December 2015

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Volume 15- Issue 12 - Holiday

The Road Map

Sturgis Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau

Shop Local. Shop Small. Give Local.

elderly - there is an opportunity to enrich the lives of those we live among.

Harley Davidson Rally Point - Sturgis

Shop Local

This holiday season, please remember to shop close to home and in the wonderful small businesses of our community. Shopping small keeps your dollars close to home working in and around Sturgis. Those effects reach far beyond the holidays.

It may seem like a small thing, but it has a big impact on our retailers and town.

Effectively, any gift purchased here is also a gift you give our community.

Give Local

There are more opportunities to give close to home than can possibly be listed here. As you consider making a charitable contribution this holiday season, please look to the needs and causes close to home. From the arts to youth causes, the crisis shelter, the hungry, and

Visit the non-profit section of our Sturgis Directory and Visitors Guide or our website for a listing and contact information of those non-profits belonging to the Chamber.

Have a wonderful season and please remember those in need here in Sturgis.


Finally, a note of thanks. This Chamber has over 300 members. We wish we could spend more time saying thanks. Whether you’re new to the Chamber or a long time member - you’re contributions to this community are noticed and appreciated. Have a happy and prosperous new year!

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