Dive into Sacramento & its Surrounding Areas
January 19 – february 2, 2015
queen sheba Bread Conquers
Wizard World Comic Con brings
Norman Reedus
to Sacramento
getta clue Mission
The Art of Beer It's Beer. It's Art. It's Heaven.
Rebel punk What’s Not
to Love?
The Storytellers and Awaiting the Apocalypse
Los Rakas
All the World's a Stage
celebrate their anniversaries at The Press Club
black map Ready to Explode
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas
9426 Greenback ln, Orangevale tickets available at dimple records, armadillo records , or online at theboardwalkpresents.com all shows all ages
The Von Trapps earThLess
Zeroclient • cataclysmic assault
feb 4
t hursday
feb 5
BruBaker friday feb 6
London richards
with special guest
feb 13
feb 14
feb 15
feb 7
t hursday
DJ genie Factory
feb 19
coming soon
paraDox Drive • evolution eDen
friday SubmergeMag.com
feb 20
feb 21
feb 22
Tuesday feB 24 saTurday mar 14 BLaze ya dead homie a skyLiT driVe / / Boondox The red JumpsuiT apparaTus saTurday feB 28 Tuesday mar 24 LiL aJ / Wizdom / danny BarBosa mod sun Wednesday apr 1 Wednesday mar 4 michaeL neW BeaT fund schenker group friday mar 6 apr 3 & 4 TWO DAYS! Burn haLo dance gaVin dance saTurday mar 7 pLus speciaL guesTs The Tragic ThriLLs friday may 1 conducTing from Tuesday mar 10 The graVe faLLuJah saTurday may 2 friday mar 13 gLamour kiLLs Tour: one eyed doLL seT iT off
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
dive in
Submerge: an independently owned entertainment/lifestyle publication available for free biweekly throughout the greater Sacramento area.
179 2015
January 19 – February 2
Ebb and Flow Melissa welliver melissa@submergemag.com
20 14
Dive in
The Stream
14 black map 18 los rakas
The Optimistic Pessimist
09 Submerge your senses 10 queen Sheba
22 28
getta clue
cofounder/ Editor in Chief/Art Director
Melissa Welliver melissa@submergemag.com cofounder/ Advertising Director
Jonathan Carabba jonathan@submergemag.com senior editor
James Barone Assistant Editor
Mandy Pearson
rebel punk calendar the grindhouse
american sniper
Contributing Writers
Zach Ahern, Amber Amey, Joe Atkins, Robin Bacior, Andrew Bell, Corey Bloom, Bocephus Chigger, Justin Cox, Alia Cruz, Josh Fernandez, Catherine Foss, Blake Gillespie, Fabian Garcia, Lovelle Harris, Eddie Jorgensen, Niki Kangas, Nur Kausar, Ryan Prado, Steph Rodriguez, Andrew C. Russell, Amy Serna, Jacob Sprecher, Jenn Walker
1009 22nd Street, Suite 3 Sacramento, Calif. 95816
916.441.3803 info@submergemag.com printed on recycled paper
Contributing photographers
Josh Corrigan, Wesley Davis, Adam Dillion, Phill Mamula, Liz Simpson, Nicholas Wray
Follow us on Twitter & Instagram! @SubmergeMag
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
Enjoy issue #179. Melissa
the shallow end
One of the things I hate the most about my job is having to pass on setting up an interview. I’ve said it one or five times before, but timing really is everything, as has been the case for featuring Los Rakas in Submerge. I can easily say there have been so many times over the past couple of years I’ve wanted to feature them, but the damn timing just didn’t line up: like not having room in the issue, when the date of their show fell, as well as other important aspects of how we here at Submerge carefully try to blend local and national bands. Well the timing was extremely perfect now, because I was even able to line up this feature as one of our covers, which I feel is well deserved by this Latin hip-hop duo. With the recent announcement that they will be playing Coachella this year and that their upcoming The Rapture tour (with Zion I and Locksmith) will be coming to Sacramento this Feb. 17 at Ace of Spades, we thought what better time to give this Panamanian-meets-Oakland group some love. Check out our feature story on page 18 to learn about Los Rakas collaborating with Blondie, getting a song featured on FIFA as well as the Raka philosophy that we all should live by. One of the most legit local clothing boutiques in our area, Getta Clue, reached its 20 th year in business a couple years ago. We didn’t realize it at the time, and they really didn’t celebrate it either, so one could say it was an easy milestone to miss. However, with their recent move just this month into the MARRS Building in Midtown (near 20 th & J Streets) we thought it would be the perfect time to catch up with Scott Gilbert and Justin Bilbao, the two owners behind this fashion-forward men’s streetwear shop, along with their longtime general manager, Maia Friedman, to talk about the move. What originally was going to be just a news blurb in “The Stream” turned into a great in-depth interview that we quickly realized was not only story-worthy, but cover-worthy (as seen on our back cover). Be sure to read our Q&A starting on page 12 to learn about what drew them to their new location, what they think about Sacramento’s sense of style and what products they’re hyped on for 2015. Also enjoy all our other features. Just because they are not on a cover, doesn’t make it any less interesting!
