Volume 14- Issue 9 September
The Road Map
Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau
Buffalo Chip collaborates with SB High School & top Builders The recent Rally and Legends ride was an opportunity for some local high school students to show off months of work. The results were impressive. The Sturgis Buffalo Chip®’s collabora on with Sturgis Brown High School and others in the industry resulted in a custom 2014 Harley‐Davidson® Street Glide. The Chip’s Student Build Challenge connects students with the industry’s top professionals in order to complete customiza ons. The finished bike features a fully overhauled and customized motor for increased per‐ formance, a low‐ ered stretched body and an eye‐catching graffi ‐themed paint job. It is also one of the first cus‐ tom 2014 Street Glides in existence. “The motorcycle these students created has absolutely blown away my expecta ons for this year’s bike build project,” says Rod Woodruff, President of the Sturgis Buffalo Chip. “Moreover, these young students created a machine that wowed the industry’s top
builders at the Donnie Smith Show. That’s something the students, the school, the community and all those involved in the Student Build Challenge should be very, very proud of.” 2014 marked the first year the Student Build worked on a new‐ year motorcycle sponsored by Black Hills Harley‐Davidson, and the students found customizing a
longer, lower‐si ng motorcycle. They replaced the 19‐inch front wheel with a 26‐inch from R.C. Components and swapped the standard black seat for a buff leather seat made by Howard Knight. Finally, the students took the bike to Ian Strachan Designs to give it a striking Ferrari‐red graffi paint job. Students worked closely with in‐ dustry veterans, Keith Terry of Ter‐ ry Components and Randy and Nick Cramer of Dakota V‐Twin, along with high school instructors, Chad Hedderman and Bill Johnson, to learn the state‐ of‐the‐art tech‐ niques needed to customize their 2014 Street Glide. The bike build pro‐ brand new Street Glide to be one ject taught students important of their largest hurdles. The Motor values and life lessons while vastly Company had made dras c chang‐ increasing their technical es between the 2013 and 2014 knowledge. The skills learned will models, which meant most of the give these students an overall ad‐ custom parts for the bike had yet vantage should any decide to pur‐ to be created. sue a career in motorcycle fabrica‐ on or customiza on. Custom stretched body parts al‐ lowed the students to create a