Volume 15- Issue 5 - May
The Road Map
Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau
Sioux Steel adding location within Sturgis Industrial Park the tremendous support pro‐ vided by the Sturgis Econom‐ ic Development Corp in ac‐ complishing this next step in our company’s growth.”
Courtesy Photo
STURGIS, SD (4/13/2015) – Sco Rysdon, President/CEO of Sioux Falls‐based Sioux Steel Company announces plans to relocate and expand their HiQual Livestock Equip‐ ment manufacturing division to the Sturgis Industrial Park. Renova on of the facility at 3551 Mayer Avenue will soon be underway. Produc on will begin in June. The manufacturing opera on will ini ally include welding and finish assembly for Hi‐ Qual’s extensive line of live‐ stock handling equipment. At
capacity, the plant will em‐ ploy 50 welders, assemblers, machine operators, painters, and general laborers. Appli‐ ca ons can be downloaded at hr@siouxsteel.com. Sco Rysdon is the fourth genera on owner of Sioux Steel, which was founded in 1918. Sco states, “I am proud of the strong heritage and extensive manufacturing capabili es of the Sioux Steel family of companies. It is a natural for us to con nue to grow our agricultural product line in the Sturgis Industrial Park. We are pleased with
SEDC President Pat Kurten‐ bach states, “SEDC is pleased to welcome Sioux Steel and HiQual Livestock Equipment as our newest neighbor in the Sturgis Industrial Park. The agricultural industry and metals‐related manufactur‐ ing are important compo‐ nents to our local economy. The local manufacture and distribu on of the HiQual livestock product line will benefit our whole region.” Informa on on Sioux Steel can be found at siouxsteel.com and Hi Qual at hiqualequipment.com.