The Girl Next Door

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MAKING THE COVER To be honest, I didn’t know who Kristina McNeil was but all my other male friends definitely knew her! Im not a big fan of the local news stations and so I had no idea that I would apparently be shooting a “celebrity” According to the guys, Kristina was molded from the finest silk, with golden hair, a beautiful physique, a harmonic voice and killer smile. So of course that peaked my interest when we first met her; I would get to see for myself. After sitting down with her I realized she was a real person, down to earth, self conscious about everything, a little confident in some ways but a lady above it all. This is what I wanted to portray. So I got my team together, hair, makeup, styling and figured I would shoot her like the quiet, reserved, shy yet confident, lady-like, female she’d grown up to be.

My assistant helped me light and position her using scenarios that every woman would be able to relate to. The girls next door theme was perfect for Kristina as she felt right at home through each scene we shot. It was playful, fun, easy going but a lot of work. Even though a little chill was in the air, the weather co-operated with me to allow the lighting I used to cover her body in the way I preferred. We didn’t leave until minutes after nine that evening. With the whole team beat and ready to retire to their respective homes and evidently their beds, I was satisfied that I got the shots I needed.


The location was superb, an exotic home located in a gated community which was made accessible to me through a very prominent Real Estate company. We had access to the home for pretty much the entire day and despite a late start, we were able to get the spread done. Kristina was a little shy on set but once we got some techno and dance tracks blasting on the set, she was great. She was being catered to while I scouted spots around the home with my assistant. The Kalumantie media team was on set as well to scout spots to shoot her teaser video, which you would have seen already. Ian Pinder, owner, was very excited about this issue because he was there to experience first hand what shooting a beautiful women feels like. His assistant, Ritchie Goodman, a beginner in the video field was just as excited to be on a professional set. I adjusted quickly to my surroundings, utilizing every inch of the house. The bedroom, foyer, pool deck, kitchen and TV rooms were all my canvases to shoot a regular girl in an extraordinary way. My lighting was set up before she was posed, then adjusted to hit her skin at the right angles. Combining natural lighting, reflectors and my strobes, I was able to light her beautifully.


INSIDE THE MAG SUMMER SKIN CARE Skin Deep CHRISTINA Model Citizen WEDDINGS & PROMS Hair It Is ACCESSORIES Just F.A.B. La Femme Runway to Realway ODE to a B.I.T.C.H. It’s Wateva THE GIRL NEXT DOOR Cover Story Cloud 10 Phresh Love, Lust & Lunch What2Gear


REALITY CHECK Kickz Horoscope SPRING FUSION Gentlemen’s Way In the Lab A 3SOME? Side B The Joy’s of Sex Spotlight VOLUME 2. SPRING 2011



Gym Days


“Neighbors become mere strangers that pass each other like ships in the night. We must go back to basics and realize that this ailing world is only as strong as our homes and neighborhoods.” The Good Neighbor It is said that the fence that makes good neighbors, needs a gate to make good friends. In these days and times it seems as if that fence has ceased to exist. There are no longer communities that raise families and house friendships but only sub divisions for living arrangements. Neighbors become mere strangers that pass each other like ships in the night. We must go back to basics and realize that this ailing world is only as strong as our homes and neighborhoods. When last have you been a good neighbor? The “Girl Next Door” issue is inspired by the many friendships that are lost when the dynamic of the neighborhood changed. Decades pass and then you realize the face that you see somewhere in the media is that long lost friend from next door.

Nik Barnes Editor-in-Chief



LASTREVIEW @CSPerspective The C.S. Perspective Shout out @STYLEZINE ‘LOVE/HATE’ issue is nice. Love everything y’all done from the beginning. @RIDDIMONYACASE Michael Riddim hey @stylezine team you guys did a great job with this issue...keep up the good work! @SoOoAmaziing242 Starr Clarke RT @MacarraF: RT @SoOoAmaziing242: soo #ImBeingSarcastic is a 242#TT? <-- Yessuh! Courtesy of @STYLEZINE< ALRITE @BUTCHA2020 Dion Da Butcha @STYLEZINE wassup family?



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FEBRUARY 2011 Welcome to the all new Full of innovative features and interactive media, we hope that viewing this site will give you an appreciation for our magazine. Please enjoy.