front Cover Photo of los rakas Courtesy of Raka Nati
All content is property of Submerge and may not be reproduced without permission. Submerge is both owned and published by Submerge Media. All opinions expressed throughout Submerge are those of the author and do not necessarily mean we all share those opinions. Feel free to take a copy or two for free, but please don’t remove our papers or throw them away. Submerge welcomes letters of all kinds, whether they are full of love or hate. We want to know what is on your mind, so feel free to contact us via snail mail at 1009 22nd Street, Suite 3 Sacramento, Calif. 95816. Or you can e-mail us at info@submergemag.com. back Cover Photo of getta clue team by phill mamula
Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas
Saturday, february 7
friday, May 8
thur, July 16–Sun, July 19 center For tHe artS PreSentS
an intimate solo/acoustic performance by
8 StaGeS of MuSic
children’S ProGraMS WorKShoPS • dance artiSanS • caMPinG international food
a very special Solo evening with
VeteranS MeMorial auditoriuM 255 S. auBurn St, GraSS valley
VeteranS MeMorial auditoriuM 255 S. auBurn St, GraSS valley
neVada county fairGroundS 11228 mccourtney rD, GraSS valley
$38 members, $48 non-member, $58 premium; meet & greet $148
Prices range from $25 - $85
visit Worldfest.net for camping & day tickets
Saturday, January 24
Saturday, January 31
tueSday, february 3
royal Southern brotherhood
Sunday, february 15
friday, february 20
dan hicks and the hot licks
Jesse cook
Featuring: cyril neville, Devon allman, Bart Walker, charlie Wooton, yonrico Scott
fred eaglesmith travelling Show
Special Guests: t Sisters
$25 members, $28 non-member
$40 members, $45 non-member
$22 members, $25 non-member
$22 members, $25 non-member
$22 members, $25 non-member
Sunday, february 22
friday, february 27
Sunday, March 1
thurSday, March 26
Saturday, March 28
an evening with the
Jefferson Starship
intergalactic nemesis
taj Mahal trio $58 members, $68 non-member
Performs & celebrates the music of Jefferson airplane 50th anniversary
a live action Graphic novel
the Pimps of Joytime
Junior brown
$35 members, $40 non-member
$22 members, $25 non-member
$18 members, $22 non-member
$28 members, $32 non-member
530.274.8384 • 314 W. Main St, GraSS Valley all shows at our intimate Main StaGe theater unless otherwise noted
B e co m e a m e m B e r & Sav e
For a complete listing of events visit:
thecenterfortheartS.orG SubmergeMag.com
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
*Ticket prices do not include applicable fees
The stream Two Local Bands to Celebrate Major Milestones at Press Club Within the Next Month!
Wizard World Comic Con to Bring Stars Like Norman Reedus from The Walking Dead to Sacramento
Island of Black & White Live Album Recording at Torch Club + Kickstarter Campaign
Jonathan Carabba
Send regional news tips to info@submergemag.com
The Storytellers
Within the next month, The Press Club will host two separate major milestone shows for two prominent local bands. First up, on Sunday, Jan. 25 The Sacto Storytellers are playing their 15-Year Anniversary show! Joining them for the matinee gig (kicks off at 5 p.m., so get there early) will be The Flower Vato and Ky of the group Recorded Freedom. The Storytellers are a collective of incredibly talented local roots/reggae/ska musicians, and they are easily one of the most underrated bands in town. Seriously, check out their 2013 album V.A.S.O.S. at Soundcloud.com/ sactostorytellers, or pick up a copy at a show. Undeniable grooves, super catchy melodies from the horn section, complementing male/female vocals, it’s no wonder the group has withstood the test of time, they’re just that good. You can also find them at Facebook.com/sacstorytellers.
