Volume 14- Issue 11 - November
The Road Map
Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau
Donations & Sponsorships Allow Chamber’s Crypt to Expand We’re excited to for‐ mally announce a large expansion of the Chamber’s Crypt Haunted House. The expansion was made possible by over $3,000 in dona ons and sponsorships by several area business‐ es, organiza ons, and private donors. The Chamber’s event is in its fourth year and has con nued to a ract a growing num‐ ber of local and out‐of‐ town guests. Early in October, a long‐ me local haunter, Doug Nikkila of Sturgis, ap‐ proached the Chamber and offered his extensive collec on of Hallow‐ een decora ons, costumes, props, and haunted house materials. Nikki‐ la and his family operated a popular haunted house at their property for many years, dona ng the proceeds to area chari es. The family re red from the effort several years ago. Over me, the family purchased and built props easily totaling over $20,000. Nikkila offered those items to the Chamber for just $3,000.
Dona ng and sponsoring organiza‐ ons include: Sturgis Op mist Club ($2,200), Northern Hills Federal Credit Union ($500), Black Hills Power ($500), Sturgis Best Western & Caddy’s ($200), as well as, several private individual donors. “Even a er mee ng the goal, we con nued to be contacted by or‐ ganiza ons and individuals interest‐ ed in dona ng and sponsoring. This is a good, growing event for Sturgis.
We’re so grateful for the contribu ons and to the Nikkila family for offering us this oppor‐ tunity,” said Heidi Kruse, Execu ve Direc‐ tor of the Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau. Those funds exceeding the $3,000 goal will go towards defraying the expense of this year’s event and the annual dona on to the Drama Club for their contribu‐ ons building and ac ng in it. A por on of the new items were included in this year’s Crypt.
“The high schoolers were so excited when we started carrying in some of the new props,” said Kathy Chris‐ tenson, Chamber Membership and Events Coordinator. “It’s hard to re‐ invent it every year with limited resources. This made such an im‐ pact, not just this year, but for years to come. It’s very exci ng to see it growing.”