile is looking professional, start connecting with others and build up trust and relationships.

Be realistic! Studies show that 93% of students in the UK want to go into a job where they can ‘make a difference to the world’. While that’s a nice ideology to have, not all employers prioritise this. Some sharks out in the working world don’t care as much about being environmentally friendly or making our planet a better place as they do about profits and money. The same goes for salaries. You may be lucky and offered a job with an excellent starting salary for a graduate but most of the time, that is not the case. The average starting salary is £19,000 - £22,000 so take heed of your expenditures before you make decisions to buy something worth a significant amount of money. Work for graduates without any industry experience will be paid little for the first few years. However, as you gain new skills and experience, you will move up the career ladder and your salary will increase accordingly.

Work on your soft skills!

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C O V E R L E T T E R S ........................................................................... H O W T O C R E A T E A M A S T E R P I E C E C V .......................................... M A K I N G Y O U R C V S T A N D O U T ....................................................... S A M P L E C V S .................................................................................. J O B A P P L I C A T I O N S ....................................... ................................ T O P U K J O B B O A R D S .................................... ................................

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consider putting the text in the body of the email rather than as an attachment, to avoid it being detected by spam filters. Applications should always include a cover letter unless the job advert instructs you to do differently.


A cover letter is a document sent alongside your CV when applying for jobs. It acts as your introduction and helps to sell the rest of your application. A cover letter is necessary because it gives you the chance to explain to an employer why you’re the right candidate for the job. You do this by highlighting relevant skills and experience, so you should always write your cover letter with the position you’re applying for in mind. Cover letters should not duplicate your CV or exceed one A4 page. If sending electronically,

Keep your cover letter brief, while making sure it emphasises your suitability for the job. It can be broken down into the following sections:

First paragraph

The opening statement should set out why you’re writing the letter. Begin by stating the position you’re applying for, where you saw it advertised and when you are available to start.

Second paragraph

Cover why you’re suitable for the job, what attracted you to this type of work, why you’re interested in working for the company and what you can bring to the organisation.

Third paragraph

Highlight relevant experience and demonstrate

how your skills match the specific requirements of the job description. Summarise any additional strengths and explain how these could benefit the company.

Last paragraph

Use the closing paragraph to round up your letter. Reiterate your interest in the role and indicate your desire for a personal interview. Now is the time to mention any dates you’re unavailable. Finish by thanking the employer and mention that you are looking forward to receiving a response. Once finished, read through the document and cut out any unnecessary words and sentences. Don’t fill up space by repeating what’s already covered in your CV.

How to address a cover letter

Always try and address your cover letter directly to the person who will be reading it. Advertised positions usually include a contact name, but if not, it is worth taking the time to find out who the letter should be addressed to. You can do this by searching the company’s website for details of the hiring manager, or alternatively, you could call the organisation to ask who you should address your letter to. Don’t be afraid to do this, many employers appreciate you taking the time and initiative to do so.


own contact details and the company name are correct.


Presentation is important, so you’ll need to format your cover letter properly. Make sure the document is neat and use the same font and size as you use in your CV and if you’re sending it through the post or handing it in use good quality plain white paper to print it on.

Identify your USP

This is your unique selling point. Be positive about what you have to offer and clearly outline how your skills and experience meet those requested in the job description.

Include examples

Back up the claims in your cover letter with real evidence or examples that show how and when you’ve used your skills and experience. If you’re a student or recent graduate you can make an appointment with your university’s careers and employability service to access further help when writing your cover letter. You’ll be able to talk with specially-trained advisers, get advice on what to include and have a professional eye look over your application before sending.

With employers often receiving lots of applications for each vacancy, you need to ensure that your cover letter makes a lasting impression for the right reasons. Here are some tips to increase your chances of success:

Tailor to the organisation

You should rewrite your cover letter every time you apply for a position in order to target the company. Sending out a generic letter for all applications rarely yields positive results and recruiters can easily spot your lack of diligence and effort from a mile away.

Proof read

Never rely on a computer spellcheck program to pick up every mistake. Print off your cover letter and double-check for spelling and grammar errors before passing it to a family member or friend to look over. Also make sure that your

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those offers rolling in:


Before a future employer reads anything, they are going to see the layout. It may sound cliché but less is more in terms of design and a clean and simple layout is needed to make you stand out.

Colour: Whether you’re hunting for your next upward move on the career ladder or just scoping out a side hustle, making sure you stand out to employers with a masterpiece CV is essential.

It can be tempting to use eye-catching colours, tables and graphics, but when not utilised correctly this can take away from what is important, i.e. your work experience. When applying to creative roles, you should have a thought-out portfolio to accompany your CV.

Font: Thanks to job searching sites, it has become much easier to cast a net into a world of employment, but with over 2 million CVs being uploaded a month onto Indeed alone, it’s easy to fade into the background. Here are the key things you need to remember when constructing your CV to ensure you get

Using an easy-to-read font (a plain sans-serif like Calibri or Arial is a good choice) and visual aids such as bullet points, subheadings and line breaks will make your CV easy to follow.

Contact details:

Your name and contact details (and professional title, should you have one) need to be at the top as these are what any employer is going to read


Getting started:

Templates are often a great way to lay out the foundations of your CV, but it is important to not rely on them too heavily. However, there is nothing wrong with getting that little bit of extra inspiration and guidance!

Personal statement:

Keep it concise. You don’t need to include your entire life story in your CV - a personal statement should be a few lines that give a brief overview of your work experience, your career plans and why you are the perfect employee. Aim to give them a sense of who you are as a person. Avoid stating your hobbies unless they are relevant to your desired career or provide information that is necessary to know, such as speaking a second language or volunteering.

Steer clear of buzzwords:

For example, overused phrases like ‘I am a hard-working and passionate individual’ may seem like they say a lot about you, but they say very little. Being a ‘hard worker’ should come across in your experience and shouldn’t be something you have to state. Letting future employers know what you can offer in three to four lines is much more effective and will ensure your CV doesn’t end up buried beneath a stack of other passionate, hard-working individuals.

Relevant experience:

Choose carefully. While there are no set rules regarding the length of your CV, it’s advisable you don’t exceed two pages. This can be tricky when you’ve got a lot of work experience under your belt, but this is where cherry-picking your most impressive and relevant achievements becomes necessary. Your employer doesn’t need to know about the two weeks you did a paper round when you have relevant experience for the roles you are applying to. Think outside the box. On the flip side, you may have left out important information. For example, if you are struggling to think of job titles that are relevant to your desired career, list your academic accomplishments and general skills under a separate heading. You may not have had a professional role but if you have built related skills through your hobbies, make sure the employer knows about them.

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be honest. Many people are guilty of extending that C to a B in their GCSE Maths, but it’s not unheard of for employers to ask for proof. Don’t invent work experience or exaggerate your qualifications as you may be in for a shock when the time comes for you to use the skills you claimed you had.

Explain gaps Adapt your CV

Adapting your CV to suit specific job roles and employers is the best way of helping you land the job. You will stand a much better chance when you take the time to tailor your CV to fit a handful of jobs you would like, instead of using one CV to apply to hundreds. Even having one CV for roles in one industry and one for another is an improvement on a single jack-of-all-trades CV, for example, you could have one CV for customer oriented roles like retail and another for office based admin roles.

Be honest When listing your experience, you have to

It’s also incredibly important to explain any gaps in employment or education as it is a red flag. Simply mentioning what you were doing during the gap (whether you were traveling, studying or out of work with an injury or illness) is enough. If you’re worried about revealing a health problem, remember that you are protected under the Equal Opportunities Act, and remember that an employer that discriminates wouldn’t make for a good employer anyway.

Cover letter Any missed opportunity to sell yourself in your CV can be done in a cover letter. Here, you can go into specific detail regarding your experience, personal qualities and interest in the company you are applying to. A cover letter is not usually required these days, but it is always advisable

that you include one as it can supplement your CV and shows you care about the role you’re applying for. Portfolios Be sure to provide relevant links in your CV should your profession require it. Links to your portfolio, showreels, websites or professional social media pages may increase your chance of landing the job you want. These give your future employer a better insight into what you are capable of, even before the interview. This is especially useful for freelancers. References Often jobs will require three references. It is entirely up to you whether you include these in your CV but stating that ‘references are available upon request’ lets your employers know that you have them. Keep it current Now that you have completed your CV and landed a job, don’t think this will be the last time you will ever see it. You never know when you are going to need it again, so you should be regularly adding to your CV. Ensuring you have a current CV means that you are always ready, should an even better opportunity come along. A useful trick is to save each CV as a separate version with a date in the file name so that you can quickly cross-reference and improvise when tailoring your CV for different applications. More and more places now require you to fill out an online application form, but having an up-todate CV will save you time on these, as you can often copy and paste directly from your CV with only minor edits. Include a photo In recent years, employers have seen an increase in CV’s that include a picture of the candidate. Some have welcomed the trend as it makes your CV stand out. However other employers prefer to keep things traditional and would rather have a CV that focusses purely on the candidate’s skills and experience, not their looks. If you prefer to stay safe or you feel it’s not really necessary, avoid adding a photo to your CV, not only is it a grey area, but if an employer chooses not to hire you, it may be interpreted as or deemed as an act of discrimination. But if you feel it will help in your particular field, go for it – one thing for certain, it will make your CV stand out. Titles Add your professional title beneath your name

can also be a good way of catching an employer’s eye. Sometimes something as simple as a couple of keywords can help your CV stand out. Layouts Have a neat, professional but unique layout. Templates are a great way to get started. There are plenty of websites and free Microsoft Office ones available to download online. It’s even okay to use a friend’s or relatives CV as reference with their permission. Only use the layout though and avoid copying content. For creative roles, a more imaginative design may be necessary, as it may be a key part of the employer’s decision-making criteria. Proofread Get someone to proofread it for you - they may spot something in terms of layout, grammar and content that you may have missed including something as small as a spelling error. Add some flair If you’re applying for a role in the art industry or a more creative role, don’t be afraid to jazz up your CV. There are loads of great examples online but don’t go too overboard. Stick to one or two staple colours and still use easy to read fonts. Font size 11 is the most popular. Calibri, Arial, Cambria, Garamond and Gill Sans are some of the most popular font types. Be honest Be truthful - it’s been said a thousand times but the more honest you are, the less likely you are to fumble in the interview. Tactical approach It’s not uncommon for people to have two or more versions of their CV’s. This is a useful tactic for graduates who are looking to break into their desired career but need an alternative option in the meantime. Don’t overwhelm yourself but have at least two solid templates you can tailor to specific job roles! Before applying for any role, it’s always advisable to research more about the company and the role you’re applying for. This will help when putting your CV together, to align your career aspirations to their corporate goals and person specifications. Ask for advice Don’t be afraid to seek advice- most universities, colleges and job centres have careers advisors that can assist you in creating your CV. If you’re struggling, pay them a visit.

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Ask for advice

Don’t be afraid to seek advice- most universities, colleges and job centres have careers advisors that can assist you in creating your CV. If you’re struggling, pay them a visit.


Stay away from generic buzzwords and dull, commonly used phrases such as ‘hard working’, ‘motivated’, ‘punctual’. Instead, evidence your skills with examples from your career history. If possible, try mirroring or borrowing the language of the job description to help establish a natural connection with the employer.

Don’t be vague

Avoid negative and ambiguous words and

phrases such as ‘I have basic knowledge in…’ or ‘ I was required to perform various tasks …’ Be more positive, specific, assertive and confident in your skills.


Don’t limit your experience to the paid jobs you have done but spice it up with any other activities you have done – charitable activities, volunteering, sporting activities, club and society memberships, travelling abroad, competitions and college/university projects.


Use relevant keywords to allow your CV found in searches on applicant tracking systems, job boards and social media profiles such as LinkedIn. Recruiters use these systems to filter out applications, and using keywords increase chances of your CV coming before a real human being. These could include professional or industry qualifications, systems used, technical processes or unique experience relevant to that profession.

Short and sweet

Stick to a maximum of two pages. One page for entry level candidates or those who are very good at summarising their experiences. If going for the 2-page option, avoid leaving the second page half-empty.

Be clear

Avoid using uncommon acronyms, unless if its something as obvious as GSCE. If it’s something not that obvious, write in bracket what it stands for.

Mandatory information

Lastly key sections to include on your CV. The order is not particularly important. • Personal Details - key things to include: name, address, phone/mobile number and email address. Adding your LinkedIn Profile or your website address is also a great idea. Avoid including your age, gender, nationality, marital status and date of birth. Also steer away from including details of your other social media accounts such Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, I doubt if there are any relevant details worthwhile including! Avoid unprofessional email address such those including words like hot/sweet/juicy…. Just open another more professional one, please – it’s free, after all. • Personal Profile / Summary Statement - a brief pitch of who you are, your unique selling points, key skills, core competences and experience; as well as your main career aim. • Career Summary / Work Experience / Work History / Relevant Experience - whatever title you choose, make sure you include the roles you have had in the past. It’s common to lay them out in chronological order, starting with your current or most recent role. Include your key achievements and skills acquired - most people tend to use bullet points to keep them short, snappy and easy to skim through. • Education / Qualifications - include all the major qualifications you have attained including the dates you qualified. Again, it’s common to have them in chronological order. Avoid including short courses or listing every GCSE you have studied; unless that’s all you have. Include qualifications you are currently studying and a predicted grade and anticipated date of completion, if known. For degrees, if

relevant, you may want to emphasise any key modules, dissertations or projects. • Skills Summary - an optional section that can used to showcase your core skills. By breaking down your key skills into easyto-read, well formatted points you make it easier for the employer to scan through your main abilities and strengths. • Interests and Hobbies - show your personality and social side by including key things that you do outside work. This could include volunteering, charity work, club/associations, travelling and sporting activities. • References - stay away from writing the full references. Just mentioning that ‘references available on request’ usually suffice. Some modern recruiters advocate for not including this section at all, as it’s a waste of valuable space and adds no value.

Popular CV building websites www.online-cv.co.uk www.cv.co.uk www.resume.io www.cvmaker.uk www.canva.com www.livecareer.co.uk

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• Highlight key achievements emphasising on results and benefits/impact. • Use examples but still keeping it short and sweet. • If a role is not particularly relevant or too far in the past, you may want to just list but not going into detail. EDUCATION SECTION

PERSONAL PROFILE / SUMMARY • Keep it short and concise - 50 to 200 words • Write an impactful overview of who you are as a professional • Give a powerful summary of your career goals, aims and objectives • Tailor it to the role to clearly showcasing your interest and suitability for the role • Highlight any value-adding skills and experiences that could appeal to the employer EXPERIENCE SECTION • Focus on key responsibilities.

• Highlight key modules, especially if they are relevant to the role you are applying for. • Avoid listing all your GCSE subjects, unless it is necessary. KEY SKILLS • You can either write brief phrases of your key skills or • Make them detailed with supporting examples INTERESTS AND OTHER ACTIVITIES Include these in a way that demonstrate your true personality: • passions & hobbies, • charitable works, • extra-curricular leadership roles, • publications, • languages.

Put your name in ‘Bold’ with a bigger font for it to stand Address: No, Area, Town, County, Post Code you@your-email.com Your Phone/Mobile Number out. Capital letters for the first letter of your address.

Your Name


1. Keep it short & sweet. Maximum 5 sentences. 2. If possible, link the profile to the type of jobs/apprenticeships/work experience opportunities you will be applying for. 3. Briefly outline your current/recent studies, what you are looking for from the opportunity, positively describe your skills, strengths, your future ambitions and your motivation to apply for this role.

EMPLOYMENT & WORK EXPERIENCE 1. You are recommended to start with your most recent role; whether it’s a voluntary role, work experience or part-time job. 2. Highlight your Job Title; start and end dates; name of employing organisation and its location. 3. Briefly outline the role’s main responsibilities and mention any skills that you developed whilst in this role. 4. Make a bit of noise about any achievements, personal impacts/contributions and notable examples of when you have developed key transferrable / employability skills relevant to the role you are applying for. EDUCATION & QUALIFICATIONS 1. Start with your most recent / highest qualification first. 2. If you are to sit your exams or are awaiting results, put your predicted grades.

KEY SKILLS / ACHIEVEMENTS 1. Any relevant certifications, course/workshops attendance and notable skills acquired. 2. IT / Software skills: Microsoft Excel/Word/PowerPoint/Access / Adobe / Social Media 3. Language skills and fluency/proficiency INTERESTS / EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 1. Include any relevant extracurricular activities and volunteering opportunities such as sport/club/society leadership positions, Duke of Edinburgh / Cadets participation, NCS Challenge. 2. Include any interests/hobbies you participate in outside of your academic and career life. This could include sports, clubs, societies, Scouts or Guides, fishing, travelling, photography, … REFERENCES

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References are available on request

Don’t include any references. They will contact you when they need them

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Avoid controversial, non-inclusive hobbies. If possible, keep them relevant to the role


Sonia Iqbal 27 Willow Avenue, Enfield, EN3 4EF T: 0203 312 948 M: 079 8765 4321 E: siqbal@gmail.com A dedicated, articulate and highly self-motivated student keen to secure an apprenticeship/school-leaver programme in the retail sector. Throughout my education and work experience opportunities, I have demonstated high levels of organisational skills, reliability, attention to detail, team skills and abilities to communicate effectively at all levels. I am always friendly and enjoy talking to people. I am looking to utilise these skills to meet and exceed customers’ expectations through providing excellent customer services whilst contributing to the success of the team and organisation. EDUCATION & ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS

St Joseph’s College

2018 - 2020

A Levels (Predicted Grades): Geography: A

Mathematics: B

Walt Greene Academy

Business: B 2014 - 2018

GCSEs (9 Passes [Grades 9/A* - 5/C]) including: Science (Double Award): A (7) Mathematics: A* (9)

English Language: B (6)


May-19 – June-19

Customer Services Advisor (Work Experience) CBRE (London)

I completed a 2 week work experience at CBRE, a market leading real estate group. I worked as part of a team providing a range of services. Main duties and responsibilities included:  Shadowing experienced customer advisors and observing how they dealt with enquiries.  Responded to basic customer enquiries and passed on messages to relevant teams.  Sorted, matched and filed records relating to clients’ accounts. Feb-17 - Mar-17

Retail Analyst (Work Experience) Virgin Media (Leeds)

I completed a 2 week work experience at Virgin Media, a top telecommunications company. I worked as part of a team providing a range of commercial analysis services. Main duties and responsibilities included:  Responsible for providing senior staff with up to date customer data.  Analysing perfomance of different stores. KEY SKILLS

Customer services Commercial Analysis

Teamwork Time Management

Problem-solving Report Writing

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer Skills: Advanced Microsoft Office skills, with sound Excel spreadsheet skills. Interests and Achievements: Music, Table Tennis, Advanced First-Aid Course, Girl Guides REFERENCES Available on request.

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James Dawson Phone 0203 312 948

Email jdawson@gmail.com

ABOUT ME A dedicated and self-motivated professional with a strong track record of high performance in a wide range of industries and finance disciplines. A seasoned leader and team player, able to communicate effectively at all levels. Superior financial analysis and reporting skills and capabilities to embrace complex systems and processes

Phone 079 8765 4321

EDUCATION ACCA (Association of Chartered Certiied Accountants) CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) BA (Hons) Accounting (2.1) A Levels (Geography [A], Mathematics [A], Business [B]) GCSEs (10 Passes including Maths and English)



Financial Controller CBRE (London) | 2018 - Now

Computer Skills

- Prepare, review and distribute monthly financial reports to stores and cost/profit centers . - Track expenses and revenues vs. budget and re-forecast and analyse fluctuations. - Prepare monthly consolidation and executive financial package - Monthly, quarterly and annual financial reporting including posting month end journal, and dealing with all month end and reporting issues and preparing balance sheet reconciliations.

Regional Finance Manager Drake (Manchester) | 2016 - 2018 - Responsible for the region’s finance function for the franchise, managing a team of 24. - Set up a new SAP accounting system for a newly created regiona business unit. - Preparing monthly and annual financial statements, including month-end journals and balance sheet reconciliations. - Providing advise to senior management.

Senior Financial Analyst Cameron (Leeds) | 2015 - 2016 - Responsible for preparing the plant’s monthly revenue and forecasting reports. - Budget preparation, consolidation and business partnering with plant and project teams - Supporting manufacturing and commercial bidding teams in costing & tender preparations. - Improving past-dues & on-time-delivery perfomance through better SAP data Imp management - Helped in implementing a revenue recognition framework for US-GAAP/SOX reporting.

Accountant Cummins UK (Birmingham) | 2014 - 2015 - Supporting the plant financial controller in month-end reporting and month-end closure. - Helped the business save over £3 million in tax revenue through tax rebates. - Supporting operations in improving inventory control and slow moving stock issues.

Assistant Accountant Virgin Media (Edinburgh) | 2013 - 2014 - Responsible for preparing the Access & Supply Chain division’s monthly reporting packs. - Coordinating and working with divisional managers on budgeting and financial planning. - Month-end and post month-end reporting, and managing a team of 2. - Preparing FD Packs and financial analysis for senior management month-end meetings.

Conversant with various leading accounting/financial reporting systems inc. Oracle, SAP, Business Objects, Essbase, HFM, Smartview & Sage. Advanced Microsoft Office skills, with particularly sound Excel-spreadsheet and database application skills.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A key part of a system changeover team migrating from Oracle to SAP and merging 2 legacy systems for NTL and Telewest, into the newly created Virgin Media SAP system. Helped Cummins UK save £3.5M tax savings by identifying unclaimed rebates. Helped set up new Excel models to streamline month-end journal processing at CBRE. Set up new budget templates and process-notes to improve the forecasting process at Cameron-OneSubSea.

REFERENCES Available on request.

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Employers have countless job application forms to sift through - to show you’re perfect for the role so you get an interview, you’ll need to demonstrate personality and confidence. For some jobs, you are asked to send just a CV and cover letter. However, other jobs require filling in an application form instead. You’re more likely to complete most job application forms online via the company’s website, but paper forms are still accepted in some cases.

BEFORE YOU START When you find a job you’d like to apply for, don’t

start filling in the application form straight away. Take some time to prepare, as this will make the task much easier. Gather all the information that you’ll need, including details of your academic achievements, employment history and contact information for your references. You’ll make a great first impression if you do your research - find out the aims of the company you’re applying for, the sector they operate in and who their main competitors are. Browsing their social media channels is a good place to start. Study the job description so that you can refer to the specific skills and qualities that the employer is looking for as you complete the form. Don’t forget to read the instructions carefully to ensure that you complete the correct sections of the form and so you know when the deadline is.

WHAT TO INCLUDE ON AN APPLICATION FORM The application form should make the employer want to meet you so they can find out a bit more.


Personal information

Give basic details, such as your name and email address.

You should also: •

Educational background

Provide information on your academic achievements, including the institutions you’ve attended, courses taken and qualifications gained.

• • •

Work experience

List your employment history and describe your main duties and responsibilities in each role, emphasising those most closely related to the job you’re applying for.

Competency-based questions

Give specific examples of times when you’ve demonstrated the skills required for the role. Avoid being vague, and don’t waste space writing about skills you have that aren’t relevant.

• •

Use power verbs such as transformed, delivered, achieved and inspired. Choose descriptive words like effective, consistent, determined and adaptable. Focus on answering the questions and avoid waffling or being too vague. Select appropriate examples of your achievements from experience. Demonstrate enthusiasm for the role. Ensure your spelling and grammar is correct.

Ask somebody else, such as a careers adviser, parent or friend to read through your application form. A second pair of eyes will help pick out errors that you may not have spotted.

Personal statement

Put forward a well-structured case for you being the right person for the job, again referring to the person specification set out in the advert.

Don’t be afraid to sell yourself

Demonstrate your passion for the company or job and any past achievements you can relate to the role. When writing your answers, always consider what skills employers want and how you can show that you have them.


Most application forms will also require you to provide details of at least two people who can provide references. You may sometimes be asked to attach a CV and cover letter as well.


Never lie on your job application form. Not only is this dishonest, but there can be more serious consequences.

STYLE TIPS Refining your writing style will improve the quality of your application. Employers are looking for confident applicants who can convince them of their capabilities - demonstrate your suitability by giving short, to the point and positive

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INTERVIEW & ASSESSMENTS INTERVIEWS & ASSESSMENTS T Y P E S O F I N T E R V I E W S ............................. .................................. P R E P A R I N G F O R A N I N T E R V I E W .................................................. I N T E R V I E W D R E S S C O D E ............................................................. 20 G O L D E N I N T E R V I E W T I P S ........................................................ H O W T O B E H A V E I N A N I N T E R V I E W ............................................. 20 M O S T F R E Q U E N T L Y A S K E D I N T E R V I E W Q U E S T I O N S ................ 10 U N I Q U E I N T E R V I E W Q U E S T I O N S ............................................... DON’T LET YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA STOP YOU FROM GETTING I N T E R V I E W S ................................................................................ H O W T O U S E T H E S T A R I N T E R V I E W T E C H N I Q U E ........................... Q U E S T I O N S T O A S K T H E I N T E R V I E W E R ........................................


Even though it is the most popular type, not every interview will be a face-to-face interview. In fact, there are several different types of interviews that employers can use within the recruitment process. Depending on the type of job and the employer, you could be asked to attend an interview that you have never done before. So, here is a list of different types of interviews and the key tips for how to prepare for them effectively.

Telephone interview A telephone interview will usually be a short 1030 minutes (but sometimes longer) call that will consist of the employer getting to know you a little bit and asking you a few questions. It is also an opportunity to ask any initial questions about the role. A telephone interview is often the first time the employer makes contact with you and some employers use it as an initial screening strategy, without commitment more resources for a faceto-face interview. Most employers also tend to use the telephone interview as a fact-checking exercise, especially to verify any prerequisites for the role, to avoid wasting time with someone ineligible. In some cases it may be necessitated by geography – a recruiter may want to do a first interview for an employee hundreds of miles away, with the hope of a second face-to-face interview if the candidate is looking promising If the latter is the case, you will need to pick a time and date for which you know you will be able to talk on the phone.

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Key Tip 1: Make sure you are in a place

with good signal. If your location has signal issues, it might be best to use a home phone rather than a mobile phone as the signal will be better and you will have less chance of the call dropping. It is unprofessional to arrange a telephone interview and then have the call keep on abruptly dropping when in the middle of the interview.

Key Tip 2: Try and pick a time and day for which you know you will be able to conveniently talk on the phone.

Key Tip 3: Sometimes employers won’t

arrange a telephone interview and will just call you without prior notice. If this happens, let them know whether it is okay for you to talk at that very moment. If you cannot talk, then politely let them know and arrange a time and date for when you can proceed with the interview. If you can talk, remain calm and try not to show that you are nervous as they will be able to hear it through your voice.

Key Tip 4: Have your notes, CV, Job description/specification in front of you either printed or on your computer/tablet.

Key Tip 5: Speak clearly and confidently,

not too slow, not too fast – and show your energy and enthusiasm in the way you talk. If you can’t hear due to bad signal, politely request them to repeat, putting a disclaimer that the line is not brilliant.

Key Tip 6: Don’t be tempted to multitask or check your emails whilst on a telephone interview. Not only do distractions cause some background noise, you could lose focus and unconsciously sound disinterested. The interviewer can easily spot this, if they are experienced. Remain focused, you never get a second chance to make a great first impression.

Videocall interview Some employers like to interview over videocall so they can see you but without have to spend time and resources on interviewing you in person. This is usually done on Skype, Google Hangouts,

FaceTime, Webex or Go-to-meeting. Like the telephone interview, you will have to arrange a time and a date for when is best for you. Make sure you have access to a quiet space, computer/ tablet/phone and WI-FI.

Key Tip 1: You should still dress smartly even if

you are in your own home in front of the computer. Your top half of your body should be donned with smart clothing as that is the part of you they will see through the webcam. However, it might be a good idea to put on smart trousers or skirt in case you have to get up and move around. Make sure the background (and desk) is also tidy and looks nice and there is sufficient lighting.

Key Tip 2: Make sure the room you are in when

doing the videocall has good WI-FI as you don’t want the call to lag or drop. If you know your house doesn’t have good WI-FI, go to a friend’s house or take the router and place it near your computer. Ensure the room’s good acoustics – no echoes or noises from within or outside.

Key Tip 3: Avoid background distractions such as

someone or a pet coming into the room. Put your phone on silent and ensure no pop ups or sounds come from your computer. Test your technology prior to the video interview, to make sure is has the capabilities to handle the video interview. A camera/webcam, microphone, the right software, and a stable high-speed broadband connection are the key ones. When installing the software, put a decent username – preferably your name spelt properly (say, Sam Edwards not the likes of magic_sammyboy99 or anything unprofessional).

Key Tip 4: Again, avoid multitasking during the

video interview; the interviewer can easily spot your movements and your eyes darting around or hear the keyboard or mouse noises. Also avoid reading from your notes. There is no hiding this time as you are live on screen! And remember, the employer is still expecting the same level of diligence and professionalism, as if it were a faceto-face interview. Key Tip 5: Smile; and use your body language wisely – they can see all of your facial expressions, gestures and even your posture. The interviewer can spot the confidence and enthusiasm beaming through the screen. They can also spot the boredom, slouching, yawning and lack of energy. Aim to establish eye-contact as if it were a faceto-face interview.

Key Tip 4: Don’t forget your firm handshake, eye-contact and gestures. Key Tip 5: Remember the STAR interview technique when answering competencybased questions.

Group interviews A group interview is when an employer invites you and other candidates to one interview and assesses you all at once. Usually, group interviews will take place before the one-toone interview so you will have to try your absolute best to secure one. It can consist of having a group discussion so make sure you pipe up and let your voice be heard.

Face-to-face interview This is, by far the most common interview and will consist of you having to visit the place of work and be interviewed by either a manager or a panel. They will ask you a series of questions that will determine whether they think you should be hired for the job. If there is a panel, you will have to answer questions from a series of senior employees within the company. Key Tip 1: Research the company before the interview. Some employers like to ask what you know about the company and will judge you based on your knowledge of it. Showing you know what the company does, who it caters to and what services it provides shows that you have done your research and you are eager to join. Key Tip 2: Research different interview questions and practice your answers with a friend or family member. You don’t know what it is they are going to ask you so you need to be thorough when researching. Come up with answers for the most popular questions so that if you do get asked, you will know what to say. Key Tip 3: Arrive on time.

Key Tip 1: Some group interviews will have team building exercises involved. These could be doing things such as building a tower out of straws and marshmallows or solving puzzles. Either way, you will be doing it as a team so make sure you show the employer that you work well in a team. Listen to the group but also give your opinion on how to do the exercise as well. Don’t take over and try to do it all by yourself as that won’t look good. You have to work as a team. Key Tip 2: Avoid speaking over people when they are trying to speak. It may not give the best impression and it is very insensitive. Although you are trying to stand out from the rest of the group, you don’t want to come across as someone that is not a good team player. Give others a chance to speak and when they have finished, you can include your opinion as well. Key Tip 3: Clearly show that you can manage with stress, team challenges, criticism and a highly competitive environment. Key Tip 4: Avoid getting lost in the group, especially if one participant is trying to dominant. Be confident and assertive in articulating your views but without creating tension. Key Tip 5: Be inclusive, to showcase your true leadership skills. Support the quiet and introverts and encourage them to contribute.

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The thought of an interview strikes fear into the hearts of many experienced professionals at the peak of their careers. Almost everyone has a horror story of their first interview, whether it was for a part-time job or a further education provider and it continues to haunt them. It doesn’t have to be this way! Interviews are the first step to positive life changes. With the right preparation you will be able to breeze through interviews without a second thought.

BEFORE THE INTERVIEW Research the organisation

Conducting thorough research is a good way of showing you are really passionate about the opportunity you are interviewing for. Knowing your stuff will show you’re committed and will also drive off any nerves – it’s a huge confidence booster. Use the internet to research as extensively as you can. You could use the official website, affiliated sites, what the media say, and review sites like Glassdoor.com. Make sure you understand their: • Products and services • Target market • Core values and guiding principles • History and accomplishments

Study the job description and person specification Make sure you know the job description and person specification inside and out. Fully understand the duties and responsibilities of the

role you are applying for. Do a self-evaluation. Make sure you understand your strengths, the gaps in your knowledge and even what skills you’ve learnt from your hobbies and extracurriculars. Spend half your life sorting out your scout groups’ squabbles? Make sure they know about your leadership skills. Watch an embarrassing number of documentaries for fun? Tell them about your curious mind and love of learning. A simple internet search can show you how to sell your personal qualities in a formal interview.


Later in this book we have listed some common interview questions, so you have an idea of what to expect and how to respond. You should definitely know your CV inside and out, which should be easy as long as it’s true!

If you’re a trousers person, you’re not going to feel yourself in a pencil skirt when you could be wearing smart black slacks instead.

Sleep Have a quiet evening and a good sleep the night before to calm your nerves and boost your confidence. Psychologists recommend avoiding distractions too, which includes heavy meals, intense exercise, alcohol, excessive caffeine or a late night.

Punctuality In interviews, punctuality is critical – not arriving on time can reflect badly on you and should be avoided at all costs. Your arrival time at the interview tells your interviewer what to expect from you in future, so try to make it a good impression! Aim to arrive at least fifteen minutes prior to the interview and ensure the receptionist or somebody within the business knows that you have arrived. It

Gear up Make sure you prepare everything you need the night before the interview. This includes a good quality folder, pen and two copies of your CV, just in case you need to give the extra copy to the interviewer. It is perfectly acceptable to take a notebook with your research and prepared questions into the interview with you. Just make sure that you’re only using this as a prompt and a memory aid - you still need to engage with your interviewer and show you can think on the spot.

Location Write down the address/location, work out how to get there and when you need to leave.

Outfit Choose and iron your outfit. We generally recommend you look as smart and professional as possible and dress conservatively. How appropriately you dress for an interview tells the interviewer how seriously you take the opportunity and what they can expect from you in future. Make sure you are presentable and wellgroomed. It’s also worth considering an outfit that makes you feel confident and comfortable.

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might also be a good idea to switch off your mobile at this point in time.

contact demonstrates focus, interest and confidence. •

Be a good listener – showing alertness and attention to detail reflects your enthusiasm and positive attitude and is likely to guarantee you higher scores. If there was any lack of clarity, politely ask the interviewer to repeat or clarify.

Confidently and clearly express yourself. You want to appear composed and assertive, without being too relaxed, aggressive or nervous, and to keep your responses concise.

Avoid giving rushed and disorganised answers and take a moment to compose yourself when necessary. Use examples whenever possible to illustrate how your experience would fit the role. This is where your self-evaluation and research or total lack of preparation will really show!

Demonstrate passion and enthusiasm in the way you express yourself. Show your eagerness and interest in the role, the company, its values and its products and services. Where relevant, asking questions

DURING THE INTERVIEW Some of the key things to do during the interview •

Greet the interviewer(s) courteously, with a warm, friendly smile and a relatively firm handshake to show confidence and assertiveness. (But not too firm!)

Consistently maintain a reasonable level of eye contact throughout, spreading it evenly if being interviewed by a panel of interviewers. Good eye

can further enhance your expression of keenness. It is often said in business that interviewers judge by attitude and personality first, because skills can be taught. Show them that you will be a good colleague to work with. Plan two or three questions to ask the interviewer at the end. Not having any shows a clear lack of interest. They must be simple and relevant. Good open-ended ‘what/where/will/ who?’ questions let the interviewer to happily elaborate.

It is ideal to ask questions relevant to the company/education provider you’re with, but here are few flexible questions to get you started: • • • • •

What do you personally like about working here? Where can this opportunity take me in future? What qualities would your ideal candidate possess? What are the organisation’s plans for the future? What opportunities will I have to gain new skills?

Things to avoid include • • • • • •

Criticising your previous employers Negative examples of your past experiences Expressing biases, prejudices or intolerance of any form Too much focus on career progression Asking about salary, holiday or sickness policies Arrogance


You have been invited for an interview because they think you’re a capable candidate. This is also a chance for you to get to know the employer and work out whether you’d even want the job if you were offered it. There will be other opportunities out there, so this isn’t a ride or die situation! Remember your own worth and show them the best of you. want the job if you were offered it. There will be other opportunities out there, so this isn’t a ride or die situation! Remember your own worth and show them the best of you.

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INTERVIEW DRESS CODE How you dress for an interview makes a difference. First impressions matter and dressing up shows that you put some effort. The first judgment potential employers will make, is based on how you look and what you are wearing. Therefore, it’s important to dress professionally for a job interview. Hint: Dress in a manner that is professionally appropriate to the position for which you are applying. Follow our tips to look your best!

Try shopping around for a not-so-standard formal blazer. Forget the stuffy same old two-button black blazer and find something more unique. Consider a lapel-less version, or a blazer in a bright block colour and pair it with an interesting patterned blouse underneath.

Bl azers A simple, chic dress can look smart, understated and can also mean you only have to worry about the dress and the shoes. Tip: don’t overdo it with the perfume, you don’t know what your interviewer will make of it.

Les s Is More

M ix I t U p

There are plenty of wonderful colours out there, so potentially stray away from your go-to navies and blacks. This will lighten up your outfit, and the mood you emanate.

Update your interview attire with items of clothing that have something slightly different about them, and pair them with other pieces that have different textures or colours. Mixing it up adds dimension to your outfit.

Tex ture If you’re applying for a job with a more relaxed dress code, such as a new or creative company, don’t feel obliged to don the pencil skirt and polo shirt. Show off your personality, by focusing on feeling comfortable as well as looking presentable.

B e Yo u

Don’t want to put too much thought into your office attire? Then this one is for you. Invest in a collection of high-quality, interesting blouses and shirts that will easily go with a pair of cigarette trousers, midi skirts or suits.


If you’re feeling ready to make the leap to a suit, commit to it. Try out a suit in a bold print or colour, that is both fashion-forward as well as dapper. Accessorise with a pair of statement earrings and slip-on leather loafers.

Stand Out

The brilliant thing about jumpsuits is that they can be dressed up or down, depending on what you wear them with. For example, you can’t get more office luxe than with a black collared jumpsuit worn with a pair of black leather backless heels and some elegant embellished earrings.

One-Piec e

F r e n ch C h ic

If the job you’re going for is on the creative side, it might be a good idea to opt for a more casual look. Achieve this by swapping the suit trousers for a pair of smart, dark jeans. Avoid the just-out-of-bed look by choosing well-tailored pieces that aren’t distressed or sloppy. You can’t go wrong with an oversized, stripy top, high-rise jeans and smart trainers.

Clean & Cris p Stay away from anything that shouts you’re trying too hard because this can be distracting. You want to look like you’ve made an effort with clean, crisp clothes that fit well and are impactful and powerful. Show your personal style without being too loud.

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INTERVIEW DRESS CODE “When attending an interview, whether it’s a university/college/job interview, your first impressions will have a significant influence on your chances of success.“

A FORMAL SUIT AND TIE Where to Wear It: Bank, investment institution or law office. These working environments are for the most part on the more moderate side, so a classic suit is the best way to go.