1400 ALHAMBRA SAcRAMento BLUeLAMPSAcRAMento.coM 916-455-3400 jAn. 20 • 7pm
the niBBlers
hennessY, micjorDAn, p.o.o.r., D monstA WeDnesDAY
jAn. 21 • 8pm
g4ro, BAYsho Business, April foolzz, punkY, BeAst Bruh, miss zee, mYron cArter, BAm BAm AnD more thursDAY
jAn. 22 • 6pm
Dj’s DArk stAr & DAvie xAnDer sAturDAY
jAn. 24 • 9pm
DrAztic music, creeper sunDAY
cAsh cArtel, miDnight Brothers
coming soon
feb 08 skipper of hbk gang
jAn. 28 • 8pm
hoBo contrAption
jAke nielsen’s triple threAt, Devon gAlleY, sumpin Diffrnt thursDAY
jAn. 29 • 8pm
jeff turner
Dj eDDie z, j. terriBle, mickeY tiltz friDAY
jAn. 30 • 6pm
tAsk1ne, cAliforniA BeAr gAng, the gAtlin, flossAlini, Dj epik AnD more
reBel punk (cD releAse), phAntom jets sunDAY
feB. 1 • 8pm
super BoWl pArtY With
kill the preceDent
feb 17 feb 19 CanCerslug, enabler, sinCe we were kids, Call of the void, the moans, xtomhanx strange party, more
feb 20 Cage, sadistik, task1ne
Neal Adams
jAn. 31 • 8pm
the toAsters
jAn. 25 • 8pm
sulivAn’s Wright
jAn. 27 • 9pm
Derrick WilliAms memoriAl Benefit shoW
Awaiting the Apocalypse {Photo by Dan McGlade}
The second milestone show at Press will be for a band that couldn’t possibly be any more different from The Storytellers, but that’s part of what makes Sacto so great, its musical diversity. On Tuesday, Feb. 3, Awaiting the Apocalypse will play their 10-Year Anniversary show and joining them will be Catharsus from Visalia, California, and locals Removal of a Tenth. If you aren’t familiar, Awaiting the Apocalypse is a brutal death metal band that has been pulverizing California’s heavy music scene since 2004 with their intense rhythms and breakdowns, guttural growls and face-melting guitar riffs. Their 2011 album At War With the Dead is streamable on Spotify and is solid front to back. ATA should be (hopefully) releasing a new album this year. Find them at Facebook.com/awaitingtheapocalypse or Reverbnation.com/awaitingtheapocalypse.
Sacramento-area fans of pop culture, comic books, popular television shows and movies are going to want to mark their calendars for June 19 - 21 when Wizard World Comic Con comes roaring through town, bringing with it a flurry of actors, artists and special guests. Probably the most recognizable, Norman Reedus Norman Reedus from The Walking Dead and The Boondock Saints will be there, as will fellow screen actors Morena Baccarin (from Homeland, V, Stargate SG-1), Eliza Dushku (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, True Lies, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back), Manu Bennett (stars as Azog, chief of the Orcs of Moria, in The Hobbit trilogy), Christian Serratos (from Twilight Saga and The Walking Dead) and many others. As far as the special guest artists who will be on hand, Wizard World packs a heavy punch with Eisner Award Hall of Famer Neal Adams (the Eisner Awards are like the Oscars of the comic industry), best known for his work on Batman, Green Lantern, X-Men, Superman and many other comics. Fellow Eisner winner Paolo Rivera, known for his work on All-New X-Men, Avenging Spider-Man, Daredevil and more, will also be there. The list of other guests just goes on and on, so be sure to check out Wizardworld.com for more details and to purchase tickets ahead of time so you can get in on the geeky pop culture goodness!
