Volume 15- Issue 3- March
The Road Map
Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau
Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame announces 2015 Inductees Via Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame ‐ The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is pleased to announce the 2015 inductees into the Sturgis Motorcycle Muse‐ um Hall of Fame and the Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame. The Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame is designed to rec‐ ognize individuals or groups who have made a long term posi ve impact on the mo‐ torcycle community. The Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame recognizes the commitment and sacrifices individuals across the na on and world have made to protect the rights of motor‐ cyclists. For 2015, the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame will honor one Free‐ dom Fighter and induct sev‐ en into the Sturgis Hall of Fame. Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame: Richard Lester
Sturgis local, Chief Jim Bush, is among those being hon‐ ored. – J.C. “Pappy” Hoel Life me Achievement Award – Jim Bush joined the Sturgis Police Reserves in 1978, was hired as a full me patrol officer in 1979, worked his way up through the ranks, and became Police Chief in 1990. Chief Bush has watched the Sturgis Motor‐ cycle Rally grow to a ract hundreds of thousands of visitors, and has consistently met the challenge of provid‐ ing the community of Sturgis with appropriate law en‐ forcement readiness both during the rally and through‐ out the year. While much of his work is behind the scenes, Chief Bush is recog‐
nized as an excellent am‐ bassador for the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. He works closely with the promotors of the rally and the events incorpo‐ rated within the rally to find ways to accommo‐ date the needs of organ‐ izers, par cipants, visitors and residents alike. Addi onal Hall of Fame Hon‐ orees: Evere Brashear Chris McIntyre John Shope Sugar Bear Don Tilley Eddie Tro a The annual Sturgis Motorcy‐ cle Hall of Fame Induc on Breakfast is scheduled for Wednesday, August 5 at 9:00 a.m. at The Lodge at Dead‐ wood in Deadwood, SD. Breakfast ckets are availa‐ ble for a $35.00 dona on, tables of eight for $300.00. Tickets can be purchased by calling the Museum at 605.347.2001 or online.