Volume 102, Issue 15

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The Spectator The Stuyvesant High School Newspaper

Volume CII  No. 15

May 17, 2012

In an attempt to better inform voters for the upcoming Student Union (SU) election, the Board of Elections (BOE) held a debate, open to all students, between the two tickets that passed the primaries. The debate, which took place on Tuesday, May 1 in the school library, was organized and moderated by BOE Chairman and senior Bumsoo Kim in conjunction with The Spectator’s Editors-inChief juniors Leopold Spohngellert and Adam Schorin. Presidential candidate junior Adam Lieber and his running mate sophomore Tahia Islam debated their platforms and policies with junior Calvin Ng and sophomore Edward Zilberbrand, the opposing ticket. The event was part of the BOE’s effort to increase voter turnout this year, along with social media campaigning and an additional voting booth. Around 50 students attended the one-hour debate. This was the first debate to happen in four years, and was made available to students via YouTube and The Spectator’s website (stuyspectator.com). The video currently has over 700 views. The candidates were seated at separate tables, with a podium and microphone between the two. The candidate, his running mate, or the ticket, would stand up at the stand to answer the questions. Each candidate

had two minutes to respond per question, with extensions given for particular questions. The debate began with opening statements from both candidates, outlining their respective platforms. Ng focused on his record as SU Special Events Coordinator under SU President Edward Cho, and promised to promote school unity and to change the school dress code by compromising with the administration. He also discussed the idea of implementing a new dress code policy in which students are allowed to wear dresses or shorts that follow either the current fingertip-length rule or a new midway-through-the-thigh addition, whichever is shorter to account for discrepancies in the policy’s current implementation. Ng also proposed to reform the long-standing free period rule only allowing students to be on the first, second or fifth floors through open communication with the administration. In his statement, Lieber criticized the current SU administration for lack of action on the school’s major issues and called his own lack of experience in the SU a sign of fresh ideas and new perspectives. Lieber mentioned his proposed SU YouTube channel, a one-minute grace period for students travelling to or from the 10th floor, and a college fair where students could speak to Stuyvesant alumni representing their colleges. The first question posed to the candidates asked what

During spring break, while some students traveled across the globe and others caught up on their sleep, the Stuyvesant Muslim Student Association (MSA) participated in the Muslim Interscholastic Tournament (MIST) of the New York region. The event took place at Hofstra University from Friday, April 6 through Sunday, April 8 and New York City schools, including Bronx Science School of Science and Brooklyn Technical High School, attended. “Noor Al Stuy,” Stuyvesant’s team name, means “The Light of Stuy” in Arabic. This year, the MIST competition in New York, with 48 participants from Stuyvesant and 413 members in total, was more than double the size from last year. Students competed in different events, including debate, culinary arts, basketball, writing, and knowledge of the Quran. The theme for the competition, which varies each year, was “Family: Reconnecting Our Hearts to Home.” Students signed up for individual and group competitions, gaining points for each competition won. This was the first time SPARK and MSA advisor Angel Colon attended the competition. He


was excited to learn the different aspects of Islam. “I was going into it with an open mind,” Colon said. “I knew I was going to come out of it with new found knowledge in better understanding the importance of the Muslim community: love for Islam/Allah, their beliefs and cultural/religious concerns and anything else that I was allowed to sit in, witness and observe.” Although the competition was based on Islamic concepts, non-Muslim people were welcome to attend and participate in competitions. “People from schools all over New York came to compete and learn about Islam at the same time,” junior and MSA events coordinator Menna Elaskandrany said. “Muslims and non-Muslims joined together to create bonds of friendship that went beyond the competition, especially between the three specialized high schools—Stuyvesant, Bronx Science, and Brooklyn Tech.” Non-Muslim students had non-religious affiliated workshops and competitions available for them, including fashion, basketball, and poetry. The first day of the three-day competition consisted of art workshops, the MIST quizbowl, debate Article on page 8.