A BLAZER, OXFORD SHIRT AND DRESS SLACKS Where to Wear It: Corporate office, sales organisation or in an educational institution. This go-to suit is an appropriate outfit option for a business casual workplace. Business casual workwear is varied, so you can stick with the workwear essentials like dress slacks or dress shirts. Ties are optional.

A BUTTON-DOWN SHIRT AND CHINOS Where to Wear It: Creative ad agency, a tech start-up. Lose the tie and pick a jacket, printed conservative shirt and chinos. Not feeling a second layer? Include enthusiasm with a conversational print in your shirt or pair impartial catch ups with a chino in a cool shading.

POLO AND TWILL PANTS Where to Wear It: University/College Interview, Restaurant interview, non-fashion retail, service or repair company. At even the most casual environment, leave the jeans and gym sneakers at home. A button-down or polo and chinos for an interview at a more laid-back office, while still casual, is a sign of respect and shows that you put some thought into preparing for your interview.

Plan – build a personalised interview strategy Practice – helps you put what you want to say right at the tip of your tongue Give credible, clear, concise answers Give answers that showcase how your skills can benefit the employer Focus on the advertised position requirements Think of examples from your past that zero in on the required skills and talents Put yourself in the right atmosphere and mood Maintain enthusiasm when answering questions Begin the interview effectively: Positive first impressions matter Non-verbal positive gestures and a smile Show that you appreciate the interview opportunity Be assertive, confident and prepared – show confidence in your skills set Where necessary establish rapport but avoid too much “small talk” Rehearsing answers that highlight your experiences Distinguish yourself! Stand out from the crowd Be honest - be completely truthful in all communications Tell them a story that illuminates transferable skills…. Use the STAR Technique Point out some of your key strengths and provide concrete examples

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Studies say that handshakes play a significant role in first impressions, so make it count. Aim for a firm handshake, and as you shake, make eye contact and smile.

Maintain eye contact The purpose of a job interview is to give a potential employer the chance to talk to you in person and evaluate whether you would be a strong asset to their team. The interview also provides you with an opportunity to evaluate the company and decide whether you want to work for them. To get that job offer, you must make a good first impression. Present yourself in an appropriate, appealing fashion, communicate effectively, and show the interviewer politeness and respect.

Eye contact is one of the surest ways to convey confidence when speaking to someone. It shows you are paying attention. Maintain eye contact when speaking, but don’t stare! Glance down occasionally at your resume to break eye contact at times. Be careful about looking towards a clock or the door, or out the window – you might give off the impression that you’re bored or have somewhere else you’d rather be.

Sit up straight

First and foremost - No slumping. Lean forward slightly to indicate interest. Avoid crossing your arms or placing items in your lap as these habits indicate nerves.

Practice sitting on the front half of a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Lift your chin and roll your shoulders back so that your shoulder blades are tucked in alongside your spine. Your back should be straight and neutral, not arched in either direction.

Mirror the interviewers body language

During the interview, pay attention to the way the interviewer sits, moves and the hand gestures they use. When you mirror the interviewer’s body language, it sends the signal to them that the two of you are in sync. You can use this little psychological trick to make a better impression.

Stay positive

The interviewer will no doubt ask you questions about your previous employer, or other experiences that may not be positive for you. Plan your answers ahead of time and be careful not to say anything negative or critical about previous employers or co-workers.

in the reception area, you need to keep your posture perfect.

Avoid fiddling

People who play with their hair or excessively touch or rub their noses can seem dishonest and untrustworthy. Also try to avoid rubbing your head or neck, it can give the impression of being bored or just not being interested. Same goes for sitting with your arms crossed, which will make you look defensive and unapproachable. All your personal gestures should be open and expressive. Keep your shoulders relaxed and facing the interviewer to ensure they’re always involved in what you’re saying.

Don’t fidget

This includes tapping your fingertips on the arm rest or jiggling your leg up or down. It’s a sign of boredom, nerves or impatience. Keep both feet firmly on the floor to avoid the temptation. It’ll help to keep your posture straight and focused on your interviewer, If you focus on the negative, it sends signals which in turn will make you seem more that you might be difficult to work with or may concentrated. not respond well to criticism. If you parted ways with a previous employer on bad terms, present it as a learning experience. Explain what you learned and how it made you a better employee.

Show enthusiasm for the opportunity The interviewer needs to know that you want the position and are genuinely interested in working for the company. Show gratitude to the interviewer at both the beginning and the end of the interview. Thank them for their time.

Be prepared

Bring along a folder containing extra copies of your CV, a copy of your references and paper to take notes. You should also have questions prepared to ask at the end of the interview.

INTERVIEW DON’TS: Don’t slouch

Sitting hunched forward or lounging with arms and legs everywhere has the effect of looking a little too relaxed. You don’t want to sit there tightly clutching your fists in your lap, but you also don’t want to portray a casual, not really bothered attitude. From the moment you arrive

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Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what questions a hiring manager would be asking you in your job interview? While we unfortunately can’t read minds, we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of the most frequently asked interview questions.

1. Can you tell me a little about yourself? This question seems simple, and yet so many individuals fail to answer it correctly. This question is not an invitation to recite your entire life story: It’s your chance to pitch your

compatibility for the role to the interviewer. Start off by talking about 2-3 accomplishments that you are proud of and the skills and experience you gained.

2. How did you hear about the position? Your response to this question should be kept short: something along the lines of “I found it on (wherever you found the job), and since I’ve been hoping to work for the company for a long time, I was excited to see that this position was open.’

3. What do you know about the company? Any candidate can read and repeat a company’s ‘About’ page. So, when interviewers ask this question they aren’t trying to see whether you understand their goals - they want to know if you care. Start with one line that shows you understand the company’s goals, using a couple key words and phrases from the website, but then go on to make it personal. Say, “I’m

personally drawn to this mission because…” or “I really believe in this approach because…” and share a personal example or two.

4. What are your strengths? This question is an open invitation for you to talk about your skills and accomplishments and to show how you match the position’s requirements. Demonstrate your unique value as a candidate by identifying key strengths and then match them to the requirements and skills that are needed to carry out the job.

5. What are your weaknesses? This is the interview question that nobody likes, but you should still be prepared for a well-thought-out answer. When answering this question, think about something that isn’t a strong skill - think about previous experiences. Talk about how you’ve taken steps to overcome it and mention that you still are working on it.

6. Why do you want to work for us? When interviewers ask this question, they want to learn about your career goals and how the position you are applying for fits into your plan. Make sure you are interested in the job and will be motivated to work hard. Your answer should demonstrate your knowledge of the company and the skills, talents, experience and strength you have.

7. What skills can you bring to the role?

proudest achievement. They want to know what sets you apart from other candidates to get a better sense of what you’ve done and what you value. Make sure you are comfortable talking about yourself and your work in a positive, natural way that conveys confidence.

9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Interviewers ask this question as they want to understand more about your career goals. They are interested in your career goals as they want to hire someone who is motivated to progress. This question should get you thinking about where the position could realistically take you and think about how that aligns with some of your broader professional goals.

10. Why should we hire you? Don’t just talk about why the company would be great to work for; talk about how the position is a perfect fit for what you hope to accomplish, both short-term and long-term. Quote the aspects of the job that you like and explain why it matches with your career path and your expectations.

11. Tell me about a challenging situation and how you overcame it?

This interview question is one likely to make you think about the skills and experience you already have. Think about what skills you could contribute to the new role. These might consist of the standard required skillset for the position. To ensure you stand out from other job seekers attending the interview, make sure the examples you choose are relevant to the role and reflect you in a positive and professional light.

For this question, the interviewer is testing your ability to be resilient and cope under pressure. Your answer should focus on a work-related issue, explain clearly the measures you took to overcome the problem. This question gives you the opportunity to demonstrate how you can use your initiative and act with integrity. Don’t fall into the trap of criticising your previous company or colleagues and trying to present yourself in a superior light. This will come across as unprofessional and arrogant.

8. What is your greatest accomplishment?

12. Do you enjoy working as part of a team?

When the interviewer asks you this question, this is your opportunity to talk about your

You should say that you do enjoy working

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as part of a team, but also that you aren’t afraid of taking on individual tasks, either. You want to show that you can indeed be a great team member and collaborate with others to produce excellent results. However, you also want to emphasise that you value the opportunity to share your own input.

13. How do you handle criticism? Mention the positive aspects of criticism and think of an experience you had where it was useful to get criticism. Your answer should be along the following lines: “I always think that it is important to get feedback on how I am performing so that I can improve my work.

14. How would you deal with conflict? In asking this question, the interviewer wants to get a sense of how you would respond to conflict. Focus on talking about how you would handle the situation professionally and productively, and wrap up with a happy ending, like how you would come to a resolution or compromise.

15. Can you please explain the gaps in your CV? Having a gap on your CV won’t necessarily prevent you from being successful through the interview process, but potential employers will expect an explanation. Take the time beforehand to work out how you can address the gap in a way that projects confidence and positivity. You want to be truthful without going into unnecessary detail. A basic template for your answer could be: “I [reason you were not employed]. During that time, [what you did during the gap]. Returning to work was one of my priorities during the period and I’m ready to do that now.”

16. Why did you leave your previous team members to help them work on their skillset are all good examples of excellent position? management qualities.

This can be a challenging question to answer. Keep things positive—you have nothing to gain by being negative about your past employers. Show the interviewer that you are eager to take on new opportunities and that the role you’re interviewing for is a better fit for you than your last or current position.

17. What are your salary expectations? Employers ask about your salary expectations to get a sense of whether they can afford you. They might also ask you this to see how much you value yourself and the work that you do. By doing some research and preparing an answer ahead of time, you can demonstrate to the employer that you are flexible with your salary, but that you also know what you are worth. Your answer can be something along the lines of: ‘My salary expectations are in line with my experience and qualifications.’ Or, ‘If this is the right job for me, I am sure we can come to an agreement on salary.’ If you are working with a recruitment agency it is a good practice to ask them to discuss salary issues on your behalf.

20. Do you have any questions? Always answer “yes” to this question. You’re there to find out information about your employer as much as they are there to find out about you – and the more details you know, the better you’ll be able to ascertain your suitability for the job. You’ll need to be prepared for when the tables do turn. Here are some questions you could ask at an interview: • • • • •

What are the skills and experiences you’re looking for in an ideal candidate? What training programs are available to your employees? Are there opportunities for advancement or professional development? What are the company’s plans for the future? When can I expect to hear from you?

18. What are your hobbies? Interviewers ask this question to see if you are a well-rounded person who will fit in with the company culture. Employers want to know if you are passionate about certain things. Your response should be honest and brief. You could mention your hobbies include: exercise and health-related activities, volunteering and community participation and professional development.

19. What do you believe makes a good team leader/manager? This is a difficult question as most people will have different ideas about what makes a good manager. If you’re applying for a managerial role, or if you might progress into one, you’ll need to show a good understanding of the most important qualities to manage people effectively. Setting realistic goals, giving constructive feedback and providing support to

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Sometimes, interviewers like to ask questions that are not your typical, everyday interview question. It can be puzzling as to why they do this, but worry not, we’re here to explain to you why that is and what kind of random questions you could be asked.

The simple answer as to why interviewers ask them is because they’re trying to see what sets you apart from the rest of the crowd. Anyone can answer a “why do you want this job?” question as it is probably the one everyone rehearses the most. However, questions that must make you

think creatively shows the interviewer that you have personality and, in some cases, shows the way you think.

1. What weighs more; 100 tons of feathers or 100 tons of cement? Answer: They weigh the same. Most people would say cement because obviously cement weighs more than a feather. But as they both weigh 100 tons, neither one is heavier. This question is used to determine whether you listened to the full question and how good your listening abilities are.

2. If a movie were made about your life so far, what would it be called? This is used for the interviewer to find out more on your accomplishments and merits. It also determines what kind of work ethic you have and whether you can separate your personal life from your work life.

3. If you were alone in a dark cabin, with only one match, one lamp, a

fireplace, and a candle, which would you light first? Answer: The match. To light the fireplace, candle or lamp you would need a match to light them first. This question is supposed to induce critical thinking and shows the employer that you are not just giving your opinion of what should be lit first but that you have genuinely given thought and analysed the question before answering.

4. What has been your biggest failure and who was responsible for it? Interviewers will be looking for open and genuine answers rather than something that sounds like it is being made up on the spot. Take your time and think of something that you know you failed at and explain it honestly. If the person that was responsible for the failure was you, then own up to it and talk about it. Owning up to failures shows responsibility and proves that you are courageous and have integrity. The answer you have to this question will show a lot about your personality.

5. If you were an animal, what kind would you be? This question is supposed to let the interviewer determine what kind of personality you have. You need to be as creative as possible when picking an animal but make sure that it also reflects who you are as a person. Remember to give a description as to why you think you’re that animal as well. Example: An ant because they’re exceptional team players and work hard in their roles.

6. 10 years into the future and your name is on the front cover. What would the story be about? The key to answering this is to be creative. It could be because you flew over the world in a hot air balloon or you have climbed every mountain the world. Make sure your answer sounds creative, ambitious and interesting.

Try not to tell them about anything illegal or danger-related. It doesn’t make you sound like a good candidate to hire and will most likely jeopardize your chances of getting the job. Instead, talk about any leadership roles that you might have had to play in the past where, as a leader, you had to take calculated risks. Or point out any work experience you may have done that was out of your comfort zone. This will show the interviewer that you are proactive in your roles and willing to try things that you may not feel overly comfortable doing.

8. There are twelve eggs in a carton. Twelve people each take an egg, but there is one egg left in the carton. How? Answer: The twelfth person to take an egg did not take the egg out of the carton. Instead, they took the carton with the egg. This question challenges you to break the regular pattern of thinking by making you think beyond the obvious.

9. Describe the colour yellow to someone who can’t see. It is incredibly tricky to describe colours; especially when we use colours to describe other things. This question is supposed to test how big your vocabulary is whilst seeing how well you can communicate. To answer this question, you need to use very rich and creative descriptors. Tune into four of the senses – touch, taste, smell and sound.

10. What would you change about our office? This question allows the interviewer to see if you’re not worried about giving opinions on things you wouldn’t usually be asked for by an employer. The trick is to stay confident and believe in what you say. Stick to your guns if they ask you why.

7. What’s one of the biggest risks you’ve taken?

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Social media is great for posting pictures, sharing things with friends, looking at memes and watching funny videos. However, social media is also where embarrassing pictures from Saturday nights drunken fun at the bar get shared by your friends which YOU get tagged in. That’s not great when it just so happens that the day before you just sent off loads of job applications. It’s no secret that employers tend to rout out your social media profiles to see if you are as professional as you seem on your CV. In fact, over a third of job applications get denied because employers don’t like what they see on the potential candidates’ profiles.

So, do you need help re-organizing your social media profiles? Then read on to find out how!

Be Thorough

chances of getting an interview,

Go through your Facebook,

change your settings. Go to all your

Instagram, Twitter and any

social media accounts, access the

other social media accounts

settings section and change them so

you may have and check

that friends are not allowed to post

through every single post.

or share anything onto your profile.

If you have any photos that may be considered as vulgar,

Google Yourself

sexually explicit, rude or just

By googling yourself, you’re able to

downright inappropriate, then

see any stray posts or old accounts

you must delete them. That


also goes for likes, comments,

employers to see. Remember that


blog you used to have? It may







be old and forgotten about by Change Your Settings

you, but the internet remembers.

If you know your friends

Other people can still access it





Deactivate any old accounts that

that could jeopardize your

you find whilst doing your search.








and share appropriate business

Update your LinkedIn Now that you have cleaned up your social media accounts, it’s time to update them. LinkedIn is extremely useful to show potential employers that you are professional and worth the time for them to interview you. If you don’t already have a LinkedIn account, make one. LinkedIn will usually be the firstplace employers look at to find out what you’re like in a professional manner. Make sure that your career history is completely up to date with your last job being the most recent. Look at your CV and check that the job titles, dates and job descriptions match what is on your profile. You don’t





copy of your excellent CV only to find your LinkedIn profile says that you were working for a different company at the last job you had. Lastly, remember that LinkedIn is not





Exhibit Your Skills As your social media may not be as full as it once was, now is as good a time as any to showcase any special skills or talents you may have. If the vacancies you are applying for are in the art field, post pictures of your paintings, drawings or graphic designs. You want to convey to any potential employers looking at your social media that you have the skills to do the job or are willing to learn and trying hard at it. The option of just making all your social media accounts private is viable. However, some employers prefer to see that you actively use social media as it shows that you are in tune with the modern world and all the technology that is in it.

a regular social media platform for you to share pictures of family outings and Christmas dinners. Use it to communicate with other professionals

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How to use the star interview technique What is the STAR Interview Technique? The STAR technique offers a simple format you can use to answer behavioural or competency based questions in an interview. Usually, these are questions that ask you to provide a real-life example of how you handled a certain kind of situation in the past. Your response will reveal your skills, abilities and personality. The logic behind this interview tactic is that your behaviour in the past reflects and predicts how you will behave in the future.

How to use the STAR method to prepare for an interview Most behavioural interviews will focus on various work-related challenges that demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving, and situations that showcase leadership skills, conflict resolution and performance under pressure. To prepare for your interview, review the job description and required skills and consider what sorts of challenges might arise or what obstacles you may have to navigate in the position. You should then make a list

of the various situations you’ve handled in your professional history that would display the sorts of strengths you’ll need to succeed in the role.

Sample Behaviour Interview Questions

Here are a few examples of behavioural questions you might be asked during an interview. Practice using the STAR technique on these common behavioural interview questions:

1. Describe a situation in which you were able to

use persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way.

2. Can you give me a specific example of a time

when you used good judgment and logic in solving a problem?

3. Can you tell me of a time when you set a goal and were successful in achieving it?

4. Tell me about a time your responsibilities got a little overwhelming. What did you do?

5. Can you give me an example of a time you faced conflict while working in a team? How did you handle that?

6. Describe a time when it was important to make good impression on a client. How did you go about doing so?

7. Tell me about a time you failed to achieve a goal? How did you deal with the situation?

Situation - describe a challenge you have been faced with? Task - what were your responsibilities for the situation? Action - what steps did you take to address or rectify the situation? Result - What was the outcome of your actions? Example Here’s an example of how you could respond to an interview question using the STAR method.

Q. Tell me about a time you had to complete a task within a tight deadline. PreferPrefer a hard a hard copy?copy? Order here A. Usually, I like to take my time doing projects to make sure they come out perfect. However, I can also acheive high quality work under pressure, with a tight deadline. Once, I had to take on the work of an employee that went off sick days before our project deadline. It was very difficult, but I managed to complete within the time limit as I delegated tasks out to my colleagues and gave them goals to achieve. We managed to complete it with a day to spare.

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Having a list of questions to ask an interviewer makes you look interested, enthusiastic and engaged - all qualities that the interviewer will be looking for. It also gives you one final chance to further highlight your relevant qualities and experience. Not having any questions to ask will give the impression of unpreparedness and a lack of interest in the role. Try to come up with at least four or five questions to ask the interviewer. That way, if one or two of them are answered during the earlier discussion you will have backups in

place. Avoid asking questions that focus too much on what the organisation can do for you. Save questions about salary and holiday allowance for when you’ve got a job offer. Also, stay away from questions that require a yes or no answer. While it’s okay to ask the interviewer to clarify certain points, avoid asking about anything that has previously been covered. You don’t want them to think that you haven’t been paying attention.

IF YOU NEED A LITTLE INSPIRATION HERE ARE SOME GOOD QUESTIONS TO ASK AT AN INTERVIEW: Can you tell me more about the dayto-day responsibilities of this job?

This is your chance to learn as much as possible about the role, so you can decide whether this is a job you really want. By learning more about the day-to-day tasks, you will gain insight into what specific skills and strengths are needed and you can address any topics that haven’t

already been covered.

What do you think are the most important qualities for someone to excel in this role?

This question can often lead to valuable information that’s not in the job description. It can help you learn about the company culture and expectations, so you can show that you are a good fit.

This question shows that you are eager to move forward in the process. It will also help you gain important information about the timeline for hiring so that you can follow up appropriately. If the employer doesn’t give an indication of what happens next, then a good way to wrap up the interview is by asking about the next steps and when you can expect to hear from them.

Are there opportunities for training and progression within the role/ company?

Enquiring about development opportunities demonstrates to the interviewer that you’re serious about your career and committed to a future with the organisation. You don’t want to be stuck in a dead-end job. So, if you’re unsure of the typical career path for someone in this role, asking this question will help you to assess whether a long-term career with the company is a possibility, or if you’d need to move on to gain further responsibility.

Can you describe the working culture of the organisation?

Asking this question is a great way to assess the working environment of the company and it gives you the opportunity to discover whether you’ll fit in. From the recruiter’s response you’ll learn if and how the organisation prioritises employee happiness, of any benefits on offer and what the work-life balance is like.

Where do you think the company is headed in the next five years?

The response you receive will give you an insight into the company’s progression plans and its place in the market, while giving you a general idea about job security. You may also get a heads-up on any major upcoming projects. Asking about future plans shows a real interest in the organisation and reiterates your commitment to the company.

What are the next steps in the interview process?

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ASSESSMENT CENTRES P R E P A R I N G F O R A S S E S S M E N T C E N T R E S ................................... A S S E S S M E N T C E N T R E T I P S ......................................................... G R O U P E X E R C I S E S ....................................................................... P R E S E N T A T I O N S .......................................................................... C A S E S T U D I E S .............................................................................. P E R S O N A L I T Y T E S T S ..................................................................... P S Y C H O M E T R I C T E S T S ...................................................................

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ASSESSMENT CENTRES What is an assessment centre? An assessment centre is a combination of tasks and activities that test your suitability for the job. It gives you the chance to demonstrate a wider range of skills. Assessment centres generally last from an afternoon to two days. However, some assessment centres require overnight stay: this is usually arranged by the employer.

What happens at an assessment centre?

Assessment days can be held anywhere from the employer’s offices to a hotel or training facility. You work both individually and as part of a group on a variety of exercises including: • Group discussions • Presentations • Case studies • Written tests • Social events • Role play • Psychometric tests •

In-tray exercises

Example of an Assessment Day Assessment centres vary in length and style. An example of a day at an assessment centre is: 09.00 - Arrival and introduction 09.15 - Employer presentation and group exercise 10.00 - Psychometric tests 11.30 - Individual task: In-tray exercise 12.45 - Lunch 13.45 - Group exercise: Case study 14.45 - Assessment interviews 16.15 - Individual presentations 17.15 - Evaluation 17.30 - Finish

How you are assessed Employers don’t just assess you against job competencies; they also aim to ensure that you’re the right fit. Key skills that employers look for include: Analytical thinking Communication Teamwork Time management Adaptability Creativity Organisation Negotiation Leadership

Assessment centre tips • • • • • •

On the day, eat a good, healthy breakfast Maintain a friendly and polite manner Join in on group discussions Ensure that you understand the requirements of each task Don’t dwell on any mistakes, instead concentrate on performing well in the next task Put your talents and skills into practice

How to prepare

As with interviews, good preparation is essential. Before the assessment day, it's important that you: •

• • • • • •

Identify which skills, interests and experiences the employer is looking for by revisiting the job description Research the company/organisation Review your CV and application form Give yourself time to complete and practise any material that you've been asked to prepare Practice potential exercises with a friend or family member Choose your outfit the night before and get plenty of sleep Plan your journey and aim to arrive at least 15 minutes early

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So, you have passed the initial application and/or first interview and have now been invited to an assessment day so your prospective employer can get an in-depth understanding of your skills. Assessment days often consist of multiple activities that are designed to put your knowledge, aptitude and personality to the test. It can be tricky to know what to expect, so we have listed a number of activities you could expect on the assessment day.

Key tips • Prior to the assessment, notify the employer of any special needs if you have any • Do some prior research on what type of exercises the employers usually test on its assessment days • Familiarise with the best approaches to impress in the various tests that are likely to be used • Have a good night sleep. Arrive on time, fresh and well prepared for an eventful day • Stay positive – the fact that they have picked you from thousands of applicants means you are pretty good! • During the exercises the employers will be assessing how you perform and conduct yourself so be assertive and a confident team player and showcase your interpersonal and teamworking skills • Be passionate and show that you want to work for them and have a lot to offer. • Contribute to group activities. Avoid being too passive or being too dominant • Articulate your thoughts – unfortunately most assessors are not mind readers • Try to build rapport with other candidates (and assessors). Network, chat and be-friend other

candidates during breaks and in-between activities to help you relax and boost your confidence, which might come in handy when interacting and working with them later in the day • Pay particular attention to little things like gestures, facial expressions and maintaining as eye contact • Don’t dwell too much on your mistakes - If you feel your performance in one of the exercises was not as good as you would want, try not getting too discouraged – it is your overall performance in all the exercises that counts • Enjoy yourself and have fun making new friends • Whatever outcome of the interview process; ask for some feedback to aid your continuous professional development. This will make you a better candidate for the next Assessment Day, that’s if you need one

Reflection Finally, you may be required to do an Assessment Centre reflection. Whether it’s a form, presentation or write-up, you need to look back on your experience and assess how you’ve done and what your experience has been like. You’ll have to analyse what went well and what parts could have gone better and how well you think you’d performed. It’s difficult to prepare for this segment of the day so just remember to keep notes to assist you. Some people have written about what their day at an assessment centre devised as blog posts for others to see, so it may not be a bad idea to have a browse in preparation!

Group Exercises

Case Study



Psychometric & Aptitude Tests

Role Play Exercises

In-Tray Exercises

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Group exercises are a great way of measuring how well you work as part of a team which is an important factor of any job.

You’ll often be put into small-medium sized groups and be given a situation that needs resolving or a task that needs completing. It is then up to everybody in your group to work together to solve the issue and present your findings. Your recruiters will be observing how you work together and will be making notes on individual performances. Assessors also want to see what role you play in helping the

group come to a consensus and achieve the goals of the task. Flexibility and adaptability are fundamental parts of teamworking. Whilst trying to demonstrate your leadership skills it is important to prove that you are also adaptable and able to support, listen and collaborate with your teammates.

Ability to socialise and work as part of a team Leadership delegation and motivational skills, ability to maintain positivity and harmony

Work to a deadline and handle complex situations under pressure

GROUP EXERCISES: KEY COMPETENCES Confidence, strength of character and assertiveness skills

Critical thinking, problem solving and analytical skills Interpersonal listening and oral communication skills

15 useful tips when participating in a Specialist?). group exercise 1. Self-assess yourself continually throughout the exercise. Strike a balance between being and extreme extrovert and being an extreme introvert. Avoid being too quiet or loud rumbling – consistently make a contribution but be clear, concise and straight to the point as much as possible. And always give others a chance to speak and don’t be bossy. 2. Be fair and inclusive – listen to and support other members, especially those who may feel ignored or neglected – give them an opportunity or ask for their views. 3. Support and encourage input; and build on other team-members’ ideas to demonstrate your collaborative skills and social confidence. Recognise brilliant ideas from colleagues – acknowledge them, then go on to enhance value to those ideas. 4. Help the group establish a structure. If possible, suggest that people pick roles / responsibilities – to demonstrate your ability to take initiative. Suggest using Belbin’s nine team roles to identify your best role (Are you a Shaper, Implementer, Completer/ Finisher, Coordinator, Team-worker, Resource Investigator, Plant, Monitor/Evaluator or

5. Avoid discussing with the assessors if they are in the same room – just act as if they are not there. Also avoid staring at the camera, if there is one. 6. Handle disruptive candidates with wisdom – avoid being dragged into a conflict / argument and demonstrate your ability to influence others positively. 7. Call your colleagues by name to demonstrate courtesy, professionalism and your ability to build relationships. Work with fellow candidates not as threats / competitors, but as potential future colleagues / associates). 8. Show enthusiasm or persuasiveness when making your contributions. Present your opinions in an assertive and convincing manner, without being too hesitant or too confident. 9. Present logical arguments supported with strong commercial awareness and always diplomatically make your contributions stand out. 10. Show creativity when articulating your ideas.

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11. Avoid being overbearing, interrupting others, mourning or criticising others – ensure your communications are moderated at all times.

following instructions and is still focused on the project brief and objective. 15. Demonstrate the importance of time management to demonstrate your ability to manage time and work under pressure and within strict deadlines. Most groups exercises are time pressured. If you feel there is limited progress or the group is straying away from the core objective, encourage the group members to try and focus on the main objective and make progress to ensure you achieve your goals within the allocated timeslot.

12. If someone criticises you whilst trying to put your point across, fins a polite way of standing for yourself, expressing nicely the reason behind your point.

Typical group exercise could include any of the following:

13. Avoid get too obviously annoyed when other members dismiss your point or disagree with you. If you have tried to stand for yourself but still your opinion is not accepted by the group, gracefully accept the outcome and support the group’s chosen option.

These usually involve a complex problemsolving task, whether work-related or not, in which the team is supposed to work together and find an ideal solution. Such exercises will allow the employer to assess the candidates’ collaborative, team working, problem-solving and analytical skills. Examples of tasks could be: • Survival strategies when stranded on an island

14. Constantly check that the team is still

Practical group exercises:

• Dealing with the after-effects of a natural disaster • Building a tower out of wood or straw Discussion group exercises: In such exercises, the group could tasked with discssing possible solutions to a workrelated or none-work-related complex problem or scenario. Each member of the group is expected to contribute in analysiing the problem, discussing alternative solutions and then arriving at a logical and suitable conclusion to address group then must address this issue and find an implementation strategy to resolve the issue and arrive to a logical conclusion. Examples of tasks could be: • Dealing with a subsidiary in a region that is a war or natural disaster affected area • Supporting a struggling business unit • Launching and selling a new product • Assessing the success or failure of a merger/takeover • Managing a complex work-related project • Managing changing priorities and dealing with conflict • Advising a business dealing with a complex client • Discussing on the business dealing with a topical/ trending (usually news-related) issue such as Brexit Leadership group exercises: In such exercises, each member of the group could be tasked with chairing a meeting, discussion or problemsolving scenario. The key competences being tested are your leadership, time-management, delegation, decisiveness, listening and assertiveness skills. Key tips when chairing a meeting: • Briefly introduce and set the scene • Highlight the objectives of the meeting and the conclusion that need to be arrived at • Oversee the discussion and delegation/allocation of responsibilities (if necessary) • Ensure that the discussion is flowing smoothly, involving all members present • Monitor and control the discussion to ensure there are no team members dominating the meeting or introducing conflict • Manage time and ensure progress is being made • Preside in arriving at a logical conclusion For further resources and examples of group exercises check out the following links: www.escalate.ac.uk/resources/careerskills/documents/Survival.pdf www.assessmentday.co.uk/group-exercise.htm www.open.edu/openlearn/ocw/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=68276&section=4 www.pwc.co.uk/careers/documents/ChosenIsland-group-TutorGuide.pdf www.jobtestprep.co.uk/group-exercise

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Presentations are a common way to test your confidence, communication, timemanagement skills as well as your ability to revise a topic. You may be given a brief before your assessment day that you will have to research and prepare an individual presentation for or you will be given a topic on the day that you will then have to do a presentation on either individually, or as part of a group. If you are presenting as part of a group, try to make sure your voice is heard. It’s all well and good contributing to the content but if your recruiters don’t see you play your part in the

spoken presentation, it will be picked up on and will reflect badly on yourself. The biggest thing to prepare for when presenting is any nerves you may face. It’s easier said than done but try to stay as calm as possible. Recruiters are going to understand that presenting can be nerve wracking but try not to let it get in the way of your delivery. Take a deep breath, stand tall and take it nice and steady! Most presentations are done on PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi and/or flipcharts and usually last 10-15 minutes.

Candidates may be given a topic (either prior to the assessment day or on the day) and some time to prepare. A good understanding of the subject matter is usually advantageous, but not the primary skill being tested.

A presentation task may be used as part of or a follow on to a role-play as a way of demonstrating your presentation, convincing and communication skills.

PRESENTATION EXERCISES It is also common for presentation tasks to be set following the completion of a group exercise or project as a way of summarising the process and outcomes.

15 useful tips presentation



Presentation exercises can be based on pre-seen case studies.

a 3. Carry a few sets of printed slides to give

to the interviewers/assessors – and just in case of any technical glitches! In addition to carrying them on your USB/memory stick, 1. Prior to the Assessment Day, research on the it might be worthwhile to email copies to type of presentation you are likely to be tested yourself as a back-up. on, and their structure, format and scoring. Brainstorm as much as you can. Research on 4. A few days before the day, practice and LinkedIn, chatrooms, company website and rehearse doing the presentation in front of google who the assessors/ interview panel friends/family or your mirror and perfect your members are; their job titles, interests, and fluency, confidence, body language and professional backgrounds and interests? Call timing. Ask for their feedback and request the employer to ask any questions you are not them to ask you follow-on questions to perfect sure about. your responses. 2. Use bullet points and short and sweet (concise) sentences/phrases supported with carefully selected visually clear diagrams or pictures. Remember ‘less is more’ and ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’. Some experts use a rule ‘One slide = one message /key point’ to avoid cluttering the slides with too much ‘textheavy’ poorly structured information, so called ‘Death by PowerPoint’. And remember, slides should never give away the story; they should leave the audience wanting more – and you will use then use your public speaking excellency to talk the ’more’ bit. Some experts say, treat each slide like a sign on the highway—just enough information to catch your attention, but not too much to distract you. Aim for a maximum of 7/8 slides for a 10-minute presentation and around 10 slides or thereabout for a 15-minute presentation.

5. Show off your ability to clearly structure and design effective presentations. Structure your presentation around the ‘rule of three’ or ‘law of three’ - most presentation experts believe that people are more likely to remember something if it’s said three different times. In your presentation, focus on no more than three key points, and repeat them in different ways throughout the presentation for maximum impact 6. Showcase your communication, public speaking and interpersonal skills by keeping the interviewers engaged. Use your passion and enthusiasm to create interest and excitement in your audience. Intrigue them and get them to participate in the story/ adventure you are building. Use the 80/20 rule – 80% informative, 20% thought-provoking.

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7. Maintain your confidence and composure. Prove that you are able to remain calm even under pressure, a highly desirable employability skill. Don’t let stage fright, performance anxiety, fear and panic spoil your presentation. Tips to contain anxiety include: a. Take a moment to breathe diaphragmatically. b. Get them involved to drive the fear away maintain eye contact with the assessors and even try talk to them. c. Once your nerves are under control, focus on the subject matter you are discussing, but still constantly maintaining eye contact. d. Be aware that they are expecting and fully accept that you might feel anxious – it’s actually very common. And after all, they want you to succeed, that’s why they shortlisted you. So just keep calm and carry on.

Motivate yourself and boost your confidence by telling yourself, ‘For the next 10/15 minutes I’m in control; I’m the centre of attention, I am in charge of everyone in this room – It’s my time to shine’. 8. Maintain a steady pace – Do not go too fast as it might suggest nervousness. A steady pace is normally associated with confidence and allows the audience to fully engage and absorb the message you are trying to put across. Watch out for any body language that suggests boredom, loss of interest or a frowning/disagreeing face – it’s a sign to re-engage them, expand on any points that may lack clarity or simply up the game in terms of energy and enthusiasm. 9. Make a judgement on what level of volume to pitch at; not too loud, but not too low. Emphasise on your clarity of speech and verbal abilities, picking the right words and using the right tone to put your point across. 10. With thorough practice prior to the day, demonstrate your ability to manage time by being able to pace yourself accordingly. Set yourself some milestones that should be covered in the first 3/5 minutes, second 3/5 minutes and last

3/5 minutes. Stick to the instructions, if it’s 10 minutes, stick to 10 minutes. Don’t be tempted to go over. If possible, carry a watch or clock to aid your time management. 11. Use your persuasion and influence to show how valid and well researched your content is. They want to see your ability to sell an idea. The slides are for them to glance and get interested and captivated, and then you verbally into the juicier more compelling depths of the subject matter. All find opportunities to drop in hints of your skills and abilities in the process. Differentiate yourself, if really confident using video clips, animations and other forms of technology – but only if you are really confident of what you are doing.

If you don’t seem to understand the question, don’t hesitate to ask the assessor to clarify. If completely clueless about a question, always acknowledge that it’s a good question, which unfortunately was not fully covered in this presentation but can form a good foundation for further research on the subject. Promise that you are intrigued and will go and dig deeper and maybe offer to provide further information in future, if at all possible. 15. Don’t forget to finish on a high note with a memorable conclusion and if brave, a strong catch phrase. Enjoy it!

For further resources and examples

12. Use appropriate body language and facial of presentation exercises check out expressions to ensure the information is clear the following links: and well relayed to the audience. Avoid being too animated though. A good sense of ‘safe’, www.assessmentday.co.uk/presentation-exercise.htm ‘well-conceived’ humour might act in your favour in engaging with the audience. You www.psychometrictests.com/assessment-centers/acfaq-presentation-exercise have to be really cautious as any mistake could backfire. If not 100% confident, avoid it – better safe than sorry! 13. Establish rapport by engaging with your audience. Maintaining eye-contact, body language, asking if it’s clear, pausing and smiling at key junctions, addressing the assessors by name and positive facial expressions are all key to establishing rapport and maintaining interest. Avoid overly focusing on the screen or your notes. Prior to the presentation highlight and memorise key phrases to make your pitch more natural with a more conversational tone. Address panel members by name when answering their questions. 14. Always expect to answer questions either during or at the end of the presentation. Ensure you have thoroughly researched and understood the subject matter. Predict the likely questions the assessors might ask and ensure you have ready answers, which you should politely and constructive give, supporting your point of view. The typical ones include: a. Why you came to that conclusion? b. How will it be implemented? c. Have you considered the resources/risks/ challenges…? d. Have you considered all the stakeholders?

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to present this even without being asked as it displays your passion and enthusiasm and a willingness to go beyond the basic expectations. A good way of approaching the presentation is to structure it under three key phases:

1st Month It is common for employers to ask Understanding the role, the business, its values, you do a presentation in the final objectives and culture as well as your colleagues, customers suppliers and other key stakeholders. interview. One of the most frequently asked topics is ‘My first 90 days in the job’. It is a test of how much the candidate understand the role and a summary of their intended strategies for going through the crucial ‘first three months’, which in some companies coincide with the probation period. It also highlights their interpersonal, initiative and leadership skills. Some HR professionals argue that it is vital for every professional to prepare this as a mini-operational plan when starting a new role. It could impress employers if you were

2nd Month Evaluating the current processes, policies and procedures in order to identify strengths and weaknesses as well as establishing your priorities.

3rd Month Optimising the processes through identifying areas of improvement and suggestions to deal with critical issues.

Useful tips • • • • • • • •

Make sure your goals and objectives are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound) Avoid too many slides – Maximum 6-8 slides. Short phrases – straight to the point Thoroughly research the role, the company, the industry and the environment and use the job description as a baseline. The key is to show that you are able to plan, prioritise, implement and deliver with clearly defined KPI’s. Be practical and realistic about your strategies to get quick wins. Address their needs and tailor it to the organisation’s current position. Use this opportunity to sell your strengths in a subtle way, referring to tangible previous experiences or sound industry knowledge as your justification. Emphasise how you’d add value to the organisation, clearly identifying the deliverables.

