Ohio Stylist - January 2011 - Back to Basics

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Photography: Luis Alvarez of Aquage; Hair: Ann Bray, Shelly Devlin, Heaven Padgett, Carly Campbell and Thomas Smalley of Aquage; Make-up: Wanda Alvarez; Fashion Stylist: Patric Chauvez; Production: Don Wismer and Nicole Fowler. Americas Beauty Show is a registered trademark of Cosmetologists Chicago®.

Breathe Life into Your Business Plan Beauty Business Buzz Charlene Abretske

Do you remember when you first sat down and created your business plan? You may have been a bit apprehensive. After all, this was a new business, and this was your first time creating this type of document. Considering “what ifs” that may crop up with any long-term commitment can be stressful. Owning a business is like any other longterm commitment and you should be both nervous and excited about embarking on this journey. If you have not re-evaluated your business plan in the last few years – it is time. Your business plans should be a living, breathing, workable document that you refer to often to keep you centered about decisions you make for your business. We all know other things end up taking precedence over pulling out paperwork and making sure to correct a plan when we are not sure we can adhere to it. In order to lead our businesses, we must be in charge of what the desired outcome of success is. If we leave our businesses to be run by day-to-day circumstances, we are doomed to become volunteer firefighters instead of business owners. We would continually only find

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time or the leadership capability to respond in crisis mode. Do you make your best choices when you are in crisis mode? True leadership occurs when you see yourself straying off track, but are able to adjust and stay on track. Achieve this by preparing and training yourself and your team to react to challenges correctly. Here are the key areas to evaluate to resuscitate your business plan: 1. What changes in the marketplace have affected you? If you wrote your plan five years ago, most likely everything is different now than it was then. Most small businesses ran on credit that suddenly dried up. Some of your customers are no longer able to purchase the services they would like to, or perhaps you find yourself having to work harder for less. All of these contribute to your ability to run an effective business and make a profit. Write a detailed list of the financial items that have contributed to you not having the success you desire. Until you get them on paper, they may not seem relevant. 2. What do you know now that you did not know then? Give yourself some credit and pat yourself on the back for this one. We all go into relationships with an optimistic outlook, and the relationship between you and your business is no exception. The experience of weathering adversity in a tough economic

business plan, spend some time with a professional salon consultant or coach who will push you past your comfort zone. We all like to be comfortable, but success does not occur unless you try something new. Getting down to the basics of the numbers with a consultant you trust, and who knows what does work, can and will breathe new life into your relationship with your business plan. Seeking the answers you need from someone who is prepared to help you is something successful salon owners should always be doing. 5. What can I change easily to affect my bottom line? There are many opportunities to save on costs by using technology. Are you taking advantage of them? There is a lot of free education now offered via the internet for business as well as technical skills for salons. Training that may have cost hundreds can now be downloaded for use for much less. Cut your printing costs for marketing drastically by using email blasts and social networking. Clients can book online, cutting some of your labor cost, etc. Try several different strategies and see what works for your business. Getting to know and adapt your business plan is an ongoing process. We did not get into the beauty industry to write business plans, but adjusting yours to a changing world can help you flourish.

climate is not the lesson any of us wanted to go through. However, the lessons you have to learn sometimes only become relevant when you have experienced adversity firsthand. Pull out that profit projection from your business plan, correct the items that were created when you had the “rose colored glasses” on, and see what has been occurring so you can make appropriate adjustments. 3. Where can you be more effective? If you are a salon owner and continue to produce the majority of sales from your chair, something needs to be changed. Does Bill Gates still make computers in his garage? NO. He effectively automated his operation and you can too. Effective leaders manage their teams and create standards for them, while giving them the tools to be successful. You cannot do everything yourself, and if you currently are, you are holding your business back. What happens if you or someone close to you has an illness that forces you to be less involved than you currently are? Illness and care giving to family members are two very common scenarios that will take you away from being the top operator very quickly. Critically important is designing your business plan to account for the proper amount of training and evaluation for your team to succeed. 4. Get the help you need. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result, right? If you are not sure where to begin reworking your

Charlene Abretske is an independent business advisor. To reach her email charleneabretske@gmail.com or call (760)453-1882.

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In this issue... Challenge Yourself to Break the Routine and Grow Your Passion Beauty Business Buzz 3

Owning a business is like any other long-term commitment and you should be both nervous and excited about embarking on this journey. If you have not reevaluated your business plan in the last few years – it is time.

6 The Nail Extension

It is important to know that basic skills provide the foundation for our services, as beauty professionals. Without mastering these basic skills, it is possible that our clients could do a better job, even as amateurs.

7 Esthetic Endeavors

Start-up businesses are much like raising a child from birth to adulthood with all the stress and challenges. Read Judith Culp’s article on tips to help your business endure and be more profitable.

Beauty Business Buzz . . . . . . . . . . 3 Grow Your Passion . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Nail Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Esthetic Endeavors . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Off the Top. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Ohio Cosmetology News. . . . . . . 10 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 America’s Beauty Show. . . . . . . . 13 Tri-County Aids Coalition . . . . . . 13 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 IBS New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 What’s New in the Market . . . . . . 15

On the cover... Cover Photo by DJ Victory, Cleveland, OH Hair/Makeup/Wardrobe: DJ Victory Photographer: Thomas Song Model: Kristen

By Damien Carney

Having a routine in both your professional and personal life is important, but too much of the same thing doesn’t keep your energy flowing. To keep my passion alive, I challenge myself to break my routines in different ways. I keep my creativity flowing by being aware of my surroundings. Slow down just a bit as you go about day-to-day activities and observe what’s around you. I turn to people, architecture, nature, objects and the media for inspiration. Really look at someone or something and “see” the shapes, lines and irregularities. Beauty is all around us – really open you eyes and mind. I stay current with fashion and trends by subscribing to a variety of hair and fashion magazines. The desire to stay current will keep you motivated. Remember fashion changes so quickly that if you blink, you’ll miss a decade. Use this information to stimulate yourself and your clients. All types of clients love to know what’s the “hot” new thing and you need to be able to tell them. Taking my observations, I then invest in what I feel is the most imperative way to stay passionate – continuing to learn. I learn from my colleagues and students every time I attend an event or teach. Invest in yourself. Spend money to make money – education, education and education. I take what I learn technically and give it my own spin using elements from my observations. To make education affordable, I make a plan. Find what works for you. For example, save some of your tips to invest in educational events at least twice a year. Attend events that motivate you to become better, both professionally and personally. In today’s economy, we all need to stay sharp and focused to be competitive. I have to do hair better than ever before. I enhance my skills through education at industry events and trade shows such as the International Salon & Spa Expo in Long Beach, Cosmoprof North America, PBA Symposium, and the North American Hairstyling Awards. Seminars and classes from various media outlets, distributors and the professional associations are also great sources. I also turn to websites, magazines and social media from within and outside of the beauty industry for ideas. The one thing I have learned is that if I don’t make the time, it


will never happen. I always write down my plans and check them off when done. I feel a sense of accomplishment and confidence that I pass on to my clients. We are busy, but to be successful you have to make the time and invest in yourself. Once you have attended a show, go back and experiment with what you have learned. This will keep you moving forward. Sharpen your techniques and the way you view things. It’s great to challenge yourself to change a little bit of See Damien Carney at the International Salon & Spa Expo (ISSE) Long Beach (Jan. 29 – 31, 2011) and Midwest (March 26 – 28) shows as he emcee’s the International Fashion Theater.

