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Short-Term Solution or Long-Term Strategy? Blue Highways Jerry Tyler
As we fast-forward into this new year full of untold promise, I find myself reminded of how important it is to have a clear vision of what we want to achieve. Even when we are bombarded with many new opportunities, it is critical to have a desired result in mind. This is of paramount importance now, at the beginning of the year, more than at any other time during this year’s journey. The collective voice broadcast to us from the media and our industry seem to be saying, “We are not out this yet,” however, there are new frontiers being crossed and victories won that help us feel we are on our way. Before we can move forward, we need to have a clear picture of what we want to realize in the end. If we are waiting for someone or some entity to guide us in the best direction, we will be waiting for a long time. It is important to remember how we got here in the first place. Many of us trusted that our hoped-for end result was indeed attainable in the long term, and that the powers-that-be
The e y to us As eas ryer d as a
had our best interests in mind. long-term vacuum, waiting to be filled with After over two years of turmoil and more short-term actions. uncertainty, the reality is that no matter how In contrast, the long term requires more badly we want things to be the way they were, from the individual or business, as it takes a they will never be that way again. The quesconstant and vigilant effort to keep their vition now is which way we turn. sion focused on the desired long-term goals. Shall we seek a short-term solution? These individuals must see the measured Or follow a long-term strategy? In the end, short-term goals and successes as steps along short-term solutions the way to their have limited bendesired long-term Shall we seek a short-term efits and possible goals. These are negative results. the smaller comThe answer is solution? Or follow a long-term ponents that make not an either, or up the larger Big approach; it is a strategy? In the end, short-term Picture. question of what To achieve each solution will true abundance, solutions have limited benefits provide. the larger picture Sometimes, in cannot be comand possible negative results. critical or threatpromised for short ening situations, term or immedidrastic solutions are needed immediately. ate benefit. When the focus is only on the However, short term problem solving needs short term, the larger picture can get lost or to be coupled with a long term planning strat- disappear altogether. egy in order to bring real, lasting results. The brands in business and in life that are Although the short term results may be truly built to last are committed to maintainimmediately gratifying, this can be potentially ing a balance between the short term and long dangerous to your long-term plan. They can term. They are constantly aware of where rob you of the incentive to put your longthey are, in relation to where they need to be. term plan in action, eventually leading to a They are continually shifting the short term
to stay in alignment with their long term desired goals. Critical to staying the course long term, are perseverance and unrelenting faith. Many mistakenly believe that a long term grounded approach lacks the passion of the quick fix, or the creativity of the short term, fast lane view of life. Both long term and short term have different operational models and outcomes, yet they both require being in the moment, and knowing where you are at any given moment. Utilizing short term and long-term strategies and action plans will help you stay the course toward the realization of your dreams. A desire for continued growth and abundance in all aspects of our professional and personal worlds, coupled with our willingness to “go the distance,” will help us to achieve the best possible end result. Remember, your passion to achieve your goals will always be your greatest ally. Jerry Tyler’s column Blue Highways is his “Road Less Traveled” perspective on the solutions and challenges facing the beauty industry. Jerry Tyler has been a stylist since 1975 serving as the former artistic director for Vidal Sassoon Academy and currently as Director of Industry Relations for Carlton Hair salons. He is also a licensed cosmetology instructor and has served as President of the California State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology. READ IT! SAVE IT! PRINT IT! NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE!
View this article and more at www.stylistnewspapers.com
Next Big Thing for Salons e Befor
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In this issue... Top Trends to Watch for in 2011 by Jayne Morehouse
Blue Highways
Even when we are bombarded with many new opportunities, it is critical to have a desired result in mind. Utilizing short term and long-term strategies and action plans will help you stay the course toward the realization of your dreams.
8 Esthetic Endeavors
Every clinic wants to offer the hottest, most innovative services. However, to make it a wise business decision, it is important that these additions match the culture and demographics of your facility.
13 The Mane Objective
Our road to economic recovery is still quite shaky and uncertain as we kick off the new year. The good news is that we can get creative in order to continue to prosper.
Blue Highways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Top Trends for 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Beauty Business Buzz . . . . . . . . . . 6 The Nail Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Esthetic Endeavors . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Ohio Cosmetology News. . . . . . . 10 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 The Mane Objective. . . . . . . . . . 13 Better Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 What’s New in the Market . . . . . . 15
On the cover... Cover Photo Courtesy of Cosmetologists Chicago & America’s Beauty Show Hair: Marek Hartwig/ Frank Gironda Salon & Spa Makeup : James Burns Clothing: Dana Hanegraaf
The New Year offers a new frontier in beauty. With the economy rebounding slowly, clients are spending more on salon services and products again, but with an important difference. They want to buy the best but feel like they are getting a great value. They want expertise backing up their purchase. In addition, they want to feel good about their decisions. When you can tap into those emotions through your service menu, your product recommendations and your expertise, they will feel connected to you. In fact, listening to your clients and meeting their needs accordingly will drive your business growth. Here is a checklist of top trends to get you up to speed. Eco-Smart Products that Really Work In the past, you had to choose between natural formulas and spectacular results. Today, that is no longer the case. Thanks to scientific breakthroughs, natural and organic can go handin-hand with performance. Add in all of the negative press about potentially harmful ingredients in popular beauty services and products, and consumers are asking for natural like never before. That means you will need a portfolio of healthier alternatives. This is in addition to, or in place of what you currently offer to show your clients you are listening to them. Luckily, there are plenty of brands from which to choose. The Zerran Reform Natural Hair Straightening System is a botanically based vegan method for straightening hair permanently without keratin, formaldehyde or any other harsh chemicals. The Tela line from master hairdresser and salon owner Philip Pelusi offer organic with a performance edge. Iden International offers multifunctional products that tap the power of bee propolis combined with botanicals. Many cosmetics lines now have a natural positioning. Skincare and even nail product companies are getting involved. Just be sure to read the ingredients before purchasing products to make sure the marketing is not hype. Customized Niche Products In today’s world of ultimate customization, clients want to feel that you are catering just to them with the products and services you offer. For example, curly girls want to know that you have the special skills needed to cut and style their hair – both curly and straight – and the products for them to take home to get the looks between salon visits. Companies, like DevaCurl, were founded especially to care for curly hair, while Jane Carter Solution, Curls and Mixed Chicks give clients with dry, curly, textured and multiracial hair the moisture they need to spring to life. The same is true of colored hair, problem nails, oily facial skin or dry body skin. The key is to take your learning beyond the label and the product knowledge to another
level of expertise. The value your clients will place on your new expertise will result in stronger loyalty and increased service and product purchases for all of their beauty needs. Time Savers for Both You and Your Clients In today’s world, time is precious. In fact, the lack of time is one of the top stressors people face. However, if you save just five minutes an hour, by the end of a 12-hour day, you will have gained an extra 60 minutes. Wouldn’t you and your clients love that? Beauty product marketers have caught on and are developing their products to meet that need. Last year, Kenra Professional launched Platinum Blow-Dry Spray. Not only does it dramatically decrease blow-dry time, but it helps blowouts last longer. Many tool companies offer wet-to-dry flat irons, saving you a step, and powered-up blow dryers, like FHI Heat’s EPS 2100 Blow Dryer, which can cut drying time by 50%. Again, add that up over your day, and you will be able to squeeze in two more clients without missing lunch. Working Together In an age where email and social networking have us connecting via computer to more people more than ever— hello, high school friends!— but increasingly isolated on a physical level. We are spending more time online, even when we are physically with our friends. This year, it is important for both your professional and personal well-being to connect with your friends, professional colleagues, even your distributor salon consultants and the educators for the products you carry IN PERSON. Social Networking And speaking of connecting, chances are, you are using Facebook and other social media personally. However, are you tapping their potential for your professional life? If not, start searching for salons, stylists and other beauty professionals on Facebook and see how they’re using social media to position themselves as experts to their clients, driving new business, sharing the newest information from their product partners and sharing their stories—but in a way that’s meaningful to their clients. The More You Know It is worth repeating: At no time has continuing education been more important. With product companies speaking directly to your clients through their advertising, websites and social media, and consumers sharing stories of their best—and worst—experiences online as fast as they can type, you have to stay a couple of steps ahead—or risk having them know more than you do about the newest product category, service or trend. Education is available everywhere you turn—from shows and classes to DVDs and online and in your favorite professional newspapers, like The Stylist! Jayne Morehouse is president of Jayne & company, a full-service brand communications agency. Reach her at jayne@jayneandco.com or visit her agency profile on Facebook at http://on.fb.me/dVIvHW.