An example for a Trainee Financial Analyst:

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Case studies are another great way for

recruiters to see you in action. You, and other candidates (often in a group, but this can be an individual exercise too) will be asked to assess and resolve an issue that you could be faced with in the real world. Case studies are aimed at evaluating your problem solving, analytical, information processing, dealing with complex change scenarios as well as team-working skills. Case study interview are popular in fields like finance, banking and consulting due to their miniature simulation of a typical project/ assignment, therefore giving the employer

confidence that successful candidates are almost ready for the real world of work, therefore an invaluable predictor of the candidate’s future behaviour in the job. You’ll be presented with a case/brief and information revolving around a problem you could be faced with on the job in the real world. Your responsibility is to assess the problem and then develop a solution and reasoning behind the steps you have taken. You may also be provided with additional information as the assessment progresses. If it is a group scenario, candidates can be assigned roles and will be required may be told to act in a particular way, or represent a particular department, as part of their brief. The aim is for the group form a plan of action and to reach a satisfactory conclusion that the majority of the participants are happy with. The way you analyse and the findings you present will be used as an indicator of how you would perform in a similar situation on the job if you were to be successful.

Job related case study exercises These relate to a specific profession or subject area, therefore some element of professional knowledge in the specific discipline is essential. The context of the exercise is designed with the role in mind. Common job-related case studies include: • Sales and Marketing candidates dealing with a project to decide whether to expand to a new foreign market or launch a new product on the existing market. Such a task will require you to calculate revenues and profits of each option. Then make a decision on which option is more viable. However also mention other nonfinancial factors such as risks of launching in new untested markets • Banking, Finance, Law and Accountancy candidates could deal with a decision of whether or not to takeover of a struggling smaller competitor. This may require tools to assess the future prospects of the target company, its potential valuation as well as the impact of the takeover on the parent company’s financial stability • Engineering and Project Management candidates could deal with a project on whether or not to construct a new facility. This will require both financial skills to forecast the long-term benefits against the costs. The case will then require a project management exercise to analyse how the building will be constructed and what resources are required. Consideration should be given to other nonfinancial factors such as the environment, local communities and employees • HR and Management students could deal with a corporate organisational restructuring project. This will require doing consultations to ensure everyone buys into the change, as well as dealing with resistance to change

These case studies are designed for a broad audience of candidates who are tested for different positions. Answering the case study questions do not require any specific knowledge, and most questions can be answered with common sense. Any information that is required for answering the case study questions is provided by the assessor, whether by word or through additional documentation. These case studies are much more popular as they are completed by a vast number of candidates who are applying for a wide array of positions.

Generic case study exercises By far the most popular, generic case study exercises are not specific to a selected profession, therefore are suitable to any candidate, regardless of profession or career and no specific technical background is required. Common generic case studies include: • New business start-up • New market or product launch • Dealing with a natural disaster • Community-related charitable project

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10 tips for tackling case study exercises 1. Do your research beforehand and find some examples online to help you out before the big day. The problems or situations you are likely to get, will be specific to the industry you are applying for. It is critical for you to develop a wider understanding of the industry through reading newspapers, magazines, the company’s annual reports, company’s graduate scheme recruitment page, company’s press releases, market research data, technical literature and online resources prior to the day. 2. It is very common for the outcomes of the

case-study to be used alongside a presentation, role-play or group discussion. It is therefore necessary for candidates to be aware of the wider implications and therefore ensure the results and findings are useable for the next phase of the assessment. 3. Refresh your mathematical skills as there is likely to be a numerical element in most case studies. These could include either mental arithmetic skills as well as calculator skills. Develop abilities to estimate big data and make logical assumptions e.g estimating population size, potential market changes and impact of significant events on sales or growth. 4. Thoroughly read and understand project brief and ensure you have got a full grasp of the tasks involved. Highlight key words and relevant information. 5. Create a structure and identify stages you will go through before you arrive at the solution. Allocate team members tasks so that you can collaboratively break down the entire project. 6. Discuss you thinking process with the

assessor. Some assessors may end up giving useful hints or course-correct because you initiated the conversation. If you’re not sure, make an educated guess and take a leap of faith. 7. Manage time wisely as such exercises tend to be highly time pressured. Allocate time to different components of the brief to ensure time is monitored at each milestone throughout the exercise. If working as a team, it might be worthwhile appointing a timekeeper. 8. When interacting with assessor, communicate effectively and professionally, using industry jargon as they expect someone who has a solid foundation and ready for a steep learning curve. 9. The final report / presentation will need to address how the analysis was conducted and how solutions were arrived at, as well as the conclusion and recommendations. 10. Practice with friends prior to the day to boost your confidence.

Useful links www.assessmentday.co.uk/case-study-exercise.htm www.jobtestprep.co.uk/assessment-centre-case-study www.targetjobs.co.uk/career-sectors/consulting/306745-impress-your-interviewers-the-case-study www.targetjobs.co.uk/careers-advice/assessment-centres/275411-coping-with-case-studies-for-graduate-jobs


Problem Solving Skills

Commercial Awareness Skills

Analytical Skills


Time Management & Working Under Pressure

Creativity Skills

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There are several standardised questions designed to determine one’s personality or emotional status. They attempt to predict what professions or nature of jobs could suit you. It’s also a good way to understand your strengths and weaknesses and how you relate with your co-workers. Understanding yourself better empowers you to become more self-aware! Some employers use personality tests to help identify candidates whose character traits are best suit a specific role and how they are likely to behave under certain conditions and in different situations. Such pre-employment testing is aimed at revealing certain aspects

of each candidate’s personality and then use that information to predict the compatibility and likelihood that the candidate will excel in that particular position. Personality tests thus give recruiters a better understanding of the candidate, thus enabling a better judgement of the candidate’s suitability for the position. Each role is unique and requires a different personality compared to any other role. Employers look at the core competences for each role and then try to match with the ideal personality trait that perfectly suit the competency’s accomplishment. For instance, a sales role might suit an extrovert, whilst an analyst role might suit a more analytical introvert. As you might be aware, there is no right or wrong answer in personality tests, so it is important to be as honest as possible. On completion, your score is compared to those of the ideal candidate or a normative group. Most employers would not make a decision based on a personality profile on its own, but the score and the dominant traits may contribute in the recruiter’s wider decision-making process.

What are the benefits of personality tests?

1. They help you in deciding which qualifications to pursue. 2. Employers use them when recruiting, they give them a better understanding of you, how well you will fit in the team and cope with the job. 3. You know yourself better which helps you when dealing with other personalities (colleagues and co-workers). 4. You can find ways to improve your weaknesses

interests, sources of motivation and skills and abilities. In the Myers–Briggs Assessment there are sixteen personality types which are made up of four letters, with each letter representing a psychological preference. When reflecting on your preferences, your personality type will be expressed as a code with four letters. Drawing energy from different ‘worlds’

Do you prefer to focus on your inner or outer world – i.e. Extroversion (E) or Introversion (I)? An extrovert focuses on drawing energy Research the kind of personality test it is, from people and activities outside of them. An how long it takes, the format of questions introvert feels more energised by their own and the traits it measures. world of thoughts and reflections. Thoroughly read the instructions and make sure you fully understand what you Absorbing & interpreting information are required to do. Be as honest and consistent as you can Do you focus on absorbing information or when answering the questions. Most would you interpret information and add personality tests have built-in mechanisms meaning to it – Sensing (S) or Intuition (N). to spot inconsistent responses. A sensing individual focuses on real and Read questions carefully, watching out for tangible information. An intuitive individual negative or tricky questions. notes the bigger picture as well as making Be assertive in your answering, avoiding connections between facts. too many neutral or borderline responses. Don’t spend too much time on one Making decisions question, if not sure, go with your instinct. Attempt all questions and never skip any - When making decisions, do you focus on the if you’re not sure on any, take an educated logic and consistency or do you look to the guess. people and particular circumstances first? Take your time, especially if it isn’t timed! I.e. Thinking (T) or Feeling (F). Thinking

Tips for preparing for personality tests • • •

• • • • •

individuals use logical analysis to make Here we will look at a few personality tests that decisions. Feeling individuals focus on other are commonly used in personal development people involved and what is important at that planning and by employers as part of their particular moment. recruitment processes.

The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Assessment w

Approaching the outside world When interacting with the outside world, would you rather get things done and decided or would you stay open to new information and ideas? I.e. Judging (J) or Perceiving (P). ‘Judging’ people prefer a planned, orderly lifestyle whereas ‘Perceiving’ individuals are more inclined towards a more flexible and spontaneous approach to life.

The Myers–Briggs Assessment can help you gain useful insights about yourself and your interactions with others. This can help you to enhance your personal development, communication and your approach to learning or working. The importance of the assessment is in explaining the differences in people’s unique use of their perceptions and See the next page for summaries of the 16 personal judgment and how they reach Myers-Briggs personality types. conclusions, thus explaining people’s differing

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Myers-Briggs’ 16 Personalities


Hard-working with sound practical judgement


Devoted caretakers who enjoy being helpful to others

ISTP Skilled at understanding how mechanical things work


Seek to create a personal environment that is practical





Seek cooperation, enjoy intellectual stimulation

Driven by their own original ideas to achieve improvements

Value personal growth, focus on dreams and possibilities

Original thinkers who enjoy creative problemsolving


Pragmatic problem solvers and skillful negotiators


Value inspiration and enjoy starting new projects.




Have common sense, enjoy helping people in tangible ways.

Like to run the show and gets things done in an orderly fashion.

Seek to be helpful, enjoy being active and productive.




Enjoy new ideas and challenges, value inspiration.



The ‘16 Personalities’ Assessment The 16 Personality Assessment is a free version but based on the same type descriptions as the Myers Briggs, except that they add an additional letter A or T. Assertive (A) individuals are self-assured, even-tempered and resistant to stress. They refuse to worry too much and do not push themselves too hard when it comes to achieving goals. Turbulent (T) individuals are self-conscious and sensitive to stress. They are likely to experience a wide range of emotions and to be success-driven, perfectionistic and eager to improve (16Personalities.com, 2019) The ‘16 Personalities’ Assessment classifies people into the following types:


Skilled communicators, organized and responsible.

Effective planners of people and longrange planners.

Commander ENTJ-A / ENTJ-T - Bold, imaginative and strong-willed leaders, always finding a way – or making one. Debater ENTP-A / ENTP-T - Smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge.

DIPLOMATS Advocate INFJ-A / INFJ-T - Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists. Mediator INFP-A / INFP-T - Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause. Protagonist ENFJ-A / ENFJ-T - Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize their listeners. Campaigner

Architect INTJ-A / INTJ-T - Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything.

ENFP-A / ENFP-T - Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.

Logician INTP-A / INTP-T - Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.

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ESFJ-A / ESFJ-T - Extraordinarily caring, social and popular people, always eager to help.


Virtuoso ISTP-A / ISTP-T - Bold and practical experimenters, masters of all kinds of tools. Adventurer

SENTINELS Logistician

ISFP-A / ISFP-T - Flexible and charming artists, always ready to explore and experience something new.

ISTJ-A / ISTJ-T - Practical and fact-minded Entrepreneur individuals, whose reliability cannot be ESTP-A / ESTP-T - Smart, energetic and very doubted. perceptive people, who truly enjoy living on the edge. Defender ISFJ-A / ISFJ-T - Dedicated & warm Entertainer protectors, always ready to defend their loved ESFP-A / ESFP-T - Spontaneous, energetic and ones. enthusiastic people – life is never boring around them. Executive ESTJ-A / ESTJ-T - Excellent administrators, unsurpassed at managing things – or people. Consul

TAKE THE 16 PERSONALITIES ASSESSMENT www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test

Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test Another 16-type test based on Carl Jung’s and Briggs-Myers’ typology, whose report covers: • • • •

The description and strengths of preferences of your personality type Careers and occupations most suitable for your personality type Communication and learning styles of your type Famous personalities who share your type

Your personality assessment is broken down into 4 characteristics, and then those are allotted a percentage to signify how strong of a trait it is for you. An example:

YOUR TYPE: ISFJ Introvert (69%) Sensing (38%) Feeling (6%) Judging (12%)

How do you want to leverage the type? Self-Development ISFJ Type Description: ISFJs are characterised above all by their desire to serve others, their ‘need to be needed’ ISFJ Careers: Career choices for your type, communicating skills, learning style and famous ISFJs

Business Use Staff Development & Teamwork: Use advanced Jungian typology to improve collaboration, become better leader and manage conflicts Pre-employment Testing: Identify candidate’s strengths, conduct effective interviews and assess compatibility.


The SHL Occupational Personality Questionnaire The SHL Occupational Personality Assessment is a popular tool used by employers to predict how a candidate’s perceived behaviours could influence their work performance. Using a set of 104 questions, the assessment evaluates 32 different characteristics across three primary domains: “Relationship with People,” “Thinking Style and Feelings,” and “Emotions.” Within the questionnaire, participants must pick from a set of statements, which one best and which one least describe them. On completion, the candidate does not get any feedback, but the employer receives a customised report of the candidate’s performance, with scores graphically presented as well as details of strengths and weaknesses. You will be presented with 8 pages of 10 statements each. Your task is to rate how well each statement represents your own behaviour. Select the option which best represents you. If you want to change your answer, just select a different option. You may find some of the choices difficult, but please try your best. Do not give an answer because you think it is the right thing to say or it is how you might like to be.


Other personality tests available include: • • • • • •

IBM Watson Talent (Kenexa) Revelian Talent Q Cubiks Watson Glaser PiCompany

For some additional practice, try these websites: −− −− −− −− −−

www.practiceaptitudetests.com www.jobtestprep.co.uk www.assessmentday.co.uk www.practicereasoningtests.com www.assessmentcentrehq.com


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There are several different tests that an employer could ask you to take. Here is a list with descriptions of different psychometric tests: •

Numerical Reasoning Tests When taking this test, candidates will have to answer questions on statistics, graphs, charts and figures

WHAT IS IT? A psychometric test is an assessment designed to show a candidate’s skills and knowledge in a specific field. The tests all have different ways of scoring the candidates and comparing their scores to determine who had the highest. The candidate does not need any prior knowledge to complete the test, as the employer only wants to see your natural ability.

Verbal Reasoning Tests These tests will assess candidates on verbal logic and how quickly they can digest and retain information from passages of text.

In-Tray Exercises A business related assessment that assesses how well candidates can prioritise tasks.


Diagrammatic Tests Timed tests that assess your logical reasoning. Situational judgement Tests

Psychological tests that assess how candidates would deal with work-based problems. •

several different psychometric tests, so it is recommended that you take breaks in between tests. 6. If you have been told that you will

Inductive Reasoning Tests

have to do a psychometric test, you are encouraged to revise for them. We recommend you to go online and google “free psychometric tests” and you can revise as much as you want for free.

Tests that determine how well the candidate can identify the logic within patterns. •

Cognitive Ability Tests Measures general intelligence.

Mechanical Reasoning Tests This test is often used for technical roles and applies mechanical and engineering knowledge into it.

Spatial Awareness Tests Often used in jobs for design, engineering and architecture, the test is designed to assess how well the candidate can mentally manipulate images.

8. It is advised that you become familiar with the types of questions that could crop up in the test.

Watson Glaser Tests Often used by law firms, it’s designed to think critically about arguments.

7. If you take a psychometric test that is designed to assess your personality, you should try to stay consistent when answering the questions.

Error Checking Tests

9. Use your time cleverly. If you are spending too much time on one question, leave it and move onto the next one. 10. You should read more to increase your vocabulary. Try reading more careers related, newspapers, magazines and online articles. This will help you when you do a verbal reasoning test.

Considered unusual, this test assesses how well the candidate can identify errors.

TIPS TO HELP YOU PASS 1. You should aim to answer every question on the test, but don’t stress if you run out of time.

YOUR APPLICATION We recommend you to visit these websites to help your preparation for psychometric tests:

2. The most difficult questions in the tests are usually placed at the end. You don’t necessarily get bonus points if you answer the hard questions correctly, so don’t worry if you find some difficult to answer.


3. If time permits, check all the questions (if the exam allows that) and make sure your answers are correct


www.practiceaptitudetests.com www.how2become.com/free-psychometrictests/

4. Some psychometric tests have questions that you cannot skip. If you don’t know the answer, then you will just have to guess. Most candidates waste a third of their time stuck on questions that they’re struggling to answer, so you will just have to make an educated guess. 5. In most cases, candidates will have to take

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ENTREPRENEURSHIP S E T T I N G U P A N E W B U S I N E S S .......................................................... T O P 10 T I P S O N S T A R T I N G A N E W B U S I N E S S .................................... HOW TO PREPARE A BUSINESS PLAN. S A M P L E B U S I N E S S P L A N ................................................................ F I N A N C I N G A N E W S T A R T - U P ...............................................

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Starting a new business venture is a huge step with many things to take into consideration from financial planning to viability. There are few restrictions on who can start a business but to ensure your company thrives in the future, it is important to take these things into consideration:

Come up with a solid idea Of course, the foundation to any good company is a good idea. Your business idea should be something unique and that you’re passionate about - maybe you’ve seen a gap in the market for something or have had a dream about opening your own business your entire

life. Don’t just rush into an opportunity because it feels like the easier route and you want to be your own boss, instead, you need to carefully formulate your idea to ensure it’s viable. Do a lot of due diligence check. Ask friends, relatives and business advisors to substantiate its feasibility. Consider finding a mentor for some independent professional advice and support. During the initial stages of planning your business, you’ll need to make decision as to whether this will work as just a side project to make a little extra money or whether this is a full-time venture. If you are working, it’s always advisable not to quickly quit your day-job. Try parallel running the two until you feel confident you can now comfortably live on a salary drawn out of the business.

Market research Research your competitors and the product or service you are selling. You want to make sure that there’s no one else around you doing the same thing and if there is, what is it that makes your business better? What’s your USP? What is it that will draw people to your business over


Create a business plan

You can look around online or in directories to conduct your market research but it’s equally important (if not more so) to conduct some of your own primary research. Some ways in which you can do this are: • Interviews • Questionnaires and surveys • Ask for feedback • Focus groups • Test marketing • Trade journals and online market researches

A business plan is a handy tool that is a very important part of starting up your business. It needs to include all of the information to explain what your business is and to persuade people to invest. The seven key sections of your business plan are:

Decide on trading approach Make a few decisions on the following issues: • Are you going to trade as a Sole trader, Limited Company or Partnership? Due to the limited liability benefits, the Limited Company option is the most popular these days. It is now easier to set up a limited company online and it could be up and running within 24 hours • Are you going to set it up from scratch or are you joining a franchise network with an existing business model? Websites like www. franchisedirect.co.uk or www.pointfranchise. co.uk can give you ideas if there are any franchises for your desired business model • Are you going to operate as a web-only/ e-commerce business or are you going to operate from some physical premises? Webbased and e-commerce businesses are usually cheaper to operate therefore a popular option for start-ups. These days you can get cheap virtual office addresses and cloud based VOIP phone numbers, which can give an impression of a more established business • What accounting, payroll, transaction processing systems are you going to use. Lot’s of cheap one on the market (Sage, QuickBooks, Xero) • Consider appointing an accountant to take care of all HMRC issues. Shop around for cheap deals or use websites like bark.com to get them to bid • Who are you going to bank with? There are loads of options, some coming with free banking for the first year • It is always advisable to have insurance to cover areas like Public & Third-Party Liability, Employer Liability and Professional Indemnity, depending on your nature of business

1. Your executive summary: describe what your business is clearly and concisely. Include your company’s name, it’s location, products and services and perhaps your five-year plan (or some other way of letting investors know the future of your business). 2. Company description: get into the details regarding the purpose and goals of your company. Write about the company’s history and what service and product you are providing, it’s legal structure and both short and long business goals. 3. Market analysis: include what competitors are in your area and online and what trends there are within the market. Write about what makes you stand out. Include statistics and show off your industry knowledge. 4. Products and services: go into more depth about what it is you are providing including your customers, the costs, any USPs and any relevant legal data. 5. Strategy and implementation: explain how you’re going to promote your business and establish yourself within the market. Include information such as how the company will be run and the number of employees. 6. Organisation and management: outline your management team and list all key employees and their roles. 7. Financial plan projections: develop this section with an accountant- list your financial history and methods of funding and provide information on any future investments and include financial documents if you are part of an already established business. For more information about writing a business plan, check out our pages on a Sample Business Plan.

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Assess your finances and identify sources of funds You’ll need to make a decision on how you are going to fund your business. It’s always smart to research your options before settling on something as there’s a number of ways this can be done. Here are three common methods for funding your small business: 1. Self-Funding: self-funding is something that takes a little bit of time but allows you to be more in control of your finances. 2. Requesting a loan or grant: asking for a loan or grant is a common way of funding your business. Much like self-funding, it can

take a little longer, but it does save your equity, ownership and control. Take a look on www. grants.gov for any loans that take your fancy. Crowdfunding: with a good campaign and a strong online presence, there is nothing to stop you from sourcing your finances with crowdfunding. It can take a lot less time than self-funding or waiting for a loan and is a great way of establishing a small community for your business! For more information about funding, check out our pages on Sources of Finance.

Find your resources




If there is a way starting small, it’s a good ideal to start it as a solo project and maybe working from home or using cafes and hotels as your meeting rooms. However, if you feel the venture needs more people, consider hiring premises. Cheap options include: • Shared serviced offices • Business lounges • Out of town offices

You can’t have a solid business without a solid team. Follow hiring protocols to ensure you employees meet the standards and morals of your company and build a reliable team. You may want to conduct some research on how to interview candidates. Recruiting for your team is going to be an ongoing process and having a large workforce won’t happen overnight. You may want to work with people you are already familiar with you to begin with and then grow your team as your business develops. Consider using LinkedIn Recruiter Lite, Job Boards (like Indeed, CV Library, Universal Match and Totaljobs) as well as putting social media posts. After that find some office equipment and facilities. In these days of Google, eBay, Amazon, Facebook and Gumtree it’s a lot easier to find cheap equipment locally. Because you are employing people, make sure you compliant with regards to: • HR Regulations • Health and Safety Legislation • GDPR Regulations • Pension auto enrolment • Company House Regulations & Director Responsibilities (if it’s a Limited Company)

Promote your business There are plenty of sites and programs to help you build a website. If you don’t want to find a designer, you can now easily build decent websites on platforms like Wix and Squarespace even without strong IT skills. Social media is pretty much essential for any business these days and it’s a great way of getting your company’s name out there in the early days. Get your family and friends to like and share your posts to spread the word and make sure that your customer service is top notch! It’s also useful to have a look at modern marketing trends and adapt them into ways to promote your business, including the likes of google pay-per-click, SEO, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn marketing. Depending on your business, have a look at attending local trading fairs or networking with other small businesses and larger businesses. The more contacts you have, the better!

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Starting your own business could be the key to financial freedom, but there are fundamental steps to be followed in order to start-up and run a successful business. ‘If there is no career progression, remaining an employee in a dead-end job could mean that you will operate in the vicious circle of poverty in which you are given a salary that is just about adequate to cater for your dayto-day living costs’, points out Robert Kiyasoki in his bestselling book ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ points out that, at times, your salary is only enough to cover basic costs, so you might find yourself always waiting for your next payday.

1. Identify gaps in the market

The most powerful approach to create a successful business is solving problems being faced by people in the community. For example, Steve Jobs was instrumental in Apple’s revolutionary mobile phones as a way to shrink complex computing power down to manageable devices. As a result, people can now receive or send emails using their phones, search the internet and much more. The likes of Mark Zuckerberg solved the problems that come with long-distance friendships through his development of Facebook, and now he’s one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world, with a net worth of more than US$40 billion according to Forbes.

2. Avoid Excuses

Most people delay starting their own business with poor excuses. Some of the most common excuses include, “I have no capital”, “I am afraid that I will suffer a loss”, “It’s not the right time to start my business”, “There is no one to show me the best path to follow” etc. Too many excuses have become the major hindrance to starting a company. Take a leap of faith and pursue your dreams.

3. Amass Information

Another powerful technique is doing as much

research beforehand as possible. It is key to take heed of advice from friends, family, business experts and business reports. Whenever you come across relevant information that could be of help to you, take note of it so that you can reflect on it in the future. Convert your information into a detailed business plan which can help in driving the business venture and raising capital.

4. Keep it simple

Most entrepreneurs start their businesses as simple start-ups and develop them into empires later on. The idea is to keep learning at each stage so you can improve operations of the business. Create a simple product or service and then start running with it at small scale. Unnecessary features should be eliminated if they cost you money. As a small business, there is no need to have lots of revenues that could cause unnecessary distraction. They may reduce your chances for rapid growth, set your ideas aside for a point later down the line.

5. Evaluate the costs

When starting a new business, you need to keep in mind that there are going to be a lot of costs involved. These costs should be well considered, as somebody might want to review them at a later stage to evaluate your company’s efficiency. The most common costs include rent, electricity, salary and other unexpected costs. Some of the costs encountered as a small business can be untimely and some could be avoided if not necessary.

6. Expect losses

The most common mistake that the majority of entrepreneurs have is expecting to make profits straight away. For a start-up, it may take time to start making profits since the clientele is still limited. Furthermore, during early days your company’s customers don’t know whether they can trust you yet. It is therefore very critical that you raise sufficient capital to sustain the business during the loss making phase.

7. Talk about your business

A common problem for many business owners is not knowing how to sell and a lot of the time, they do not market their businesses sufficiently. If you are unable to convince customers to buy your products or services, then it will be difficult to make money. Network with people via social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn to market your

business. Take part in all sorts of networking events including the likes of BNI, FSB and many other business seminars and events.

8. Know the legal requirements of starting a business The law may not be exciting, but the rules of starting a business must be known. The government has certain regulations that must be followed and failure to follow such instruction could lead to punitive penalties. Employment, copyright, data protection, tax and health & safety laws must be strictly followed at all times, to minimise risks of fines and lawsuits.

9. Earn as you build

If you have decided to start a business and can still manage to work for a bit, try to avoid quitting your job just yet. Earn as you build your business. It is difficult to start earning steady income in the early stages of the start-up. Build your business when you are off work and you use your day-job earnings to cushion the impacts from losses during the early stages of business growth. When the business becomes more stable, seek out the best moment to pull the plug and quit your job so you can become a full-time ‘entrepreneur’! Alternatively you could use venture capitalists, business angels and lenders to raise capital.

10. Have passion and vision

The most powerful ingredients for success are passion and vision. They will continue to drive you and your business through everything. A vision propels each and every idea. As a business owner, never fail to remember why you launched this company and take a step back to appreciate how far you’ve come. Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington, James Dyson and JK Rowling all have one thing in common - passion and vision!

Starting is always the toughest part, but you’re stronger than your excuses.


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Entrepreneurs are often accused of living in their own weird world. They have unique approaches to life and usually dictate their terms. They are passionate about solving problems, creating solutions and managing their own businesses. Here are 25 traits often associated with entrepreneurs. Check out if you connect with any of them: 1. They dream big and focus on achieving goals 2. They like zoning in – often in isolation 14. They are constantly thinking about the next opportunity 15. They are not afraid of failure and are persistent M4. They work hard and play hard – value reading, researching and 16. They are not keen on working under experimenting authority but love to be their own boss They can survive in tough environments 17. They have a passion for planning and can work from anywhere 18. They are different - weird, quirky, hustlers, They are brave to make tough decisions hackers …. and are not afraid of being hated 19. They enjoy deep, thoughtful discussions and They are innovative hang out with smart folks They are confident 20. They love Wi-Fi and technology They think quick and can easily spot 21. They value time and are always on the opportunitiesThey are innovative lookout for technology to improve efficiency They value efficiency & effectiveness 22. They are intrigued by people or societal issues and value advice/feedback They hate lack of ambition and mediocrity 23. They love inspiration and motivational content on social media They embrace change and love trying new things 24. They love taking risks and turning obstacles into solutions They love challenging the status quo 25. They have faith and a positive-minded

3. They are curious, love creating value and enhancing things 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

WANT TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS? If more than half of these relate to you, you might have what it takes to be an entrepreneur. If you are destined to be one, you will rarely enjoy a 9 – 5 job, and you usually don’t mind the ups and down that come with entrepreneurship. If this sounds like you, then you might want to consider starting your own business. ink of your catastrophes as an opportunity to learn and grow. Success often requires many failed attempts. Don’t dwell on failure; continue working towards your goals.

“It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons to failure.” Bill Gates “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10 000 ways that won’t work.” Thomas Edison “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” Albert Einstein “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney

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A business plan is an essential strategic tool for any entrepreneur and business professional. A well documented business plan will not only help you to channel your resources towards the actions that will maximise your short and long-term corporate objectives, but it will help you in raising funds and pitching yourself before investors and lenders.

How to write your business plan

Base your business plan on detailed information where possible. But do not include all the detail in the plan. Leave the detail for operational or marketing plans.

Be direct - focus on what the intended audience are interested in. Additional information such as assumptions, market research findings, technical details, detailed financial information and directors’ CVs may be included in the ‘Appendices’ section. Be realistic - try minimising unrealistic, optimistic or ambitious revenue. These can be easily spotted by investors and lenders and can easily put them off, as they hint increased risk of mismanagement of cash flows. Put any evidence to back-up your forecasts and assumptions in the ‘Appendices’ section. Be professional - ensure the layout is professional, including a cover page, a contents page, executive summary, Marketing, HR, Operational and Financial Plans as well as an ‘Appendices’ section. Be risk conscious – show the investors, lenders and readers your awareness of the various operational, financial and legal risks associated with the venture and what measures you are putting in place to minimise the impact

of the risks.

Financial Plan – sales, profit, capital expenditure and cash-flow forecasts for the Executive Summary – a brief overview of next few years. State any assumptions and the business, its history and/or entrepreneurs’ give a scenario analysis of the position of the background, and the purpose. business in the event of unfavourable trading conditions. Products/Services – description of product/ service, its key attributes, unique features, and Sample business plan value-enhancing benefits. We have drafted a sample business plan

Key sections of the business plan

(on the next page) to enable you to visualise what each section could include. The sample business plan we have featured is of a start-up healthcare recruitment consultancy company. Please note that this is just a skeleton of the business plan. For a complete version, please visit the entrepreneurship page of our website. Feel free to tweak the Market and competitor analysis – key ideas in this sample to your specific business features of the market, consumer preferences, context. market segmentation, pricing trends, the anticipated market share and market trends. Analysis of key competitors in the market and what the company is doing to differentiating its products/services to beat the market. A brief outline of where the business positions itself within the market. Industry Analysis – a summary of the industry and environment in which the business is operating. A PESTLE (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Ecological/ Environmental) analysis of the major external forces affecting the business.

Marketing Mix – Analysis of the 4Ps (product, price, place, promotion). Where within the competitive spectrum will the business position its product (high quality/expensive or value/ low quality), the pricing policy of the company, its promotional and advertising strategy, distribution and sales channels to be used. SWOT analysis – An analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats affecting the business. Explain how the company will capitalise on the internal strengths and external opportunities, whilst seeking to neutralise or mitigate the impacts of internal weaknesses and external threats. Management and organisational structure – lay out an organisational structure of the business as well as brief outline of management’s qualifications, experience and responsibilities. Outline key HR, recruitment, health & safety as well as training strategies to be implemented. Operational plan – description of the production facilities, premises and location and how it influences the company’s operations. What are the company’s approaches to quality and what IT systems are in place?

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Private & Confidential




1.1 Overview 3 1.2

About WonderCare: Our Mission and Vision




2.1 Core Objectives 4 2.2 SWOT Analysis 5 2.3 Corporate Governance, Risk and Internal Control 6 2.4 Organisational Structure 6 2.5 Training and Development 7

3. MARKETING PLAN 8 3.1 The Recruitment Market 8 3.2

Target Customers and Customer Management


3.3 Competitor Analysis 10 3.4

Our Unique Selling Points ( USP’s)


3.5 Potential Hurdles 12 3.6 Pricing Strategy 13 3.7

Advertising and promotional strategy




4.1 Key Assumptions 16 4.2 Cash Flow Forecast 17 4.3

Forecast Statement of Profit and Loss



Forecast Statement of Financial Position


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1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Overview The primary purpose of this document is to formulate initial strategies and operating guidelines for WonderCare Professional Service Limited (which will be trading as WonderCare Recruitment or WonderCare Recruit, and may hereinafter be referred to as the ‘company’ or ‘WonderCare’), and its services, business model and trading prospects with the intentions of assisting management and staff in implementing and reviewing its goals and objectives. The document shall provide information which will help to understanding the predicted development, performance and forecasted position of the company, the principal risks and uncertainties likely to face the company and strategies used by the company to monitor this development, performance and position. The information contained in this document may contain estimates and forward-looking statements. By their nature, these statements and forecasts involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results or developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the statements and forecasts in this document. The forward-looking statements reflect the knowledge and information available at the date of preparation of this business plan and may be updated by the company if trading conditions change. This document has been primarily prepared for WonderCare’s management and any other parties who may have an interest in the affairs of the company. The Company and its directors, employees or agents do not accept or assume responsibility to any other person in connection with this document and any such responsibility or liability is expressly disclaimed. 1.2 About WonderCare: Our Mission and Vision To be recognised at all levels for our high standards of professionalism, service and quality of care provided within appropriate, safe and therapeutic environments. We aim to provide staff that is able to nurture a good working environment which will attract, motivate, develop and retain the very best professional standards to our contractors. To the care provider we purpose to be open, honest, fair and transparent in all our dealings. To integrate all these values into every aspect of our operation for the mutual benefit of our staff, clients and our team members. Our ambition is to be one of the leading independent providers of highly skilled nursing and healthcare staff in healthcare services in the UK. Our clients are assured by our extensive experience working with private hospitals and nursing/ residential homes, as well as learning disability services. Our aim is to provide a high-quality service at a reasonable rate and go the extra mile to ensure that clients can trust us to deliver the best possible people for the job and worker continuity where possible.

2. STRATEGIC AND OPERATIONAL PLAN 2.1 Core Objectives Our central objective is to be a unique and cost-effective provider of specialised healthcare recruitment solutions for the Yorkshire region. Our aim is to help healthcare professionals and businesses to maximise on their human capital, knowledge and skills by using unique methodologies to identify the most ideal staffing or career opportunities. Today’s healthcare employers are demanding more in a market where skilled candidates are becoming harder to find. With our in-depth knowledge of the healthcare market and combining this with our staff’s experience and capabilities, we are confident the company will make the work of sourcing and placing candidates seem easier, enabling it to compete with the more established competitors. We aim to succeed as a client-driven, high-quality and professional healthcare recruitment solutions provider, through harnessing our expertise in creating innovative, value-adding and sustainable human resources solutions. We aim to deliver our services in a way that meets and exceed our customers’ expectations, to the highest standards and at competitive prices. The company will focus mainly on the temporary recruitment market but will also pursue permanent recruitment opportunities if they become available. We will operate as a specialist recruiter for the following specific job sectors within the healthcare market across Yorkshire: • Registered General and Specialist Nurses Our nursing recruitment team works very closely with MOD, NHS Trusts, private organisations and healthcare providers to identify potential vacancies for qualified nurses over a broad spectrum of nursing specialties ranging from community, general, mental health, midwifery, and dental roles. We guarantee highly competitive pay rates to nurses and are also aiming for the best placement service provision to both our candidates and employer-clients. We have a wealth of experience and knowledge when it comes to nursing profession and in particularly registered general nurses (RGNs) and mental health nurses. We understand that integrity and confidence are two things that you look for in a leading nursing agency – we provide exactly that to all our clients. • Healthcare Assistants and Domiciliary Care Professionals We aim to be a leading nursing agency that offers a wide range of healthcare assistant jobs in the Yorkshire region. We shall continuously filter healthcare assistants, simply to arrive at individuals that show the highest levels of experience and provide outstanding patient care and support. We shall offer both private and public positions for potential healthcare assistants that particularly have experience in a hospital setting and in domiciliary care. We supply staff to residential homes, care homes, rest homes, nursing homes, EMI, hospitals, children’s services, learning disability centres and mental health centres.

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2.2 SWOT Analysis Strengths • Provide numerous ongoing training and support to our candidates • Strong client and candidate networks and good client relations in the Yorkshire region • An in-depth screening process; our candidates will undergo various assessments, depending on the role, including skills and competence assessments as well as DBS and other relevant checks • Use of multiple industry leading job boards and CV searching facilities • Closer candidate and client relationships and fully understanding their exact needs • Our transparent and competitive fees: we charge a competitive flexible rate and offer volume discounts to our employer-clients • Strong network and client relations in the Yorkshire region • Sound IT and social media capabilities as well as a good website and superior CRM and candidate data technologies Weaknesses • The WonderCare brand is still new to the region • Lack of sufficient manpower resources, in terms of experienced consultants, to fully exploit the vast opportunities in the region • Insufficient high street presence, when compared to our larger rivals who have offices in most of the towns in the region • A specialist approach may not compete well against general recruiters Opportunities • Building excellent online technology capabilities including unique social media tools (capitalising on the benefits of better use of the likes of Facebook, Linked-in, Twitter and Google+), video interviewing, as well as building active online talent communities and online behavioural assessments • Building a sustainable regional niche business centred on having closer relationships with candidates and clients to ensure their complete satisfaction with our services, thus in turn build loyalty and longer term relationships • Opportunity to build a lucrative and growing client-base in one of the UK’s fastest growing regions Threats • Economic and political uncertainty, especially driven by factors such as the UK’s EU membership challenges (Brexit), government cuts and financial instability; may limit economic growth leading to clients tightening their recruitment budgets • Intense competition from both established players and up-coming low-cost recruiters 2.3 Corporate Governance, Risk and Internal Control The company will take a very cautious risk management approach in all its corporate activities. We believe that it is essential for the company to conduct its corporate affairs in accordance with the highest ethical standards. The company will take advantage of the vast range of expertise of its directors and management in helping with designing, operating and monitoring its policies, procedures and systems of internal control. The company intends to appoint two non-executive directors, who are not involved in the dayto-day running of the company to make independent judgments on all risk, internal controls and audit related matters. The company will also be appointing a firm of chartered accountants to assist in auditing and ensuring accurate financial reporting, in line with the UK’s generally accepted accounting practices and suitable for filing with the Companies House and HMRC.

