Kids activity: mag nif icent maps
With Lauren Fr y, Arts Educator
aps can represent places we know well that give us a sense of warmth and security or they can show us the way in places unknown and guide us through untold adventures. Sometimes they may even lead to mystical buried treasure. With a few simple art materials, a little time, and a heap of creativity you can create your own series of printmaking stamps to construct a magnificent map. Your design may be of somewhere familiar to you - like the local neighbourhood that surrounds your home - or an imaginary place with fantastical features and natural wonders.
Fact P r i ntma k i n g is the process of pr i nti n g shapes or patter ns onto a su rfa ce usi n g on ly i n k or pa i nt a nd some muscle power!
Materia ls
Plain paper Cardboard Foam Sheet/ Polystyrene/Potato
Paint Scissors Glue
Map Key Maps usually represent key features or structures in the landscape using simple shapes and patterns. Before you can start printing your map you need to design what features you want to include and how they are going to look – there may be man-made structures like houses and bridges as well as natural elements like rivers, mountains and beaches. To give my map an Isle of Wight feel I have included sailing boats bobbing in the waves and a castle high on the hillside.
Note: For my sta mps I have used a foa m sheet f rom a cra f t store. However, you ca n use a ny mater ia ls you have ava i lable; the polysty rene ba se f rom a pizza is perfect, a n u nused spon ge, or even have a go w ith a cla ssic potato.