something when your client sits in the chair. Clients leave a stylist or salon because they get “bored.” Don’t be afraid to mix it up a little. Talk to clients about staying fresh. They love it! Remember you’re the expert. That’s why they’re coming to you and not the salon next door. Also, don’t be afraid to charge a little extra for the “new or special technique” you’ve learned. This is another way to cover your educational expenses. Continually apply your new ideas and techniques. There’s no point in learning, if you don’t apply what you learned. Don’t slip back into your routine ways of doing hair. Keep your favorite elements of design, but update them. Invigorate them with simple changes. Read and learn new ways of expressing looks and trends or develop your own language. That’s the sheer joy in being a stylist. You can cultivate your own signature looks and words to describe them. How fun! When the wheel of education stops, it can be difficult to restart, but not impossible. Continually exercise your mind and your hair skills regularly and then reap the rewards. Learning something different can be challenging, but when we master it with a bit of practice, it becomes easier. Practice makes perfect, and your passion will thrive with your courage and confidence. Damien Carney, celebrity stylist and International Creative Director, is one of the most accomplished hairstylists in the industry today. For creative ideas and educational events, visit Damien’s website at www.damiencarney.com and follow him on Facebook.com

Ohio Stylist & Salon

Volume 12, Number 1, Issue 133 January 15 - February 15, 2011 Published monthly by Holland Graphics, Inc. 1750 SW Skyline Blvd., Suite 24 Portland OR 97221 Toll-free (888) 297-7010 or (503) 297-7010 Fax (503) 297-7022 E-mail: editor@stylistnewspapers.com Web site: www.stylistnewspapers.com Publisher Holland Graphics, Inc. Managing Editor Lisa Kind Production Manager Joel Holland Advertising Director Marcy Avenson Classified Sales Kelly Smith Contributing Writers: Judy Culp, Jerry Tyler, Charlene Abretske, Neil Ducoff, Jaime Schrabeck, Marco Pelusi, Steve Sleeper, Kimberly Johnson, Damien Carney Ohio State Board of Cosmetology Kevin L. Miller, Executive Director

OHIO STYLIST & SALON is mailed free of charge to licensed salons, booth renters and beauty schools in Ohio. Circulation is restricted to members of the beauty and barber profession, its suppliers and students. CONTRIBUTIONS OF PHOTOS, ARTICLES, etc., are welcome. Payment offered only when arrangements are made in writing in advance with the editor/ publisher. ALL MATERIAL © 2011 by Holland Graphics, Inc. and/or the bylined authors or photographers. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. OPINIONS AND ENDORSEMENTS herein are the sole responsibility of the writers or advertisers and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the publisher or the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology. Publication of advertising contained herein does not constitute endorsement. Columns are the opinions of the writers and not those of the publisher. Ohio Stylist & Salon assumes no responsibility for the claims of any advertiser in their paid advertising nor in the promotional material they provide either orally or in writing. Advertising does not imply that the paper will provide any editorial coverage, photos, calendar mention, or any other space or consideration other than actual space purchased. All advertising must be paid in advance of publication in lieu of prior arrangements. Invoices paid after terms will be subject to a 2.5% per month service charge. Delinquent invoices may be subject to a handling fee of 25%. Published rates are net. Agencies add 15% for gross cost. No Agency discounts. In the event a suit or action is brought to collect amounts due Ohio Stylist & Salon shall be entitled to recover attorney fees and costs incurred. ADDITIONAL OR OUT-OF-STATE SUBSCRIPTIONS: For a one year subscription, send name, address and zip with check for $20 payable to HOLLAND GRAPHICS, INC. to Subscriptions, Ohio Stylist & Salon, 1750 SW Skyline Blvd., Suite 24, Portland, OR 97221. Address changes require old mailing label.











11:46:09 AM

Mastering the Basic Skills The Nail Extension Jaime Schrabeck


It is important to know that basic skills provide the foundation for our services, as beauty professionals. Without mastering these basic skills, it is possible that our clients could do a better job, even as amateurs. Before I became a licensed manicurist, I did better work than the professionals I paid as a client, and that‘s not saying much. We train for hours and practice for years; however, it is our mastery of basic skills that sets us apart from our clients and competitors. Regardless of the service, our primary concerns should be safety, quality and consistency. At a minimum, it is our professional responsibility to protect the health and safety of our clients. Consumer protection is the reason most states require licensing, a beauty school education, a written and / or practical examination(s), compliance with regulations, and in some states, continuing education. Without expounding on the efficacy of these requirements, let us agree that while the intent is admirable, in practice they do little to ensure consistent quality. The same is true of the restaurant industry; a restaurant can have an immaculate kitchen and meet the highest standards for food safety, and the food can still taste awful. Likewise, 1st professional permanent color in just 10 minutes. safety is only one feature, albeit the most important, of a quality beauty service. It is ironic that the most basic thing we do as manicurists can have the greatest potential for harm. Filing seems so simple: pick up a file, hold it against the nail and start stroking. However, we first have to decide which file The 1st professional permanent color to use. Will it be: paper, wood, Mylar, metal, in just 10 minutes. ceramic or glass? Shall we use a standard seven by three quarter inch file, a block buffer, a custom-shaped file or a drill? How coarse or fine should it be? Disposable or reusable? If it is reusable, can you really disinfect it? How do you hold it? How do you hold the client’s finger? How much pressure should you apply? How fast should you file? How do you avoid the skin surrounding the nail? How do you know when you have filed enough? I could continue, but my point is that choosing the right file for the task, and knowing how to use it safely and efficiently is critical to our work. Remember, using a drill cannot replace our hand-filing skills any more than using a food processor can replace a chef ’s knife skills. Nothing helps develop filing skills faster than working on your own nails. Manicurists should know how it feels to have a friction PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY PRODUCTS & EDUCATION burn on their nail plate, or a cut to their skin. 1.888.892.6382 It is painful. Careless or overly aggressive




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filing can lead to serious damage, including infections. Special care is necessary, whether filing on natural nails or removing enhancement products. While in beauty school, students are asked to identify different nail shapes, as if we do not know the difference between round and square. What we do not learn is how to file the desired shape symmetrically and consistently, from the client’s perspective. That is why, when filing the end of fingernails, it is advisable to position the client with a bent elbow and the back of the hand and fingernails facing the manicurist. To save time, shape one nail first and ask the client to approve before proceeding to the remaining nails. The easiest shape to file is a square. As long as the file is positioned perpendicular to the nail at the end and parallel along the sidewalls, it should be straight. However, when the nail plate is not perfectly aligned with the finger, it is the manicurist’s job to file in such a way to make it look as if it were. For more rounded shapes, it is better to establish the length first at the end of the nail, and then shape the sides accordingly. Filing at an angle deep into the sidewalls will weaken the structure of the nail, and can make nails, enhanced ones in particular, look as if they are ready to launch away from the nail bed. In addition, what about nail structure, particularly after applying enhancement products? It is not enough to create a smooth surface. For strength, nail enhancements have to be structured properly to help the nails resist breakage. For a more sleek and natural look, the product should gradually taper toward the base of the nails until flush to the nail plate and taper toward the ends to avoid thickness. Ideally, we should strive to achieve proper structure through judicious and sparing use of product, not excessive filing. (Besides, the “pile and file” approach wastes time, labor, product and money.) Once the proper structure is achieved, it is easy and very time efficient to produce a smooth surface by applying gel top coat. This eliminates the need to graduate file grits from coarse to super fine in order to obtain a scratch-free, shiny finish. Knowing how to buff enhancement products is critical for nail competitions, but it is a completely impractical practice in the salon. To perfect your filing skills, I recommend consulting with nail competitors for file recommendations and procedures that will enable you to achieve great results efficiently and safely. Filing may be basic, but it is far from simple. Jaime Schrabeck, Ph.D. owns Precision Nails, an exclusive nails-only salon in Carmel, California. She can be reached at info@precisionnails.com. READ IT! SAVE IT! PRINT IT! NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE!