Ohio Stylist & Salon
Volume 12, Number 2, Issue 134 February 15 - March 15, 2011 Published monthly by Holland Graphics, Inc. 1750 SW Skyline Blvd., Suite 24 Portland OR 97221 Toll-free (888) 297-7010 or (503) 297-7010 Fax (503) 297-7022 E-mail: editor@stylistnewspapers.com Web site: www.stylistnewspapers.com Publisher Holland Graphics, Inc. Managing Editor Lisa Kind Production Manager Joel Holland Advertising Director Marcy Avenson Classified Sales Kelly Smith Contributing Writers: Judy Culp, Jerry Tyler, Charlene Abretske, Neil Ducoff, Jaime Schrabeck, Marco Pelusi, Steve Sleeper, Kimberly Johnson, Jayne Morehouse Ohio State Board of Cosmetology Kevin L. Miller, Executive Director
OHIO STYLIST & SALON is mailed free of charge to licensed salons, booth renters and beauty schools in Ohio. Circulation is restricted to members of the beauty and barber profession, its suppliers and students. CONTRIBUTIONS OF PHOTOS, ARTICLES, etc., are welcome. Payment offered only when arrangements are made in writing in advance with the editor/ publisher. ALL MATERIAL © 2011 by Holland Graphics, Inc. and/or the bylined authors or photographers. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. OPINIONS AND ENDORSEMENTS herein are the sole responsibility of the writers or advertisers and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the publisher or the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology. Publication of advertising contained herein does not constitute endorsement. Columns are the opinions of the writers and not those of the publisher. Ohio Stylist & Salon assumes no responsibility for the claims of any advertiser in their paid advertising nor in the promotional material they provide either orally or in writing. Advertising does not imply that the paper will provide any editorial coverage, photos, calendar mention, or any other space or consideration other than actual space purchased. All advertising must be paid in advance of publication in lieu of prior arrangements. Invoices paid after terms will be subject to a 2.5% per month service charge. Delinquent invoices may be subject to a handling fee of 25%. Published rates are net. Agencies add 15% for gross cost. No Agency discounts. In the event a suit or action is brought to collect amounts due Ohio Stylist & Salon shall be entitled to recover attorney fees and costs incurred. ADDITIONAL OR OUT-OF-STATE SUBSCRIPTIONS: For a one year subscription, send name, address and zip with check for $20 payable to HOLLAND GRAPHICS, INC. to Subscriptions, Ohio Stylist & Salon, 1750 SW Skyline Blvd., Suite 24, Portland, OR 97221. Address changes require old mailing label.
11:46:09 AM
Rules for Investing in Your Salon because great hair should be sustainable Alterna introduces Bamboo Smooth combining pure Organic Bamboo Extract with smoothing Organic KendiSmooth Oil Alterna introduces Bamboo to cultivatepure stronger, smoother, combining Organic Bamboo Extract
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frizz-free Guaranteed. 75%hair. of consumers preferred Bamboo Smooth Kendi Oil to the leading Argan Oil Product.*
*consumer p re f e re n c e based on price and pe r f orm a n c e measures including f ri z z , s mo oth n e s s , s o f tn e s s & s hi n e .
great hair should be sustainable
The next critical part of this investment lies in getting to know your clients’ needs. What appeals to you as a salon professional Charlene Abretske may not appeal as much to your clients. They may be wishing for an easier way to book appointments or better overall customer It seems everyone has advice for investing service, rather than having the newest teeth in your business. Everywhere you look, there brightening system, clip in hair piece or latest is this product or service which will grow pomade. If you are unclear about what your your business past the point you could have clients expect from you as their salon or spa ever imagined it. of choice, it is time to conduct a survey. The If we listened to advertisers, we would information you will gain from your clients be convinced that our businesses could not is the number one thing you need to know survive one more day without the products about your business. and services they offer. “Newer,” “better” and 3.) What is the cost and what could I “must have” products and services are not lose if I do not invest in this? always your best choices for investment in a Sometimes, we forget the basics, like small to middle range business. training and development for our team, havBeauty product companies are masters at ing a marketing plan and monthly budget, as marketing to their demographic; they have well as maintaining our profit and loss statespent millions of dollars figuring out what ments. These items are not only basic, but pushes your “buying buttons” and they are are also essential for any business, especially very successful. Unforsalons and spas tunately, most salons that are customer and spas do not have an service driven. Customers do not come back to unlimited budget, and You may have need to determine the the most beautiyour salon because the shampoo best ways to spend their ful, stylish and bowls look like they belong in money. convenient locaWhere do you start? tion possible for the Museum of Modern Art. There are three good your business; but They come back because they rules for investing in a without exceedsalon or spa: ing expectations know you provide them with the in customer 1.) Will this save me time or money? service, paying customer service they expect This is a good rule, strict attention from a beauty professional. especially when investing to finances and in technology. For examfinding strategic ple, you may want to purchase user-friendly ways to bring in clients, the business will salon software. Yes, technology should help eventually fail. Believe me; I understand it is streamline your business; however, you will a lot more fun to think about spending your want to make sure to keep up on training and budget on remodeling with top of the line updates for your software. items than it is to think about your profit I have seen salons fork out thousands and loss statement. Remember this, customof dollars for the purchase of the software, ers do not come back to your salon because and find out later that they need to purchase the shampoo bowls look like they belong education packs and pay extra for updated in the Museum of Modern Art. They come versions. Look for software that has online back because they know you provide them education, allows free calls to the help desk, with the customer service they expect from a and provides you with updates free of charge. beauty professional. 2.) Is the initial cost and investment At the end of the day, what we choose for training and marketing relatively low to invest in can make or break our business. in comparison to the potential gain? Investing wisely will make you more money This can be a very deceiving question. Be- for the fun items down the road, and will lieve me; salespeople have this broken down allow you the peace of mind to enjoy yourself for you in every possible way. From “This and your role in your business. Avoid being will be only as much as a latte from Starcaught up in the sales pitch. Instead, keep bucks” to “It will pay for itself immediately.” your desired result firmly in mind. Ask yourself, “Who will train my staff on Charlene Abretske is an independent business advisor. To reach her email how to use it and how to sell it?” The seller charleneabretske@gmail.com or call (760)453-1882. should provide product training, along with a method or a specific targeted market to sell it READ IT! SAVE IT! PRINT IT! NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE! View this article and more at www.stylistnewspapers.com to; if they do not provide these things, find a company who does.
