Female Family Business - Hanna Kawasaki (l.) and Clod Bernegger don’t mess about; they build their business step by step.
The Fashion Family Making Things/ZURICH. First women, then men, and now even children - the life of Clod Bernegger and Hanna Kawasaki always revolves around the family, both professionally and in their private life. Text: Dörte Welti. Photos: aekae.com, Dörte Welti
314 style in progress
It was pure luck that these two women, who are so similar, crossed paths at all. Clod Bernegger hails from Zurich, where she completed her textile design studies at the Zurich University of Arts in 2004. Hanna Kawasaki is from Munich, where she earned a fashion design diploma at Esmod. For a while the two women even worked at the same design agency in Zurich, but not at the same time. They were introduced to each other
by a common friend. Hanna Kawasaki had just returned from New York. She had initially planned to relocate to the Big Apple for good, but decided to come back after she learned she was pregnant. Clod was - in a way - also pregnant. However, her baby was the idea to open her own store. Hanna’s search for children’s clothes that cannot be found on every corner resulted in her wanting to open a store that offers self-made items.
Thus, one thing led to another. Right from the start, Making Things was about making things yourself and only stocking selfmade products. The name really says it all, don’t you think? Making Things Bigger
The first location in the up-andcoming Circle 4 of Zurich was soon too small. Word about the two women - both mothers by now - that offer extraordinary items for children and women