View this article and more at www.stylistnewspapers.com

Help Your Business Endure and Be More Profitable Esthetic Endeavors Judith Culp

People in the esthetics industry are drawn to the aspect of helping people, the artistic demands and the glitter of “owning your own business.” Many come to our industry either with no business background or from a business environment where they were employed. As a result, it is common for estheticians, and others in the cosmetology industry to participate in poor business practices. Small business administration and other studies reflect that small businesses are difficult maneuvers with high failure rates that mostly stem from misinformation or lack of business training. Start-up businesses are much like raising a child from birth to adulthood with all the stress and challenges. Here are ten tips to help your business endure and be more profitable. 1. Participate in accounting practices but rely on a professional. While it is a simple and important process to do the daily bookkeeping and know what is happening in your business, bypassing help with quarterly or annual accounting and review can be disastrous. Professionals in the accounting and legal professions act in your best interest. They have years of selective education. There are thousands of pages of tax laws and legal implications associated with running a business that change frequently. You don’t want to be on the wrong end of an audit, be charged with operating illegally or miss out on all the legitimate tax deductions due you. 2. Be cautious about who you go into business with. Much has been written about going into business with friends and family. Crossing lines between personal and professional relationships has proven to be detrimental to many businesses and ruined many friendships. There is an old saying that holds true: the toughest ship in the world to sail is a partnership. 3. Evaluate financial moves based on solid knowledge. Owning and running a business comes with risks that must be taken to succeed. Even though risk-taking is never easy, there are calculated risks that must be taken to progress. The timing for business decisions that may be deemed risky is rarely perfect. What we have to do is evaluate the risk and make plans for managing it. 4. Use market research based on your unique business niche to determine the most cost effective and business generating devices to purchase. Technology can be a business builder but over-purchasing can be a business breaker. Instead consider using the profits from one new device to nest egg and purchase

the next. Financing purchases can be a challenge. Only use a credit card if you can pay it off when the bill arrives. Otherwise look for alternatives that involve lower interest rates. Be aware of leasing and the long-term impacts tied to this. Leasing is really long term purchasing, not renting. 5. As a business owner the buck stops with you. You can no longer call in sick, accrue vacation time, or have an employer pay half your SSI burden. You are responsible for all of it. If you are sick you should certainly stay home, but no one will pick up the financial loss. You are responsible for all outstanding debts and making sure the lights will be on when you arrive the next day. You’re in charge. You are your own employer. Inconsistent attendance at work, failing to file and pay quarterly sales tax reports, ignoring big and small bills until you get around to them all represent a recipe for failure. You have the opportunity to incur a profit or a loss. You are responsible for daily marketing of your business and consistently caring for it. Remember the analogy between owning a business and raising a child. You can’t neglect your business any more than a child can be neglected. 6. A business plan is the heart of a successful business and it must be tended just as that child must be. It must be reviewed and updated at least annually or if circumstances dictate a change. Budgets for marketing, allowances for reoccurring debts and projected and realized income are all part of a plan for success. A good business plan is s pathway to reach your future goals. It can be modified as times change, but just as we have to make plans for a successful vacation, so we have to make plans for a successful business. In either case a lack of planning will probably mean we end up staying home. 7. Dedicate yourself to continuing business

education. If you are going to run a company and lack the appropriate educational credits to do so securely, sign up for business classes. Often the Small Business Administration or your local community college can guide you to an appropriate educational program. Having a teacher in class to clarify issues and answer questions is critical. 8. Tax-deductible activities require the expenditure of money to gain the deduction; they aren’t free. It is a common concept to spend and deduct. Different activities are deductible at different rates and you have to spend the money first regardless of the benefit of a deduction. Evaluate the activities open to you and select those that best match your goals and personal commitments. 9. Continuing education counts. This is one of your best investments. Continuing education, and/or certification demonstrates your commitment to your profession and is becoming more recognized by consumers. People who do not take additional classes to hone their skills, or who do not belong to professional organizations and acquire recognized and respected credentials are more likely to fail. Luck is rarely on the side of the entrepreneur. Luck is on the side of the planner. 10. Follow all state and federal guidelines for paying employees. Hiring office help or other staff and paying them under the table is a recipe for disaster. While it may temporarily save you taxes, it only takes one disgruntled employee to report you for illegal business practices to the IRS so they can obtain unemployment monies. Dealing with the IRS for tax evasion can ruin a company in short order and the liability for false business practices is high. Employ all of these business tips to move your business safely forward and avoid the all too common pitfalls based on lack of information.

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and narrow down the two to three critical elements needed for success. For my weight plan, the elements were caloric intake and daily exercise. With your financial plan, the elements will be guests and the service dollar (see chart). For this example, to achieve the daily gross pay, a stylist would need to service three to four cut / color clients per day. This is only 15-20 clients a week. With a plan in place, it is important to stay on course. Let’s go back to my 50-pound quest. After three weeks of sticking to the plan, I had only lost one pound per week and I felt exhausted. I had achieved very little success for a lot of work. At that time, I could have counted myself out and said the weight would never come off. However, through my tears, I dropped the brownie and continued through the following week, resulting in a three-pound loss. Success. It is definitely not easy to build from a zero client base or to lose 50 pounds. However, to make the financial plan work (or lose the weight) the first time, come ready to participate and stay on course. You do not have the luxury to choose to connect with only two out of the ten guests

Many individuals have found financial success behind the chair in the beauty industry; unfortunately, there are also many who have not. What is the reason for one stylist to have financial success and not another? Does it come down to talent, hard work or a sprinkle of luck? Does it depend on the salon they have chosen or the town they live in? There is not one correct answer, but I do believe there are a few simple steps that can help you begin your journey to financial success. Start by making a goal and writing down your desired annual salary (example: $40,000). The next step is to understand how to make the goal realistic and attainable. For most, reviewing numbers in a linear fashion can get boring quickly. So let us start with an analogy from my own personal experience. When I had my second child, Max, he was born at a whopping 11 pounds, five ounces. The baby was not the only Time Period Income = Actual Revenue x % Commission one who had Annual $40,000 $100,000 40% developed a hardy Monthly $3,333 $8,333 40% weight, as I was Weekly $833 $2,083 40% left with 50 extra Daily $166 $416 40% pounds myself. I could not fathom 4 clients (cut/color) = $520/day 10 clients (cut only) = $400/day how to begin to **Please note that the following assumptions are used for this exercise: lose the weight, commission based at 40%, $40 haircut price (1 hour service time), $90 so I wrote out a basic weave (1.5 hours service time), five-day work week at 35 hours, weight plan that not on a double booking scenario. was attainable. After consulting with my docserviced that week, or you will be seeing the tor, we decided that a loss of two pounds same dismal numbers six months from now. per week attained through a good diet and Write your goals today and outline your exercise was realistic. I took the 50 pounds financial plan. and divided it by two pounds per week: Your financial success will look different 25 weeks to achieve the desired outcome each day, week, month, and ultimately you (roughly six months). Six months and back will have the power to change your financial to my normal self? Okay, that sounds good. success on an annual basis. So, put down You can conquer the same type of overthe brownie, pick up the scissors, follow whelming feeling with your financial plan. the plan and celebrate your passion with a Take the desired $40,000 annual income and fiscally successful career. break it down into a month, week, and day. Annual: $40,000 Monthly: $3,333 Kimberly Johnson is a successful Cosmetology School owner in Portland, Oregon.  In addition, she serves as Director of Business DevelopWeekly: $833 ment, overseeing a local 12 million dollar salon spa operation with Daily: $166 250 employees with four locations.  To reach Kimberly email her at Broken down this way, it does not seem kimberly@avedapdx.com. too difficult. Our next step: what are the READ IT! SAVE IT! PRINT IT! NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE! critical elements needed to get to this sucView this article and more at www.stylistnewspapers.com cess? With every goal, you have to identify