Beauty Business Buzz
My Trend Wish List for 2011 The Nail Extension Jaime Schrabeck
It is hard to predict where the latest trend in the nail industry. Years ago, who would have anticipated the incredible popularity of gel polish, or the total absurdity of fish pedicures? The fact that gel polish has become a trend, while fish pedicures have not, suggests that some changes are embraced and others are rejected. When evaluating a new product, service, technique or business practice, I consider whether it advances my professionalism, provides a workable solution to an existing problem and serves as a safer, more efficient and cost-effective alternative to my present choices. These criteria help me make informed decisions for my own salon, but do not make me any more prescient. So, rather than attempt to predict trends for the nail industry, here is my wish list for 2011. Despite the expedience and cost savings associated with using dirty files, tools and foot spas, nail professionals will take responsibility to follow the health and safety rules. Being “clean” will become the norm, rather than the anomaly it is currently. Voluntary compliance will protect consumers, increase our professionalism and reduce the need for enforcement. Our state boards have enough to do without the added burden of dealing with licensees who know better, but choose to act irresponsibly. Consumer outreach will reinforce the value of our training and licensure, so that consumers will demand quality services from licensed professionals in licensed establishments only. Unlicensed activity will decrease and average service prices will increase when consumers no longer compromise their health and safety for low prices. Beauty schools will fulfill their mission of education by hiring competent instructors, providing an adequate supply of professional products and preparing students for success beyond licensure. The significant number of hours spent in school will be utilized optimally to train students on current techniques and best practices, including proper sanitation. Students will have many opportunities to perform services on real clients rather than on plastic practice hands. In addition to teaching technical skills, beauty schools will teach students about the legal rights and responsibilities associated with being a salon owner, an employer, an employee and / or booth renter. Salon owners will compensate their employees legally or treat their booth renters as the independent businesses they are, whichever is applicable. More professionals will protect their business
/ financial interests with the appropriate insurance coverage (liability, property, workers’ compensation, etc.). Beauty professionals (including unlicensed salon owners) will claim ALL their income and pay their taxes. Failing to do so demonstrates a blatant disregard for the law and disrespect for the beauty industry. Unfair competition undermines our professionalism and our industry can no longer afford to be any part of the underground economy. Nail professionals will eagerly participate in continuing education, whether it is required or not. Given the inconsistent (and that is being generous) quality of beauty school education, all post-licensure education could be considered remedial. However, given the immediacy and accessibility of information, particularly via the internet, there is no excuse for being uninformed. In addition to accessing industry sources, you will read consumer sources to be aware of (mis)information your clients will undoubtedly encounter. Your clients should never be telling you what is new; that is your job. Participation in beauty shows and networking events will reach record numbers, much to the delight of event organizers, manufacturers and educators who invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in show-
casing their products. While attending these events, beauty professionals will conduct themselves appropriately, including dressing the part. Rather than sensationalize the negative, misrepresent the facts and scare consumers, the media will rely on beauty industry experts when presenting stories about professional nail care. Manufacturers will present their products with integrity, rather than mislead with buzzwords and marketing speak. As product consumers, we have the right to know which ingredients our products contain and we have a responsibility to use them safely and effectively. We should know where the science ends and the marketing begins, and not cross that line with our own clients. Manufacturers of professional products will renew their commitment to salon professionals, through education, research and inventory control. If the term “professional” means anything at all, it suggests that these products are of a higher quality and that professionals use these products in salons to achieve optimum results. If it is only a marketing term to appeal to consumers, then it is meaningless. Most trends within the nail industry start in the salon, so start your own trend for 2011 by being the best nail professional you can be.
Delivering what serious beauty professionals need to enhance their careers.
Jaime Schrabeck, Ph.D. owns Precision Nails, an exclusive nails-only salon in Carmel, California. She can be reached at info@precisionnails.com.
