the Style
Welcome to the Style of Wight team’s seasonal roundup of places to go, people to meet, and things to k now across the Isle of Wight
‘Tis the season for…. A r t, w ith feel i n g “…from whence th i ngs emerge from the h idden i nto the seen…” says Isla nd a rtist Freya P u rdue, who presents a major solo ex h ibition of work created over the last 10 yea rs at Quay A rts’ Clayden Ga l ler y th is autu m n. T he ex h ibition – Mu rmu rs from the Wide River – refers to the qu iet ca l l i ng sou nds that f low l i ke a vei n of gold th roug h us a l l, ru ns from 4th September to 23rd October.
P u mpk i n pick i n g Joi n Wa nda the Witch a nd her tea m of Scatty Sca recrows i n the Mag ica l P u mpk i n Patch at Tapnel l Fa rm Pa rk th is Ha l loween ha l f term. For a rea l whopper, a trip to Fa rmer Jack’s fa mous pu mpk i n hut at A rreton Ba rns Cra f t Vi l lage is a must.
Getting lost in literature 16
Sta r ti n g someth i n g new: we’re qu ietly work i ng up the cou rage to joi n the i n forma l a nd welcom i ng Ventnor Excha nge Poetr y Col lective, a new space for w riters a nd performers to ex peri ment a nd develop thei r cra f t i n a supportive env i ron ment u nder the g u ida nce of cha mpion Isla nd poet K i ng Sta m mers.
At the time of press, Style of Wight was eagerly awaiting the announcement of this year’s Isle of Wight Literary Festival Lineup. Watch this (bookish) space! We’re looking forward to getting our hands on the latest issue of Brevity, the Isle of Wight’s literary handbill of flash fiction.
P.S. If you’ve ever wondered where offduty Editors hang out, make sure you check between the spines and betwixt the shelves at St. Helens recently refurbished second-hand bookshop The Goose, where a Sea of Adventure (signed by Enid Blyton herself) and more awaits.