Submerge Magazine: Issue 144 (September 2 - September 16, 2013)

Page 1

Dive into Sacramento & its Surrounding Areas

September 2 – 16, 2013



Launch Festival

The Sky Is the Limit

Sacramento Burger Battle’s

Rodney Blackwell Stolen Moments

His Quest for the Best Burger

Home is Where the Heart Is

young and the restless

Wake Island

No Boat? No Problem!

Dead Winter Carpenters Out on a Limb

Aftershock Festival

Rock Revival Torch Club’s

Debut Tuesdays


Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013


20 16


12 Thursday NighTs !

T Js LOasTm& FNOuiNgd h BaNd Op/ emN iKe’ w

Nd Jam sTrumeNT a BriNg yOur iNiTh The BaNd Or ic aLONg w he greaT mus JusT eNJOy T

916 2



Submerge: an independently owned entertainment/lifestyle publication available for free biweekly throughout the greater Sacramento area.



28 34

Submerge your senses

dead winter carpenters incredible me stolen moments launch Festival

Jack, Jame & Jerry

S t r e e t O l d S ac r a m e n t o

Jonathan Carabba senior editor

James Barone Assistant Editor

Mandy Pearson Contributing Writers

Zach Ahern, Joe Atkins, Robin Bacior, Andrew Bell, Corey Bloom, Bocephus Chigger, Brooke Dreyer, Josh Fernandez, Anthony Giannotti, Lovelle Harris, Niki Kangas, Nur Kausar, John Phillips, Ryan J. Prado, Amy Serna, Jacob Sprecher, Jennifer Snyder, Jenn Walker Contributing photographers

Heather Loewe, Mike Ibe, Phill Mamula, Liz Simpson, Nicholas Wray

2308 J Street, Suite F Sacramento, Calif. 95816

916.441.3803 All content is property of Submerge and may not be reproduced without permission. Submerge is both owned and published by Submerge Media. All opinions expressed throughout Submerge are those of the author and do not necessarily mean we all share those opinions. Feel free to take a copy or two for free, but please don’t remove our papers or throw them away. Submerge welcomes letters of all kinds, whether they are full of love or hate. We want to know what is on your mind, so feel free to contact us via snail mail at 2308 J Street, Suite F Sacramento, Calif. 95816. Or you can e-mail us at


printed on recycled paper

the shallow end Follow us on Twitter! @SubmergeMag

front Cover Photo of incredible me by Daniel Dare

Back Cover Photo of Rodney Blackwell by Rachel Valley

1815 19th st. sacramento

OPEN TUES-SAT 11-11 • SUN 11-3 tues sept 3 (8pm) LIVE MUSIC

thur sept 5 (8pm) LIVE MUSIC

1.99 shots

cofounder/ Advertising Director


Sacramento burger battle

Roses, 2013, Vasas


Melissa Welliver

September 2 – 16

06 Dive in Optimistic 07 The Pessimist 09 The Stream 10 12 16 20 22 24

cofounder/ Editor in Chief/Art Director

Lonesome Locomotive, Matty Charles, Zedekiah Child

fri sept 6 (6pm) Art rECEptIon

We Are Sectioned Creatures by Stephanie Wickizer

sat sept 7 (8pm) LIVE MUSIC

BAD Connection, KC and the Cloudy Day, New Fang, Samantha Caylor

tues sept 10 (8pm) LIVE MUSIC

Mike Donovan, Fine Steps, Tepid Joy

wed sept 11 (8pm) CoMEdy nIght Open Mic: Hosted by Ray Molina

thurs sept 12 (8pm)

sun sept 22 (11am-3pm)


Classical Revolution

fri sept 13 (8pm) LIVE MUSIC

JoDee Purkeypile, Silver Ships, Tommy Norton’s Traveling Band

sat sept 14 (6pm) Art rECEptIon Sarah Ahrens

( 9 1 6 ) 4 4 3 - 6 8 5 2


Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas


launch festival kick-off party

Wallpaper an angle Mister Metaphor

9/6 (hed)pe


9/8 chief keef 9/10 Mc rut


9/11 adaM ant priMa donna

9/12 the slackers rIoTMAkEr • BoSS 501 another daMn disappointMent


aftershock festival pre-party

steel panther 9/14 DIZZy wrIghT EMILIo rojAS • FuTurISTIc

9/19 iration

through the roots ForTunATE youTh • MIcAh Brown

10/4 senses fail


10/22 streetlight Manifesto

9/20 terraplane sun

10/5 Josh radin

10/25 parMalee

9/21 iaMsu

kooL john • jAy AnT • PLAyAh k

9/25 tech n9ne

krIZZ kALIko • !MAyDAy! • STEvE STonE ProZAk • cES cru AMErIcAZ MoST hAunTED

9/26 Matt nathanson 9/27 dance gavin dance CD Release ABAnDon ALL ShIPS IncrEDIBLE ME • SToLAS I wISh wE wErE roBoTS

9/28 frightened rABBIT 10/1 BETwEEn ThE BurIED AnD ME ThE FAcELESS • conTorTIonIST safety fire

10/3 TwIZTID


10/11 andre nickatina krAZIE BonE

(FroM BonE ThugS ‘n hArMony)


10/12 arden park roots onE DroP • STrEET urchInZ rIoTMAkEr • kAyASun

10/16 the used 10/17 story of the year

like Moths to flaMes haWthorne heights cAPTurE ThE crown • SET IT oFF i aM king

10/18 roAch gIgZ LIL BIT • MArk SnIPES

10/19 gWar

whITEchAPEL • Iron rEAgAn A BAnD oF orcS

10/20 attila

MATT w. gAgE • SAvE & conTInuE

10/26 Jonny craig kyLE LucAS • hEArTS & hAnDS BLEAch BLonDE • SEcrETS

11/11 clutch

ThE SworD • AMErIcAn ShArkS

11/12 Mayday parade


11/14 Misfits


11/30 great White ruE ThE nIghT • ForcE oF hABIT

12/8 Metalachi 12/11 BLooD on ThE dance floor

hEAvygrInDEr • FArEwELL My LovE ThE rELAPSE SyMPhony • hALEy roSE oh, the horror

uPon A BurnIng BoDy IwrESTLEDABEAroncE the plot in you • fit for a king Merchants


All Shows All Ages

Tickets Available @ Dimple Records, The Beat, Armadillo (Davis) Online: By Phone: 1.877.GND.CTRL OR 916.443.9202 Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013


$3New OFF


still payiNg $40-$60 for a cartoN of sMoKes?!?

big tobacco to MyKiss ash!! our smokes are



with MeNtioN of subMerge

*oNe per custoMer *exp. 10/14/13 **Not coMbiNable w/other offers

charter MeMber of r.y.o. Nevada, a chuMash owl claN Native aMericaN group



a cartoN

iNcludiNg tax MeMbership required Must be 18+ to purchase

1115 21 st Street • Sac (Next to lucKy cafe)

9 1 6 . 4 6 9.93 0 0

tueS-Sat 11am-7pm • Sun 12-6pm

Sept. 7, 2013

20th Street between J&K (Midtown) in Sacramento

11:00 am: Children’s Brazilian Percussion Workshop/Performance 1:00 pm: Brazilian Capoeira Demonstration “Open Roda” 3:00 pm: Brazilian Folkloric Band “Sacramento Tambores e Saudades” 4:00 pm: Brazilian Capoeira Performance with T.A.B.C.A.T. Capoeira Angola 5:30pm: Brazilian Samba Rhythm “Batucada” & Dance Show (with Brazilian Dance Workshop) 7:00 pm: Brazilian Carnaval Band Performance

For sponsorship information please email


Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013

dive in Balance & Sacrifice: The Hardest Things In Life Melissa welliver There is no denying that my two favorite months are August and September. With Midtown Cocktail Week just behind us and the Launch Festival, Sacramento Burger Battle and Sacramento Comedy Festival all coming up, there’s no time to be bored or have any down time when you’re living in Sacramento these days. Personally, with all these happenings on top of all the regular shows occurring in the region, I find it really hard to go out all the time while trying to stay fit and find time to relax. All these fun, late-summer activities are events I live for, but I’m also tying the knot later this month. Therefore, fitness and relaxation are a must. Now more than ever, I’m coming to the realization I can’t do everything all the time—and sometimes I have to sit out on the fun in order to find “me” time. Yes, sometimes a sacrifice is necessary, like staying home from a show I was dying to see (like Kill the Precedent’s CD Release show the other week) so I can exercise and work on our DIY wedding favors. Or like the deal I recently made with myself: only drink one or two nights a week (which was exceptionally hard with Cocktail Week) to keep the calorie intake down so that I can also attend the Burger Battle. But you have to do what you have to do. A solid balance, which is a hard lesson to learn, is key. If you’re anything like me, picking and choosing what to do with your very little free time can be extremely difficult. But do whatever you’ve got to do, make deals with yourself to find time to work out or relax, because speaking from experience, no one should miss out on Launch Music Festival (Sept. 7 and 8), American River Music Festival (Sept. 13 – 15) and the Sacramento Burger Battle (Sept. 18). And, if you have the time, be sure not to miss a local film release at the Crest Theatre, Stolen Moments (Sept. 11) and head out to the Boardwalk and check out Incredible Me’s CD Release show if you can get down with a dose of heavy rock/hardcore (Sept. 18). Only Incredible Me’s show and Burger Battle overlap, so choose wisely. Or, heck, try to do both! It’s totally possible, especially if you get those VIP tickets for Burger Battle. Lucky for me, none of these things overlap with my wedding. So I hope to see you out and about having fun and/or exercising on the American River Bike Trail! Read on, my friends. Learn more about all these great events and the people participating in them. And most of all, be proud to live in a region with so much to offer. Enjoy issue #144, Melissa-Dubs Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

The Optimistic Pessimist The Fall Guy Bocephus Chigger

September is here, and with it comes my favorite season of the year, fall. Summers in Sacramento can be hell, so it’s always nice when the weather starts to cool. I love watching the trees change colors and begin to shed their leafy coats, like Mr. Rogers changed sweaters and shoes before getting down to business. Which reminds me: fall really opens up my wardrobe possibilities at work. Soon I will be wearing sweaters over unironed shirts, without ties and loving life. As if less ironing weren’t reason enough to fall for fall, I have another, more personal reason for loving autumn; one that is mysterious in its nature, even to me. Now, I am not one to brag about my escapades with the ladies, mostly because there ain’t much to brag about, but for some reason I do much better with women in the fall than at any other time of the year. Winter, spring and summer have shit on me for years, but fall never fails to deliver. On a scale of watching porn to doing porn, fall is at least a steady almost-gonna-maybe do it with a possible odd, but informative, short-term relationship/ hand job. In other words, it’s pretty great. So, now you know why I love fall, but you are probably wondering why this happens to me. For those Curious Georges out there, I can only hypothesize as to why fall bestows a bevy of gettin’ booty potential (gBt) on me. Maybe it’s nature in action. Fall is the time of year when animals stock up in anticipation of winter. Being somewhat of a hairy man with a little meat on his bones, I can really keep a girl warm in the winter and, clearly, I got food around to eat. My gBt may increase each fall as the result of some sort of hyper-natural selection, but perhaps it’s simpler than that. Maybe fall colors complement my features best. I always ask the cute girls at the MAC counter in Macy’s what colors are best for me each season, but they never take me seriously, so I can’t say for sure. If not the colors, then maybe it’s the clothing I wear. I think I look better in pants than shorts and fall is the beginning of pants season.

Finding out that the key to a higher gBt was better leg coverage would be disappointing. Solving a complex problem is way more satisfying than buying a pair of brown pants. I’m a complex person and I like complex things. I can’t be the only person like this. Fall is traditionally back-to-school season, so maybe my fall mates are taking me in as a semester project. I’m sure I would make quite the puzzle. The results would be due before winter break, which lines up nicely with my breakup season. If something comes together this year, I will be sure to ask for an extension from the professor. Then again, it could just be me... I think therefore I am, Manifest Destiny and all that jazz. I’ve had this theory for a while now, so I might be attracting women through my unusually high levels of confidence in the fall. After all, confidence and/or money are what get every asshole in the world laid on a regular basis. I like this theory the least because I don’t feel like I do anything different in the fall and some of my fall romances were initiated by the woman before I had a chance to do my thing. The truth remains a mystery. All of these guesses are possible, but I like to think that something greater is at work. Don’t get your Bible out, because I’m not going to say it’s God. This is bigger. This could very well be magic! Kramer had a magic jacket on Seinfeld that got him mad tail. He was convinced that the jacket had powers that no woman could resist. I believe that fall is my magic Kramer jacket. I believe that, as a baby, a Harvest Fairy flew into my crib and blessed my penis with a stalk of wheat. “Good things will come in the fall!” she said, before floating away to bestow this wonderful gift on others. Of course she also led the Phantoms of Winter, Spring and Summer to my door and they made damn sure her gift would only manifest itself once per year. I can’t be mad at her though; she has been good to me for so long. I got nothing but love for the fall and she has love for me.

Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013


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Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013

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Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas Audio Express — Sacramento Submerge — 9/2/2013




Jonathan Carabba

Send regional news tips to

It wasn’t all that long ago that Submerge featured beloved Sacramento hip-hop crew Live Manikins to highlight the release of their second full-length album, Full Canvas. Now it’s time to zoom the microscope in a little bit and focus on just one member of the group. Justin Brown, AKA Self, is readying the release of his debut solo album called The Birth. If his individual contributions to the dopeness of Live Manikins are any indication, The Birth is going to be a release to pay attention to. “You know on the real, it has been over a two-year process of being back and forth from Sacramento to Los Angeles,” Self recently told Submerge of the recording process for the album. “Started out just hanging with the producer team Mind Majors, who is David Michael Ott and Jupiter [Jonathan Bengco]. All recorded in Los Angeles, the situations we went through we placed a soundtrack to. Starts with the birth and we continued...” Self will celebrate the release of The Birth, along with his 30th birthday and upcoming move to Los Angeles, on Saturday, Sept. 7 at Harlow’s. Also performing will be touring funk/soul/R&B artist Adrian Alan, along with singer Kasi Jones. Sacramento DJ crew Sleeprockers will be present and the event will be hosted by Crush from the legendary Sacramento hip-hop crew The Cuff. On his move to L.A., Self said, “I’ve made a lot of music out there and I see my producer David Michael Ott has a hunger for this music. Some opportunities opened up and I am putting it all in faith seeing if this is where I need to be. I heard when you hit your 30s, your worries slide to the side and you realize what you really want in life. I’m seeing that now.” Self says that despite his departure from Sacramento, Live Manikins will continue to thrive. “Live Manikins is my family and we will always be making music and playing shows no matter what, man. They are some of the dopest emcees, singers, producers, turntablist, musicians, funk dancin’ weirdos I know and it is an honor to rock with those cats.” Self’s celebratory show on Sept. 7 will kick off at 9 p.m. and admission is $10, unless you have a pass to Launch’s music festival, as this show is an official Launch after party. Keep up to date with all things Self at


Sacramento drummer Casey Lewis, AKA INKDUP, is both out of his mind and extremely generous, as evidenced by his upcoming 24-hour drum-a-thon challenge to raise awareness of Osteosarcoma (a form of bone cancer) and to assist with medical bills for his 15-year-old niece, Harley Jean Davis, who is undergoing chemotherapy for the disease. The drum-a-thon begins at 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 20 in front of District 30. At 10 p.m. his drum riser will be rolled into the nightclub where DJ Oasis will join him for their monthly residency. “No breaks,” Lewis told Submerge of the 24-hour challenge, for which they had to get special permission from Sacramento Police Department to maintain a certain level of noise after hours. “For the full 24 hours at least one of my limbs will be going,” he said. Naturally Submerge had to ask, what about bathroom breaks? “My drum company, Crush Drums, built me an acrylic marching snare that’ll have a shoulder harness so when I have to go, I’ll put it on and keep one hand keepin’ the beat while I handle business.” OK, that may be a little TMI, but let’s remember that this whole thing is for a great cause. Harley’s family is dealing with huge bills, so to assist, Lewis set up an online fundraising effort through and is also auctioning off autographed memorabilia from big-name friends of his. Lewis says he also has people “betting” that he won’t last the whole 24 hours. “The money that they will lose,” Lewis adds, “Is going in the fund.” After all is said and done, he hopes to hit $10,000. Lewis plans to have other “stations” for fellow percussionists and musicians to join in, if they so choose. “The more the merrier. I want it to be a complete circus of mayhem and drums!” Despite being in the middle of chemotherapy, as long as there are no complications, Harley’s hospital will allow her be there at the kickoff of the event. “I want her to see and feel all the love from the very large crowd I expect to be there,” Lewis said. “I know that energy will make her feel like a rockstar and lift her spirits.” You can visit to learn more about Harley Jean Davis’ courageous fight with cancer.

We’ve hinted at it before, so we’ll just come out and say it: the Torch Club is one of the most important venues in town. Even though they might not get as much hype as other larger clubs in the region, week in and week out, Torch hosts some amazing live musicians, both touring and regional. And they sure as hell are the best place to see live blues/funk/ soul/R&B/etc., acting as an integral part of the local arts and entertainment scene. I mean, seriously, imagine a Sacramento music scene without Torch. It’s a sad, depressing thought. Anyway, over the last couple years, Torch has successfully started adding more and more genres of bands into their already diverse live repertoire: i.e. more rock, folk, and styles of that nature. Case in point is their new free music showcase that happens twice a month called “Debut Tuesdays,” every second and third Tuesday. Mark Mitchell of the Torch Club is particularly excited about this new ongoing free music showcase. “New faces checking out new live music is always a plus for this club and this town,” he told Submerge. “We want to help bands get their sound on a legendary stage, and help them to step up promotions, before and during a show.” The next Debut Tuesday is on Sept. 10, which will feature Oakland’s Caldecott, a four-piece roots-rock group with some really cool surfed-out, reverb-

drenched, garage band vibes (check them out at They will be joined by Scary Little Friends (from Santa Cruz and San Francisco), a dreamy sounding rock/pop trio, as well as Igneous Rock from Sacramento. After that, the next Debut Tuesday will be on Sept. 17, and that one will feature Flies In the Kitchen, a local five-piece guitardriven rock band; Jacob Waters, a Sacramento (by way of Philadelphia) folk/indie/acoustic artist; and National Soul, also from Sacramento. Mitchell even hinted that he’s in talks with one of the most prominent DJ’s in town to start spinning on Debut Tuesdays as well. “We want a party at the torch on Tuesday’s,” Mitchell said. “I want folks to see and hear the worthwhileness of being in the room when live music is happening, enough that they will come back and financially support the band they will see and hear for free on Tuesday, and not walk away with a look like I demanded their left foot when I ask for a five dollar cover on a Wednesday.” Make sure you take advantage of these awesome free shows, Sacramento. You can thank Mitchell and Torch owner Marina Texeira with a cold one if you feel so inclined. Learn more at or

ted c e n n o Stay hC Submerge wit ag w M o e l g l r fo ubme @S Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013


Photo Jeff Stoike

Your Senses SEE HEAR TASTE Touch Words Brooke Dreyer

Eloisa Bravo

Kimberly Rose Wendt


Caitlin Gill

Kristee Ono

Jennifer Dronsky

Leslie Small

The Bitchslap! All-Female Comedy Show at Punch Line • Sept. 5 After performing huge shows at the Great American Music Hall and consistently selling out San Francisco’s Exit Theatre, Sacramento’s Punch Line is lucky to be hosting the all-female comedy show The Bitchslap! on September 5. The Bitchslap!, created by Eloisa Bravo and Kimberly Rose Wendt, will be stepping up to the men’s world of stand-up comedy and giving them a run for their funny. Unlike my awful pun, these women will actually make you laugh. Caitlin Gill, the show’s headliner, has performed at Outside Lands Festival and SF Sketchfest in addition to working with Robin Williams, Bobcat Goldthwait and Hannibal Burress, just to name a few. In addition to the aforementioned funny ladies, the show also features Jennifer Dronsky, Kristee Ono and Leslie Small. Tickets and more information can be found at or by calling (916) 925-5500.

Photo Nick San Filippo

Photo Danny Wilson


Wakeboard Without a Boat at Wake Island! Did you know that Sacramento is ranked third in all of California for the longest amounts of daily sun exposure? With our average summer temperature at 95 degrees, some consider this fact as an adversity, but that pessimistic outlook could be a result of a lack of Vitamin D. Get outside and brighten your mood before the cold winter attacks! There’s no better place to do it than at Wake Island. Just 15 minutes from downtown, Wake Island provides the fun of water sports without the hassle of a boat. Cables are suspended from five tall towers that pull riders around the 9-acre lake. These cables are safe, environmentally friendly and they provide more “hang time,” allowing for more tricks. Wake Island isn’t only for wakeboarders; the park attracts waterskiers, kneeboarders and wakeskaters. Our beautiful, blazing ball in the sky is easier to appreciate when complemented with water-sports, making Wake Island an ideal place to finish off the summer. offers endless information and confidence-boosting tips in addition to free two-hour passes with certain purchases.


Chase the Green Fairy at the Crocker Art Museum




Aftershock Music Festival • Sept. 14 & 15

Sept. 12

Papa Roach Papa Roach

Are you sick of seeing everyone’s country concert pictures spam your Instagram and Facebook? Guess what, so is the rest of the world. The best way to seek vengeance? Aftershock Music Festival. And unlike most country artists, this lineup will promise songs beyond the key of G. Korn, Papa Roach, Avenged Sevenfold, Five Finger Death Punch, Halestorm, HIM, Airbourne and Girl on Fire are just a handful of bands appearing on this year’s kick-ass schedule. Retaining classic rock culture, Aftershock proudly hosts the Ernie Ball Battle of the Bands contest online and rewards the winner with a position on Sunday’s lineup. The madness will commence on Sept. 14 and 15 at Discovery Park and tickets can be found at You’ll probably be too busy enjoying the awesome music to be taking pictures. I wonder what that says about country music?


Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013

What isn’t there to like about French Culture? France has given the world talented artists, timeless architecture and, among many other things, it helped introduce the world to the wonders of absinthe. On Sept. 12, merci to Art Mix at the Crocker Art Museum, the seductively interesting French culture is now more accessible than a one-way ticket to Paris. This four-hour experience promises total submersion into the lifestyle and history of France, including a burlesque tribute to Marie Antoinette by the Sizzling Sirens, a King Louis XIV photo booth, a vocal performance presented by the Bravo Bach Festival, live music from the French Cassettes, and much more. The evening will also include Pétanque lessons from the Sacramento French Film Festival and perhaps our most anticipated part of the event, an absinthe bar! Because let’s face it, cocktails are so two weeks ago. Check out for more information, ça va être super!

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

French TwiST Thursday, September 12 5 — 9 PM Ooh La La! • Live music by French cassettes • A Sizzling Sirens Burlesque experience tribute to Marie Antoinette • Vocal performance presented by the Bravo Bach! Festival • Louis XIV photo booth • Absinthe bar • Learn French for art-lovers on gallery tours with Alliance Française de Sacramento

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Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013






Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013

Local Chefs Chime in on What Makes the Perfect Patty Words Amy Serna Photos Rachel Valley •

r a c h e lva l l e y . c o m


ational Cheeseburger Day is one of Rodney Blackwell’s favorite holidays. He has earned his name as a burger connoisseur for being the founder of, a blog dedicated to reviewing burgers around the nation. Blackwell has visited over a dozen cities around the United States and has tasted, photographed, and reviewed every burger he ate along the way, from fast food chains to local mom-and-pop restaurants. Having an eye for good burgers, Blackwell knows the necessities— not just for a good burger, but for a great one. “It starts with a good foundation. A perfect brioche bun. Use quality meat and some good cheese and you’re pretty much done. Everything else is icing on the burger cake,” Blackwell says. “Things like pickled red onions, bacon and a fried egg usually make me smile a little extra.” Blackwell is ready to hold the second Sacramento Burger Battle at Raley Field on Sept. 18, putting a fierce competition behind a classic American meal. Burger Battle features all the burger samples you can eat, desserts, beer from local breweries and live music. And don’t worry about the calories; it’s all for a good cause. All proceeds from the event will be donated to Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America. “At the burger battle, you can do a side-by-side comparison, talk it over with your friends (who doesn’t love a good burger debate) and then cast your vote for your favorite,” explains Blackwell. The cook-off event will feature chefs from 15 local restaurants who will fight head-to-head to grill up the best tasting burger in town. Those restaurants include Bacon and Butter, de Vere’s, Broderick, Willies, Relish Burger Bar, Formoli’s Bistro, Hawks Restaurant, The Chef’s Table, Krush Burger, Ettore’s, Ten22, The Eatery, Papa Dale’s Drivin’ Diner, Roxy and Capitol Garage. The highly coveted championship belt will be awarded by an esteemed panel of judges, but the "People's Choice" category will be up to Burger Battle attendees to decide. “That’s the coolest thing about this event: you have a bunch of chefs that are trying to make something simple at a really high level. Every burger is going to be good at a minimum and most are great,” says Jess Milbourn, competing burger chef from The Eatery. But how is it even possible to rate different cheeseburgers? What would make a burger better than all the rest? Submerge caught up with a few of the competing Burger Battle chefs to find out how the best burger is made. While most chefs agreed on quality meat and freshly baked buns, they all had different opinions on special toppings, such as the addition of bacon, butter or aioli. We asked them for tips on how to make the best burger, the ingredients that go above and beyond a typical burger and what burger they would personally prefer to order. Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

t Keith Breedlove

Papa Dale’s Drivin’ Diner and Papa Dale’s Starlite Diner

Tips on how to make the best burger? Use quality ingredients that have a great flavor of their own. Meat that has rich flavor, enough fat to keep it moist and good bread.