January 31, 2011… Renewal Deadline

2010 Employee Recognition Ceremony The Ohio State Board of Cosmetology holds an employee appreciation luncheon each year to recognize the work done by the field and office staff. A staff member is chosen by votes from both areas to receive an “Employee of the year” award. In addition, Director Miller selects one person to receive the “Customer Service Champion” award. The luncheon is supported by in house fundraisers and organized by the Staff Enrichment Committee.

The deadline for license renewal is fast approaching. All license issued by the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology will expire on January 31, 2011. All licensees must have their renewal payment and required Continuing Education hours completed by the deadline to avoid late fees and/or sanctions by the Board. It is important to remember that working on an expired license is similar to working without one. This includes salon, Independent Contractor (IC) and all basic and managing licenses. If an inspector visits

License Renewal Contact Information Online License Renewal: https://license.ohio.gov (Now Open) Renewal Hotline: 877-267-8686 (Now Open) Customer Service: 614-466-3834 CE Questions: lori.pearson@cos.state.oh.us Email Questions: ohiocosbd@cos.state.oh.us Fax: 614-644-6880

Renewal Deadlines License Expiration: User Name & Password Mailed: Early Renewal Begins: Late Fees Assessed: 2010 Employees of the year and Customer Service Champion: (from left) Tina McCurdy Thomson, Meg LaMantia, Fran Loudin

January 31, 2011 August, 2010 Sept. 1, 2010 February 1, 2011

Renewal Fees 2010 Staff Enrichment Committee: (from left) Kyra Tyler, Janet Rankin, Sharon Gardner, Joan Byerly, Phylis Jones, Doris Byrne

2011-13 Continuing Education (CE) Info Continuing Education (CE) classes for the 2011-2013 renewal period must be taken between February 1, 2011 – January 31, 2013. When taking a CE course, licensees are required to sign-in to the class using their name and Board identification number (e.g. COSM.991234). Upon completion of the course, licensees should receive a certificate of completion. The certificate should indicate the date, location, hours received, CE approval number, and name of course. During the CE audit the Board may request proof of completion of CE hours. Therefore, the certificate should be retained in a safe and accessible place. It is the responsibility of the licensee to distinguish if a CE class has been approved by the Board. All CE classes intended to be used for license renewal must have pre-approval by the Board. If there are questions regarding specific CE course content, loss of a certificate of completion, directions, etc. please contact the provider of the class directly. Continuing Education (CE) Information for Providers Any person or company wishing to give continuing education (CE) classes must

follow the guidelines set forth by the Board. All CE classes must be pre-approved by the Board in order to use the CE credit hours from a class for license renewal. The items that need to be submitted for class approval include a detailed course outline, resume of any educator(s) that will be teaching the class, completed application and fee. A portion of all course outlines must be devoted to infection control and/or safety. Once this information is received by the Board it can take up to thirty (30) days to receive an approval. Approved classes can be given for a two (2) year period. For a full description of becoming a CE course provider and the application, please visit our website www.cos.ohio.gov . 2011-2013 Continuing Education Course Approval Fees • $100 (per class) Seminar, Workshop, Demonstration Classes • $250 (per class) Online or Correspondence (book) Classes • $250 (per class) Tanning Certification Classes For questions regarding CE please contact Lori Pearson, CE Administration at lori. pearson@cos.state.oh.us.


your salon and your 2011-2013 license is not displayed this could result in a violation. The outcome of receiving a violation may include monetary fines, suspension, or revocation of licensure. You can visit the online renewal site at htts://license.ohio.gov have your user ID, password, and credit or debit card available. Online license renewal is available 24 hours a day. This is a quick and convenient way to renew your license and stay in compliance with the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology.

Individual License $45.00 Instructor License $45.00 Independent Contractor $60.00 Renew prior to January 31, 2011 to avoid late fees.

CE License Requirement LICENSE TYPE


Basic Cosmetology


Managing Cosmetology


Basic Hair Design


Managing Hair Design


Basic Manicuring


Managing Manicuring


Basic Esthetician


Managing Esthetician


Basic Natural Hair


Managing Natural Hair


Instructor 8 Independent Contractor


Does the Board Have Your Correct Address? If you moved and did not notify the Board directly with your change of address use one of the options listed below to update your information. It is important to remember that submitting a change of address form to the United States Postal Service (USPS) will only stay in place approximately 30-60 days and the USPS does not notify the Board of these changes. After that period, most mail is returned to sender. Many licensees learned this the hard way during the last renewal when they did not receive their renewal information or even their license. Choose the best way for you to update your

address with the Board: • Visit us online https://license.ohio.gov (user name and password required) Select “Update Address Information” Enter User Name and Password Select “Address Change” Update “Credential Mail Address” / “Main” • Fax: 614-644-6880 or Email: ohiocosbd@cos.state.oh.us Be sure to include the following: Name and Board ID #, updated address, current phone number and Email. • Call (614) 466-3834 and speak to a customer services representative.

The Board Fights Against Identity Theft… The Ohio State Board of Cosmetology is being proactive in the fight against identity theft. The Board has recently adopted new security technology to aid in the examination process. This security system involves fingerprinting each candidate that is admitted into an exam. This information is only used for Board identification purposes. Last year the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology had encountered several candidates presenting false identification for admittance into an exam. The Board has worked closely with law enforcement to combat this growing problem.

Right Page



COMING SOON ~ BEAUTIFUL SALON & SPA IN CLEVELAND - SEEKING BOOTH RENTERS FOR BARBER, MASSAGE THERAPIST, COSMETOLOGIST & ESTHETICIAN Great parking. Vaedallyn Salon & Spa, 3101 West 25th Street, Suite 101, Cleveland, OH 44102. Call Lourdes (440)263-2335 BOOTH RENT ~ MACEDONIA / NORTHFIELD Salon & Spa. Stylist, Nail Tech, Massage Professionals, Esthetician. Great location, ample parking. Contact (330)467-0850 or (330)322-7225 for more information.



BOOTH RENT Bridgetown / Western Hills area. Seeking Stylist & Part-time / Full-time Nail Tech - competitive rent, great location, parking, spacious, custom stations. Call (513)256-6996

CENTERVILLE SALON Part / full-time Hairstylist(s) with established clientele. Great booth rent, retail commission, convenient parking, client refreshments. First month free for full time, two weeks free part time. (937)371-7344.



