Jun 2015

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Volume 15- Issue 6- June

The Road Map

Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau

Crisis Intervention Shelter prepares for summer of service There are stories that hap‐ pen on the fringe of our busy tourist and Rally season that escape most of us en rely. When the campgrounds clear and the crowds filter down or up I‐90 and out of town, there are some le behind. For them, help and o en a new beginning is found with‐ in our Crisis Interven on Shelter Service (CISS). CISS serves vic ms of do‐ mes c and sexual violence year‐round. However, the influx of people during the summer also marks an influx of need for the non‐profit. Law enforcement has con‐ centrated efforts in recent years on human trafficking and their work has already helped many, mostly women and children, escape. To be clear, this does not mean the Rally or those who a end are bad. Those gener‐ ali es always ring false. The

Chamber loves our bikers and visitors. We have met some of the finest Americans and interna onal travelers during Rally week. But abusers and traffickers, hide in crowds. And law enforcement is ready to seek them out and end the violence here in the Black Hills. That’s when CISS and other local agencies o en step in to help the vic‐ ms with solu ons to get home and the help they need to begin again. This is important work. But CISS needs your help. Your dona ons will assist both our neighbors here at

home and those in need of shelter as they find their way home. Whether it’s a dona on through a jeans day Friday at your place of busi‐ ness or a personal dona on, every dollar and item has a posi ve impact. Visit Sturgis‐ CISS.org to donate and find a list of their needs as they prepare. Help make Sturgis the place where violence ends. About CISS: CISS was found‐ ed in 1991 and for the past 24 years has not only worked directly with vic ms of violence, but also within our community to eliminate the societal condi ons that condone violence against women and their children. Every year, CISS provides shelter to approximately 100 women and children and outreach services to more than 300 people in and around the Sturgis area.

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Membership News Ribbon Cutting No Name City Campground 20899 Pleasant Valley Dr. Sturgis, SD 57785 Ribbon Cutting 5/22

Scams heat up with the temps We con nue to get a number of calls from our members who have been contacted by companies claiming to be working with us or on our behalf. We currently only have one agreement and that is with CGI Communica ons (see next ar‐ cle) who is selling adver sing in conjunc on with a reloca‐ on/development video they produce for our website. To be clear we are NOT currently endorsing or working with any company except CGI. Nor is any company working on our behalf. We occasionally agree to distribute publica‐ ons or maps in our capacity as the Visitor Center. However, we are always very clear with these companies that is not an endorse‐ ment of their work, nor can they use our name in the sales pitch. When in doubt, call us.

Chamber partners with CGI If you’re a member of the Chamber, you likely have or will soon re‐ ceive a le er from us announcing our re‐ newed partnership with CGI Communica ons. CGI produces the reloca on and develop‐ ment video for the home page of our web‐ site, as well as, several new digital services. You may also receive a phone call from them or their partner NEXT! Ad Agency offering an opportunity to adver se. If your company or organiza on would bene‐ fit from exposure with those interested in moving to our community ‐ it’s a great, legi ‐ mate opportunity to do so. A por on of those ad sales will return to the Chamber. The new video will be produced in early Sept.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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Membership News, cont. New Members Potterbilt Homes, LLC 20217 Creek View Loop Whitewood - 605.347.1269 Sturgis Community Preschool 1755 Ballpark Rd Sturgis- 605.721.5578 Visit Southeast Montana 815 South 27th St Billings, MT- 406-294-5270 southeastmontana.com

Thank you. You make what we do possible.

Renewing Members All Net Connec ons Anderson Construc on Bear Bu e State Park Burger King, Dakota King Cammack Ranch Supply Cloud 9 Weddings Commercial Kitchen Products Conquest Tac cal Deadwood Connec ons Hersruds of Sturgis High Plains Western Heritage Center Hot Leathers Indian Motorcycle Sturgis KEVN Black Hills Fox TV Lamphere Ranch Campground Nemo Guest Ranch Prairie Hills Transit Rushmore Office Supply Sturgis Area Arts Council Sturgis Best Western Sturgis View Campground West River Founda on

Summer Hours and Contacting the Chamber Like many of our member businesses, we ex‐ pect this summer to be an incredibly busy one. Our staff of three will do our best to keep up with the demand. However, there may be mes we are not able to answer the phone as quickly as we otherwise do. If you get our an‐ swering machine during business hours, know it’s because we are assis ng the many tourists that visit us each day. We will return your call as soon as we possibly can. Thank you to the SD Worlds Miss Tourism Pageant. Their local misses will be staffing our Visitor Center on Saturdays through Labor Day weekend.