The company is in the process of developing a set of financial reporting policies and procedures pertaining to recording of transactions, authorisation of acquisitions and disposals of assets and maintaining integrity in its financial reporting processes. The company is putting in place sufficient Insurance covers for various risks that it may face, including: a) Public Liability b) Professional Indemnity c) Employer Liability The company is registered and complies with the requirements of the Data Protection Act. The company is also pursuing its registration with the CQC (Care Quality Commision), which will help ensure it meets the industry’s best practices as far as compliance is concerned. 2.4 Organisational Structure WonderCare is run by a team made up of the Chief Executive Officer, Operations Director and three members of staff. Chris Hunter – Chief Executive Officer Chris is a Registered Nurse and also holds an MBA degree. She has extensive nursing experience and a great passion for leading and developing people. She has also worked in various key roles within the NHS prior to setting up WonderCare. Chris will oversee strategy development, implementation and corporate governance within the company Kyle Waters – Operations Director Kyle is a Registered General Nurse and has over 15 years healthcare leadership and nursing experience within the NHS and the private sector. Kyle is a well-grounded leader with unrivalled skills and passion for the healthcare profession and played a pivotal role in the formation of WonderCare. Kyle will be responsible for all day-to-day operations including overseeing compliance, risk management, training and all recruitment processes. Adrian Ellis – Business Development Manager Adrian is a seasoned healthcare professional and has held several key positions within the NHS. Adrian is a skilled and knowledgeable professional, whose commitment and dedication were instrumental in the formation of WonderCare. Adrian will be responsible for new business development and client relations functions. Alex Bell – Finance Manager Alex holds a BA (Hons) in Accounting and Finance and a holder of the CIMA Accountancy qualification. Alex has vast experience from both blue-chip corporations and SMEs and has a great interest in start-up organisations. Alex will oversee all finance responsibilities for the company, initially on a part-time basis.

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2.5 Training and Development The company strongly believes in investing in its people, both staff and candidates. The company has a set budget and has engaged 2 leading training companies to provide ongoing training to staff and candidates in the following courses, as well as any other that become relevant: • Infection Control • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion • Food Hygiene • Fire Safety • Epilepsy • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations • Conflict Resolution • Information Governance • Lone Worker • Manual Handling • Moving and Handling • Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations • Basic Life Support • Intensive Life Support 3. MARKETING PLAN 3.1 The Recruitment Market The UK’s recruitment market is worth around £26 billion, with over 75% coming for temporary/ contract recruitment and 25% from permanent recruitment (REC, 2016). The industry is relatively sensitive to seasonal variations and economic influences, varying in the different sectors it serves. However, the healthcare sector tends to maintain steady revenues throughout the year. Research by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC, 2016) showed that in the 2014/15 financial year, the value of the jobs industry grew by 8.2% on the previous period and it forecasts that total industry turnover will rise by 9% in 2015/16, then by 8.7% the following year. WonderCare, as it penetrates its market, looks to increase its market by at least 100% for years 2 and 3, primarily through increasing its staff and building a loyal clientele.

Source: REC (2017) An analysis of our region Our region has a population of 5.3 million. Over 80 per cent of the population lives in urban areas, contributing to the one of the highest regional population densities in the UK.

Source: REC (2016) The region has over 200,000 organisations operating, about 7% of the UK’s as the statistics from ONS (2016) illustrate. As figures from REC (2016) illustrate, the region has one of the largest healthcare recruitment markets in England and indeed a healthcare sector recruitment hotspot with significant growth in population, especially of the elderly. 3.2 Target Customers and Customer Management Our key employer-clients will include NHS trusts’ hospitals, private hospitals and nursing/ residential homes, as well as primary health and learning disability services within the region. One way that we will use to make our mark and retain our clients is through excellent customer service, in our interactions with both candidates and clients. Whilst our larger and more established competitors seem relatively indifferent to managing the candidate and client experience, we focus on this to build a competitive advantage. We will put some quality and client-focus key performance indicators (KPIs) in place to ensure we monitor our performance in this regard. Our approach will be focused on fully understanding their needs, being strict in our candidate selection process and ensuring a smooth onboarding and settling-in of our candidates. Armed with relevant and invaluable tools and our drive and optimism – we believe we will establish

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ourselves as a key player in the healthcare recruitment industry in the region. We anticipate at least doubling our revenues and sales volumes for years 2 and 3 as we penetrate the market. Our hope is to drive the majority of our growth through repeat client business, which we hope will come from our client-focused approach. We also intend to drive growth through aggressively entering new sectors. From the beginning of 2016, we intend to have 3 experienced consultants with a thorough understanding of the healthcare sector. The company will initially be operating from a small office at the XLS Business Centre. Consultants will constantly travel to clients and potential clients as often as required. The consultants will also have access to several Regus business lounges and local hotels within the region, particularly for meeting with candidates. 3.3 Competitor Analysis The UK healthcare recruitment industry is extremely competitive and recruitment companies are in a constant war for talent. It is also a very fragmented industry, with about 20 major players accounting for almost 25% of revenues generated and the remainder of the sector is divided between several thousand smaller consultancies. Researches by REC have identified the following as the key competitive issues to focus on: 1. Competition will intensify “As hiring activity increases, healthcare recruitment businesses should expect competition to intensify – both in terms of headhunting candidates and keeping high-profile clients happy. As employers post an even greater number of vacancies, the talent pool will shrink in relative terms.” In order to counter this competitive challenge, we will focus on being more convincing to job seekers and employer-clients that our services are better than anyone else’s in terms of cost and quality, which are our key selling points. 2. Faster turnovers will put pressure on recruiters “As the market improves, healthcare professionals already in employment will worry less about job security and might start thinking about new opportunities elsewhere. As a result, expect faster turnovers in 2019-20 than in previous years. You’ll also need to recruit more quickly than in the past. As workers turn nomadic to take advantage of a healthier economy, recruiters will be faced with filling a lot of sudden openings – and clients will expect candidates to be equally as high in quality as they were when business as slower.” We will overcome this challenge through planning ahead. Ensuring we have 3 experienced consultants will help us stay ahead of the game and will enable us to keep up with the fastflowing stream of new clients and candidates. 3. Social media will become critical to the hiring process “2017-18 will see social media play a bigger role in the hiring process than it has in the past. Lots of recruiters are already warming up to the benefits it offers and there will be more potential candidates available as a result – and competitors will be out looking for them.” We will counter this challenge by being experimental and become an early adopter of various new social media tools and techniques including:

• Being found on more social media platforms than our competitors • Carrying out pre-employment checks on candidates’ online profiles • Using networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to find prospects that are not actively looking for work 4. Big data will hit the mainstream “Finally, recruitment – like almost every other sector – will continue to be shaken up by big data next year. Gartner predicts business intelligence will top the priorities of recruiters through to 2017, so there’s every chance real-time data analysis will hit the mainstream in the meantime.” We will take advantage of our powerful performance and productivity tools to help us make a valuable contribution to our clients’ businesses. Using these tools, we will help in analysing retention, productivity and performance per employee; this could have a huge impact on client retention. Key competitors Below are the region’s Top 5 Healthcare Recruitment Consultancies and their brief profiles. These will present the greatest competitive challenge because of their reputation and focus on quality. However, their greatest weakness is their significantly higher prices, which hopefully will make ours look much more favourable, as long as we do not compromise on quality. Team 24 - With years of experience, Team 24 is one of the country’s leading healthcare recruitment businesses. Complete with its uncommonly personalized service, an iPhone app and a full corporate social responsibility programme, this is truly a recruitment agency for the 21st century. In the healthcare sector, Team 24 works with a huge diversity of clients to source permanent, contract, temp and interim talent in practically every role imaginable. Mayday Healthcare - It not only has offices throughout the region, but also offers a robust jobsite that allows you to browse a huge variety of vacancies. The site, which is popular amongst candidates, allows to browse numerous healthcare jobs. A24 Group - One of the largest healthcare recruitment businesses in the UK, Blue Arrow also has branches throughout Yorkshire and is a key player in the healthcare sector. Hays Medical - Hays has a worldwide presence and its northern UK network includes dedicated regional/sector websites, as well as offices in throughout the region. The Hays UK website has numerous healthcare jobs. Healthcare Locums - Working across a number of healthcare sectors, Adecco places candidates in temporary healthcare roles. The business has branches throughout the region and its website offers a vacancy search, career tips and more. Rest of the market – The rest of the market comprises many smaller players, the majority with the less than 10 employees. The main advantages these smaller players include the ability to specialise in specific healthcare sectors/job roles, thus developing specialist expertise as well as the flexibility to lower their fees. However, we hope our focus on quality and customer service will help us gain a reasonable market-share.

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3.5 Potential Hurdles 1. Increasing competition might make growth prospects challenging The recruitment industry is booming. The RE revealed that 4,083 new recruitment agencies were launched in 2014, up 7% from the previous year. There is particularly increasing challenges from cheaper one-person locum recruiters, in-house recruiters and low cost smaller niche recruiters. By focusing on our USPs, we should be able to have our own decent slice of the market. 2. Dealing with the high volume of calls, particularly from job-seekers In order to focus on getting new business, it will, at times, be challenging to manage the high volume of calls, particularly from job-seekers. Use of telephone answering support services (such as Moneypenny) might be considered, if it proves to be a real challenge, to ensure consultants focus more time on issues they consider to be of a high priority. 3.6 Pricing Strategy Our key competitive driver will be focusing on our significantly lower costs of recruitment (ranging from 10 - 20% margin, depending on nature of placement) and their positive effect on our clients’ cost structure and bottom line. In addition, unlike most of our competitors, we charge nothing for our service unless we manage to place someone with our clients. The two graphs below from a research by Deloitte show our rates are amongst the lowest on the market. In addition, we will be offering clients an introductory lower rate for the first placement. There will be no surprises or add-ons. Our long-term strategy is to offer genuinely sustainable low prices for a high-quality innovative service provision in an honest, reliable and efficient manner.

(Source: REC, 2017)

3.7 Advertising and promotional strategy Our relatively low-cost but intensive marketing strategy will include the following: • Social Media Marketing on the likes of Linked In, Facebook, Twitter and SEO on Google Job advertising on job boards and websites such as Monster/Reed/Indeed/Totaljobs/CV Library, as well as on Jobcentres. Email marketing on our quality database • Postal marketing on selected potential clients • Attending networking events, job fairs and other industry related events • Writing promotional articles for relevant online and print media • Telephone cold calling on high quality leads • Offering gifts and promotional material for referrals and leads • Partnering & database-sharing with other service-providers • Door-to-door cold calling visits to highly promising potential-clients 3.4 Our Unique Selling Points (USP’s) 1. Constantly innovating new client service add-ons We are committed to providing personalised extra services (add-ons) to our core service offering in order to maximise value to our clients and candidates. Some of the value-adding “service add-ons” which are tailored to meet each client’s needs include: free on-boarding and training. 2. Active use of creative technologies We will focus on our genuine commitment to using innovative technologies to provide outstanding candidate and employer customer service, with particular focus on: • Use of numerous social media platforms to reach out, network and identify prospects • Use various means of communications including the likes of skype, facetime, WhatsApp, LinkedIn messaging, facebook and text messaging to reach out and engage with candidates • Use technology to match-make our candidates to the right jobs and to identify their core skills and areas of expertise 3. Operate as a boutique-fit regional healthcare recruiter with niche local knowledge We want to present ourselves as a specialist healthcare recruiter with in-depth local expertise of the region’s recruitment needs. We will provide our consultants knowledge and skills to enable them to build sector-specific industry knowledge. We will be using continuous training and development to ensure our consultants stay ahead of the game, with wealth of industry knowledge in their sectors. We will also demonstrate the specialist knowledge in the form of relevant articles and expert reports to clients and candidates on a regular basis.

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4. FINANCIAL PLAN The responsibility for the integrity and objectivity of the financial information presented in this business plan rests with the company’s management and Board of Directors. The accompanying projected financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United Kingdom. Due to the inherent nature of forecasts, estimates and professional judgments have been applied, but may be subject to risk of misstatements if operating conditions change substantially. 4.1 Key Assumptions 1. The average salary for each permanent placement for the purposes of this forecast is £20,000 per annum 2. The average monthly salary for each temporary/contract placement for the purposes of this forecast is £2,000 per month 3. The growth in sales is in line with increased market awareness and improved marketing response. 4. In year 2, the company intends to employ more recruitment consultants and therefore expects to double its revenues and profits. 5. Salaries: Chief Executive Officer: £18,000 pa; Operations Manager: £30,000 pa; Business Development Manager: £18,000 pa; Finance Manager: £12,000 pa (Part time role); Admin staff £12,000 pa 6. Motor Vehicles – Lease 2 cars at £300 pm per car 7. Insurance costs: Business Insurances £200 pm; Car Insurance £50 pm 4.2 Cash Flow Forecast

4.3 Forecast Statement of Profit and Loss

4.4 Forecast Statement of Financial Position Forecast Statement of Financial Position as at 31 July 2017 Non Current Assets: Property, Plant & Equipment


Current Assets: Inventories


Trade and Other Receivables


Cash & Cash Equivalents




Equity: Ordinary Share Capital


Retained Earnings


Non Current Liabilities: Directors' Loans


Current Liabilities: Trade and Other Payables


Tax Payable




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When thinking of starting a new venture, external finance can be raised from a wide range of sources, depending on the entrepreneurs’ credit rating, risk appetite, size of network and attractiveness of business opportunity. However, it is worth noting that most external funding usually comes at a cost and following some checks and assessments and may result in a partial loss of control or ownership of the business.

Family and friends A common easy and often cheap way of raising finance is from close family members and friends. Whole Foods Market, a giant American retailer, with revenues exceeding $10 billion, started with John Mackey and Renee Lawson borrowing $45,000 from family and friends. The major advantage of borrowing from friends and family is that you are dealing with people who know you well, are willing to listen to you, are inclined to support you without asking for high interests and usually on favourable repayment terms. The major drawback is the risk of damaging dearly-cherished, sensitive, and precious close relationships if things end up not going per plan or if promises are not met. It is always advisable to have the terms and conditions clearly laid out in writing. If necessary, a solicitor or legal expert’s involvement in drafting the contractual documents might help in handling such sensitive matters. There is also a risk that they might want to be too involved in the business than anticipated. On the other hand, being totally uninvolved can be a downside at a time when both professional advice and emotional support

are really crucial.

Business angels

Peer-to-peer funding Peer-to-peer funding (P2P) is a modern innovative, ‘social’ form of alternative debt financing that enables individuals/businesses to borrow and lend money directly, via an online lending platform, thus bypassing traditional lenders and intermediaries such as banks and financial institutions. Lending platforms such as Zopa (https://www.zopa.com) and Funding Circle (www.fundingcircle.com)‎ act as intermediaries, matching ‘thoroughly’ checked borrowers looking for business loans directly with suitable willing investors.

Business angels are typically wealthy, experienced, and entrepreneurial private individuals who take a risk of investing their personal capital (and often their time, experience, expertise and contacts), predominantly in start-up or young growing businesses in return for a proportion of the business’s equity (and control). They usually do this informally, without any collateral requirements and have no or very limited connection to the entrepreneur. They are an informal version of venture capitalists, who are willing to take a relatively high personal risk of investing their spare money (usually ranging from £10,000 to £250,000) with the motive of owning part of an exciting and potentially high-growth and successful venture.

The lenders are typically savers/investors looking for a target return on their investment and the borrowers are individuals/businesses looking for debt finance and have gone through some credit and suitability checks to ensure Apart from making a good return on their they are capable of repaying the loan. investment, some do it for several other reasons including; giving back to the The advantages to businesses community, satisfying their risk-taking and adventurous obsessions, government tax • Provides access to financing in circumstances relief incentives or just the excitement of where it would have been difficult to get being part of something new and promising. approval by traditional lenders and financial intermediaries Finding a perfectly matching business angel • Quicker application process can be challenging. The ideal angel must be • Limited scrutiny and less onerous security willing and able to invest not only their money, and credit requirements but their input (based on their experience and • No penalties for early repayment expertise) and ideally must have a passion, • Lesser fees and sometimes lower rates shared interest, and confidence in the future than sub-prime (high-interest ‘poor-credit-file’ of the business. Traditionally, the majority lenders) of the relationships were informally created

The disadvantages to businesses • Higher risk - It is not a fully regulated form of lending and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme does not guarantee such savings or lending activities, posing a higher risk for participants. The fact that both parties do not really know each other further increases the risk. Without any guarantee, any losses are very unlikely to be recoverable • Relatively higher interest rates - generally, interest rates may be higher than through traditional lenders, in order to compensate lenders for the higher risk • Exact amount required may not be available – if there are insufficient, willing investors available, the ideal amount may not be provided

through friends or network of connections. However, in this day-and-age, investors can also be found by approaching formal business angel networking organisations, usually online. Examples of popular networks include; Venture Giant and Angels Den or members of the UK Business Angels Association (UKBAA), the industry’s trade body. Examples of companies that have successfully taken off using business angel financing include d3o Lab Ltd and Turbo Drinks. Ventures like Levi Roots’ ‘Reggae Reggae Sauce’ made it to the mainstream market through the ‘Dragon’s Den’, a TV series featuring entrepreneurs pitching to ‘Dragons’ in a similar ‘business angel’ style.

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Crowd funding

Crowdfunding is a modern alternative way of funding a venture by collectively raising monetary contributions from a large pool (crowd) of individual investors, each contributing a small amount of money and therefore having a small equity stake in the business, typically done through the internet. The transactions are administered through crowdfunding platform such as Crowdfunder (www.crowdfunder.co.uk), Kickstarter (www. kickstarter.com), Gofundme (www.gofundme. com), and Crowdcube (www.crowdcube. com).

Advantages of crowd funding

• A faster and efficient way of raising funds

• No major upfront fees, no interest • Good public relations and marketing tactic, some investors could also become key customers • Useful feedback and expert guidance • A good opportunity to test the business idea or product, especially for non-conventional ideas that may not appeal to mainstream lenders

Disadvantages of crowdfunding

• No guarantee of success - not all ventures that apply make it or raise the required funds. If the target is not reached, any funds raised are returned to investors • Requires time, effort, and money to build the interest of the ‘crowd’ • It exposes your business idea or concept to the risk of being copied or stolen • Getting share valuations wrong may result in giving investors too much

Approaching businesses



Other established businesses may have an interest in a new venture if they see a potential in it, especially if it can add value to their own

portfolio of products or businesses. The company may acquire a stake in the target new business or it may form a joint venture; sharing processes, resources, costs, and profits. Alternatively, another more established business may buy shares, usually a decent equity stake, thus having a say and voting rights in the business. If it is a significant stake, it may have controlling interests in the business, making it its own subsidiary. Reasons why other businesses might be interested in buying a newer and smaller player include: • To gain from existing synergies between the two companies if the business models complement each other - by combining operational activities, performance will increase and average costs will decrease • To diversify or focus or an area it is not strong in or sees future growth potential • To grow or expand output and market-share, if the smaller target produces similar products/ services to the larger company • To gain from supply-chain, procurement, and distribution advantages if the smaller target company’s product is an input to the larger entity. It will help them eliminate supplier margins as well as control the quality and quantity of inputs • To eliminate current or future competition


These may take several forms, but the most common ones are bank loans, debentures, and mortgages. Bank loans: a medium-to-long term source of finance, either secured or unsecured; with fixed interest rates, specified repayment terms and a fixed period over which the loan is provided. The bank may require some security or guarantee from the entrepreneurs or shareholders. This involves entering a formal agreement with the commercial or business banking arm of a bank to borrow money through a secured or unsecured loan or an overdraft facility. Most banks usually ask for a business plan and/ or accounts or financial statements (if the business has been trading). For secured loans, banks want some form of collateral security (e.g. assets or house) and some may run a credit check on the business or perform some form of credit checking/scoring on the directors and/or the entrepreneurs

Debentures are medium-to-long term loans borrowed by companies by issuing debt instruments or bonds to debenture-holders or bondholders (who are the lenders) and are usually repayable on a fixed date and pay a fixed rate of interest. Debentures do not require collateral but are purely backed by the general creditworthiness and reputation of the borrowing company; making them an unlikely option for relatively new businesses. Companies normally makes debenture interest payments prior to paying dividends to shareholders, making them less risky, therefore cheaper. Compared to other forms of finance, debentures are advantageous because they generally carry a lower interest rate and can be very long-term. Mortgages: a form of long term finance, typically secured by the collateral of a specified building premise or real estate property, in which the borrower is obligated to pay back the loan and interest until completion when the buyer eventually owns the property outright.

Advantages of loan captial

• Relatively cheaper form of finance, as it presents lower risk to the lender • It improves the borrowing business’s balance sheet as it is recorded as a fixed or non-current asset • Fixed interest rates and repayment terms are helpful for planning purposes

Disadvantages of loan captial

• Relatively less flexible, the funds must be used on the specific property or premise and cannot be used for anything else • May require a substantial deposit before being approved • The property may be repossessed if the borrower defaults

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Share captial

Share capital is a form of permanent, long-term finance, in which investors (shareholders) put money into the business and in return for their investment, they get ordinary shares; entitling them to a share of the ownership, control, dividends and voting rights in the business. In smaller private limited companies, shares are privately traded; whereas in larger public limited companies they are traded through the stock exchange. Shares can be issued at the start of the business (usually to the entrepreneur and any other private equity investors), or as a rights issue (where share are sold to existing shareholders) often to fund expansion.

Ordinary shares are the most common and riskiest type of shares, but often also having higher returns, and the only shares having ownership and voting rights in the business. Ordinary shareholders are not guaranteed/ entitled to dividends (share of the profits). In profitable times, companies may distribute dividends to ordinary shareholders, but if business conditions are not conducive, a company may decide to reduce or not give any dividends to ordinary shareholders. In the event of insolvency, ordinary shareholders rank last when it comes to getting any capital repayment proceeds from liquidation. Ordinary shares are generally a higher risk investment, but with potentially higher returns.

Advantages of ordinary share captial

• No obligation to pay dividends, if not affordable; unlike loans, whose interest must be paid regardless of whether its affordable or not • Permanent form of capital – no repayment required • Increases chances of raising debt finance – it shows the owners’ commitment. It can be used to acquire fixed assets, which can then be used as collateral security

• Some shareholders, especially venture capitalists, business angels and private equity investors; will also bring in their experience, expertise and useful contacts • Shareholders benefit from limited liability, they cannot lose anything beyond what they have invested in the business

Disadvantages of ordinary share captial • The more the shareholders, the more people involved in running and controlling the business; the less the ownership and control of the pioneering entrepreneurs/investors • Dividend pay-outs can be high, making it an expensive form of capital • Raising the capital can be challenging – prospectus, business plans and marketing efforts can be more demanding than raising other forms of debt finance

Preference shares are a form of investment, which usually carry a fixed rate of dividend and have a higher priority than ordinary shareholders when it comes to dividends or liquidation. Generally, preference shareholders are not owners of the business and do not participate in the running of the enterprise. There are different types of preference shares; some have more features of debt than equity e.g. redeemable preference shares - those which can be bought back or cumulative preference shares – those which accrue arrears from times of no dividend. Some are closer to equity than debt e.g. irredeemable preference shares - those which cannot be bought back or convertible preference shares – those which can be converted to ordinary shares at a future date.

Companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Paypal heavily relied on venture capital finance during their early years of operation. Examples of top venture capital firms include: Balderton (invested in the likes of Wonga, Lovefilm and Betfair), Index Ventures (invested in the likes of Facebook, Asos and Etsy) and Atomico (invested in the likes of Skype and Last.fm).

Advantages of venture captial

• Flexible terms – dividends and interest may be delayed to allow the business to take off and be stable • Lower collateral and other initial requirements – venture capitalists are willing to bear higher risks and are more interested in the future growth potential of the business • Venture capital investors often bring in their experience, expertise, advice, and useful contacts to ensure the venture succeeds

Disadvantages of venture capital

• Significant dilution of ownership by the original entrepreneur(s) – venture capitalists usually demand higher than expected returns or share of the business for their investment • Loss of independence, as venture capitalists often end up having substantial influence in the running of the business • Short-term attitude – most VC investments last for up to 5 years, so their main focus maybe on short-term returns whilst undermining long-term growth

Venture captial

Venture capital (VC) is a form of medium-tolong term finance that is provided by private equity investors, firms or funds to start-up, early-stage or emerging businesses that have high growth potential; in which the investors will provide equity or debt finance in exchange for shares or debt instruments and the opportunity to take part in controlling and running the business. Venture capitalists face higher risks (given the higher risks involved with young, growing businesses) but may also reap higherthan-normal returns if the business succeeds.

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A bank overdraft is a short-term borrowing facility that authorise a business/individual to flexibly borrow money through their current account at any moment, by spending beyond what they have in the account (thereby the balance going below zero) up to an agreed limit, usually charging relatively higher interests but only during the times when the account is overdrawn.

Advantages of overdrafts

• Flexible – it is only used when needed • A useful safety net to ease cashflow problems – an excellent facility enabling growing businesses to handle temporary, seasonal, and unexpected cashflow fluctuations • Usually no security is required

• Interest only payable only when the facility is used and only up to the balance overdrawn

Disadvantages of overdrafts

• Relatively higher interest rates are charged, compared to loans and other finance facilities • Bank can legally demand balance owed at any time. (though this rarely happens, it is possible if it feels the borrower is struggling) • Short-term facility – cannot be ideally used as a long-term facility due to the higher interest rates and the fact that the money can be requested by the bank at any time


Leasing is a form of long-term financing that allows a business to use an asset (equipment/ property/machinery/building-premises/land) under a contract whereby the lessor (owner) grants the exclusive possession and right to use the asset for a specified period of time, under specified conditions; to the lessee (tenant), who will pay specified periodic rentals or lease payments in return. Leases can be classified as either: • Finance lease: which transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership, thus effectively making it a fixed (non-current) asset

to be recorded in the financial records of the business (lessee) and the money due to the lessor recorded as a non-current liability, or • Operating lease: (which is just purely shortterm renting, with ownership remaining with the lessor, who is also responsible for maintenance, repairs, etc. and is recorded as an expense by the business (lessee).

• Can damage relations with key suppliers if terms are not adhered to • May end up being more expensive if the business gets into a habit of paying late – especially if opportunity cost of earlypayment-discounts foregone and the default charges incurred are considered

Advantages of leasing

A grant is a non-refundable sum of money/ products/benefits/subsidies given to a business, organisation or individual by a grant awarding body (such as a government department/agency, local authority, European Union agency, foundation, trust, or charity) for a specific purpose and under specific terms and conditions. The funds can be issued in one go or released in tranches, at specified milestones.

• No large capital required – lessor initially finances the asset • No restrictive covenants – unlike other loans and debentures • Gives access to the latest, most-up-to-date assets – with little risk of obsolescence or becoming outdated under your possession • Easier to acquire – simpler process than getting other forms of capital, especially given that the lessor retains ownership • May benefit the business in terms of tax savings • May save the business in terms of repairs and maintenance costs, if it’s an operating lease • Operating leases are useful when the asset is only required for a short period, without the heavy initial outlay of acquiring the asset

Disadvantages of leasing

• Relatively more expensive than buying assets outright • Assets legally belong to the lessor, so the lessee cannot use them as collateral security • If there are too many restrictive clauses in the lease terms, they may not be very flexible and may reduce the lessee to use the assets as they wish

Trade credit

Trade credit is a short-term form of finance in which credit is extended to a business by its suppliers, who let the business to buy and receive the goods/services immediately but with the option to pay for them later (commonly 30/60/90 days later).

Advantages of trade credit

• Easier to facilitate/arrange • Helps preserve cash thus boost day-to-day cashflows for other critical working capital needs • Interest-free or cheap form of finance


Common grants include: • Horizon 2020 – an EU grant for SMEs, with up to €2.5 million for high-growth, innovative small and medium enterprises • RGF (Regional Growth Fund) - programmes run by national or local government agencies and organisations offering grants to various eligible businesses

Advantages of grant funding

• They provide crucial financial assistance which can fuel take-off or growth • Usually non-refundable (free pot of funds) • Acts as a ‘seal of approval’ enhancing the business’s credibility, prestige, and publicity • Opens doors for other sources of finance

Disadvantages of grant funding

• Research and application process can be time-consuming • The approval process is very competitive and may take a long time – often with strict eligibility, a lot of regulatory procedures and ‘red tape’ • The set of criteria, terms and conditions may be complex, strict, and costly to the business • Loss of independence – often comes with a lot of monitoring and with many ‘strings attached’ - which may not be favourable for the business • If specified criteria not met, they might end up being refundable

Disadvantages of trade credit

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STARTING A NEW JOB/ PLACEMENT T R A N S I T I O N I N G F R O M S T U D Y I N G T O W O R K I N G ........................... B A L A N C I N G W O R K A N D S T U D Y ...................................................... B U D D Y I N G F O R N E W S T A R T E R S ................................................... S E C R E T S T O B E I N G A N E W B O S S ................................................. H O W T O M A X I M I S E Y O U R P O T E N T I A L I N A N E W R O L E .................. D E L E G A T I O N T I P S F O R N E W M A N A G E R S ....................................... R E S O L V I N G W O R K P L A C E C O N F L I C T F O R N E W S T A R T E R S ........... C O N T I N U I N G P R O F E S S I O N A L D E V E L O P M E N T ............................... M A K I N G T H E M O S T O F Y O U R T E A M ..............................

BUDDYING FOR NEW STARTERS Buddying is assigning a member of staff to be a first point of contact for a new-starter while they are settling into their role.

Personal attributes of a good buddy include: • • • • •

Having a “buddy” at work can make a huge difference to the enjoyment and speed at which new recruits manage to settle into the role, the department and the organisation. Just knowing there is someone there to listen who is genuinely interested in helping them can make new staff members feel supported and welcomed.

Benefits of buddying for new staff Assigning a buddy to a new member of staff can really make a difference to the success of their induction. Having a buddy gives a new member of staff a friendly face they know they can seek support from, especially in terms of explaining how things work and answering questions. This can help them to settle into their new role more quickly and reduce the chance of them feeling isolated or unsupported. Acting as a buddy also provides a good developmental opportunity for existing members of staff, giving them the chance to develop their communication skills and share their knowledge and experience.

The ability to listen. Openness and commitment to being a buddy- it can be a learning experience for both parties. Good time management and selfmanagement skills. Relevant knowledge and experience to be able to provide the right level of support. An honest and considerate approach to giving feedback and asking or responding to challenging questions.

Who can be a buddy? The buddy should be someone who is experienced in the role that the new starter is undertaking, and preferably from within the same team. The individual should be enthusiastic, engaging and should also be trusted to support new members of staff. They should be aware of the induction plan for the new starter. The new starter should be introduced to their buddy on the first day of employment.

The role of the buddy The role of the buddy is to provide informal support and guidance to a new member of staff, which includes: • • • •

Prefer Prefer a hard a hard copy?copy? Order here Accompanying and showing the new starter around. Introducing the new member of staff to other colleagues. Helping the new starter understand working practices and activities. Being able to provide information and guidance in a friendly and supportive manner. Prefer a hard copy? Order here https://studycareershub.com/buy/



The term “welcome to the real world” has never been truer than in this case. It can come as quite a shock after having left the comfort of school/ collegew to go into the working world. Going from writing essays, partying, taking exams and attending lectures and classes to a 9-5 job can be very hard to adjust to. But don’t worry, here are 5 tips and tricks to give you some guidance on how to transition from school/college to work.

Punctuality equals professionalism! Being professional is part and parcel of any new job that you will have over the years. Unlike school or university, punctuality is expected and something you will not be praised for. Being late so many times could end up with you being spoken to by HR or management and a decision will have to be made on what to do about it. If you know that you have a partiality for being late, then make a schedule: A time for going to bed, a time for getting up in the morning and a time for leaving the house. If you know that you are not a morning person and struggle to get up, then try going to bed a bit earlier. It’s recommended that you get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.

Don’t second guess yourself! You’ve finished your degree, started your new job and now the overwhelming sensation starts to set in. It won’t be like this for everybody, but some people are going to find it hard to transfer the knowledge and skills they have learnt from

university and apply it to their job. The trick is don’t doubt yourself; you were hired for a reason. The manager believes that you have the skills to efficiently do your job better than the other people that were interviewed. So be confident and stick with it. Besides, no one ever stops learning in life: everyone makes progress. University/College/School will not prepare you for everything! Education only tends to educate you with knowledge of the subjects you are learning or degrees you are studying. Unfortunately, it does not outright teach you about issues that you may find happen in your day to day work life. Sometimes, you may have to negotiate a salary before you start a job. Having the right communication skills along with patience is key to negotiating. You don’t want to ask for a starting salary that is completely ridiculous and would get you laughed out of the building. Instead, find out what they are offering you and start with a higher but reasonable counteroffer. From there, you will need to work with the negotiator until you reach a sum that you are both happy with. However, it’s not just negotiation that you will be unprepared for. Critical thinking, money management, etiquette, protecting yourself and managing failure are all things that university don’t teach you.

Colleagues or friends? Depending on the size of the company you work for, you’re going to have many colleagues. Some of whom you will get on better with than others and that is totally fine. You’re allowed to be friends with your colleagues inside or outside of work but remember that they are still your colleagues in work.

remain professional around others, even if they are your friends.

Networking is key!

If you haven’t started networking already, start now. Networking is great for talking to industry professionals that have been in the game for many years. Start by going to networking conventions such as Glug. This way you will be able to meet people that have gone down the same career path that you intend to go down as well. If you are not one for going to meet people in person, then LinkedIn is great for getting in touch with other professionals via social media. You can post your information about what work experience you have, where you have studied and anything else you think industry professionals would benefit from knowing about you. Not only does LinkedIn allow you to message other professionals, but for professionals to message you as well. Some of them may even be offering interviews or jobs! For those of you that are reading this and will still be attending university next year, it will be a good idea to start networking now. It is never too early to engage with professionals and build up relationships with the people that could potentially be your next boss. It’s going to feel strange at first but once you get into the swing of things, it will start to become easier and less overwhelming. There are many changes that you will have to make to your lifestyle to help you kick the university mindset and for some, this may take a while. But don’t worry, as time goes by the transition will start to feel smoother and you will adapt to the weight of the working world.

Whilst the friendships you make with colleagues will make your day more enjoyable, it is vital to take note of the foundations and basis of which these friendships are formed. Not all colleagues are going to be friendly, some may even be a little competitive. But it is wise to remember that you will be in a place of work, so you must

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It’s hard being a student whilst working. Lots of people have been there and seen the struggles first-hand and how difficult it can be. In your first year it can be very tempting to immerse yourself in university life and completely forget about work. However, developing good work habits now rather than later will be very beneficial to you once you complete your degree.

Being efficient with your timekeeping works wonders when you’re struggling to keep up with both university and work. You must remember that the 6 or so hours that you spent in class during secondary school isn’t the same as how much time you will spend working on your degree. University is harder, so don’t squander away the precious hours that you could use to study. At the same time, you need to have a look at how many hours you can commit to a job. Being strapped for cash isn’t the greatest when you need to pay rent, food and any studying equipment. In fact, studies show 84% of university students have financial worries. However, it’s obviously not possible to manage 40 hours a week and still be able to make time for classes, studying and a social life. Look for part time work instead, ideally between 10 - 20 hours.

When you start your job, make sure to let your manager know that you are studying and make them aware of your schedule. The last thing you want to do is work more hours than you intended to or miss a class!

Dealing with stress!

moneys worth, right? So, try to prioritise attending classes and studying. But hang on, you also have a job? Well that certainly needs factoring in. Hang on, what about your social life? You have to go out, have fun and see friends!

It’s understandable - the difficulty you have If you’re working and studying, then things can prioritising things that are important to you. start to become incredibly stressful. Trying to But you need to have a look at what is the keep up with studying whilst keeping your boss most important thing at a specific point in happy is difficult; we know this and many others time. If you’re getting close to exam season, do too. However, there are many ways you can then it’s time for your social life to take a deal with this. The first is to avoid leaving work backseat. Keep the parties and socialising for after all your exams are over and get until the night before a deadline. studying. You will thank yourself later when It’s crucial that from the moment you receive you get the grades that you were hoping for. an assignment, you plan everything out straight away. Planning out assignments, whether they As for your job, it’s going to be a hard to are essays or physical projects means that you prioritise study over work. Obviously, your job will understand the amount of work there is to is important; it keeps you afloat financially. As do and will have an estimate of how long it will the previous points suggested, you could talk to your manager about your exams and let take to complete. them know your schedule. Hopefully, they will It is incredibly important that you plan your work take into consideration that you are a student out effectively. By doing this, you will be able to and will need to focus on your exams. organise the time you put into the assignment with the time you will be putting into your job. It’s always a good idea to allocate slots during the day for when you are going to be working on it. To summarise this point: plan, plan, plan. With regards to work, it’s always best that you let your manager know if you have any important assignments that have specific deadlines. That way, they might be more lenient when you need to change your shift times or they might even give you less hours, to allow you to concentrate more on university because in return, you’d be less stressed at work.

As you can see, work and study can be hard to balance if you are not sure on how to do it. But by using these 3 pointers, it should become easier for you to work out a schedule that fits you. Try these tips out for yourself and see the difference it makes to your work/ studying schedule!

Last of all, always remember to take care of yourself. There are only 24 hours in a day, so running around here, there and everywhere will only make you burn out. Learn that it is okay to unwind and relax every now and then to stop stress from creeping in. If you are still finding it difficult to deal with, consider visiting your universities student services and have a chat with them.

Prioritise the important things! As you will be paying thousands each year you spend studying, you will want to get your

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No one likes being bossed around. If no one respects you, then your employees will only work at the minimum requirement needed; they will not go above and beyond. You must inspire and motivate your employees to work efficiently. Help everyone to understand what it is they should be working on and let them know they can come to you for guidance.


Listening to an employees thoughts and concerns will help you to come across as friendly and approachable. It’s great to be on good terms with employees rather than being the kind of boss that only talks at people, rather than with them. Communicating isn’t just one-on-one conversations, it’s as broad as writing emails, leading group discussions and managing conflict.


When you micromanage every tiny detail of your employees’ jobs, it makes them feel like they are constantly being observed and always under pressure. This can lead to stress and anxiety and can make employees feel demoralised. Try to stop constantly hovering over your employees shoulders and watching everything they do. You must learn to trust that your employees can get their jobs done without you checking on their progress every 5 minutes.


You can’t pile loads of work onto your employees and expect them to get through each task effectively without any problems. As a boss, you must manage the workload and hand it out equally among your employees. If you see that some people can manage more work than others, ask them if they’re okay with doing a little more. This creates confidence knowing that they are productive and can get everything done on time.


Good bosses know when their employees are going above and beyond and will do everything to keep them happy. By recognising how well they’re doing and rewarding them, it creates a sense of accomplishment. It’s never pleasant doing lots of work that is never recognised by those higher up, so let your employees know that they are doing well by rewarding them through bonuses, pay rises, extra holiday, and other kinds of perks.




To maximise your full potential, you need to have a competitive spirit. This means challenging your self each and every day. Your objective should always be the pursuit of excellence in everything you do. Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your ideal future, and motivation to turn it into reality. It is a process that starts with careful consideration of what you want to achieve. If you want to succeed, you need to set goals. Without goals you lack focus and direction.


You need to figure out what you are best at, as these are things where you have the most potential to excel. We perform better in doing things we are interested in and enjoy.


To maximise your potential, you must be committed. In order to be truly committed, you must find a purpose in what you’re doing. If it’s something that you are truly passionate about, it is easier to maintain a high level of dedication.