CONTRIBUTORS Editor in Chief Nik Barnes Art Director ScharadL Writers Alexis Finalyson Cashera Rolle D’Angelo Charlton Jamal SMith James McKinney Joy St John Kedar Klarke LV Adderley Lucena Sawyer Simeon Hall TK Glover Designers Tara Deal Kai Sweeting Sales Kendra Wilkinson Troy Johnson Chavala Walker Kedar Klarke Buffboo Music Group Photography by ScharadL for Stylezine Grips: Victoria Gotti Hair: Cashera Rolle Styling: Torsha Ingraham Makeup: Lucena Sawyer Shot on location: Ocean Club Tropical Dress Design: David Rolle Video: Ian Pinder Video Assistant: Ritchie Goodman

COVER SHOT STYLEZINE MAGAZINE © 2011. All rights reserved. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached, or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of the owners. For more information, please contact us. No part of STYLEZINE may be produced in any form by any means without prior written consent.For permissions requests, please call 242.328.5443 or 242.525.9751. For reproduction on articles, please contact Nikolas Barnes at 242.525.9751 or via email at









Government Name: Christina Granville



Age: 25



Horoscope: Capricorn





Nationality: Jamaican/American




Current Location: Orlando, FL




Vacation spot: Miami


What’s in your iPod: Forever Jones, Chris Brown, Jamie Foxx, Rick Ross Defining career moment: Opening up for Paul Mitchell Hair/Runway show


Star you’re compared to: Tasha Smith from Tyler Perry’s Why Did I get Married 1 & 2 and Wanda (Killeta Smith) from the Benrie Mac show Turn Ons: Great Sense of Humor, Nice Body, and a Great Smile Turn Offs: Bad Breath, Bad Teeth, Guys with Kid(s) What/Who inspires you? My Mother, A Breast Cancer survior who is FEARLESS! SOCIAL NETWORK LINKS


















E A R L Y M O N D AY M O R N I N G y eyes open to a familiar stranger lying next to me. We had known each other for years, on many different levels, but never quite like this. This woman knew my strengths and my faults. She knew about Tanya, Keisha, Nikki, Bianca and Sanya. In fact, she had been the catalyst to many of my conquests – my go to guy for the unbelievably believable alibis. Yet, now she lay camouflaged between my sheets. What did this mean? Would lying with my best friend mean that I would now have to be the most honest man alive? Would I have to find a new cover or just bury the old me and become absorbed in this thing called love?

kiss, to a cleared dinner table and broken chairs…to this? My roaming eyes where blocked by her awakening smile. I gazed at a smile that seemed deeper and richer, against what I now saw to be hazel eyes and mocha skin. I had never noticed any of this before. But yet on this Sunday morning, I lay paralyzed, stirring at my “bestie” as though I had never seen her before. The purity of the moment made us both realize that it was too late to turn back. The question now was would she agree to move forward? Even as reality continued to set in, the this had been repeated over and over and over until it was early Monday morning.

The day started like it did every week. It was Sunday and that meant sports day at my house. She was one of the rare female sports fanatics, and a worthy rival spewing out mundane stats. We would usually have a few friends over but the heavy spring rains made it impossible to drive. But of course, she and I were here early preparing for the other guests. So what was supposed to be a house of fifteen rowdy sports fanatics became an oasis for the emotions of two. How did this happen? Was my homemade pasta some unknown aphrodisiac or was the evening simply destined to happen? Did Mother Nature conspire with the “god of best friends getting together” to make all this transition so smoothly? Or were we jinxed by all our friends that thought we should’ve been together by now? There were no burning candles. No Musiq Souldchild. No seduction. The ambiance was as romantic as a Jitney bus filled with noisy East Street kids headed to their first reggae concert. How could a moment of our usual mayhem making the tomato basil sauce have turned from a spoon taste, to a lingering forehead peck, to a sensual

Five ‘Dining in the Bahamas’ questions I can’t even answer! 1. How do restaurants serve “fresh seafood” after three or more days of inclement weather? 2. Why do all restaurants have a 15% gratuity charge? And do you have to pay it if the service was poor? 3. If it’s ‘imitation’, then what is imitation crab meat really made from? 4. What truly is the Bahamian national dish? 5. Are there any sit down restaurants owned by Bahamian chefs?

Home-Made Pasta with Pomodori Sauce, Fried Basil and Shaved Parmesan Cheese. Most people believe that fresh food takes hours to prepare and that there is no real distinction between, canned, frozen or fresh foods. But if you would start by making a few simple dishes from scratch and then you will see why chefs - good chefs like me – make our own bacon, butter, bread, cheese and so many other staple ingredients rather than buy ready made versions. This recipe is a good start. And unlike what many portray, great Italian food is simple with just a few ingredients done well. Step 1: Fresh pomodori sauce. The key to this sauce is the toasted chopped garlic. In a large sauce pot, toast the chop garlic by cooking the garlic in a hot extra virgin olive oil until a nut colored brown. Then add the whole peeled tomatoes and red wine. Allow the sauce to simmer on a gentle heat for about an hour. Follow by adding the fresh picked bay leaves to the remaining olive oil, season to taste, and the sauce is completed. (This sauce can be made into marinara sauce by blending the cooled sauce - which is then the base for any good meat sauce.) Step 2: Fresh homemade pasta. Always bring your water to a rapid boil when cooking pasta. 34


