STYLE | Feature
Silver Inspiration from the Sea Meet the ma ker Thomas P Cochra n Pictu res Ch r istia n wa r ren
You know that the Isle of Wight is on the up when an international jewellery designer and maker relocates here from Mauritius — that jewel of an island with white sands and azure seas in the middle of the Indian Ocean — and sets up in the centre of our Island. Now at Arreton Barns, Thomas P Cochran’s stunning silver and gold jewellery, incorporating semi-precious stones, is inspired by the ocean but made to be worn anywhere. Thomas Patrick Cochran moved to the Island in December 2020 after Covid shut down Mauritius. His wife Carrie followed him shortly afterwards, and their son, also Thomas, has now joined them in the family business. Originally, they set up in attic rooms at Woodnutts’ Yard, overlooking Bembridge Harbour, but accessibility