mar 06 mar 07 autumn eleCtriC, ty’quan thomas, be brave drego, jeriCho bold robot, rose, shila, sauCy tba and more
everY monDAY 8-10Pm • no cover
everY friDAY 10Pm-2am • $3 cover
open mic / spoken WorD
Dj WokstAr & guests
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
Riding on the success of their consistently jam-packed live show schedule and well received 2013 debut album Ibw, local acoustic/blues/reggae/funk band Island of Black and White has quite a busy year ahead of them. On Friday, Jan. 30 they’re recording a live album at Torch Club and then in February and March they’re hitting the road for 40-plus days, touring to Austin, Texas for SXSW before hitting Houston, Island of Black and White New Orleans and Memphis, as well as stops in Arkansas and Oklahoma. After the extensive tour the group plans to start recording their second album. All of this comes with a hefty price tag; touring ain’t cheap after all and neither is recording an album, so IB&W is doing what more and more bands are doing these days, turning to Kickstarter to raise funds online. The band set a lofty goal of $10,000 to fund the tour and the making of the album. As of press time they had raised just over $1,000, so if you want to support a hard working and well deserving local band, hit up Kickstarter.com and search “IBW Southwest Tour & Album 2015” before Feb. 10 to pledge some bucks and get some goodies from the band in return. Learn more at Facebook.com/islandofblackandwhite. Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas
The Optimistic Pessimist According to the '80s, we are supposed to be in the future now: flying cars, food pills, hoverboards... the whole shebang. Back to the Future II promised us it would be all that and more, but all we got is a janky hoverboard that needs a special ramp to barely work and rumors that Nike almost has those auto laces from Marty McFly’s shoes figured out. We don’t even have Ronald Reagan trying to sell me Pepsi from a TV screen in a restaurant yet. What the fuck, 2015? The disappointment that is 2015 should not be repeated. Robert Zemeckis and Co. took a crack at it 25 years ago and came up with bupkis. When we look forward 25 years to 2040, do we want to be so wrong again? If we can’t trust Hollywood to tell us the future, who should we trust? It’s got to be someone that we can all agree knows what the fuck he or she is talking about (Sorry, Bob!). This person must have a history of making great predictions the world can actually count on. Personally, I think you should trust me. I’m great at making predictions. For example,
I predicted that you would be reading this sentence at this very moment. I know, it’s amazing! I’ve been honing my remarkable skills for nearly three-and-a-half decades and my results speak for themselves. Some of my other greatest predictions include microwaveable breakfast sandwiches, 24hour donut spots, Silly String, HTTP 404 errors, Dogecoin, Vice President Joe Biden and the great German monkey abandonment perpetrated by that bastard, Justin Beiber. Now that you’ve got a glimpse of my bona fides, I’m sure you’ll agree that Bocephus is the right man for the predicting job; in fact, I already knew you would. That’s just how good I am. But enough with the formalities; the true test of a soothsayer is in his predictions. I’ve focused my incredible powers to look forward in time and witness the follies and fortunes of humankind in the year 2040 and I think you will be amazed by what I have seen. The visions I’ve had could fill volumes, but some would be too devastating for the world to know at this time. Instead, I will leave you with
Know the Future Today three predictions of our future to come. In the year 2040, after safely being sworn into her second term as President of the Americas, Miley Cyrus will declare that henceforth, clothing is optional at all times. A special UV-resistant sun block spray engineered from one of the government’s own strains of super weed (a popular seller known as Lady Liberty) will be made available to all citizens to protect their naked flesh from the sun’s blistering rays. It will later be determined that repeated use of the government’s UV-spray leads to heart valve development defects in fetuses. The condition will come to be known as “Achy Breaky Heart,” much to President Cyrus’ chagrin. But enough with politics. I know you are here to find out about the technology of the future. Well, let’s just say that in 2040, flying cars will be considered old school. Instead, the hot form of travel for the Joneses of 2040 will be flying boats! An enterprising young inventor will rediscover the idea after stumbling upon 26-year-old copies of Submerge and reading an article by a well-known author, Bocephus Chigger, on the topic of seaplanes.
Bocephus Chigger bocephus@submergemag.com Plus, with a large portion of the world’s roadways washed away after the North Pole melts, flying boats will just seem like a better idea than cars. Finally, in the year 2040, The North Pacific garbage gyre will have collected enough bits of garbage and plastic that a new continent will begin to rise out of the ocean and take shape. The inhabitants of the island will rapidly mutate due to the variety and levels of toxins in their environment. Fortunately for them, the mutations will allow people of the plastic and garbage island to meet their dietary requirements through the consumption of the very plastic under their feet. The Plastic People, commonly referred to as “Stickys,” will be both cherished for cleaning up the planet and reviled for eating plastic by the rest of the world. Skirmishes will break out at sea as giant abandoned fishing nets are used by the Stickys to set up a blockade on the world’s remaining shipping lanes. What will President Cyrus and the other leaders of the free world do to quell the storm? Find out in 2016 when we look 25 years into the future again to 2041 and the conclusion of the Plastic Wars!
*3-PAK is valid for one non-transferable lift ticket any three days throughout the 2014.15 winter season. Prices subject to change.
