August 2014

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Volume 14- Issue 8- August

The Road Map

Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau

Extending the visitor season past the Rally’s® Close If Memorial Day is the Unoffi‐ cial Start of Summer, the Annual Sturgis® Motorcycle Rally™ marks the end, or at least the near‐end of it. A er pausing to welcome our half‐a‐million closest friends (or leaving town en rely), we’ll soon find ourselves in mid‐August discussing school supply lists and the upcoming football season. August closes with the Meade County Fair, Black Hills Threshing Bee, and Stur‐ gis Mustang Rally. Though summer may be coming to a close in a few short weeks, the visitor sea‐ son that helps sustain many of our local businesses doesn’t need to. The Chamber is working closely with the Downtown Sturgis Founda on and the City to extend that foot traffic into the shoulder season.

September On September 13‐14, Sturgis’ Downtown Core will be trans‐

October Each year, the Chamber’s Crypt Haunted House con n‐ ues to expand and a ract more out‐of‐town guests. We’re se ng up for the sec‐ ond straight year in Easyrid‐ er’s Saloon. The Crypt will be open from October 24 through Halloween. formed and play host to its second USA Pro‐Supermoto Races. Details will be availa‐ ble soon. Our Annual Ag Apprecia on Banquet will be held on Saturday, September 20, in conjunc on with a larger Oktoberfest Celebra on. While tradi onal Oktoberfest events will be taking place in our bars and restaurants on the 19th and 20th, the Plaza and 2nd Street will host a variety of vendors and family friendly ac vi es and enter‐ tainment throughout the day on Saturday. See the enclosed flyer for details on each.


On November 7, we’ll once again host local restaurants and distributors as they showcase their finest holiday food and drink. Sturgis Wine & Stein takes place at the Sturgis Holiday Inn and Con‐ ven on Center. Details and ckets available soon.


Save the date. We’re plan‐ ning again for a weekend of shopping and holiday enter‐ tainment. The Annual Winter Fros val is on the calendar December 5‐7. Finish that last minute shop‐ ping at Scrooge‐a‐Palooza on December 18.

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