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Identify Your Target Market Before Making Expensive Purchases friends have already been using anti-aging prodWith careful shopping, our esthetician ucts and some of them are having injectables. can start with a reliable but inexpensive Judith Culp This esthetician decides to capitalize on sprayer and let it generate the revenue to her connections with this group and estabpurchase a more expensive device later on. lishes the 40-65 year old female as her target Just as with the device, the price of the spray market. While these clients may also desire colorant does not necessarily equate to the Every clinic wants to offer the hottest, hair removal treatments, they are baby boombest product. Our esthetician should check most innovative services. However, to make ers and are mainly interested in everything out what is available on the market, its price it a wise business decision, it is important and spray results. She may find a brand that is related to anti-aging. Microdermabrasion, that these additions match the culture and AHA and BHA exfoliation, facial toning, half the cost of another brand and be happier demographics of your facility. LED therapy, IPL rejuvenation are some key with the results. Other considerations would The most important thing a busitreatment considerations. be controlling overspray, ness needs is a solid grasp on who their Remember to consider de-stressing aronoise and supporting Everyone needs skincare, right? While this clients are and what they are looking matherapy treatments or other specialty relaxretail products. While the for. As estheticians, we want to offer ation treatments as well. Due to the expense manufacturers’ say there is skincare to everyone 15 – 85 plus. Evinvolved with many of these, our esthetician may be accurate, it is very difficult to market minimal overspray, it still eryone needs skincare, right? While this will need to consider her investments carebuilds up quickly and daily may be accurate, it is very difficult to fully and determine which she should start maintenance is necessary to to this broad of a demographic. It is much market to this broad of a demographic. with, and which add on later. Surveys or keep the area clean. It is much easier to market to a specific questionnaires directed to her potential client In this same scenario, easier to market to a specific demographic demographic group, and do it well, so base may be helpful in this evaluation. acne treatments and home that your clients help build your busiSometimes possessing the hot new item care, SPF products and group, and do it well... ness with referrals. is not necessary. For this esthetician, having makeup for special occaTo understand target marketing, a good quality microdermabrasion device is sions would also be solid, this analogy uses McDonalds Restaurants. more important than having a spray-tanning 18-28 that are asking her where she is going potentially positive considerations. Our esMcDonalds specializes in hamburgers and unit, because her client base will avail themto work. Her best business decision might thetician could also consider IPL or laser hair french-fries. McDonalds does not sell steak. selves of the exfoliation treatments more than be to locate in a facility that caters to either removal services, but would need to consider They offer reliable, inexpensive food, fast, the other. In short, it is all about what best families or the younger generation. whether her client base could / would spend in a child-friendly environment. The terms meet the needs of your specific client base. Her marketing could focus on hair the money for these services. This informa“fine dining” and McDonalds are not in the removal, as this service is extremely popular tion will help determine if the investment same ballpark. McDonalds knows their target Judith Culp, a CIDESCO Diplomat has been in the esthetics industry since 1980. with this age bracket. Her client demographic would be worth it after the payments, insurA CPCP permanent makeup technician for over 20 years she served a 4-year audience and provides them with what they becomes females and males ages 18-28. Since ance and maintenance are taken care of. term as a Director for the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals, two want. Ask the parents of the four to eight year looking tanned is also popular with this age Scenario 2: Our esthetician is 45ish. Many years as their president. She is president of Culp Enterprises Inc. and CEO of NW olds what happens when the kids get in the bracket, our esthetician should also consider of the people she knows are concerned about Institute of Esthetics. Judy Culp is available for consulting. For more informacar. They will probably say they get requests adding spray tan services. the signs of aging. They perceive our older tion visit www.estheticsnw.com. to go to McDonalds. That is target marketThe new tanning bed tax laws, as well as esthetician to understand their concerns in part READ IT! SAVE IT! PRINT IT! NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE! ing. McDonalds lets the kids make the sell to the known side effects of tanning beds have because of her age. This esthetician and her View this article and more at www.stylistnewspapers.com the parents. combined to make spray tanning a hot new It is very easy to create a desired shopservice for 2011. Our esthetician will need ping list and want it all NOW. However, we to evaluate equipment as well as spray tan quickly realize the purchasing dollars will products carefully. The spray device itself can only go so far. Prioritizing and finding just range from $300 - $3000. The 2011 Energizing Summit presented by American Board of Certified Haircolorists will be held June 12-13, 2011 at the LAX Marriott Airport in Los Angeles, California. “This is going to be a really special year for the Summit. There are a great number of repeat educators from prior years along with a completely new batch of educators,” remarks Andre Nizetich, President of the American Board of Certified Haircolorists. This educational event is all about haircoloring featuring classes like Giving the Perfect Here’s the true beauty of being a small business individual... we’ve got you covered! Consultation by the Metcalfs of Denver, to Courtney vonBerg teaching Mastering Undertones and Lenny Strand of Beverly Hills teaching Working with Pure Tones. We offer Health Coverage Ideal for: The Energizing Summit is a different type of educational event. With 47 educators Hairstylists & Barbers Independent Contractors teaching 139 classes over two days you pre-select you classes prior to arrival. The classes Cosmetologists Anyone without Group Coverage are small (30 people) which make for a lot of interaction and the opportunity to ask quesAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield tions of the educators. 23 classes are being held at the same time with most classes lasting offers many affordable plans. an hour and a half. Call today for a FREE quote. Hands-on classes are scheduled to last three hours with educators like John Siggers bringing out his entire team of haircolorists to teach Balayage. Siggers travels to France evLou Ann Madsen ery year to find out the latest Balayage techniques. Other hands on classes include Franco Licensed Anthem Agent Mareno of New York teaching the Marriage of Color and Cut and Doug Martiucci also of New York teaching Dimensional Mastery. 614-433-8741 or “Anyone who cares about haircolor has to be at this event! It is without a doubt the Toll-Free: 866-551-0331 nations premiere haircolor educational event,” remarks Martiucci. Apply online: For more information visit www.haircolorist.com to sign up for classes. Save 20 perwww.louannmadsen-insurance.com cent off the ticket price if you register in February.
Esthetic Endeavors
the right devices or products help stretch those dollars to their maximum. This takes us back to step one, identifying our target client market and knowing what they are looking for. Let’s examine a couple of possible scenarios for how this might effectively work. Scenario 1: An esthetician is located in a large college town. She is young and still knows all the girls in cheerleading, dance groups and those who are active in sports. She likes to wax and already has friends from
2011 Energizing Summit
Need Health Coverage?
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of Community Insurance Company. Independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ®ANTHEM is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield names and symbols are registered marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
Miller Moves to New Executive Position The Ohio State Board of Cosmetology would like to wish former Executive Director Kevin L. Miller the best of luck as he moves into his new position as Executive Director of the Rehabilitation Services Commission.
New Executive Director Jim Trakas The Ohio State Board of Cosmetology would like to welcome new Executive Director Jim Trakas… A second generation Greek American, Jim Trakas was born in St. Luke’s Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio on May 5, 1965 and has lived in Independence his whole life. His father, Peter W. Trakas fought in World War II with the 95th Infantry Division in General George Patton’s 3rd Army and his mother worked at the Veterans Administration before they settled in Independence. Mr. Trakas worked in manufacturing his whole career, and Jim has a brother Bruce and sister Rhonee (Iula). Jim graduated from Independence High School in 1983 and The Ohio State University in 1987. He started working at age 9 delivering The Cleveland Press and later The Plain Dealer, and worked his way through school as a custodian for The Independence Public Schools. Upon graduation, Jim worked at Allied
Color Industries, Inc. making colorants for plastics. He began his career as a third shift factory worker and eventually became Corporate Materials Manager for the company, studying polymer chemistry at Akron. In 1991, Jim was elected to his first of two terms as a City Councilman in Independence. In 1996, he was elected Chairman of The Republican Party of Cuyahoga County, a position he held for 9 years. In 1998, Jim was elected to his first of four terms as a Member of The Ohio House of Representatives from south eastern Cuyahoga County. He served as House Majority Whip for two terms. Trakas lives in Independence with his wife Anne Kennedy Trakas, whom he married October 14, 2006 and their cats Otto and Slinky. They are active in their parishes, St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church and The Shrine Church of St. Stanislaus in Cleveland. They love history, current events, and antiques.
