April 2014

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Volume 14- Issue 3 - March

The Road Map

Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau

Website Update & Additions

The Chamber and Visitors Bureau is excited to announce that our updated website is officially out in the world. Let me stress that it’s not a finished product. (And web‐ sites never should be.) We’re s ll polishing, and you’ll con nue to see updates and correc ons. The big changes, though, will be wrap‐ ping up very soon. It gives us some new space to showcase our events, archive our newsle ers, share news stories on Sturgis, Meade County, and the Black Hills; as well as, do a li le blogging. As new newsle ers, press releas‐ es, and media stories are re‐ leased, we’ll no fy our friends on Facebook and followers on Twi er. This is a great new means of sharing the good things hap‐

pening within and around Sturgis with those we’re connected to that are not already members. The archive will also allow an addi onal place for

It gives us some new space to showcase our events, archive our newsletters, share news stories on Sturgis, Meade County, and the Black Hills; as well as, do a little blogging.

members to look up current or past Chamber informa on. Final‐ ly, we know that o en our news‐ le er can’t hit the desk of every

employee of a member organ‐ iza on. They can now access it online. The site also contains profes‐ sional training courses and links to the recently released regional job portal. There are details on both inside. Each are important addi ons to the benefits we offer our members, and we hope they elevate your experience with us as a business owner, or‐ ganiza on, or professional in and around the Sturgis.

As soon as we get a be er feel for the new site’s func onality, we’ll be offering online adver sing op‐ portuni es again for our mem‐ bers. As always, you con nue to get a lis ng in the online directory for your business or organiza on with your membership. Perhaps most important to our tourist/visitor friends (and a lot of locals,) the site is now mobile enabled which will ensure easy browsing from a mobile phone or tablet. As members you can cele‐ brate that your contact infor‐ ma on is more easily accessed by those looking for you and your business. Our address remains SturgisAreaChamber.com. □

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