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The Friends of Tourcoing return from eagerly awaited trip
Rochdale has been twinned with Tourcoing - a similar town in Northern France - since 1956. The Friends of Tourcoing is a longstanding twinning group and friendship association that exists between the two towns.
Having just returned from their first exchange visit to Tourcoing since the pandemic, Claire Bayman, Chair of the association, shares her fond memories of the trip...
"After four long years, our group finally made its return to our French twin town. We were met at the Tourcoing Town Hall for an official reception where we presented the French Chair with a beautiful marble stone, hand painted by an artist from Todmorden with the Rochdale logo. We also took with us local honey from Springfield Park Bees and they are keen to visit the beehives of Springfield Park when they come to visit us next spring.
"We had a full programme of events as always – which involved lots of food, drink and merriment. A competitive start with a boules competition, which we are current 2:1 down to the French (wait until next year's rematch). Our next was a trip to the Town of Gravelines, a fortified town on the North Sea coast just up from Dunkirk. We went on a flat-bottomed boat trip around the moat and walls with a historical guide.

"Next up was a fabulous three-course meal facing the sea and the beautiful white sands, where we took part in a seagull impression competition (who doesn’t). Of course, a Rochdalian won the day. You have heard of the Rochdale Cowboy – well now we also have Lisa, the Rochdale Seagull.
"We moved onto another boat trip – this time on dry land – the Jean Bart. This is a 17th century warship in restoration stages, a bit like our Tudor ship, the Marie Rose. It’s being painstakingly restored, and they think it will take another 30 years.

"More food, BBQ’s, and visits to canal side restaurants and all in the safe care of our amazing Tourcoing friends.
"Our friendship group started 65 years ago. We meet 7-8 times a year for meetings to organise the visits, to have socials together and ensure that the twinning stays alive. We have events like cheese and wine nights, basics of French lessons, boules and crown green bowling, as well as pub quizzes throughout the year.

"We are always looking to welcome to the group new members and you don't have to speak French! It’s a cross channel friendship group in a nutshell and new members are more than welcome at any meeting or event."
If you are interested please message the Facebook page: www.facebook.com/FriendsOfTourcoing.