Kids activity: eco superhero
Become a n eco-superhero w ith this fun f lora l activ ity
With Lauren Fr y, Arts Educator
hildren are often discouraged from picking wildflowers because, as adults, we may be unsure of the rules. While it’s always a good idea to err on the side of caution and instil a mantra of ‘look but don’t touch’, kids are very hands-on learners and will relish the opportunity to scavenge and collect safely. The organisation ‘Plantlife’ has released a list of twelve common wildflowers that are safe to pick due to their abundance and resilience. And, by following the ‘one in twenty’ rule of picking (and never digging up a plant) children can learn about their local wild flora without disturbing the natural balance.
Red Ca mpion
1. Use the identi f ication g u ide to ca ref u l ly pick you r w i ld f lowers a nd leaves.
Buttercup Dog Violet
Tr y a nd f i nd a n i nteresti n g ra n ge of colou rs a nd shapes f rom publ ic footpaths a nd hed gerows.