Everybody has dreams, goals and aspirations with a diverse range of strengths, weaknesses, and personality traits. It’s often difficult for people to know their true potential because they haven’t yet uncovered their purpose. There is always room for growth and improvement and there are many ways to accomplish your goals.

Learning how to grow from your mistakes every day is an important factor in maximising your potential. It shows that you are able to use those downfalls as lessons for the future, and in the end, go further.

Don’t think of your mistakes as failures: accept failures as learning experiences. Failure should be thought of as an opportunity for learning.

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Take valuable insights from every error you make and apply it to your future endeavours.

To maximise your potential, be confident about your ability. Look at what you have achieved so far and believe in yourself that you have the capacity to do more. Having a positive mindset is a useful way to improve or boost your confidence levels.

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HOW TO DELEGATE EFFECTIVELY Learning how to delegate effectively is the key to leveraging yourself and enhancing your value to the company. There are three elements to consider and assimilate when deciding to delegate. These are: Authority - When work is assigned to individuals, authority has to be delegated in order for the task to be completed. The authority must be equal to the responsibility. Responsibility - This means assigning the work to an individual. Managers should be clear and specific when delegating tasks as it helps individuals to understand why they have been given this responsibility. Managers must retain control and authority as they are still responsible.


Accountability - This is the process of checking whether individuals perform their responsibilities in the correct manner and to the expected standards. The manager in the company/ business must accept the consequences of actions and decisions.



reak the goal down to specific tasks. Make a list, in order of importance, of all the tasks to be completed.

The term ‘delegate’ means assigning the responsibility and authority (but not accountability) to do something, such as a task or project, to an individual (normally from a manager to an employee/individuals). Delegating tasks is a common practice among business leaders and managers as it allows them to focus on more impactful tasks that require their full attention. Delegation keeps your team challenged and motivated, helps them to build new skills and feel like they’re having a greater impact on the business as a whole.


nalyse and make a list of the various abilities required to perform the tasks you have listed.

ist the members of the team and identify each individual’s capabilities and specific skillset.

atch the individuals to the tasks that need to be done and assign the right person to the right task.



Don’t assume situations will resolve themselves. When conflict in the workplace is brought to your attention, it is past the point of resolving itself.

Train employees on teamwork skills.

Have clear discipline and dispute handling procedures for dealing with conflict.

Train managers in conflict resolution techniques so they are able to handle situations when conflict arises.

Set clear expectations as to what behaviour is not tolerated in the workplace and enforce these expectations.

Take conflict as an opportunity to learn and grow.

TIPS FOR EMPLOYEES Talk - Acknowledge the conflict and individuals about the situation. Listen - Avoid interrupting one another and listen to what the other person has to say instead of retaliating. Ask questions to clarify your understanding. Find an agreement - Looking for agreement demonstrates your willingness to find common ground. Perhaps you can agree that each individual needs to do something to create resolution.

Healthy workplace relationships Forgive - Apologise for your wrongdoing in the are essential to the success of any conflict. Prefer Prefer a hard a hard copy?copy? Order here business or organisation. There may be disagreements between individuals or between an employee and manager, but when there is conflict in the workplace, other employees are affected as well as the business. Therefore, conflict in the workplace is something we all want to avoid and know how to handle.

Develop a plan - Once you have talked over the problem, propose possible solutions. Focus on the future and how you can respond better. Follow the plan - Each individual must follow through the solutions that were agreed upon. Participate and discuss ways to stay accountable.

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The 4 most important secrets for a successful and fulfilling career are: never stop believing, never stop dreaming, never stop trying, and never stop learning.

The CPD Standards (2019) define Continuing professional development (CPD) as an intentional and planned maintenance and development of one’s knowledge and skills required for better performance within a professional context. This ranges from enhancing current skills, taking them to a superior level, or learning completely new skills. Continuing Personal Development

(CPD) is a conscious, ongoing effort that should take place throughout your career. It’s a way of ensuring that you continue to develop, learn and become more effective and competent throughout your career. CPD refers to a number of different activities and events designed to enhance personal career growth. These include: 1. External courses and training sessions 2. Magazines and journals 3. Online learning and YouTube videos 4. Reflective practice and peer reviews 5. On-the-job training 6. Mentoring and voluntary work 7. Conferences and seminars 8. Networking events

WHY IS CPD SO IMPORTANT? It helps you stay focused on your goals Reflecting on and analysing your progress can be the push you need to remind you of what direction you’re heading in. Seeing where you started out compared to where you are currently can provide a little needed inspiration. Consider both you short term and long-term goals when

you’re thinking about how to take the next step.

It makes sure your qualifications don’t become outdated There may be skills or qualifications you acquired through education that you rarely use. By practicing CPD, you can make sure these skills don’t become stagnant and lost and can find ways to apply them to your current role. Search for a way to take refresher courses or upgrade your qualification.

It’s a great way of collecting examples for future interviews

Thinking of examples to respond to competency-based questions with can be tricky, however, by recording your own personal development, you are arming yourself with specific examples that may become useful. This way, when the time comes for you to be interviewed for a different job or a higher position within your current company, you can adapt these examples into S.T.A.R formatted answers.

It allows you to never stop growing

It can be easy to get stuck in the same continuous cycle when you’re at work. Searching for ways to grow within your industry opens new doors and opportunities for you, so that you don’t fall out of love with your career. It’s important to love your job, and by analysing the areas in which you could improve and taking the steps to improve them can help you to flourish.

It keeps your customers happy

CPD ensures your skills remain sharp and quality of your performance remains top notch, increasing the chances of meeting and exceeding your customers / stakeholders’ expectations.

It futureproofs your career

CPD ensures that your development doesn’t stop after completion of your studies and keeps you in control of your own professional development, thus not only safeguarding, but also futureproofing your career. CPD ensures that your skills and knowledge stay relevant and up-to-date, especially in an age when an astronomical pace of change is the new normal. With the way technology is disrupting professions left right and centre, standing still

will rapidly make your skills ancient and is absolutely not an option.

It is the key driver for promotion and career progression CPD enhances your contribution to your employer and often make you stand headand-shoulders above your colleagues, putting you in the pole position for the next promotion opportunity. Investing in CPD rarely goes unnoticed by bosses and makes it easier when negotiating a bonus/pay-rise.

It motivates you and makes you love going to work CPD finetunes your skills, helping you stay interested, engaged and satisfied. Carefully planned CPD opens you up to new horizons, new possibilities and new innovations.

Personal reflection

Recording of your CPD can act as an important reference for personal reflection. To track and plan your own CPD, you need to consider your current situation, where you want to be and what steps you need to take to achieve your goals. Throughout your career, you should be in charge of recording your own personal development. Keeping track of your CPD documents when you’re updating your CV or LinkedIn profile with new skills is the perfect reminder of how far you have come since starting your job. Keep in mind that being in charge of your own CPD requires you to be honest, critical and self-reflective about your own performance. Most professional bodies and institutes have made CPD a mandatory requirement to remain a registered and accredited member of the profession. It is a fundamental part of their codes of ethics as a way of ensuring high quality of service to clients, safeguarding the public, whilst satisfying the expectations and requirements of regulators and stakeholders.

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In order to be able to function as an efficient team, you need to develop effective team communication. Effective communication will help a business maintain a positive work environment.

Establish trust:


A team strongly relies on trust in the skills of one another to guide them to success and trust in the processes and systems. Being able to rely on other people builds confidence and establishes strong relationships.


A strong team environment is essential for the success of any business. During challenging times, rely on each other for support and guidance: everyone has different strengths and knowing you can count on your team members to fill in your missing gaps helps reduce stress and improve productivity.

Clarify purpose:

Ensure each individual in the team understands the overall goal and achievement of the business. Involve each team member in making decisions.

Working as a team is significant for the success of a business. When incorporating teamwork strategies, you become more efficient and productive.

A teamwork environment promotes an atmosphere that fosters friendship and loyalty. This motivates employees to work harder, co-operate and be supportive of one another.

Recognise your team’s value:

Acknowledge good work and recognise resulting achievements. Consider rewarding employees for accomplishing goals, contributing to innovation and helping recruit new talent.

Train and develop your team:

Training and developing your team makes them more productive and engaged.

Evaluate team performance:

Asses the progress that is being made and provide feedback to help individuals improve and grow.


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more than you might think: •

Harnessing the power of happiness psychology can play a big part in enhancing your well-being, studies and career.

Focussing on the bright side of life not only helps you perform at your best, it also generates brilliant ideas and philosophies that can make you flourish in your studies and career.

• •

Happiness can fuel innovation and creativity. This can help you to be more productive and achieve more in your career or studies. Happiness unleashes an energetic mentality. This leads you to be more confident and assertive in in your studies and personal life Happiness boosts motivation and satisfaction. It makes you more engaged with whatever you’re doing. Happiness is the key to progression. It widens the possibilities of what you are capable of achieving, which leads to more opportunities, and even promotion and career enhancement. Happiness enhances your leadership. This makes it easier to influence your peers. Happy people are also friendlier and are able to transform the atmosphere, making those around them feel great too.

Happiness can help you stand tall and outshine the rest.

Happiness psychologists (‘Happiologists’) have conducted many studies on the benefits of happiness and have found far

It’s easy to find yourself constantly moaning and bringing yourself down, especially when

social media makes it so easy to compare our lives with others’.


1. Take life one day at a time – you will never reach the tomorrow you’re worrying about if you don’t take positive steps today to get there. 2. Stay positive and see the possibilities – take a ‘half-glass-full’ approach. Avoid ‘black-and-white’ thinking and find the possibilities hidden in the grey areas.


3. Tell yourself you are too busy to be angry, distressed or worried – You have better things to be focusing your energy on. While it is normal to experience setbacks and negative feelings sometimes, dwelling on bad feelings won’t make the situation any better. 4. Avoid negative generalisations - sometimes called gloom-tinted spectacles! Replace ‘awfuls’ with ‘awesomes’: ‘I’m looking forward to lunchtime’ instead of ‘This class sucks’ ‘I feel prepared and I can do this’ instead of ‘I’m going to fail this exam’ 5. Share your happiness: Share a smile Praise and motivate friends Be a champion of ‘random acts of kindness’ In addition to all these tips, it is important to remember that if you find yourself unable to look on the bright side or constantly stressed, there may be deeper issues you need to deal with. This could mean making positive changes in your life, such as finding a job you enjoy more or consulting an expert (such as your GP, counsellor, psychologist or career advisor). Everyone should be able to choose happiness, including you! In conclusion, your choices make you who you are.

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Confidence is feeling assured about yourself and your abilities. It’s important for positive social interactions, performing well in school, and

Engage in positive self-talk Positive daily affirmations help you to be more confident; turn your “can’ts” into “cans”. Take a few moments before you go to work or school to look at yourself in the mirror and say something encouraging to yourself. You can either say something that you believe about yourself or something that you would like to believe about yourself.

advancing in your career. Being confident helps us prepare for life’s experiences. When somebody is confident, they are more likely to move forward with people and opportunities.

Maintain a positive support network Connect with those close to you, whether they are family or friends, to keep your perspective uplifted. Take some time to think about which people in your life really make you feel great. Make a goal to spend more time with people who are supportive and uplifting.

Individuals with low confidence are less likely to reach out to people and try new things. A lack of confidence can hold people back from reaching their full potential.

Achieve your goals Confidence is built on accomplishment. If you achieve small and big goals, you’re going to feel much better about yourself. Begin with your day-to-day goals, what do you need to accomplish today?


Monitor your progress The best way to reach your goals, big or small, is break them into smaller goals and to monitor your progress. Monitoring your progress helps you stay focused and boosts your confidence as you see your performance improving.

Acknowledge and challenge your negative thoughts Negative thoughts are common in all people, but they may be even more common if you lack confidence. It is important to acknowledge and challenge any negative thoughts that you have in order to be confident.

Visualise yourself as you want to be Visualisation is the technique of seeing an image of yourself that you are proud of, in your own mind. When we struggle with low self-confidence, we have a poor perception of ourselves that is often inaccurate. Practice visualising a positive version of yourself, accomplishing your goals.

Identify situations that affect your confidence Many people have triggers that affect their confidence in negative ways. Try to identify the situations and places that seem to have a negative effect on how you feel about yourself. Being aware of these situations may help you to better address the way that they make you feel.

Don’t compare yourself to others Everyone has their own qualities and talents that make them unique. Focus on yourself and establish your own identity: you will always know who you are. Spend some time to reflect on your values.

Take care of yourself Exercise, healthy food, rest, and relaxation are all important components in boosting confidence. By taking good care of yourself, you are sending your mind signals that you deserve to be taken care of. Make sure that you are devoting enough time to meeting your basic needs for exercise, food, sleep, and relaxation. When you look good, you feel good.

Identify your talents Everyone is good at something: discover the things you excel and focus on your talents. Find something you enjoy and cultivate a talent to go with your interest. When you’re following your passion, you feel unique and accomplished, which builds your confidence.

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Self-esteem is the opinion we have of ourselves. When we have healthy self-esteem, we tend to feel positive about ourselves and about life in general. It makes us better able to deal with life’s ups and downs. When our self-esteem is low, we tend to see ourselves and our life in a more negative, critical light. We also feel less able to take on the challenges life throws at us. People with high self-esteem believe in themselves. Those with low self-esteem think they are not good enough.

• • • • • • •

Like and value yourself as a person. Are able to make decisions and assert yourself. Recognise your strengths and positives. Feel able to try new or difficult things. Show kindness towards yourself. Move past mistakes without blaming yourself. Take the time you need for yourself. Believe you matter and are good enough. Believe you deserve happiness.

WHAT CAN CAUSE LOW SELF-ESTEEM? The things that affect our self-esteem differ for everyone. Your self-esteem might change suddenly, or you might have had low selfesteem for a while​– which might make it hard to recognise how you feel and how you can make changes.


Difficult or stressful life experiences can often IMPORTANT be a factor, such as: Self-esteem plays a significant role in your • Being bullied or abused. motivation and success throughout life. • Experiencing prejudice, discrimination or Having low self-esteem can hold you back stigma. from succeeding at school or work because • Losing your job or difficulty finding you end up not believing in yourself to be employment. capable of success. • Problems at work or while studying. • Ongoing stress. Having positive self-esteem helps you • Physical health problems. achieve your goals because you navigate life • Mental health problems. with a positive, assertive attitude and believe • Relationship problems, separation or you can accomplish your goals. divorce. • Worries about your appearance and body image. • Problems with money or housing..

HOW TO HAVE HEALTHY SELF-ESTEEM We all have times when we lack confidence. When it comes to your self-worth, only one opinion truly matters — your own. To boost your self-esteem, you need to identify the negative beliefs you have about yourself, then challenge them. Here are 3 steps you could take: Be mindful As soon as you find yourself going down the path of self-criticism, gently note what is happening, be curious about it, and remind yourself, “These are thoughts, not facts.” Recognise what you’re good at Everyone is good at something, whether it’s cooking, singing, dancing or being a good friend. Enjoy doing what you’re good at to help boost your mood. Build positive relationships If you find certain people tend to bring you down, try to spend as little time as possible with them, or tell them how you feel about their words or actions around you. Build relationships with people who are positive and appreciate you. Practice mindful meditation Meditation just means letting go of the racing thoughts in your mind. Take a few moments every day to simply be still, focus on your breathing and watch your worries drift away like clouds.

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that learns from mistakes and strives for excellence. It is, however, crucial you’re your expectations are pitched at the appropriate levels, not too low not too high - realistic and not too challenging yet also not too easy. Evidence has shown that unrealistic expectations may have negative academic performance and may lead to stress and anxiety for learners.

After spending hours researching on what highflyers and exceptional students have in common, we have narrowed down to 2 crucial secrets to achieving excellent performance in your studies; high positive self-expectations and a healthy lifestyle

Develop a healthy lifestyle

Set high self-expectations mixed with a positive attitude

• Keep hydrated

Various researches have proved that that expectations students/pupils have about themselves have a significant impact on their attainment. Researchers have also noted that students/pupils with a positive attitude, have a growth, achievement-driven mindset

Healthy habits and lifestyle need to be incorporated in your daily routines if you are going to be a highflyer. Some simple practices that you could embed in your daily routines include:

By drinking plenty of water both at home and at school/college – and it helps maintain clear skin as well!

• Stay active Physical activity could include walking to school/college, sporting activities, jogging,


• Deep breathing Practice regular deep breathing to boost your focus and clarity.

• Maintain a healthy diet With sufficient fruit & veg, healthy snacks and limited fast-food/takeaways, fizzy drinks, sugar and fats. Avoid skipping breakfast.

• Maintain optimum sleep levels Ensure you get sufficient sleep to help when processing information in lessons. Sleep gives your body & brain rest for a fresh next day, a sharper memory, improved concentration and helps protect your mental health. Aim for 8 - 10 hours of sleep every day.

• Regulate your phone usage Avoid too much sedentary/still time spent on your mobile phone/ TV/ computer or gaming. It may weaken your mental performance whilst also impacting your BMI/weight. Try breaking up excessive periods of phone use/TV watching or gaming as often as possible

• Start your revision early Don’t leave revision till last minute. Psychologically this could panic or anxiety which can lead to negative impact on your exam performance. Most education experts recommend starting your revision two or three months before your exams – so ideally you should be starting your revision no later than the beginning of March.

• Practice time management excellence Exceptional students always plan their day/ week/month. Having a planner/calendar/diary/ sticker-notes/highlighters can help you balance homework, revision, play/gaming/mobile phone and social activities with friends. Establish your daily priorities, every morning. Break down tasks into projects lasting 30/45/60 minute blocks. Schedule these into your planner/ calendar/diary. Stick you your routine and keep working on your self-discipline until it becomes second nature to you.

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We all know that the food you eat is fuel for your body and brain, and that eating well will help your performance in all areas of life. The difficult part is making healthy choices on a day-to-day basis.

seriously considering a nap at 3pm; and foods that are high in fat and difficult to digest, like fast food, will leave us groggy for the whole afternoon. Wholesome food may take more time and effort to shop for and prepare, but we often make up for the extra few minutes with improved productivity later.

TRY OUT THE FOLLOWING AND SEE IF YOU NOTICE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR MEMORY AND PERFORMANCE: Salmon - Rich in omega-3 - try adding a little to your sandwiches. You can also take a fish oil supplement.

Berries - Rich in antioxidants, and the darker the berry the better - try keeping a punnet on This often means we end up with an afternoon your desk to graze on, or making a smoothie out slump after gorging on unhealthy food for lunch, of frozen berries. just because it’s easy. Green tea - Rich in antioxidants and a natural Instead, we should look for foods packed with energy enhancer - try replacing one of your daily nutrients and that release energy slowly. Foods coffees with green tea for a week and see how which release it too fast (like a cheap sandwich the slower-release caffeine affects you. or worse still, an energy drink) will leave us Dark chocolate - A low-sugar treat - indulging

your sweet tooth with a few squares of dark chocolate can help keep sugar cravings at bay and be a great motivational tool. Nuts - Full of healthy fats, protein, vitamin E, antioxidants and amino acids - try keeping a pot of almonds or walnuts within reach for easy grazing. Avocados - Contain natural fats that are great for circulation - more than just a delicious millennial trend, the improved circulation will increase your alertness. Bananas - Contain sugar and potassium they’re a filling snack with the sugar packaged in a healthy, digestible form. Eggs - Full of protein and B-vitamin choline, which are useful building blocks to stimulate your brain and muscles. Brown rice - full of vitamins and high in magnesium - this is also a slow-burn fuel hitting that middle zone between easy digestion but slow release. The other key ‘side dish’ to all of this is drinking lots of water. I know we’ve heard it over and over again, but it really is important when our body is 70% water! It keeps all our cells working well and helps flush through any waste and toxins. Keep a glass of water or a water bottle within your line of sight and it’ll be easier to remember. The most difficult part of reforming our lunch habits is making changes practical. Psychology Today says that our self-control is at its lowest when we are hungry, so it’s key to decide what we’re having for lunch beforehand. This can mean planning where you are ordering from or bringing a packed lunch with you. Grazing on fruit and nuts can also be a beneficial alternative to something from a vending machine. Keep a pot next to your water bottle and you’ll nibble on these instead - the key is making it easier to eat healthily. Getting a productivity boost from eating well is all about making realistic changes that work for you.

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A recent Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development study highlighted the impact that mental ill health can have on organisations. The study found that: •

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental illnesses can range from anxiety and depression, to more severe conditions such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.

• • • •

37% of sufferers are more likely to get into conflict with colleagues 57% find it hard to complete multiple tasks 80% find it difficult to concentrate 62% take longer to do tasks 50% are potentially less patient with customers/clients

The study also found that, for the first time, stress can be a major cause of long-term absence. For many of us, work is a major part of our lives. It is where we spend much of our time, where we get our income and often where we make our friends. Having a fulfilling job can be good for your mental health and general wellbeing.

LOOKING AFTER YOUR MENTAL one basis to get their thoughts. HEALTH AT WORK Dealing with stress in the workplace Reducing work-related stress can be hugely Talk about your feelings Talking about your feelings can help you maintain your mental health and deal with times you feel troubled. When wanting to talk to someone, find somebody who you feel comfortable with and who can be supportive. Sometimes it can be hard to talk about feelings at work. If you have colleagues you can talk to, it can really help. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to someone at work, talk to family and friends.

Keep active Regular exercise boosts your self-esteem, helps you concentrate and perform to a higher standard. Experts say that most people should do at least 30 minutes of exercise, 5 days a week!

Take a break A change of scene is good for your mental health. It could be taking a little break from what you are doing or just simply going away for the weekend. A few minutes can be enough to de-stress you. Give yourself some ‘me’ time.

beneficial to an employer as it reduces absence levels and improves overall performance. Employers also have a legal obligation to ensure the health, safety and welfare of their employees.

Research shows that two thirds of employees have suffered stress and anxiety in the workplace in the past year. Organisations should be thinking about the causes of workplace stress, how to reduce it and how best to support staff when they do experience stress.

Further support if you experiencing mental ill health


MIND is the leading mental health charity. Their helpline and website provide information and support to empower anyone experiencing mental illnesses and general advice on mental health. For more information, go to www.mind.org.uk or call 0300 123 3393. NHS choices has a website that offers

Promoting positive mental health in information and practical advice for anyone the workplace experiencing mental illnesses. For more Mental health costs employers £30 billion

every year through lost production, recruitment and absence. Promoting positive mental health in your workplace can therefore be hugely beneficial. Staff with good mental health are more likely to perform better, have good attendance and be engaged with their work.

Take steps to improve the workplace It is important to identify what areas of the workplace might be a cause of mental illnesses. Gathering information on staff turnover, sickness absence and performance can be a good starting point.

information, go to

www.nhs.uk/livewell/mentalhealth. Rethink Mental Illness is the largest national voluntary sector provider of mental health services, offering support groups, advice and information on mental health problems. For more information, go to www.rethink.org or call 0300 5000 927.

Staff should also be involved so they are aware of what the organisation is doing to help and what needs to improve. In larger organisations, this might be done through team meetings or an employee survey. In smaller organisations, the owner may simply talk to staff on a one-to-

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T O P T I P S T O G E T O N T O D E G R E E / H I G H E R A P P R E N T I C E S H I P S ....... T O P T I P S F O R G E T T I N G A L A W F I R M A P P R E N T I C E S H I P R O L E ........ TOP TIPS FOR GETTING AN ACCOUNTING APPRENTICESHIP ROLE. T O P T I P S F O R G E T T I N G A I N V E S T M E N T B A N K I N G A P P . R O L E ........ T O P T I P S G E T I N T O M E D I C A L S C H O O L ............................................. R O U T E S T O Q T S T E A C H I N G Q U A L I F I C A T I O N ...................................... W H A T T O E X P E C T F R O M A D E G R E E / H I G H E R A P P R E N T I C E S H I P ....... T O P D E G R E E / H I G H E R A P P R E N T I C E S H I P P R O V I D E R S ....................... T O P S C H O O L L E A V E R P R O G R A M M E P R O V I D E R S .............................. T O P P R O F E S S I O N A L Q U A L I F I C A T I O N S ............................................... T O P E M P L O Y E R S B Y I N D U S T R Y ..........................................................

TOP TIPS TO GET ONTO A DEGREE/HIGHER APPRENTICESHIP SCHEME/ROLE Degree apprenticeship roles are very popular and hard to come by if you are in a competitive field. You will need a stellar CV and you must have great interview skills. School/ College provides you with many paths to take and routes to go down but ultimately, it will be difficult having to set yourself one choice. However, it does not prepare you for everything and getting a top apprenticeship role with a good company is something you will have to figure out for yourself. If you’re unsure of how to get into a top degree apprenticeship scheme, read these tips.

1) Research

If you haven’t done so already, you need to start researching as much as possible. Find out which degree apprenticeship roles have the best benefits and are within travelling distance of where you live. It’s vital that you research before you apply as you may get to the interview and realise that actually, this graduate scheme is not what you wanted at all. Visit websites such as Glassdoor or Indeed and read the reviews of what it is like working for that company. You may also get some insight into what the company looks for in successful candidates.

off your art skills. You have to tailor your CV to companies otherwise you can kiss goodbye to any chance of an interview.

3) Find Out What the Interview Process is Some companies will require you to do several different things before you are offered the job. This could include aptitude tests, video interviews, written tests, group activities, presentations, interviews with one person and interviews with a panel. Don’t be surprised if you do one interview and you get called back for a second. This is standard procedure with a lot of companies nowadays; especially when they have a high number of applicants. Do some research online and see if anyone has talked about what the interview process is like at the particular company you are applying for. Being prepared before you’re even offered an interview means you will already be one step ahead of the competition.

4) Start Early

As soon as you start college/university you should already be contacting companies and networking with them. A good way to do this would be through LinkedIn. Networking is critical if you want to have a head start in the working world, so set up a profile on LinkedIn and start following and talking to people that are within the field of work that you would like to step into. By the time that you start applying for graduate schemes, you will have made many contacts and people will start to vouch for you. r better yet, offer you a place on a graduate scheme. It would also be a good idea to ask for some work experience with companies whilst you are still studying.is critical if you want to have a head start in the working world, 2) Tailor Your CV to Their Wants so set up a profile on LinkedIn and start There is absolutely no point in applying for following and talking to people that are within a degree apprenticeship within finance and the field of work that you would like to step writing in the skills section that you are good at into. By the time that you start applying for making coffee on an industrial coffee machine. Prefer Prefer a hard a hard copy? copy? Orderschemes, here you will have made graduate Employers want to see the skills you have that many contacts and people will start to vouch relate to the sector and how your skills will benefit for you. Or better yet, offer you a place on a the company. If they require you to be able to talk graduate scheme. It would also be a good to clients often, then talk about how good your idea to ask for some work experience with communication skills are in writing and in person. companies whilst you are still studying. If you’re going for a more artsy position then add some flair to your CV and show

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Law firms are by far one of the trickiest places to get a job. There is a very lengthy interview process where you will most likely be interviewed by a panel of the law firm’s partners and you will also have to take many tests. Law firm’s will only want the best of the best and you have to make sure that you are one of them. If you’re having trouble getting interviews with law firms, carry on reading to find out some tips that could help you.

1) Apply for Everything Ever heard of the phrase ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’? Well this is exactly the time where you definitely should not be doing that. Don’t restrict yourself when applying for jobs as the only person you are doing damage to is yourself. Unfortunately, it is hard getting a job no matter what field of work you are in so you should be applying for everything that you are qualified for. The more opportunities you apply for, the more likely you are to get a job.

2) Be Flexible with Travelling Many law firms are going to be in big cities where there is a lot of hustle and bustle. If you live outside of a city, you’re going to have to be willing to travel. Good opportunities don’t come to everyone all the time so don’t let distance get in your way of finding a job; especially if it is with a top law firm. If travelling isn’t good for you, you may even have to look into relocating.

3) Stay Motivated and be Enthusiastic one-word answers doesn’t make you look Losing willpower is part and parcel of job searching when no one seems to be responding to your applications. Unfortunately, many people struggle to stay motivated when this occurs and decide that giving up is the easier route. But you can’t let those 4-5 years of studying for that law degree go to waste. You have to keep trying until you do get a job because from then on it only gets easier. Getting the experience is the hardest part of job searching but once you have it, finding new jobs will become a whole lot easier.

4) Network If you haven’t already, start networking. It’s absolutely crucial that you make contacts with people that are in the field of law as it will help your job search. Knowing the right people means that you can be referred to other companies by contacts that know when they are hiring. Having someone put a good word in for you will put you one step ahead of all the other candidates. Make an account on LinkedIn and start talking to other professionals.

good and can ruin your chances of getting the job.

7) Check Your CV for Errors Many law firms will throw away your CV and not even entertain the idea of interviewing you if you have typos and errors in it. Top law firms are going to have hundreds of CV’s sent to them and the first thing that interviewers are going to check is if you are literate. One misplaced comma could result in you losing your chance at getting an interview so check your CV several times both slowly and carefully before you send it. It would also be a good idea to get other people to check it as well, just in case they catch things that you miss.

5) Talk to Career Advisors About Interviews Lots of people think that they do fantastically well when they have been interviewed and that’s why it can come as a big shock when that rejection email gets sent. If you are constantly being rejected after interviews, something is wrong. Talk to a career advisor and find out what it is that you need to improve on and how to get better at it. It will take some time to adjust the way you answer questions during interviews but it will get easier.

6) Act and Look Professional This might seem like an obvious point but you would be surprised at how many people go to interviews looking scruffy and behaving badly. Law firms are a prestigious place to work at and you will need to not only act the part but look the part too. Research what business wear is and put together an outfit for interviews that best matches a formal look. Remember to be polite and courteous to the interviewer and answer their questions to the best of your ability. Giving

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1) Be organised

To thrive in your career with an accounting firm, you must have good organisation skills and be able to manage a load of responsibility. You could have a system in place to keep track of your responsibilities - such as the transactions you handle, any important dates and deadlines you need to meet to ensure that you fulfil all of your duties to the best of your ability.

2) Time management

A system for managing your workload is only effective if you know how to manage your time. The ability to work within deadlines and manage your to-do list will take you far. Not only will it impress your boss, co-workers and clients, it will also help you to maintain a healthy work/life balance and keep your day-to-day productive.

3) Show adaptability

TOP TIPS FOR GETTING AN ACCOUNTING APPRENTICESHIP ROLE If you want to work for an accounting firm, you must have strong numerical skills, an analytical mind and be able to manage finances. Some of the top accounting firms in the UK, for example KPMG hires around 1,000 people in the UK and receives around 20,000 applications. Deloitte receives around 30,000 applications for 2,000 entry level positions. EY receives 12,000 applications for 800 UK graduate positions. If you want to pursue a career in a top accounting firm, then follow our tips to help kick-start your career:

The accounting industry is highly dynamic, so accountants who can adapt quickly and easily are at a distinct advantage. Adaptable individuals are more likely to learn and grow in their careers because they see each new challenge as an opportunity to learn and test their skills.

4) Communication is key

Strong communication skills are incredibly valuable. Being able to communicate well in writing and in person will help you to get a job, work as a team with your colleagues, interact with clients and advance professionally. Welldeveloped interpersonal skills will also be useful for networking. Whether you must attend a corporate function or are simply welcoming a new co-worker to the office, the ability to assert yourself when meeting new people in order to establish profitable relationships will serve you well.

5) Leadership

Being a good leader means knowing how to mentor and teach, making yourself approachable and available to the people you’re responsible for. You have to balance being a role model and the person in charge with being part of the team.

6) Be open Honesty and integrity are highly valued in the accounting world. Accountants – and the firms they work for – pride themselves on adhering to the strictest ethical standards. It’s why the public, other businesses and the government know that they can trust accountants to always look out for their best interests.


It’s OK to highlight the accomplishments Medicine is one of the most competitive courses you’re proud of; put these in your required in the UK to gain entry on to and every year personal statement or find a way to work thousands of international students are them into conversation during interviews. accepted into medical school. If your grades The key is to do it humbly but confidently. are of the highest standard and you can prove that you have set your heart on working in this 4. Do Research Projects field, then follow our top tips to help you get into medical school. Demonstrate your hands-on science

1. Transfer your skills to medicine

Extracurricular activities are highly valued by medical schools – they are a great indication that you have interests outside of academia, that you will be able to cope with the pressures of medical school and that you have developed the key skills needed for medicine. You could transfer your skills to medicine in your application. Have your extracurriculars allowed you to work well in a team, or develop your communication skills with a range of people?

2. Be hardworking People who are hardworking are motivated to set and complete ambitious goals. They have a passion to excel in the field they choose to work in.

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Self-Promote

knowledge. Undergraduate research experience really shines through on medical school applications. Most medical schools prefer students who are interested in research.

5. Be dedicated and focused To get into medical school, you must be dedicated and focused. A significant amount of personal sacrifice comes along with the training, and if you don’t have great motivation, you won’t find the sacrifice worth the reward.

6. Get Some Medical Experience on Your CV Shadow doctors and other medical professionals. Job shadowing is a great way to get some medical experience and shows recruiters you’ve taken time and interest in the industry.

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Investment Banking Apprenticeship Role

The indisputable three stages of a fulfilling life are; Learn, Earn and Serve. Most successful politicians and business leaders who are serving on FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 boards have all been through these three stages. Investment banking is a unique profession that allows you to use what you have learnt to earn so well in the early part of your life, giving you a chance to serve and give back to society in the latter stages of your career without have to worry about bills. Mark Carney (Bank of England Governor) is a typical example of someone whose ‘Learn’ phase included an Economics Bachelor’s degree at Harvard and Master’s and Doctorate degrees at Oxford. His ‘Earn’ phase saw him rewarded with seven-figure earnings during an illustrious 13-year career at Goldman Sachs. His ‘Serve’ phase includes leading the Banks of Canada before taking the helm at the Bank of England. Sajid Javid, the former Chancellor of the Exchequer is also another notable example. From studying Economics at Exeter, to board level (£3m per year) positions at Chase Manhattan and Deutsche Bank, before taking a 98% pay-cut to serve as a politician. So, what does it take to break into investment banking?

Start your preparation early For most city/wall street investment banking roles, early preparation helps you to build an ideal profile. Once you have made up your mind early in your career, you will need to choose the ideal subjects and push for the right grades at College and Uni. Subjects like finance, economics, accounting, mathematics, and engineering tend to be natural fits for city jobs, but most investment banks are now open-minded and accept candidates from practically any academic background. Allow enough time for the typically lengthy recruitment process. The entire process can be tedious and very time-consuming.

Start networking

Expand your network by connecting with recruiters at campus recruitment fairs and investment banking clubs. Connect online with investment banking seniors, recent graduates and alumni who have just joined city / wall street firms. As insiders, they would know where the hidden ‘unadvertised’ opportunities are, the key contact in the firms, the rules of the game and the buzzwords that will impress interviewers. Use your network to ask questions to help prep yourself on potential questions asked in interviews and what the key things are to make you outshine your peers.

Cast your net wide

Apply to as many top investment banks as well as middle-market firms and smaller brand boutique investment banks. This will increase your chances of getting more interviews, and in the process, this can also help fine-tune your interview skills. Don’t forget some smaller elite firms may have more attractive unique opportunities and can act as a stepping-stone before joining bulge-bracket global banks.

What can make your application shine

Apart from your top grades or your mathematical, economics or finance acumen, there are other things which can help set you apart. Even if you are not coming from Oxbridge, a Russell Group Uni, an elite school or typical investment banking feeder school/ college, you can still enhance your CV unique by: • Join college/university clubs and extra-curricular activities that can highlight your analytical prowess. • If you participated in any clubs or sports, especially at an elite or professional level, put on emphasis on this. • Highlight any achievements or leadership roles at school or university as they demonstrate your assertiveness and confidence track-record.

Prepare a top-notch CV and cover letter

Most City/Wall Street investment banks look out for the following on your CV and cover letter when evaluating candidates: • Top grades in the ideal subjects and degrees • Knowledge of the organisation, their core values and unique features. If you have met or are connected with any key insiders, try to mention them in your cover letter • A high level of enthusiasm both for the profession as well as for the bank itself • Any outstanding extra-curricular performance including athletic achievements or club leadership • Attendance to a feeder school, college or university can enhance your chances of success • Placement or internship experience in an investment banking or related environment

Make the most of your placement/internship

strengths but still being honest. Knowledge of the industry and the bank is key It is crucial that you build extensive knowledge of the industry. Get to know: • Who the key players are • Industry insights and latest developments. • What the bank you are applying to specialises in • What their current market position is

Prepare to explain why you are applying

Every interviewee must find a way of clearly highlighting that the bank they are applying for is their first choice. Make sure you don’t appear as too confident or too humble – find a way of striking a balance – showing a keen interest but not being overly zealous. Prepare for questions like: • Why do you think you are the right person for this role? • How do you see yourself adding value to the business?

Prepare for some Investment Banking Technical Skills questions Be prepared to answer technical Investment Banking questions to prove familiarity or proficiency in areas such as: • Financial modelling and advanced Excel • Valuations • Financial Statement Analysis • Mergers and Acquisitions • Financial sales and corporate communication

Internships and summer placements are a crucial sweetener that can significantly give you a competitive Lastly edge. Most recruiters believe that candidates with • Be prepared for a strict recruitment process: PreferPrefer a hard a hard copy? Order here junior role experience in the profession have a • copy? Prepare yourself for long working hours competitive edge over their peers. (sometimes 50+ hours per week) Expect a thorough scrutiny of your placement/ internship experience in the interview. You could be quizzed on anything including; types of clients, transactions values involved, key achievements, how you fitted within your team and challenges encountered. Remember to emphasise on your

Differentiate yourself from fellow competitors by doing an Finance Degree or qualifications such as the ACT, CFA, CFI or CISI

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Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc), and Integrated Master’s (MA) opt-in QTS An undergraduate degree that allows incorporation of teacher training part way through their degree course, and graduate with both a degree in their subject and an optin Qualified Teacher Status QTS.

Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc plus PGCE / PGDE / ProfGCE A Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree course (ideally in a in a relevant national curriculum subject)

followed by a postgraduate teacher training programme to gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), and Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (ProfGCE) programmes combine academic study on campus with a minimum of 24 weeks on school placements, while you train towards your Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

Future Teaching Scholars programme If you’re planning to study a maths or physicsrelated degree, this six year programme offers financial support during your undergraduate years, as well as work-based teacher training after you graduate.

School Direct (tuition fee) programme Allow you to learn on the job as you work (though not employed by the school) towards your Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and possibly a PGCE. You will have to pay or get funding for tuition fees.

School Direct (salaried) programme

School Direct (salaried) is a school-based route for high quality graduates, typically with at least three years’ experience of transferable work history. You will be employed and earn a salary while you train towards your Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and possibly PGCE. recommendation, and won’t need to pay any tuition fees.

School-centred initial teacher training (SCITT) Programmes are run by schools or groups of schools and provide practical, handson teacher training, taught by experienced, practising teachers. Many works in partnerships with universities, enabling trainee teachers to gain a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) alongside working towards Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). You will have to pay or get funding for tuition fees.