Election 2012 The Spectator’s student government endorsements for 2012.

rounds, and a math Olympics. The second day saw most of the group competitions, such as the science fair and the individual competitions, which included poetry and Quran tests. On the third day, there was a basketball tournament for each gender, a talent competition, and the award ceremony, where the top three teams were announced. This year Stuyvesant placed second, a step down from winning first place the last two years. Yeasmin believes it may be because there were many underclassmen competing this year. “People weren’t as experienced,” she said. “But it’s great knowing that in the future, Stuyvesant will hopefully continue to have competitors who now are experienced and can help next year’s newbies.” For senior Miraj Alam, this was still an enjoyable experience in his last year at Stuyvesant. “I really enjoyed all the energy, and camaraderie that one could feel at the competition,” he said. “I didn’t know what to expect of MIST, but after experiencing it my expectations were exceeded. Prior to MIST I have never been in such a unique Islamic gathering with so many people my age,” freshman Razwan Miah said. “I am very excited for next year.”

Justin Strauss / The Spectator

By Anne Chen, Eugenia Sanchez and Thomas Zadrozny

Stuyvesant MSA Competes At MIST By Soulin Haque


Board Of Elections Hosts SU Debate

Newsbeat • The 37th International Annual Food Festival was held on Thursday, May 3. Headed by the World Language Department, the festival was intended to educate students about the food and culture of people all around the world. All proceeds received will be used to fund the World Language Department. • The Stuyvesant Locks of Love club held a hair drive on Monday, April 30, to support children battling long-term illnesses. All students were invited to donate hair. • Stuyvesant hosted its own Model United Nations Conference (StuyMUNC) on Saturday, April 21, and Sunday, April 22. Over 300 students from the tri-state area participated in the conference. • A memorial plaque ceremony was dedicated to former chemistry teachers Dalia Bulgaris and Robert Rodney after school in the ninth floor foyer on Monday, May 5. • Juniors Ava Myint, Mohan Hasan, and Christine Park participated in New York History Day Competition and won second place in the Group Competition for their project on New York City draft riots. The group was mentored by Assistant Principal Social Studies Jennifer Suri and will compete in the national competition in June. • At the Seventh Japan Essay Competition hosted by Stony Brook University, Emma Alexandra Berniczky won an honorable mention award for her piece titled “Thank You.”

“The Pulse of the Student Body”

Juniors Calvin Ng and Adam Lieber, candidates for next year’s Student Union presidency, speak at the debate on Friday, May 4.

they would do if negotiations with the school administration, in this case specifically regarding students’ ability to exit the building during their free periods, broke down. Ng said he would support a student petition, and work to spread awareness among the candidates. However, Ng considered it necessary to understand the administration’s reasons for prohibiting out to lunch during free periods, and said he believed that the school would have to accept it. Lieber also supported the use of student petitions, but included the use of what he called “teacher endorsements,” which would allow teachers to weigh in on the issue in support of the students.

The candidates seemed to have similar answers to many of the questions, often repeating points at the podium. However, the most significant difference between the candidates came when they were asked of their opinion of the current administration’s record. Lieber and Islam both articulated a strong critique of the Cho administration, suggesting they were only good at planning events. “They are aesthetically nice, they have streamers, they decorate the lunchroom,” Islam said. “However, we do not admire how no one attends these events.” Islam singled out Zilberbrand, the current Sophomore Caucontinued on page 2

Day of Silence: An Unspoken Voice for LGBT Youth By Robert He Purple duct tape was a symbol of the wordless protest on Wednesday, April 18. Students taped their mouths shut and vowed not to speak, commemorating the Day of Silence. The silent stood out among a crowd of ordinary students, commanding the attention of students walking in the halls. Though they refrained from speaking, the students’ message was seen and heard throughout the halls of Stuyvesant. The Day of Silence, organized by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLiSTEN), is an annual day of action protesting anti-gay bullying and harassment. The event began as a school wide event in 1996 by a group of students at the University of Virginia. Since its creation, it has been celebrated naArticle on page 18.

tionwide each year by colleges and high school. This year, students went silent in more than 9,000 schools in more than 70 countries. Participating students vow to remain silent for the entire day to represent the silencing of LGBT individuals and their supporters. Participants will either draw a little black “x” or wear tape over their mouths. “It’s a student-run event but the point of it is to raise awareness,” said Emma Lesser, junior and co-president of GLASS, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Spectrum. “This is what it’s like when you can’t communicate with the world; this is what it’s like when your voice cannot be heard, for just one day.” Though the Day of Silence is officially on April 20, the Stuyvesant community celcontinued on page 3

Arts and Entertainment Tribeca Film Festival Coverage

Reviews of nine features and shorts from this year’s festival.

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