What are the special ingredients that make a burger go above and beyond the typical burger? Flavorful sauce. Keith What is your favorite burger to order? Bacon and blue cheese burger.

Breedlove's Favorite Burger: Bacon & Blue Cheese Burger

Raphael Kendall

Davin Vculek

Tips on how to make the best burger? Keep it simple and let the burger stand out. Season the meat and pair with toppings that accent the seasoned burger.

Tips on how to make the best burger? Davin Vculek's best Use fresh, highburger tip: quality ingredients, Don't overseason and sear the complicate patty well during your toppings. cooking, don’t over-complicate your toppings as this will take away from your great burger base (beef and bun).

Capitol Garage

What are the special ingredients that make a burger go above and beyond the typical burger? Bacon and cheese are the most popular added special ingredients, but if you make a nice aioli, you can really bring it together. What is your favorite burger to order? Veggie burger. I am a vegan!

Raphael Kendall's Favorite Burger:


I'm a vegan!

Krush Burger

What are the special ingredients that make a burger go above and beyond the typical burger? Fresh, never-frozen ground beef and freshly baked buns are absolute necessities to a great burger. What is your favorite burger to order? I most often order a regular cheeseburger. I’m a pretty simple guy when it comes to burgers.

s l a i c e p s weekly MondayS 5pm-12am Monday RhuM d ay featuring unique rum cocktail specials

thuRSdayS 10pm-12am Cl own ShoeS (service industry night)

half off everything from the bar Jay Veregge

Pedro Depina

Jess Milbourn

Tips on how to make the best burger? Good beef, fresh ground, add butter!

Tips on how to make the best burger? Home made bun. Find the best ground meat possible, wood smoked.

Tips on how to make the best burger? Jess Milbourn's High heat, use a best-burger griddle to get a tip: really nice “crust” to on the burger. After get a really cooking, let the nice 'crust' on meat rest. A really the burger great burger gets cooked like a steak. This lets the juices set up in the meat and keeps all the yumminess in the burger and not dripping all over your hands and plate. Salt and pepper, season and let the salt absorb into meat before cooking.


Jay Veregge's best burger tip:



What are the special ingredients that make a burger go above and beyond the typical burger? The sauce and onions.


What are the special Pedro ingredients that make Depina's a burger go above and favorite beyond the typical special burger? ingredient: Bacon. Making a bacon and cheddar cheese in the bun for the competition. We went with that bun last year and I think we are going to do it again.


What is your favorite burger to order? I had a burger at the Goose and Gander in Napa with bone marrow, and it was really good. It has bone marrow in it, and it was delicious.

The Eatery

Use a griddle

What are the special ingredients that make a burger go above and beyond the typical burger?
 Great bun and fresh, quality meat. There are an infinite amount of sauces, produce, garnish, cheeses, etc., but if you don’t have a great bun and burger everything else just gets lost.

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SeCond SatuRdayS SeC ond Sat uR d ay Sel l out S !

back bar open and highlighting a featured brand mento a r c a s t e e 2718 J str 5 7 916.706.22

Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013


Q&A with Rodney Blackwell founder of Sacramento Burger Battle AND How did you get started reviewing burgers? I got started reviewing burgers mainly as a way of documenting all the great burgers I’ve been eating and taking pictures of. I had the idea for a burger review site years ago, but didn’t actually launch it until I started getting more into food photography. As I started sharing more photos on social media and getting feedback, I thought it’d be a good idea to start putting some words with the pictures. You have eaten many burgers in your day, but where do you order your favorite burger? I get asked the “favorite burger” question a lot, and it’s such a challenging one to answer since everyone has different burger tastes. I usually ask the person asking what their favorite burger is and try to suggest my favorite burger in that “category.” A few of my favorites in Sacramento include the burgers at Bacon and Butter, de Vere’s, Golden Bear and a recent favorite is the 50/50 (50 percent bacon/50 percent beef) burger at 58 Degrees and Holding. Being a burger expert, how do you order your burgers? Rare, medium or well done? Burger confession here. Probably about 10 years ago, I thought well done or medium well was how beef was supposed to be cooked. After a few funny looks at nice restaurants, I finally learned that you basically lose all the actual beef flavor when beef is cooked that much. Once I had


Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013

my first medium rare steak at a decent steakhouse, I was hooked. Now all my burgers are ordered medium-rare if I have a say in it. For burger reviews, you don’t just stick to Sacramento. How many cities have you traveled to and eaten a burger? Probably more than a dozen. Whenever I travel I do my burger research beforehand to find the best burgers in the city I’m traveling to. I’ve had notable burgers in Santa Ana, Las Vegas, Orlando, New Orleans, Ft. Worth, San Francisco, Portland, etc. Is it hard to compare a fast food burger with a restaurant burger, even with your Burger Junkies rating? When I review burgers, I put them in categories like “Fast Food Burger,” “Restaurant Burger,” “Fancy Burger” and “Burger Joint Burger,” which helps to keep the comparables more relevant. I think my Burger Junkies rating scale helps to keep it as scientific as possible.

Raley Field in West Sacramento will host this year’s Sacramento Burger Battle on Sept. 18. The charity cook-off will satisfy your palate, but will also make you feel like a better person because all your gluttony will be for a great cause. Tickets can be purchased through Sacburgerbattle. com. Please note, this is a 21-andover event. For more info on the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America, go to

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

Ace of spAdes concerts p r e s e n t s At

the BoArdwAlk

ALL SHOWS ALL AGES The TickeTs AvAilAble @ Dimple RecoRDs, ARmADillo(DAvis),,,, boARDwAlk box office,, 1.877.GND.cTRl oR 916.443.9202

T h e b o A R D wA l k

friday, sept 6

T h e b o A R D wA l k

lions lions • indirections

CD Release show

friday, oct 18

Fallujah • liFeForms • soma ras Gary Busey amBer alert awaitinG the apocalypse

saturday, oct 5

our endless oBsession • maid oF the mist deFy the odds • incrediBle me

T h e b o A R D wA l k

with wolves

T h e b o A R D wA l k

T h e b o A R D wA l k

9 4 2 6 G r e e n bac k • O r a n G e va l e

saturday, oct 19

T h e b o A R D wA l k

T h e b o A R D wA l k

T h e b o A R D wA l k

wednesday, sept 18

BefoRe You fall

friday, sept 20

friday, oct 11

wednesday, oct 30

Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013


Just Can’t Wait to Get on the Road Again

Dead Winter Carpenters show persistence and touring pays off Words Robin Bacior Photo Ryan Salm



ith any musician’s path, the road is always subjective. These days, more and more musicians holding down day jobs or stretched too thin with the multi-tasking whirlwind of DIY music are turning to the Internet and its boundless connections to gain their audience and expose their songs. That’s one path. But another is the old fashioned way: the wanderlust, rambling, troubadour adventure. The tour-til-you-drop. Sure it’s exhausting and labor-intensive and involves a lot of sleeping on floors and foreign beds, but rather than hoping the Internet will carry your message to unknown listeners, you go straight to the source.

Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013

“I think there are a couple ways to go about it,” said Jesse Dunn, vocalist and guitarist of Dead Winter Carpenters, the Tahoe-based Americana outfit that’s been picking up attention through touring. “Get your music out there in recorded format and spread it through social media—or there’s the touring route, and we tried to start it off touring hard… We’re going for the more grassroots approach; just get out there and play and get in front of as many people as possible. Gotta get the word of mouth going beside the social media.” It’s always a gamble, but in the case of Dead Winter Carpenters, touring consistently seems to be working. When I was asked by my editor to interview DWC,

I was already familiar with them, having seen their performance while covering last year’s High Sierra Music Festival. Later that evening I asked my boyfriend if he remembered the show, and he held up his water bottle, which had a big DWC sticker, red and blue with antlers. “Our style of music plays well to the outdoor festival crowd. It’s a pretty upbeat, high energy atmosphere,” Dunn said. “Kind of what we thrive in, especially in the mountain communities where we really feel at home. We’re really looking forward to this festival this weekend out here in Missoula.” While we talked, DWC was up in Missoula, Mont., sitting in the smoky haze flooding the downtown [Missoula] Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

from nearby forest fires. The band was DWC recently finished recording a gearing up for the outdoor River City Roots new EP. The three-song EP (yet to be Festival that weekend. The group is on titled) spans old rowdy country to male/ the road for the next few weeks, bouncing female duets to a pirate-ship shanty tune. back and forth between the Northwest It’s still in its raw, recently recorded form, and California, including dates at the but they’ll be mixing and mastering it over American River Festival in Coloma, Calif. the last months of summer, and DWC is “The whole downtown—it’s crazy—a aiming to release it by mid-October. This cloud of smoke has settled over. It’s pretty release will be the first installment of a wild looking,” Dunn said. string of EPs. DWC is hoping to put out a From the start, DWC has been new EP every few months. consistently on the road. The group “We’re excited about getting these officially formed in March 2010 in the EPs out, and want to see where that North Shore of Lake Tahoe. The name leads us,” Dunn said. “We went with Dead Winter Carpenters comes from something that’s a little more creative Tahoe folklore involving a story of a and a way to get the music out more often few carpenters working on the railroad than just doing a straight up album, and by Donner Lake and running into some see how that goes. I think it’s gonna be a trouble with a party of travelers, which good thing.” turned into a bit of a gruesome end. The There will be a cohesive nature to project started as a casual few shows the project, but DWC is brainstorming on around the Tahoe area (specifically at their the trajectory. home base, the Crystal Bay Club), and “We’re trying to shoot around ideas quickly picked up for that whole release “We went with something steam, becoming program,” Dunn said. that’s a little more creative the main focus for “We’re working on an and a way to get the music each member. overall picture and out more often than just “[It was] a scheme for names of doing a straight up album, project to pick up all of them. We haven’t and see how that goes, some gigs and settled on anything I think it’s gonna be a have some fun, and yet, but we’re going good thing.” it evolved from to try to put some sort – Jesse Dunn, of common thread there into our main Dead Winter Carpenters, between.” concentration, and on his band’s upcoming EP we’ve been going While they’re strong ever since,” figuring out their Dunn said. process, DWC will still be playing live. As Each of the five members (Dunn, for their next run through Sacramento, Jenni Charles, Dave Lockhart, Bryan they’re hoping to return in November. If Daines and Brian Huston) brought their not then, they’ll surely be through again own influences to the table, such as soon,; there are no plans to slow down New Grass Revival, Old Crow Medicine their touring speed. Although each Show and the almighty Neil Young, and musician has their own method, be it from that formed their own Americana endless touring or endless press, there are style. They blend elements of blue grass a few objective and important tips to go by. fiddle shredding with country vocal “Stay creative, keep putting out new inflections, bright guitar chords and music and don’t get stagnant,” Dunn chugging snare, held together with the said. “Try not to get frustrated, because communal feel of alternating male and it can be fairly frustrating; the whole female vocals and sing-along harmonies. process, really.” They have that special quality of creating Shortly after Dunn offered that an atmosphere, a fun one. They’ve had honest token of advice, we thanked one success at festivals like High Sierra Music another for the time and both hung up; Festival, Strawberry Music Festival, Dunn disappeared into the tour ether, the Joshua Tree Roots Festival and Yarmony smoky Missoula streets, and DWC’s own Grass, to name a few. They also put a special road. bit of energy into their message as well. Dead Winter Carpenters will DWC describes their sound as reflecting play day two of the American the American West. River Music Festival on Sept. 15. For a full lineup of the two“To me I think it relies strongly day event, and for ticket and on songwriting and storytelling, that campground information, go to For more kind of troubadour aspect of the whole info on Dead Winter Carpenters, thing, relaying stories from generation to check out their website, generation,” Dunn said.

