"It seems that I am very popular, but I’m trying to keep my feet on the ground and not get too starry."
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The Natural History Museum’s famous dinosaur, Dippy, is settling into Rochdale, as part of his record breaking tour. The famous Diplodocus cast left the museum for the first time in 2018 to embark on a national tour. Rochdale, which is the only North West stop, plays host to the Dippy until 28 June at Number One Riverside with an accompanying Dippy exhibition at Touchstones Rochdale. It’s free to see Dippy and visit the Dippy exhibition. Dippy on Tour has proved a record breaker, with over 1.5m people visiting the much-loved dinosaur at his tour stops so far; Dorset, Birmingham, Belfast, Glasgow, Newcastle and Cardiff. Rochdale is the penultimate stop, before the tour finishes at Norwich Cathedral in October 2020. All events and activities, and booking information, can also be found at: www.visitrochdale.com. Style caught up with Dippy to discuss his new home at Number One Riverside, life in the Jurassic period, and why he's never actually met a T Rex... 16