Interview: Rhiannon Leifheit LiebeMarleneVintage

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hiannon Leifheit is one of those in the Blogging World, who can´t look bad in a single Outfit, and first I thought that she and Zooey Deschanel are twins, but they are not. Her inspiring Blog & Shop, which is online since 2007, is the best source in Vintage on the Web, and it seems that she does not only write about, and wear Vintage clothes. It is her whole impressing Lifestyle, and she is the best unique selling proposition when it comes to her Store. It´s been more than a year, since I´ve discovered your blog for the first time after going through your Ebay Store for a X-Mas Present. My Boyfriend bought a Skirt which I still love, but he isn´t my Boyfriend anymore. When I discovered your blog for the first time, you totally remind me on Zoe Dechanel, which is one my style icons. Have you heard that a lot, this Zoe comparison? Aww thanks--I’m so happy that you like the skirt and that it worked out better than the boyfriend situation! :(

I get the Zooey Deschanel comparison once in a while, though mostly on my blog and online, since I don’t think I really look like her in real life. I wish I did! She has lovely style--I’m always amazed by her collection of party dresses. What have you done before you started your own Vintage Store and Blog? I mostly worked jobs I wasn’t exactly crazy about . . . I majored in English literature in college and never really knew what to do with it, so right after I graduated I worked secretarial type jobs, but while I was supposed to be working, a lot of times I’d sneak online and look at fashion websites. I went to thrift stores every week and started selling on Ebay when I had a part-time job--eventually I just gave up the other job and became a full-time vintage seller. .Are there recent Designer which you really like? I’ve really gotten into Rachel Comey recently--mostly for her shoes, but also for the wonderful styling in her shows. Other runway shows I look out for are Charles Anastase and Chloe and Luella Bartley (I’m crossing my fingers she’ll keep designing!).

And your all time favorite Designer? I’m really bad at coming up with all time favorites! At the moment I’m really into late ‘60s/ early ‘70s stuff, so I’m getting lots of inspiration by looking at old Biba and Ossie Clark photos. To tell you the truth I think I’m most inspired by smaller labels like A.P.C. and Lover, though. Do you know the Austrian Designer Lena Hoschek? She produces Vintage styled Clothes and premiered her newest Collection at the Berlin Fashion Week a few days ago and is known for her Katy Perry Show Outfit. No--but thanks so much for the introduction! I just looked up her stuff and she’s really good . . . I love the 1940s looks! David Bowie is one who make you grooving. What Songs are your favs? Any particular? I’m so happy you’re asking me about David Bowie! Well lately I’ve been listening to “Low” a lot, so I really love “Breaking Glass” and “Sound and Vision.”

“Station to Station” is an amazing song to run to on the treadmill, and some of those first songs on Lodger are just beautiful. So mainly late ‘70s David Bowie! Do you like any other Acts from the 70ies? Most of my favorite music comes from the ‘70s! I like ‘70s Bob Dylan a lot (Desire and Blood on the Tracks) and I love What do you think about Bowie as a Style Icon? I don’t think I necessarily want to dress like him, but I love how creative he was with his wardrobe choices . . . I loved how he put so much thought into his stage personas--his outfits were elaborate, but I don’t think he was ever out mainly to shock. My favorite persona might be the in White Duke just because that’s the David Bowie era I like best right now, but they’re all pretty great. If I had to dress like David Bowie in any period of time it would probably the the late ‘60s/early ‘70s Bowie when he had long hair and wore dresses and did his makeup like a 1930s film star.

A vintage blog can cover everything from old photos to classic designers to antique store finds . . . there's so much to discover for inspiration.

If look at the Blogging World, there are more and more Blogs, who are dedicated to Vintage Clothes and Stuff. Someone meant that there is a Renaissance ongoing, and nobody can stop this. ere are Girls, who express themselves with Fashion from the early or mid 20th century. And most of the blogs have a romantic touch. Would you say that this is a clear opposite Trend against this „Sex sells” thing? Are “real people” the new deal?

Fashion Week season just started and year by year, there are more Blogger in the attendance. Do you receive invites by the Fashion Houses?

Oh, I’m not sure . . . . For a long time it seemed like the opposite was true . . . most of the blogs I came across were a bit tough and hard-edged, not really my thing. I think that clothes-wise we’re going into a prettier, more romantic season this Spring, so that might play a part in it. But I think that lots of girls gravitate towards vintage because it’s generally less expensive than buying everything designer. It’s more accessible. e history aspect adds a more interesting layer to it, too . . . . A vintage blog can cover everything from old photos to classic designers to antique store finds . . . there’s so much to discover for inspiration. And I hope that “real people” are the new deal! at’s what makes blogs so interesting to me--the fact that they’re written by real individuals rather than magazine writers who might be paid to think and write a certain way.

Ooh, no, but that would be lots of fun, though a little bit nervewracking, maybe!

You like Billy Wilder Movies, what is your favorite one? I can’t really decide whether “Sunset Boulevard” or “ e Apartment” is my favorite Billy Wilder movie . . . Well, most of them are really great- “Double Indemnity,” too! Billy Wilder had this wonderful way of adding humor to pretty dark situations and of taking a depressing topic and making a beautifully light and airy movie out of it.

I’ve been invited to a few smaller showings but haven’t been able to go! Have you ever attend at runway shows in the so called Fashion Capitals like Paris, London or Milan?

In an Interview, you´ve meant that there is a girl in the UK, who runs a Vintage Shop, and that you want to go through her closet. Have you been there since then? Ha ha, no, I still haven’t seen her closet! I think that was the owner off Vintage-A-Peel ( which is a shop in the UK that sells amazing high-end vintage . . . mostly British boutique items and Biba and Ossie Clark and Lee Bender Bus stop, the sort of dresses I dream about owning! And how is it to be a Modepass Ambassador? I haven’t been too involved with it lately but it was a lot of fun to be a part of it and to take part in the Modepass projects, where a designer would send all the ambassadors a piece from a collection, and we’d all have to style it in our own ways. What are your future plans? Right now I plan to keep doing what I’m doing . . . I’m excited for estate sale season so I can dig up some good finds for my shop, and I want to keep blogging and visit some more places in the South this spring to write about.

Text & Interview by Tami Sunderson | S.K.i.R NYC Images by Rhiannon Leifheit Layout by Stefan Urschler

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