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f R i dAy

September 20

September 11

SAT u R dAy PlAyAH K


SAT u R dAy T h u R S dAy

September 5

September 28

September 21

rioTMAker • boSS 501 AnotHer dAmn disAPPointment

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AmericAz most HAunted

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September 25

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September 19

Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013

f R i dAy

October 3

September 26

September 27

f R i dAy

October 4

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

The ATTAck • kill The PrecedenT The SecreTionS • Avenue SAinTS

SAT u R dAy

October 5

November 14

T h u R S dAy lil biT • MArk SniPeS

f R i dAy

October 18

MATT w. gAge • SAve & conTinue

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October 25

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November 30


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October 11

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October 19

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October 26 S u N dAy

december 8

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SAT u R dAy

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November 11

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Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013


Sacramento’s Incredible Me Take It To the Next Level Words Daniel Taylor photo Allen Daniel


eing that it’s still only 2013, calling your debut record Est. 2012 could be construed as hubris, especially from a band with a name like Incredible Me; especially if you’re a band named Incredible Me who signed a record deal before even playing your first show. But after a few listens to the equal parts hard-hitting and soulfully melodic tracks that make up the Sacramento sextet’s first full-length release, and after chatting with charismatic drummer/ programmer Jaime Templeton, it becomes clear that Incredible Me don’t have a boastful bone in their bodies. Rather, the band are genuinely aw-shucks happy that their peculiar amalgam of happy, heartfelt and occasionally pretty damn heavy music—set to be unleashed worldwide with the release of Est. 2012 Sept. 17 through Razor and Tie/Artery Recordings and a pair of nation-crossing tours to go along with it—is allowing them to live the dream of being a full-time, touring rock band. As one might surmise from the title of their record, Incredible Me was indeed officially formed in 2012. The band members’ collective ties, however, go back through years of friendship and experience in their own various and ill-fated earlier bands. By way of a spotty cell phone connection, Templeton traces Incredible Me’s origins to a casual text message between him and Incredible Me heavy vocalist David Jones. “We’d all been in different bands; my band had moved to Orange County and David, his band had just broken up a few months before. I had never really been in a hardcore band, and I texted David


and asked him what he was doing for music,” says Templeton. “I asked him if he wanted to start a band, we thought of a name and started writing lyrics.” Looking to avoid the pitfalls of their past groups, the members of the nascent Incredible Me were selective about filling out the rest of their lineup. “We wanted to be really serious about it, so we tried to find really good friends that we could have in the band but people who were also really trustworthy people,” says Templeton. After replacing an original guitar player with guitarist Lexie Olsen, the current lineup of Incredible Me— including bassist/vocalist Alex Strobaugh, keyvboardist/ vocalist Dillon Jones and guitarist Christian Shroyer—was set, and the band wasted no time writing and demoing more songs. Right away, says Templeton, it was obvious that there was something special about Incredible Me. “From the beginning, writing our first song and putting it out, it just felt crazy; it was exactly what I wanted. From the moment I started the band with David, things just felt right. It just felt like something would happen, you know?” And something did indeed

Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

"From the beginning, writing our first song and putting it out, it just felt crazy; it was exactly what I wanted." — Jaime Templeton, Incredible Me happen. After demoing with producer Colby Wedgeworth (who also handled the production on Est. 2012), the band attracted the attention of several management companies, on the strength of just two songs, all without having played a live show. After one deal fell through, the band was swooped up by Sacramentobased The Artery Foundation. “Artery picked us up as management, and we recorded the rest of the album. And then right when the album was done, we got picked up by the record label. And then we thought we’d be waiting for a while, but then we got booked on these two tours. It feels like every month something huge has happened.” The aforementioned tours, the band’s first forays outside their home state, include a three-week trek in September with a Canadian band, We Butter the Bread with Butter, that stretches from the East Coast back to California, and joining up for the tail end of The Rise Up Tour in October with fellow Artery Foundation bands A Skylit Drive and For All Those Sleeping. “We’re definitely excited to leave. None of us have ever toured,” says Templeton. The tour schedule coincides with the release of Est. 2012 on Sept. 17, which according to Templeton was originally just supposed to be an EP. But fitting with the band’s accelerated pace, after recording several more songs with producer Wedgeworth for an EP, the band was greenlighted to keep pushing ahead and record a full-fledged album, a process that, in keeping with the band’s equally impressive positive outlook, Templeton describes as “super fun.” This overwhelmingly upbeat attitude is somewhat belied by the brutal moments that appear on Est. 2012, which features no shortage of screamed vocals, metallic riffs and heavy moments peppered in between melodic passages that recall Panic! at the Disco and other melismatic, vocally driven emo pop bands. But where, exactly, this combination places Incredible Me on the genre spectrum is sort of a stumper, even for the band members themselves. “That’s a hard one for us,” laughs Templeton when asked to classify his band’s music. “If you had to put it together, the whole album, we say post-hardcore, but super pop-y. We do scream, and there’s a few breakdowns on the album, but we try to be pop-y. None of our music is really sad or depressing;

we’re not a band who’s dark or eerie. We’re trying to be different, but really we’re just trying to be who we are. We’re bright, happy, fun people. “We’re all a bunch of clowns,” he continues. “If you were to hang out with my band for a couple of days you would think you’re in the show Jackass. We’re probably the happiest kids around. We try to express that in our music and be super outgoing. We don’t want to be like most bands, where you’re down; all the bands who are like hardcore…” says Templeton in a way that makes it clear that both he, and his bandmates have heard their fair share of criticism for venturing down what is a somewhat well-worn path in the current music landscape. “…Any band who sings and screams is gonna get that. You’ll get haters on YouTube ‘Oh just another generic band.’” But he’s eager for those who may doubt the band’s sincerity—and there are definitely a few—to hear Est. 2012, and see for themselves the band’s sincerity live on one of their upcoming tours. Also set to coincide with the release of Est. 2012, the band is currently at work on their first music video, the plotline of which Templeton was apparently not at liberty to discuss. “I can say the video is going to be amazing, and crazy,” was all he was willing to disclose. “It’s going to be basically my band in a nutshell. We’re all really crazy people, and we want to express it as much as we can. The video is gonna show us going all out, doing what we do.” Doing what they do has already gained a loyal following in and around their hometown of Sacramento, but Templeton and the rest of the Incredible Me crew are looking forward to playing for some new faces on tour, road testing a live show that Templeton describes as “energetic. We want to interact with the crowd.” Templeton in particular is known for his own trademark brand of “interaction” with crowds at Incredible Me shows. “I play every show in my underwear,” he admits. “We just try to be ourselves.” And when you’re incredible, being yourself is really all it takes.







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FREE: lecture based on his new book, “Culture of Cruelty: How America’s Elite Demonize the Poor, Valorize the Rich and Jeopardize the Future” on how class comes into play in our society and ways racism, white privilege and class privilege were all part of the original framing of the Constitution and subsequent amendments and rulings

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MICHAEL FRANTI AND SPEARHEAD THUR • OCT 10 • 7:30P • UNIVERSITY UNION BALLROOM concert, plus special opening guest Ethan Tucker, in support of the All People Fall Tour, University Union Ballroom, 7 pm. Tickets are $12 for Sac State students / $22.50 for General. Tickets available at

Incredible Me's Est. 2012 will be released Sept. 17. You'll be able to see the band live when they play The Boardwalk with We Butter the Bread with Butter on Sept. 18. To learn more about the band, check them out at incrediblemeband.




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Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013


Familiar Places and Faces

Local director Elisabeth Nunziato steals time away from her busy schedule to complete feature film Stolen Moments Words James Barone


acramentans will find a lot of familiar places in Stolen Moments, a new film from director Elisabeth Nunziato and screenwriter Maurice Robie. Settings include the Tower Bridge, The Torch Club and Kasbah Lounge. But more than just familiar sights, people who call just about any city or town home will find something familiar in the story of this film, which focuses on a love triangle between its three principle characters—a man and two women who are grown up, but have not quite achieved adulthood. Nunziato, a founding member of B Street Theatre, says she was aware of Robie’s script for Stolen Moments for years and would often “pester him” as to what was going on with it. Though it wasn’t her intent to direct a feature film, she eventually convinced him to let her assemble a few actors to read through it. “Finally, a couple of years ago, I said, ‘Listen, you don’t have to feel like it’s done or that you want to produce it right now, but let’s do this…let me put some actors together,’” Nunziato says. “Getting that stuff off the page and coming out of somebody’s mouth is a big stage of the game, and it’s an important step. You can’t get past a certain point until you put voices on it. It wasn’t like we said, ‘Hey, let’s make a movie.’ We just wanted to hear the thing, which is what I do for a lot of people.” The urge to start shooting surfaced when Danielle Moné Truitt (Erin) and Brittni Barger (Elisabeth) were brought in to read. Nunziato says that Truitt’s tougher take on Erin, “the good girl” in

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Stolen Moments, “really clicked.” “Whenever we would read them, those scenes were very sweet, but she was pissed. She was not taking any crap from this guy,” Nunziato says of Truitt, whom she calls “the actor I want to be.” “So even where it may have been in the subtext but not in the surface text, she would attack, and it was like, ‘Oh, there’s this other stuff going on here. It’s not just good girl/bad girl,’” Nunziato explains. Barger, who plays the free-spirited “bad girl” Elisabeth, brought an appropriate, wild energy to the role Robie had written, taking what was on the page and expanding upon it. “[Barger] did an enormous amount of improvisation, so a lot of the crazy hooks and handles that would come out of her mouth, that was just her,” Nunziato says. “We would leave these holes in the text for her, and we would tell her to fill them with those magical nuggets, and every time she would say something quirky or startling. That was very much coming from Brittni.” Improvisation played a big part in the production of Stolen Moments. Nunziato says that Robie was often onset and supportive of the actors not sticking solely to his script. “He was always interested in what the actors would do,” she says. Stolen Moments revolves around Eric (played by Anthony D’Juan), a hardworking, dedicated young man who’s down on his



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2 dRInk mInImum 2100 Arden Way 916.925.5500 Sacramento


Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013

luck in a tough economy. When we meet him, he is working at an employment office that seems more geared toward making money for Eric’s boss Clayton (Dave Pierini) than helping put people in need back to work. D’Juan was a part of Stolen Moments since the beginning of the project, and Nunziato says she’s worked with the actor on occasion in the past. “I had met Anthony many, many years ago when he was just a writer,” she says. “I don’t think he wanted to act, particularly, but he fell into it and people would just give him jobs. He’s still writing and will insist to this day that he’s not an actor. I’ve worked with him in theater and on camera for last couple of years, and he’ll still insist to this day that he’s not an actor, which I find very funny.” Nunziato jokes, “He’s totally in denial.” Even with the core of the cast set, the director says it was still not her intent to make a feature film. In fact, she says she wasn’t necessarily set to direct Stolen Moments until the first day of shooting began. “I wasn’t thinking it would lead to anything else, really, but there was this chemistry going on, and then we decided to just shoot a scene,” Nunziato says of how the project jumped from page to film. “We started with the Kasbah, and everyone was awesome. And once you’ve done that, it’s kind of like falling off the wagon. You’ve started shooting, you’ve seen these characters, what you’ve done is

WhiMSiCAl UniveRSe• Sept 3 - 28

Preview Thursday

(Meet the Artists)

Sculpture by Molly Brown Paintings by Rachel Smith

Sept 12 6-9pm

2nd Saturday Artists Reception Sept 14 9am-10pm CAST Tour


Sept 14 & 15

LittLe ReLics Boutique & Galleria 908 21st Street (between I & J) Midtown, Sacramento 95811


Closed Sunday

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

pretty, you get attached to it and pretty soon we were in it for the long haul. Once we got a few scenes done it was like, well, we can’t stop now.” From there, Nunziato and her crew (director of photography Mike Malmberg; his wife, Lynn; and Nunziato’s husband, Jason Kuykendall, who wore many hats and also starred in the film as Elisabeth’s strangely estranged husband Whitey) surged forth to complete Stolen Moments whenever time allowed. Without going through a pre-production process, Nunziato says the film crew was doing pre- and post-production work while they were creating. It was an arduous process that caused her and her team to live with a “low-grade anxiety” over the past couple of years of shooting. “All the marriages are doing well,” she is happy to report. “All the friendships are intact, which is even more amazing. People’s relationships explode under this kind of pressure, with no budget to speak of and everyone is wearing so many hats. The expectations are never quite clear, but this was hands-down a miracle process… We gained respect for each other, and affection, which is not always the case.” The finished product, which Nunziato and crew were still working on at the time of our interview, will make its debut as part of the Sacramento Film and Music Festival at the Crest Theatre on Sept. 11. However, Submerge was allowed the opportunity to view the film in its current state. The first thing that may jump out at you about Stolen Moments is its warm, intimate cinematography, courtesy of Mike Malmberg. Familiar Sacramento locations, such as the aforementioned Tower Bridge, are painted in a romantic, iconic light. Though it seems firmly tied to its location, Stolen Moments is really a story that could happen anywhere. Eric is swept up into a relationship with Elisabeth, a hard-drinking sort of manic pixie dream girl who steals his heart. Despite some rocky moments—and that she’s technically

I wasn’t thinking it would lead to anything else, really, but there was this chemistry going on, and then we decided to just shoot a scene. We started with the Kasbah, and everyone was awesome. And once you’ve done that, it’s kind of like falling off the wagon. You’ve started shooting, you’ve seen these characters, what you’ve done is pretty, you get attached to it and pretty soon we were in it for the long haul. Once we got a few scenes done it was like, well, we can’t stop now.” – Elisabeth Nunziato, director of Stolen Moments still married to an obsessed man—the two form a strong bond that weathers a few storms. Erin is on the outside looking in. She’s Elisabeth’s co-worker and a popular local singer who’s gaining a following. She has feelings for Eric but is blocked by his relationship with Elisabeth. When Elisabeth simply disappears one day, Erin first helps Eric try to find her but, eventually, the two strike up a relationship of their own. Erin is attentive, loving and seemingly perfect, but is it enough to win Eric away from his memories of his time with Elisabeth? Outside of his personal life, Eric also struggles with his relationship with his boss Clayton, who is an intriguing paternal figure in the film. Though there is an odd affection between the two men, it’s a conflicted one as Clayton’s shady business dealings and devil-may-care attitude play foil to his genuine respect for Eric—sort of a mirror for the protagonist’s romantic relationship with Elisabeth. Stolen Moments is a succinct portrait of life in America’s current social and economic landscape. It paints a sublime picture of the prolonged adolescence that seems to be the norm for our nation’s twenty-somethings. The film benefits from a solid cast. D’Juan is an affable and sympathetic leading man, while Barger’s over-the-top antics serve

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Theatre on Sept. 11 at 8 p.m. For a full list of festival events, which run through Sept. 15, check out Sacfilm. com, and to learn more about Stolen Moments, go to the film’s official Facebook page ( stolenmomentsmovie).