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From Kevin L. Miller, Executive Director I want to inform you that Governor John Kasich announced today that he will appoint me to the position of Director of the Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission (RSC) effective Tuesday January 18, 2011. I am honored and humbled that Governor Kasich has the confidence in me to lead this important agency in serving Ohioans with disabilities to achieve quality employment, independence and Social Security disability. I look forward to serving in the new administration and advancing Governor Kasich’s initiatives. There are many people to thank during my nearly six year tenure as the Executive Director at the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology. First, I want to thank past and current Board Members for giving me the opportunity to serve the many cosmetologists, estheticians, manicurists, students, teachers, school owners and private vendors in the industry. I have to mention Charles Penzone, Jim Rogers, Doug Talbott, Tommy Tanneff, Dr. Marilyn Huheey, and Dr. Milroy Samuels as Board members who specifically made a difference for me in this position. Finally, Board Member Steve Thompson for all of the support and friendship I hope continues as I move on. To Don Yearwood, President of the Private School Association and Linda McFarland, Immediate past president of the Ohio Career Cosmetology Teachers Association for stand-
ing behind me from the beginning as we tried to turn around a regulatory mission of secretiveness and division, to one of openness and inclusion. My thanks to you both for everything you have done for this industry. In addition, NIC representatives (Roseanne Kinley) and IQT (Sean Colton) partners for their support of our vision to bring the examinations into the 21st century. Finally to the staff: It has been my distinct privilege to serve as your Executive Director, and I want to thank you for your hard work and support. In my tenure we have had the opportunity to revamp the entire industry. A first ever, state of the art exam center and central office; results and licenses received hours after completion instead of 10-14 business days later; on-line renewals; quarterly school meetings, teacher and student tour programs; utilization of technology for inspections; an amnesty program to get people back to work and an unbelievable zeal and commitment to customer service. I wish each and every one of you continued success. I know there is apprehension in something new, give the incoming Director a chance to be successful like you did for me, and everything will be fine. Remember, being pushed outside of your comfort zone is where real learning and growth occurs. If there is anything I can ever do for you, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Kim Thomas Elected Chairman of the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology Kim Thomas, owner of Christopher Amira Salon & Spa, announces her election as Chairman of the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology. Ms. Thomas has been a working professional in the beauty industry for over 25 years. During that time, she has distinguished herself in business, being selected one of the “Top 200 Fastest Growing Salons” by Salon Today Magazine for two consecutive years, earning a nomination as “Entrepreneur of the Year” from Globe Magazine in 2003, and graduating as a member of the 2009 Emerging Entrepreneurs class. In 2008, Ms. Thomas was appointed to the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology. Prior to her recent election as Chairman, she served on the 9-member board for two years. In this capacity, she helped to regulate licensed beauty professionals, salons and cosmetology schools operating in the state of Ohio and helped to promulgate rules governing the industry.
Prior to her board service, she worked as a National Educator for John Paul Mitchell Systems. The consummate educator, Ms. Thomas thrives on sharing her accumulated wealth of knowledge with other beauty-industry professionals. She continues in the role of top educator today, traveling the United States now as a National Trainer for John Paul Mitchell Systems. Her passion shows in everything she does from teaching to community service. Thus, Ms. Thomas is excited about her election and she looks forward to “raising her already high standards to not only meet, but also to exceed the expectations of the industry.” Ms. Thomas is a native of Cleveland, Ohio. She attended South High School for Cosmetology. Ms. Thomas is the devoted wife of Danny Thomas, and they are the proud parents of two children, Christopher and Amira. Hence, the salon’s name.
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UPSCALE HAIR STUDIO IN MONTROSE / FAIRLAWN AREA Seeking a skilled, independent Nail Tech. Valid Ohio license is mandatory. Please email resume to: Lindsay@Rianahairstudio.com ~ Please call with questions (330)666-2435
BOOTH RENT Bridgetown / Western Hills area. Seeking Stylist & Part-time / Full-time Nail Tech - competitive rent, great location, parking, spacious, custom stations. Call (513)256-6996
TWO GREAT BOOTH RENTAL OPPORTUNITIES ~ GRANDVIEW - UPPER ARLINGTON AREA with private rooms. ROUTE 13 - THORNVILLE nicest salon in area with walk-in business. Please call Sharon (614)561-9462
POWELL, OHIO ~ HIRING EXPERIENCED FULL AND PART-TIME STYLISTS JBentley Studio & Spa ~ Join the fastest growing salon in Central Ohio ~ Sick pay / vacation pay / 401k / health insurance ~ No client charges / no contracts / flexible schedules ~ Employee discounts on products & services ~ Bonus paid for loyal clientele ~ Style your future the JBentley way! Call Amy Green at 614-374-5547 or email: agreen@jbentley.com CHECK OUT OUR NEW AND IMPROVED ONLINE CLASSIFIEDS. Now you can place your classified and have it immediately show up online and in the next printed issue. Visit www.ohiostylist.com for more information.
FOLLOW YOUR DREAM ~ BECOME YOUR OWN BOSS ~ CLEVELAND Beautiful salon & spa in fantastic location. Seeking booth renters for Barber, Massage Therapist, Cosmetologist, Esthetician & Nail Tech. 3101 West 25th Street, Suite 101 ~ Call Lourdes (440)263-2335 BOOTH RENT ~ MACEDONIA / NORTHFIELD Salon & Spa. Stylist, Nail Tech, Massage Professionals, Esthetician. Great location, ample parking. Contact (330)467-0850 or (330)322-7225 for more information. PEPPERPIKE, OHIO ~ MUMTAZ INTERNATIONAL SALON AND SPA SEEKING HAIRSTYLIST Progressive, attractive, modern salon is seeking a full / part time experienced Hairstylist with following. Offering a ‘Sign On Bonus’ and more. E-mail: info@themumtaz.com or phone (216)292-6970 to set up an interview.
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SEEKING EXPERIENCED MANAGING COSMETOLOGIST for The Hair Gallery. Newly remodeled salon located in the Pin Oak Plaza. 690 Avon Belden Road., Avon Lake, OH 44012. Call Natalie (440)930-5300
A NEW YEAR! A NEW START! A NEW LOCATION & A NEW YOU! Hairstylists, Barbers and Nail Techs, we have individual suites designed with you in mind. This concept allows you the independence to come & go based on you & your clients’ needs. Full-time & Part-time opportunities available. For more information contact Mrs. Betty at (614) 985-5920.
DUBLIN, OHIO SALON SEEKING COSMETOLOGIST OR BARBER ~ $1,000 SIGN ON BONUS! Rent your own loft or suite for only $150 per week! Established 15 years - excellent parking and visibility. (614)284-3116 JOIN OUR TEAM OF ARTISTS AT SKILLED HANDS HAIRSTUDIO North Royalton. Booth rental available for two talented hair designers. To apply, contact debbie@ skilledhandshairstudio.com NEW, AFFORDABLE SALON SUITES FOR LEASE (Salon 101) ~ Seeking established Hairstylist / Nail Tech / Massage Professional, Independent Contractor ~ spacious parking, great location! One week free rent! 101 Hill Road North, Pickerington, Ohio ~ (614)5992543 www.salon101site.com HAVE YOU EVER DREAMED OF OWNING YOUR OWN SALON? Fully furnished salon space for lease with stylist stations and all equipment needed to open or expand your business with NO start up costs! Call for more details: (216)469-2367 **Exclusive location in the Olmsted Falls area** 26912 Cook Road
DUBLIN, OHIO ~ ARE YOU RENTING AT SALON LOFTS? It takes only two stylists renting at Salon Lofts to own this beautiful salon. Immediate profit! Owner can finance. Call (850)294-9070
SALON FOR SALE ~ BEAVERCREEK, OHIO Great location. Massage room, facial room, wax room, 10+ stations, manicure and pedicure rooms. Asking $90,000. Call (937)974-3677 for more information.