A NEW YEAR! A NEW START! A NEW LOCATION & A NEW YOU! Hairstylists, Barbers and Nail Techs, we have Leftsuites Page individual designed with you in mind. This concept allows you the independence to come & go based on you & your clients’ needs. Full-time & Part-time opportunities available. For more information contact Mrs. Betty at (614) 985-5920.

NEW YEAR’S SPECIAL (2) weeks free rent for (1) Cosmetologist and (1) Nail Technician to serve growing clientele. Must be enthusiastic and a team player. Affordable rent at NW Columbus mall. Call Lui (614)571-7699. JOIN OUR TEAM OF ARTISTS AT SKILLED HANDS HAIRSTUDIO North Royalton. Booth rental available for two talented hair designers. To apply, contact debbie@skilledhandshairstudio.com MAYFIELD VILLAGE / 44124 ~ STYLIST CHAIR RENTAL OR COMMISSION IN AN UPSCALE & ‘GREEN’ ATMOSPHERE DAY / WEEKLY RENTAL AVAILABLE. FOR APPOINTMENT ~ CALL MONA LISA SALON & SPA @ (440)449-1111 MonaLisaSpa.com


HYDRAULIC CHAIRS FROM $75 Stations starting at $80. Reception desks from $75. Shampoo bowls from $80. Manicure tables from $40. Mirrors, mats and more. BUYING USED EQUIPMENT. (419)215-7009 Toledo www. salontechnical.com

NEW, AFFORDABLE SALON SUITES FOR LEASE (Salon 101) ~ Seeking established Hairstylist / Nail Tech / Massage Professional, Independent Contractor ~ spacious parking, great location! One week free rent! 101 Hill Road North, Pickerington, Ohio ~ (614)599-2543 www.salon101site.com HAVE YOU EVER DREAMED OF OWNING YOUR OWN SALON? Fully furnished salon space for lease with stylist stations and all equipment needed to open or expand your business with NO start up costs! Call for more details: (216)469-2367 **Exclusive location in the Olmsted Falls area** 26912 Cook Road

SALARY / COMMISSION HAIRSTYLIST FOR SENIOR COMMUNITIES Immediate openings for skilled care-giving and reliable Managing Cosmetologists, to provide beauty services for residents, family members and staff in senior communities throughout Ohio. Great pay and bonus. Pam Little @ (330)289-4009 pamlittle@salonps.com www.salonps.com

SHOPS FOR SALE BOARDMAN, OHIO ~ SALON FOR SALE Good location. Established 17 years. Currently skincare salon. Includes equipment and clientele. Call (330)726-8222 for additional information. MEDINA, BARBER SHOP / SALON FOR LEASE Just 3/4 mile from the Square in the busy North part of town. Large enough for six stations. Previous owner retired. Call Jim anytime (440)317-0036

SALON EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Handicap Shampoo Bowl with chair, Waterfall, Spa towels, Hot Stone Machine, ½ off Products and more, 614-985-5920. EVERYTHING YOU NEED ~ EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Complete styling stations, shampoo bowls, styling chairs, manicure tables, pedicure units, waiting room furniture, trolleys, cabinets, decorative items and much, much more! Sale ~ January 22nd @ 11:00 a.m. ~ 30239 Detroit Road, Westlake, Ohio ~ (216)978-1950

NEW EQUIPMENT ELEGANT NAIL SUPPLY: We wholesale and retail New & Used Salon Equipment, Salon Furniture and all brand-name products OPI, IBD, Gena, Creative, LaPalm… We offer online continuing education. Please visit our website for more information: W W W. E L E GA N T N A I L S U P P LY. C O M Phone: (937)258-0608 or 1-888-308-6308 BRAND NEW EQUIPMENT! Two Bassett silver decorative mirrors, two styling chairs, two mats, shampoo sink with breaker, shampoo chair ~ paid $1195, sell for $799; Two Bassett silver full length mirrors, three styling chairs, three mats, two sinks with breakers, two shampoo chairs ~ paid $1958, sell for $1299. (740)5410542 (740)373-5265



LEARN NEW TECHNIQUES THROUGH DVD’S - FREE CATALOG Hair cutting & styling, clipper & razor cutting, hair coloring, wedding styles & updo’s, makeup, facials, manicures and pedicures, waxing & hair removal, massage, and spa & body treatments. 800-414-2434 www.VideoShelf.com

Scientific SkinCare Institute,Inc.

America’s Beauty Show Brings Beauty to Life

Last Chance to Get 7 Skincare 2010 CEU Hours!

Featuring... Kim Lee, ND, Ohio Mgr. Pevonia Raizel Michelow, MA.

• Top 5 Trends for 2011 • Aromatherapy in the Skincare Room • Treating Clinical Conditions with Botanicals

Call Scientific Skincare Institute (440)289-8247 for details and dates

www.scientificskincareinstitute.com email: rmichelow@aol.com


NOW ENROLLING – CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSES. The Salon Professional Academy Perrysburg. For more details contact Charlie Soto (419) 873-9999 x2 www. tspaperrysburg.com. Endorsed by Redken for Excellence in Education. CONTINUING EDUCATION FOR OHIO SALON PROFESSIONALS. Completing your required CE hours has never been so easy. Download and complete our course and we report your hours to your state. Board approved courses. www.elitecme.com

MISCELLANEOUS WWW.TERRYBINNSCATALOG.COM or 800-909-7546. Promotional offers on Dr. Belter Cosmetics, Cirepil, Escentials, Satin Smooth, Gigi, Soothing Touch, Sacred Earth, Intrinsics, Miss Webril & a variety of other top quality salon & spa products. * FREE SHIPPING through January 31st *



SALES AND WARRANTY ON Hikari - The Ultimate Haircutting tools ~ Sensei Shear Systems ~ Shisato Mirage YSPark Products ~ Visa. MC accepted ~ Master Sharpener (216)346-9764 HEALTH COVERAGE MADE EASY. We offer Health Coverage for: self-employed, small business, individuals without group coverage, independent contractors. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield individual health care plans are designed to fit your unique lifestyle, so allow us to help you find a good fit for your health care needs. Call Lou Ann Madsen at (614) 433-8741 or apply online at www.louannmadsen-insurance.com.

INSURANCE STYLED YOUR WAY. We insure: tanning salons, hair salons, franchises, booth renters, nail salons. Specializing in the insurance needs of today’s salon. Call for a free quote 1-800-862-7767 or visit www.ohiosaloninsurance.com

The creative and business leaders of the salon industry are lining up to show thousands of salon professional attendees what’s new, what’s important and what’s ahead in beauty at America’s Beauty Show, March 12-14, 2011 at McCormick Place in downtown Chicago. Talent and creativity will rule the ABS Runway. Inspiration will abound from industry icons including Vivienne Mackinder and the Intercoiffure America/Canada Artistic Team; Anthony Mascolo, TIGI’s international creative director; Intercoiffure Hair Color Council leaders Gina Khan and Jo Blackwell-Preston; Nick Arrojo and the ARROJO artistic team; and Zak Mascolo and the TONI&GUY Artistic Team. At ABS, beauty will be delivered by hundreds of manufacturers and distributors offering the newest products, tools and equipment for hair, skin and nail care to make a salon business successful. Master classes will be offered by Vivienne Mackinder, Gina Khan and Jo Blackwell for Intercoiffure; David Stanko for L’Oreal; Nick Arrojo for ARROJO and the acclaimed Vidal Sassoon Academy as well as the 2011 Business Forum: On Target! specifically designed to give salon owners the insight to take back their clients and target business success. Three other opportunities for skincare professionals and nail technicians will co-locate with America’s Beauty Show. Face & Body Midwest, the popular and respected Esthetics Conference and Expo; The Makeup Show, bringing in-depth makeup education for hairstylists, skincare professionals and makeup artists; and the International Nail Technicians Association (INTA) Conference, a must-do event for every nail technician and nail salon owner in the area. Visit www.AmericasBeautyShow.com for more information and to register or call 1(800) 883-7808 or (312) 321-6809.