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as a wonderful counterpoint to his laid-back demeanor. Truitt really turns heads with a layered performance, proving to be a potent dual-threat singer/actor. Pierini and Kuykendall chip in welcome humorous moments in supporting roles. And though it’s true that this story could happen in Anytown, U.S.A., Sacramento is one of Stolen Moments’ most striking stars. Shedding its “cow town” misconception, the city is portrayed as a vibrantly hip and tight-knit metropolis full of noteworthy landmarks. “These locations we ended up using were pretty iconic in my personal life,” Nunziato says of the film’s backdrops. “A lot of them came from the writer, but it just so happened I had this personal relationship with Kasbah… and the Torch Club at Stolen Moments is an official different stages of my opening night selection of the Sacramento Film and Music Festival. growing up. That’s where I You can see its premiere at the Crest did some of that.”

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Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013


Michael Hargis

3, 2, 1… Blast off

Charting the Meteoric Rise of Sacramento’s LAUNCH Festival Words Lovelle Harris Photos Raoul Ortega







unleashed their brand of electronicaimbued funk on the masses at Cesar Chavez Plaza last year, it was like a

shockwave of electrofunk energy surged through the crowd, sending thousands into a music-induced trance as the hoard heaved in time with the synthladen beats. It was at that moment that Sacramento’s LAUNCH Music Festival appeared poised to join the music festival glitterati. And now, after five years on the summer music festival circuit, the little festival that could appears ready to take on the mainstream. “The basic ethos [of LAUNCH] is celebrating the

overlaps of art, architecture, fashion, music—music really being the backdrop of it all—and celebrating the creative culture,” says LAUNCH founder Michael Hargis. “And really, since we’ve grown into this, it’s really about creating a culture that keeps the local creators here in Sacramento.” Hargis says LAUNCH was born out of a passion for all things creative and a commitment to expanding the reach of the Sacramento brand. Through his experience as an architect and fascination with the entirety of the local creative culture, Hargis’ “Why not here?” mentality is what inspired him to bring a little bit of the Coachella magic, a source of his inspiration for LAUNCH, back to Sacramento. With major buzz surrounding the event, LAUNCH has also become a major talent magnet, bringing in acts that are blowing up on the national and inter-


Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

booking the bands. Rushing says the

flying in Van She from Australia to complement

process of developing the lineup was

this year’s already stellar lineup, which includes

like assembling a dream list of acts.

“This year…bands started coming to us,” says Greg Patterson, one of the LAUNCH partners and co-founder of the ticketing and concert logistics

and kind of put together a bunch of acts that we’d like to see,” Rushing explains. “LAUNCH has a certain demographic and

company Ground(ctrl). “So, Blonde Redhead is a

art about it that Michael really wants to

prime example of where, it’s a band that I wouldn’t

bring across, so it started as more of an

even have thought that we could have gotten, but

electronic and art festival and it’s kind

their agent reached out to us.”

of evolved a little bit, but [we’re] still

“This is the top agent, the owner of The Windish Agency, which is one of the biggest independent booking agencies,” Hargis adds. “He’s the

ners involved in the festival.”

he] reached out to us, and that’s kind of a big deal.” In just five short years, LAUNCH has grown



of-town bands ripped through the Green Hotel enclave, including L.A. Riots, Wallpaper and Dances With White Girls.


asset to the LAUNCH team, handling some of the other logistical details like

local creative types to a few hundred attendees, to

ticket sales, website design and helping

a multi-day, multi-venue collaboration of local and

the LAUNCH team realize their staggering

international artists exposing their talents to a few

vision to transform the park into something

thousand voracious music, art, fashion and design

that would top last year’s staging.

enthusiasts. Proving that last year’s surging

“You’re not going to believe you’re in Cesar

crowds wasn’t a fluke, Patterson says this year’s

Chavez Park,” says Patterson. “You’re not going

event is on track to sell as many tickets as it did

to believe what you’re going to witness. It is

last year. And with a budget in the high six-figures,

going to be freaking incredible.”

Riding the wave of success from 2012’s behemoth of an event, after which the festival was

From its humble beginnings, including a heavy personal investment from its founders—yes, even Hargis had to dip into his 401(k)

nominated for a 2012 V.I.B.E. (Visionary Innova-

to make it all happen—this year’s party in the

tors in Building Excellence) award by the Down-

park promises to deliver big.

town Sacramento Partnership, the worlds of music,

“I feel like, from my perspective, it grew from

design and fashion blasts off again on Sept. 4. And

a very organic, really small arts and fashion and

its partners are convinced that this year’s festival

music festival into a multi-day, multi-location

will prove that Sacramento can hang with the festi-

festival,” Rushing says. “We have the MARRS location with the kick off on Wednesday, Thurs-

val big boys. With the meteoric rise of the festival, Hargis

day night we have a pre-party at Ace of Spades,

realized that in order to really pull off an event

Friday night we have the fashion show and

that could top last year’s spectacle, a team of local

then Saturday and Sunday we have the big

producers, booking agents and technicians had to

blowout as well, and we have after-parties

be employed. This year, Transmission Events is

planned. It’s one of the biggest things

managing the fencing and some of the other logis-

Sacramento has ever seen when it comes to

tics once managed by Hargis and crew. Eric Rush-

music in the inner city.”

ing, owner of Ace of Spades, took on the role of

So, if you think that you have to caravan down to the dust bowl that is Coachella or jet out to Austin for South by Southwest to see some of the best music acts to hit the scene, then think again, and prepare to unpack your bags, because

Eric Rushing

LAUNCH is about to jump off, again.

Greg Patterson

LAUNCH kicks off Sept. 4 with LAUNCH X MARRS, a free block party at 20th Street between J and K, and features a kickass event every day of the week (LAUNCH X Party Sept. 5, LAUNCH X Fashion Sept. 6) before culminating in LAUNCH x Music at Cesar Chavez Park Sept. 7 and 8. All events are all-ages. For tickets, the full lineup and more info, visit

designs by several local design mavens, including Adrienne Cheng’s Reject Clothing line and the futuristic designs of Van Der Neer, Velvet Leaf and Artifacts.

wonderland, the Greens was transformed into a threestage, mid-century modern homage to Sacramento’s vibrant artistic community. The main stage, poolside deejay station and electro lounge provided bootybumping grooves while the hotel rooms served as vignettes for vendors and artists to showcase their wares and talents. Adam Saake also helped plan the event.

2010 • Invigorated by the success of Launch’s first year on the scene, Hargis set up shop at The Artisan Building, a premier, multi-use facility in Del Paso Heights.

• Live musical performances

from visiting artists included a deejay set by The Faint’s alter ego, Depressed Buttons, out of Omaha, Neb.; Woodhands, an outfit out of Toronto specializing in ambient electro-pop tunes; Oakland’s HOTtub; and Los Angeles’ RESA.

• Bands representing

Sacramento included The Generals; New Humans; Shaun Slaughter’s project, D.A.M.B.; Sea of Bees; DoomBird and Exquisite Corps.

DJ sets throughout the night featured the turntable prowess of Jon Droll, Mike Diamond, Sex and Weight, DJ Whores and John Michael Michaels. continued on page 27

• The fashion set included

• Set up like an interactive

Ground(ctrl) also proved to be a major

from a single-day event exhibiting the talents of

you know this year’s event is going to bring it.

Launch event featured local music heavyweights Sister Crayon, electronica maestro Tycho, family trio Dusty Brown, DJ Mike Diamond and Must.Not.Die.

• A contingent of out-

keeping a lot of the creativity of the festival intact now that there are a lot more part-

owner and the personal contact for that band, [and

• In 2009, the inaugural

“We basically sat on a committee


indie-rock powerhouse Imagine Dragons..



national scene. Case in point: this year, Hargis is


• The runway oozed with

styles from Krazy Mary’s boutique, R. Douglas Custom Clothiers, Van Der Neer, Fringe and YSJ Vintage.

• The spacious venue also

provided ample gallery space to a slew of local and not-so-local artists, photographers, stylists and furniture designers, including Los Angeles-based illustrator, painter and digital artist Brady Tuazon, who also plays in the band RESA; Seattle’s John Horton and Joel Lee; ISO50’s Scott Hansen, aka Tycho; and Sacramento artist Alexa Wolfe.

• Completing the artistic circle, furniture designers David Tracy of Lego, Steve Hamm of Urban Design, Mike Whisten of 12mm Design, Marvin Maldonado of Inform Design, Scott Tiesing of Tiesing Design and Brian Fuller of Brian Fuller Design converged on the scene to display their creations.

Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013


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Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

2011 2011

• After Neon Indian

unexpectedly bowed out of the 2011 Launch lineup, an unfettered Hargis forged on without ruffling a hair on his perfectly coiffed head and invited the reverb-laden Ganglians to join the bill when the festival returned to the Greens Hotel, billed as “Back to the Hotel.” At this point, local promoter Clay Nutting stepped in to help Hargis, and has contributed to the festival ever since.

Music was front and center when Juli Lydell of the Dreaded Diamond opened the annual fete. The robust cast of musicians also included Chain Gang of 1974 (fresh from Lollapalooza), Sister Crayon, Who Cares, Little Foxes, Exquisite Corps, Favors, Evrika, Sam I Jam, Adam J and Taylor Cho.


shenanigans cooled down party-revelers and bathing beauties chilled out poolside while soaking in DJ sets by Mike Diamond, My Cousin Vinny and Jon Droll.

• Local vintage virtuosos

Citizen Rosebud and Fringe boutique joined furniture designers Reclamation Art + Furniture and Tiesing Design.

• The ultimate


• In its fourth year, the Launch

• Swimming-pool

organizers unleashed a fury of events on the Sacramento scene by busting out the heavy guns and showcasing a selected discipline at different locations throughout the grid, concluding with an all-day music festival for its 2012 extravaganza.

• One of the festival’s

highlights included a raucous performance by King Tuff at Harlow’s, with equally engaging performances by rockers Jaill and the Coathangers.

• The festival kicked off at

Hot Italian with a pop-up shop by Model Citizens NYC, an independent collection of furniture and industrial designers. The crew over at Bows and Arrows then commandeered the reins with a screening of three independent silent films with original scores performed by live musicians.

block party at the MARRS building block erupted as Exquisite Corps set the corridor on fire with a free album-release party. Local architectural group SacDigiFab, longtime partners and collaborators with the Launch squad, created interactive installations constructed out of recycled cardboard that littered the street. The brew team at Ruhstaller was also on hand.


• The festival’s finale, at its

new home in Cesar Chavez Plaza, brought the crowd of nearly 6,000 to its collective feet as Chromeo, Grouplove, Chk Chk Chk (!!!), DJ Shadow and others performed throughout the day.

Call Us (916) 441-3803 or email Us Today! Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013



904 15th Street 443.2797 Between I & J • Downtown Sacramento


Sept. 3 - 15



Quinn Hedges 5:30PM

Lew Fratis

sPeciaL guest jr. Morrow 9PM

acoustic oPen Mic 5:30PM



stacie eakes

& tHe suPerFreakes 9PM















X trio 5PM

diPPin sauce

9PM PaiLer & Fratis 5:30PM

kaye BoHLer BLues Band 9PM


Bar 101 Karaoke, 7:30 p.m.

Sept. 2 – 16 use a qr scanner on your smart phone to view calendar online

5:30 p.m. LowBrau Le Twist Launch Week Edition w/ Dusty Brown, G. Green, Vince Andreoni, Young Aundee, Mike C., Sam I Jam, Adam J, Taylor Cho, Roger Carpio, 9 p.m.


Luigi’s Fungarden Rakehell, Go Pills, 8 p.m.

