10 minute read
Kitchen must-haves
Throughout the winter season, many of us are breaking out the traditional stand mixers to do some baking. Ninja® has a baking hack that will definitely break the ‘status dough’ & help you breeze through your holiday baking!

First up is the ultimate prep appliance - with the abilities of a blender, food processor, and dough mixer all in one, the Ninja® Foodi™ Power Blender & Processor System with Smoothie Bowl Maker and Nutrient Extractor will ensure you get a bigger ‘bang for your bake,’ streamlining prep and clean-up. With the ability to chop nuts, mix up cookie dough & create delicious spreads, why use three different appliances when you can use one? Once you’ve mixed the ingredients, it’s time to put them in the oven, right? Try again! Say goodbye to lengthy bake times & an overly hot kitchen, because the Ninja® Foodi™ 6-in-1 Compact Pressure Cooker, 5-qt makes kitchen magic. With the ability to air fry, pressure cook, slow cook & even bake/roast, you’d be surprised at the things you can make. A loaf of bread? Sure. Fruitcake? You bet! Peppermint cheesecake? Absolutely. Between its six functions, this pressure cooker can make almost anything your heart desires, often quicker than in the oven.
Both products available online in Canada at ninjakitchen.ca, Canadian Tire and Amazon
Must-haves for the kitchen to make food & beverage prep a breeze…
What will you sparkle next? Carbonated beverage lovers rejoice! The Drinkmate™ Countertop is the ONLY at-home beverage carbonator that allows the user to carbonate ANYTHING in the fridge! Drinkmate’s countertop unit is one of the leading home carbonation systems available in Canada. Its proprietary technology allows consumers to carbonate any kind of beverage safely & quickly, from carbonated water to juice, and even cocktails. Features include:

• Patented and detachable Fizz infuser and dual-stage valve system allows better control on release of CO2 • Easy-to-operate, easy-to-clean – no electricity or batteries required • Quick-connect bottle is BPA-free with volume mark line • Smaller footprint saves counter space • Comes with 3-oz starter CO2 carbonator so you can start carbonating right away • Works with the most common brand of 14.5-oz (or 60L) CO2 carbonators out there • Available in four modern colours: matte black, royal red, ivory white & arctic blue