Summer Hours Monday-Friday 8-4 Saturday 9-2 Visitor Information Packets ready to mail in May. Tourist information requests are up 800% year-to-date over 2014.

Upcoming Events (for full list see the enclosed insert) 6/1 ‐ J&P Ribbon Cu ng ‐ 1650 Lazelle Street ‐ 10am 6/6 ‐ Campbell’s Supply Re‐Grand Opening‐ 2425 Lazelle Street ‐ All Day 6/10 ‐ Jake’s Autobody Ribbon Cu ng ‐ 2416 Junc on Ave ‐ 10am 6/11 ‐ Art in the Canyon Chamber Mixer Spearfish Canyon Lodge ‐ 5:00‐7:00pm

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HiQual Live‐ stock Equip‐ ment will Pat Kurtenbach, move into a President SEDC 9,600 sq. . building on June 4. The ini al staff of five will relocate the welding, assembly, and distribu‐ on processes from their Lennox, SD opera on. Within three years, HiQual expects to employ 50 in a new, larger building on their 9.5 acre site. The company is a divi‐ sion of Sioux Steel, and specializ‐ es in the design and manufacture of livestock and equine products. This is the first agricultural manu‐ facturer to locate in the Sturgis Industrial Park. Other metals‐ related industries in the Park in‐ clude firearms and motorcycles.

Landsport expects to move into their new 10,000+ sq. . building in June. This building will nearly double their exis ng capacity on Lazelle Street. Landsport supplies aluminum loading ramps to the trucking industry and federal gov‐ ernment. Construc on on the SEDC indus‐ trial incubator building is under‐ way. Unit 4 will be completed in August. Sturgis Brown High School’s new machinist program will open there for the fall semes‐ ter. The incubator building will

have up to three addi onal units available for lease to start‐up companies. Sizes vary from 980 sq. . to 3,360 sq. . For more informa on, contact Pat at 605‐ 347‐4906 or pat@sturgisdevelopment.com The Sturgis Industrial Park has less than six acres le for devel‐ opment. The SEDC Board ac vely seeks to either expand the ex‐ is ng Park, or find a loca on to develop a new industrial park. The SEDC Board is also exploring op ons to build another spec building in the Industrial Park.

COMMERCIAL PROJECTS Jake’s Garage is now open at 2416 Junc on Avenue, Sturgis and already has repeat custom‐ ers. They will be construc ng a privacy fence for secured storage and are wai ng for a couple of items to complete the interior before hos ng a ribbon cu ng. J&P Cycles’s ribbon cu ng will be Monday, June 1 at 10:00 am in their newly renovated building at 1650 Lazelle Street. The Sturgis store will be only their third retail store and will be open year round. Their grand opening is set for July 4 & 5. Sco Peterson Motors and Dom‐ ino’s construc on con nues on track for June comple on. Indian Motorcycle Sturgis will be open for Rally. Big D and Arby’s are also expected to be completed by August. Arby’s Restaurant will be

adjacent to Big D, and Papa John’s pizza will be located inside Big D.

RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS Construc on on Sierra Vista Apartment Homes on Ball Park Road, Sturgis is underway. The first 16 units of the 48‐unit com‐ plex are expected to open in No‐ vember, with some units already leased. For leasing informa on, call Help‐U‐Rent at (605) 490‐ 3974 or visit SturgisApartments.HomesAndLand.com

Dolan Creek Estates is a 34‐acre, 106 lot development project at Dolan Creek Road and Pine Glenn Drive, Sturgis. The Phase I con‐ struc on of 48 lots begins in June. Bare lots are priced at $36,000+. Outside home builder and home owner par cipa on is encouraged. Home builders will begin construc on of 10‐15 single family residen al homes (2‐4 bedrooms, 2‐3 bathrooms, dou‐ ble/triple garages) selling from $170,000 to $210,000. Finished homes will be available in late summer/early fall of 2015. The City of Sturgis approved a TIF for this project with Rapid City devel‐ oper Dolan Creek LLC. For more informa on, contact Dolan Creek LLC members Brad Hammerbeck (605‐381‐4577 or hammerbeck@knology.net), Doug Ficken (605‐484‐9006), or Steven Ficken (605‐484‐4077 or stecorllc@gmail.com).