The Boxing Donkey Open Mic Variety Night, 8 p.m.

Pine Cove Open Mic Night, 9 p.m.

Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m.

Powerhouse Pub College Night w/ DJ Rigatony, DJ Alazzawi, 10:30 p.m.


Fox & Goose Open Mic Night, 7:30 p.m.

Marilyn’s GSET: Classic Rock and Blues Review, 7:30 p.m. Old Ironsides Karaoke, 9 p.m.

Press Club FFFreak! w/ CrookOne, Ben Johnson, Boogalicious, 9:30 p.m.

edward Herda 5:30PM

Luna’s Cafe Nebraska Mondays hosted by Ross Hammond, 7:30 p.m.

w/ HarLiss sweetwater 9PM

Marilyn’s Karaoke, 8 p.m.

Shine Jazz Jam w/ Jason Galbraith & Guests, 8 p.m.

Old Ironsides Heath Williamson & Friends, 5 p.m.

T2 Nightclub & Lounge Karaoke, 9 p.m.

Powerhouse Pub Karaoke, 9 p.m.

Toby Keith’s Open Mic Night, 7 p.m.

Sol Collective Microphone Mondays, 8 p.m.

Torch Club Quinn Hedges, 5:30 p.m.; Lew Fratis, Jr. Morrow, 9 p.m.

diPPin sauce BLues jaM 4PM

LeLand sundries Band 8PM ken Burnett 5:30PM

deBut tuesdays Music sHowcase caLdecott, igneous rock, scary LittLe Friends 8PM

acoustic oPen Mic 5:30PM

Peter Petty review 9PM X trio 5PM

jeraMy norris & tHe dangerous Mood 9PM

PaiLer & Fratis 5:30PM


music, comedy & misc. Calendar

karen LoveLy

Ace of Spades Launch KickOff Party w/ Wallpaper, An Angle, Mister Metaphor, 7 p.m.

Swabbies on the River Four Barrel, 3 p.m.

9.03 Tuesday

Bows and Arrows Roses, 2013, Vasas, 8 p.m. Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m. Harlow’s Ottmar Liebert,

9.04 Wednesday

Badlands Trapacana w/ DJ’s Philter, Iron Mike, IMF.Dred, TAMEsta, 10 p.m. Bar 101 Open Mic, 7:30 p.m. Club Car The Double Shots, 7:30 p.m.

The Colony Sneeze Attack!, Lipstick Homicide, Jabber, 7 p.m.

Bisla’s Some Fear None, Race to the Bottom, Once An Empire, 9 p.m.

Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m.

The Blue Lamp The Session, 9 p.m.

Fox & Goose Northern Soul!, 8 p.m. G Street WunderBar Funk Night w/ DJ Larry, 10 p.m. Harlow’s The Lone Bellow, The Wooden Revolt, 7 p.m. Harveys Lake Tahoe Dave Matthews Band, Gary Clark Jr., 7 p.m. Luigi’s Fungarden Boats, Blammos, Bottlenose Koffins, Carbomb Commies, 8 p.m. Marilyn’s Yesterday’s News, Doug Cash, Mike James Hippiefolk, 8 p.m. MARRS Launch Block Party w/ Penguin Prison (DJ Set), The New Division, 8th Grader, Survival Guide, D.A.M.B. w/ The Sacramento Ballet Dancers, 5 p.m.

The Boardwalk Despite the Aftermath, The Big Daddies, Raven Throne, Salythia, Wild Fire, 7 p.m. Bows and Arrows Lonesome Locomotive, Matty Charles, Zedekiah Child, 8 p.m. Center for the Arts Alela Diane, Paige Anderson and the Fearless Kin, 8 p.m. Club Car Songwriters Showcase, 8 p.m. The Coffee Garden Open Mic Night, 8 p.m. District 30 DJ Luigi, 9 p.m. Dive Bar Dueling Pianos, 9 p.m. Fox & Goose Jay Shaner, The Lion & the Wolf, 8 p.m.

Mix DJs Gabe Xavier, DJ Peeti-V, 9 p.m.

Harlow’s The Dodos, Two Sheds, 7 p.m.

Monticello Acoustic Open Mic w/ Jan Peters, 8:30 p.m.

Level Up Lounge Karaoke, 9 p.m.

Old Ironsides Open Mic, 9 p.m.

Marilyn’s Karaoke, 9 p.m.

Parlare Shine w/ DJ Epik, DJ Oasis, DJ Lahn, 9 p.m. Press Club DJ Battle w/ MC Ham vs. DJ Gourmet, 9 p.m. Torch Club Acoustic Open Mic, 5:30 p.m.; Stacie Eakes & the Superfreakes, 9 p.m. University Union Serna Plaza, CSUS Nooner w/ Mystic Roots, Candelaria, 12 p.m.

Mix DJ Eddie Edul, DJ Peeti V, 9 p.m. Old Ironsides Jenn Rogar, 5 p.m. Pine Cove Karaoke, 9 p.m. Press Club No Diggity 90’s Night w/ DJ Meek Da Cat, 9 p.m. R15 Z Rokk, 9 p.m. Sammy’s Rockin’ Island Bar and Grill Rival Sons, 10 p.m.


joHnny guitar knoX 5:30PM


14 SUn



eLectric grease 9PM BLues jaM 4PM

BLack Market iii 8PM


Beach Boys Thunder Valley Casino Resort 8 p.m.

Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013


One-Eyed Reilly Tajlyn

Fox & Goose 9 p.m. Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

Sol Collective The Red Eye Tour w/ Cornerboy P, Fiend4DaMoney, Young Roddy, 8 p.m. Stoney Inn The Chad Bushnell Band, 9 p.m. Swabbies on the River The Sandbaggers, 6:30 p.m. Thunder Valley Casino Resort Sammy Hagar, Rival Sons, 7 p.m. Toby Keith’s Hero’s Last Mission, 8:30 p.m. Torch Club X Trio, 5 p.m.; Dippin Sauce, 9 p.m.

Capitol Garage Dub Culture w/ DK Wokstar, DJ Jaytwo, 10 p.m. Club Car Chelsea Hughes, The Mark Wood Band, Hawk Lane, Tommy Norton’s, Traveling Band, Tyler Davin, 6:30 p.m. The Colony Sad Boy Sinister, Anti-Social, Devil’s Train, Lonely Avenue, Concussion, 8 p.m. District 30 DJ Peeti V, 9 p.m. Fox & Goose Face 4 Radio, The Coffis Bros., 9 p.m.

Old Ironsides William Mylar Hippie Hour, 5 p.m.; Grub Dog and The Amazing Sweethearts, 9 p.m. Old Soul (35th and Broadway) Ross Hammond w/ Dax Compise, Kerry Kashiwagi, Cliff Childers, 7 p.m. The Park Ultra Lounge Sid Vicious, DJ Eddie Edul, 9 p.m. Pine Cove Karaoke, 9 p.m. Press Club DJ Rue, 9 p.m. Red Hawk Casino Cover Me Badd, 9:30 p.m.


Golden Bear DJ Crook, 10 p.m.

Ace of Spades (hed)pe, Metal Maffia, Dedvolt, Dead In Seconds, Zeroclient, 6:30 p.m.

Harveys Lake Tahoe Rival Sons, 10 p.m.

Sophia’s Thai Kitchen Cold Eskimo, The Preservation, Fialta, 9 p.m.

Level Up Lounge Hot Pants w/ DJ Rock Bottom, 9 p.m.

Thunder Valley Casino Resort Beach Boys, 8 p.m.

Marilyn’s Jukebox Johnny, 9 p.m.

Torch Club Pailer & Fratis, 5:30 p.m.; Kaye Bohler Blues Band, 9 p.m.


Bar 101 Denver J Band, Devin Wright, TJ McNulty, 9 p.m. The Blue Lamp Radio Radio 80’s New Wave Dance Party w/ DJ’s Roger Carpio, David X, Bryan Hawk, 9 p.m. The Boardwalk Wilson, The Greenery, The Ongoing Concept, Horseneck, With Wolves, 6:30 p.m.

Haggin Oaks Golf Complex Bryan White, 8 p.m. Harlow’s Tainted Love, 9 p.m.

Midtown BarFly Bastards of Young, Great Apes (Record Release), The New Trust, Sun Valley Gun Club, 8 p.m. Mix DJ Mike Moss, 9 p.m. Monticello Bob Wren, 5:30 p.m.

Sammy’s Rockin’ Island Bar and Grill Total Recall, 10 p.m. Shine Ian Ethan, Adrian Bellue, Justin Lynch, 8 p.m.

Toby Keith’s Elana Jane, 6:30 p.m.; Brodie Stewart Band, 9 p.m.

9.07 Saturday

Bar 101 Brodi Nicholas, 9 p.m. Berryessa Brewing Co. Anniversary Party w/ Miss Lonely Hearts, West Nile Ramblers, Alkali Flats, Bonanza King, 1,000 Years at Sea, 12 p.m. The Blue Lamp Parasites, The Secretions, Flamingo Nosebleed, The Enlows, 8 p.m. The Boardwalk Kayasun, Machine City, Last in Their Class, Hourless Chronicles, 7 p.m. Bows and Arrows BAD Connection, KC and the Cloudy Day, New Fang, Samantha Caylor, 8 p.m. Cache Creek Casino Na Leo, 8 p.m. Capitol Garage Feel Good Saturday’s w/ DJ Epik, 10 p.m.

Cesar Chavez Plaza Launch Music Festival w/ Girl Talk, Rocket From the Crypt, DJ Greg J, Van She, Grieves, Tera Melos, Dredg, Gold Fields, Lemuria, Dessa, Turquoise Jeep, Frank Jordan, Doom Bird, Exquisite Corps, Paper Pistols, Syncro, 12:30 p.m. District 30 Jason Davis, 9 p.m. Fox & Goose One-Eyed Reilly, Tajlyn, 9 p.m. Harlow’s Self (CD Release), Adrian Alan, Kasi Jones, The Sleeprockers, 9 p.m. Harrah’s Lake Tahoe The Zombies, Et Tu Bruce, 7:30 p.m.; DJ Rick Gee, 10:30 p.m.

Pine Cove Karaoke, 9 p.m. Press Club DJ Larry Rodriguez, 9 p.m. Red Hawk Casino Whiskey Dawn, 10 p.m. Sammy’s Rockin’ Island Bar and Grill Axis, 10 p.m. Shine EGG, Tao Jiriki, No Where But Up, 8 p.m. Sophia’s Thai Kitchen Miss Maddy’s F Street Stompers, The Bottom Dwellers, 9 p.m.

KBAR Z Rokk, 9 p.m.

Sunrise MarketPlace Outdoor Pavilion Bachman & Turner, Blue Oyster Cult, 8 p.m.

Level Up Lounge Guest DJs, 9 p.m.

Swabbies on the River Mr. December, 4 p.m.

Luigi’s Fungarden Screaming Queens, Lunchlady, Crude Studs, Jesus Christ Mister, 8 p.m.

Thunder Valley Casino Resort The Brothers Johnson, Midnight Star and Dazz Band with Sinbad, 6:30 p.m.

Marilyn’s Launch After Party: A Tribute to Radiohead w/ Color the Sound, James Cavern, Saint Solitaire and more, 10 p.m.

Torch Club Edward Herda, 5:30 p.m.; Dippin Sauce, Harliss Sweetwater, 9 p.m.

Mix DJ Eddie Edul, 9 p.m.

William Curtis Park Mr. Cooper, Bad Catz, 6 p.m.

Old Ironsides The Lipstick Weekender w/ DJ’s Shaun Slaughter & Roger Carpio, 9:30 p.m.

Toby Keith’s Stan Barrymore, 6:30 p.m.; The Wild West Show, 9 p.m.

Monticello Ken Kemmerling, 6 p.m.

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Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013



Jake Shimabukuro Crest Theatre 7 p.m.



Cache Creek Casino La Red, Los Compas De Mexico, 5 p.m. Capitol Garage Karaoke w/ Jeff Jenkins, 9 p.m. Cesar Chavez Plaza Launch Music Festival w/ Imagine Dragons, Minus the Bear, Shaun Lopez, Blonde Redhead, Washed Out, Cults, Doomtree, Surfer Blood, St. Lucia, P.O.S., Geographer, NO, DLRN, Life In 24 Frames, The Bell Boys, 12:10 p.m.


Crocker Art Museum Natalya Shkoda, 3 p.m. Distillery Karaoke, 8 p.m. District 30 Mike Diamond, My Cousin Vinny, Jurts, DJ Whores, Chrisupreme, Daims, 9:30 p.m. LowBrau Launch After Party w/ Tesla Boy, Night Drive, Contra, Shaun Slaughter, 10 p.m. Luigi’s Fungarden Screaming Queens, Lunchlady, Crude Studs, 7:30 p.m.


