quarterly publication of d.b.s.g. stylos / issue 3 / volume 20
in development
quarterly edition of the study association Stylos faculty of Architecture, TU Delft colophon volume 20, issue 3, June 2015 2.300 prints Stylos members and friends of the Stylos Foundation receive the pantheon//
lay out Max Verhoeven & Anne de Zeeuw
editorial office BG. midden.110 Julianalaan 132-134 2628 BL, Delft pantheon@stylos.nl
to this issue contributed Architecture in Development, Arian Lehner, Joost de Bont, Rob Breed, Anke Dählmann, Chang Fang, Dick van Gameren, David Kooymans, Umit Sheombarsing, Laura Strähle.
acquisition Albert Burgers
advertisements 17 | De Swart 18 | Topdesk (advertorial) 19 | Vectorworks 24 | MHB
QQ (qualitate qua) Veerle Alkemade editors Tim Bruines Maya van der Lande Nico Schouten Vita Teunissen Judith Tijm Hugo Kooymans
info@stylos.nl (+31) 15 2783697 www.stylos.nl
cover Karlijn Scholtens
board 121 D.B.S.G. Stylos chairman: Niels Franssen secretary: Niels Boelens treasurer: Nanette Lim education bachelor: Nico Schouten education master: Anne van der Meulen external affairs: Veerle Alkemade events and initiatives: Hanna Moonen contact BG. midden 110 Julianalaan 132-134 2628 BL Delft
publisher De Swart, ‘s-Gravenhage
The Delftsch Bouwkundig Studenten Gezelschap Stylos was founded in 1894 to look after the study and student interests at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at the Delft University of Technology.
membership Stylos €10,- per year account number 296475
VEERLE ALKEMADE QQ ‘‘There is always room for improvement. Keep developing.’’
Stylos Foundation The pantheon// is funded by the Stylos Foundation. The Stylos Foundation fulfills a flywheel function to stimulate student initiatives at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Enivronment at the Delft University of Technology. The board of the Stylos Foundation offers financial and substantive support to these projects.
TIM BRUINES EDITOR “Every development needs a design.”
As a friend of the Stylos Foundation you will be informed on these projects by receiving the B-nieuws every two weeks and four publications of the pantheon//. We ask a donation of €90,- per year as a company and €45,- per year as an individual (recently graduated friends of the Foundation will pay €10,- the first two years). account number 1673413 disclaimer All photos are (c) the property of their respective owners. We are a non-profit organisation and we thank you for the use of these pictures.
Illustratie: Karlijn Laura Maria Scholtens Hamstra www.lauramariahamstra.com karlijnscholtens.wordpress.com
ALBERT BURGERS ACQUISITION “The difference between sustainability and durability is one that determines who you’re building for.” MAYA VAN DER LANDE EDITOR “Think small. Development can just be around the corner.” HUGO KOOYMANS EDITOR “Architecture can be more than what the eye meets, it can also positively affect a community.’’
EDITORIAL Architecture in developing countries is a hot issue. All around the world the most beautiful community buildings, houses and schools are popping up by a new generation of architects who are crossing the borders of their country’s traditions and educational paradigms. One of them is Anne Feenstra, who has been paving the way for architecture created for “the other 99%”. As you might have seen, earlier this month we published a pantheon// mini, that featured an inspiring story about Feenstra’s way of working together with local communities in, amongst others, Afghanistan and India, in which he pays much attention to traditions, cultural values and a way of construction that has a close relationship to nature and locality. For this issue, we worked together with Architecture in Development (AiD), an online platform initiated to re-connect sustainable development to architecture. AiD works with user-generated knowledge to create an overview of projects related to community based architecture from all over the world. This issue of pantheon// features four of these case studies written by editors of the magazine. You can read about the vision and future plans of the founders of Architecture in Development as well in a personal interview.
Of course, there’s more. For example the article ‘Coping with Informalities’ by guest writer Joost de Bont offers some surprising insights about the history of slumming in Latin America. In another article, ‘Practical Experience’, guest writer Laura Strähle advocates the integration of more handson involvement in the Western architectural education. Anke Dählmann and Dick van Gameren give us insight in the goal of the new TU Delft’s organization, ‘Delft Global Initiative’ (DGI). The DGI supports students’ research and has the aim to contribute to sustainable solutions for global societal challenges. Among the pantheon// regulars will be the Exchange Student, a special edition about the TU Delft minor ‘International Entrepreneurship & Development’, and an infographic with the focus on environmental differences in architecture. The ‘Get Inspired’ is full of events, books and movies concerning a more social and environmental conscious type of architecture, as well as a list of architects to pay attention to. If you’re still hungry for more after you have finished reading this pantheon//, look forward to our new pantheon// minis. These will be spread regularly through the faculty, featuring exclusive, interesting articles.//
NICO SCHOUTEN EDITOR “Development is like a polaroid. Seize the right moment and be patient. Don’t shake too hard.” VITA TEUNISSEN CHAIRMAN “Design for the people, with the people, in a people-kind of way.“ JUDITH TIJM EDITOR “Western architects could learn a lot by looking at the way of building in other cultures, exploring new materials, new techniques and perhaps new definitions of space…” MAX VERHOEVEN LAY OUT “Nothing lasts.” ANNE DE ZEEUW LAY OUT “The challenges you face during a process of change and development are what makes it interesting. Never a dull moment when reaching for the best fix.’’
We live in the urban era; this is already stated too often. What is not highlighted as much is the significance of slumming. This is an issue that could not be overestimated in the history of modern urbanization. It becomes clear when we see that about one third of the people in cities live in slums. In the future this becomes even more significant considering slums will constitute the biggest part of urban growth. For 2050 it has been predicted that 3 out of the 7 billion people whom will be living in cities will live in self built 1 neighbourhoods. That is what we talk about if we talk about slumming. Slumming is a phenomenon of people building their own houses mostly outside the control of any state or law. It is generally called ‘informal urbanization’, for it is a form of urban development that acts outside the formal frameworks. These informally built settlements go by a lot of different names, some of which may sound familiar: favelas, barrios, barriadas, bidonvilles, piratas, ‘shanty towns’ and ‘townships’ to name just a few. Informal urbanization is seemingly the inevitable by-product of the production of space and cities all over the world. Just to be clear here, this is not the kind of article that will provide you with a clear-cut truth and might even leave you with more questions than answers. But the world is complicated and ambiguous; the issue of informal urbanization maybe even more so. This is not a ‘crash course’ into fully understanding it. Instead, it provides some insights on the backgrounds of the phenomenon and some examples of how it has been dealt with throughout the last decades.
urbanization. As a result we could say that Latin America has experienced already some of the informal urbanization issues that Asian and African countries still have to face.
The less rational explanation for writing about this continent is simply that it is the one in the Global South I know the best. Since I have visited and studied various informal settlements in this part of the world, most This article is about Latin notably in Venezuela and Colombia. America for different reasons. The first The denial of slums did not only mean The poetic reason to choose one is perhaps the most rational. The that the rough living conditions within this continent is given by French continent has been a front-runner in these neighbourhoods were kept under psychoanalyst and philosopher Félix terms of urbanization in the Global the radar. The existence of these areas Guattari: “Latin America is Africa, 2 South (the so-called developing world was, up until far in the 20th century, Asia and Europe at the same time”. on the southern hemisphere). With invisible on official city maps. As on the other continents about four-fifth of the population in the Global South, informal living in cities, we can see that it is extremely urbanized urbanization is a direct result of formal systems (read: compared to Asia and Africa where the urban population governments and later private developers) being incapable accounts for less than half of the people. To a great of dealing with the rapid growth of the urban population. extent this is the result of extreme urbanization waves Instead, all around Latin America governments were taking place in all of Latin America from the middle “building housing estates that were tokenistic compared 3 of the twentieth century onwards. As said, informal to the scale of the proliferating slums”. However, the main city development has always gone hand in hand with issue of informally built settlements is not so much just
