Urban Climate Architects Spoorsingel 23, Delft 085-2735411 www.ucarchitects.com info@ucarchitects.com
Urban Climate Architects stands for a future where everyone can live, work and play healthily and safely together. We create a stage where young, old, rich and poor (and everyone in between) can build, develop and grow a quality life.
applying natural biomass materials instead of concrete and steel to try and reduce the environmental impact of the latter. Wood is renewable, functions as carbon dioxide storage and can be reused easily. It is also lightweight and quick and simple to assemble.
URBAN To achieve this, we give shape to urbanization, in a responsible way. We intensify the city and thereby relieve the burden on nature. In this way we leave nature alone in its element and create opportunities within the existing city limits. We have devoted ourselves to the principles of a circular and inclusive society. This does not only concern materials and products we make use of, but also applies to our world view that level playing fields must be created.
ARCHITECTS Quality is timeless and will outlive trends. It adds tranquility to otherwise complex situations. Quality is always the starting point from which we design. It is our way to add an extra dimension to sustainability. Highquality designed products have a long life-span and will therefore get to be used longer. This, combined with a feeling for human scale and proportions and having an eye for detail, leads to a social and soft kind of sustainability that surpasses numbers and graphs. This sustainability is reflected by perceiving the world through our senses, by the way we view cities, by sensing how a wall that is made of wood feels, by being sensitive to the sound of autumn leaves rustling in the wind.
CLIMATE The climate is an undeniable force which must be recognized and understood, and for us, this is done so through sustainability. Energy is generated locally as much as possible. When feasible, we are in favour of
Redevelopment and extension Thureborg, Dordrecht