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Mandy van Leeuwen Artist Your Thoughts
Beautiful autumn issue of Style Manitoba! My wife and I have followed your publication for years and are consistently impressed with its ongoing quality. Celebrating your 25th anniversary is quite the accomplishment! We, like many other Manitobans, have thoroughly enjoyed the excellent editorials and photography Style has brought to readers throughout the years. Thank you for the local content – it’s been fabulous reading about all the people, companies and local happenings profiled on your pages. Style Manitoba is simply the best publication in Manitoba. Here’s to another 25 years of publishing! Jeremy Westfeld, Winnipeg
Home design in Manitoba has certainly evolved to a whole new level over the years, a fact that was clearly exemplified with Style’s cover story last issue. Harris Builders certainly constructed a spectacular home loaded with innovative engineering, features and style. Thanks for sharing the story in Style, and kudos to the builder for showing Manitobans what is possible within our own province. The homeowners must be thrilled with the result. Chris Layden, Winnipeg
Congratulations to the team at Style Manitoba on the 25th anniversary of this high quality periodical! Publishing in Manitoba for that many years is no small feat. Glad to see this magazine has flourished throughout that time – it truly offers readers great local content, whether it’s home designs, profiles, recipes or entertainment. Please keep it coming! Jennifer Ward, Winnipeg
The homes and neighbourhoods coverage in Style Manitoba’s last issue was wonderful – very helpful for those buying a new home or condo, but I was particularly impressed with the home renovations feature (Make Your Mark by Kelly Gray), as I’m currently considering a renovation. White Label Homes, Soma Interiors and all the associated suppliers did a remarkable job on this project. Thanks for sharing this story with your audience – the project featured earns high praise from this reader. John Anderson, Winnipeg
Thanks for all the great content in Style Manitoba for the past 25 years! It’s wonderful that Winnipeggers have a publication that shows what’s available locally in home design, along with other relevant content on the arts and cultural scene, dining out, profiles and so much more. I hope Style Manitoba continues publishing for many years to come. Sara Wilder, Winnipeg
Onalee Ames Film Studio is a Winnipeg owned business for those who wish to equip themselves for the professional movie industry. If you want to write, act or just try to find your own creative vibe, this is the place for you. Here, individuals can garner the necessary tools for auditioning and acting in films. Most importantly, Onalee Ames Film Studio promotes changing old narratives and creating new ones. Onalee Ames has worked with over 3000 people and has connected Winnipeg students with LA, Vancouver, and Toronto agents, directors and casting agents.
Here’s what a former grateful student has to say about the studio and its owner…
When Onalee Ames opens the bright pink door to her new studio on Stafford and Yale, I am instantly reminded by the smile on her face that I am in a space where I can let down my guard. I also find myself in a building that many Winnipeggers have been watching the construction of for the past two years.
I barely get through the door and we are negotiating masks and hugs, and immediate tears run down my face. This is the woman who helped change my life. I met her at 12 years old and I am now 27. She taught me to prepare for a career in film, which I now have. She herself has been on quite a journey and is very quick to share.
Onalee is a pioneer. She has managed to create a life that is innately true to her soul and is committed to inspiring others in this city to do the same.
There is an Italian disco radio station playing in the background. This beautifully crafted studio designed by Winnipeg architect Neil Minuk, Onalee’s husband, has managed to create space for two businesses, five children and two dogs.
Onalee immediately offers me a fresh Italian coffee and wants to hear about my travels. She herself has just returned from Italy where she and her family visit two times a year. Tears well in her eyes as she speaks about the aftermath of Covid.
“So many students struggled during Covid, so we did so much more than acting. We literally held each other up. We sold makeup as a group to pay for everyone to come to class so no one would have to quit,” she shares.
I sip my coffee and look above my head at the white glistening snowflakes falling on the giant skylight. Her presence and this space are exactly what I needed upon return to my hometown.
“You know if you do the work, the work will find you.” Words I have lived by.
“I learned how to zoom as soon as the pandemic hit,” Onalee excitedly tells me, along with sharing refreshing stories of her quest to teach all over the world via zoom. Her acting classes are currently held online for a few more months as she is travelling for her career at the beginning of the year. We reminisce about my peers in her class and the parts they have been getting in recent months.
“The film industry is so alive in Winnipeg. The great news is that after all we have been through, convincing parents of young adults to go into film isn’t nearly as hard as it once was. Currently, Winnipeg is having our biggest year in film to date. We have grown to the point where our infrastructure faces changes to be able to accommodate the demand for talent, both in front and behind the scenes. I had lunch today with a bunch of amazing women committed to this change in our city. I want everyone to know about IATSE Local 856 and 669, the DGC and ACTRA because they help recruit talent in Winnipeg.”
During lockdown, Onalee hosted classes for her students with guests who graciously offered their time to inspire and uplift spirits, such as Oscar winner Steven Bernstein from LA, and directors who came out in droves to help acting students, including Guy Maddin, John Barnard, Noam Gonick, Sean Garrity, and Jason Bourque to name a few. Actor John Voldstad from The Newhart Show in Los Angeles also showed up online.
Famous guests are no strangers to the Winnipeg studio, so I am not surprised by this line-up. I myself was fortunate to work with some of the world’s best actors at the studio, including Gil Bellows, Ryan Pinkston and Clifton Collins Jr, who find the studio when they are in town and offer their time and talent. There are so many days in Los Angeles where even the best classes do not offer the magic Onalee has provided for so many of us in our Winnipeg.

Creating New Narratives

Onalee has also opened a writing division in her studio, which she calls The Writers Room. Director Sean Garrity is heading that department and they currently offer The Start to Finish Screenplay Class and So You Want to Write for Film Intro Class. Onalee herself has been writing and directing for the past few years.
“People always tell me to focus on one thing and I just don’t believe that is the right thing for me to do. I am a vibrant person and I need different things to help me creatively. If I waited for an acting career, I would be of no use to anyone because the amount of rejection an actor takes is a phenomenon. You can be the most talented person in the world and think you are never going to get there, so I bring other successes to my life to balance it out.”
She gets up to sing a bit of a song by Doja Cat and dances around. Her infectious spirit has inspired my career and there are so many more actors who will bloom as long as she is teaching in our city.
Onalee will be writing her own column for Style Manitoba in the next issue to inform our community about the film industry here in Manitoba.
“I love Style Manitoba. They celebrate our city and share success stories. Winnipeg is full of talent. Imagine someone might be reading this right now and will have a career in film because they picked up this magazine.”
In fact, I wrote this article because it would be a shame to keep this to ourselves.

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