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Just the place for a
Booju m&Sna rk, the Isle of Wight’s f i rst solely cra f t beer taproom, is a n utterly u n ique ex perience; wh ich is not su r prisi ng when you consider the ventu re was i nspi red i n pa r t by Lew is Ca rrol l’s nonsense poem, ‘The Hu nti ng of the Sna rk’.
“In 1875 Lewis Carroll was on holiday in Sandown when he began ‘The Hunting of the Snark’, an extraordinary poem outlining the surreal voyage of nine crewmen who set sail to capture a Snark - it was read beautifully by Jeremy Irons in last year’s Isle of Wight Literary Festival. The poem is subtitled ‘An Agony in 8 Fits’ and that’s one way of describing opening a taproom and brewpub during a pandemic!” says co-founder Tracy Mikich, who took the plunge and launched this unique brewing, hospitality and art venue with her Medina High School friend Julie Jones-Evans. “We really wanted to create something inspiring with a strong sense of place, history, and identity in Sandown. Boojum is not only a taproom and brewpub, it’s also a gallery and micromuseum featuring the work of emerging artists as well as eclectic collections that could have been put together by a Victorian botanist,” says Julie. "Another driver was how we saw a burgeoning revival of small communitybased breweries and the part they played in regenerating places and
Boojum&Snark are developing a range of 4 beers. To date they have brewed: Snark pale ale Perfecting the pale ale recipe is as much of an adventure as hunting the SNARK, but they've hit on a great hop and malt combination to produce a refreshing and satisfying sessional ale.
Sandown is an ideal location for such an approach," she adds. “We have more beers literally fermenting in the pipework,” says Julie, “including a quirky take on a traditional bitter as well as an unctuous high strength Dubbel we hope to debut for our Craft and Cask festival from 8th - 10th October, in lieu of Beer and Buses." Local community leaders have noticed the impact Boojum&Snark is having: "We are being asked to get involved with community projects, art commissions, venues for groups like IW Storytellers, as well as plans for more communitybased activities in the future including supporting the 2022 Sandown Regatta. Having an aspirational business in Sandown High Street is an important marker for how the High Street could evolve, a place to explore and discover once again, inspiring a new generation of writers, entrepreneurs and eccentrics," says Julie.
Boojum IPA An IPA that goes back to the origins of the craft demonstrating a clever balance of aroma, flavour and bitterness utlising British hops and heritage malt. Lacemaker saison A lovely take on a traditional Belgian-style farmhouse ale. Spice, pepper, pear drops and banana all leaving their mark on the glass - gulp after delicious gulp - the lacing. Vanishing stout The last of the ‘8 Fits’ seemed the natural name for Boojum&Snark's darkest of ales, a leap into the abyss cushioned by soft, sweet, dark Godshill cherries.
Craft and Cask is on over the weekend 8th - 10th October. Boojum&Snark is located at 105 High Street, Sandown. Open Thursday to Friday 4pm - 10pm, Saturday 2pm - 10pm, Sunday 12pm - 8pm. | Instagram: @boojumandsnarkiw September and October 2021