February 2014

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Volume 14- Issue 2 - February

The Road Map

Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau

Highlights of First Quarter Expansion & Development The Knuckle Brewing Company Construc on is underway on the 1,400 square foot addi on to the current Knuckle Saloon. The space, formally home to the Nite Owl Bar, will brew up to 1,800 gal‐ lons a month while offering indoor/outdoor sea ng with large glass doors opening onto Sturgis’ 2nd Street. The menu at the new loca on will have a separate menu from the current restaurant/saloon. You can get your first growler of the Knuckle brew late this Spring.

Atlas Member Updates Flex Fitness & Tanning Club is open in their new loca on at 2885 Vanocker Road (Exit 32). Sco Peterson Motors has begun demoli on on the concrete block build‐ ing which housed their sales and service offices. Construc on plans are expected to be released soon. Construc on con nues on Campbell Supply. The new, larger building is located where the old structure stood. Depending on weather, it will tenta vely reopen in March. The bid to repair Sturgis Williams Middle School was recently awarded to Iverson Construc on of Sturgis. Work will begin soon. Construction is progressing on Campbell Supply.

The Easyriders Saloon Dinner Theater Movies are coming back to Sturgis. The theater in Easyriders Saloon will feature a 20 foot screen and 7.1 Dolby surround sound. Comfortable new sea ng will include limited leather Lazy‐Boy style theater chairs. Enjoy a full meal while you watch or a more tradi onal experience with popcorn and candy. Movies will run Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday ma nees with kid movie specials on Sunday. Movie price will be deducted from your bill if you are ea ng and drinking. Opening March 2014.

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