Researchers in Schools, including Maths and Physics Chairs Programme A tailored, salaried teacher training scheme for PhD holders or candidates, offering combination of classroom teaching, research opportunities, as you as well as earning the Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

Postgraduate Early Years Initial Teacher Training (EYITT) University or school-led training programmes – leading to Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS), which allows degreed candidates to specialise in working with children up to five years old only.

Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship programmes Similar to School Direct (salaried) programmes, Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeships are a new, nationally-recognised, work-based route into teaching. You’ll be employed by a school while you learn on the job. You’ll receive a combination of classroom teaching and academic learning as you to work towards Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

Teach First Leadership Development Programme Combines leadership development and teacher training allowing the chance to become an inspirational leader in schools. A 2-year scheme leading to a Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and salary.

Assessment Only Route to QTS A programme for degreed teachers with substantial school/early-years-setting/ furthereducation-setting experience that them to achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) via Assessment Only, without undergoing a teacher training programme.

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Teach First Leadership Development Programme

Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship programmes

Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BSc)

School-centred initial teaching training (SCITT with PGCE)


School Direct (tuition fee) or School Direct (Salaried) Programmes

Routes to QTS (Qualified Teacher Status)

BA / BSc Degree + Substantial Teaching Experience

Assessment Only Route

Bachelor of Education (BEd)

Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BSc with QTS)

Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BSc), and Integrated MasterĘźs

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W H AT TO E X P E C T F R O M A D E G R E E/ HIGHER APPRENTICESHIP A degree apprenticeship is one of the best ways to kick-start your career. Joining a degree/higher apprenticeship is a great way to gain practical work experience and provides you with the practical skills you need to help fast-track your career. Not only does a degree/ higher apprenticeship scheme work as a great entry-level position for anyone recently out of university, the experience involved will also allow you to figure out what career path to follow. This will give you the essential expertise you need to get there.




Here are 6 points on what to expect from a degree/higher apprenticeship: 1. Training and Support

Degree/higer apprenticeships are designed to deliver training and support and develop the essential skills needed to thrive at work. This ranges from training sessions on communication and confidence, to one-on-one mentoring.

2. Qualifications

Many schemes offer the opportunity to gain professional qualifications, such as a Master’s, PhD, or an industry recognised course, whilst you work.



3. Job Security

Degree/higher apprenticeships are usually offered on a fixed term basis lasting between one and three years. This means you’ll be able to benefit from a high level of job security, in a role that allows you to learn and grow at the same time. As degree apprenticeships are designed to train trainees, the structure of the scheme means you’ll become fully qualified and experienced to pursue more advanced opportunities.


4.Improved Career Prospects

With degree/higher apprenticeship offering a range of learning and development opportunities, you’ll be able to boost your career progression and employability skills.

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5. Opportunities

Degree/higher apprenticeships re available in a range of industries and professions. They involve a variety of roles, contract lengths, benefits and salaries, so you won’t be limited on choice.

6. High Earning Potential

Degree/higher apprenticeships offer rewarding salaries, especially the big businesses. Traineesww starting salaries can be influenced by many factors including company, location and sector.

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Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company


No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting

Engineering, Manufacturing


Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights


Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights


Industry Focus

Apprenticeships, ,Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Application Process


Salary / Benefits

Business, IT, Research & Development, Engineering


£20,000+, 25 days holiday, flexible working, discounts

Online application, online aptitude tests, telephone interview, assessment centre


Management, Corporate Buying, eCommerce, IT


£25,000+, 4 weeks holiday

Online application, form anwd tests, video application, group interview, one-toone interview





£400 per week

Full details available on website

Apprenticeships, Placement years, Apprenticeships, summer internships, short-term insights



Actuarial, Finance, Claims, IT, Marketing, Operations, Pricing & Portfolio, Analyst, Underwriting


Competitive salary, holiday, training & development

Application, tests, telephone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Card Issuing


Marketing, Finance, Consulting, Technology, Operations

London, Brighton, Burgess Hill

Competitive salary, 22 days holiday, pension, flexible working, work-life balance

Online application, video interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Retail, Technology


Buying, Merchandising, Technology, Design, Software, Engineering, Sourcing, Marketing, Finance

Camden, London

Competitive salary, flexible benefits, discounts

Online application, telephone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Research & Development

Cambridge, Cheshire, Sweden

Competitive salary

Online application, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Aerospace, Defence, Energy, Infrastructure, Transportation, Security, Technology, Cost Control


Competitive salary, 25 days holiday, discounts

Online test, face-to-face or telephone interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Engineering, Business, Finance, Management, Consulting



Full details available on website

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Financial Services


Supervision, Policy, Operations, Analytics, Risk, Compliance, Communication, Management, IT


Competitive salary

Online application, online tests, video interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Banking, Markets, Technology, HR, Compliance, Risk Treasury, Finance, Marketing


Full details available on website

Full details available on website

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Accountancy, Advisory, Tax & Finance


Audit, Tax, Advisory, Financial Services


Competitive salary, comprehensive benefits package

Online application, online testing, interview, assessment centre

Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company

No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting

Manufacturing, Automotive, Engineering


Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Oil, Gas

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights


Industry Focus

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Application Process


Salary / Benefits

Manufacturing, Engineering, HR, IT, Purchasing, Finance, Logistics, Sales, Marketing, Communications

Oxford, Swindon, Birmingham, Goodwood, Farnborough


Online application, online ability tests, assessment centre, face-to-face interview


Engineering, Science, Business & Trading


£25,000, access to share scheme, lunch allowance, 25 days holiday, training & development

Full details available on website

Charity Sector


Fundraising, Marketing, Communication, Digital, Policy, Health Evaluation, Business Analysis, Research Funding

London, UK, work from home

Unpaid, flexible working, reasonable travel, lunch expenses reimbursed

Application form, competency-based interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Energy, Services


Analysts, Operations, Engineering, Finance, HR, Customer Insight, Marketing, Procurement & Supply Chain


£14,000, free housing, 25 days holiday, gym

Online application, psychometric tests, telephone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights




London, Bristol, Aberdeen

Competitive salary

Full details available on website

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Investment Banking


Investment, Banking & Capital Markets, IT

London, Europe, Middle East

Competitive salary

Online application, numerical & verbal reasoning tests, interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Engineering, Finance, Marketing, Supply Chain, HR, Management, IT, Quality


£18,000, 25 days holiday, bonus, subsidised food

Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Real Estate


Commercial Property, Surveying, Management, Interior Design, Residential, Planning


Competitive salary, 25 days holiday, travel loan, private medical insurance

Online application, first round interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Consulting, Finance, Professional Services


Audit & Risk Advisory, Tax Consulting, Financial Advisory, Consulting


Competitive salary, 25 days holiday, free mobile, cycle scheme, travel insurance, discounts

Online application, online tests, first round interview, final round interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Manufacturing, Engineering


Engineering, Operations, Supply Chain, Finance, Quality, Product Management, Marketing, HR


Competitive salary, 25 days holiday

Online application, telephone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Utilities, Science, Engineering


Science, Engineering, Supply Chain, Digital, Research & Development


£16,000+, holiday allowance, discounts

Online application, Online testing, faceto-face or telephone interview

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Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company


No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting


Salary / Benefits

Entry Requirements

Application Process

Professional Services


Accounting, Finance & Consulting


Competitive salary, benefits

Studying a degree

Online application, online strength tests, telephone interview, assessment centre, final interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Investment, Management


Equity Research, Multi-Asset Solutions, European Sales, Marketing, Technology, Management

UK, Europe, Asia, Pacific

Competitive salary, life assurance, pension

Any degree discipline, minimum 320 UCAS points, or 2:1 degree

Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Investment Banking


Banking, Finance, Investment Management

London Europe

Competitive salary, benefits package

All qualifications considered

Online application, interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Accountancy, Business, Finance


Audit, Tax, Advisory


Competitive salary, intern-specific development


Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Pharmaceutical, Healthcare


Engineering, Manufacturing, Science, IT, HR, Sales, Marketing, Communication, Finance, Procurement


Competitive salary, bonuses, 28 days holiday

Minimum 2:1 degree

Application form, online tests, video interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Business, Finance, IT, Sales, Support, Marketing, PR

Bracknell , Bristol, London, Erskine, Cambridge

£15,000, £1,000 sign-on bonus

Minimum 2:1 degree

Online application, telephone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Business, Technical


Business Analysis, Marketing, Technical

Bracknell, Bristol, London

25 days holiday, pension, flexible benefits

Minimum 2:1 degree

Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Commercial & Global Banking, Markets, Private Banking, Retail Banking, Wealth Management


Competitive salary

2:1 in relevant degree

Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

IT, Consulting


Business, Finance, HR, IT, Marketing, Software Development


£15,000, £1,000 sign-on bonus, 5 days holiday

Minimum 2:1 degree

Online application, test, assessment centre, final interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Investment Banking


Corporate & Investment Banking, Asset Management, Corporate

Edinburgh, Glasgow, London, Europe

Competitive salary

Minimum 2:1 degree

Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Automotive, Engineering, Manufacturing


Engineering, Finance, HR, IT, Marketing, Property, Purchasing, Engineering, Quality, Design, Research & Development

Warwickshire, West Midlands, Liverpool


Enrolled in penultimate year as a fulltime university student

Assessment centre, psychometric testing

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Medical Devices, Pharmaceuticals, FMCG


Engineering, Marketing, Sales, Finance, Supply Chain, Reg & Medical

Thames Valley, Leeds, Inverness

Competitive salary, pension, healthcare

2:1 in relevant degree

Online application, numerical testing, video interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Consumer Goods


Sales, Marketing, Operations, Finance, IT, HR Digital Marketing

London, Manchester, East Croydon, Watersmead

£16,000+, 23-25 days holiday, training programme

2:1 in any degree

Online application, assessment centre, psychometric testing


Industry Focus

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company

No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting

Entry Requirements

Application Process




Studying degree in Business or Retail Management, other disciplines considered

Online application, group interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, shortterm insights

Banking, Finance


£18,000+, location allowance

Minimum 2:2 degree

Online application, strength tests, numerical tests, video interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, shortterm insights

Engineering, Chemistry, IT, Business Support, Purchasing, Marketing, Global Communication, HR

Hazelwood, Derbyshire, Blackley, Manchester

Competitive salary, benefits package

Minimum 2:2 in relevant degree

Online application, telephone screen, assessment centre


Software Engineering, Test Engineering, Support Engineering

London, Edinburgh, Coventry, Chester, Cambridge


360 UCAS points

Online application, online tests, assessment day

Sales, Marketing, Business, IT


Business, Consulting, Technical

Reading, London, Edinburgh



Online application, test

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, shortterm insights

Global Financial Services


Institutional Securities, Investment Management, Infrastructure

London, Glasgow, Europe, Middle East

Competitive starting salary, benefits

Minimum 2:1 degree or equivalent

Online application, psychometric testing

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, shortterm insights

Corporate & Commercial Law



London, Sheffield

£200-£300+ per week

340 UCAS points, minimum 2:1 in any degree

Online application, video interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, shortterm insights

Engineering, Business Management


Civil, Electrical & Mechanical Engineering, Business & Project Management, Finance, Business Technology, HR


£17,000, 28 days holiday, subsidised rail travel

Minimum 2:2 degree

Online application, online tests, video interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, shortterm insights

Banking, Markets, Technology, Finance


Banking, Sales, Trading, Research, Structuring, Operations, Technology, Finance, Compliance, Risk

London, Europe

Competitive salary, onsite gym & canteen

Minimum 2:1 in any degree discipline

Online application, online tests, interview, case study

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, shortterm insights



Recruitment, Business Development, Sales


Competitive salary

Minimum 2:2 in any degree discipline

Application form, telephone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, shortterm insights

Professional Services, Consulting, Technology


Actuarial, Assurance, Consulting, Deals, HR, Tax, Technology, Legal, Marketing


Competitive salary, holidays, healthcare, pension, study support, cycle scheme

Minimum 2:1 in any degree discipline

Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, shortterm insights

Financial Services


Global Investment Banking, Global Markets, Finance, Operations, Risk, Technology


Competitive salary

Minimum 2:1 in any degree discipline

Online application


Industry Focus


Salary / Benefits

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, shortterm insights

1 scheme rotating through various business departments



Retail Banking, Commercial Banking, Digital, HR, Finance

Research & Development


Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, shortterm insights

IT, Technology

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, shortterm insights

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Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company


No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting

Chemical, Mechanical, Engineering


Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

IT Services, Consulting

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights


Industry Focus

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Application Process


Salary / Benefits


Surrey, UK

£18,000, onsite gym, social/ company organised events

Video interview, assessment centre


Business, Finance, HR, IT


Competitive salary, 25 days holiday, flexible benefits

Online application, numerical and verbal testing, telephone interview, assessment centre

IT, Mechanical, Engineering


Software Engineering, Application Engineering

Birmingham, UK

Competitive salary, subsidised lunch, paid holiday, social events

Online application, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Actuarial, Consultancy


Actuarial Consultant

London, Leeds, Liverpool, Glasgow

Competitive salary, 22 days holiday, flexible benefits

Online application, telephone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Engineering, Construction


Engineering, Environmental, Science, Construction, Management

London, South East

Competitive salary, holidays

Online application, interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Chemistry, Engineering, Science

Cambridge, Southampton

Competitive salary, 25 days holiday, gym, subsidised lunch

Online application, telephone interview, face-to-face interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Software Developer, Network Engineer, Technical, Project Support

Newbury, Berkshire

£15,000, plus £1,000 bonus, 25 days holiday, healthcare, cycle scheme

Online application, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

IT Services, Solutions


Service Management, HR, IT Infrastructure, Operations

London, Hatfield, Milton Keynes, Manchester

£17,000, 23 days holiday, benefits

Application, video assessment, assessment centres

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Commercial, Engineering

Nottingham, Coventry

£17,000+, graduate fast track opportunities

Online application, telephone interview, face-to-face assessments

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Supply Chain, Logistics


HR, Consulting, Operational Management


£17,000, 25 days holiday, bonus scheme, pension, healthcare

Online application, telephone interview, depot day, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Travel, Tourism


Sales, Customer Service, Marketing, Finance, IT


Competitive salary, 20 days holiday, social events

Telephone interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Investment Banking


Senior Management


Competitive salary

Online application, Online tests, telephone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Sales, Marketing, HR, Communications, Press


Sales, Marketing, HR, Marketing Communications, Customer Service, Press


£18,000, 25 days holiday, car scheme, subsidised lunch

Online application, telephone interview, SHL tests, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

IT, Software


Marketing, Sales, Technical Support, Web Developer


£15,000+, 21 days Telephone interview, holiday, social events assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Commercial, IT, Parts, Logistics, Finance, HR


£17,000, 26 days holiday, car scheme, gym

Online application, ability testing, telephone interview, assessment centre

Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company


Industry Focus

No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Application Process


Salary / Benefits

HR, IT, Marketing, Sales, Purchasing, Logistics



Online application, strength test, video interview, assessment centre


Finance, HR, IT, Marketing, Media, Research & Development


£18,000 £20,000

Online application, assessment centre

Real Estate


Surveying, Rural, Capital Allowances, Urban Design, Building Surveying, Town Planning

UK, Europe

Competitive salary

Online application, telephone interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Oil, Gas, Engineering


Engineering, Geoscience, Research, Software

UK, Worldwide

Competitive salary, 23 days holiday, housing allowance

Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights




Edinburgh, Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham, Southampton

£275 per week

Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Engineering, IT, Business, Finance, Project Management, HR



Online application, psychometric tests, video interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Professional Services


Audit, Business Tax, Private Client Tax, Forensic Accountancy


Competitive salary

Online application, numerical testing, verbal testing, assessment centre, first round interview, final round interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Education, Technology


Content Science, Software Development, Marketing


Competitive salary, 5 days holiday, free housing

Online application, online assessment, video interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Financial Services, Investments


Accountancy, Actuarial, HR, Investments, Marketing, Operations, Risk, Technology


Competitive salary

Online application, telephone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights




London, Worldwide

£275 per week

Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Retail, Supply Chain


Technology, Finance, Buying, Merchandising, Supply Chain, Property, Marketing


Competitive salary, 20 days holiday, pension, discounts

Online application, psychometric test, telephone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Merchandising, Buying, Finance


Competitive salary, 25 days holiday, benefits

Online application, online assessment, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Marketing, Sales


Marketing, Social Media, Finance, Press, PR


£17,000+, 25 days holiday, car scheme, onsite gym

Online application, ability tests, interview with line manager

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Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company


No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting

Marketing, Finance, HR, Product Creation, Supply Chain, Management


Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Consulting, Engineering, Finance, Property

Apprenticeships, Internships, graduate schemes


Industry Focus

Apprenticeships, Internships, graduate schemes

Application Process


Salary / Benefits

Brand Marketing, Global Sales, Finance, HR, Corporate Communication, Product Creation, Supply Chain Management

UK, Worldwide

£19,000 £25,000

Online application


Business, Finance, HR, IT


Competitive salary, 25 days holiday, flexible benefits

Online application, numerical and verbal testing, interview, assessment centre

Public Sector


Retail, Sales, Marketing, Purchasing, IT, Logistics, HR, Finance, Engineering


Competitive salary, sign-on bonus, RSU’s

Online application, online tests, telephone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Sales, Marketing, Finance, Retail, Finance


Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, graduate schemes, internships



Sales, Finance, Management, Marketing

London, UK

Competitive salary, holidays

Online application, numerical test, video interview, assessment centre, brand interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Engineering, General Management, HR, IT



Online application, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes

Public Sector


Designing, Engineering, Planning, Technology, Consulting


Varies on programme

Online application, online test, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights






Online application, online testing, video interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Engineering, General Management, IT, Media, Research & Development



Online application, online test, video interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Pharmaceutical, Healthcare, Retail, Finance, Marketing, Logistics


£20,000+, £1,000 bonus

Online application, face-to-face interview

Apprenticeships, Open Law, Science, days, workshops, Technology, traineeships Media, Communication, Real Estate



London, Brussels


Full details available on website

Apprenticeships, Internships, graduate schemes, entry-level roles

Public Sector


Marketing, Sales, Management, Education, Arts



Vary for each programme

Apprenticeships, Training contracts, work experience, vacation schemes

Law, Real Estate, Acquisitions, Financial Services, Litigation



North America, Europe, Middle East, Asia


Online application, verbal test, assessment centre, partner interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights






Online application, online test, assessment centre

Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company


Industry Focus

No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting


Salary / Benefits

Application Process

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships, Placement years



Engineering, Supply Chain & Distribution, Management, Marketing



Online application, online test, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



HR, IT, Marketing, Purchasing, Management


£25,000 £28,000

Online application, numerical testing, video interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Marketing, Sales


Finance, Management


£29,000+, 3-6% bonus, flexible benefits

Online application, numerical and verbal testing, video interview, face-toface interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Accountancy, Finance, Management, HR, Investment Banking, IT, Sales


Competitive salary, benefits

Online application, online test, face-to-face interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights




UK, Europe

£27,000 £44,000

Online application, psychometric test, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Accountancy, Engineering, Finance, HR, IT, Marketing, Sales, Media


£26,500, plus £2,000 bonus

Online assessment, telephone interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, graduate schemes






Online application, online test

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Software Engineering, Development, IT, Management



Online application, video interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Graduate careers programme

IT, Engineering, Aerospace, Banking, Defence, Education, Energy, Media, Life Sciences, Transport


IT, Engineering, Media, Consulting, Admin, Sales

Europe, Asia, America


Varies depending on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights






Online application, psychometric test, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Law, HR, Management


Sales, Marketing, Finance


Competitive salary

Online application, video interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Training contracts, summer Placements



Banking & Financial Services, Corporate, Employment, Pensions

UK, Dubai

£28,000+, health insurance, gym membership

Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Consulting, Engineering, Finance, Management, IT


£25,000+, bonuses, allowances

Online application, online test, interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights




UK, Europe


Online application, online test, assessment day

Graduate schemes, internships

Travel, Tourism


Finance, Management



Initial screening, aptitude test, online interview, face-to-face interview, assessment centre

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Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company


No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting

Law, Aerospace, Commodities, Construction, Energy, Insurance, Mining


Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes


Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights


Industry Focus

Apprenticeships, Training contracts, vacation schemes

Application Process


Salary / Benefits

Lawyers, trainees for various disciplines

America, Middle East, Asia, Europe, Australia


Online application, (‘blind cv’ process so applicants are judged on merits alone)


Marketing, Sales, Finance


Competitive salary

Online application, video interview, assessment day






Online application, online test, interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Work experience, graduate jobs

Technology, Graphics, AI, Processing


Technology, various disciplines



Full details available on website

Apprenticeships, Training contract, trainee recruitment, Placement schemes

Law, Transport, Trade, Energy, Infrastructure, Insurance



London, Hong Kong


Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights





£25,000+, GDL/LPC fees, maintenance grant

Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, graduate schemes

Retail, Sales, Management


Finance, Marketing


£27,000 £29,000

Online application, video interview, assessment centre, final interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Accountancy, Consulting, Finance, HR, IT, Marketing


£29,000+, preferential banking, assisted student loan payments

Online application, online test, video interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights




UK, Europe


Online application, online test, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Retail, Purchasing, Management, Supply Chain, Logistics


£23,000 £28,000

Online application, online test, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Engineering, Finance, Sales, Marketing, Purchasing, IT, Logistics

UK, Europe

Up to £32,000, £2,000 bonus

Online application, psychometric test, video interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Management, Sales, Marketing


Finance, Supply Chain



Online application, assessment centre, final interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Management, Sales, Finance, Marketing

UK, Europe

Competitive salary

Online application, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Internships, graduate schemes

Management, IT


Science, Technology, Finance, Marketing, Logistics

UK, Worldwide

£25,000 £30,000, bonus payments

Online application, interview

Apprenticeships, Vacation scheme, training contracts



Financial Services, Technology, Real Estate, Finance

US, Asia, Europe

£46,000+, healthcare, dental, disability insurance

Online application, interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Engineering, Property, Sales, Finance, Marketing


£25,000 - £28,000

Online application, assessment day

Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company


Industry Focus

No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights


Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Application Process


Salary / Benefits

Sales, Marketing, Finance, Logistics, HR, Engineering


£27,000, plus £2,000 bonus

Online application, online test, assessment centre


Sales, Finance, Marketing, Management


£45,000 £50,000, plus £3,000 bonus

Online application, video interview, assessment day

Public Sector


Accountancy, Finance, HR, IT, Law, Media, Property, Research & Development



Online application, video interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights






Online application, online test, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Accountancy, HR, IT, Marketing, Retail


Sales, Finance, Management



Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Marketing, Sales


Finance, Media


Competitive salary

Online application, video interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, graduate schemes

Public Sector


Healthcare, Biophar-maceutical, Supply Chain, Management, Logistics, Sales


Varies on programme

Online application, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Law, Management



Online application, online test, video assessment, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, graduate schemes

Consumer Goods


entry level roles


Competitive salary

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Accountancy, Engineering, Finance, HR, IT, Law, Logistics



Online application, aptitude test, health tests, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Engineering, Finance, HR, IT, Logistics, Law, Media

UK, Europe


Online application, formal interview, medical test, fitness test, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Finance, Management, Retail


Sales, Marketing

UK, Europe


Online application, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Internships, graduate schemes

Management, IT


Engineering, Development

UK, Europe

£30,000+, flexible working, work-life balance

Online application, interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Engineering, Finance, Management, HR, IT, Logistics, Marketing, Research & Development


£33,000, Competitive bonus

Online application, online assessment, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Sales, Marketing, Management, Engineering

UK, Europe

£25,000 £32,000

Online application, online test, telephone interview, assessment centre

Placement years, summer internships






Online application, assessment day

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Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company



Industry Focus

No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, graduate schemes

Public Sector


Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships

Public Sector

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes

Application Process


Salary / Benefits

Consulting, Strategy, Client Delivery, Software Engineering, Technology Architecture, Analytics


Competitive salary

Varies on programme


Sales, Marketing, Finance, Travel


Varies on programme

Varies on programme



Sales, Marketing, Finance


Varies on programme

Online application, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships

Public Sector


Sales, Marketing, Finance, Management, Engineering, IT



Online application, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, graduate schemes

Public Sector


Analytics, Investment Banking, Corporate Audit, Technology, Global Capital Markets



Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships

Science, Research, Development


Sales, Marketing, Consumer Health, Animal Health, Crop Science, Pharmaceuticals, Business

Reading, UK

Varies on programme

Online application, telephone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships



Advisory, Client Services, Analytics, Risk, Corporate Functions, Business Operations, Investment, Management, Sales, Technology

UK, Worldwide

Varies on programme

Online application, coding test, first round interview, in-person assessment

Apprenticeships, Training contracts, traineeships, vacation schemes



Law, Management, Marketing, Finance

UK, Ireland

Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships

Public Sector


Sales, Finance, Marketing, HR Management,

UK, Worldwide


Online application, interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Banking, Financial Services, Corporate & Commercial, Employment, Energy, Litigation, Pensions, Property, Tax

UK, Brussels

Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Commercial & Corporate Banking, Dispute Resolution, Employment, Client Services, Real Estate


Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company


Industry Focus

No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting

Apprenticeships, Placement years, graduate schemes



Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights


Apprenticeships, Graduate programs, placements

Application Process


Salary / Benefits

Corporate, Finance, Capital Markets, Real Estate, Litigation, Tax, Pensions, Employment Law

UK, Worldwide

Varies on programme

Online application, critical thinking test, assessment day, 2 hour-long interviews, (competence based and case study)


Law, Marketing, Health



Online application, online test, assessment centre

Science, Technology Research, Analytics, Defence


Counter Terrorism, Security, Land, Sea & Air Technology, Cyber & Information Systems, Defence & Security Analysis, Science


Varies on programme

Online application, 3 online tests, assessment day, interview, presentation

Apprenticeships, Placement years, graduate schemes, short-term insights

Science, Technology


Science, Marketing, Finance


Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Graduate programs, summer internships

Financial Services


Enforcement & Market Oversight, Supervision, Economics, Strategy, Competition


Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, graduate schemes, short-term insights



Construction, Corporate, Intellectual Property, IT, Litigation, Planning, Environmental, Real Estate

Birmingham, Leeds, Leicester, London, Manchester, Oxford

Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Graduate programs, placements

Public Sector


Sales, Marketing, Finance, Supply Chain

London, South East

Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Graduate programs, internships, apprenticeships

Construction, Civil Engineering, Surveying


Building Services, Railway Engineering, Design, Project Controls


Varies on programme

Online application, interview, assessment

Apprenticeships, Placement years, graduate schemes, short-term insights

Public Sector


Science, Technology, Engineering, Marketing, Management, Commercial, Operations, Healthcare


Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships



Law, HR



Online application, psychometric test, video interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, graduate schemes, short-term insights

Public Sector


Business, Finance, Supply Chain, Procurement, HR, Technology, Research & Development

UK, Ireland, Europe

Varies on programme

Online application, aptitude test, video interview, assessment centre

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Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company


No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting

Construction, Civil Engineering, Surveying


Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, graduate schemes

Public Sector

Apprenticeships, Placement years, graduate schemes


Industry Focus

Apprenticeships, Graduate programs, placements

Application Process


Salary / Benefits

Civil Engineering, Quantity Surveying, Planning, Construction, Management


Varies on programme

Online assessment, online test, video interview, assessment centre, group exercise, presentation


Healthcare, Energy, Transportation, Consumer Brands

Woking, UK


Online application, online test, assessment centre

Public Sector


Marketing, Engineering, Finance, Sales, Electronics

Brixworth, UK


Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, graduate schemes, short-term insights



Law, HR

Birmingham, Cambridge, Manchester, Norwich

Varies on programme

Online application, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, graduate schemes

Construction, Infrastructure, Design


Construction, Management, Quantity Surveying, Engineering, Building Services, Architecture


Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes

Accounting, Finances



London, Newcastle

Varies on programme

Online application, online assessment, telephone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes

Science, Research, Development


Nuclear Power, Defence


Varies on programme

Online application, online test, interview, presentation

Apprenticeships, Placement years, graduate schemes, internships

Computing, Software, Technology, Infrastructure, Data Services


Sales, Marketing, Management, IT


Varies on programme

Online application, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes



Sales, Marketing, Finance, Management

UK, Worldwide

Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Graduate jobs



Technology, Marketing, Finance


Competitive salary

Online application, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Entry-level roles, graduate schemes

Retail, Media


Animation, Development, IT

UK, India, Canada, US

Competitive salary

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, graduate schemes

Public Sector


Sales, Marketing, Sustainability, Finance, Service Operations, Legal


Competitive salary, 25 days holiday, discounts

Online application, online assessment, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Work experience, open days, vacation schemes, internships





Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, graduate schemes, internships

Public Sector


Engineering, Management, Transportation, Infrastructure, Aerospace, Defence, Security

UK, Worldwide


Online application, video interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Retail, Management


Management, Training

UK, Ireland

Competitive salary

Online application

Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company


Industry Focus

No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting

Apprenticeships, Placement years, graduate schemes, internships



Law, HR, Management, Marketing, Sales

Birmingham, Competitive Leeds, London, salary Manchester,

Online application, critical thinking test, assessment day, 2 hour-long interviews, (competence based and case study)

Apprenticeships, Internships, graduate schemes

Public Sector


Marketing, Science, Technology, HR, Engineering, Computing

Swindon, UK


Online application, telephone interview, video interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Graduate programs

Energy, Utilities


Specialist Finance, Engineering, Technology

London, UK

Varies on programme

Online assessment, online test, video interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Social Work


Management, Healthcare


£16,000£18,000, tax free bursary

Online application, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Training contracts, vacation schemes

Law, Energy, Financial Services, Housing, Leisure, Public Sector, Technology, Media





Online application

Apprenticeships, Internships, graduate schemes

Energy, Gas, Oil, Renewable Energy


Technical, Commercial


Varies on programme

Online application, online test, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Finance, HR, Data Analytics, Marketing, Business Support

Langley, Berkshire, Swindon, Wiltshire

£17,000, 25 days holiday, bonus plan, social club

Online application, telephone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Travel & Tourism


Product, Trading, E-Commerce


£17,000, 20 days holiday, travel benefits, gym discount

Online application, numerical test, telephone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Investment Banking


Investment Bank, Corporate Centre, Global Asset Management

London, Europe, Africa, Middle East

Competitive salary

Online application, online test, interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, graduate schemes



Engineering, Business, Quantity Surveying, Project Management

London, South East, East Anglia

Varies on programme

Online application, online test, video interview, assessment centre, final interview

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Retail, Sales, Finance, Marketing, Logistics, IT, HR, Engineering

UK, Ireland

£30,000, benefits, opportunities

Online application, online test, video interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Automotive Manufacturer


Business, IT, Engineering, HR, Finance, Purchasing, PR, Sales, Marketing

Ellesmere Port, Luton

£16,000+, 21 days holiday, subsidised lunch, discounted gym, discounts

Online application, psychometric test, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Finance, Sales, Marketing, Management, Engineering, Retail

UK, Ireland

£29,000, £2,000 bonus, performance related bonuses, benefits

Online application, phone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Financial Services


Finance, IT, Marketing, HR, Customer Operations, Business, Legal, Digital

Milton Keynes

£16,000+, 27 days holiday, pension, healthcare, subsidised gym

telephone interview, assessment centre


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Salary / Benefits

Application Process


Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company


No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting

Entertainment, Media, Retail


Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, shortterm insights

Public Sector

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, shortterm insights


Industry Focus

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, shortterm insights

Application Process


Salary / Benefits

Business, Finance, IT, HR, Legal, Commercial, Production, Creative, Marketing

West London

£18,000 per annum

Telephone interview, face-to-face assessment


Finance, Management, HR, Investment Banking, IT, Marketing, Media



Online application, assessment day






Online application, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Internships, graduate schemes



Actuarial, Finance, Claims, IT, Marketing, Operations, Pricing & Portfolio

UK, Worldwide

Competitive salary, benefits

Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, shortterm insights

Marketing, Media


Sales, Finance

UK, Europe

Competitive salary

Online application, online test, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Work placements, training contracts

Law, Digital, Energy Utilities, Financial Services, Health Care, Industrials, Real Estate, Retail, Transport



UK, Middle East, Asia


Online application, video interview, partner interview, group exercise

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Engineering, Manufacturing, Finance, Marketing, Sales


Varies on programme

Online application, online test, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights



Mining, Management, Oil & Gas


Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, shortterm insights

Public Sector


Engineering, Science, Business, Supply Chain & Logistics

England, Wales

Varies on programme

Online application, online test, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights



Business, Law



Online application, online test, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, summer internships, industrial placements

Risk Management, Insurance & Reinsurance, Brokerage & Human Capital, Consulting


Insurance, Reinsurance & Risk Management, Actuarial, Investment, Reward & Remuneration, Cyber Security



Online application, judgement test, numeracy test, video interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, shortterm insights



Retail, Operations, Commercial, Marketing, Supply Chain, Logistics, Sales, Finance


£15,000+, staff discounts

Online application, online test, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, shortterm insights

Banking, Technology


Technology, Private & Commercial Banking, Marketing, Business


Competitive salary

Online application

Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company

No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting

Law, Banking, Finance, Capital Markets, Digital Economy, Dispute Resolution, Employment, Financial Regulation, Insurance & Reinsurance


Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights

Public Sector

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights


Industry Focus

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes

Application Process


Salary / Benefits




Online application


Business, IT, Marketing, Finance, Sales, Management


Varies on programme

Online application, online test, assessment centre

Public Sector


Science, Engineering



Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Science & Technology, Marketing, HR


Competitive salary

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Banking, Finance, Charities, Construction, Education, Health & Social Care, Retail & Leisure

Southern England, Wales

Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Graduation schemes

Processor of Sugar, Food & Beverage Markets, Manufacturing


Science, Engineering, Business Management



Online application, online assessments, competency interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Training contracts, summer vacation scheme

Law, Retail, Technology, Finances, Education, Public & Independent Health, Government, Insurance





Online application, psychometric test, telephone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights



Engineering, Business


Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Health, Social Care, Housing, Management, Finance

Birmingham, London, Leeds, Winchester

Varies on programme

Online application, online test, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights

Construction, Technology


Engineering, Research & Development, Purchasing, Sales, Oil & Gas, Marketing


Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Software Development, Marketing, Technology


Varies on programme

Online application, telephone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Vacation schemes, internships, training contracts

Law, Energy, Finance, Infrastructure, Finance, Sciences, Healthcare, Real Estate, Technology, Media & Communications



Europe, Middle East, Asia, Latin America


Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Oil & Gas Operations


Business, Engineering, Finance, HR, IT, Management & Supply Chain


Competitive salary

Online application, online test, assessment centre

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Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company



Industry Focus

No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights


Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights

Application Process


Salary / Benefits

Law, Management, HR

London, Beijing, Shanghai, US


Online application, online test, assessment day


Finance, Credit Risk Analytics, Technology, Audit & Treasury



Online application, numerical test, interview



Business, Finance, Marketing, Technology, IT



Online application, telephone interview

Apprenticeships, Trainee contracts

Law, Mobile, Gaming, Software, Cloud, E-Commerce, Health, IT, Cleantech, Biotechnology, Medical Devices, Financial Services, Technology



Africa, Asia, America, Latin America, Australia


Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Finance, Supply Chain, Logistics, Business, Technology, HR



Online application, online test, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Technology, Finance, Marketing


Competitive salary

Online application, online test, telephone interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights





Competitive salary

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Training contracts, vacation schemes

Law, Corporate & Banking, Insurance & Litigation, Energy & Industrials, Financial Services, Real Estate, Retail, Technology, Food & Hospitality, Transport





Online application, video interview, assessment centre, meet the senior partners event

Apprenticeships, Placement years, graduate schemes, short-term insights

Public Sector


Retail, HR, Marketing, Technology, Finance, Sales,


Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes

Mobile Communications & Mobile Network


Hr, Marketing, Customer Servic, Business Operations, Management & Finance



Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, graduate schemes, short-term insights



Technology, Marketing, HR, Management


Competitive salary

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Law, Media, Entertainment, Finance, Property


Varies on programme

Online application, online test, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Software Development, Finance, Sales


Global Data, Software Development, Financial, Client Services & Sales


Competitive salary

Online application, CV submission

Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company


Industry Focus

No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights

Transport, Business


Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Science & Technology

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights

Application Process


Salary / Benefits

Finance, Management


Varies on programme

Varies on programme


Engineering, Management, Science

UK, Germany, Belgium, France, Switzerland


Online application, telephone interview, assessment centre

Media & Entertainment


Media, Retail, Logistics



Online application, online test, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights

Construction, Manufacturing


Business, Finance, Engineering


Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Training contracts, vacation schemes

Law, Insurance & Reinsurance, Liability



Europe, Asia, America, Middle East


Online application, video interview, critical thinking test, assessment day, group task, written exercise

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Engineering, Healthcare, Marketing, Finance, Logistics & Supply Chain


Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Technology, Finance, Marketing, Advertising, HR


Competitive salary

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, vacation schemes

Law, Corporate, Debt, Finance, Investment Funds, Restructuring, Real Estate, Tax, Financial Services, Arbitration & Litigation



Europe, Asia, America,


Online application, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights





Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Engineering, Technology, Business, Aerospace, Manufacturing



Online application, online test, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Marketing, Management, Sales, Finance, HR, Technology


Varies on programme

Online application, online test, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Training contracts

Law, Corporate, Finance, Real Estate, Construction, Litigation, Employment, Pensions, Insurance & Reinsurance, Tax



Europe, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, America


Online application, online test, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes

Defence, Weapons, Technology & Mechanical


Finance, Supply Chain, Project Management & Procurement



Online application, online test, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Training contracts

Law, Corporate, Commercial





Online application, assessment day, partner interview, written exercise, group exercise

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Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company


No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting

Consultancy, Health & Benefits, Wealth & Investments, Workforce & Careers, Mergers & Acquisitions


Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights


Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights


Industry Focus

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, summer internships

Application Process


Salary / Benefits

Health, Wealth, Career


Competitive salary, benefits

Online application, online test, assessment centre



London, New York


Varies on programme

Public Sector


Sales, Law, Finance, Marketing, Management


Varies on programme

Online application, telephone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights



Business, Development, Finance, Management



Online application, online test, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Sales, Marketing, Retail


Competitive salary

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights

Gas & Electricity


Finance, IT, Marketing, Business, Management


Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Training contracts

Law, Digital, Energy, Financial Services, Life Sciences, Real Estate, Recruitment, Transport





Online application, verbal reasoning test, assessment day, panel interview

Apprenticeships, Vacation schemes, training contracts

Law, Energy, Infrastructure, Financial Services, Real Estate, Advanced Manufacturing, Technology





Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights





Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Healthcare & Biopharmaceutical


Marketing, Sales, Research & Development, Finance, Supply Chain


Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Training contracts

Law, Litigation, Dispute Resolutions, Financial Services, Technology, Media, Health Care, Advertising, Shipping, Energy, Real Estate



