January 2015

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Volume 15 Issue 1 - January

The Road Map

Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau

National Chain opening yearround store on Main Street The Board of Directors of the Sturgis Econom‐ ic Development Corp (SEDC) and Domino’s Pizza franchise opera‐ tors Allan Erwin, Shanna Friday, and Bill Leiker invite the public to a groundbreaking ceremony on Monday, January 5, at 2:00 pm, at 1057 Main Street, Sturgis. Immediately following the ceremony, refresh‐ ments will be served at the Meade County Times‐Tribune office across the street, where the public will have an opportunity to meet the owners. General contractor Iverson Construc on an cipates the one‐story, 2,800 sq. . building will be ready for Domino’s new dine‐in eatery concept to open for business in May 2015. This will be one year a er SEDC purchased the vacant lot for retail development as part of their con‐ nued commitment to downtown revitaliza on efforts.

ness‐friendly atmos‐ phere of the City has been a real treat. We look forward to being involved in the com‐ munity throughout the coming years.”

The Wyoming‐based Domino’s franchise owners are experienced operators, having been in the pizza business since 1989. They currently operate 14 loca ons in four states. Co‐owner Allan Erwin states, “We have spent a great deal of me researching the Sturgis market and are excited to soon open our new store on Main Street. The support from SEDC and the busi‐

Pat Kurtenbach, SEDC President, states, “The Sturgis Economic Develop‐ ment Corp is proud to partner with Allan, Shanna, and Bill to bring a Domino’s na‐ onal franchise to Sturgis. Their energy and exper se will fur‐ ther enhance year‐ round retail services to our downtown dis‐ trict.” SEDC is a private non‐profit eco‐ nomic development agency formed in 1973 to assist new and expanding business and industry in Sturgis and the greater Meade County area.

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