Add a generous amount of salt to ensure the pasta is infused with salt. Do not put oil in the water. To make one pound of pasta, you will need 2 cups of all purpose flour, 3 large eggs, and a 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Place the flour on a table in a mound and make a well in the center. Put the eggs and salt into the well. Mix the eggs together with a fork without disturbing the flour. Then gently merge the eggs into the flour. After all the eggs are incorporated, then knead the ball into a smooth mass for about four minutes. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for two hours. Remove from cooler and follow the instructions on a pasta roller (or simply using a rolling pin, roll the dough as thin as you possibly can). Using the chart, decide what pasta size to cut the sheet into. Simply fold the sheet of rolled pasta dough onto itself and cut. Step 3: To assemble. Boil pasta in salted boiling water for only three minutes. Spoon the sauce over the top and shower with shaved cheese.

Essence Catering for the last 11 years; has been one of the Bahamas’ and the Caribbean’s top catering companies. From restaurant consulting and design, to catering to food production, Essence does it all from start to finish. Executive Chef and Owner, Keshlah Smith has pursued this passion from an early age and continues to grow her business one project at a time. Essence is known for it’s over the top functions and prestige clientele from Vanessa Williams, Rick Fox, John Greely, to Ambassadors of London. Cuba, and China amongst others. Some of its restaurant clients includes Go Green Cafe, Studio Deli, Caribbean Spice, DK Clubhouse Bistro and soon to come, two other restaurant locations in Florida. This Chef takes her time to know her clients, to create the perfect event setting. No client gets the same menu. Each menu is specifically tailored. So let Essence plan that special event for you today.

Keshlah Smith Executive Chef/Owner t 242-557-8063

TO A 36


I’ve spent pretty much a big portion of my life either apologizing for being too short, too fat , too skinny, too awkward, too smart, too studious and too talented. As I’ve gotten older and more comfortable in my own skin, I find myself now having to apologize for being too picky, too confident, too independent, too outspoken and a laundry list of other “ stereotypes” that both men and women have placed on me. I know I am not alone in this struggle. I see my girlfriends having to bite their tongues, lie about their incomes, dumb themselves down and in some cases become submissive just to please the so called men and in some instances the women, they decide to surround themselves with. Well, it is 2011. I am 25 years old and I say Screw that dumb [CENSORED]!!! I will NOT simplify myself, play dumb , wiggle my butt, expose my breasts, keep my mouth shut , or any other demeaning ploy…. incompetent , low self esteem women use to get their way.

I am literally SICK of being labeled as something I am not just because I may be different than what you are used to. If I have an opinion I’m a [CENSORED]. If I feel I’m worth more than an occasional “ I miss you” text, I have a

I am literally SICK of being labeled as something I am not just because I may be different than what you are used to.

big ego and because I won’t date the average run of the mill Joe , I am cocky. Smt. Oh and lets not forget, my all time favorite…. because I speak my mind, do things my own

I know I am not alone in this struggle. I see my girlfriends having to bite their tongues, lie about their incomes, dumb themselves down… way, look at the world through my eyes instead of yours , I’m a [CENSORED]. Well. I take it I accept it. And I own it. I am proud to be a [CENSORED], Proud to be cocky and proud to have an ego. If all of this means I have the courage and strength to allow myself to be who I truly am and won’t become anyone else’s idea of what they think I “should” be. I will proudly wear the term B.I.T.C.H. Embrace it. Love it. And adopt it. I recently had someone tell me I believe I am “God’s gift to men” like that was a bad thing. Ummm sir..excuse me , isn’t that the attitude I’m supposed to have. Am I not supposed to 38


feel like there is no one else out their like me and that you will be at a loss if I left? Yes love, I do think it is a privilege to date me, to be around me and to breathe the air I breathe. If I presented myself to you as a the average girl, I will get average results. If I want the best I have to be the best. And therefore I will no settle for anything less than what I expect of myself. I refuse to apologize for being a woman who

Ladies the “ who the hell does she think she is” looks that we give each other are unnecessary. knows her worth and a value. I will be respected for who I am and not for what you want me to be. I will not change my hair, wear make up, lose weight, or skip dessert to fit in with someone else’s image of womanhood. I will not pretend to like football, allow you to drag me to boring movies and dictate every aspect of our relationship because, I want a man. Relationships take compromise and work. I will put in the time if you put in the effort. Gat it? Good!