SubmergeMag.com Submerge Magazine Jan 12.indd
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
1/12/15 12:36 PM
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas
Your Senses Hear
Side-splitting laughter when John Mulaney plays the Crest • Jan. 30 John Mulaney brings his impressive resume in comedy along with him when he rolls through town later this month. Currently the star of Fox’s new comedy Mulaney (which has unfortunately met an early demise), Mulaney started his career in the furtive New York City comedy scene, where he worked alongside Nick Kroll to create the two-man Oh Hello Show. He later moved on to television where he became a writer for Saturday Night Live. As a member of the legendary variety show, he served as a correspondent for “Weekend Update,” and also co-created one of the show’s most memorable characters from recent years, Bill Hader’s Stefon. Mulaney is currently on a tour of the United States this winter into early spring, stopping at Sacramento’s historic Crest Theatre on Jan. 30. Tickets for this event are $29.50 and can be purchased through Crestsacramento.com. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Peter Wendel’s exhibition of his early works at Little Relics Now through Jan. 31
Peter Wendel has been a stalwart of the Sacramento art scene for decades. For the rest of January, Little Relics (908 21st Street, Midtown) is turning back the clock, showcasing some of the artist’s earlier works. Wendel was born in Sacramento, but after the death of his mother, at age 5, he was sent to live with his aunt and uncle, both Seventh Day Adventists, who took Peter and his little brother to the jungles of Guatemala to do missionary work. In the early ‘80s, Wendel immersed himself in the punk rock scene. “I got into punk about 1981 when I went to see D.O.A. at Galactica 2000, met the band and loved the energy, DIY attitude and challenging the status quo,” Wendel told Submerge via email. “At that time I also went to the German Expressionist Exhibition in San Francisco and saw the same attitude in their work. Until then I wanted to be an illustrator, [but] from that day on I wanted to be a painter.” It was during that time of self-discovery that Wendel created the works on display at Little Relics. The expressionist influence shows in the bold colors, flattened perspective and emotionally fraught depictions of urban life displayed in paintings such as Love at First Sight. Little Relics will host a closing reception for the exhibit on Jan. 31 from 6 to 8 p.m. The gallery is open 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday; and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. SubmergeMag.com
Beer, glorious beer at the fourth annual The Art of Beer • Jan. 30 Get a load of this: 36 breweries and four cideries; a fine art exhibition; more than 40 original art pieces created by brewers and reps available for auction; unlimited 4-ounce beer/cider tastings and food pairings. We could stop there, and you’d pretty much have a slam-dunk event, but there’s more. Toss music by Jazcat into the mix. Want more? How about this? There will also be a silent auction for Ales for Autism, a charitable organization that raises funds for autism research and awareness. The fourth annual The Art of Beer, a celebration of craft beer and fine art, will be held at Sacramento’s McClellan Conference Center from 6 to 10 p.m. on Jan. 30. The list of participating breweries is a like a craft beer road trip under one roof, ranging from Petaluma, California’s Lagunitas to Fort Collins, Colorado’s New Belgium, to relative newcomer Oak Park Brewing Company from right here in Sacramento. Food pairings to various beers will be provided by Mikuni Sushi and Bar, The Pasta Queen, Passione Pizza, Blackbird Kitchen and others. General admission is $55, with other ticketing options available, which can be purchased through Artofbeerinvitational.com. For more information about Ales for Autism, go to Ales4autism.org.
Lace up those skates with the Sacred City Derby Girls Jan. 24
Have you ever watched the Sacred City Derby Girls in action and thought to yourself, “I can do that.” Well, now’s your chance to back it up. Open tryouts for Sacred City will take place on Feb. 1, but you’ll definitely want to warm up first. Luckily for you, Sacramento’s flat-track heroes are offering Roller Derby 101 on Jan. 24 at the Sacred City Derby Girls Warehouse (1501 North C Street, Sacramento). For $30, you’ll learn the basics of what it takes to be a lean, mean derby machine. Those who participate will have the $10 admission to tryouts waived. For more info or to order tickets to Roller Derby 101, check out Sacredcityderbygirls.com. If you’re content to enjoy roller derby from the relative safety of the audience, check out Sacred City’s home season opener on Jan. 31!
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
A True Food Adventure Queen Sheba
1704 Broadway • Sacramento Words Amy Serna • photos liz simpson Food should be an experience, not a chore. It should be an adventure eating something you’ve never heard of or maybe can’t even pronounce. Sometimes it’s not only about the way a dish tastes but the way a meal can be prepared, where the food came from or a certain way you have to eat it. This issue, Submerge takes you on an experience with food that originates more than 8,900 miles away. But for this adventure you only need to travel to 17th and Broadway, where Queen Sheba brings the foreign spices of Ethiopian cuisine back home to the capital city. One of the best parts of eating Ethiopian food is that there isn’t a utensil in sight—no knives, spoons or forks seated neatly on a napkin next to your plate. It is a true hands-on experience. But it’s not as messy as it sounds; you use pieces of thin, spongy sourdough bread called injera to scoop up bits of your meal into your hand before you devour it. The injera are served as rolls in a small basket where you can rip pieces off for your meal.