the fact that they exist. It is just as much about how they of this phenomenon we call ‘informal urbanization’. By are seen and dealt with. Landscape architect Christian describing the case of Lima, where about 70 percent of Werthmann did research on various non-formal cities in the people live in self-built structures and ”were managing 9 Latin America and implementation of infrastructure in to house themselves”, Turner took a critical position. these emerging cities at the Harvard Graduate School of He even went further, almost romanticizing the idea of Design. He came up with the five stages in which societies the self-housing, when he stated that “‘the barriadas are, tend to deal with informal development, namely: denial, undoubtedly, the most effective solution yet offered eradication, tolerance (admiration), to the problem of urbanization in 4 10 improvement and anticipation. ‘‘The concept was simple: “half a good Peru”. As a provocation this could Unfortunately these are not purely house is better than half a house”. By be a productive point of view but if historical chronologic phases, in the providing a framework for extension we take this too far we might forget sense that in some places informally the informal is not entirely formalized that informally built settlements offer built settlements are maybe tolerated, far from perfect living conditions. but supplied with a steady basis..’’ while elsewhere they are still fully Many times running water, sewerage, denied. (safe) access to electricity, (high quality) public space The denial of slums did not only mean that the and amenities and stable housing conditions are lacking. rough living conditions within these neighbourhoods McGuirk’s admiration even continues in the temporary were kept under the radar. The existence of these areas discourse on slumming. Alfredo Brillembourg, co-founder was, up until far in the 20th century, invisible on official of Urban-Think Tank, described the slums that he worked city maps. This was not only a result of the inability to map in as a green sustainable ‘utopia’: ”the car-free city, the 11 out these impassable and densely constructed networks, dream of every architect”. but as much a political choice. If you look for instance This being said; it has to be admitted that these at maps of Carácas, Venezuela from a few decades ago, provocateurs freed the way for policy makers, planners barrios (slums) were simply mapped as zonas verdes (green and architects to think about and come up with plans to zones). This phase is not fully passed yet, which becomes actually improve the conditions in slums. What follows apparent considering that even today slums are “often is a small anthology of Latin American slum upgrading omitted from official maps and documents and frequently CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE 5 hidden by local authorities by colorful walls and fences”. For that reason informal settlements are often referred to 6 as the ‘invisible city’ or even the ‘denied city’. Following Roof basketball court constructed in a barrio in Carácas as part of from the attempt to make these parts of the city invisible, the Espacio de Paz project, designed by Pico Estudio most governments decided they should get rid of the houses. Result: slum clearance. The phase of eradication is possibly even worse than that of denial since it not only destroys physical structures, but also the social and cultural structures embedded in them. The examples of slum evictions are endless, from well-planned and official ones to entire favelas that are burned down in for instance São Paulo seemingly by accident, but often planned 7 by criminal groups and paid by real estate developers. We could also think of Torre de David in Carácas, a high squatted tower of 190 meters that became famous through various (research) publications and appearances in TV shows (e.g. Homeland). In 2014 the eviction by the government of the thousands of inhabitants that built up 8 their own house eventually took place. But it is not all doom and gloom. In the last decades some intervention strategies have been developed that deal with the informally built city in a different way. These visions emerged from the phase that Werthmann calls tolerance or even admiration. Most definitely one of the first steps made within this phase must be the work done by British architect John Turner on the barriadas of Lima (Peru) in the 1960s. In his book Radical Cities, critic Justin McGuirk revisits the work of Turner and explains its importance, namely the revelation
practices. Entering the phase of improvement, plans come in different forms and scales. From artists repainting an entire favela to the development of an entire public infrastructure in the form of cable car systems. The latter turned out to be a disruptive approach to implement public transport into favelas, barrios and piratas on the hillsides of the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Carácas and Medellín (Colombia). The project in Medellín is especially interesting since it is combined with building public amenities such as libraries and schools in the middle of these precarious 12 neigbourhoods. Some of these buildings even became photogenic icons of the city, like the Biblioteca España in the Santo Domingo neighborhood, designed by el Equipo de Mazzanti. What makes all this so impressive is that the improvement projects are all part of a long term and citywide strategy with a political mandate that overcomes the terms of just one or two mayors. Something that is (unfortunately) still very rare in most countries dealing with informal urbanization. These top-down projects require immense public support and are (obviously) very capital intensive. They are not the only way to improve the built environment in slums. Also designed by el Equipo de Mazzanti is a low-cost roof structure for a community in the Cazucá neighborhood in the periphery of Bogotá. The canopy, even though being ‘just a roof’, is now used in all kinds of ways, from church to sports centre and from 13 dance floor to cultural hotspot. In Carácas a wide range of projects was initiated under the name Espacios de Paz 14 (Spaces of Peace). Local inhabitants of barrios developed participatory building projects together with a group of (international) architects and students. These did not only physically transform the built environment, but also changed the social cohesion for the better. By making use of available “self-building techniques”, places mostly seen as conflictive urban territories were turned into useful public spaces. You could think of “basketball courts located on a rooftop, spaces for learning and debating, 15 playgrounds, amphitheatres, viewpoints, and so on”. The final and last phase is that of anticipation, which brings us back to John Turner. His published writings and studies had an impact when in the late 1960s an experimental housing competition named PREVI was launched to house people from the barriadas in Lima. The result was neighborhood of 500 houses designed by the likes of James Stirling, Aldo van Eyck, the Metabolists, Charles Correa, Christopher Alexander and 16 Candilis Josic Woods. Something that you could consider an ‘all-starchitects’ team. What is specifically striking about the dwellings in this PREVI neighborhood is that they were meant to be extended over time, just like the houses in informal settlements. As a result the buildings are nowadays unrecognizable as design works of the original architects, they were extended and modified to fit the demands of its inhabitants. This turned out to be very successful; the residents that stayed there from the beginning onwards consider themselves very lucky to live
there. The only downside was the fact that the project was intended to create repeatable prototypes, which never actually happened. The intentions and outcomes were considered to be so diverse and too expensive to build, that repetition seemed unviable. About four decades later the intention of designed incremental housing solutions found more fertile ground in Chile. Alejandro Aravena’s office Elemental managed to design houses that could be extended by its inhabitants and be build much cheaper than regular social housing projects. The concept was 18 simple: “half a good house is better than half a house”. This means that by building the half of the house, which is hard to be build by the people themselves (services such as the bathroom, kitchen and toilet), the rest of the construction could be build for a lower price by the people themselves. By providing a framework for extension, an incremental solution, the informal is not entirely formalized but supplied with a steady basis.//
Sources 1.
2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
12. 13. 14.
15. 16. 17. 18.
Werthmann, C. (2011) Metropolis Nonformal Towards a Global Design Exchange [lecture slides]. Retrieved from: http://www. eafit.edu.co/minisitios/ambientesurbanos/Documents/6_ChristianWerthman.pdf Guattari, F. and Rolnik, S. (2006) Micropolítica. Cartografías del deseo. Madrid: Traficantes de Sueños, p. 346. McGuirk, J. (2014) Radical Cities. Across Latin America in Search of a New Architecture. London: Verso, p. 51. Werthmann, C. (2011) Metropolis Nonformal Towards a Global Design Exchange [lecture slides. Retrieved from http://www. eafit.edu.co/minisitios/ambientesurbanos/Documents/6_ChristianWerthman.pdf Argentino, M. T. and Flores, C. (2003) Slums of the World: The face of urban poverty in the new millennium?. Nairobi: UNHABITAT, p. 6. Ibid. Domingues, V. (2012) ‘Favelas e Especulação’, in: Observatório de Favelas. Retrieved from: http://observatoriodefavelas.org. br/noticias-analises/favelas-e-especulacao/ Velasco, M. and de Bont, J. (2014) ‘Torre de David‘, in: Architecture in Development. Retrieved from: http://architectureindevelopment.org/project.php?id=141 McGuirk, J. (2014) Radical Cities. Across Latin America in Search of a New Architecture. London: Verso, p. 51. Ibid., p. 52. Ross, P. (2014) ‘Climate Change Solutions: Architects Look To Slums As Models For Sustainable Living’, in: International Business Times. Retrieved from: http://www.ibtimes.com/ climate-change-solutions-architects-look-slums-modelssustainable-living-1623418 de Bont, J. (2014) ‘Building for Change’ in: Architecture in Development. Retrieved from: http://architectureindevelopment.org/ news.php?id=76 Ibid. García Alcaraz, T. (2015) ‘Creating Spaces for Peace, Dialogue and Coexistence in Venezuelan Cities’, in: This Big City. Retrieved from: http://thisbigcity.net/creating-spaces-for-peacedialogue-and-coexistence-in-venezuelan-cities/ Ibid. McGuirk, J. (2014) Radical Cities. Across Latin America in Search of a New Architecture. London: Verso, p. 53. Ibid., p. 56. Aravena, A. (2014) ‘My architectural philosophy? Bring the community into the process’[video], in: TED. Retrieved from: https:// www.ted.com/talks/alejandro_aravena_my_architectural_philosophy_bring_the_community_into_the_process
Images 1. 2.