But sadly enough men are not the only ones guilty of labeling women , we do a good job of making each other feel ‘unworthy’ all on our own. Ladies the “ who the hell does she think she is” looks that we give each other are unnecessary. The eye balling, up and down looks, sucking teeth and whispering about a woman you don’t even know is childish. And quite frankly says more about your character then

Before you assume that the girl down the street “screwed for her job” how bout you take the time to get to know her?

and style rather than trying to find the one thing wrong with her to snicker about. As women we need to stick together not tear each other down. So to all my other women out there who men and women love to call [CENSORED] because you are different , do not let the noise of the crowd dim your light and cause you to reform. Do not let them stop you. Do not let them silence you. Do not become the average girl. Be memorable. Be different. Be a [CENSORED] if you have to. At the end of the day, you only have to answer to yourself, screw the haters and forget the negative Nancies and the Debbie downers. Being a [CENSORED] isn’t about stepping on other people, or reality TV-style sabotage antics. Its about working hard for what you want, and knowing when to stand up for what you deserve. Its not about demoralizing others; its about self-empowerment. Its not about being arrogant; its about displaying your confidence and intellect as a badge of pride. Its not asserting any inherent superiority or self-entitlement, but recognizing your own self-worth and value.” So Next time someone calls you the dreaded B word, say thanks and remind them it’s better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you are not. Love or Hate me... Its wateva

hers. How bout this year, we try to uplift each other and not put each other down. Before you assume that the girl down the street “screwed for her job” how bout you take the time to get to know her? Lets compliment a woman in her good looks


by: nik barnes photographed by: scharadl hair: cashera rolle makeup: lucena sawyer styling: torsha ingraham video: ian pinder grips: ritchie goodman documented: victoria gotti shot on location: ocean club. nassau, the bahamas.



Enter neighbor. Dressed in what some may consider ‘under cover’ attire, a confident, mature Kristina McNeil makes a very loud entrance into Starbucks. No, no sound was uttered, just deafening silence as she looks over to me to motion with her hand to give her a second while she b-lines to order a cappuccino. All eyes are directed to the popular soft spoken Cable 12 news journalist as she waits patiently while fumbling with her Blackberry Torch. ‘Krissy’ as she is affectionately called walks over, removes her big face shades and takes a seat. She whispers “i’m so sorry i’m late, just been a crazy day”. What is the origin of the last name McNeil? - It’s actually Scottish in origin, although I can hardly say I’m Scottish. The name got passed down to the black Seminole Indians, who the McNeils in the Bahamas descend from. One of my ancestors, Felix McNeil (or MacNeil) was among the first black Seminoles to migrate to Andros, from Florida. What did you major in at the American University? - I majored in broadcast journalism, with a minor in justice. I was torn between journalism and law until I got my first summer job as an intern/reporter at The Tribune in 2005 and saw my name in print in a national newspaper. But sometimes I still wonder how I would have fared as a lawyer, and I didn’t stop there. I got my master’s degree in integrated marketing communications... still waiting to put that one to use. In a brood where all of your immediate relatives are in the medicine field why did you decide not to follow in the family footsteps? - Medicine has always fascinated me, and until I was about 14 I wanted to become a doctor. It was around that age when I began learning more about medical school... cutting open cadavers, and anything else that goes on after that. I don’t do well with dead people, so that was all I needed to hear. Despite the fact that my family is the medical field, I was never pressured into it. I’m thankful that my parents encouraged me to make my own decisions and choose what was best.



THINGS YOU DONT KNOW: Government Name: Kristina Love McNeil Birth City: Nassau, Bahamas Notable Events: Part of the ‘Best team in Bahamian news’ NB-12. Currently working on: Supercharging my career. Celebrity Comparisons: I’ve been told I look like Alicia Keys but for for those who’ve heard me sing, I’m nowhere near her talent!

What or whom inspired you to get into the field of Journalism? - Darold Miller. He and CNN’s Lynne Russell. Lynne was actually my childhood inspiration - I recall watching Lynne anchor on CNN with my parents, back when she used to wear these hideous red-rimmed glasses, and telling my parents that one day I’d be on TV like her. But when I was in high school at St. Andrews we had our first ever career day where Darold Miller spoke. I was sold! That’s when he was still working at ZNS... a few months later the straw market fire happened. If you didn’t know who Darold Miller was before then, you definitely knew after that fire! Ironically when I landed my first full-time job as a radio news anchor and reporter, he was my boss. After returning home from 3.5 years at school what were your first job experiences like? - My first job experiences were very interesting! I first worked at a newspaper during my summer vacations from college. It was my first experience getting my feet wet in the Bahamian media industry. I met many influential people and travelled to more of the Bahamian islands that I ever would have on my own at that point in my life. It was that first job that really made me want to pursue a career in broadcast journalism. There are slight but distinct differences between the two forms of journalism... What would you say is the biggest misperception people have of you? - I’m a quiet and shy person, but people generally mistake that for me being stuck-up. Naturally I’m not one to approach perfect strangers and introduce myself, but because of the profession I chose, I go out of my comfort zone every day. Is there an ongoing working tension between JCN and Cable 12 news team? - I’d like to refer to it as ‘friendly competition’. Lol. As you know, there are three television news outlets - NB-12, ZNS and JCN. I’ve seen some of the banter on Facebook about the news stations and who has the better product, especially around the time of NB-12’s relaunch last year. I don’t get involved, but I will say that the product will speak for itself. If you were on an episode of MTV’s Room Raiders TM what would we find in your room? Neatness, order and peace. My laptop, some records, a bunch of shoes and my tv.



