Style of Wight Issue 72 September/October 2021

Page 56

STYLE | Food


afternoon tea

There’s just someth i ng about sitti ng dow n to a ‘proper’ A f ternoon Tea that feels so del iciously i ndu lgent. It’s not just about the i ng red ients (though on ly the f i nest w i l l do) but the ritua l of pou ri ng, the ceremon ia l choosi ng, the sense of opu lence a nd occasion. Here a re just a few of ou r favou rite places to enjoy th is qu i ntessentia l ly British pasti me th is Autu m n. P ictu res Ch r i st i a n Wa r ren

A delightfully Victorian affair For a specia l occasion A f ternoon Tea f it for a Queen, look no f u rther tha n A lbert Cottage Hotel, i n the ver y bu i ld i ng where Queen Victoria hersel f enjoyed a nd popu la rised th is most qu i ntessentia l ly British ceremony du ri ng her Roya l residences. Ex tracts from Queen Victoria’s jou rna ls at the age of just 13 i n 1832 – a nd aga i n i n 1837 when she f i rst beca me Queen – spea k of her love for th is elega nt ritua l. In fact, the word “tea” a lone occu rs 7,587 ti mes i n Queen Victoria’s jou rna l records. Treat you rsel f to a n a rray of da i nty f i nger sa ndw iches, del icious scones w ith ja m a nd loca l clotted crea m, m i n i Victoria sponges, ca kes a nd tempti ng sweet treats – a l l fresh ly made i n the A lbert Cottage k itchens a nd ser ved w ith a choice of trad itiona l, f lavou red or fru it teas. Enjoy a l l th is i n the beauti f u l restau ra nt or Ga rden Terrace i n the stu n n i ng g rou nds. A lber t Cotta ge Hotel, Ea st Cowes a Instag ra m: @a lbertcottagehotel Book i ng essentia l 01983 299309


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Articles inside

Style speaks: to singer-songwriter Katie Melua

pages 118-120

Why don’t people read my

page 117

The Isle of Wight Knit Factory

pages 115-116

Living with nature: Biophilic

page 107

Reconnect to the real world: with

pages 105-106

Beyond backsplashes: with

pages 101-104

A shop of one’s own: Isle of

pages 93-98

Style and sustainability

pages 99-100

The scent of home: top tips for

page 81

Shop the look

pages 89-92

Light and shade

pages 87-88

Set the scene: embrace the drama and beauty of Autumn

pages 82-86

Fashion: Autumn looks to Fall in love with

pages 76-80

The art of being an aesthetic

page 75

Just the place for a Snark at the Isle of Wight’s first craft beer taproom

page 61

Destination Yarmouth: exploring

pages 62-67

A voyage of craft beer discovery on Cowes’ bustling High Street

page 60

Isle of Wight Doughnuts

pages 54-55

Autumnal afternoon tea: a few

pages 56-59

The perfect blend for beauty

pages 73-74

Autumn feasting: heart

pages 47-53

Meet the maker: Isle of Wight basket maker Heather Knowles

pages 40-46

Tribe & Tide: navigating Island family life

pages 24-28

Grand Russian High Tea

page 29

Lead interview: Iconic Jimi with legendary photographer Gered Mankowitz

pages 18-22

Season of photographic

pages 37-39

Kids art activity

pages 30-31

Style scoop: our seasonal round up of places to go, people to meet, and things to know

pages 16-17

Farringford garden

page 23

Style picks: adventure-always and hygge-at-home autumn favourites

pages 14-15
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