Drawing by Karlijn Scholtens Carácas. http://33.media.tumblr.com/c1ada8b59e97ef1de1a2f5031d113949/tumblr_inline_nihygxJSXM1scyouc.jpg
“for a generation in which the dimension of reality is displaced more and more by virtual aspects, the implementation of student projects is decisive for a fundamental understanding of architecture. Buildings are material objects and materials have their own laws, which in turn have a strong influence on form and architecture. For that reason, we search for means of giving students an opportunity to implement their own ideas”. Professor Kaufmann
Have you ever worked on a construction site with one generator as the only power supply, build a wall of hand-made adobe bricks while standing on a bamboo scaffolding or mixed concrete with rubber boots on your feet? Some architecture students have and they understandably face a somewhat different situation in developing countries than they might have experienced back home. Communication is face-to-face and often complex, the local building materials and techniques sometimes differ greatly from the familiar ones and connection to electricity is never guaranteed. Actually the contextual contrast could hardly be greater – especially when comparing this ‘small adventure’ to the highly standardised construction and management processes found in the building sector of European countries. Why should European students want to experience this? Architecture Schools are aware of the need to incorporate practical experiences into the rather theoretical studies, but hands-on experiences such as working on a construction site in a developing country are rarely offered on a regular basis at European universities. Nevertheless there are some faculties that are increasingly encouraging their students to participate in so-called design-buildstudios. The design-part is integrated into a one-semester studio of researching and designing, followed by another semester of detailing, project planning and preparing the work on the construction site. The build-part includes the practical experience, which means that a group of students travel to the site, literally putting their ideas into practice within a short amount of time. First, this handson experience is an extraordinary chance for students to use their own hands for building and understanding construction processes. Second, experience shows that the studios are a great opportunity for students to reflect upon the implementation of their own projects. Both aspects have a great impact on students’ motivation and the practical experience creates more self-confidence in making decisions. The Faculty of Architecture of the University of Technology Munich (Germany) is one of the universities that
are highly engaged in this specific field of teaching. The chair of Architectural Design & Timber Construction lead by Professor Hermann Kaufmann offers bachelor and master students the possibility to establish a link between architectural design and simple, but genuine building tasks. Professor Kaufmann justifies his motivation by saying that “for a generation in which the dimension of reality is displaced more and more by virtual aspects, the implementation of student projects is decisive for a fundamental understanding of architecture. Buildings are material objects and materials have their own laws, which in turn have a strong influence on form and architecture. For that reason, we search for means of giving students an opportunity to implement their own ideas”. All student projects designed and built by TU Munich students in cooperation with local workers have a non-profit purpose and are located in Africa. Since the introduction of the studio in 2007, two kindergartens, a school and a teacher’s building have been built in South Africa, a skills centre in Kenya, a bush hospital in Cameroon and a prototype school building in Zambia. The second construction phase of the largest structure so far has just been finished: a column-free school hall in Tanzania for about 500 children. Next to using local materials and construction methods in a sustainable way and integrating the local culture into the architectural concept, the students learn to work in groups with different backgrounds. A team of architecture students is joined by civil engineering students to reflect on topics such as thermal and acoustic comfort, material life cycles, water management and use of energy. Because of the practical component of the studio, students have to think of costs, planning of construction phases and other crucial aspects linked to the actual realization of the project. For most of the participating students, this marks the first time that their projects are judged on cost efficiency and feasibility - one crucial advantage of the designbuild-studios. It encourages the students to concentrate on essentials and forgo superfluous things. As a consequence, “students learn to develop good architecture despite the environmental CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE
06 shortcomings and lack of means” characterizing the developing countries of Africa (Krötsch, 2014: 1308). The lack of materials often enhances students’ creativity and therefore their drive for continuous innovative strategies. How these thoughts are integrated into design at TU Munich is demonstrated by the Skills Centre Nairobi (Kenya), the Prototype School in Lusaka (Zambia) and the School Hall in Kibwigwa (Tanzania). In Kenya, the indigenous bamboo grows in many forests, though it suffers from its image as ‘poor man’s material’ and is hardly used. The idea was to improve its image by using bamboo for the primary roof construction to show its structural and aesthetic qualities to the local community. The bamboo had been tested with full-size models in advance at the materials testing institute of the TU Munich for tension, compression and bending strength, as there were no reliable calculations. In the meantime, the Skills Centre operates so successful in training young people from slums as carpenters and solar experts that it has been extended twice already.
local people in Africa are proud of their school hall. Design-Build-Projects can contribute to a valuable student involvement and identification with the building itself. I was fortunate enough to take part in two Design-Build-Studios (Nairobi & Zambia) and made some of my greatest student experiences there. No matter at which stage of the whole process from design to construction I joined, the realistic approach made me think even more of other aspects that influence the design than those I had come across so far. One of them is definitely meeting the people you are designing for. We went to the slums of Nairobi, got to know the kids living there and for whom we were about to build the Skills Centre to help improving their situation. Unfortunately, the wave of enthusiasm to offer studios like this has not yet reached the Netherlands. There are studios and activities at TU Delft offering the chance to develop own project ideas, for example the Master graduation studio at Explore Lab, at Bucky Lab or at other faculties. Nonetheless, setting up your own Design-Build-
Impressions from Skills Centre Nairobi (Kenya). Courtesy of TU München
The Prototype School for Lusaka is another example for the use of local, sustainable materials and the creation of acceptance within the community. The school will be repeated in the whole country, if it is competitive in terms of thermal conditions and costs. The success of the school, which has been awarded several prizes, can largely be attributed to the use of the local soil for adobe bricks implemented into the load-bearing walls. The bricks are sun-dried and do not contain any other additives than the local ingredients. Involving the local community in creating the adobe bricks helped them to understand the architectural attitude that may seem non-European at first for not using concrete, steel and glass. A recently finished project, the school hall in Tanzania, still has to proof its quality in the Kibwigwa’s daily community life. However, the interpretation of the historical timber lattice-shell construction is extremely economical in terms of material use. Its aesthetic appearance has convinced the community and reached what the architecture students were striving for: that the
Studio is still an obstacle; especially the first steps require a lot of persuading to make it happen, as this is not really the standard way of doing projects at TU Delft. One possibility is to look for support outside the university first, from organizations such as Students4Sustainability or the just recently set up Delft Global. Students that are interested can take part in one of the events organized regularly to connect projects to students and vice versa or get in touch with the organizations personally. In the end, it is clear: some will have to make the first steps into this direction and then others can follow. One important advice is not to give up that quickly and keep on persuading TU Delft step by step of the necessity to support such projects in the future. The success of the projects speaks for itself and the experiences made by the students are unique. Such studios encourage an ‘outof-the-box’ thinking which is actually highly desirable to achieve for Europe’s leading universities.// SOURCES. Krötsch, S. (2014) Einfaches Bauen (Simple forms of construction). Detail – Review of Architecture. 12/2014.
In collaboration with Architecture in Development we have analysed four community based case studies from around the world on their materials, climate design and social sustainability.
case study 1/4
Diébédo Francis Kéré was born in Gando, Burkina Faso, as a son of the head of the small village. He went to Berlin to study architecture at the Technical University. His dream was to give his home village a school and he decided to use his knowledge in building Gando’s first primary school. With support of the community and the funds he raised through his association ‘Schulbausteine für Gando e.V’ (Bricks for Gando) he started to build the primary school together with, and for, the local community. Being completed in 2001, the primary school is now part of a campus in Gando, which consists out of a library, teacher’s houses, a secondary school, a women’s centre and an atelier.
used corrugated metal roofs, hanging over the perforated ceiling of the interior space. In this way the interior space doesn’t get effected by the heat absorption of the roof and there is a maximum ventilation due to the release of hot air through the perforated brick ceiling. Even though the climate in Gando is extreme, with an average temperature of 30 degrees, the teacher’s houses designed by Kéré are also known as the “Gando fridges” among the local community (Schoof, 2013). Further, the ceiling of the library is constructed in a very interesting way. It makes use of handicraft in the form of locally produced earthenware pots. These are traditionally handmade by the women of the village, the clay pots are sawed and then cast into the roof. The circular openings of the pots create a playful pattern and introduce natural light and passive ventilation in the interior spaces.
THE GANDO CAMPUS After building the primary school and the school extension, to support the growing number of students from near villages, the library was constructed. It forms SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY a physical connection between the primary school and Besides the sustainability of the buildings in the sense it’s extension. The elliptical shape of the library is distinct of low energy use and the materials, there is the added from the other buildings, and refers to the vernacular value of social sustainability. The education of people and traditional housing in the region. The library is surrounded extending their knowledge is an important element in the by eucalyptus columns to provide building process. According to Kéré shadow and protection for the study there are three reasons for working area. The six teacher’s houses are The use of local materials and a together with the community: it located at the south area of the campus, purely passive climate design fits is cost-effective, local people can arranged in a wide arc reminiscent of a the character of the Gando Campus. extend their knowledge about traditional Burkinabé compound. The Using local materials means that the building and it also provides jobs and most sizeable building is the secondary community can maintain their buildings a sense of pride among the builders school further north. It offers shelter themselves. (Schoof, 2013). from the hot and dusty eastern wind The project also enhances the and opens to the west. The woman’s sustainability of the educational centre, which is still under construction, will be a platform opportunities in Gando. The campus provides cool and for women to improve their economic and educational airy learning environments for children, which has a situation through a variety of programs. These programs positive impact on the children’s learning achievements. offer the women possibilities to secure their own incomes. Furthermore, the secondary school gives graduates of the The tallest structure of the campus will be the atelier primary school the opportunity to further their studies. (seven meters high). It is still under construction, but will This project changed Gando’s architecture, but more function mainly as a center for sustainable construction importantly, it also changed the local community.// technologies. Traditional building methods can be examined here and innovated for new types of use. Sources MATERIALS AND CLIMATE DESIGN The use of local materials and a purely passive climate design fits the character of the Gando Campus. Using local materials enables the community to maintain their buildings themselves. The traditional clay-building technique of the region was modernized and modified in order to create a clay-brick which is cheap, easy to produce, but also keeps out the warmth. In order to protect these bricks from the rain, Kéré
Alarcon, J. (2012). In Progress: School Library Gando / Kere Architecture. Retrieved 8 may 2015, from http://www.archdaily. com/262012/in-progress-school-library-gando-kere-architecture/ Primary School / Gando / Burkina Faso. Retrieved 8 may, 2015, from http://www.kerearchitecture.com/projects/primary-schoolgando/ Schoof, J. (2013). People come first. Interview with Diébédo Francis Kéré. Daylight & Architecture Magazine.
Schoof, J. (2013). People come first. Interview with Diébédo Francis Kéré. Daylight & Architecture Magazine.
case study 2/4
In 1993 the School of Architecture of the Auburn University, Alabama established Rural Studio, a program in Hale County. This off-campus program was set up by D.K. Ruth, a devoted teacher, and the artist and architect Samuel Mockbee in the philosophy that every person deserves a well-designed house. Hale County is a county in the state of Alabama. Like many counties in the Black Belt region, it has experienced economic decline and struggles with unemployment and educational, medical and housing problems. Rural Studio was set up to tackle the housing problem and improve the lives of the most impoverished communities in West Alabama, whilst educating architecture students. By providing them practical experiences and by giving them the chance to collect knowledge from the field, the students will create a sense of social and environmental awareness. And besides that, how cool is it to start designing real houses for real people, with real wishes and needs? In 2005, Rural Studios started the 20K house project, driven by the idea to design a house, suitable for large-scale reproduction, that can be built for 20.000 dollars, of which 12.000 is spend on materials and 8.000 on labour (land costs are excluded). This is the maximum amount of money someone in Social Security can afford to pay in monthly mortgage instalments. It started with a single design, but every year the studio challenged the students to figure out how to improve the previous design. The houses are quite small (approximately 50 square meters) but they contain spacious porches comparable to traditional Southern houses. This year Rural Studio will finish the research phase and start selling some of the houses.//
http://www.ruralstudio.org/ http://www.fastcoexist.com/3017309/this-impeccably-designed20000-house-could-soon-be-yours#2 http://www.archdaily.com/421187/rural-studio-celebrates-20thanniversary-with-eight-20k-houses/ http://www.citylab.com/design/2015/02/the-promise-of-the20000-house/385060/
case study 3/4
NEW ARTIST RESIDENCY “You can go anywhere from anywhere”
Near Senegal’s north-east border with Mauritania lays the rural village of Sinthian. On the 4th of March 2015 the local community opened the proverbial doors of a new cultural centre, designed by architecture firm Toshiko Mori Architect.