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
A few words might sound unfamiliar to anyone uninitiated in Ethiopian cuisine; for example, a dish called “Wot” (or wat) is similar to a thick stew or curry, Tibs are prepared in various ways but are normally served as meat and vegetables, and berbere is a spice mixture that consists of peppers, garlic, ginger, basil and other spices. The menu is divided up into different meats and vegetables. Queen Sheba has options of beef, chicken, lamb and fish, along with vegetarian and vegan options. Most of the meats and vegetables that you order will be mixed with spices and sauces that complement each dish and served “family style” on a large round metal tray that is lined with injera on the bottom. The food is neatly arranged on the platter and ready for everyone to grab their roll of injera bread and dig in. On a recent visit, we were immediately enveloped in the wafting aromatic spices, walls adorned with wooden sculptures and artwork, and music videos playing that highlight the Ethiopian culture. The grand meal for the night started off Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas
with mango juice and honey wine, a traditional Ethiopian beverage. The mango juice was freshly squeezed and tasted similar to a thick fruit smoothie. The honey wine, which has a similar taste to mead, was very sweet and had a strong sweet aftertaste of honey. To start, there was the appetizer called Sambussa lentil wrap. The triangle wrap had a delicious flaky and fried outer coating that was stuffed with steaming green vegetables. The main course was the combo platter for two (great for newcomers who aren’t sure of what they should order), which costs $13.50 per person. The combo included Doro Wot, Key Wot, Lamb Tibs, Misr Kik Wot, Gomen and a salad. The Doro Wot has a stew-like consistency that comes with a piece of chicken and a boiled egg. It is a little tough to break into the boiled egg and chicken with the thin injera bread but once you do, it’s a few bites that you will not regret. The brown sauce is a mixture of spices, herbs, onion, garlic, ginger and berbere. Key Wot also has a stew-like consistency with beef pieces and spices. It is key to try and get the right amount of sauce and beef to fit on your piece of bread for the prefect bite. Misr Kik Wot are spiced red lentils that are stewed in onions, garlic and berbere sauce. The Gomen is a dark green mixture of spinach, collard greens, onions and garlic. It is a hearty but delicious concoction that gives you a break from the various meats. The salad is a standard side salad
with a light pour of dressing, but it’s more fun to eat a salad with your hands and bread than it is with a fork. It is definitely an adventure trying different meats and sauces with injera. You can switch between a small bite of chicken, beef, tender pieces of lamb, lentils or veggies. It’s also fun to get different mixtures on your injera and grab some veggies, sauce and beef all in one bite. And don’t be afraid to really dig into the bottom of the pan! The injera that lines the bottom of the meats and vegetables gets soaked with all of the spices and flavors, making it taste like a whole new bread altogether. The only problem I had with all this food was to actually stop eating. And if you aren’t feeling that hungry for a full dinner, they offer vegetarian/vegan lunch buffet Monday through Friday for $8.99. A lot of restaurants in Sacramento can give you good food and a good atmosphere but most of them cannot offer a truly unique food adventure like Queen Sheba.
drink specials
e v e ry t u e s d ay • 9 p m oPen MiC e v e r y W e d n e s d ay • 7 p m ross HaMMond on guitar
kupros free music series
HaPPy Hour all nigHt! buy any draft beer & add a Well sHot for $2, fireball $3, JaMeson $4
assorted $2 drink sPeCials
fri jan 23 • 9pm
Peter Holden
s at j a n 2 4 • 9 p m
Harley WHite Jr trio fri jan 30 • 9pm
1/2 off all 22 oz Craft beer boMers
50 Watt Heavy
$6 Coors & JaMeson CoMbo
s at j a n 3 1 • 9 p m
trio las CruCes
$6 Myster Craft CoCktail
fri feb 6 • 9pm
MusiCal CHaris Queen Sheba is open Monday Thursday 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m., Saturday noon to 10 p.m. and Sunday noon to 9 p.m. Visit Facebook.com/QueenShebaSac for more mouthwatering info!