Europe, America, Middle East, Asia


Online application, strength assessment, interview

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes

Accounting & Financial Management, Audit, Tax, Consulting Services


Audit, Tax, Consulting, Risk Advisory, Corporate Finance, Accounting, IT



Online application, online assessment, video interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights

Gas & Power


Marketing, Engineering, Management, Finance



Online application, online test, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Construction, HR, Plant Engineering, Project Management


Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company


Industry Focus

No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights


Apprenticeships, Winter, spring and summer vacation schemes

Application Process


Salary / Benefits

Supply Chain, Logistics, Marketing, Management, Business, Finance


Varies on programme

Varies on programme


Law, Marketing, HR



Online application, assessment day

Law, Healthcare, Life, Science, Technology, Media & Communications


Law & Non-Law Students

Europe, Asia, Middle East


Online application

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Construction; Civil, Structural & Building Services, Engineering; Environmental & Sustainability, Management; Commercial & Quantity, Surveying; Planning & Architectural Design

Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Glasgow, Leeds, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Woking

Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights



Engineering, Business, IT, Health & Safety

Europe, US


Online application, online test, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights



Global Banking, Investment

UK, Europe


Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships



Law, Management, HR



Online application, online test, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Summer internships, graduate schemes




UK, Europe

Competitive salary

Full details available on website

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes

Steelmaking, Manufacturing, Construction, Automotive, Packaging, Lifting & Excavating, Energy


Electrical & Mechanical Engineering, Environmental, Manufacturing, Research & Development, Supply Chain, Finance, IT



Online selection process, shortlisting, competency interview, presentation, verbal & numerical testing

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Science & Technology


Data Analytics, Finance, Marketing, Sales, Software Engineering


Competitive salary

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Technology & Communications


Defence, Security, Aerospace, Transportation, Engineering, Business, Finance


Varies on programme

Varies on programme

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights



Law, Finance


Competitive salary

Online application, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Public Sector


Construction, Engineering, Marketing, Finance


Varies on programme

Varies on programme

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Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company



Industry Focus

No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting

Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights



Apprenticeships, Placement years, internships, short-term insights


Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, placements, internships, apprenticeships

Application Process


Salary / Benefits

Merchandising, Business Analyst, Finance, Visual Merchandising, Sourcing, Supply Chain, IT


Competitive salary, benefits

Online application, online test, assessment centre


Engineering, Technology, Corporate


Competitive salary, benefits

Online application, assessment day

Financial Services


Sales, Marketing & Distribution

UK, Worldwide

Competitive salary

Online application, strengths test, critical reasoning test, video interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, placements, internships



Strategy, Marketing, Mergers & Acquisitions


Competitive salary

Online application

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships, placement years

Construction & Property


Construction, Architecture, Engineering



Online application, online test, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, aspire rotational schemes





£24,000 - £27,000 depending on location, plus benefits

Online application

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships, placement years





Competitive salary, benefits

Online application, online test, phone interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, placements, internships

Financial Services


Sales, Trading, Structuring, Research, Quantitative Research, Electronic Market, Commerce


Competitive salary

Online application, strengths test, critical reasoning test, video interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, placements, internships



Engineering, Technical Sales, Software Engineering


Competitive salary

Online application, assessment centre, interview

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships, placement years

Public Sector


Sales, Marketing, Supply Chain, Engineering, Logistics, HR


Competitive salary, benefits

Online application, online test, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships, placement years

Construction, Civil Engineering, Surveying


Engineering, Business, Management


Competitive salary, plus benefits

Online application, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships

IT, Software


System, Network, Security & Software Engineering, Sales, Management, Business Analysts


£21,000 - £24,000, CV & cover letter depending on experience

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships, placement years

Finance & Banking


Investment Banking, Worldwide Commercial Banking, Technology, Finance, HR

£20,000+, plus benefits

Online application, online test, phone interview, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Placement years, summer internships, short-term insights

Engineering, Built Environment


Mechanical & Civil Engineering, Railway, Electrical

£17,000+, free travel on TFL’s networks for you and 1 other

Online application, online testing, video interview, assessment centre


Top Degree/Higher Apprenticeship Providers Company


Industry Focus

No. Jobs

Roles Recruiting


Salary / Benefits

Application Process

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships, placement years

Public Sector


Marketing, Sales, Finance, HR, Supply Chain


Competitive salary, plus benefits

Online application, online test, phone interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Internships, graduate jobs

Social Media


Management, Marketing, HR



Online application

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, placements, internships, apprenticeships

Car Manufacturing


Business Strategy, HR, Finance, IT, Software Engineering Smart Mobility, Product Development, Marketing Sales & Service, Design


Competitive salary

Online application, telephone interview, online test, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships, placement years



Engineering, Finance, Risk Management, IT, Operations



Online application, online test, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Internships, placement years



Sales, Marketing, IT, HR, Finance



Online application, online test, video interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships, placement years

Consultancy & Construction


Building Surveying, Sustainability, Management, Quantity Surveying, Risk Management


Competitive salary, plus benefits

Online application, online test, phone interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes internships

Public Sector


Sales, Marketing, Law, Management, Finance



Online application, online test, assessment centre

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships, placement years

Pharmaceutical & Chemical


Science, Business, Finance, Healthcare



Online application, online test, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships, placement years

Digital & Technology


Finance, Technology, Data Analytics, Management


Competitive salary, plus benefits

Online application, online test, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships, placement years



Defence and Security, Finance, Healthcare, Travel, Logistics


Competitive salary, plus benefits

Online application, online test, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships, placement years

Pharmaceutical & Healthcare


Business, Finance, HR



Online application, online test, phone interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, internships



Management, Material Control, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Engineering, IT, Finance, HR, Marketing


£21,000£24,000, depending on experience

CV, cover letter

GApprenticeships, raduate schemes, internships, placement years



Actuarial, Business Management, Finance, Technology



Online application, online test, phone interview, assessment day

Apprenticeships, Graduate schemes, international internships



Programming, Project Management & Design


Competitive salary

Online application

Placement years, internships, short term insights



Oil & Gas, Energy Services


Varies on programme

Varies on programme

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TOP PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS TRANSPORT, LOGISTICS, PROCUREMENT & SUPPLY CHAIN: CIPS, the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply, is the professional body for global procurement and supply management. They set the global standard in procurement and supply chain management with over 200,000 members. MCIPS can be achieved through: • Studying for CIPS professional qualifications • An accredited degree • The CIPS Management Entry Route (MER) for senior professionals • The CIPS Corporate Award applied learning programme for individuals or groups of professionals www.cips.org

IoSCM, Institute of Supply Chain Management is the first international institute to represent the interests of the wider supply chain. By providing high-quality training and qualifications, they improve the supply chain industry standards. •Level 2-7 Supply Chain Management Courses •Level 2-7 Manufacturing and Production Management Courses •Level 2-7 Leadership and Management Courses •Level 2-7 Transport and Logistics Courses •Level 2-7 Import and Export Courses •Level 2-7 Warehousing Management Courses •Level 2-7 Purchasing and Procurement Courses •Level 2-7 Ports and Shipping Courses www.ioscm.com

First established in 1919, The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport has over 33,000 members across the world. CILT is the main membership organisation for professionals involved in the logistics and transportation of goods and people and their associated supply chains. • Level 1-6 Transport & Planning • Level 1,2,3,5,6 Bus and Coach • Level 1-6 Aviation • Level 1-6 Supply Chain • Level 1,2,3,5,6 Active Travel and Travel Planning • Level 1-6 Freight Forwarding • Level 1-6 Rail • Level 1-6 Ports Maritime Waterways • Humanitarian Logistics Qualification • European Logistician Qualification • Certificate of Customs Competency • AEO Certified Practitioner Qualification www.ciltuk.org.uk

MARKETING, SALES & PUBLIC RELATIONS: The world’s largest community of marketers that support, represent and develop marketers, teams, leaders and the marketing profession as a whole. • Foundation Certificate Level 3 • Certificate Level 4 • Diploma Level 6 • Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Marketing Level 7 • CIM Marketing Leadership Programme Level 7 www.cim.co.uk

The Institute of Sales Management (ISM) is a membership organisation representing sales professionals in the UK and internationally. By supporting sales executives, managers and leaders in their careers, and by improving professional sales standards, we benefit our members, their organisations and, ultimately, the wider economy. • Level 2 Certificate in Sales and Marketing • Level 3 Certificate in Sales and Marketing • Level 3 Diploma in Sales and Marketing • Level 4 Certificate in Sales and Marketing Management • Level 4 Diploma in Sales and Marketing Management • Level 5 Certificate in Sales and Account Management • Level 5 Diploma in Sales and Account Management • Level 6 Certificate in Strategic Sales Management • Level 6 Diploma in Strategic Sales Management www.ismprofessional.com

The Institute of Data & Marketing – part of the Data & Marketing Association (DMA) – advances the careers of marketers through world-class learning. For over 30 years they have driven marketing excellence through a totally customer-centric learning approach, helping over 100,000 marketers get better at what you do. • Postgraduate Diplomas – Level 7 qualification • Professional Diplomas – Level 6 qualification • Professional Certificates – Level 5 qualification • IDM Awards – Level 4 qualification www.theidm.com

Founded in 1948, the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) is the Royal Chartered professional body for public relations practitioners in the UK and overseas. The CIPR advances professionalism in public relations by making its members accountable to their employers and the public through a code of conduct and searchable public register, setting standards through training, qualifications, awards and the production of best practice and skills guidance, facilitating Continuing Professional Development (CPD), and awarding Chartered Public Relations Practitioner status (Chart.PR). • CIPR Foundation • Professional PR Certificate • Professional PR Diploma • Certificate (Internal Communications) • Diploma (Internal Communications) • Diploma (Public Affairs) • Diploma (Crisis Communications) • Diploma (Digital Communications) www.cipr.co.uk

The Public Relations & Communications Association (PRCA) is the world’s largest PR professional body, representing well over 30,000 practitioners. • PRCA Diploma (DipPRCA) • PRCA Advanced Certificate (AdCert PRCA) • Apprenticeship Programme • Intern Training Programme • PRCA Foundation Certificate (Fcert PRCA) • PRCA Online Certificate www.prca.org.uk

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Project Management Institute (PMI) is the world’s leading association for those who consider project, program or portfolio management their profession. • PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) • PMI Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA) • Program Management Professional (PgMP) • Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) • PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP) • PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP) • Portfolio Management Professional (PfMP) • Project Management Professional (PMP) www.pmi.org

The Association for Project Management, the chartered body for the project profession, is committed to developing and promoting project and programme management through its FIVE Dimensions of Professionalism. In 2017, APM was awarded a Royal Charter as part of its strategy to raise awareness and standards in the profession. • APM Project Fundamentals Qualification (PFQ) (0-2 years’ experience) • APM Project Management Qualification (PMQ) (3-4 years’ experience) • APM Project Professional Qualification (PPQ) (5-6 years’ experience) • Apprenticeships • APM Project Risk Management Single Subject Certificate • Earned Value Management Certification • Project Planning & Control • IPMA Qualifications www.apm.org.uk

SOCIAL SCIENCES: The British Psychological Society is the representative body for psychology and psychologists in the UK and is responsible for the promotion of excellence and ethical practice in the science, education, and application of the discipline. • Qualification in Clinical Neuropsychology • Qualification in Counselling Psychology • Qualification in Educational Psychology • Qualification in Forensic Psychology • Qualification in Health Psychology • Qualification in Occupational Psychology • Qualification in Sport and Exercise Psychology www.bps.org.uk

Market Research Society (MRS) provides the deeper intelligence needed for our world today. Research, insight and analytics stand at the heart of all well-informed commercial, social and political decisions. Insight into what makes a product, business initiative or government policy work is often the hidden – yet defining – factor between success and failure. • MRS Certificate in Market & Social Research • MRS Certificate in Interviewing Skills • MRS Advanced Certificate in Market and Social Research Practice • MRS Diploma in Market and Social Research Practice • MRS Accredited Masters’ Degrees www.mrs.org.uk

MANAGEMENT: Today they are the only chartered professional body dedicated to promoting the highest standards in management and leadership excellence. No wonder over 100,000 managers use their unique services on a daily basis. • Level 2 Award in Team Leading • Level 3 Principles of Management and Leadership • Level 4 Management and Leadership • Level 5 Management and Leadership • Level 6 Management and Leadership • Level 6 in Professional Management and Leadership Practice • Level 7 Strategic Management and Leadership Practice • Level 8 Strategic Direction and Leadership • Levels 3, 5 and 7 Coaching and Mentoring www.managers.org.uk

The Institute of Leadership & Management is a professional membership body for leaders and managers around the world. Its mission is to inspire great leadership - everywhere. • Level 2 Diploma in Team Leading • Level 2 Certificate in Team Leading • Level 2 Award and Certificate in Leadership and Team Skills • Level 3 Award, Certificate, and Diploma in Leadership and Management • Level 3 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring • Level 4/5 Award Certificate and Diploma in Leadership and Management • Level 5 Certificate and Diploma in Coaching and Mentoring • Level 6 Award in Management • Level 7 Award, Certificate and Diploma in Leadership and Management • Level 7 Certificate and Diploma in Executive Coaching and Mentoring www.i-l-m.com

The Institute of Directors (IoD) was founded in 1903 and within three years we were awarded a Royal Charter to support, represent and set standards for business leaders nationwide. • Certificate • Diploma • Chartered Director www.iod.com

ABE was founded in 1973, with a social mission to bring high quality affordable business qualifications to those who had limited access to education. • Business Management Qualifications • Business Management & Human Qualifications • Business Management & Marketing Qualifications • Business Start-up & Entrepreneurship Qualifications • ABE Level 2 Award in Employability Skills • ABE Level 5 Diploma in Applied Financial Trading www.abeuk.com

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TOP PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS HUMAN RESOURCES: CIPD the professional body for experts in people at work. For more than 100 years, they’ve been championing better work and working lives by setting professional standards for HR and people development, as well as driving positive change in the world of work. With hubs in the UK, Ireland, Middle East and Asia, they’re the career partner of choice for 150,000 members around the world. They’re the only body in the world that can award Chartered status to individual HR and L&D professionals, and our independent research and insights make us trusted advisers to governments and employers. • Level 3 Diploma in Human Resources Practice • Level 3 Diploma in Learning and Development • Level 5 Diploma in Human Resource Management • Level 5 Diploma in Learning and Development • Level 5 Diploma in Applied Human Resources • Level 7 Diploma in Human Resource Management • Level 7 Diploma in Human Resource Developmen Successful completion of any of these leads to CIPD professional membership. www.cipd.co.uk

Leading the profession through education, membership and recognition, The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP) is the Chartered association for payroll, pensions and reward professionals in the UK. With more than 9,500 individuals benefitting from the CIPP’s membership benefits, support and education services, the Institute is dedicated to raising the profile of payroll in businesses across the UK and internationally. • SAGE Level 1 Award in Computerised Payroll for Business (RQF) • SAGE Level 2 Certificate in Computerised Payroll for Business (RQF) • Payroll Technician Certificate • Certificate in Pensions Administration • Foundation Degree Access Course • Foundation Degree in Payroll Management • Foundation Degree in Pensions Administration and Management • MSc in Strategic Leadership • Apprenticeships www.cipp.org.uk


The Institute of Hospitality is the professional body for managers and aspiring managers working and studying in the hospitality, leisure and tourism industry. Institute of Hospitality Qualifications have a partnership arrangement with the Confederation of Tourism and Hospitality (CTH) who administers and manages a range of specialist qualifications developed by the Institute of Hospitality: • Level 2 Specialist Award for Chefs in Health and Social Care • Level 3 Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management (VRQ) • Level 4 Diploma in Advanced Hospitality and Tourism Management (VRQ) • Certificate in Management for International Hospitality and Tourism • Diploma in Management for International Hospitality and Tourism • Advanced Diploma for International Hospitality and Tourism • Specialist Diplomas for International Hospitality and Tourism www.instituteofhospitality.org

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: BCS (The Chartered Institute for IT) are on a mission to ensure everyone’s experience with technology is positive. It’s something they’ve been committed to since 1957. With 68,000 members in 150 countries, and a wider community of business leaders, educators, practitioners and policy-makers all committed to our mission. As a charity with a royal charter, their agenda is to lead the IT industry through its ethical challenges, to support the people who work in the industry, and to make IT good for society. • Chartered IT Professional • Chartered Engineer • Certifications for IT professionals • Apprenticeships • Digital literacy qualifications • International higher education qualifications (HEQ) www.bcs.org

The IAPP is the largest and most comprehensive global information privacy community and resource. Founded in 2000, the IAPP is an organisation that helps define, support and improve the privacy profession globally. • CIPP: Laws and regulations - The global standard for the go-to person for privacy laws, regulations and frameworks • CIPM: Operations - The first and only privacy certification for professionals who manage day-today operations • CIPT: Technology - The industry benchmark for IT professionals worldwide to validate their knowledge of privacy requirements www.iapp.org

Becoming a CompTIA member indicates a commitment to learning, growing and personal and business success in the IT channel. All of their benefits are aimed at providing our members in the information technology industry with a wealth of resources that when leveraged result in measurable impact to the member organisation. • Information Security • Network and Cloud Technologies • Hardware, Services & Infrastructure • IT Management & Strategy • Web & Mobile • Software Development www.comptia.org

Cisco certifications can take your career to the next level. Fuel your career with the new learning portfolio that unlocks possibilities for both network engineers and developers. • Entry: starting point for individuals interested in a career as a networking professional. (CCT) • Associate: master the essentials needed to launch a rewarding career and expand your job possibilities with the latest technologies. (DevNet Associate, CCNA) • Professional: select a core technology track and a focused concentration exam to customize your professional-level certification. (DevNet Professional, CCNP Certifications) • Expert: this certification is accepted worldwide as the most prestigious certification in the technology industry. (CCDE, CCIE Certifications) • Architect: the highest level of accreditation achievable and recognizes the architectural expertise of network designers. (CCAr) www.cisco.com

Microsoft certifications enable digital transformation for the era of an intelligent cloud and an intelligent edge. Its mission is to empower every IT professional on the planet to achieve more. • Fundamental Certifications • Associate Certifications • Expert Certifications • Microsoft Certified: Azure Security Engineer; Microsoft Certified Dynamics 365; Microsoft 365 Certified; Microsoft Certified: Azure; MTA Certifications; MCSA Certifications; MCSD Certifications, MCSE Certifications www.microsoft.com

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ACCOUNTING, PART 1: ICAEW is a world leading professional membership organisation that promotes, develops and supports over 153,000 chartered accountants worldwide. The regulations, standards and guidance that apply to their members. • The ICAEW Chartered Accountant qualification (ACA) To qualify as an ICAEW Chartered Accountant you must complete the ACA, a highly-respected professional qualification that requires students to complete at least three years on-the-job training with an approved training provider while passing a series of exams. You can start your training by completing ICAEW’s Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business (ICAEW CFAB), which is made up of the first six modules of the ACA. Some degrees qualify for exemptions. The next six modules complete the professional level. Finally, the Advanced Level consists of 2 modules (Corporate Reporting and Strategic Business Management) plus a Case Study. Most qualified members work in various Accounting, Audit, Taxation, Financial Management and Corporate Finance roles. • ICAEW Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business (ICAEW CFAB) • ICAEW Business and Finance Professional (BFP) • Corporate Finance Qualification (CF) • Diploma in Charity Accounting • Apprenticeships www.icaew.com

The ACCA believe that accountancy is vital for economies to grow and prosper, which is why they work all over the world to build the profession and make society fairer and more transparent. They have more than 219,000 fully qualified members and 527,000 students worldwide. They’re among the world’s best-qualified and most highly sought-after accountants - and they work in every sector you can imagine. • The ACCA Qualification You need three GCSEs and two A Levels in five separate subjects including maths and English (or their equivalent) to start the ACCA Qualification. Work experience: Three years. Number of exams: Up to 13, depending on exemptions. (Some degrees get up to 9 exemptions). How long does it take: Three to four years on average. Most qualified members work in various Accounting, Audit, Taxation, Financial Management and Corporate Finance roles. • Oxford Brookes BSc degree • Professional / Post Membership (University of London MSc in Professional Accountancy) • Post membership (Oxford Brookes Global MBA) • DIPIFR - Diploma in International Financial Reporting • CertIA - Certificate in International Auditing • Certificate in International Public Sector Accounting Standards • Certificate in Business Valuations • Apprenticeships www.accaglobal.com

The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), founded in 1919, is the world’s leading and largest professional body of management accountants. CIMA helps individuals and businesses to succeed by harnessing the full power of management accounting – not just accounting for the balance sheet but accounting for business. • The ACMA CGMA Qualification The CIMA Professional Qualification is recognised worldwide as the most relevant global finance qualification for business. You’ll develop invaluable finance and business skills and the fundamental knowledge you need to drive business success. Exams: 12 (nine Objective Tests and three Case Study exams). Some degrees can qualify for exemptions from the Operational and Management Levels). Time to complete: 3-6 years. Designations: CIMA Dip MA (completion of Operational level), CIMA Adv Dip MA (completion of Management level), ACMA CGMA (Admittance to membership). Most qualified members work in various accounting, financial management, corporate finance and banking roles. • Islamic Finance Qualifications • Apprenticeships www.cimaglobal.com

CIPFA, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, is the only professional accountancy body in the world exclusively dedicated to public finance. Our 14,000 members work throughout the public services, in national audit agencies, in major accountancy firms, and in other bodies where public money needs to be effectively and efficiently managed. • The CIPFA Professional Accountancy Qualification (CPFA) CIPFA’s professional accountancy qualification provides the full range of skills and competences required for a successful finance career in public services. Some degrees qualify for exemptions for some modules on the certificate and professional levels. • Professional Certificate Stage: Financial Accounting Management Accounting Company Financial Reporting Audit and Assurance • Professional Diploma: Business and Change Management Corporate Governance and Law Financial Management Public Service Financial Reporting Strategy and Policy Development Taxation • Strategic stage: Strategic Public Finance Strategic Case Study On completion of these 3 levels and submitting the CIPFA Portfolio, trainees will gain the CIPFA qualification, full membership to CIPFA and Chartered Public Finance Accountant (CPFA) designation. • PQ International Public Financial Management (IPFM) • Financial Reporting for Academies (FRA) courses • Qualifications in International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) • Apprenticeships www.cipfa.org

The Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) is the professional body for finance staff in healthcare. For nearly 70 years, it has provided independent and objective advice to its members and the wider healthcare community. The HFMA offers a range of qualifications in healthcare business and finance at undergraduate and postgraduate level and can provide a route to an MBA in healthcare finance. • HFMA intermediate certificate (20 credits at level 4) • HFMA intermediate award (10 credits at level 4) • HFMA intermediate diploma (40 credits at level 4) • HFMA Advanced diploma and advanced higher diploma – Level 7 • MBA Pathway This programme is ideal for senior individuals and those aspiring for senior positions who are currently in clinical, medical, financial, operational, management and other healthcare related roles. Time requirements: a minimum of 10-15 hours per week. The HFMA advanced diploma and higher diploma, and the final stage of the MBA with BPP, can each be completed in one year. Each of the HFMA advanced diplomas consists of 3 x 20 credits modules. Each module takes around 200 hours to complete. Completing a module will take 17 weeks. Entry requirements: the ability to study at masters level. Professionals with less than two years’ experience in healthcare will need to complete the level 7 core certificate (L7C1) or have completed the HFMA intermediate diploma in healthcare business and finance. www.hfma.org.uk

The Association of Taxation Technicians is the leading professional body for those providing UK tax compliance services. We have over 9,000 members and Fellows, together with over 5,000 students. Members are qualified by ATT examination and practical experience. They commit to the highest standards of professional conduct and ensure that their tax knowledge is constantly kept up to date. Achieving and maintaining the ATT qualification demonstrates to the employer and client that a benchmark has been achieved. Members and Fellows use the practising title ‘Taxation Technician’ or ‘Taxation Technician (Fellow)’ respectively. • ATT Qualification To complete the ATT Qualification, students must achieve: • Passes in the two compulsory Certificate papers (Personal Taxation and Business Taxation) • Passes in the three compulsory Computer Based Examinations (Law, Professional Responsibilities & Ethics and Principles of Accounting) • Pass in any one of the other four Certificate papers (Business Compliance, Corporate Taxation, Inheritance Tax, Trusts & Estates or VAT) • ATT Apprenticeship • VAT Compliance Diploma (non-UK) • Foundation Qualifications www.att.org.uk

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TOP PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS ACCOUNTING, PART 2: AAT is the world’s leading professional body for accounting technician. They work across the world with around 130,000 members in more than 100 countries. Their members are represented at every level of the finance and accounting world, including students, people already working in accountancy and self-employed business owners. • AAT business skills qualification (Level 1) • AAT Accounting Qualifications (Level 2-4) AAT offer four accounting qualifications, which each take between six and 18 months to complete. These qualifications provide training for a huge range of accounting and finance roles and are respected by employers worldwide: • Foundation Certificate in Accounting (Level 2) • Foundation Diploma in Accounting and Business (Level 2) (16–19-year-olds) • Advanced Diploma in Accounting (Level 3). This qualification can be used as a route to professional AAT Bookkeeper status (AATQB) • Professional Diploma in Accounting (Level 4). This qualification can be used as a route to professional AAT Accountant status (MAAT) • AAT Bookkeeping Qualifications (Level 1-3) AAT offer five short bookkeeping qualifications, which each take just 6 to 12 weeks to complete: • Access Award in Bookkeeping (Level 1) • Access Award in Accounting Software (Level 1) • Foundation Certificate in Bookkeeping (Level 2) • Foundation Award in Accounting Software (Level 2) • Advanced Certificate in Bookkeeping (Level 3) This qualification can be used as a route to professional AAT Bookkeeper status (AATQB). • AAT Apprenticeships • Alternative to university: With the rising costs of going to university, apprenticeships offer a debt-free, direct route into employment • Fast track chartered accountancy: Successful completion of an accounting apprenticeship will give you generous exemptions with ACCA, ICAEW, CIMA, ICAS and CIPFA • Start earning straight away: With an apprenticeship you’ll start earning straight away. You will also get the same benefits as an employee, including a holiday allowance • Achieve professional AAT accounting qualifications: Employers trust AAT qualifications as they demonstrate that you have the practical skills they need • Develop on-the-job skills: You will qualify with a well-rounded set of skills and experience that will make you a highly sought-after employee • Stay ahead of graduates: With an accounting apprenticeship you will qualify faster than if you had gone to university www.aat.org.uk

The CIOT is the leading body in the UK for taxation professionals dealing with all aspects of taxation. Their primary purpose is to promote education in taxation. One of their key aims is to achieve a more efficient and less complex tax system for all. • The CTA Qualification The CIOT offers the highest level tax qualification in the UK, the Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA) qualification. Most typical CTA students complete the modular seven exams in two to three years. Regardless of how quickly students may complete the examinations, the CTA qualification is not awarded until they have three years of relevant professional experience and have applied to become a member of the Chartered Institute of Taxation. The Awareness paper is comprised of three modules. Then there are three Computer Based Examinations in Law, Principles of Accounting and Professional Responsibilities & Ethics. Finally, the Advanced Exams (options); 2 Technical and 1 Application and Professional skills module. • Level 7 Apprenticeship - The Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) is an approved assessment organisation for the Level 7 Taxation Apprenticeship (click here to find out more). This Apprenticeship is an employer-designed standard in England, which offers a route to become a Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA) • ICAEW and the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) have created a Joint Programme which enables students to achieve two prestigious qualifications, while working, the ACA and CTA. The ACA CTA Joint Programme enables students to become an ICAEW Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Adviser in three to four years providing they have undertaken relevant professional work experience www.tax.org.uk

There are various routes to becoming an ICAS Chartered Accountant (CA), with options for school leavers, graduates, professionals and apprentices. The path you take to the CA qualification depends upon your current circumstances. Some don’t require finance-based qualifications or experience, and you’ll earn a competitive salary whilst you train: • School-leaver route Follow the school-leaver route to becoming an ICAS Chartered Accountant (CA) and you’ll bypass university and go directly into paid training. As an ICAS CA you’ll be qualified for an extraordinary career in business and beyond. • Highers and A Levels accepted • 5 years training • Learn while you learn • No student debt • An extraordinary career in business and beyond • Graduate entry for university graduates Follow the graduate entry route to becoming an ICAS Chartered Accountant (CA). It’s open to students from a variety of backgrounds and you’ll earn a competitive salary whilst you train. As an ICAS CA you’ll be qualified for an extraordinary career in business and beyond. • Most degrees accepted • 3 years’ training • Earn a competitive salary • An extraordinary career in business and beyond • Professional entry for experienced finance professionals • Accountancy Professional apprenticeships www.icas.com

ARCHITECTURE: There are many different options you can consider if you want to train as an architect. Whilst the typical route involves five years study at university and completion of a minimum of two years’ practical experience, you can also study part-time; study whilst working in architectural practice through RIBA Studio or through the new apprenticeship route. Discover more in our Think Architecture brochure. RIBA Part 1 RIBA Part 1 provides you with the opportunity to develop your core architectural skills and understanding, preparing you for post Part 1 practical experience, further study or commencing full time work. You are eligible for free RIBA Student Membership from your first year of study. If you are studying a university undergraduate degree (e.g. BA or BSc Architecture) this would typically take three to four years full time, or you could study through RIBA Studio or an apprenticeship if you are working in practice. Stage 1 practical experience is highly recommended post Part 1 studies and is typically one year in duration. You will need to source a workplace, employment mentor and a Professional Studies Advisor in order to record your practical experience using the RIBA’s PEDR website. Subject to meeting the RIBA practical experience eligibility criteria, you can count this experience towards the registration requirement set out by the Architects Registration Board (ARB). The RIBA encourages students to gain experience either under the supervision of an architect or another qualified construction industry professional at this stage. RIBA Part 2 Part 2 will provide you with enhanced architectural knowledge and project complexity. It can be completed in the form of a two year full time university degree or the other work-based routes as described above. The name of the award varies across providers e.g. BArch, Diploma, MArch. Students may choose to return to the school where they completed Part 1 or apply to study for Part 2 at another school or route. Stage 2 practical experience: 24 months’ experience in total is required to sit the part 3 examination, of which 12 months minimum should be undertaken in the EEA, Channel Islands or the Isle of Man under the direct supervision of an architect. At stage 2 practical experience graduates will be given more responsibility on projects. RIBA Part 3 You can undertake the RIBA’s Part 3 or study at one of our validated course providers. Candidates will typically be assessed on the following elements: • 24 months of practical experience recorded on the PEDR website • Professional CV and career evaluation • Case study • Written examination • Final oral examination At this point you are eligible to become a Chartered Member of the RIBA. Level 7 Architect Apprenticeship The Level 7 Architect Apprenticeship provides students with the opportunity to complete a Part 2 and a Part 3 qualification with an approved university training provider, whilst also working in practice. www.architecture.com

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TOP PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS LAW: What do I need to do to become a solicitor? • Complete a qualifying law degree, followed by the Legal Practice Course (LPC) • Complete a non-law degree then take the Common Professional Examination (CPE) or Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) conversion course, followed by the LPC The Legal Practice Course (LPC) is part of the vocational stage of legal training and can be studied full or part time with an authorised LPC provider. The aim of the LPC is to prepare students for work-based learning and to provide a general foundation for practice. The LPC comprises two stages: Stage 1 - Core Practice areas and skills Stage 2 - Three vocational electives www.sra.org.uk

You can also become a registered solicitor by completing the membership or fellowship route of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx) while working in the legal profession – this route can be taken if you do not have a degree. Taking the Chartered Legal Executive lawyer route means you can earn-as-you-learn and gain valuable practical experience while those studying traditional law degrees are stuck in the classroom. Once your Chartered Legal Executive studies and qualifying employment are complete you will be able to call yourself a qualified lawyer straight away without having to undertake an LPC or wait for an elusive training contract to become a solicitor. Graduate Fast-track Diploma (Level 6 Diploma in Legal Practice) CILEx Level 6 Diploma in Law and Practice CILEX Level 3 Diploma in Providing Legal Services CILEx Level 2 Diploma for Legal Secretaries • Legal Apprenticeships Legal Apprenticeships give you amazing opportunity to combine work and learning by combining on-the-job training with off-site study. Apprenticeships are flexible and are designed to offer a structured programme of learning to fit around the needs of the individual and the employer. During an apprenticeship, you’ll be employed while studying, usually for one day a week or over a number of days. By the end of your apprenticeship, you’ll have gained the competence (skills, knowledge and experience) needed to succeed in your chosen career and/or progress onto further study. CILEx is an End Point Assessment Provider for the new Trailblazer Apprenticeships in Law: • Paralegal (Level 3) • Chartered Legal Executive (Level 6) www.cilex.org.uk

The Law Society operates a number of registrations, learning and individual accreditations which award a quality mark to individuals who can demonstrate they have met the Law Society’s standards in specific areas of law. • Children Law • Clinical Negligence • Criminal Litigation • Family Law • Family Law Advanced • Family Mediation • Immigration and Asylum • Immigration and Asylum Advanced • Mental Capacity (Welfare) • Mental Health • Personal Injury www.lawsociety.org.uk

ENGINEERING: As the regulatory body for the UK engineering profession, the Engineering Council sets and maintains internationally recognised standards of professional competence and commitment. The Engineering Council licenses a number of professional engineering institutions to carry out the process of accreditation or approval. This assesses whether qualifications and programmes fully or partially meet the education requirements for professional registration. They also hold the national register of over 230,000 engineers and technicians who have been assessed against these standards and awarded one of our professional titles: • Engineering Technician – EngTech: Engineering Technicians (EngTech) apply proven techniques and procedures to the solution of practical engineering problems. Typically, applicants will have successfully completed an Advanced/Modern Apprenticeship or other work based learning programme approved by their professional engineering institution. Or alongside appropriate working experience, they will hold: a qualification, approved by a licensed professional engineering institution, in engineering or construction set at level 3 (or above) in the Qualifications and Credit Framework/National Qualifications Framework for England and Northern Ireland; or at level 6 (or above) in the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework; or at level 3 (or above) in the Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales. • Incorporated Engineer (IEng): Incorporated Engineers (IEng) maintain and manage applications of current and developing technology, and may undertake engineering design, development, manufacture, construction and operation. The application process for IEng registration is more straightforward for those with exemplifying academic qualifications. For IEng this is one of the following: • An accredited bachelor’s or honours degree in engineering or technology • An accredited HNC or HND in engineering or technology (for programmes started before Sept 1999) • An HNC or HND started after Sept 1999 (but before Sept 2010 in the case of the HNC) or a Foundation Degree in engineering or technology, plus appropriate further learning to degree level • An NVQ4 or SVQ4 that has been approved for the purpose by a licensed engineering institution, plus appropriate further learning to degree level • Chartered Engineer (CEng): Chartered Engineers (CEng) develop solutions to engineering problems using new or existing technologies, through innovation, creativity and change and/or they may have technical accountability for complex systems with significant levels of risk. The application process for CEng registration is more straightforward for those with exemplifying academic qualifications. For CEng this is one of the following: • A Bachelor’s degree, with Honours, in engineering or technology, accredited for CEng, plus an appropriate and accredited Master’s degree or Engineering Doctorate (EngD), or appropriate further learning to Masters level • An accredited integrated MEng degree www.engc.org.uk Engineering Council’s Professional Engineering Institutions: • BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT • British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT) • Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) • Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT) • Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE) • Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) • Energy Institute (EI) • Institution of Agricultural Engineers (IAgrE) • Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) • Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) • Institute of Cast Metals Engineers (ICME) • Institution of Engineering Designers (IED) • Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) • Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) • Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM) • Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE) • Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management (IHEEM) • Institution of Lighting Professionals (ILP) • Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology (IMarEST) • Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) • Institute of Measurement and Control (InstMC) • Institution of Royal Engineers (InstRE) • Institute of Acoustics (IOA) • Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) • Institute of Physics (IOP) • Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) • Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE) • Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE) • Institute of Water • Permanent Way Institution (PWI) • Nuclear Institute (NI) • Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) • Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) • The Society of Operations Engineers (SOE) • The Welding Institute

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TOP PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS BANKING & FINANCE: Corporate Finance Institute® (CFI) is a leading global provider of financial modelling and valuation courses. CFI courses give you practical skills, templates, and tools to advance your career. We pick up where business school leaves off to teach you on-the-job aspects of corporate finance, investment banking, corporate development, FP&A, treasury, and accounting. • Certified Financial Modelling & Valuation Analyst (FMVA) • Financial Analyst Certification • Financial Modelling Courses • Financial planning and analysis (FP&A) www.courses.corporatefinanceinstitute.com

The Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters (CILA) is a globally recognised membership organisation for claims professionals. The Institute sets the professional and ethical standards for those who work in the handling of claims through its qualification framework and guide to professional conduct. • CILA Certificate • CILA Diploma • CILA Advanced Diploma • Chartered Loss Adjuster (Associate) (ACILA) • Chartered Loss Adjuster (Fellow) (FCILA) • Masters Professional Development - MRes www.cila.co.uk

The LIBF exist for a very simple reason – to advance banking and finance by providing outstanding education and thinking, tailored to the needs of business, individuals, and society. Their focus is on lifelong learning; equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills and qualifications to achieve what they want throughout their career and life. • Chartered Associate of The London Institute of Banking & Finance (Chartered ALIBF) • Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice (CeMAP®) + Diploma • Diploma for Financial Advisers (DipFA®) • Trade Finance & Transaction Banking Diploma/Certificate • Diploma for Financial Advisers (DipFA®) • Diploma for Financial Advisers (DipFA®) + Other Banking Qualifications • Apprenticeships www.libf.ac.uk

The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment is the leading professional body for securities, investment, wealth and financial planning professionals. Formed in 1992 by London Stock Exchange practitioners, we have a global community of circa 45,000 members in 111 countries and last year more than 40,000 CISI exams were sat in 81 countries, 15,000 taken outside the UK. • Chartered Wealth Manager Qualification MCSI • Certified Financial Planner Certification MCSI • Portfolio Analyst Investment Advice Diploma (Any pathway) ACSI • ICAEW/CISI Diploma in Corporate Finance MCSI • Stockbroker Investment Advice Diploma • Diploma in Investment Compliance MCSI • Paraplanner Certificate in Paraplanning - Accredited Paraplanner (APP) ACSI • Financial Adviser Investment Advice Diploma (Financial Planning & Advice) ACSI www.cisi.org

The CII are a professional body dedicated to building public trust in the insurance and financial planning profession. Their strapline: Standards. Professionalism. Trust. embodies their commitment to driving confidence in the power of professional standards: competence, integrity and care for the customer. They deliver that commitment through relevant learning, insightful leadership and an engaged membership. Their 125,000 members commit to high professional standards by maintaining continuing professional development and adhering to a published ethical code. • Certificate in Insurance • Diploma in Insurance • Advanced Diploma in Insurance (ACII) • Certificate in London Market Insurance Specialisation • Certificate in Paraplanning • Certificate in Pension Transfer Advice • Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning • Diploma in Financial Planning • Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning (APFS) • Certificate in Securities Advice and Dealing • Certificate in Discretionary Investment Management • Certificate in Advanced Mortgage Advice www.cii.co.uk