The project is housed just outside of the village, within the gated area of Ba’s medical centre. The complex exists of a number of small pavilions, including two rooms for visiting artists and one for the director, and a large construction, containing closed studio spaces and open-air courtyards. This, shielded from the rain and the sun, is the heart of the project, providing space for cultural and creative workshops, but also for more political activities, like community meetings.
INTRODUCTION It all started with Doctor Magueye Ba from Senegal’s capital Dakar. He moved to the village of Sinthian to help the community improve its health and education conditions. Together with the non-profit organization MATERIALS AND BUILDING TECHNIQUES American Friends of Le Korsa (ALFK), he initiated the The complex was designed pro-bono by New York construction of the village’s first based firm Toshiko Mori Architect kindergarten, arranged salaries for its (TMA), that has some experience teachers and took over the medical The mission was to both inspire with Senegalese architecture. The artists with the rawness and pristine centre. In 2013 they decided to extend firm worked together very closely quality of the area and to connect this program with a focus on cultural with the local community, which and artistic aspects. They invited the the locals of Sinthian with art from results in the materials and building around the world. British Wayne McGregor’s Random techniques that were used: only local. Dance company to perform and For example, the roof is made of an intriguing construction of bamboo, run dance workshops, which was so enthusiastically received by the locals, that they decided to through which mats of straw and grass are weaved. The facilitate more of these activities. walls are made of brick, some of them finished with a thin layer of white plaster. Based on local techniques for air SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CONTEXT circulation, the holes in the bricks are used for ventilation To realize these ambitions, ALFK collaborated with the of the houses. Josef and Anni Albers Foundation from Connecticut, New York, which funded the construction of the Artist EARTH AND CLIMATE Residency and Cultural Centre “Thread”. The German-born All materials used are locally produced with very artists Josef and Anni Albers moved to the United States little machinery and thus with little environmental of America in 1933, where they established a non-profit consequences. Based on the local customs, the roof organization to advertise the power of art. The name is thatched and sloped. Usually, the water (yes, it does “Thread” is derived from a saying by Anni Albers, who was rain in Senegal) runs of and is absorbed quickly into the a textile artist. At 22 she wrote in her diary that she had soil. Toshiko Mori used this architectural typology, but discovered that amazing things could be created from designed a network of canals that collect the water in just some “limp threads”. For the cultural centre, “thread” reservoirs. The system now provides 40% of the local water expresses its main goals: to run thread-like connections usage and additionally offers much cleaner water than through people, locally as well as internationally. The current methods. The original plan was to include solar mission was to both inspire artists with the rawness and panels but they have thus far not been obtained.// pristine quality of the area and to connect the locals of Sinthian with art from around the world.
http://www.archdaily.com/608096/new-artist-residency-in-senegaltoshiko-mori/ http://www.thread-senegal.org/ http://www.nytimes.com/1985/08/25/nyregion/anni-albers-and-thethread-of-art.html http://divisare.com/projects/284611-Toshiko-Mori-THREAD
case study 4/4
illustration by Sylvia Machgeels
Under the project name BAMBÚ SOCIAL, a group of Dutch students and international young professionals designed a pilot for sustainable social housing in El Rama, Nicaragua, developing a building method by the use of the widely available resource bamboo. This building method can be practiced in a completely local manner: from the production and treatment of bamboo to the execution of bamboo prefab elements that can be used in local construction. A model house has been constructed with an integrated low-tech natural water purification and storage system that provides clean drinking water for the inhabitants of the house.
house features two roofs: a smaller one and a bigger one, with an open ridge to create a natural airflow through the building. This form of passive natural ventilation has a cooling effect in the hot and humid climate. The elevation has been made to protect the bamboo from the rain, to aid airflow and to be able to cope with minor floods that occur often in El Rama. All the sanitary functions of the house are located in a lower part at the back, that’s been designed to cope with water. Another aspect taken into account is the presence of a veranda, as verandas act as a , living room and as a space to meet friends and neighbours. SHARE KNOWLEDGE & EXPERTISE Building capacities and the exchange of knowledge are CONTEXT at the core of BAMBÚ SOCIAL. Nicaragua is known to A series of workshops and a be the poorest country course “Sustainable Design in Central America, & Construction” have been as almost half of the hosted in the centre of El people’s income is below Rama, providing theoretical the national poverty. In classes to the people while addition, studies show engaging them in practical that Nicaragua has work on the model house. the poorest quality of Bamboo Modelhouse, El Rama Nicaragua The house has collectively housing in the whole been constructed with of Latin America, with students from the BICU and a housing shortage of many resourceful local craftsmen. The aim is to develop 12% (IDB, 2012). The high costs for building, the use of poor and spread knowledge on using local renewable resources construction materials and the lack of infrastructural access in order to create comfortable, healthy living environments all contribute to these housing problems. Furthermore, in that are more affordable as well as sustainable than the many rural areas like El Rama, there are serious issues in the existing houses in the area. supply and quality of clean drinking water. To spread the possibility of creating affordable At the same time, resources are abundant. The and dignified social housing, BAMBÚ SOCIAL has created a town experiences 3000 mm of rain and 2400 hours of bamboo construction manual, in which the entire proccess sun per year, has various bamboo plantations, and a rich, of constructing a $7000,- bamboo home is explained step but partly forgotten, building culture rooted in Indian by step accompanied by handdrawings.// traditions. MATERIALS & BUILDING TECHNIQUES The core shape of the house is determined by the choice of material, bamboo, and the desire to create a wellSources www.architectureindevelopment.org/project.php?id=468 ventilated house. Bamboo retains its maximum quality www.students4sustainability.nl when it is shielded from direct contact with sunlight, rain www.shortsightedarchitecture.com/newsletter/ or earth. Taking this into regard, the roof of the model http://issuu.com/shortsightedarchitecture/docs/bamb___social_ projectrapport_2014_k house has large overhangs to protect the bamboo. The
Twelve initiatives will change the world in 2015, and takepart.com says Architecture in Development (AiD) is one of them. I had the pleasure of interviewing the founders of AiD, Changfang Luo and Rob Breed, in their lively home in Amsterdam. Next to raising two kids, the couple has been working on the online platform since 2011 to crowdsource world-wide projects that represent new opportunities for a different architectural practice. For this interview Changfang, an enthusiastic bomb of energy, and Rob, the more serious but equally engaged counterpart, will share their story and future dreams of AiD.. The beginning... We both had doubts about the architectural education and practice. (Changfang) When I think about the education I had, it was mainly about learning ‘skills’: exercising storytelling and making good presentations. (Rob and Changfang both studied at the Academie van Bouwkunst, red.). We did not learn about ‘ways of thinking’. After school and a few years of practice, I have slowly begun to rediscover a fascination with Asian cities. How they developed incrementally by people, where aesthetics plays a little role... (Rob) At the beginning we were (and still are) more interested in questions than answers. ‘What is architecture about?’ An obvious question but no obvious answers. The more we try to find answers, the more we ended up in sociology or philosophy. ‘What makes humans do what they do? What are the results of their collective actions?’ Architecture is a physical result of what people do together, and that’s why we have an interest in how communities make architecture. (Changfang) Common discourse in architecture, especially in the last 20 to 30 years, has been focused mainly around objects, icons. We’re used to create buildings for the people, but in fact we only talk about concepts, technologies, sustainability... no one really talks about people or communities and their relationship with architecture.
What is Architecture? Pff, that’s a big subject... We do not have a quick answer. Otherwise, it would not be ‘Architecture In ‘Development’ anymore. (Rob) We see architecture more as a phenomenon; a solidified result of human activities within a community. It’s interesting to see how architecture develops in a time when religion and traditions are disappearing. More and more people are seeking a sense of belonging and communal values, to create architecture that belongs to us.
Larabanga Mosque, Ghana. One of the oldest mosques in West Africa.
Screenshot interactive map A.i.D.
