Oct 2014

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Volume 14- Issue 10 - October

The Road Map

Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau

Events keep Sturgis streets filled through September September started with the Mustang Rally over Labor Day weekend, but that wasn’t the last of the season’s events. September 12‐14, Sturgis hosted its second USA Super‐ moto weekend of races. Downtown was transformed for three days of races and ac vi es. Thank you to every‐ one who made it possible in‐ cluding the many businesses

downtown who helped to wel‐ come the racers, their fami‐ lies, and the crowds who came to watch. One week later, we celebrated our first Oktoberfest with Ger‐ man food, drink, music, a stein holding contest, and a variety of family ac vi es. The Pass‐ port challenge led par cipants through our many bars and restaurants. Those visi ng

Courtesy: Sturgis Supermoto Facebook Page

each received a free limited edi on collec ble stein at their final stop, Sturgis Liquors. Our ag community was cele‐ brated with a banquet serving nearly 400 guests held at the Armory. A endees enjoyed a social, meal, and entertain‐ ment sponsored by local busi‐ nesses and hosted by the Chamber of Commerce.

Happy Wanders German Band.

Western Dakota Antique Club gave free rides at Oktoberfest.

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