NEWLY COMPLETED NAIL SALON FOR SALE OR LEASE IN SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Village Nail Bar is a luxurious new concept manicure and pedicure salon fitted with leather couches and chairs, mercury glass lighting and a large limestone ‘bar’. Looking for a buyer to run the business, or a group of three motivated, highly qualified, independent nail techs. Business will be ready to open in early Spring 2011. Call (937)605-1672
PROFITABLE SIDELINES MAKE A SMART START IN 2011 WITH INCOME PRODUCING MARKETING TOOLS & PRODUCTS Video Email, Web Show, Natural & Organic Skin Care more. Browse www.altogether.biz click ‘Salons’. www.powerofvideo.com
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Marco Pelusi
We are all tired of hearing about it, and we are tired of living with it. Yet, it is a reality all hairdressers must continue to face head on. Our road to economic recovery is still quite shaky and uncertain as we kick off the new year. The good news is that we can get creative in order to continue to prosper. Not only can you be creative with your artistry, it is definitely time to become creative and courageous with your business skills set, if you have not already. The trend for haircolor business has been for clients to stretch out their visits as much as possible, and I am certain you have noticed this. The good news here is that, at the very least, they are continuing to support your business. Of course, the bad news is that the stream of income trails off gradually. The action step for us is to fill in those gaps with new clients, or more importantly, to entice our existing client base to come back more often and to spend more money. One courageous option is to get creative with the types of haircolor services you offer. Do not hold back. I hope that you are skilled at foiling. If not, get into a color class as soon as possible this year. So much money can be made with a set of foils, and it doesn’t even have to be a full set of foils. Offer clients a “casting;” in other words, just a few highlights. It is a great way to get clients into color and to maintain highlighted clients when they are not doing well financially. These highlights can simply be six to eight foils placed through the part, or fringe, or temple areas. Estimate how many foils you would normally execute within a full head or partial head of highlights, and divide into it to come up with the cost of your casting service. Then, spread the word everywhere that you are now offering this service. Depending on which market your salon is in, or your own individual client base, you can name this service whatever you like. You could announce it as a huge money saver. Perhaps you could promote it more artistically, as a new service that would be next to impossible to replicate anywhere else. Find what works best for you. The goal behind this service is to push clients back into your chair, even when they feel they cannot afford you, and to push clients already in your chair to spend a little more money. It is important to stay in touch with all of
your clients throughout the year, even if they do not visit you frequently. Offering a new service like a casting coloring service can give you that perfect excuse to reach out to your client base. Another amazing service opportunity is the wonderful world of demi-permanent hair coloring. In today’s economy, we need to imaginatively offer color services that will last a while. We must invent color services that allow clients to feel as if they have experienced some freedom, as far as when they return to see you; in other words, low committal, or non-committal color services. Demi color has always been a perfect fit for clients who do not wish to commit to haircolor. As you probably know, demi lives in-between permanent and semi-permanent. It was created to last approximately six to eight weeks, while gradually fading on-tone. Male color clients are a prime candidate for this service. Most men do not wish for anyone to know they color their hair. Women who do not wish to commit to color services will enjoy demi color as well. Virtually anyone who is concerned about cost will wholeheartedly go for demi color. This service is the sleeping giant that we need to wake up during this rocky economic time. In addition, it affords you some inspired creativity behind the chair as well. If you have never used demi color, ask your local sales rep for samples and take a class. The moral of this story is for you to be creative and strategize which color services it might be best for you to market, based on your clients’ new tailored spending habits. Take a good, hard look at your book; every day. I challenge you to be courageous and offer each client who sits in your chair a haircolor service of some kind. At the very least, begin a conversation about haircolor in general. Engage in a dialogue with each client about his or her color. Let them know what is available. Perhaps you can interest them in a casting color, or a demi color, or both. Let clients know you care deeply about fulfilling their hair needs to the utmost extent, without sabotaging their wallets. In a way, you are almost doing then a disservice by not speaking up. Do not give them a reason to seek out someone else. If the color solution does not come from you, another hairdresser will surely suggest it. It might as well be you. Marco Pelusi is globally recognized as a haircolor trainer and platform artist. Marco Pelusi Hair Studio, Inc. was named Best Hair Color in Los Angeles 2009 by KTTV Fox11’s “myfoxla Hot List” competition. Pelusi created the Marco Collagen Color Guard HairCare System, the collagen system developed for color and chemically treated hair. For more information, visit www.marcopelusi.com. READ IT! SAVE IT! PRINT IT! NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE!
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Stop Standing in Your Own Way Better Business Neil Ducoff
Most often, your most intelligent business advisor is that little voice inside your head. It is that little voice telling you it is time to make that tough decision you have been avoiding, or perhaps that the time has come for that fierce conversation. Maybe you need to pay more attention to your numbers; the list goes on and on with all the things that you know need doing. It is almost comedic how that little voice inside your head knows the right thing to do. It is not so funny when you ignore it and get yourself and your company into difficult and compromising situations. That little voice is so smart because you already know the best decisions to make, and which projects and tasks need doing. You may not know all the details, but you know and understand the basic framework. When your little voice does not have a specific answer, it will guide you to it. In addition, yes, your little voice will even coach you to be accountable, trustworthy, tenacious and consistent. What more could you ask for than to have a brilliant advisor and coach residing in your own cranium and being at your beck and call 24/7? Listening and responding to your little voice demands mental discipline -- a lot of discipline. More often than not, ignoring it leads you down the path of compromise. It is easier to procrastinate, avoid and take the easy way out than to roll up your sleeves and conquer. It is easier to be indifferent, self-centered and disrespectful than 100 percent committed to leading with integrity and to respect others. It is easier to accept “I don’t care” and “average” than doing the work you know it
requires in order to achieve your full potential and your company’s vision. If you are tired of “average” and plugging leaks in the bottom of your ship – leaks you helped to create – stop standing in your own way and start listening to that little voice inside your head. You know you need to be accountable, to plan, to pay attention to your numbers and to live your cash-flow plan. You know that quarterly performance reviews are done quarterly, not annually. You know that avoiding today’s small problems fuels tomorrow’s business disasters. That little voice in your head knows what needs to be done and how to go about it. The only question is will you do it. On a personal note: I got up this morning at 4:30 to go to spin class. It was 14 degrees when I left for the gym. When my alarm went off, my first thought was to go back to sleep. My little voice sprang to life and said, “Hey sport, you said you were 100 percent committed to working out. Get up and do it. No compromise.” It was a great class. I felt great all day. Thank you, little voice. Neil Ducoff is the founder and CEO of Strategies, a business training and coaching salon specializing in the salon and spa industry. The creator of the Team-Based Pay System, Ducoff is the author of Fast Forward, and No-Compromise Leadership. For a signed copy, go to www.strategies.com. You can email Neil at neil@strategies.com. READ IT! SAVE IT! PRINT IT! NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE!