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Canyon View Estates residen al housing project is expected to start this summer. This 5‐acre parcel is located on Pine View Drive. When complete, it will offer 19 new mixed residen al units ‐ 5 single family homes and 14 twin homes. The City of Stur‐ gis approved, and is funding, a

TIF for this project with Rapid City developer Sharaf 2 Proper‐ es, Inc.

Pat Kurtenbach President 605.347.4906 pat@sturgisdevelopment.com

Sturgis Laundry & Dry Cleaning (East Main Laundry) Relocates Clark Sowers, owner of East Main Laun‐ dry, Sturgis, is reloca ng and building a new facility on West Main. Sturgis Laundry & Dry Cleaning at 2014 West Main plans to be open July 1. The new building will remain approximately the same size as the current laundromat and dry cleaning drop off. The 24 hour laundromat will s ll be available, as will wash/dry/fold service and dry cleaning drop off. Expanded services include pickup and delivery for dry cleaning and laundry customers. Expanded equipment in‐ cludes a 60‐lb, 40‐lb and six 30‐lb front load washers, two stacked 45‐lb dryers, as well as, a “solar powered dryer.” The new building will have 500 sq. . available for year round lease. For lease informa on, contact Clark at (605) 210‐0274 or bhlaundry@midconetwork.com

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South Dakota Tourism Releases new website & tourism campaign If you haven’t visited it in recent weeks, TravelSouthDakota.com has a new look. And we think it’s pre y beau ful. Take a few minutes to explore it and be sure to register your busi‐ ness. Many travelers visit this site as they plan their trips to visit our state. The state has also launched the new “My Great Place” campaign across several key markets. Those pieces will and are appearing in both digi‐ tal and print mediums. All early indicators point to an incredible tourism season for South Dakota boosted heavily by the anniversaries of our Sturgis® Motorcycle Rally™ and the Custer State Park Buffalo Round‐up.

The Sturgis Public Library Summer Reading Program Children I Tweens I Teens Sign-up open until June 20

Visitor Guide & Directory Our Visitor Guide and Directory is out. If we haven’t been by to drop off copies (or you’ve run out) and you’d like to have them at your place of business, give us a call or stop in at the Chamber. We’re happy to stock and restock. Thank you, again, to all our adver sers who make this publica on possible. It’s one way we can show off the beauty, history and character of the place we call home. We s ll have a variety of digital and print opportuni es for Rally and gen‐ eral adver sing. Contact us if you’re interested in any of those. We love promo ng you and Sturgis. Have a great (and prosperous) tourism season.

ABC seeks Board Members Ac on for the Be erment of the Community is seek‐ ing two new Board Members. If you are interested, please contact Cara Graveman at 347.2991. ABC passionately and collabora vely enhances the greater Sturgis area’s environment by ad‐ dressing social problems and implemen ng strategies to solve them.

Like 75 Days of Sturgis on Face‐ book at Facebook.com/75DaysofSturgis to keep up‐to‐date on the events and news leading up to the historic 75th anniversary of the Sturgis® Motorcycle Rally™. And if you have events you’d like added to the calendar, please send them to Events@SturgisAreaChamber.com.

Send your events to Events@SturgisAreaChamber.com.

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2040 Junction Avenue - Sturgis, SD 57785 Phone - 605.347.2556 Web - SturgisAreaChamber.com

Staff Execu ve Director, Heidi Kruse Events & Membership Coordinator, Kathy Christenson Membership Services Manager, Rainee Lisko Board of Directors President, Jerrid Goebel, Sturgis Chiroprac c Past Pres, Ken Meirose, Black Hills Power Vice Pres, Brice Rock, Pioneer Bank & Trust Treasurer, Heidi Richter, Richters Tire & Exhaust Kelly Keffeler, Farm Credit Services of America Jeremy Vliem, First Western Insurance Chad Legner, Wells Fargo Bank J.D. Williams, First Interstate Bank Mark Schulte, Sturgis Regional Hospital

Ex-Officio Board Members Don Kirkegaard: Meade School 46‐1 Representa ve Bob Bertolo o: Meade Co Commissioner Pat Kurtenbach: SEDC Daniel Ainslie, City of Sturgis Rick Bush: City of Sturgis Tacy Snyder: Ag Representa ve Tim Po s: City Council Liaison

Thank you to our 2015 Platinum & Premium Sponsors. Your support is essential to our work in the Sturgis Community.

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