“I’m a quiet and shy person, but people generally mistake that for me being stuck-up.” THE GIRL NEXT DOOR



One of the first things viewers say is, cable 12 news only hires fair skin workers. How much truth is there to that speculation? That’s very interesting speculation... funny that no one seemed to say that the national broadcaster has a news team made up of mostly dark-skinned reporters. I’m not an expert on the hiring process at NB-12, but I know that all of my colleagues are well qualified for the positions they have, regardless of skin tone. And in television news, it doesn’t hurt to be good looking! How do you plan for your knowledge and talent to gain immortality? - Right now I’m not trying to imitate or emulate anyone else in the field... I’m just trying to be the best at my craft and let my work speak for itself. You had a brief stint by trying out for The Miss Bahamas beauty contest and soon after, you backed out of the opportunity. What made you change your mind? - Talking to a few of the other girls who were trying out for the contest the year I entered, I realized that pageantry was a lifestyle for some of them. I had a childhood dream of becoming Miss Bahamas, as many young girls do, and I thought it would be a good experience to represent my country. But with so much emphasis placed on image, I decided it wasn’t for me. I figured I wasn’t like the other girls; I didn’t want to dress up every day and go on a diet to make my body look like everyone else’s. So I backed out - I’d rather be remembered for brains than beauty.

“That’s very interesting speculation... funny that no one seemed to say that the national broadcaster has a news team made up of mostly darkskinned reporters.” THE GIRL NEXT DOOR

Do you think local government owned companies such as BTC, ZNS and possibly BEC should be privatized? - I think that when it comes to privatization, you really have to look at how it will affect the products and services offered by those companies. Personally, I think privately-owned companies have a better handle on quality control and customer service - government has a lot on it’s plate already, it may be time to get out of certain fields. If someone was doing a background check on you how would your neighbors describe you? - I’m definitely the neighbor who hates to arrive home, only to find cars parked all along the street and on my grass. I’ve even considered putting measures in place to prevent people from parking on our grass... I haven’t reached my breaking point when it comes to that yet though. Lol.



When not busy reporting the news how do spend your brief moments of solitude? - Typically reading, or catching up on TV shows online. And when the weather’s nice I’ll likely be on the beach or in my backyard soaking up some sun.

“I had a childhood dream of becoming Miss Bahamas, as many young girls do, and I thought it would be a good experience to represent my country. But with so much emphasis placed on image, I decided it wasn’t for me. “ THE GIRL NEXT DOOR For the males at large reading this right now, what type of men do you like? - I don’t have a type... but as for qualities (and I’m quoting this from my journal), it would be the type of man who would treat me with the same love and respect he has for his mother - the kind of love that can’t be cheated or falsified. A man who loves God more than me and is willing to grow his faith. A man who cherishes the small things and isn’t afraid of sharing his thoughts, hopes, dreams and a real commitment to love, marriage and fatherhood. What kind of relationship do you have with ‘The one that got away’? - I wouldn’t use that description... but limited, very limited.

Finish this sentence. The worst pick up line I have ever heard was... “Are you tired? Well you should be ‘cause you’ve been running through my mind all day.” What are you giving up for lent? - CHEESE! Worst.decision.ever. This is definitely one of the most difficult things I’ve ever tried to give up. Apparently I’m a stress-eater and cheese is my go-to food. If you unfortunately lost your iPod what would we find on there? - Mariah, Beyonce & Rihanna. Mixed in a with a few hits from one of my favorite TV shows GLEE. Along with playlists titled, Sweet November, a December to Remember, Forever Valentine & Happiness. Perfect stress-free mixes. And I can’t forget the timeless oldies - Marvin Gaye & Otis Redding. What kind of movies do you have in your dvd collection? - About half of the movies Johnny Depp has ever starred in *sigh*... the Star Wars Trilogy, which is classic in itself, along with Star Wars episodes 1-3... Back to the Future 1-3... and The Notebook, just to name a few. Everyone has their vice. Whats your addiction? - CHEESE! Hence the reason I’m giving it up for Lent... or trying to. After Lent I’m hoping I can keep my cheese cravings under control... I’m sure my body will appreciate it in the long run! What is your fondest memory of high school? - My fondest memories of high school all centered around my English class and the very interesting teachers I had the pleasure of learning from... there were teachers who inspired and fostered my passion for writing, others that tried it, and then those who got me so riled up that I landed myself in detention... It was all worth it though, I obviously learned something! What would you say is your biggest fear? - My biggest fear is having my children grow up in a Bahamas overrun by crime - where they are afraid to go to school, to the movies or even to the beach. Those times are almost upon us, and I worry my children will have to live in fear for their lives if something isn’t done about crime soon.

