2 minute read
Kids art activity: become an eco
eco superhero Kids activity:
With Lauren Fry, Arts Educator

Children are often discouraged from picking wildflowers because, as adults, we may be unsure of the rules. While it’s always a good idea to err on the side of caution and instil a mantra of ‘look but don’t touch’, kids are very hands-on learners and will relish the opportunity to scavenge and collect safely.
The organisation ‘Plantlife’ has released a list of twelve common wildflowers that are safe to pick due to their abundance and resilience.
And, by following the ‘one in twenty’ rule of picking (and never digging up a plant) children can learn about their local wild flora without disturbing the natural balance.

Become an eco-superhero with this fun floral activity
1. Use the identification guide to carefully pick your wildflowers and leaves. Red Campion

Dog Violet
Try and find an interesting range of colours and shapes from public footpaths and hedgerows.

2. Cut a Superhero mask shape out of card or cardboard: even better, recycle a used box, like a cereal box or shoebox. Ask an adult to cut out eye holes, and make a small hole on each side to attach string or ribbon.

4. Think carefully about the patterns and shapes you can make with your finds: play around with symmetry and texture. 3. Using glue or double-sided tape, decorate your mask with your scavenged wild flowers and leaves.

Safe and sustainable flowers: an identification guide
Daisy, Dandelion, Primrose, Common dog violet, Greater stitchwort, Cow parsley, Meadow buttercups, Red Campion, Oxeye daisies, Yarrow, Common knapweed, Meadowsweet