Quick and Easy Boys, Phil & The Blanx

Sammy’s Rockin’ Island Bar and Grill Skips Music’s Rockcital, 4 p.m.

Press Club Work Your Soul w/ Andy Garcia, Matt Mora, 9 p.m. Sol Collective Microphone Mondays, 8 p.m.

Swabbies on the River Replica, 3 p.m. Torch Club Blues Jam, 4 p.m.; Leland Sundries Band, 8 p.m.


9.10 Tuesday

Shine Jazz Jam w/ Jason Galbraith & Guests, 8 p.m. T2 Nightclub & Lounge Karaoke, 9 p.m. Toby Keith’s Open Mic Night, 7 p.m. Torch Club Ken Burnett, 5:30 p.m.; Debut Tuesday’s w/ Caldecott, Igneous Rock, Scary Little Friends, 8 p.m.


Ace of Spades MC Rut, New Politics, Lite Brite, 7 p.m. Bows and Arrows Mike Donovan (of Sic Alps), Fine Steps, Tepid Joy, 8 p.m.



The Boxing Donkey Open Mic Variety Night, 8 p.m.

Crest Theatre Jake Shimabukuro, 7 p.m.

Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m.

Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m.

Bar 101 Open Mic, 7:30 p.m.

Fox & Goose Open Mic Night, 7:30 p.m.

Harlow’s The Moondoggies, The Maldives, 7 p.m.

Harlow’s Tab Benoit, 7 p.m.

LowBrau Le Twist w/ Seatraffic, Sam I Jam, Adam J, Taylor Cho, Roger Carpio, 9 p.m.

The Boardwalk Side FX, I-80 Playaz, Sheye T the ConnecT, 7 p.m.

Luna’s Cafe Nebraska Mondays w/ Black Futon, Kerry Kashiwagi, Keith Cary and Tony Passarell Trio, 7:30 p.m.

Marilyn’s GSET: Classic Rock and Blues Review, 7:30 p.m. Old Ironsides Karaoke, 9 p.m.

Marilyn’s Karaoke, 8 p.m. Old Ironsides Heath Williamson & Friends, 5 p.m.

Pine Cove Open Mic Night, 9 p.m.

Powerhouse Pub Karaoke, 9 p.m.

Powerhouse Pub College Night w/ DJ Rigatony, DJ Alazzawi, 10:30 p.m.

Mix DJ Gabe Xavier, 9 p.m.

Harlow’s 8 p.m.


Press Club Sunday Night Soul Party w/ DJ Larry, 9 p.m.

Ace of Spades Adam Ant, Prima Donna, 7:30 p.m.

Club Car The Double Shots, 7:30 p.m. Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m. Fox & Goose Northern Soul!, 8 p.m. G Street WunderBar Funk Night w/ DJ Larry, 10 p.m. Harlow’s Cheryl Wheeler, Kenny White, 5:30 p.m.

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Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013



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Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

Pine Cove Karaoke, 9 p.m. Press Club Blowfly, Get Shot!, KnifeThruHead, Barbarous Cock, 9 p.m. R15 Z Rokk, 9 p.m.


Steel Panther

Aftershock Festival Pre-Party

Ace of Spades 7 p.m.

Stoney Inn The Michael Beck Band, 9:30 p.m. Torch Club X Trio, 5 p.m.; Jeramy Norris & the Dangerous Mood, 9 p.m. Toby Keith’s Playback, 8:30 p.m.


Marilyn’s Whomp Whomp Wednesday’s w/ 5th Bar Drop, Funk Advisor, Vik Rokit, 9 p.m. Mix DJs Gabe Xavier, DJ Peeti-V, 9 p.m. Monticello Acoustic Open Mic w/ Jan Peters, 8:30 p.m. Old Ironsides West Coast Fury, Summit, Sans Sobriety, 9 p.m. Parlare Shine w/ DJ Epik, DJ Oasis, DJ Lahn, 9 p.m.

The Blue Lamp Quality Control w/ DJ Nocturnal, 9 p.m.

Ace of Spades Aftershock Festival Pre-Party w/ Steel Panther, 7 p.m.

The Boardwalk Taylor Cullen, JT Loux, Anarchy Lace, Criminal Rock, Generic Punk Rock Machine, Astral Cult, 8 p.m.

Bar 101 Rebel Radio, 9 p.m.

Bows and Arrows Classical Revolution, 8 p.m. Club Car Songwriters Showcase, 8 p.m. The Coffee Garden Open Mic Night, 8 p.m.

Torch Club Acoustic Open Mic, 5:30 p.m.; Peter Petty Review, 9 p.m.

Crocker Art Museum Art Mix/ French Twist feat. the French Cassettes and more, 5 p.m.

University Union Serna Plaza, CSUS Nooner w/ EGG, 12 p.m.

Dive Bar Dueling Pianos, 9 p.m.

9.12 Thursday

Ace of Spades The Slackers, Riotmaker, Another Damn Disappointment, Boss 501, 6:30 p.m. Bar 101 Karaoke, 7:30 p.m. Bisla’s The Old Screen Door, EGG, Wolfhouse, 9 p.m.

Fox & Goose Steve McLane, 8 p.m. Harlow’s Orgone, Monophonics, 7 p.m. Level Up Lounge Karaoke, 9 p.m. Marilyn’s Reefer King, 9 p.m. Mix DJ Eddie Edul, DJ Peeti V, 9 p.m. Old Ironsides Jenn Rogar, 5 p.m.; Music Box, Missy Mark, 9:30 p.m.

Blue Line Arts Gallery Classical Guitarist Celia Linde, 7 p.m.

Voted best beer bar, best German and best hot dogs by the readers of Sacramento Magazine

The Boardwalk I-80 Playaz, Drunkfunk Productions, John Wayne, N8tive, Golden Gloves, Mr. E, Next Generation, C-Dubb, 7 p.m. Bows and Arrows JoDee Purkeypile, Silver Ships, Tommy Norton’s Traveling Band, 8 p.m. Brickhouse Gallery Afrofunk Experience, 9 p.m. Capitol Garage Dub Culture w/ DK Wokstar, DJ Jaytwo, 10 p.m. Club Retro A Holy Ghost Revival, Taunis Year One, The Kennedy Veil, Stress 512, DJ Aly, 6:30 p.m. Fox & Goose Kevin Seconds, 9 p.m. Golden Bear DJ Crook, 10 p.m. Harris Center for the Arts Reunion of the Doo Wop Stars, 8 p.m.

Support Submerge

Crest Theatre John Hiatt & The Combo, 6:30 p.m.

The Blue Lamp Red Leaf, Joe Firstman, Brian Rogers, 8:30 p.m.


Press Club Armed For Apocalypse, M.D.L., Tom Hanx, Ghulhiem, 8 p.m.


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Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013


Harlow’s Brubaker, Quick and Easy Boys, Phil & The Blanx, 8 p.m. Level Up Lounge Hot Pants w/ DJ Rock Bottom, 9 p.m. Midtown BarFly Get Down to the Champion Sound w/ DJ Esef and guests, 10 p.m. Mix DJ Mike Moss, 9 p.m. Monticello Bob Wren, 5:30 p.m.

• Long Term Or Monthly Rentals • Air Conditioned

• 12 Foot Ceilings • 24 Hour Access • On Site Management


Pine Cove Karaoke, 9 p.m. Press Club DJ Rue, 9 p.m.

Harris Center for the Arts Musical Awakening of Indian Jazz, 7 p.m.

Red Hawk Casino Big Bad Boogie Rock, 9 p.m.

Harveys Lake Tahoe Journey, 7 p.m.

Sammy’s Rockin’ Island Bar and Grill Miles Schon Band, 10 p.m.

KBAR Z Rokk, 9 p.m.

Cache Creek Casino A Moving Sound, 6 p.m.

Level Up Lounge Guest DJs, 9 p.m.

Capitol Garage Karaoke w/ Jeff Jenkins, 9 p.m.

Marilyn’s The Chick P’s (CD Release), Playback, 9 p.m.

The Colony Shawn Whitaker, Iniquitous Savagery, Genocaust, Psychiatric Regurgitation, Newtdick, Killgasm, Embodied Torment, Logistic Slaughter, Accidentally Murdered, 5 p.m.

Toby Keith’s Nikki Perez, 6:30 p.m.; Dave Russell, 9 p.m.

9.14 Saturday

150 Square Feet To 500 Square Feet

Toby Keith’s Samantha Palileo, 6:30 p.m.; The Cripple Creek Band, 9 p.m.

Harrah’s Lake Tahoe The Yardbirds, 7:30 p.m.

Torch Club Pailer & Fratis, 5:30 p.m.; Karen Lovely, 9 p.m.


Torch Club Johnny Guitar Knox, 5:30 p.m.; Electric Grease, 9 p.m.

The Park Ultra Lounge DJ Shift, DJ Eddie Edul, 9 p.m.

Stoney Inn Wade Hayes, Georgia Rain, The Buck Ford Band, 7:30 p.m.

Private Music Rehearsal Studios

Swabbies on the River Auto Replay, 4 p.m.

Harlow’s Close to You (Carpenters tribute), 5:30 p.m.

Sophia’s Thai Kitchen Ghost Tiger, Learning Team, 9 p.m.


Fox & Goose The Pikeys, The Cigarette Machine, 9 p.m.

Sunrise MarketPlace Outdoor Pavilion Diamond Rio, John Michael Montgomery, 8 p.m.

Old Ironsides William Mylar Hippie Hour, 5 p.m.; California Riot Act, The Kimberly Trip, 8 p.m.

Shine The Other Brittany, Jahari Sai Trio, The Sunmonks, 8 p.m.


Discovery Park Aftershock Festival w/ Korn, Megadeth, Shinedown, Papa Roach, Skillet, Buckcherry, Testament, In This Moment, Steel Panther, P.O.D., Otherwise, Love and Death, We As Human, Heaven’s Basement, Butcher Babies, Eye Empire, Girl On Fire, Nothing More, 11 a.m.

Ace of Spades Dizzy Wright, Emilio Rojas, Futuristic, 7 p.m. The Blue Lamp The Scratch Outs, The Storytellers, 9 p.m. Capitol Garage Feel Good Saturday’s w/ DJ Epik, 10 p.m.

MARRS THIS feat. Classixx, Midi Matilda, The Frail, Shaun Slaughter, Adam J, 4 p.m. McConnell Estates Winery The Kenny Frye Band, 6:30 p.m. Mix DJ Eddie Edul, 9 p.m. Monticello Ken Kemmerling, 6 p.m. Pine Cove Karaoke, 9 p.m. Press Club DJ Larry Rodriguez, 9 p.m. Red Hawk Casino Big Bad Boogie Rock, 10 p.m. Sammy’s Rockin’ Island Bar and Grill Rock On Broadway, 10 p.m. Shine Mad Anthony, 8 p.m. Sophia’s Thai Kitchen Brown Shoe, Low Hums, Amy Blaschke, 9 p.m.


Black Dragon Brewery Surf Party! w/ The Lava Pups, 1 p.m. The Blue Lamp Hopeless Jack, 8 p.m.

Discovery Park Aftershock Festival w/ Avenged Sevenfold, Five Finger Death Punch, Volbeat, A Day to Remember, Asking Alexandria, Halestorm, HIM, Falling In Reverse, All That Remains, Filter, Pop Evil, Device, Soil, Thousand Foot Krutch, Miss May I, Airbourne, Gemini Syndrome, 11 a.m. Distillery Karaoke, 8 p.m. Harlow’s The Features, 7 p.m. Harrah’s Lake Tahoe DJ Rick Gee, 10:30 p.m. Harris Center for the Arts Dallas Brass, 2 p.m. & 7 p.m. Mix DJ Gabe Xavier, 9 p.m. Press Club Sunday Night Soul Party w/ DJ Larry, 9 p.m.

• Cctv Security System • Free Wi-Fi / Dsl • Huge Gated Parking Lot

Starlite Lounge Benefit for Shriners Hospital w/ Bellfuries, The Afterlife, Darling Clementines, 4 p.m. Swabbies on the River Road 88, 3 p.m. Torch Club Blues Jam, 4 p.m.; Black Market III, 8 p.m.



2751 Academy Way • Sac (916) 923-2525

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Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013

9.14 9.16 Monday

The Chick P’s CD Release


Marilyn’s 9 p.m.

The Boxing Donkey Open Mic Variety Night, 8 p.m. Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m.