The CFA Institute leads the investment profession globally by promoting the highest standards of ethics, education, and professional excellence for the ultimate benefit of society. • The CFA Program - The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®) credential sets the standard as the most highly respected designation in the investment management profession. Enroll in the CFA® Program and register for an exam. There are requirements to enroll in the CFA Program: 1. Pass the Level I exam: Offered in June or December 2. Pass the Level II exam: Offered only in June 3. Pass the Level III exam: Offered only in June 4. Have 4 years of professional experience in the investment decision-making process This work experience can be accrued before, during, or after participation in the CFA Program. To register for the first of the three CFA exams, you will need to either have completed a bachelor’s degree or be in your final year of University, have four years of professional full-time work experience, or have a combination of college and professional experience totaling at least four years. • The CIPM Program - The Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM®) designation offers career distinction for all investment professionals charged with appraising and selecting portfolio managers, evaluating portfolio performance, and communicating with clients • Investment Foundations Program - The CFA Institute Investment Foundations® Program gives those working with investment decision makers a clear understanding of the investment industry, roles and responsibilities, and the vital importance of ethical conduct www.cfainstitute.org

The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) is the UK’s only chartered professional body dedicated to educating, developing and regulating actuaries based both in the UK and internationally. • Associate (AIA) • Fellow (FIA) • Certified Actuarial Analyst (CAA) • Chartered Enterprise Risk Actuary (CERA) To qualify as an actuary, you need to apply to become a student member of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. You then need to pass our exams, or obtain exemptions from them and gain a satisfactory level of work-based skills. Most actuaries start their training after they graduate by joining an actuarial firm as a trainee. Being in an actuarial job will develop your skills which will help you with your exams. It’s essential that you have excellent mathematical skills. Most UK actuarial employers will be looking for trainees with a good degree (2:1 or above). Employers favour candidates with degrees in a numerate subject such as mathematics, statistics, economics, engineering, chemistry, physics or actuarial science. We have compiled a list of mathematical subjects which you should have an understanding of in order to qualify as an actuary. The minimum requirements for admission as a student member of the IFoA are: • A-Levels (England) Mathematics B; plus, a second A-level in any subject at grade C • Scottish National Qualifications Authority Higher: Mathematics (A); plus, two further passes in any subjects at grade C • Irish Leaving Certificate: Mathematics (A); plus, four passes in any subjects at grade C • Other international qualifications must be equivalent to the above • If you have a second class honours degree or above in a non-mathematical subject, the mathematics A-level requirement is reduced to a grade C • If you have a third class honours degree or above in a mathematical or actuarial science degree, the mathematics A-level requirement is dropped www.actuaries.org.uk

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HEALTH: The HCPC accredits and regulates all health and care professionals who meet the standards for their training, professional skills, behaviour and health. After completing your degree/professional training, you’ll need to apply to join it. The HCPC regulate health, social work and psychological professions such as: • Arts therapists • Biomedical scientists • Chiropodists / podiatrists • Clinical scientists • Dietitians • Hearing aid dispensers • Occupational therapists • Operating department practitioners • Orthoptists • Paramedics • Physiotherapists • Practitioner psychologists • Prosthetists / orthotists • Radiographers • Social workers • Speech and language therapists www.hcpc-uk.org The Nursing and Midwifery Council accredits and regulates the following courses: • Nursing • Midwifery • Nursing Associates • Nursing Apprenticeships www.nmc.org.uk

The General Medical Council accredits and regulates the medical profession. They work with The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, medical royal colleges and faculties set the curricula for specialty and GP training courses. They approve curricula and assessment systems for each training programme. www.gmc-uk.org

The GPhC are responsible for defining the education and training requirements for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. They also set standards for pharmacy support staff, including dispensing/ pharmacy assistants and medicines counter assistants. GPhC prescribe academic and professional courses, workplace training and continuing professional development (CPD) for all registrants. www.pharmacyregulation.org

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Top Employers by Industry


Foster + Partners BDP Zaha Hadid Architects Allford Hall Monaghan Morris Allies and Morrison Sheppard Robson Grimshaw Hawkins\Brown Atkins Scott Brownrigg Stride Treglown Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios Squire & Partners tp bennett Purcell AHR EPR Architects PRP WilkinsonEyre PLP Architecture Pascall+Watson Pollard Thomas Edwards Broadway Malyan HTA Design Chapman Taylor Darling Associates jmarchitects BuckleyGrayYeoman Donald Insall Associates Hopkins Jacobs Fletcher Priest Architects Levitt Bernstein NORR HLM Architects

3DReid ADP Ryder Architecture Glenn Howells Architects KSS Corstorphine + Wright JTP Ellis Williams Architects IBI Group FaulknerBrowns Architects Jestico + Whiles Perkins+Will Stockwool Assael Architecture Weston Williamson + Partners Bryden Wood Rolfe Judd SimpsonHaugh Chetwoods Formation Architects AWW BPTW Pick Everard Arney Fender Katsalidis Aukett Swanke Group Bond Bryan Keppie Design MaccreanorLavington Eric Parry Architects TODD Architects DLA Design Group LSI Architects NPS Group PDP London Comprehensive Design Architects

Falconer Chester Hall Orms WATG Dexter Moren Associates Populous Pozzoni Architecture CZWG Architects Farrells rg+p TateHindle The Harris Partnership Associated Architects ECE Group Maber AFL Architects Architype Fairhursts Design Group Hadfield Cawkwell Davidson HKS Stephen George + Partners 5plus architects Gaunt Francis Architects HOK Holmes Miller John Robertson Architects Nicholas Hare Architects Page\Park Child Graddon Lewis DarntonB3 R H Partnership Architects Apt Conran and Partners Leonard Design Architects Capita Aedas

Top Employers by Industry TOP ACCOUNTING FIRMS

PwC Deloitte EY KPMG BDO Grant Thornton UK RSM Smith & Williamson Mazars PKF UKI Moore UK Haines Watts Saffery Champness Crowe UK (Crowe Clark Whitehill) MHA MacIntyre Hudson Begbies Traynor Group Wilkins Kennedy Kingston Smith FRP Advisory UHY Hacker Young Menzies TaxAssist Accountants Buzzacott Kreston Reeves Haysmacintyre HW Fisher & Company Hazlewoods Price Bailey Armstrong Watson Duncan & Toplis Bishop Fleming Anderson Anderson & Brown Frank Hirth BHP SJD Accountancy Mercer & Hole

Lovewell Blake Larking Gowen Old Mill MHA Larking Gowen Streets Smith Cooper Barnes Roffe James Cowper Kreston BKL MHA Moore & Smalley Hillier Hopkins SRLV Forrester Boyd Carter Backer Winter Quantuma Albert Goodman Thomas Westcott Gerald Edelman TC Group Ensors Lubbock Fine Simmons Gainsford Campbell Dallas Cowgills Scott-Moncrief Shipleys Silver Levene Goodman Jones Rothmans Dains Beever and Struthers MHA Monahans French Duncan Parker Randall Henderson Loggie MHA Carpenter Box

Rickard Luckin Beavis Morgan Brebners Jeffreys Henry HJS Solutions Mitchell Charlesworth Whittingham Riddell Critchleys Dow Schofield Watts Alliotts LB Group Wilson Wright Taylorcocks Garbutt & Elliott Broomfield & Alexander RGL Bennett Brooks & Co Chiene + Tait Raffingers EQ Accountants Haslers Chartered Accountants Wylie & Bisset Bulley Davey PM+M Simpkins Edwards Shaw Gibbs Ellacotts Whitley Stimpson Martin Aitken & Co Moore Thompson Grunberg & Co Rouse Partners Jackson Stephen Creaseys Ecovis Wingrave Yeats DSG

National Audit Office

HM Treasury

HM Revenue & Customs


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Top Employers by Industry


DLA Piper Clifford Chance Linklaters Allen & Overy Hogan Lovells Norton Rose Fulbright Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer CMS Herbert Smith Freehills Eversheds Sutherland BCLP Ashurst Clyde & Co Slaughter and May Pinsent Masons Gowling WLG Simmons & Simmons Bird & Bird Womble Bond Dickinson Taylor Wessing Addleshaw Goddard DWF Osborne Clarke Irwin Mitchell DAC Beachcroft Fieldfisher Macfarlanes Kennedys Stephenson Harwood Withers HFW Mishcon de Reya Watson Farley & Williams Travers Smith Slater and Gordon Charles Russell Speechlys Shoosmiths Mills & Reeve RPC BLM Trowers & Hamlins

Gateley Weightmans Burges Salmon Hill Dickinson Freeths TLT Keoghs Penningtons Manches Browne Jacobson Brodies Shakespeare Martineau Blake Morgan Stewarts Farrer & Co Lewis Silkin Plexus Legal Burness Paull Forsters Howard Kennedy Shepherd & Wedderburn Birketts Fladgate Knights Ince Hugh James Clarke Willmott Walker Morris Foot Anstey Bevan Brittan Bristows Dickson Minto Ashfords BDB Pitmans Winckworth Sherwood Kingsley Napley Keystone Law Capsticks Veale Wasbrough Vizards Michelmores Leigh Day Harbottle & Lewis

JMW Ward Hadaway Royds Withy King Cripps Pemberton Greenish Russell-Cooke Wedlake Bell Minster Law Brabners Devonshires Digby Brown Wiggin Harrison Clark Rickerbys Sackers DMH Stallard Thrings MW Solicitors Thorntons Fletchers Bates Wells Braithwaite Harper Macleod Boodle Hatfield Stevens & Bolton Moore Blatch Wilkin Chapman Geldards Payne Hicks Beach Memery Crystal Turcan Connell Edwin Coe Joseph Hage Aaronson Gunnercooke Anderson Strathern Fox Williams Thomson Snell & Passmore Morton Fraser Wright Hassall Lester Aldridge Express Solicitors Howes Percival Langleys Simpson Millar

Government Legal Dept (GLD)

Crown Prosecution Services

Ministry of Justice


Top Employers by Industry ?What If! 2020 Delivery 3Keel 4C Associates A.T. Kearney Able and How Accelerating Experience Accenture AccountAbility Actica Adecco Afiniti Agility in Mind Akeso&Co Alchemmy Alfa AlixPartners Allegis Alpha FMC AlphaSights Altran Consulting Alvarez & Marsal Amicus Analysys Mason Aon Hewitt Apex Healthcare Consulting Arcadis Argon Consulting Arthur D. Little Arup ASE Consulting Ashfield Healthcare Comms AT Kearney Atos Consulting Attain Avanade Avensure BAE Systems Applied Intelligence Bain & Company Baringa Partners Basis Baxendale BDO Advisory BearingPoint Beyond Philosophy LLC* BidPartners BMC Consulting Services BCG - Boston Consulting Group Bourton Group BrandPie Brian Farrington Candesic Capco Capgemini Invent Capita LCP

TOP MANAGEMENT CONSULTING, HR & STRATEGY EMPLOYERS Capp & Co Catalyst CGI Group CH2M Chaucer CIL Management Consultants Citihub Consulting Clear CMG - Change Management Group Cogentia Healthcare Consulting Cognizant Concerto Consulting People Cornwall Insight CRA - Charles River Associates Crimson & Co Curzon & Company Cyrene Strategy Consulting Decidedly (formerly FreshMinds) Decision Technology Deloitte Consulting Distinction Consulting DMW Group DXC Consulting Efficio Egremont Group Enterprise Learning ERM - Environmental Resources Mgnt EY Advisory Services EY Parthenon Faithful+Gould Forrester Consulting Frazer Nash Consultancy Freshwater Frontier Economics FTI Consulting Fujitsu Business Consulting Services Gallup GameShift Gardiner & Theobald Gartner GE Healthcare Partners GGI - Good Governance Institute Graduate Recruitment Bureau Grant Thornton Greengrass Consulting Happen Hays plc Hitachi Consulting Human Innovation IBM Global Business Services ICF International IDEO Infosys Consulting Innovation Unit Integration Consulting

Interbrand Inzenka (part of Sia Partners) io oil & gas consulting Jacobs Consultancy Javelin Group JLL - Jones Lang LaSalle JMAN Consulting Kantar Consulting Kelly Services Korn Ferry (Hay Group) Kaizen Institute KPMG Advisory & KPMG Boxwood LEK Consulting Lane4 LeighFisher Lippincott LiveStrategy Mace Group Managementors Manifesto Growth Marakon Market Gravity Mars & Co Marsh Mason Advisory McGrigor Group McKinsey & Company Medius Mercer Milliman Monitor Deloitte Moorhouse Consulting Mott MacDonald Mountbatten Program MTM Navigant Consulting NCC Group Nera Economic Consulting Netcel Newton Europe North Highland NTT Data OC&C Strategy Consultants OEE Consulting Ogilvy Consulting OHE Consulting Oliver & Ohlbaum Associates Oliver Wyman Operis Ovum Oystercatchers PA Consulting Group PagePersonnel (Michael Page) Pareto Pearson Ham Peninsula

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Philips Healthcare Consulting Pick Everard PPL Consulting Practicology Prederi Promontory Financial Group Propaganda Prophet Protiviti Publicis.Sapient PwC Consulting Q5 Partners Quantum QuantumBlack Randstad RBB Economics RedQuadrant Reed Ricardo Energy & Environment Robert Half Robert Walters Roland Berger RSM UK Sales Tec Savills ScotGrad Graduate Placements Sia Partners Simon-Kucher & Partners Slalom SLR Consulting SNC-Lavalin Atkins Solon Management Consulting Starcount Steer Stern Stewart & Co Strategy& Strativity Sustain Value SustainAbility Symphony Ventures Talik & Co Tata Consultancy Services Thales Cyber & Consulting The Berkeley Partnership The Brattle Group The GAP Partnership Think Big Analytics Triangle Management Services Vendigital Virtrium Watts Group Wavestone Wipro Wood Mackenzie WSP ZS Associates


Top Employers by Industry


Abaco Alfa Alpha Technology Services Amadeus Amazon Apple Aquila Heywood ARM Arqiva Atos Autodesk Autologyx Avanade Aveva BCS Broadridge BT Group (inc EE & Plusnet) Capacitas Capgemini CDL CGI CISCO Citrix Clinithink Cognito Iq Cognizant Computacenter Critical Software Delcam Delcam Dell Dimension Data Dorset Software DXC Technology DXC Technology Ebay Equiniti Group plc

Ericsson Facebook FDM Fidessa Financialforce.com First Derivatives FIS Fujitsu Global Intec Google HCL Technologies Hewlett Packard IBM Infosys Inmarsat Plc Integral Information Solutions Intel Intergral Information Systems Jagex Just Eat plc King Konica Minolta Kubrick Group Mediatek Metaswitch Micro Focus plc Microsoft MThree Consulting National Instruments NCC GROUP NCTech O2 (Telefonica) Oracle Orange Business Services Orbium PA Consulting PCMS Group

ProspectSoft QA Consulting Redgate RM Education Sage Group SAS Softcat plc Softwire Sophos Sopra Steria Sparta Global Sparx Spirent Communications plc Starlizard TalenTeam Talktalk Telecom Group TCS (Tata Consulting Services) Telent Ten10 Tesco Mobile Tessella TPP - The Phoenix Partnership Trainline plc Travelport Trayport Turnkey Consulting Ubisoft UST Global V4 Telecom Verizon Viagogo Virgin Media (Liberty Global) Virtusa VMWare Vodafone W@terstons Worldpay

Top Employers by Industry {my}dentist 543 Dental Abbott Healthcare Abbvie Actelion Active Assitance Alliance Healthcare Alpha Dental Group AkzoNobel APHA Asda Opticians ASDA Pharmacies AstraZeneca Barchester Healthcare Bayer BMI Healthcare Boots Boots Opticians BUPA BUPA Care Homes BUPA Dental Care Care UK Centre for Dentistry Chiesi Colosseum Dental Coltene

TOP HEALTHCARE & PHARMACEUTICAL EMPLOYERS Community Dental Services Co-operative Pharmacies Costco Opticians Croda CVS Veterinary Group Damira Dental Studio Dental Partners Dentex Four Seasons Health Care Frontline Genix Healthcare Gensmile Dental GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) HCA Healthcare HC-One Independent Vetcare Linnaeus Veterinary Group LloydsPharmacy Medivet U.K. Merck & Co. MSD National Office of Animal Health Nationwide Healthcare Providers NHS NHS Leadership Academy Norvatis (inc Sandoz)

Nuffield Health Obex Dental Optical Express Panadent Parexel Pfizer Portman Dental Care Randox Roche Rodericks Dental Sandoz Sanofi Scrivens Opticians Smile Dental Care Smile Together Specsavers Step Up to Social Work Superdrug Tesco Pharmacies The Dental Care Group Think Ahead Graduate Scheme UDG Healthcare plc (inc Ashfield & Sharp) Unlocked Graduates Vision Express Wellcome Trust White Cross Vets

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Top Employers by Industry Abercrombie & Fitch Adidas AO.com Arcadia Asos Avis Budget Group B&Q Blacks boohoo Buildbase Burberry BuyItDirect Card Factory Decathlon Dixons Carphone Enterprise Rent a Car Grafton Group (inc Selco, Buildbase, Plumbase) Halfords House of Fraser Inchcape plc JD Sports (inc Tessuti, Blacks, Milllets, Size?) Kingfisher (B&Q/Screwfix) Lookers Millets Net-A-Porter New Look Next plc Nike Plumbase PVH (Phillips-Van Heusen) Screwfix Selco Size? Swatch T K Maxx Tessuti Travis Perkins plc Uniqlo


Costcutter ASDA Sports Direct B&M Co-operative Uppercrust Iceland UK Argos John Lewis Partnership (inc Waitrose) Nando's Tesco Cabin Primark Haven Morrison Supermarkets Ritazza KFC Burger King Harrods Domino's Pizza Group plc Waitrose Subway Greggs Plc Dunelm Fenwick Dunelm Group Ocado Group plc Pets At Home Group PLC Pizza Hut Sainsbury's (inc Argos, Home Retail Group, Habitat) Finablr plc (Travelex) McDonald's Marks & Spencer plc Lidl Aldi The Hut Group SSP (Uppercrust, Ritazza, Camden Food, Haven, Cabin) Camden Food

Missguided N Brown (inc Jacamo, JD Williams & Simply Be) Wolseley Jacamo JD Williams Alpinetrek Debenhams Dunelm Shop Direct (inc Littlewoods & Very TK Maxx Simply Be Louis Delhaize Ferguson plc (inc Wolseley) Autozone eBay UK The Gap QVC WH Smith Plc Wilko Greene King Littlewoods Waterstones Watches Of Switzerland Group plc Matalan Farfetch Green Man Gaming Made.com Footasylum Homesense Amazon UK Currys PC World TJX (inc TK Maxx & Homesense) Signet (inc Ernest Jones & H Samuel) Boots Farmfoods Very LR Health & Beauty El Corte Ingles

Top Employers by Industry


Admiral Group American Express AON APR Bank of England Barclays Capital One Co-operative Bank CYBG (inc Clysdesdale, Yorkshire Bank, Virgin Money) deVere Group Experian Plc FCA Government Actuary’s Dept (GAD) HSBC Lloyds Banking Group Metro Bank Moody’s MUFG (Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group) Nationwide Paragon Banking Provident Financial (inc Vanquis Bank & Money Barn) RBS (Natwest, Lombard, Ulster Bank, Coutts) Sainsbury's Bank Sanne Group plc Santander Spence & Partners Standard Chartered plc Tesco Bank TP ICAP (Tullett Prebon, ICAP, PVM, COEX, Mirexa Capital) XPS Pensions Group

Credit Suisse Baillie Gifford St James's Place Plc Aviva Royal Bank of Canada Willis Towers Watson Bank of America Merrill Lynch Phoenix Group Holdings Plc

WorldPay Tilney Smith & Williamson Standard Life Aberdeen Plc Fidelity International Societe Generale Morgan Stanley Close Brothers Lazard

Lloyd's of London Citi Bank of Ireland BlackRock AXA Munich Re Swiss Re Hastings Group Commerzbank Legal & General Group plc Hiscox Zurich Insurance Group

Nomura London Stock Exchange Group Hymans Robertson Barnet Waddingham Goldman Sachs Quilter Plc Rathbone Brothers plc IG Group Oxford Asset Management JPMorgan Investec Plc Man Group plc

Brewin Dolphin

The Pensions Regulator

Marsh & McLennan RSA Insurance Group (inc More Th>n) Direct Line UBS Allianz NFU Mutual Prudential plc

Rothschild Macquarie Houlihan Lokey Schroders plc Deutsche Bank Jupiter Fund Management M&G

Blake Morgan Canada Life

Lane Clark & Peacock Hargreaves Lansdown

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Top Employers by Industry


AGCO Airbus Alstom AMG Super Alloys AnTech Aston Martin AWE BAE Systems BBA Aviation Bentley Motors BMW Group (inc Rolls Royce Motors, Mini) Bodycote Boeing Boeing Bombardier British Steel Caterpillar CNH Industrial Cobham plc Colas Rail Colas Rail Cummins Delphi Technologies Denso DESG Designer Group

Doncasters Doosan Edwards Eriks Faurecia

Federal-Mogul Ford General Dynamics GKN Heatric Hidrostal HMK Automation Honda HS2 IHC (Royal IHC) IMI plc Infiniti Jacobsen Jaguar Land Rover James Walker JCB John Deere Kautex Keystone Group KUHN Lloyd's Register Loenardo Helicopters Mahle Martin Baker MBDA McLaren Meggitt Melrose Industries plc Mercedes AMG Mitsubishi Morgan

Network Rail Nissan NOV PCC (Precision Castparts Corp) Plastic Omnium PSA (Peugeot Citroën) QinetiQ Group Rolls Royce Holdings Plc Rotork plc Royal Airforce Engineering Royal Haskoning DHV RPS Group RSK Group Safran Schlumberger (Cameron, OneSubSea, Western Geco) Senior plc Spirax-Sarco (inc Gestra, Chromalox, Watson Marlow) Sulzer TATA Steel Terex Textron Thatcham Research TI Fluid Systems plc Toyota Valeo Vauxhall Vesuvius plc Volkswagen WEC Group Woodford Engineering Consultancy Xpedite


AB Agri AECOM Aecon

Affinity Water AHDB Amec Foster Wheeler Amey ( inc Ferrovial)

Anglian Water Anglian Water Ansaldo Nuclear Aquaterra Energy Arcadis

Ardmore Group Arup Atkins (SNC-Lavalin) Babcock International Balfour Beatty BAM Nuttal Barratt Developments Bechtel Bellway Berkeley Group Holdings


Farrans FirstPort

Fluor Forestry Commission Frontier Agriculture

HS2 International SOS Interserve


G4S Plc

Galliford Try (/Linden Homes) Geosyntec

Gerald Eve Goldcrest Land GVA Hamptons Highways England

Hoare Lea Consulting


Jacobs James Fisher & Sons plc

JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle) JPCS



Bouygues Bovis Homes

Laing O'Rourke Landlease

BRE Group BSW Timber Ltd Buro Happold



BWB Consulting

CABI Canary Wharf Contractors

Capita Carey London Carey London CBRE

Knight Frank


Magnox Marine Management Organisation Marshalls Plc Max Fordham McCarthy & Stone plc McDermott MDS Ltd




Morrison Construction


Morgan Sindall Mott MacDonald



Centrica / British Gas ConocoPhillips Countrywide


Crest Nicholson

National Grid National Nuclear Laboratory


Natural England NERC NMCN

Cushman & Wakefield DCC plc Drax Group E.ON EAME

EDF Energy Elis (Berendsen) ENI Environment Agency (EA) ERM

Essar Oil ExxonMobil

Faithful + Gould

Redrow plc

Regus (IWG plc) Rentokil Initial Plc Rider Levett Bucknall Rightmove plc Rio Tinto plc Rolton Group RWE RWE Supply & Trading Safestore Holdings Savills plc Scottish Power Securitas Sellafield

BMI Group

BNP Paribas Real Estate

Phillips 66 Redland

Northern Powergrid npower Nucleargraduates Nuvia OCS Ofwat OVO Energy PBA Peter Brett (Stantec)

Pennon Group Perenco

Persimmon plc

Serco Group plc Severn Trent Plc Shell (Royal Dutch Shell) Sir Robert McAlpine SISK Building Contractors Skanska SLR Consulting SNH

Sodexo Southern Water Spirit Energy SSE plc

St Modwen Properties plc Stantec

Strutt & Parker Sweco Sweco

Tamdown Group Tarmac Taylor Wimpey plc

Technip Telecom Plus plc (inc Utility Warehouse) Thames Water Total TSP Projects Turner & Townend Typsa Consulting Engineers & Architects UK Power Network Uniper Unite Group United Utilities Group Plc Valuation Office Agency Wates Weir Group plc

Welsh Water Wilson James

Wood Group (inc ) Worley WRC plc (Water Research Centre) WSP WYG

Yorkshire Water

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Top Employers by Industry


AB Electrolux Abaco Systems ABB Alcon Eye Care Alstom APEM Bosch BSH Canon Chemring Cirrus Logic Cundall Dialog Semiconductor Dyson E2S Eaton Electrocomponents plc ElectroImpact Emerson

FSES Fujifilm Fujitsu GE General Electric (GE) Halma Hewlett Packard Hilti GB Huawei Instron IOP (Instititute of Physics) Keysight Technologies L3 TRL Technology MediaTek National Grid National Instruments National Instruments Nokia Olympus

Partner Electronics Pepperl+Fuchs Philips Raytheon Renishaw plc Roke Roke Samsung Schneider Electric Science & Technology Facilities Council Siemens Smiths Group Plc Sony Spectris plc Thales Ultra Electronics UTC Aerospace Systems Westinghouse Electric Company Whirlpool

Top Employers by Industry

2 Sisters Food Group 3M AAK AB InBev Abbott Healthcare Abbvie Actelion Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre Aggregate Industries Air Liquide Air Products AkzoNobel

Arla Foods ASR Group Associated British Foods AstraZeneca Avon Bakkavor Group


Bayer Bio Products Laboratory (BPL) Birds Eye

BOC (Linde)

British American Tobacco (BAT) British Sugar Britvic Bureau Veritas Cadbury (Mondelez) Carlsberg Cellmark CeramTec Chiesi Christian Dior Coats Group

Coca-Cola Colgate-Palmolive Coty Cranswick CRH Croda

Crown Packaging Danish Crown Danone Diageo

TOP MANUFACTURING & FMCG EMPLOYERS DNV-GL Domino Printing DS Smith DSTL Dunbia Eastman Edif ERA Essentra plc Essity Estee Lauder European Patent Office GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) GoodYear Greencore Group plc Hasbro Heineken Henkel Herbalife Hormel Foods Hovis Howden Joinery Group Ibstock plc Imperial Brands Group Ineos

Innocent Intellectual Property Office Intertek Group plc Johnson & Johnson

Johnson Matthey Plc

JTI Kellogg's Kerry Group Kimberly-Clark Kingsmill Kraft-Heinz Lighthouse UK L'Oreal (Lancôme, Maybelline, Garnier) Lubrizol Lucite International

LVMH Mars Wrigley McCormick Merck & Co. Molson Coors

Mondelez International Mondi Plc

Morgan Advanced Materials plc

MSD MTC Muller

National Composites Centre

Nestle Newell Brands Norvatis (inc Sandoz) Parexel Pepsico (inc Walkers) Pernod Ricard Pfizer Philip Morris Polypipe Group plc PQ Corporation Premier Foods Procter & Gamble (P&G) Produce Investments PZ Cussons Plc Reckitt Benckiser Roche Royal Society of Chemistry RPC BPI Group Saint Gobain Samworth Brothers Sanofi Sealed Air Packaging Sig plc Smith & Nephew plc Smurfit Kappa Spectrum Brands Stanley Black & Decker (inc PIH, CRC Evans, DeWalt) Steris / Synergy Health STFC (Science & Technology Facilities Council) Synthomer plc

Tate & Lyle plc UK Research and Innovation Unilever plc United Biscuits / Pladis U-POL Victrex Warburtons

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Top Employers by Industry


AKQA Amberley Publishing Amnesty International AMV BBDO Atwood Tate Barnardo's BBC Big Active Bloomberg Bloomsbury

Hachette (inc Hodder & Stoughton) HarperCollins

British Red Cross

Kantar Leo Burnett M&C Saatchi Macmillan Cancer Support Marie Curie

British Airways BT

Cambridge University Press Cancer Research UK

Carnival Centre for Digital Entertainment (CDE) CGP Books Change Agents UK Channel 4 Charityworks

Cineworld Compass Group

Creative Access Dentsu Aegis Network Ealing Studios


Endemol Shine English Heritage

Expedia Flutter Entertainment (Paddy Power/Betfair) Flybe GolfBreaks Grey London

GVC Holdings plc (inc Ladbrokes, Coral, Gala Bingo)

Hilton Worldwide Holiday Inn

Imagination Informa plc (inc Taylor Francis)

InterContinental Hotels (inc Holiday Inn, Crown Plaza) International Airlines Group (IAG) (British Airways, Iberia, Air Lingus)

IPG (InterPublic Group) Media Brands ITV plc

J D Wetherspoon

Marstons plc

McCann Mediargh

Merlin Entertainments (Legoland, Alton Towers…) Mitchells & Butlers (inc Harvesters, Browns, Toby's …)

National Galleries Scotland National Museum Wales National Trust Nielsen Ofcom Ogilvy Omnicom ONS Opera North Oxfam Oxford University Press Pearson plc Penguin Random House (inc Ladybird, Puffin, DK) People and Planet

Pinewood Studios

Playtech plc Premier Inn


Quest Rank Group (inc Mecca Bingo, Grosvenor Casino) RELX plc (inc Elsevier, LexisNexis, Reed Exhibitions)


Saatchi & Saatchi Sky Sony Music Sony Pictures Telegraph Media Group The Financial Times The Guardian

The Restaurant Group (inc Frankie & Bennie, Chiquito, Wagamama)

The Times Thompson Reuters

Trailfinders TUI Group

Universal Music (Vivendi) Victoria & Albert Museum

Virgin Atlantic Virgin Media Vue

Walker Books

Walt Disney Warner Bros


Wetherspoon Whitbread (Premier Inn, Beefeater, Brewers Fayre, Table Table) William Hill plc

Worthwhile Graduate Scheme WPP plc (inc Ogilvy, Kantar, Landor, BCW) Yell

Top Employers by Industry


AHDB Amnesty International Ansaldo Nuclear Ark Teacher Training Bank of England Barnardo's BBC BPP British Army British Council British Red Cross CABI Cancer Research UK Care Quality Commission (CQC) Change Agents UK Charityworks Children’s Nurseries Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Civil Service Fast Stream Colleges Coop Academies Trusts Crown Prosecution Services DEFRA Delta Academies Trust Department of Education DESG DSTL E-ACT Academies EF Education First English Heritage Environment Agency (EA) European Patent Office Explore Learning Food Standards Agency Forestry Commission

Forestry England Frontier Agriculture Frontline GCHQ Get Into Teaching Government Legal Dept (GLD) Government Statistical Service Harris Federation Academies Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Health and Safety Executive HM Prison & Probation HM Revenue & Customs HM Treasury Home Office Intellectual Property Office IntoUniversity Graduate Scheme Kings Tutors Local Authorities Macmillan Cancer Support Marie Curie Marine Management Organisation MDS Ltd Metropolitan Police Service MI5 MI6 Ministry of Defence Ministry of Justice National Audit Office National Galleries Scotland National Grid National Museum Wales National Nuclear Laboratory National Office of Animal Health National Probation Service (NPS) National Trust

Natural England Network Rail NGDP NHS NHS Improvement (NHSI) NHS Leadership Academy Nucleargraduates Oasis Community Learning Office of National Statistics Ofgem Ofsted Ofwat Ormiston Academies Trust Outwood Grange Academies Trust Oxfam People and Planet Police Now Premier Pathways Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) Royal Air Force Royal Navy Schools SEPA SNH Step Up to Social Work Teach First Think Ahead Graduate Scheme Try Teaching UK Parliament United Learning Trust Universities Unlocked Graduates Victoria & Albert Museum Wellcome Worthwhile Graduate Scheme

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Top Employers by Industry

Abellio Absolutely Alamo Alltruck Amazon Arriva Avis Bibby Line Group Budget Car Rental Bunzl Carnival CHEP Cineworld Citipost Mail Civil Aviation Authority Compass Group Department for Transport DHL DPD DX easyJet Efficio Enterprise Rent-A-Car Europcar Expedia FedEx


FirstGroup plc Flutter Entertainment (Paddy Power/Betfair) Flybe Freightliner GIST Go Ahead Group GolfBreaks GVC Holdings plc (inc Ladbrokes, Coral, Gala Bingo) Heathrow Airport Holdings Hermes Hertz Hilton Worldwide InterContinental Hotels (inc Holiday Inn, Crown Plaza) International Airlines Group (IAG) (British Airways, Iberia, Air Lingus) J D Wetherspoon Kuehne + Nagel Manchester Aiport Group Marstons plc Merlin Entertainments (Legoland, Alton Towers…) Mitchells & Butlers (inc Harvesters, Browns, Toby's …) National Car Rental National Express NATS Northern Rail Paragon Playtech plc

Post Office Practical Car & Van Rental Rank Group (inc Mecca Bingo, Grosvenor Casino) Royal Mail (inc Parcelforce, GLS) Ryanair Sixt Stagecoach Group plc TGW Living Logistics The Restaurant Group (Frankie & Bennie, Chiquito, Wagamama) Thrifty TNT Trailfinders Transport for London TUI Group UK Mail Unipart UPS Virgin Atlantic Vue Walt Disney Warner Bros Wetherspoon Whistl Whitbread (Premier Inn, Beefeater, Brewers Fayre, Table Table) William Hill plc Zodiac Maritime

WORK EXPERIENCE & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PROFILING W O R K E X P E R I E N C E / P L A C E M E N T S U M M A R Y ........................................... W O R K E X P E R I E N C E / P L A C E M E N T S E L F - A S S E S S M E N T ............................ W O R K E X P E R I E N C E / P L A C E M E N T W E E K L Y D I A R Y ...................................

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Job Title:

Name of Employer:

Name of Supervisor/ Manager:


Dates attended:

Teacher/Careers Advisor:


Main Responsibilities / Career Objectives


Relevant Employability Skills/Attributes

Signature Name of Student/Pupil

Date: MM



Signature of Student/Pupil

Work Experience / Placement Self-Evaluation

Name of Student/Pupil Name of Employer Scoring

Dates of Placement Name of Supervisor

Date of Review




(41 – 60)

(21 – 40)


GENERAL 1. Accountability - Accepts responsibility for actions, answerable to consequences 2. Punctuality & Attendance - Is rarely absent, arrives punctually, works required hours 3. Teamwork Skills -- Has ability to get along with coworkers and management 4. Attitude/Respectfulness - Shows initiative, optimism, and politeness 5. Accepts Criticism - Has ability to learn from suggestions and change behavior 6. Flexibility - Has capacity to respond to changing situations and expectations 7. Policy & Procedures - Follows the employer’s Policies & Procedures 8. Completion of Assignments - Successfully completes tasks and meets all deadlines 9. Customer Interactions - Ensures high quality friendly and professional customer interactions 10. Quality of Work - Is thorough, accurate, and neat in work 11. Willingness to Develop Skills - Desires to take on challenges and learn new techniques 12. Communication Skills - Conveys information effectively and efficiently 13. Organisational Skills - Has capacity to stay on track and use time effectively 14. Confidentiality - Does not discuss internal events with coworkers 15. Appearance/Dress Code - Demonstrates a professional and well-kept appearance 16. Appearance of Work Area - Keeps work area neat and orderly 17. Conflict Resolution - Seeks constructive approaches to resolving workplace issues 18. Safety - Contributes to a safe and secure environment by following established procedures 19. Computer Skills - Effectively navigates all computer programs necessary to complete tasks 20. Motivation & Enthusiasm – Shows interest in the work tasks and activities

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PARENTS SECTION S U P P O R T I N G Y O U R D A U G H T E R / S O N I N M A K I N G C A R E E R D E C I S I O N S .............. K E Y T A K E A W A Y S I N S U P P O R T I N G Y O U R D A U G T H E R / S O N .................................

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As a parent / carer, you have a lot of influence when it comes to education and careers decisions for your son/ daughter. Unfortunately, the choices open to your child today, may be very different from the time when you were in their shoes. There are numerous benefits that come with parental involvement in your child’s education and career decision. Various researches have highlighted that the more the parental involvement, the more the student feel loved and supported, which boosts their motivation, self-esteem

and higher educational and career aspirations and achievements. Discussing their educational and careers shows your interest and investment in them and this could stimulate more interest and helping them have a more positive attitude. Your child sees you as a source of inspiration, positive support, encouragement and reassurance. Here are a few tips to help you get started: Establish & Nurture 1. Establish & nurture a closer partnership with the school/career’s service. Contact them or visit their website to see what you can do to support your child and what resources are available. Ask them questions on any areas you are not sure about. Ask your son/daughter to bring relevant literature as part of the relationship building process. Motivate 2. Motivate and support them to build employability skills through hobbies and extra-

curricular activities. It is essential for you to support your son/daughter in understanding the crucial relationships between the transferrable skills they pick up and the world of work. Strongly encourage your son/daughter to build a healthy mix of future-proof core skills that are linked to longer term employability.

choices, such as: • The Morrisby Test • National Careers Service Skills Health Check Our Careers & Employability Handbook has loads of other online tools and websites you can use to help them explore their choices.

Foster Engagement

Work Closely with the Careers Team

3. Foster engagement and enthusiasm in your son/daughter by positively supporting their free choices and unbiasedly guiding them towards making crucial decisions. Career choices derived from a real passion usually produce super-excelling and highly successful professionals. Ask questions that encourage them to freely open up on their choices, such as: • What do you enjoy or are you passionate about? • What do you enjoy doing during your spare time? • How would you describe yourself? What sort of person are you? • What are your strengths, core skills and abilities? • What’s the best thing/achievement you have ever had in your life? • What would you like to try? • What could you picture yourself doing in the future? Avoid being shocked if you get unexpected answers. Hobbies such as watching movies/TV s scriptwriters or editorial roles. If they spend more time online and gaming, their potentially could pursue careers such as multimedia design, coding or digital marketing.

5. As your son/daughter build a general direction or a set of potential career options, it is fundamental for you to work closely with the school/college’s careers team to enable them to get a hands-on insight into the potential roles they could be doing through work placements, insight days and employer visits.

Loving sport and outdoors may often point towards professions such as physiotherapy, sports psychology or coaching/sports management, which are generally very rewarding career options. Try not to be biased 4. Try not to be biased towards traditionally preferred choices or your own preferences. Careers evolve with each generation and some of the careers they will be doing are still in their infancy or have not been invented yet. Look out for future jobs. When you were growing, professions such as App developers and gaming coders never existed. Make use of the range of systematic approaches to explore

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