Jun 2015

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Volume 15- Issue 6- June

The Road Map

Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau

Crisis Intervention Shelter prepares for summer of service There are stories that hap‐ pen on the fringe of our busy tourist and Rally season that escape most of us en rely. When the campgrounds clear and the crowds filter down or up I‐90 and out of town, there are some le behind. For them, help and o en a new beginning is found with‐ in our Crisis Interven on Shelter Service (CISS). CISS serves vic ms of do‐ mes c and sexual violence year‐round. However, the influx of people during the summer also marks an influx of need for the non‐profit. Law enforcement has con‐ centrated efforts in recent years on human trafficking and their work has already helped many, mostly women and children, escape. To be clear, this does not mean the Rally or those who a end are bad. Those gener‐ ali es always ring false. The

Chamber loves our bikers and visitors. We have met some of the finest Americans and interna onal travelers during Rally week. But abusers and traffickers, hide in crowds. And law enforcement is ready to seek them out and end the violence here in the Black Hills. That’s when CISS and other local agencies o en step in to help the vic‐ ms with solu ons to get home and the help they need to begin again. This is important work. But CISS needs your help. Your dona ons will assist both our neighbors here at

home and those in need of shelter as they find their way home. Whether it’s a dona on through a jeans day Friday at your place of busi‐ ness or a personal dona on, every dollar and item has a posi ve impact. Visit Sturgis‐ CISS.org to donate and find a list of their needs as they prepare. Help make Sturgis the place where violence ends. About CISS: CISS was found‐ ed in 1991 and for the past 24 years has not only worked directly with vic ms of violence, but also within our community to eliminate the societal condi ons that condone violence against women and their children. Every year, CISS provides shelter to approximately 100 women and children and outreach services to more than 300 people in and around the Sturgis area.

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