(Changfang) In the past, communities were often formed based on shared values, such as family or religious values. Today conflicting individual, local and global values co-exist in our multi-cultural societies. This makes it extremely difficult to create architecture that represents a shared community value. That’s why most of the projects on our site are taking place in rural areas or villages. The sense of community, which you may believe has disappeared in the cities, is still very strong in less developed regions. One example is in Italy, a village called Pescomaggiore is heavily damaged by an earthquake. A group of architects, raised funding and made a plan together with the villagers to rebuild this community. In ten years... The oldest will be 14 years and the youngest 12 years, both in high school. The children play an important role in Architecture In Development. (Rob) You are not totally free in the decisions you make as parents; our house, our website are constantly in development with our own micro-community…
to bring the ‘needs’ closer to the architects and experts from all fields, and connect At the moment we are making plans to needs to offers. We also want to make sure pilot an award challenge. (Changfang) We that through this challenge, communities believe that we need a new, systematic will be empowered to play an active agent approach to mobilize in the building process. bottom-up, communityArchitecture is a sort of solidified (Changfang) to reverse driven architecture. result of what people do together the status quo in which Local communities know and that’s why we have an interest people are the ones to better what they need in what communities make and offer solutions, instead and how to build, these what communities do. of the designers. In ten are master builders, years it would be great master planners with local know-how. On if these local initiatives are facilitated by the other hand, more and more young our online tools, so local communities can architects are interested in finding new reach both local and international experts, ways of doing architecture, without a to access the most needed resource and client… (Rob) Our award challenge aims expertise. Architectural practice will look
very different then... (Rob) We hope after ten years, both local communities and young architects will be empowered, architectural discourses will be more focused on people and the process, so architecture can be reinvented, towards a practice that is closer to its roots.
www.architectureindevelopment.org http://www.takepart.com/photos/12-projectsthat-will-change-the-world-in-2015/10europe-architecture-development
Science & Technology for Global Development
There is a growing demand for science and technology to develop sustainable solutions for pressing societal challenges in the developing world. TU Delft is eager to contribute to this and, therefore, has launched the Delft Global Initiative in January. Science & Technology for Global Development is thus one of the spearheads of TU Delft. The Delft Global Initiative is the portal and booster of activities in education and research and focuses on problem-oriented interdisciplinary technical (research) projects. By working in concrete, real-live projects, in close cooperation with partners in the developing world, students and researchers can contribute to meaningfully improve lives of people living in poverty. Because reciprocal knowledge exchange and long-term cooperation is crucial, Delft Global will create global alliances with knowledge institutes, NGO’s and private partners. Delft Global builds on current activities of students and researchers engaged in global development, and stimulates and supports new initiatives. In the domain of education, Delft Global wants to function as a portal where information on student projects and courses can be found. As one of the first steps, a database with BSc and MSc courses related to global development has been set up. But also new courses shall be developed. Anke Dählmann, network
coordinator and responsible for the the DGI there has already been calls for development of education activities: “We fellowships and this will expand. For this want to support students who want to do research there are funds from TU Delft. a project in a developing But what can you do country, as much as Many projects need an with students and possible, such that they can interdisciplinary approach. We the education? In the put their full energy into the could, for example, help to link chair of Architecture project. Ideally, internships students from different studies and Dwelling we now should be embedded in with each other, to form a strong have an MSc 2 ‘Global research going on at the team that can tackle the challenge. Design Studio’ in India faculties. This would greatly We also want to work together and a graduation enhance the quality of with the internship coordinators programme in Addis the project and guarantee for this. Abada, Ethiopia. The optimal supervision. Many one of two research projects need an interdisciplinary approach. fields for the Chair of Architecture & We could, for example, help to link students Dwelling is ‘the issue of afforable housing from different studies with each other, to in newly evolving evonomies worldwide’. form a strong team that can tackle the This Global Housing Studio addresses the challenge. We also want to work together pressing problem of providing decent, with the internship coordinators for this. affordable housing in the Global South, As we are just starting, we are especially regions where rapid economic growth keen to get to know what students need, goes hand in hand with a sharp increase in whether they experience any obstacles, or the urban population and the emergence whatever they think we could help them of a new middle class. It focusses on with. Let us know!” Delft Global Initiative different layers of collectiveness and on also works together with Students 4 local conditions and their impact on design Sustainability. proposals. DICK VAN GAMEREN Dick van Gameren has been appointed as a member of the steering comittee of Delft Global Initiative (DGI). He sees that the DGI, that is organized at university level, can bring together people and knowledge from the different faculties so they can learn from each other and a synergy will arise. According to Van Gameren he has been asked as a representative for the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment for his past contributions in the guidance of students with projects in developing countries. ‘’TU Delft and other universities in general are very focussed on research. Through
In the projects the field trips to Ethiopia and India are obligatory. The danger exists for tourist trips, when students take there Lonely Planet and just enjoy their stay. For Van Gameren this is why the collaboration with local parties is of essential value. In Ethopia we have established a partnership with the local university for the exchange of knowledge and people.// More info and contact: www.delftglobal.tudelft.nl delftglobal@tudelft.nl
cold nights warm days
cold nights warm days
dry tropics firepplace
locate it in the middle of the house for the biggest effect
very cold during winters, but very warm during summers
use water and vegetation to cool the air
sloped roof
so both snow and rain can run off
alternative: cupola
ventilation the higher, the cooler the air. use a chimney to catch this air
solar warmth
block cold wind with thick walls and vegetation
human warmth thermal mass
use small windows on the shadow side of the house, to decrease heat loss
Create thick walls for thermal mass
when it’s cold just invite more friends over
to keep the cold out during winter and in during summer
use the ground’s mass to insulate the house from heat
keep the houses out of the wind by using woods or mountains as a wind shield
main streets should run from north to south, so there’s always shade to walk in use local materials like wood and stones
earth warmth use the stable temperatures of the earth to heat or cool
outside space shaded from the sun
Space keep enough space between the houses for the sun to reach their walls
use narrow streets and courtyards to create shade
density build houses close together, to decrease the amount of outer walls exposed to the sun
humid tropics wet
hot air leaves
humid tropics steep roofs
1. water runs of more easily 2. heat of sun rays less affecting 3. heat ascends
Essential for cooling of interior atmosphere cold air enters
Eaves hot air leaves
Essential for outside coolingspace protected from rain of interior atmosphere
E cold air entersorientation
reduce east and west facades to decrease warmth of low sun during mornings and afternoons
outside space protected from rain
create aorientation v-shape clearing to enable ventilation reduce east and west facades
to decrease warmth of low sun during mornings and afternoons
to protect walls from weathering by sun and rain
steep roofs
1. water runs of more easily heigth 2. heat of sun rays less affecting 1. more breeze 3. heat ascends 2. protected from flooding
Eaves to protect walls from weathering by sun and rain
heigth 1. more breeze 2. protected from flooding
use trees to create shade
ventilation create space between buildings to enhance ventilation and thus cooling
Ventilation create a v-shape clearing to enable ventilation
use trees to create shade
Water use natural relief and water flows to improve water management
Water use natural relief and water flows to improve water management
ventilation create space between buildings to enhance ventilation and thus cooling
people Building people the
about environmental differences for in architecture
about environmental differences in architecture In 1987, Johan van Lengen founded the Bio-Architecture and Inituitive Technology school (TIBA) in the coastel jungle of Brazil, offering workshops about environmentally friendly housnig, sanitation and communication. Later, he published the book Barefoot Architecture, with the goal to instruct “those of you who dream of building a home”. In this truly inspiring, 700-pages counting guide, Van Lengen offers all information needed, for builders, architects and everybody else, to understand the value of architecture that fully fits its surroundings without doing any harm to it. Every tip is illustrated with amazing graphics that Van Lengen drew himself. To give you a taste, we’ve put together a fraction of its content in this infographic. Van Lengen distinguishes three different climates: humid tropics, dry tropics and temperate. He repeatedly emphasizes the importance of understanding a place before building in it.//
Building a greenhouse in a small village in Kenya together with local farmers, what would that be like? David Kooymans, student Architecture and Umit Sheombarsing, student Applied Physics, went to Bondo, Kenya for their minor International Entrepreneurship & Development of the TU Delft. They did a project about agriculture at the Jaramogi Odinga Oginga University (JOOUST).
When you arrived in Kenya, did you encounter a culture shock? David: When we arrived in Nairobi we were still surrounded by western people, but when we left the airport we immediately noticed the differences. During our drive over unpaved roads with big holes, we saw people and animals walking everywhere, it was a complete chaos. My first thought was: where are we? Eventually we arrived safely at JOOUST. Umit: It definitely felt like a culture shock. When leaving the airport we drove past the typical poor houses with corrugated tin roofs. Also, every time we pulled over, everyone immediately came to us hoping to sell food. What did we sign up for? What kind of project did you do in Bondo? David: We did a research project amongst farmers. We tried to find out what the biggest challenges and problems concerning agriculture were for them. Parallel to this research, we built a greenhouse together with the local farmers. This greenhouse now function as a demonstration centre for them and other farmers near the village. Umit: After the research, an interview with 25 local farmers, we knew what were the biggest problems and challenges for these farmers. The knowledge about agriculture amongst the farmers and especially the use of greenhouses were very limited. The results of the research were used to develop a strategy for JOOUST. We advised the university to offer agriculture courses for the local farmers, by using the greenhouse that we built for practical demonstrations. How did you approach the farmers in Bondo? How did that go? David: On the third day in Bondo we were introduced to Mr. Jackson, the agriculture officer of the village. He had a large network of farmers and almost knew every single one of them. He arranged the interviews for us and brought us to each farm together with his colleague Jack. A trip to a farm took us approximately 15 minutes with the pikipiki (a motorcycle). Mr. Jackson came along with us to translate the Swahili language whenever the farmers couldn’t speak English, but most of the farmers did. The contact with Mr. Jackson was very helpful, without him we were never able to find all those farmers and it also created a circle of trust between us and the farmers. In general the farmers were very friendly and helpful.
For some authentic Kenyan food: try the ugali with kuku and sukuma wiki at the Park Hotel in Bondo.