s u n d ay & m o n d ay
late nigHt HaPPy Hour froM 8PM to Close
fri feb 13 • 9pm
sea legs
beer Week kick off on fri feb 27
kuPros + drake’s 2nd annual beer Week Collaboration brunch every
saturday & sunday 10am - 2pm
$12 bottoMless MiMosas $5 bloody Marys
1217 21st street MidtoWn saCraMento 916.440.0401 kuproscrafthouse.com @kuprossacto
Mon through Fri: 11am–2am | Sat & Sun: 10am–2am Tagline
1050 20th Street, Sacramento, CA facebook.com/lowbrausacramento Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
After 17 Years in Downtown Plaza Getta Clue moves into Midtown’s MARRS Building Words Jonathan Carabba • photos Phill Mamula
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas
Location, Location, W Location
hen it comes to running a small business, the odds are stacked against you. It’s sad, but true. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, only about half of all new establishments survive five years or more, and only about one-third survive 10 years or more. This, in part, is what makes local retailer Getta Clue’s 20-plus year run so impressive. Locals Scott Gilbert and Justin Bilbao first opened their hip, fashionforward men’s streetwear store in 1992 on Broadway and after a few years there, as well as a couple-year stint on K Street, they eventually settled into the Downtown Plaza. That’s where Getta Clue stayed, quite successfully, for a long time—17 years to be exact. That is until this month, when Gilbert, Bilbao and their longtime general manager Maia Friedman decided to ditch the Plaza (which in case you’ve been living under a rock is where the Kings are building their new arena) to move into Midtown’s popular and highly soughtafter MARRS Building (MARRS stands for “Midtown Art Retail Restaurant Scene”), home to happening spots like LowBrau Bierhall, Block Butcher Bar, Sac Comedy Spot and more. “It’s a hard move in the sense that we had a great run at Downtown Plaza and we were very successful down there,” Gilbert recently told Submerge in an interview. “But the time was right for us to change and we’ve had our eye on Midtown for a long time and we love the vibe of what’s going on, especially right here on the block, which to us feels sort of like the heart of Midtown. So when the opportunity came up, we were eager to jump on it.” Getta Clue’s newest incarnation in the MARRS Building is approximately 2,200 square feet, and when Submerge visited last week, it already felt like it had been there forever. “Yeah, we’ve moved a couple times,” joked Bilbao when talking about how quickly they got the new shop set up. “This was actually a nice long journey of three whole days to set up instead of 24 hours!” He isn’t kidding when he says they’ve moved a lot, and not just the Getta Clue store either, as Bilbao and Gilbert also own Goodstock Boutique, a men’s and women’s clothing store that was first started in 2009 at Howe Bout Arden before moving into the Downtown Plaza right next to Getta Clue’s old spot, but is now located at Arden Fair Mall (are you keeping up?). Set aside the shuffling of locations over the years and one thing remains: This team knows their fashion and is constantly stocking some of the hottest gear and brands on the market. Getta Clue carries goods from popular international streetwear brands like Obey, HUF and Publish, as well as gear from locally based companies like Official (who even has a one-of-a-kind “Shop-N-Shop” set up in the back corner of Getta Clue), Timeless Thrills and others. They also stock a ton of sneakers from companies like Nike and Vans. If you’re a guy in Sacramento and want to look fly, there is no better place to turn than Getta Clue! Submerge recently chopped it up with Gilbert, Bilbao and Friedman about their move into Midtown, how Sacramento’s sense of fashion has grown over the years and how music and art influence the fashion and retail worlds. SubmergeMag.com
What is it about this area of Midtown, specifically the MARRS Building, that drew you guys in? Maia Friedman: The MARRS Building drew us in by the diverse mix of art, music and food. These areas have always been great and have continued to grow for a better Midtown. That’s why we wanted to add retail to the mix. Over the years you guys must have seen it all when it comes to different trends coming and going. A lot has changed right? Justin Bilbao: Yeah. When we started back in ‘92 it was kind of actually where it is now. A lot of independent, smaller, streetwear brands. Real hip, skate oriented, a lot of people pushing the envelope in their style and in what they were putting out there. Then it kind of grew over the years and then it became corporate and big. Then it got real hip-hop based for a long time and then it kind of switched back, then hip-hop itself kind of went back down to street and skate. We kind of ride the trends of who is doing what, but at the same time kind of put things in front of people that they haven’t seen before. So trying to play both sides. But it’s funny, it’s actually coming full circle and now the small companies over the last six years have become bigger, larger companies, like Diamond and Huf. Now there’s a new crop of smaller companies that are growing and starting to show some relevance. Then we do a lot of support of local companies and brands like Official and Lurk Hard. Timeless Thrills is coming up, Higher Moons is a local kid doing stuff, so there’s a lot of new brands that are starting to come up out of the woodwork which is great because it makes it fun for us to give them a place to show their stuff. Scott Gilbert: In order to stay relevant, especially in the fashion business, you have to be good at reinventing yourself. It really is second nature to us just because we eat, drink, sleep, live and breathe this. So it just kind of comes naturally to us to reinvent ourselves because we’re just part of the fabric of what’s happening. If you’re not able to reinvent yourself and get stuck in a rut, that’s when you get into trouble as a business. What are some of your favorite (and least favorite) styles and trends that you’ve encountered while working so many years in the fashion business? MF: My least favorite trend of all these years (and I am so happy its gone), is the 3X tee on the size Large male. I have encountered so many styles and trends over the years. I would have to say some of my favorite would include: Americana, workwear, unique colorways of sneakers, mixing and matching prints and simply using your own individual style and making it your own.