Comedy to Benefit Tri County Aids Coalition The Tri County Aids Coalition, in Canton, Ohio was formed by a group of friends in 1983 concerned that so many of their friends were coming down with HIV-AIDS and then dying. The group, now in its 17th year of operation, has raised more than $100,000.00 for the local community. There are no paid personnel, everyone donates their time. The Tri County Aids Coalition is still made up of friends who enjoy working with the HIV community by doing fundraisers such as a January event called “An Evening of Entertainment and Illusion”. This year’s event “Blood in my Hairspray” is a twisted hilarious comedy, in a Dinner/ Murder Mystery Theatre Experience, with manners full of passion, pathos and faaaaabulous hair. The Tri County Aids Coalition would like to encourage beauty shops, salons, and spas to participate by purchasing tickets for the Friday, January 28, 2011 show at $35.00 per ticket. “Our goal is to have people come in Avant-garde hair. We actually are also encouraging our beauty salon guests to enter our best hair contest”, notes volunteer Tim Rypien of Rialto Hair in Canton, Ohio. A prize will be awarded that night during the finale of the show. Proceeds of this years show will benefit local HIV needs in the community. For tickets and/or information, Please call President Bill Weaver at 330-477-0806. Full Tables of 10 will be given preferred seating. Full tables may be purchased for $350.00

REACH OVER 18,000 BEAUTY PROFESSIONALS IN OHIO. For as little as $40/month you can advertise to every salon and barbershop in Ohio. Go to www.stylistnewspapers.com to place your ad now.

BUY FASHIONABLE, FUN AND AFFORDABLE JEWELRY online at www. cookielee.biz/lisakind. Check out the newest fall collection of fashion jewelry from Cookie Lee. Most for under $40 each.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MAKE $100 PER HOUR SHARPENING SCISSORS AND CLIPPERS. I will beat anybody’s price on any equipment and training. (408)439-9161 OHIO STYLIST & SALON | JANUARY 2011 | 13

JANUARY 2011 PP 15-17: ProKnowledge Workshop presented by Day Spa Assoc., Indianapolis, IN www.proknowledgeworkshops.com 1-877-851-8998 PP 17-18: Beauty Expo USA, Las Vegas www.beautyexpousa.com PP 29-31: Long Beach International Salon & Spa Expo, Long Beach Convention Center probeauty.org/ISSE

FEBRUARY 2011 PP 19-22: Bronner Bros. International Hair Show, Atlanta, GA,

www.bronnerbros.com PP 26-27: The Makeup Show LA, www.themakeupshow.com PP 27: Beauty School Forum, Barristar Productions, Kissimmee, FL www.barristar.com 800 SHOW-432 PP 27-28: Day Spa Expo, Las Vegas, NV www.dayspaexpo.com

MARCH 2011 PP 6-7: Empire and ARROJO present Masters of Beauty Skills Certification Program, Nashville, TN MastersOfBeauty@empire.edu PP 6-7: Prof. Beauty London, www.professionalbeauty.co.uk/london PP 6-8: IBS New York, Jacob Javits Center www.ibsnewyork.com PP 6-8: International Esthetics, Cosmetics and Spa Conference IECSC New York, www.iecsc.com PP 7: Neil Ducoff’s No Compromise Leadership Workshop hosted by Shohba, New York City, NY strategies.com 1-800-417-4848 PP 12-14: America’s Beauty Show, Chicago, IL 1-800-883-7808 www.americasbeautyshow.com PP 13: American Board of Certified Haircolorist Exam, Chicago, IL www.haircolorist.com PP 13-14: ABA Canada, Montreal, Quebec www.abacanada.com PP 13-14: The International Congress of Esthetics and Spa, Arlington, Texas 1-800-471-0229 www.LNEONLINE.com PP 18-20: Beauty International’s Worldwide Leading Trade Fair for Professional Cosmetics, Nail, Foot and Wellness Professionals, Düsseldorf, Germany (312)781-5180 www.mdna.com PP 18-21: Cosmoprof Bologna, Italy www.cosmoprof.com PP 20-21: Spectrum International Beauty Expo, Los Angeles, CA (310)680-7367 www.sibe.us PP 26-28: Midwest International Salon & Spa Expo, Rosemont, IL probeauty.org/ISSE PP 27-28: ABA Canada, Toronto, Ontario www.abacanada.com

APRIL 2011 PP 2-4: ProKnowledge Workshop presented by Day Spa Assoc, Nashville, TN www.proknowledgeworkshops.com 1-877-851-8998 PP 3-4: The International Congress of Esthetics and Spa, Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, Florida 1-800-471-0229 www.LNEONLINE.com PP 9-10: Peel’s Spring Show, Council Bluffs, IA www.peels.com PP 10: American Board of Certified Haircolorist Exam, Denver, CO www.haircolorist.com PP 10-11: Cosmoprof’s 64th Annual Spring Style Show, San Jose, CA www.springstyleshow.net PP 10-11: ABA Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba www.abacanada.com PP 17-18: BSG Cosmoprof Beauty presents Seattle Fashion Focus, PP Seattle, WA www.fashion-focus.net PP 17-18: Intercoiffure’s Spring Symposium, Miami, FL www.intercoiffure.us PP 17-18: ABA Canada, Vancouver, BC www.abacanada.com PP 29-5/2: Electrologists’ Association of California State Symposium aboard the Carnival Paradise Cruise Ship 860-678-1972 Email: donna.crump@snet.net

Hurry! All Cosmetologists must renew by January 31st, 2011

MAY 2011 PP 1-2: ABA Canada, Edmonton, Alberta www.abacanada.com PP 8-9: Beauty School Forum, Barristar Productions, Anaheim, CA

www.barristar.com 800 SHOW-432 PP 15-16: Galveston Fashion Focus Show, Galveston, TX www.armstrongmccall.com PP 15-16: The Makeup Show NYC, www.themakeupshow.com PP 16: Neil Ducoff’s No Compromise Leadership Workshop, Cleveland, OH strategies.com 1-800-417-4848 PP 22: Beauty School Forum, Barristar Productions, Minneapolis, MN www.barristar.com 800 SHOW-432 PP 22: Sorme Treatment Cosmetics Makeup Workshop at the Riverwalk Plaza, San Antonio, TX www.sormeworkshops.com

JUNE 2011 PP 5-6: Premiere Orlando International Beauty Event & Premiere DAYSPA conference, Orlando, FL www.premiereshows.com PP 12-13: The Makeup Show Chicago www.themakeupshow.com PP 16-18: BeautyEurasia by Cosmoprof Worldwide, Istanbul, Turkey, www.beautyeurasia.com PP 17: Neil Ducoff’s No Compromise Leadership Workshop, Sacramento, CA strategies.com 1-800-417-4848 PP 18-20: International Esthetics, Cosmetics and Spa Conference IECSC Las Vegas, NV www.iecsc.com PP 18-20: IBS Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV www.ibslasvegas.com PP 28-29: Spa & Resort / Medical Aesthetics Expo & Conference, New York City, NY www.spaandresortexpo.com