What are the differences between the students in Delft and students in Bondo with whom you worked? David: We were often not perceived as students. The funny thing was that even the Kenyan teachers thought we were businessmen or teachers. The main difference was that students in Bondo tended to be more reticent and shy, which might be due to the norms and values in Kenyan educational institutions. To apply a critical attitude is very important in Dutch school-systems, in Kenya it is more about following your teacher’s ideas. Umit: I believe that it really depends on the way of life and how we perceive the world. The Dutch culture is very individually oriented, people focus on getting a degree to make a lot of money. In contrast, students in Bondo study for a bit of hope and money to provide for their families in the future. The Kenyan culture is more a collective one. Also students eventually go back to the place where they come from if they finished their study. Were there any obstacles that obstructed your project? David: Our own knowledge about agriculture obstructed the research a little bit. Mr. Jackson and Dr. Andika, the supervisors, were the specialists on agriculture. Therefore we were also constantly dependent on them. We had underestimated this a little. Furthermore, the interviews and building the greenhouse went well. Only there were some difficulties in the funding of the greenhouse. A part of the greenhouse would have been funded by the university, but eventually it turned out that Dr. Andika paid for that part himself. Dr. Andika said to us: ‘let’s assume that the university paid’. We think that he might wanted to manage and exploit the greenhouse himself, because they don’t watch the financial flow that well. Umit: In the beginning the process went smooth, but in the last weeks the smooth – way of living took serious proportions. We waited 5 days for a drill an at one moment our supervisor was gone for two weeks. Sometimes we just had to improvise. What could our university learn from the university in Bondo? David: The involvement of teachers with their students. For example, Dr. Andika called every student personally if a lecture was cancelled. There is a clear hierarchy between students and teachers, but the teacher is closer to the students than in Delft. Umit: I agree with David.
17 23 3
What was the scariest moment during your stay in Kenya? David: The public transport in general was very scary. Once, I was sitting at the back of a pikipiki driving 100 km/h over an unpaved road with many holes, without a helmet. Driving over one of these holes would very likely result in death, which was a scary thought. Umit: It was the moment when David forgot his passport. Three military men on the streets of Nairobi stopped us. They said to me: “you’re safe” and told David: “you’re in big trouble”. It was clear that we were being corrupted and that they just wanted to see money. I ran to the hotel to pick up David’s passport, but got stuck in the elevator. I was scared, because I thought that they were going to do something to David.
What are the most important things you learned in Kenya, besides your project? David: The way they deal with time in a different way. If you make an appointment you never know what’s going to happen. Will the person show up, and more importantly at what time? People in Kenya assume that you’re extremely flexible. Therefore, you can only plan one appointment a day. Umit: In the Netherlands people are easily stressed, busy with themselves and with their phones. In contrast, people in Kenya take all the time they need to reach their goals. They care more about the people around them. Students are curious, but in a “Pole Pole”-way, calmly.//
Den Haag
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één dak aanbiedt.
Deze woorden staan voor wat we doen en vooral ook hoe we het Met als filosofie: Met elkaar, voor elkaar! doen. Om met het wat te beginnen: alles op het gebied van gedrukte Deze woorden staan voor wat we doen en in vooral ook hoe we het mail, geprinte en digitale communicatie combinatie met doen. Om met het wat te beginnen: alles op het gebied van gedrukte, fulfilment, warehousing en logistiek. geprinte en digitale communicatie in combinatie met mail, Met professionals die ook interim, gedetacheerd of als consultant fulfilment, warehousing en logistiek. voor u aan de slag kunnen. Met professionals die ook interim, gedetacheerd of als consultant voor u We aan zetten de slag kunnen. Hoe? de lijnen uit, adviseren, regisseren. Met maar één Hoe? voor We zetten de het lijnen uit, adviseren, Met maar één doel ogen: realiseren vanregisseren. uw communicatiedoelstellingen. doel voor ogen: het realiseren van uw communicatiedoelstellingen.
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Informaticastudent Martijn Rentmeester is voorzitter geweest
Informaticastudent Informaticastudent Martijn Rentmeester Martijn Rentmeester is voorzitter is voorzitter geweestgeweest
HetHet Summer Internship Summer Het Summer Internship Internship is is isvan zijn van zijn W.I.S.V. ‘Christiaan van studievereniging zijnstudievereniging studievereniging W.I.S.V. ‘Christiaan W.I.S.V. ‘Christiaan Huygens’. Huygens’.Huygens’. kansom om dé kans om te ontdekkenEen van Een dé dé kans te ontdekken ontdekken zijn van voorgangers zijn voorgangers verteldevertelde oververtelde zijnover ervaringen zijn ervaringen met met Een van zijn voorgangers over zijn ervaringen met hoe het is hoe omhet in een is om in een hoe het is om in een het Summer het Summer Internship Internship van TOPdesk van TOPdesk en hierdoor en hierdoor raakte ook raakte ook succesvolsuccesvol internationaal internationaal het Summer Internship van TOPdesk en hierdoor raakte ook succesvol internationaal Martijn enthousiast. IT-bedrijfIT-bedrijf te werken. te Je werken. Je Martijn enthousiast. Martijn enthousiast. IT-bedrijf te werken. Je versterktversterkt gedurende gedurende ik tijdensikmijn tijdens bestuurswerk mijn bestuurswerk veel metveel sponsoring met sponsoring bezig bezig zes weken zes een weken van onze een van onze Doordat Doordat versterkt gedurende was geweest, leek het me leekeen hetuitdaging me een uitdaging te solliciteren te solliciteren voor het voor het afdelingen, afdelingen, samen met samen met was geweest, Doordat ik tijdens mijn bestuurswerk veel met sponsoring bezig zes weken een van onze Sales Internship Sales Internship in navolging in navolging van het Internship van het Internship bij Development bij Development andere enthousiaste andere enthousiaste geweest, leek het me een reageerde uitdaging teensolliciteren afdelingen, samen met wat ikwas eerder wat ikheb eerder gedaan. heb TOPdesk gedaan. TOPdesk reageerde enthousiast enthousiast ik en ik voor het studenten. studenten. mochtSales opmocht gesprek op komen. gesprekin komen. Internship navolging van het Internship bij Development andere enthousiaste wat ik eerder heb gedaan. TOPdesk reageerde enthousiast en ik studenten. Ook het Sales Ook het Internship Sales Internship is me goed is me bevallen. goed bevallen. Ik zat in een Ik zat gezellige in een gezellige Ga naar Ga naar mocht op gesprek komen.
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Tijdens ons inwerktraject luisterden we eerst met vaste aan de telefoon, Ik zie medewerkers hetIkInternship als mee de ideale combinatie van opdaarna een zie het Internship als de ideale combinatie vanleuke op mochten een leuke we zelf de manier bijverdienen relevante werkervaring Na de Na de manier bijverdienen en relevante telefoon ter en hand nemen. Alswerkervaring hetopdoen. bedrijfopdoen. geïnteresseerd was in zomer wilde ik graag TOPdesk blijven werken na een zomer wilde bij ik graag bij TOPdesk blijvenen werken enpaar na een paar TOPdesk, stuurden we een informatiepakket. Mijn eerste belletje gesprekken met mijnmet begeleiders werd duidelijk dat zij ook gesprekken mijn begeleiders werd duidelijk dat zij ook was direct raak! potentiepotentie in mij zagen. werk ik hier anderhalve dag per dag per in mijMomenteel zagen. Momenteel werk ik hier anderhalve week op week de presales-afdeling. op de presales-afdeling.
Ik zie het Internship als de ideale combinatie van op een leuke manier bijverdienen en relevante werkervaring opdoen. Na de zomer wilde ik graag bij TOPdesk blijven werken en na een paar gesprekken met mijn begeleiders werd duidelijk dat zij ook
GET INSPIRED more than architecture
Photo: Hugo Thomassen
MOVIE S TO WATCH Rebel Architecture Students4Sustainability
For m Follows Fungus Presented at the Dutch designweek in Eindhoven, the mycelium chair was printed using a mixture of water, powdered straw and mycelium, which is the thread-like part of a fungus that lives underground. To create this chair Klarenbeek collaborated with scientist at the University of Wageningen."Our main purpose was to bring together the machine and nature to create a new material that could be used to make any product," The result is a new material that, Klarenbeek believes, could be used to make almost anything in future. "It could be a table, a whole interior or even a house," he said. After printing the mycelium grew within the structure, replacing the water and creating a solid but extremely lightweight material. Mushrooms began sprouting on the surface, at which point Klarenbeek dried out the structure to prevent them from growing further. "When you dry it out you have the straw kind of glued together by the mushroom."//
De Stichting Students4Sustainability, kortweg S4S, is een studentenorganisatie met een duidelijk doel: investeren in duurzame techniek in de derde wereld. Verder, wil S4S de Delftse student enthousiast maken voor duurzame technieken, zo organiseren we bijvoorbeeld maandelijks een interessante lunchlezing. Studenten kunnen zich binden aan de projecten van medestudenten door per maand €2 te sponsoren.//
Zie ook www.students4sustainability.nl of vind ons op Facebook.
