July 2014

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Volume 14- Issue 7- July

The Road Map

Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau

Welcoming the crowds back to Legendary Sturgis

Despite the rainy, cool temps, traffic is increasing in Sturgis . The Chamber & Visi‐ tor Center is promo ng our member businesses and focused on driving traffic to area a rac ons through the tourist season and into the fall. A few areas of focus: Pocket Parks The City of Sturgis has placed pocket parks throughout the downtown core. These mini res ng areas include benches and informa onal kiosks. Most prominent on the ki‐ osks are large maps of the downtown and its business‐ es. Opposite the map is a loca on for flyers for up‐

coming events. The Chamber is keeping them well stocked with publica ons and informa on on local a rac ons and businesses. Visitor Center Our phones have been ringing with calls from both Rally and non‐Rally tourists. Each caller, as well as any who request informa on through email, receive a detailed visi‐ tor pack on the area. Addi‐ onally, we’ve prepared visi‐ tor packs for several large upcoming events including the Black Hills 100, Tatanka 100, Sturgis Supermoto, and Sturgis OMA Races. Our foot traffic at the Visitor Center is also on the rise. We encourage you to make the most of your Chamber membership by providing us rack cards or business cards to display in the lobby. It’s a free benefit to you and an excellent way to increase your exposure.

Maps & Visitor Guides If your business or organiza‐ on needs either Sturgis maps or Sturgis Visitor Guides, please contact us. We’re happy to deliver. New Events Two new events are on the calendar. The Open Air Mar‐ ket is held every Saturday from 9‐1 at the 2nd Street Plaza (details on back) and an Oktoberfest will be held in September in conjunc on with our ag banquet.

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