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

Fox & Goose Open Mic Night, 7:30 p.m. Luna’s Cafe Nebraska Mondays w/ Ross Hammond and Khalil Anthony Duo, Jaroba and Kevin Corcoran, 7:30 p.m. Marilyn’s Back Alley Buzzards, Midori and Ezra Boy, Salt Wizard, 8 p.m. Old Ironsides Heath Williamson & Friends, 5 p.m. Powerhouse Pub Karaoke, 9 p.m. Sol Collective Microphone Mondays, 8 p.m. Comedy Assembly B Street: Live! Sketch and Improv Comedy, Thursday’s, Friday’s and Saturday’s, 7 p.m. Community Center Theater Anjelah Johnson, Sept. 14, 7 p.m. Jazz and Jokers (ex-Tommy T’s) Open Mic, Sept. 4, 7 p.m. Melanie Comarcho, Sept. 6 - 8, Thurs., 7:30 p.m.; Fri. & Sat., 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m.; Sunday, 7 p.m. Laguna Town Hall Comedy Under the Stars w/ Debi Gutierrez, Sept. 6, 8 p.m.

Sammy’s Rockin’ Island Bar and Grill Comedy Showcase, every Wednesday, 8:30 p.m.

Laughs Unlimited Open Mic Showcase hosted by Shane Murphy, Sept. 3, 8 p.m. Eric Blake, DJ Sandhu, Sept. 6 - 8, Fri. & Sat., 8 p.m. & 10:30 p.m.; Sunday, 7 p.m. Ngaio Bealum, Ryan Wingfield, Sept. 13 - 15, Fri. & Sat., 8 p.m. & 10:30 p.m.; Sunday, 7 p.m.

The Stoney Inn Nutty Monday’s Comedy Showcase and Open Mic, Monday’s, 9 p.m.

Luna’s Cafe Keith Lowell Jensen’s Comedy Night, Wednesday’s, 8 p.m. Po’Boyz Bar & Grill (Folsom) Comedy Open Mic, every Monday, 9 p.m.


Punchline Comedy Club The Bitchslap! feat. Caitlin Gill, Kimberly Rose Wendt, Eloisa Bravo, Leslie Small, Jen Dronsky, Kristee Ono, Sept. 5, 8 p.m. Maz Jobrani, Sept. 6 - 7, Fri. & Sat., 7 p.m. & 9 p.m. There Goes the Neighborhood Comedy Jam w/ Erik Myers, Sept. 8, 7 p.m. Comedy Central’s “Up Next Showcase,” Sept. 11, 8 p.m. Darryl Lenox, Kevin Camia, Mike Betancourt, Sept. 12 15, Thurs., 8 p.m.; Fri. & Sat., 8 p.m. & 10:30 p.m.; Sun., 7 p.m.

Sacramento Comedy Spot Sacramento Comedy Festival: Improv Groups, Sketch Comedy Shows, Live Podcast Recordings, National Standup Comedians, Stand-up Comedy Competition, Sept. 13 - 21

Crocker Art Museum Art Mix/French Twist feat. vocal performance presented by the Bravo Bach! Festival, Sizzling Sirens Burlesque Experience tribute to Marie Antoinette, gallery tours of The Epic and the Intimate w/ the Alliance Française de Sacramento, Absinthe bar and more, Sept. 12, 5 p.m. Fox & Goose Pub Quiz, Tuesday’s, 7 p.m. Little Relics Boutique & Galleria Whimsical Universe w/ Sculpture by Molly Brown & Paintings by Rachel Smith, Sept. 3 - 28

2020 J Street Midtown Farmers Market, every Saturday, 8 a.m.

Luigi’s A Slice of Trivia w/ the Bruce Twins, Monday’s, 8 p.m.

Bar 101 Trivia Night, Monday’s, 6:30 p.m.

Luna’s Cafe Poetry Unplugged, Thursday’s, 8 p.m.

Blue Cue Trivia Night, every Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.

McKinley Park Rose Garden Yoga Across America Sacramento Challenge, Sept. 14, 9 a.m.

The Boxing Donkey Trivia Night, every Tuesday, 8 p.m. Cal Expo Neon Splash Dash: 3 Mile Fun Run/Walk and After Glow Party, Sept. 7, 5:30 p.m. Crest Theatre 14th Annual Sacramento Film and Music Festival, Sept. 11 - 15

Midtown BarFly Salsa Lessons, every Wednesday, 8 p.m. Pine Cove Trivia Night, Wednesday’s, 9 p.m. Press Club Flex Your Head Trivia, Tuesday’s, 8 p.m.


Anjelah Johnson Community Center Theater 7 p.m.

Raley Field Junior League of Sacramento’s Wine and Dine Event, Sept. 12, 7 p.m. Rio Ramaza Event Park Coors Light Crawfish & Catfish Festival, Sept. 14 - 15 River City Food Bank 3rd Annual Slow Food Edible Gardens Bike Tour, Sept. 7, 9:30 a.m. Shine Poetry with Legs hosted by Bill Gainer, Sept. 11, 7:30 p.m. Sleep Train Arena Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Presents: Built To Amaze!, Sept. 13 - 16

Tsakopoulos Library Galleria Launch Fashion Show feat. Glaudi by Johana Hernandez, Ronnie Escalante, World of JAS by Joseph Segal, Frock LA, Adolfo Sanchez, Kate Knuvelder Designs, hosted by Richard Hallmarq and Chris K, Sept. 6, 7:30 p.m. Underground Books Showstopper: Spoken Word Slam Competition, Sept. 6, 6:30 p.m. Veterans’ Memorial Center Theatre (Davis) Ukrainian Festival, Sept. 8, 1 p.m.

Enter to win 2 Imagine Dragons Meet and Greet Passes and 2 two-day tickets to LAUNCH Music Festival!

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Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013



THe dodos Harlow’s • 2708 J st.

Two sHeds • saCto •


21 & over • 8:00pm

adam anT

aCe of spades • 1417


primma donna r

st. • saCto • all ages • 7:30pm

joHn HiaTT & THe combo

Crest tHeatre • 1013

sept 11

st. • saCto • all ages • 7:30pm

sept 12

orgone / •monopHonics sept 12 Harlow’s • 2708 J st. saCto • 21 & over • 8:00pm brubaker [feat. memBers of kai klN / viCtims family / BluCHuNks] thursday

Quick and easy boys pHil & THe blanx [Bud from suBlime witH memBers of seXrat/syNCHro]

Harlow’s • 2708 J st. Harlow’s Harlow’s

• saCto •

• saCto •


21 & over • 9:00pm

frigHTened rabbiT r

st. • saCto • all ages • 8:00pm

nicki bluHm & THe gramblers

Harlow’s • 2708 J st.

easy leaves • saCto •

red fang

21 & over • 9:00pm

• saCto •


21 & over • 8:00pm

• saCto •

sept 28 sept 28 friday

oct 4 oct 9


PinkisH Black • sierra

Harlow’s • 2708 J st.



Helms alee • dog sHredder

Harlow’s • 2708 J st.

sept 26



aCe of spades • 1417

sept 15 thursday

Judgment day • Horseneck

Harlow’s • 2708 J st.

sept 13 sunday


21 & over • 7:30pm

oct 16

soul speCtaCular tour

karl denson’s Tiny universe preseNt a ray CHarles Boogaloo daNCe party witH

speCial guest ZacH depuTy

Harlow’s • 2708 J st.

• saCto •

miss Tess & THe Talkbacks

Harlow’s • 2708 J st. Harlow’s • Harlow’s •

• saCto •

21 & over • 8:00pm

rubblebuckeT 2708 J st. • saCto • 21 & over pimps •ofsaCtojoyTime 2708 J st. • 21 & over cluTcH r

• 8:00pm • 8:00pm

21 & over • 7:30pm

meaT puppeTs

THe world Takes [feat. dJ BoNeBrake from X / tHe kNitters] Harlow’s • 2708 J st. Harlow’s •

• saCto •

21 & over • 8:00pm

mason• jennings 2708 J st. saCto • 21 & over

abstract entertainment

oct 26 tuesday

oct 29 nov 6 nov 7 monday

st. • saCto • all ages • 8:00pm

• saCto •



alejandro escovedo & THe sensiTive boys

Harlow’s • 2708 J st.

oct 20


tHe sword • american sHarks

aCe of spades • 1417


21 & over • 8:00pm

secreT cHiefs• 3 [memBers of mr. BuNgle] Harlow’s • 2708 J st. saCto • 21 & over • 8:00pm lake sTreeT dive

nov 11 tuesday

nov 12 wednesday

nov 13 sunday

• 8:00pm

nov 17

TickeTs available aT:

TickeTs for Harlow’s sHows also available aT TickeTs for cresT sHow also available aT cresT THeaTre box office TickeTs for ace of spades also available aT and 916.443.9202


Putting It Up to a Vote James Barone


21 & over • 8:00pm

THe feaTures [NasHville] • 2708 J st. • saCto • all ages • THe lemonHeads • 2708 J st. • saCto • 21 & over • kill THe precedenT

the shallow end


drew Holcomb k

sept 5

Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013

When the Arab Spring began a few years ago, it looked as though the embattled Middle East was on its way to becoming more democratic. That still may be the case, but as with any kind of sweeping change, these things take time. And you can be sure the grumpier factions of the “old guard” aren’t going to give up their power so easily. So, now we have Egypt going completely batshit and the President of the United States mulling over whether or not to take military action against Syria. Syria…It’s a notable country for me because it seems as though it’s the only country in the Middle East that the United States government hasn’t launched missiles at in my lifetime. OK, OK, that’s an exaggeration. There are plenty that we haven’t tried to blow up. Like, Oman seems to be pretty chill, but really, I don’t know anything about it. I’m going to focus on Syria because it’s in the news, and we might go to war with them. The United States says it has proof that Syrian President Bashir al-Assad’s regime has used chemical weapons against its own people, which, other than being a dick move, is a total international no-no. It’s been reported that 1,400 people, including hundreds of children, died in these alleged chemical attacks. Since then, the United States has been organizing its military forces to prepare for a military strike against Syria. We’ve also been trying to get support from our international buddies, but that’s been difficult to come by. France, believe it or not, was all cool with it, but our bros over in the U.K. weren’t so stoked. Their Parliament recently voted against military action against the Assad regime, which is why it came as a shock to pretty much everyone that President Obama said he’d only launch attacks against Assad with the approval of Congress. I had to italicize that. FUCKING CONGRESS? They haven’t been able to approve of anything in, like, decades. They’re currently on their summer recess, which must be awesome because I didn’t realize you could have recess from doing absolutely nothing all year. According to an article at, President Obama’s decision came as a surprise to even his own staff, who had advised him to just go and do the thing without asking for anyone’s permission. As president, he has the power and authority to do such things, yet, though Obama has been calling for military action, he has decided to let the fate of this latest campaign rest in the hands of Congress. Sorry, but once you start italicizing, it’s really difficult to stop.

Honestly, I think it’s kind of cool that the president didn’t just wield his immense power and just flatten Syria without first running it by anyone. Back in the day, Congress would have to actually declare war on a foreign government before military action was taken. It was like the final step of the diplomatic process. Nowadays you can just say you’re “at war” without actually going through the whole messy song and dance of “declaring war.” I’m not saying President Obama made the right move, but I just think it’s kind of neat and charming. Like, hey, this is a democracy so we should all have a say in this… Imagine that, huh? I’m not sure where I stand on whether or not we should take military action against the Assad regime. Chemical weapons suck, clearly, but is it our job to police other sovereign nations? I don’t know. I’m not going to try to get into a debate about it. I guess when you’ve got the most powerful military ever, people are always going to look to you when awful shit goes down in their country. With great power comes great responsibility. Uncle Ben said that to Peter Parker, and it’s totally true. Of course, there are some who aren’t stoked by President Obama’s decision. Israel for one was irked, but really, when isn’t it? Though Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took the high road, simply stating that his country was confident in its ability to deal with an unstable Syria, many of the country’s op-ed columnists railed against Obama for his apprehension. “It may be that this was a necessary step from Obama’s point of view. It may be that it was a wise decision politically, in an America traumatized by Iraq and Afghanistan. But the smiles on the faces of decision-makers in Syria, Lebanon and Iran, on hearing Obama’s Saturday speech, tell their own story,” wrote Avi Issacharoff for the Israeli Times. Most bummed about Obama’s decision, obviously, were those in Syria rebelling against the Assad regime. Abdulbasit Sa’ad al-Dein, a ranking member of the Free Syrian Army, told USA Today, “We need direct strikes on significant regime targets such as military installations…to save civilian lives.” Congress doesn’t return from its recess until Sept. 9 (it must be nice to have that much time off). When they get back, they’ll have a pretty big decision to make. See? Votes do matter…remember that, because November is right around the corner.

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas


Issue 144 • September 2 – September 16, 2013


Dive into Sacramento & its Surrounding Areas

September 2 – 16, 2013


incredible me young and the restless Aftershock Festival Rock Revival

Stolen Moments Home is Where the Heart Is

Wake Island

No Boat? No Problem!

Launch Festival The Sky Is the Limit Torch Club’s

Debut Tuesdays

Sacramento Burger Battle’s

Rodney Blackwell Dead Winter Carpenters Out on a Limb

His Quest for the Best Burger free

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