View this article and more at www.stylistnewspapers.com
Neil Ducoff will be in Cleveland, Ohio, May 16, 2011, hosted by La Barberia Salon & Spa, offering a workshop geared to small- and mid-sized business owners and managers and those with an interest in running a business. The morning will focus on the leader and learning how to identify and overcome leadership blockages, while the focus of the afternoon will be how to bring a no-compromise culture to the business. For more information and to register, call 1.800.417.4848, or visit www.strategies.com or www.nocompromiseleadership.com.
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www.StylistNewspapers.com 14 | FEBRUARY 2011 | OHIO STYLIST & SALON
26: Cli230
PP CEU Classes at Lorain County JVS ~ www.lcjvs.com or call for
MARCH 2011 PP 2: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Massage Certification,
details (440)774-1051 ext. 2254 PP 16: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Massage Certification, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 17: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Aromatherapy Signature Services, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 20: Clipper Cutting (4 CEU’s) or Prof. Stone Massage (8 CEU’s) presented by Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091 PP 21: Paul Mitchell Ohio presents The Black & White Ball, Zanesville, OH 1-800-251-8427 www.PMOhio.com PP 21: Review for Successful Salon management testing (8 CEU’s); How Money Works or Show Me the Money(4 CEU’s) presented by Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091 PP 21: Brazilian Keratin Straightener Certification (4 CEU’S), Cincinnati, OH info@attitudeforhair.com or call 513-533-0109 PP 23: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Massage Certification, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 24: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Aromatherapy Signature Services, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 27: NovaLash Eyelash Extension Class (8 CEU’s), Cincinnati, OH (513)520-3929 or (513)871-7394 PP 27: Professional Stone Massage (8 CEU’s) presented by Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091 PP 28: Paul Mitchell Ohio presents The Black & White Ball, Findlay, OH 1-800-251-8427 www.PMOhio.com PP 28: Review for Successful Salon management testing (8 CEU’s); How Money Works or Show Me the Money(4 CEU’s) presented by Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091
Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 3: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Aromatherapy Signature Services, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 6: Introduction to Swedish Relaxation Massage , Middleburg Heights, OH (330)273-3707 PP 6: Clipper Cutting (4 CEU’s) or Professional Stone Massage (8 CEU’s) presented by Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091 PP 7: Brazilian Keratin Straightener Certification (4 CEU’S), Cincinnati, OH info@attitudeforhair.com or call 513-533-0109 PP 7: Review for Successful Salon management testing (8 CEU’s); How Money Works or Show Me the Money(4 CEU’s) presented by Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091 PP 9: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Massage Certification, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 10: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Aromatherapy Signature Services, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 13: Professional Stone Massage (8 CEU’s) presented by Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091 PP 14: Review for Successful Salon management testing (8 CEU’s); How Money Works or Show Me the Money(4 CEU’s) presented by Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091 PP 16: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Massage Certification, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 17: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Aromatherapy Signature Services, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 20: Clipper Cutting (4 CEU’s) or Professional Stone Massage (8 CEU’s) presented by Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091
PP 10: American Board of Certified Haircolorist Exam, Denver, CO www.haircolorist.com PP 10: Neil Ducoff’s No Compromise Leadership Workshop, Vancouver, BC strategies.com 1-800-417-4848 PP 10: The Wax Show by Smooth Skin Supply, Sacramento, CA www.ssmoothskinsupply.com PP 10-11: BSG Barnum presents Evolve. The Art of Hair, Sandusky, OH www.cosmoprofbeauty.com 1-800-362-3186 PP 10-11: Cosmoprof’s 64th Annual Spring Style Show, San Jose, CA www.springstyleshow.net PP 10-11: High Road to Education, Buffalo, NY www.thehrte.com PP 10-11: ABA Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba www.abacanada.com PP 11: Beauty School Forum, Barristar Productions, Phoenix, AZ www.barristar.com 800 SHOW-432 PP 17-18: BSG Cosmoprof Beauty presents Seattle Fashion Focus, PP Seattle, WA www.fashion-focus.net PP 17-18: Intercoiffure Symposium, Miami, FL www.intercoiffure.us PP 17-18: ABA Canada, Vancouver, BC www.abacanada.com PP 29-5/2: Electrologists’ of California State Symposium aboard the Carnival Cruise Ship 860-678-1972 Email: donna.crump@snet.net
PP 19-22: Bronner Bros. International Hair Show, Atlanta, GA, www.bronnerbros.com PP 26-27: The Makeup Show LA, www.themakeupshow.com PP 27: Beauty School Forum, Barristar Productions, Kissimmee, FL www.barristar.com 800 SHOW-432 PP 27-28: Day Spa Expo, Las Vegas, NV www.dayspaexpo.com
MARCH 2011 PP 6: 3rd Annual Reign of Style Hair Competition and Show at The
Seattle Center Exhibition Hall, Seattle, WA www.reignofstyle.com PP 6: Silicon Valley Battle of the Bay Student Hair, Nail & Makeup Competition, Santa Clara, CA battleoftb@yahoo.com (925)822-8983 PP 6-7: Prof. Beauty London, www.professionalbeauty.co.uk/london PP 6-8: IBS New York, Jacob Javits Center www.ibsnewyork.com PP 6-8: International Esthetics, Cosmetics and Spa Conference IECSC New York, www.iecsc.com PP 12-14: America’s Beauty Show, Chicago, IL 1-800-883-7808 www.americasbeautyshow.com PP 13: American Board of Certified Haircolorist Exam, Chicago, IL www.haircolorist.com PP 13: Salon Services presents Kevin Murphy: Rock the Runway, Renton, WA www.salonservicesnw.com PP 13-14: ABA Canada, Montreal, Quebec www.abacanada.com PP 13-14: The Intl Congress of Esthetics and Spa, Arlington, Texas 1-800-471-0229 www.LNEONLINE.com PP 18-20: Beauty International’s Worldwide Leading Trade Fair for Professional Cosmetics, Nail, Foot and Wellness Professionals, Düsseldorf, Germany (312)781-5180 www.mdna.com PP 18-21: Cosmoprof Bologna, Italy www.cosmoprof.com PP 20-21: Spectrum International Beauty Expo, Los Angeles, CA (310)680-7367 www.sibe.us PP 21: Neil Ducoff’s No Compromise Leadership Workshop hosted by Bellevue Club, Bellevue, WA strategies.com 1-800-417-4848 PP 26-28: Midwest International Salon & Spa Expo, Rosemont, IL probeauty.org/ISSE PP 27-28: ABA Canada, Toronto, Ontario www.abacanada.com
APRIL 2011 PP 2-4: ProKnowledge Workshop presented by Day Spa Association,
Nashville, TN www.proknowledgeworkshops.com 1-877-851-8998 PP 3-4: The Intl Congress of Esthetics and Spa, Miami Beach, Florida 1-800-471-0229 www.LNEONLINE.com PP 9-10: Peel’s Spring Show, Council Bluffs, IA www.peels.com
MAY 2011 PP 1-2: ABA Canada, Edmonton, Alberta www.abacanada.com PP 8-9: Beauty School Forum, Barristar Productions, Anaheim, CA
www.barristar.com 800 SHOW-432 PP 15: California Cosmetology Association’s COSMO EXPO SHOW with Student Competition, Redding,CA www.the-cca.com PP 15-16: Galveston Fashion Focus Show, Galveston, TX www. armstrongmccall.com PP 15-16: The Makeup Show NYC, www.themakeupshow.com PP 16: Neil Ducoff’s No Compromise Leadership Workshop hosted by La Barberia Salon, Cleveland, OH strategies.com 1-800-417-4848 PP 22: Beauty School Forum, Barristar Productions, Minneapolis, MN www.barristar.com 800 SHOW-432 PP 22: Sorme Treatment Cosmetics Makeup Workshop at the Riverwalk Plaza, San Antonio, TX www.sormeworkshops.com
JUNE 2011 PP 5-6: Premiere Orlando International Beauty Event & Premiere
DAYSPA conference, Orlando, FL www.premiereshows.com PP 12-13: The Makeup Show Chicago www.themakeupshow.com PP 16-18: BeautyEurasia by Cosmoprof Worldwide, Istanbul, Turkey, www.beautyeurasia.com PP 17: Neil Ducoff’s No Compromise Leadership Workshop hosted by Arden Hills Spa, Sacramento, CA strategies.com 1-800-417-4848
Educational events are listed free as space allows. To have your event listed, please email to lisa@stylistnewspapers.com or mail to Stylist Newspapers, 1750 SW Skyline Blvd. #24, Portland, OR 97221. For more information call (503) 297-7010 x204.