When its all said and done. What do you want to be remembered as? - I want to be remembered as someone who was true to herself. A hard-worker, someone who inspires and motivates others, while striving to be a better person. Just good enough is never enough for me. I don’t settle and I don’t expect anyone else to. Any last words? - Live, Love, Laugh. That’s my motto for 2011 & beyond... anything less than that is unacceptable!

“Just good enough is never enough for me. I don’t settle and I don’t expect anyone else to.” THE GIRL NEXT DOOR
















THE GIRL NEXT DOOR There are lots of things that women carry that are essential. What are yours Kristina? Oh, that’s easy, I can’t ever do without my bottle water, hand sanitizer, my Bath & Body Works ‘Lambie’ face mask, my black pumps (a must in every woman’s car) and my Blackberry Torch™




The change is upon us. It’s that time of year where we make drastic changes in our lives in hopes of having positive outcomes. It’s during this time that most women change up their looks entirely, yet most men struggle in their image rut of mundane hues of blue. Over the holidays we bundled up in mix-matched jackets to keep warm, and paid less attention to what was underneath. But now, its time to strip away the layers and reveal your true colors! As an image stylist, I encounter tons of men who find it difficult to embrace bright and bold colors as apart of their wardrobe. My most common suggestion to them is to latch onto a few trends and slowly add color into your life. Spring fashion is all about bright, bold colors that reflect the beauty of nature. To make your transition seamless, I’ve created a fun fashion guideline that would help in seeing how color in every area of your life can make a difference, fashionably! Kedar Clarke



SPRING TO THE OFFICE When you walk into the office, make the ladies scream OMG! Switch it up from the traditional blacks and blues and take spring to your 9-5.

SPRING CASUALLY While making your casual runs, ditch the jean and upgrade to pants, in color. My favorites for the season…Seersuckers!

SPRING FORMALLY Most gentlemen carry a busy social schedule. Instead of the traditional “penguin” suit for a formal event, add color in more than one way.







Here’s what we think are the next hot gadgets on the market. This will satisfy any tech’s tastes buds and keep everyone else up to date on what’s hip and new.

HP™ PHOTOSMART PLUS ALL-IN-ONE A PRINTER WORTH BUYING!! For once we wont talk about a smartphone or tablet. This time, we will talk about a new print that’s packed with all kinds of technology. This is the HP PhotoSmart Plus; an all in one inkjet printer, scanner, fax and copy machine. For a great price, this printer is worth every penny. What we loved about this machine is that using HP’s eprint smart phone app, you can connect with your printer from anywhere and print documents, images etc, right from your phone. How cool is that?! WHAT WE LOVE ABOUT IT>> • Great Size • Wireless Printing • Smart Phone Integration • Prints photos (with correct paper-type) • Media Card slots • Touch Screen • Price Range $75 - $220





hile the rest of the Stylezine fam’ is enjoying Spring Break and reveling, Kickz is on another tip. Things are happening that have forced our minds on things more relevant. Let’s be clear, if you don’t know what’s happening in the Middle East with Libya and the Rebels struggle against Momar Khadaffi, you have been living under a rock. Maybe that isn’t it. Maybe you’re a sneaker-head so obsessed with sneakers and sneaker-culture that anything outside of your little sneaker bubble world doesn’t affect you, Well time for a REALITY CHECK. It does and WILL affect you. The Middle East is already a region with a storied past dating back to biblical times and in most recent years an area of countries rife with internal as well as external struggles. The focus at this present time is on Libya and Kaddafi and the struggle between his regime and the rebel uprisings around the country. Kaddafi, a man that judging by his appearance and speech patterns is lost in madness while holding onto power over a country that he as dictated over and embarrassed since the 70’s, has thrown the oil industry in that part of the world into chaos due to the instability in his country. As a result oil prices per barrel have broken the $100 mark and continue to rise. Forcing some countries to push up the prices of fuel while others search for alternate sources. Gas price hikes are nothing new. However the far-reaching affects of those hikes are going to new heights and places every day. Nike the storied brand that dominates the sneaker world like no other has in response to the rising cost of fuel which has raised cotton prices, shipping, and sneaker production cost has decided to raise the price on each and every single pair of Nike sneakers offered today. Along with this plan they also are looking to decrease the amount of cardboard used to make shoeboxes. A shocker yes, because for one we don’t yet know how much the price rise will be ($1-$5 a pair maybe?), and also will Nike’s price hike have a trickle-down or should I say pan-over effect and every other sneaker brand adopt this practice? Converse? Adidas? Reebok? Supra? Vans? Who else is going to up