Source: http://www.dezeen.com/2013/10/20/ mycelium-chair-by-eric-klarenbeek-is-3d-printedwith-living-fungus/
ARCHITECTS TO FOLLOW Anna Heringer TYIN tegnesture Diébéclo Francis Kéré Anne Feenstra Architecture for Humanity Architecture Sans Frontieres Architecture in Development Arch i platform BAMBU sociaal Pico Estudio TIBA ROSE Alejandro Aravena Cural studio A..GOR.A Architects Rudanko Hankwunren NLÉ Acquitectus Descalzos Architecture of Consequence Unsolicited Studio Beyond Architecture Group Michael Reynolds BC Architecture and Study Andrés Bäppler Greta Tresserra
A six-part documentary series profiling architects who are using design as a form of activism and resistance to tackle the world's urban, environmental and social crises. The series follows architects from Vietnam, Nigeria, Spain, Pakistan, Israel/Occupied West Bank and Brazil who believe architecture can do more than iconic towers and luxury flats - turning away from elite "starchitecture" to design for the majority.//
Build a pavilion Have you ever wondered how to build using only natural materials and low-tech details? Would you like to learn about earthbag domes, bamboo constructions and other natural building techniques? Build naturally? Yes you can! Expert knowledge as well as student project experiences will be shared and who knows, maybe you will get enthusiastic about getting some practical experience and you will help us to build a full scale natural pavilion. Because 'Natuurlijk bouwen kun jij ook'!// For more Information: www.facebook.com/natuurlijkbouwenkunjijook
Garbage Warrior
What do beer cans, car tires and water bottles have in common? Not much unless you’re renegade architect Michael Reynolds, in which case they are tools of choice for producing thermal mass and energy-independent housing. For 30 years New Mexico-based Reynolds and his green disciples have devoted their time to advancing the art of “Earthship Biotecture” by building self-sufficient, off-the-grid communities where design and function converge in eco-harmony. However, these experimental structures that defy state standards create conflict between Reynolds and the authorities, who are backed by big business. Frustrated by antiquated legislation, Reynolds lobbies for the right to create a sustainable living test site. While politicians hum and ha, Mother Nature strikes, leaving communities devastated by tsunamis and hurricanes. Reynolds and his crew seize the opportunity to lend their pioneering skills to those who need it most. Shot over three years and in four countries, Garbage Warrior is a timely portrait of a determined visionary, a hero of the 21st century.// http://www.garbagewarrior.com/
Mies. NL Mies. NL is een initiatief opgericht en geleid door studenten van de Faculteit Bouwkunde aan de TU Delft. Ons doel is om informele en ongeremde interviews te houden met architecten (zowel klein als groot) en ze in de schijnwerpers te plaatsen door screenings en publiekelijk beschikbare films. Het kunnen slechts kleine inzichten zijn, maar als een collectief geheel geven ze een uniek beeld van wat architectuur vandaag de dag inhoudt – dit allemaal door de ogen van de studenten.// Voor meer informatie: https://www.facebook.com/ miesnl
BOOKS TO READ Architecture In Development (A.I.D.) is an organisation initiated to re-connect sustainable development to architecture by developing a user-generated knowledge platform. Their bookshop contains the most elaborate collection of books and movies on the topic of community based architecture: www.architectureindevelopment.com
Lear ning From Ve r n a c u l a r In 1964, Bernard Rudofsky curated the exhibition Architecture Without Architects at The Museum of Modern Art in New York, thereby drawing the attention of the postwar Western public to traditional architectures, rescuing them from the ignominy to which they had been consigned by the ‘national’ ideologies of Europe in the 1930s. In the early 1980s, Ivan Illich published a number of radical critiques of modernity in which he drew attention to ‘vernacular’ values, proposing a trenchant but hospitable definition of this term.//
For The People By The People This publication is a visual story about how people influence change in the city. The collapse of faith in top-down planning has been followed by a renewed interest in the self-generating wisdom of bottom-up urban initiatives. Fusing her photography with a manifesto-like text, architect Afaina de Jong marks the people in the streets as the starting point of all urban trends and cultural innovation. She calls upon us all to become architects of our own environment.//
Brandwerende SL30 schuifdeur van MHB Een ziekenhuis wilde een schuifdeur in het SL30 profielsysteem, maar dan wel brandwerend.
Classic-ISO® voor Koning
De Koning Willem III Kazerne is gebouwd in 1938/39 voo opleiding van dienstplichtige rekruten voor de Konink MHB advertentie 3 regels Iso_MHB advertentie 14-04-14 13: Marechaussee. OmNAW aanClassic de hedendaagse bouwfysische sen te voldoen kiest men nu voor MHB Classic-ISO®. klassieke stoeltjesprofiel van weleer, nu echter in t misch geïsoleerde uitvoering en een sluitsysteem da wind-en waterdichtheid garandeert. Met dit profielsyst wordt de maatvoering van het oorspronkelijke stoelt profiel gehandhaafd, zelfs de exacte afmetingen van originele ramen en deuren. Net als SL30-ISO® voldoet systeem aan de moderne eisen ten aanzien van veiligh inbraakwerendheid milieu. MHB 75 PMS_Opmaak 1 12-12-13 13:00 en Pagina 1 De KWIII kazernegevels zijn authentiek gerenoveerd met het MHB Classic-ISO® profielsysteem.
Deze vraag werd bij MHB omgezet in actie en deze schuifdeur is ontworpen en vervolgens succesvol getest bij Efectis. De met superslanke (30mm) profielen geproduceerde schuifdeur is 60 min. brandwerend getest volgens EN 1634-1
Voor meer informatie over de (brandwerende) SL30- profielserie kunt u contact opnemen met: Voor over Classic-ISO® kunt u contact opnemen me MHB b.v. Postbus 6, 6674 ZG Herveld 0488 - 45meer 19 51informatie www.mhb.nl b.v. Postbus 6, 6674 ZG Herveld 0488 - 45 19 51 www.m Ernst Mahler em@mhb.nl Remko MathijssenMHB rm@mhb.nl Roland Werring rw@mhb.nl Ernst Mahler em@mhb.nl
Seven Days Since the start of this year Seven Days has settled themselves on the Oude Langendijk. Their concept is quite smart; while drinking coffee you can buy everything surrounding you. That also establishes a good home like and fancy atmosphere. The building is a monument and used to be an old production bakery. This is still visible in the back of the store where there's a double gabled roof and the old bakkery tiles are still on the walls. Here's also the showroom with a lot of cool couches and a wall with all sorts of green plants that makes a nice contrast with the old chiseled wall. Hoarding warning!// Oude Langendijk 7A 2611 GK Delft
Auroville The purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity – in diversity. Today Auroville is recognised as the first and only internationally endorsed ongoing experiment in human unity and transformation of consciousness, also concerned with - and practically researching into - sustainable living and the future cultural, environmental, social and spiritual needs of mankind. Auroville was born on 28 February 1968. Its founder, the Mother, created the Auroville Charter consisting of four main ideas which underpinned her vision for Auroville. When Auroville came into being, All India Radio (AIR) broadcast the Charter, live, in 16 languages. Aurovilians apply the ideas of the Auroville Charter in their daily life, in policy-development, and decisions, big and small. The Charter thus forms an omnipresent referent that silently guides the people who choose to live and work for Auroville. // For more Information: www.auroville.org.
The end of our academic year is coming to an end and this means that Stylos is getting ready to finish her 121st year. Our committees are preparing the final events, including the big Study trip to India, MidSummerNight’s Festival and our Freshmen’s Weekend in August. Meanwhile, the current board is getting ready to hand over control of the association to our successors. In this Chairman’s Note they will shortly introduce themselves. “Only a few weeks ago, we were rudely awoken by the current board of Stylos, to be packed up in a minivan and left behind a mere nine hours later in a desolate but beautiful bit of nature in the northwest of Germany. Our task: find our way back to Delft before the end of the day. Although we only just met, we figured (slightly too optimisticly) that it shouldn’t be too difficult. We had Gert-Jan, candidate Chairman, and Nathan, candidate Commissioner of Events and Initiatives, as the heads of the bonding and drinks department; Lize, candidate Treasurer, and Maaike, candidate Secretary,
enthusiastically taking care of the long list of assignments we had received earlier that day.Willie and Vita, candidate Commissioners of Education, handcuffed together and ready to shine as a team. Finally there was Tom, candidate Commissioner of External Affairs, whose German was just as impressive as his negotiation skills, guiding us safely across the Dutch-German border. In the end, the trip turned out to be a little harder and more time-consuming than we had anticipated. After a seemingly endless walk back to civilisation, an eventful hour of hitchhiking, a large amount of dancing and yelling under the watchful eyes of fellow train passengers and multiple “kein Geld, kein Zug!”-screaming ticket inspectors, we arrived back at the station of Delft later that night. Since this eventful day, we have been busy preparing ourselves for next year. We are developing our board policy and ourselves as a group. We look forward to make next year just as successful, fun and educational as this one!”
The first masterclass this year, organised by the Masterclass Committee, was a great success. Paul de Ruiter invited a few lucky students over to his selfdesigned office in Amsterdam where we worked on a very inspiring project. While Paul de Ruiter is known for his integral approach to sustainability in a both aesthetical and technical way, he does not shy away from bigger and more vague projects. The assignment focused on a small, manmade island somewhere halfway across the Afsluitdijk. The island has to be expanded, while preserving the physical presence of the history of human endeavour. At the end of the day, four entirely different designs, each focussing on a different facet of sustainability, were presented to Paul and his team. Working along a famous architecture firm on the same project was a huge thrill, not matched by our common design assignments. We hope that Paul de Ruiter learned as much as we did.