WHAT’S NEW IN THE MARKET 1. Nature’s Secret for Beautiful Hair
Bioken believes that all things begin with nature, and thus all things must return to nature. Knowing that beautiful hair starts with a healthy scalp, Bioken has created Enfanti Scalpi, a refreshing massage emulsion that provides gentle exfoliation of oxidized oils and dirt on the scalp. Enfanti Scalpi purifies, stimulates and fortifies the scalp and hair with natural active ingredients such as ginseng, henna, horseradish and saponaria extracts. Scalpi detoxifies the hair and scalp and also soothes and heals dry, itchy skin. Specially formulated to emulsify residue, it nourishes hair and scalp with vitamins, minerals and nutrients, which helps to promote healthy hair growth. To deep clean hair and scalp, use Enfanti Scalpi as needed before shampooing. Simply apply onto dry scalp and massage into hair and scalp for a few minutes. Rinse thoroughly, cleanse with appropriate Enfanti Shampoo and follow with Enfanti Conditioner or Enfanti Treatment. For more information on Bioken, Inc., or the Bioken Enfanti brands, please visit www.thebioken.com.
2. Dramatically Decrease Blow-Dry Time
Clients love the look of a professional blow-out, but don’t always have enough time to spend in the chair for you to work your styling magic after their cut and color. Then, once they get home, they can have difficulty replicating the look. That’s all about to change, thanks to the launch of Kenra Platinum BlowDry Spray, an advance-dry, thermal protectant that puts the power only a professional product can provide into their hands. Kenra Platinum Blow-Dry Spray is packed with evaporative silicones that instantly pull moisture out of the hair, helping it dry faster to dramatically decrease blow-dry time—saving time in the salon and client time in the morning at home. What’s more, Kenra Platinum Blow-Dry Spray provides instant thermal protection up to 428 degrees against the damage and breakage that repeated heat styling can cause. The lightweight formula is rich with argan oil and jojoba oil, perfect for detangling, smoothing and softening the hair, as they add extra protection and gorgeous shine. Kenra Platinum Blow-Dry Spray also helps eliminate frizz and helps the hair resist humidity, so blow-outs last longer. The Kenra Platinum products provide optimum results. Learn more at www.kenra.com.
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3. Aloxxi: A Brand New Personality
How can a client relate to their hair color if it is just called 9N or 7P? Where is the style, the attitude, the FUN? Now, what if they could say they are also a Roman Goddess or Florentine Dream? Giving color a new life, Aloxxi is re-launching the brand to include 13 new CHROMA colours, 4 new TONES and a whole new attitude. Aloxxi’s CHROMA permanent crème colour is a low-ammonia formula that creates vibrant, stunning, multi-dimensional color with superior grey coverage. A proprietary, anti-aging botanical base leaves hair healthy, soft and with a beautiful, brilliant shine, resulting in consistent, rich, long-lasting color to fulfill the stylist’s creative vision. Aloxxi’s TONES no lift demi-permanent colour enhances and intensifies hair color, refreshes permanent hair color, tones pre-lightened hair, adds lowlights, blends grey, conditions and adds shine, resulting in rich, long-lasting color that stays true to tone. Giving artists the tools they need to create, Aloxxi will elevate both the stylist and their color. For more information visit www.aloxxi.com or call (877) 512-7131.
4. Say Goodbye to Stray Hairs While Traveling
Mehaz Professional introduces the Tweezer Catty, a full-size red and white polka dot slanted tweezer in a durable protective case. The designer 3-3/4” tweezer with stainless steel slanted tip is European-made for precision tweezing. The protective case with coordinating design protects both the tweezer and items it comes in contact with which makes it perfect for purse or travel. Mehaz Professional offers the premium line of professional implements, each covered by the Mehaz Lifetime Guarantee. Mehaz Professional is owned by Spilo Worldwide, a leading manufacturer, importer and international master distributor to the professional beauty industry for over 65 years. For more information visit www.mehaz.com or call 888-225-6342.
5. Pain-Free Detangling
Brushing wet hair used to be a big no-no. Not any more thanks to Luxor Pro’s The “Wet” Brush, a versatile detangling brush that massages while it untangles and works through tough snarls - on wet hair. The “Wet” Brush works on all hair types including thick, curly and straight. Made with ultra soft, extremely flexible bristles to work though hair with ease, The “Wet” Brush boasts a soft, rubberized non-slip grip for a secure and comfortable hold for use in or out of the shower. Using ball tipped bristles; this unique brush works to massage and detangle simultaneously and can be used on either wet or dry hair. The “Wet” brush is available in an assortment of bright, bold colors including: Yellow, Blue, Pink, Sky Blue, Lavender and Black. For more information, please visit www.jdbeauty.com. Have your product considered for the Stylist & Salon’s What’s New section. Send press releases with a photo to Managing Editor Lisa Kind at editor@stylistnewspapers.com or mail to Stylist & Salon Newspapers, 1750 SW Skyline Blvd., Suite 24, Portland, OR 97221.
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