their prices due to the rising cost and increased demand for oil? I heard one of the most airheaded comments made by another adult that I have heard in a long time the other day. A friend of mine lamenting the current direction Nike has decided to take said; “Man we can’t get a break aye? First earthquake and tsunami in Japan killed the brand ‘Bapes’ for us, now Kaddafi messing’ with my NIKES?” As much as I wanted to laugh with him and say “Bro I feel ya!”; I had to reprimand him like he was a rude child. Japan is struggling with a real nationwide crisis, other countries and people figuring out ways to help, Kaddafi is so sick he would hire professional assassin armies to kill his own people, the oil industry aka the “lifeblood” of that region thrown in chaos, and all this dummy could worry about was Bapes and Nikes! WAKE UP!!!! Look I love sneakers as much as the next sneaker head but when real life slaps us up side the head with reality we must take notice. Daily life is going to change drastically as a result of all these happenings. The Global picture is changing. We cannot afford to have our minds lost in excess and frivolity all the time. I’m not saying to all of you out there enjoying your Spring Break not to. I’m not gonna’ beat your conscience down with a call to “action” wither. By all means no. What I AM saying is while your out there having fun keep in mind that things are happening in this world today that will affect every aspect of our lives and the future. It’s like a global 360% of separation...We need to be alert, aware and stay informed. I wear my Kickz. My Kickz don’t wear ME.

Founded in 2009, the principle aim of the founder is simply to offer people a chic alternative to the already established brands. I’d say he’s done a great job doing so. So far their availability is limited to Couture stores across Europe and via contacting the designer himself via e-mail. But with this global market of the Internet. I’m positive you can get a pair. For more info on these sneakers check out their website.



Looking for all accounts as if someone married Clay’s quiet clean aesthetic with the big-tag-obsession of Supra, Filling Pieces is a brand that is described by the designer Guillame Philibert himself as “filling pieces in a gap”. The gap between Haute Couture and Street Couture. I would just pass it off as a great marketing ploy for a shoe brand lacking originality, but the shoes are incredible.






The “threesome” question has been coming up a lot lately and it’s about that time that time that it is addressed. Not to long ago threesomes were regarded as taboo or something that only porn stars did, but now a days it has crept into the bedrooms of a lot of unsuspecting people which is totally their choice of course. If each of us are honest with ourselves deep down in the darkest corners of our minds lie the thought of what it would be or feel like to have a “threesome”. This topic today was inspired by a young lady who is presently dating the man of her dreams for eight years and through all the bliss, she was stumped cold in her tracks when he asked her to live out one of their bedroom fantasies – yes you guessed it – the very appealing threesome. I will be honest and tell this young lady that I will not make this decision for her, but only ask that she consider some things that might be helpful in her decision making process.

Even though threesomes and Orgies have long been recorded in history – people at large are engaging like it was a new drug and never considering the consequences. I have heard a lot of people say, “if you haven’t tried it yet …..You’re not serious” or if you do decide to do it “don’t do it with the person your in a relationship with” …OKAY!!... If I considered doing it why would it be with two other people?????..... I have also heard from the other end of the stick where it is said “Engaging in a threesome will be the beginning of the end of your relationship”. I have heard about great experiences that was just that – a great experience and life just went on as normal, then I have heard that it wasn’t and isn’t worth it. The thing about this fantasy is knowing what’s at risk, which I don’t think a lot of people really think through thoroughly. It’s almost like entering it with “Your Eyes Wide Shut”!!! If you decide to live out this fantasy with the man you love, I think it is only fair to ask some relevant questions. 1. Do you seriously want another person in our bed? If this question is answered adequately enough for you, the next question should be…

says yes right away - honestly I don’t know how well I would take that but that’s a different story all together. 4. What kind of person is this girl? – is she a lesbian or is she bi? If she is a lesbian does that mean you’ll just be watching and if she is bi, will you be having intercourse with the both of us, exchanging condoms when need be? 5. Next question is VERY IMPORTANT - what do you consider off limits? I personally think that kissing should be off limits. It is very personal and shouldn’t be something done in a threesome with the other person. 6. Does she have boyfriend and if so, what are the chances that she might ask the same of you, when it comes to doing it with her boyfriend. 7. Here is something else to consider - Will this girl tell the whole world about your encounter? 8. Number 1 of 2 final questions… WHAT IS YOUR STATUS? Meaning does she have any STD’s or even AIDS. Will you take her to get tested or will you all get tested before you engage in this fantasy? 9. And finally what would happen if she decided to call you behind your boyfriends back and ask to have sex with or call him behind your back or even vice versa?