On the 21st and 22nd of March the 24 hour Design Contest of Stylos took place in the Dutch Innovation Factory, a former margarine factory in Zoetermeer. This year the case was to transform a vacant part of 6000m2 of the Dutch Innovation Factory into a space for offices, gatherings and other external events. In groups of 3 or 4, students started brainstorming ideas and concepts, which progressed into 3D-models and impressive impressions. During the competition architects from several bureaus came by to help the students during their design process. It was intriguing to see the students develop their
ideas in such a short period of time into concrete designs. After 24 hours of hard work the students were asked to present their designs to a jury, which consisted of architects from Fokkema&Partners, TAK Architecten, the director of the Dutch Innovation Factory, a guest lecturer from the Faculty of Architecture in Delft, and two members of the organization. The winning design was by team O.B.A. who fulfilled the requirements in the most fitting and creative way. Overall the contest was very enjoyable and the students were eager to work on this case as they were working on-site, on an up to date practice orientated design problem.
Op historische wijze ging de ouderdag op zaterdag 18 april 2015 de boeken in. Deze allereerste editie gaf de ouders een kijkje in het leven van hun bouwkundestudent. Door onze veelzijdige studie kregen de 250 deelnemers een tjokvol programma voor hun kiezen. De vakken mechanica, klimaatontwerp, architectuurgeschiedenis en stedenbouw kwamen allemaal aan de orde. De mechanicaworkshop was een battle, waarin de ouders een stabiele toren van karton moesten maken. In de pauze werd genoten van een Delfts broodje Leo, waarna collegezaal A was geopend voor de colleges over Delft en de TU Campus. Na de colleges werd de theorie real life bekeken tijdens een rondleiding door Delft. Moe van een druk programma werden de ouders door de Bouwpub welkom geheten in de Oostserre met een koud biertje. Daar werd geproost op het einde van een prachtige ouderdag, maar het begin van een nieuwe traditie.
c o m petitio n : At the beginning of this year the MediaCo organised a Photography competition with the theme Transformation. The winner will receive a photography course at the sport & culture unit at the TU Delft. After long delibaration the jury has chosen a winner. On the next page you can see the winning picture. We proudly present:
Pepijn Determann
Last May, this dream became reality for 25 Stylos members. On the 4-day excursion to Milan they visited the Expo where several VIP tours through pavilions had been arranged. The excursion was divided into various themes, to each day its own theme. The students visited the Polytechnic University of Milan and were guided through the city past several old and redevelopment projects, on the first day of their visit when the theme was ‘Old Milan’. On the second day, ‘New Milan’ led them to the Mumac and architect Paolo Balzanelli, owner of Arkispazio, and the Bosco Verticale with
architect Stefano Boeri where the students got a nice look at the interior of the building and its apartments. The highly anticipated part of the excursion was of course the World Exposition 2015, which the students visited on the third day of the excursion. Here, the various subthemes came together in the main theme: ‘The connection between the World Exposition and Milan, how they came to be and influenced each other’. This was also the theme of the lecture given to the students at the university at the beginning of the excursion. The last day, day four, was an optional programme of visiting the old and inevitably more touristic – treasures of Milan.
fruits of study
Jury statement: “a thorough or dramatic
midzo mernacht The MidSummerNight-festival (MZN) takes place at the end of every academic year. This year it will be a festival where we expose work done by architecture students. Get ready to be overwhelmed by delicious food, good music, fun workshops and activities and simply the all-round craziness of MZN. Want to enjouy the pancake-baking-skills, yoga- or DJ-talents by the people you know from your lectures? Drop by on the 2th of July in front of the West Entrance of BK City 16:00!//
change in form or appearance’. By reusing old electronics such as keyboards and speakers the artist has transformed what would otherwise have been waste, in a piece of art and has given it a new purpose. The reason we have chosen this picture as the winner of our photography competition is that we believed that Pepijn really saw this connection between old and new. It also concerns an issue that is relevant in our current society because robots and artificial intelligence are more and more integrated in our everyday life.”//
We don’t know if you feel the same way. But many times when we visited lectures from great big architects, we left the event impressed yet sometimes a bit depressed. Why? The architects show you their most amazing work, the beautiful sketches, renderings, floorplans and super high-resolution photographs. As we then compare their projects to our rather crappy university project - where we still don’t know why AutoCAD doesn’t let us use this or that specific command – it slowly dawns on us that it is well impossible to ever be as good as these architects. It’s quite an unfair setting. Wouldn’t it be much more fair, if the architects would show their projects, from when they were students themselves? This would give us students a common ground to compare our work with theirs. So we started this lecture series, where architects show everything they did at university, before they became architects with their beautiful renderings and floorplans. They show us in what surrounding they grew up to become an architect, and what the most important issues were at that time. Furthermore we get to see if the architect designs completely different from how he used to design as a student, or if their studies actually were bearing fruits.
and the win ner is . . .
chepos Chepos is het onafhankelijke architectuurtijdschrift van de studievereniging Cheops van de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Iedere editie wisselen Chepos en pantheon// een artikel uit.
Een architect die alleen kan ontwerpen komt er niet meer in deze tijd. De wereld verandert en zo ook de bouwwereld. Tegenwoordig is het van belang dat je jezelf kunt onderscheiden. Onderscheiden in het geleverde werk, of onderscheiden in je ‘achtergrond’. In het dagelijks leven is geen enkele dag meer hetzelfde. Trends en bouwstijlen veranderen, werkgevers verwachten meer en ga zo maar door. Ook een architect moet zich bewust zijn van deze continue verandering, en moet hier dan ook op in spelen. Een architectuurstudent krijgt naast ontwerpopdrachten, eveneens les in de technische kant van het ontwerpen en leert alle fases die aan bod komen tijdens een ontwikkelingsproces. Echter, ontbreekt het de student van tegenwoordig aan praktijkervaring, terwijl dit juist wordt verlangd van net afgestudeerde architecten. In het verleden leerde een architect juist door het doen, niet via de theorie. Een kwalijke verandering? Of is het juist een positieve verandering? Geen enkele opdracht is meer hetzelfde, “de klant is koning” wordt weleens gezegd. Om als architect ook maar kans te kunnen maken in de echte wereld zul je jezelf
moeten onderscheiden. Meer kunnen bieden dan een ander, maar wel zodanig dat de visie niet uit het oog verloren wordt. De hedendaagse architect wordt uitgedaagd om een oplossing te bedenken die past in zijn omgeving. Er moet naast de wensen van de klant rekening gehouden worden met duurzaamheid; een gebouw moet lang meegaan en multifunctioneel zijn. Er zijn zoveel aspecten waar rekening mee moet worden gehouden. De meest bruikbare grond is in het verleden al volgebouwd, populaire plekken zijn al ingevuld, de steden verdichten, maar de gebruikers houden hun eisen. Aan de architect de taak om met al deze aspecten wat te doen.
op steeds een andere manier. Om te kunnen overtuigen moet een architect kennis hebben, veel kennis, maar van belang is dat de architect geloofwaardig blijft, geen beloftes maken die niet nagekomen kunnen worden, de architect zal te allen tijde scherp moeten blijven. Niet onbelangrijk is het feit dat een architect de werkelijkheid in het oog houdt, blijft terugkoppelen of het ontwerp haalbaar is, daarnaast niet ‘standaard’ wordt, maar blijft dromen. Al met al moet een architect haalbaar blijven denken, ontwerpen voor de klant, en overtuigend zijn. De architect moet tijdens het gehele proces betrokken blijven en zijn verantwoording nemen.
WAT MOET EEN ARCHITECT KUNNEN? Een architect moet in de eerste plaats creatief zijn. Maar een architect moet ook zeker ondernemend zijn, moet op tijd beginnen met netwerken, samenwerkingsverbanden aangaan en zelfstandig opdrachten binnenhalen. Een architect moet stevig in zijn schoenen staan, maar moet zich niet blind staren op zijn einddoel. Hij moet zijn visie kunnen overdragen, vol vertrouwen over zijn plan kunnen vertellen en een ander kunnen overtuigen, dezelfde visie kunnen vertellen
VANUIT EEN ANDERE OPLEIDING Naast alle jonge architecten en architectuurstudenten zijn er in het verleden al een groot aantal succesvolle architecten geweest. Zij voldeden aan de benodigde eigenschappen, maar hadden ook zeker hun eigen denk- en ontwerpvisie. Deze bekende architecten hebben niet altijd een opleiding tot architect gevolgd, maar zijn met hun denk- en ontwerpbeeld toch geworden tot wie ze zijn, een inspiratie voor de huidige generatie.//
“... Le Corbusier was opgeleid tot graveur en
“... Daan Roosegaarde is opgeleid aan de Academie
ciseleerder (bewerker van gegoten metalen
voor kunst en industrie in Enschede en later nog
“... Opgeleid als meubelmaker, maar via een
“... Een boksende timmerman die bijna iedere t
voorwerpen), evenzo was hij kunstenaar en
aan het Berlage instituut in Rotterdam. Staat niet
interior design studio terecht gekomen bij een
winnen architectuurprijs heeft gewonnen. Van
geregistreerd in het architectenregister...”
architecten studio....”
origine opgeleid tot timmerman...”
HUMANS OF BK CITY A new generation of architects is currently being shaped within BK City. For this issue we encountered some of these citizens and asked what drove them to study architecture.
Bram Baak “When I started studying architecture, I loved iconic architecture. But the more I learned, the more I appreciated more modest architect. Iconic architecture is easy, it consists of large gestures. The beauty of reserved and sober architecture is hidden in its details, its materials. Today, I see architecture like sculpting:we are creating space.”
Marjan Sadeghi “I’ve always had a fascination for materials, I loved walking through ruins, touching and smelling the tiles and stones. That’s why I decided to study architecture.“
Bronnen 1. Architectenweb.nl (portretfoto’s) 2. Carrieremagazine.nl
Mustafa Nazari By studying architecture, I’ve learned to consider everything thoroughly. Think about your decisions, but still, decide.