JULY 2011 PP 10-11: Image Expo 2011, Houston Reliant Center, Houston, TX

www.theimageexpo.com PP 16-18: ProKnowledge Workshop presented by Day Spa Assoc, Minneapolis, MN www.proknowledgeworkshops.com 1-877-851-8998 PP 24: North American Hairstyling Awards, Las Vegas, NV www.probeauty.org/naha PP 24: American Board of Certified Haircolorist Exam, Los Angeles, CA www.haircolorist.com PP 31-8/2: Cosmoprof North America 2011, Las Vegas, NV 800.557.3356 cosmoprofnorthamerica.com

AUGUST 2011 PP 14: American Board of Certified Haircolorist Exam, Boston, MA

www.haircolorist.com PP 28-29: SW Fashion Focus, Glendale, AZ www.armstrongmccall.com

SEPTEMBER 2011 PP 11-12: The International Congress of Esthetics and Spa, Long

Beach, CA 1-800-471-0229 www.LNEONLINE.com PP 11-12: Worlds Fair Show, Austin, TX www.armstrongmccall.com PP 17-18: The Makeup Show Europe, Berlin, Germany, www.themakeupshow.com PP 17-18: Day Spa Expo, Atlanta, GA www.dayspaexpo.com PP 18-19: Premiere Birmingham, AL www.premiereshows.com PP 19: Neil Ducoff’s No Compromise Leadership Workshop hosted by Douglas Carroll, Raleigh, NC strategies.com 1-800-417-4848 PP 23-25: ProKnowledge Workshop presented by Day Spa Association, Portland, OR www.proknowledgeworkshops.com 1-877-8518998 PP 24-25: Peel’s Fall Show, Council Bluffs, IA www.peels.com



8 Hours Ohio Cosmetology CE *Use Discount Code: CosmoOH

http://www.CosmetologyCEonline.com For information Call 512-740-9165


26: Clipp


PP 16: Scientific Skincare Institute presents CE Classes (440)2898247 www.scientificskincareinstitute.com PP 16: Dealing With Difficult Personalities (Instructors Class - 8 CEU’s) Presented by Aesthetics, Etc..., Westlake, OH aestheticsetc. com or (216)374-9087 PP 16: Focus On Image presents Training the Trainer, Lancaster, OH (740)687-1171 PP 16: Professional Stone Massage (8 CEU’s) presented by Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091 PP 16: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Massage Certification, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 17: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Aromatherapy Signature Services, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 17: Brazilian Keratin Straightener Certification (4 CEU’S), Cincinnati, OH info@attitudeforhair.com or call 513-533-0109 PP 17: Review for Successful Salon management testing (8 CEU’s); How Money Works or Show Me the Money(4 CEU’s) presented by Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091 PP 23: Inner State Beauty School’s CEU LIVE presents The Art of Foiling, Perfecting the Acrylic Nail Workshop, Hot Stone Full Body Massage (440)442-4500 innerstatebeautyschool.com PP 23: Clipper Cutting (4 CEU’s) or Professional Stone Massage (8 CEU’s) presented by Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091 PP 23: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Massage Certification, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 23: Focus On Image presents Training the Trainer, Lancaster, OH (740)687-1171 PP 24: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Aromatherapy Signature Services, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 24: Cathy Craig presents The Enneagram: Dealing with Personalities, Monclova, OH (419)351-6218 cathycraig20@yahoo.com PP 24: Review for Successful Salon management testing (8 CEU’s); How Money Works or Show Me the Money(4 CEU’s) presented by Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091 PP 24: Kerafusion Class by DeFabulous Keratin Straightener,Fairfield, OH 513-777-6599 / 800-486-0285 PP 26-30: SofTap Permanent Cosmetics Beginner Course Presented by Aesthetics, Etc..., Westlake, OH aestheticsetc.com or (216)374-9087 PP 30: NovaLash Eyelash Extension Class (8 CEU’s), Cincinnati, OH (513)520-3929 or (513)871-7394 PP 30: Inner State Beauty School’s CEU LIVE presents Thrive During A Challenging Economy, Killer Corrective Color Techniques, Hair Removal By Waxing, Holistic Foot Massage (Reflexology) (440)442-4500 innerstatebeautyschool.com PP 30: Professional Stone Massage (8 CEU’s) presented by Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091

PP 30: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Massage Certification, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 31: Paul Mitchell Ohio presents The Black & White Ball hosted by The Ohio Academy, Twinsburg, OH and hosted by Raphael’s Beauty School, Boardman, OH 1-800-251-8427 www.PMOhio.com PP 31: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Aromatherapy Signature Services, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 31: Review for Successful Salon management testing (8 CEU’s); How Money Works or Show Me the Money(4 CEU’s) presented by Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091

FEBRUARY 2011 PP 2/27-5/15: Inner State Beauty School presents Reflexology

Certification (every other Sunday) innerstatebeautyschool.com (440)442-4500 PP 2: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Massage Certification, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 3: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Aromatherapy Signature Services, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 6: Designers First presents Artease Colors Launch party, West Chester, OH 1-800-486-0285 www.designersfirst.net PP 6: Introduction to Swedish Relaxation Massage , Middleburg Heights, OH (330)273-3707 PP 6: Clipper Cutting (4 CEU’s) or Professional Stone Massage (8 CEU’s) presented by Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091 PP 7: John Sahag Cutting Class,Fairfield, OH 513-777-6599 / 800-486-0285 PP 7: Paul Mitchell Ohio presents The Black & White Ball hosted by Salon EXPink, Huber Heights, OH 1-800-251-8427 www.PMOhio.com PP 7: Brazilian Keratin Straightener Certification (4 CEU’S), Cincinnati, OH info@attitudeforhair.com or call 513-533-0109 PP 7: Review for Successful Salon management testing (8 CEU’s); How Money Works or Show Me the Money(4 CEU’s) presented by Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091 PP 9: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Massage Certification, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 10: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Aromatherapy Signature Services, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 13: Professional Stone Massage (8 CEU’s) presented by Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091 PP 14: Review for Successful Salon management testing (8 CEU’s); How Money Works or Show Me the Money(4 CEU’s) presented by Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091 PP 16: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Massage Certification, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com PP 17: Songs of the Sidhe Day Spa presents Aromatherapy Signature Services, Kent, OH (330)592-0874 sidhedayspa.com

IBS New York Gears Up for Another Incredible Show IBS New York is the longest running and hottest beauty event in the nation and takes place March 6-8, 2011 in New York. Boasting more than 525 exhibitors, over 100 educational classes, tons of in-booth demonstrations and Main Stage performances by some of the most renowned artists in the industry, it’s an event to be reckoned with, and a show beauty professionals must attend. Included with the exhibit hall ticket are phenomenal performances on the legendary Main Stage and a conference line-up that includes more than 100 classes. Join the amazing Nick Arrojo, Martin Parsons, Ted Gibson, Clairol’s Danny LaPointe & Anita Gutierrez, Woody & Amy Michleb and Derek Jay and the Hair Battle Spectacular Team for demonstrations that will inspire and excite. Brand new speakers and alumni have been added to the program, including; Misael Aponte, Eiji Yamane, Ted Gibson, Raul Martez and Marcia Teixeira plus many others. For those professionals who want a more in-depth and tactile experience, hands-on workshops in cutting, coloring, makeup and business are available, for an extra fee. For the first time ever at IBS New York, the Major League Barbers present the Super Barber Cutting Competition, sponsored by Andis. “To answer our attendees’ call, we are pleased to deliver more makeup and cosmetics companies on the show floor,” remarked Dana Lupton, vice president, Spa Industry & Beauty Expo Group. “Companies like; Crown Brushes, Dinair Airbrush Makeup, Dermalogica, Eye Kandy Cosmetics, Eve Pearl Boutique & Makeup Experience, Kryolan Professional Makeup, Morphe Brushes, Stila Cosmetics, Royal Brushes, Temptu Pro, Revitalash and, many more will offer fantastic demonstrations, products, tools and tips right on the show floor.” Visit www.IBSnewyork.com for more information and to register.