Okay so you might say, “JOY it really isn’t that serious!!!”. I am not saying that it is all, I am asking you to consider it all. I have even heard of a girl who got pregnant as a result of an experience like this and all the girlfriend could do was accept it for what it was and help take care of the child that she helped make a reality. Threesomes sound so good in theory but in reality an hour of pleasure can bring down your eight-year relationship like the walls of Jericho. Once you have considered all that I have said feel free to make your decision but I think the key to most fantasies is sharing them with that special person in the comfort of your love and that DOES NOT include anyone else. But if your choice is to completely indulge your man – “DO IT AND DO IT WELL”

2. Will we do this with male or female? Now chances are if the boyfriend asked it, it would be another female ……… fine. 3. Next is do you have someone in mind? If he



ALL HAIL THE QUEEN! MEET BLOG QUEEN - REKA CARTWRIGHT Bahamian Socialite & Celebrity Blogger--Reka Cartwright, known for her ‘gossip gal’ styled entertainment; has garnered readers from around the world, earning her blog; over a million hits a month and a spot amongst the top Bahamian Websites! Reka is the epitome of alter-ego: Paralegal by day and ‘Gossip Queen’ by night. You can count on her to keep you updated on the best parties and events and national and global news ranging from celebrities to the prime minister. She balances hard work and play with her passions in reading, writing and socializing to get the latest scoop. But don’t sleep , because MzPapz, as she is called by her loyal readers; quickly transforms into the driven, hard-working, career chick by day, eagerly pursuing her very first love in [LAW]

>SOUND TOYS As the years have been progressing, one common trend has emerged in all areas of technology. Making things smaller, more light weight & depending on the equipment, either partially or completely portable. As one of the pioneers in the music making world, Korg has found that this trend is something they must be apart of. Korg recently launched their new “Nano” line of products. So far featuring, the

NanoKey, the NanoPad &the NanoKontrol. Each

piece of equipment is specifically designed to make it easier for the user to edge out their musical ideas no matter



where they maybe. All you need to enjoy these fun new toys is a laptop and possibly a pair of headphones, if you want to make sure those ideas remain your own. The NanoKEY mimics just about everything a normal midi keyboard would be able to without taking up the same amount of space. Both the NanoKONTROL & NanoPAD follow that same outline in being capable of doing the work or its larger counterpart but not having the bulk to get in the way when you’re on the go. These fun new products are definitely a great grab if only just to play around with in spare time and at $59.95 each, Korg has made it easy and affordable to get your hands on these controllers.


KENDRICKLAMAR A relatively unknown rapper straight out of Compton California has been making a lot of noise in the west. Kendrick Lamar just may be the new hope that the west has been looking for to put it back on the hip-hop map. For the past few years hip-hop music has been getting rather comfortable in the east and the “dirty south”, leaving artists in the west trying to climb their way out of a musical hole and into the future. Dr. Dre himself has enlisted the help of this new school pioneer to help lead the way for the west. Dre announced recently that he and Lamar collaborated on a track for his upcoming album “Detox”. It seems as-though Dre sees something special in this kid. Kendrick’s latest mixtape was an excellent listen. It gave the west feel with a little more bounce and this kid brings the lyrics to boot. His most recent mixtape titled (O)verly (D)edicated really shows how versatile he is as an artist and gives a little insight as to what we can expect from his approaching 2011 debut album, “Good Kid In

A Mad City”; which is a pretty fitting name when you think about the fact that Kendrick is from Compton but unlike the majority of other rappers from that city, he has never been apart of or affiliated with a gang. Lamar also announced an upcoming mixtape with fellow hip-hop freshman J. Cole which is expected to be another extremely impressive listen and help cement both Lamar & Cole as prospects for future heads of hip-hop.


As far as the mixtape game goes Wiz Khalifa has been doing it for a while, having just under a dozen mixtapes to date; but up until two years ago he was unknown to most. When he released his “Burn After Rolling/B.A.R.” mixtape in ‘09, it brought him to the forefront of Hip-Hop; proving to the world of music connoisseurs that he was worth the listen. Last year he kept the internet buzzing with word of his “Cabin Fever” Project, but as the year pasted it seemed as if he had decided not to do it.


Well, Cabin Fever is here!!! Khalifa is coming through this time around and giving us what we’ve been anticipating. The intro track “Phone Numbers” Featuring Trae Tha Truth & Big Sean starts this mixtape off right and with followup tracks like “Erreeday”, “Hustlin” & “Taylor Gang”; he keeps the momentum going straight through to the end. Though the tape is only 9 tracks long, with the average tape being about 18 tracks long, it’s apparent that Wiz definitely chose the right title for his tape, cause this one is HOT and most definitely on replay.



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