WHAT’S NEW IN THE MARKET 1. New Products from Alissi Bronte Luxury Cream holds the secret to stopping time. This exclusive cream contains shark cartilage and winetherapy that acts like a potent antioxidant and anti-wrinkle agent. It contains proteins, collagen, calcium and phosphorus benefiting mature skin. A new bio-cosmetic based on DNA strands and protective molecules in the cell nucleus, Chronological DNA slows down the aging process in every cell of your skin and recovers elasticity, comfort and radiance, fading existing wrinkles and delaying the appearance of new ones. Purissimo Plus serum moisturizer contains Hyaluronic Acid with Sirtuins that lengthen cell life giving flexibility and elasticity to the skin. It retains water within the cells, increasing skin moisture and enhancing volume. Sirtuins prolong cell life and slow aging. Alissi Bronte high scientific and natural beauty from Spain specializes in the field of biochemistry research and the international beauty industry. Available in the U.S. for the first time exclusively distributed by L’Aquila Cosmetics, www.laquilacosmetics.com 1-866-806-6111.




2. Nothing Traditional about this Keratin Treatment Attitude For Hair Brazilian Keratin Treatment is a revolutionary hair straightening method that softens, smoothes and dramatically straightens the hair. It is neither a traditional relaxer nor a straightener that can only be used on certain types of hair. There is nothing traditional about this product or service. The treatment doesn’t involve breaking down the hair and restructuring it. The unique ingredient is virtually “a liquid form of hair” and brings hair to what it is lacking and has lost over the years. The smaller keratin molecules penetrate the hair cortex improving and repairing the quality of the hair from the inside. While the larger molecules coat the hair cuticle and take the environmental insults such as UV rays, smog and smoke for hair on the outside. The added strength, elasticity and moisture result in smooth, shiny, soft and straightened affect. For a limited time, Attitude for Hair is offering a free hair dryer and flat iron with purchase of the treatment per customer. For full details call (513) 533-1600 or visit www.attitudeforhair.com.

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3. Industry Icon Introduces Legacy Line Introducing industry icon, Michael O’Rourke’s legacy line; created with passion, love and a fierce dedication to the artist and industry. Graced by his original heart icon, the line consists of simple yet innovative styling and hair care products that focus on art and inspire creativity. 3way Spray is the flagship product in the “Michael O’Rourke” Styling Line. This luxury hairspray incorporates breakthrough technology by utilizing an adjustable nozzle to deliver 3 spray strengths for 3 types of styling. This is a powerful lifting system that penetrates the entire hair and adds volume from roots to ends. Also included in the multi-functional styling line is Get a Lift leave-in volumizing conditioner, Fix it Up styling conditioner, and Work it Out, a concentrated detailing paste. Moisture Madness Shampoo and Conditioner contain wheat proteins that drench hair with endless softness and brings dry, brittle and chemically dependent hair back to life. While Leave It In tangle tamer provides weightless moisture, softness, strength and detangling ease. For more information call (310) 455-0285 or visit www.michaelorourkehair.com.

4. OPI Collaborates with Pop Icon Katy Perry Katy Perry combines her love of music and nails to introduce a new line of lacquers with OPI, launching January 2011. Inspired by Katy’s cutting edge style and latest album, Teenage Dream, the Katy Perry Collection by OPI will include four fierce, irresistible colors for nails and toes. Complementing Katy’s already daring nail trends on and off the red carpet, a revolutionary Black Shatter formula will accompany the collection to create a cracked pattern when applied over dried bright lacquer. “We are thrilled to be teaming up with such a prominent pop music icon like Katy Perry,” says Suzi Weiss-Fischmann, OPI Executive VP & Artistic Director. “Katy is known world-wide for her innovative style and is always surprising us with her wild nail designs. When we learned about Katy’s love for lacquers, we couldn’t resist the opportunity to work together to create this glamorous collection.” For more information, please call 800-341-9999 or visit www.opi.com.

5. Indulge in Kitoko Oil Treatment Inspired by nature, Kitoko Oil Treatment by Affinage Salon Professional, combines the healing and therapeutic properties of Karité and Argan oils to revitalize, strengthen and condition the hair, leaving it smooth and radiant. It provides intense nourishment and its lightweight formula is perfect for all hair types as it helps restore shine and moisture balance. It helps tame frizzy and uncontrollable hair, alleviates scalp dryness, improves hair’s elasticity and offers instant absorption with a non-greasy feel and no buildup. A few drops help reduce dry time and replenish brittle hair and ends. The color-safe formula contains naturally derived UV filters to help protect hair from environmental damage. For more information, please call 877.597.2929 or visit www.affinage.com. Have your product considered for the Stylist & Salon’s What’s New section. Send press releases with a photo to Managing Editor Lisa Kind at editor@stylistnewspapers.com or mail to Stylist & Salon Newspapers, 1750 SW Skyline Blvd., Suite 24, Portland, OR 97221. OHIO STYLIST & SALON | JANUARY 2011 | 15

$30 E


Free Color & Cut Collection Club Class w/Purchase of The Black & White Ball! Color Club with the BONUS of a great haircut demo, too!

The Black & White Ball Purchase:

5 – Paul Mitchell® the color, 3 oz./90ml Includes: 2 – 1A NEW! 1 each – UTG, UTN and 10N Receive FREE, for support and formulation: 1 – 20 volume Cream Developer, 16.9oz./500 ml 1 – Paul Mitchell the color paper swatch chart 1 – Black & White Ball Brochure technique tip card

Only $28.75 See how the new 1A will create deep dimension or eliminate warmth on dark canvases and learn a new beautiful blond technique to give lighter locks a sparkling new hue.

Join us for the Black & White Ball! Dates and Locations January 31st 10am – 1pm Host: The Ohio Academy ~ 10735 Ravenna Rd Twinsburg, OH 44087 January 31st 10am – 1pm Host: Raphael’s Beauty School ~ 615 Boardman-Canfield Rd Boardman, OH 44512 February 21st 10am – 1pm Host: Paul Mitchell Advanced Academy ~ 627 Market St Zanesville, OH 43701 February 7th 10am – 1pm Host: Salon EXPink ~ 5464 Brandt Pike Huber Heights, OH 45424 February 28th 10am – 1pm Host: Artisan College of Cosmo ~ 1645 Tiffin Ave Findlay, OH 45840 Call 800-251-8427 for Reservations… Classes are Limited… 3 CEU Hours

We’re Social:

www.PMOhio.com 1 800.251.8427

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