How do you feel that Sacramento’s sense of fashion stacks up against other big cities that you guys have visited? JB: It’s grown exponentially in the last five years; it’s been huge. With the Internet that obviously gave everyone an opportunity to see a lot more things, but especially Sacramento in the last couple years, I mean, their style has gotten great! They’re grasping onto independent designers and trying new things, mixing old and new, taking all sorts of styles and kind of blending them, so it’s cool. Sacramento has definitely evolved a lot! SG: I think there’s a wider customer base here that travels more, and a lot of people who have moved from other areas, bigger cities like San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles. They bring the style from there to here and that’s a big compliment to Sacramento that people are choosing to come and reside here. I think the city is finally being taken over by a younger generation of entrepreneurs in the restaurant business, the bar business, the fashion business. These are all very fashion savvy people. I think Sacramento is finally starting to see the result of that. So we’ve seen that customer base grow, especially like Justin said over the last five or so years. Things like music and art, as well as different facets of sports, like skateboarding and even mainstream sports like basketball, seem to play a huge factor in the fashion/retail world. How do you guys embrace and incorporate these things into your stores? JB: Skateboarding has always been part of our DNA. We’ve carried skate since day one. That’s always been a part of what we are and it obviously is an integral part of the whole streetwear culture in general. It plays a heavy part in all of it. Then as far as music and stuff like that, we’ve been heavily influenced by everything. It’s great, the scenes that have evolved, from the electronic music scene that we’ve always been pretty involved with, to the local hip-hop scenes, all of those things have always played a heavy dynamic of who and what we are. The artists that we know, the DJs that are our friends that come and spin, different artists that come and do signings, both local and ones that are from L.A. or New York or whatever that are coming through. We are the hub. When they come to town, they’ll come through to see us. SG: When we first opened Getta Clue there wasn’t even the term streetwear or anything like that, it wasn’t even a term. A lot of the stuff that we stocked was just skate stuff. Back then it was a lot of record label product too, like we sold Def Jam T-shirts and jackets, we sold Nervous Records. So anything kind of creative. Then the art side of that was the street art that we supported back then, it was still even more underground than it is now, there wasn’t any Banksys or anyone like that.
“In order to stay relevant, especially in the fashion business, you have to be good at reinventing yourself.” – Scott Gilbert, Getta Clue
It’s been said before, but music, art, fashion, they all go hand in hand. SG: It’s just part of our generation. People want street art and that has evolved and as we’ve gotten older you’ve seen like the successes of the Shepard Faireys and the Banksys and stuff like that. The music has obviously evolved and heavily influenced the fashion. So those things, art, music, fashion, skating, everything is just kind of like all part of the same big old stew. What are some brands and/or products that you guys are hyped on right now? Any predictions for what 2015 and beyond will hold for brands and retailers? MF: Super hyped on all the retro runners that are coming out. Basics and classics that include Vans, Nike Retro and denim. Predictions: Cleaner lines, simpler style and easy to wear pieces that can go from day-to-night. Also, socks will continue to grow as a whole. JB: It’s a lot of local and small, then at the same time we do a lot of business with Nike. We do a lot in the footwear and sneaker business, men’s and women’s. A lot of the retro stuff is coming in. Fashion stylingwise there is a lot of marriage between real traditional classic Americana and sports wear now. So you’re seeing a lot of like tech fabrics and technical pieces being integrated into classic stylings. So you’re going to find different things like oxford shirts but they’re going to be wicking and things like that. As far as brands, we still do a lot with Obey and Publish. Official obviously is a big thing that we should mention with their “Shop-N-Shop” here. This is a first of its kind, I think. Their product will be rotating constantly, limited production stuff, collab stuff, all of their team skaters will come through. A really cool integration of those kinds of styles is happening right now. Herschel bags are huge; accessories in general are just a huge market. We do a lot with Huf socks, with Huf in general as a whole brand, but their socks are a thing unto themselves. That’s interesting to hear about the blending of sporty gear with classic wear! JB: You’ll see that marriage start to happen more over the next year or so. You’ll see a lot of that kind of stuff. But we’re still just really good at basics, too, like simple clean old school Vans and clean denim. Stuff that never goes out of style, right? JB: Yeah! And just simple T-shirts, simple jackets and real clean basics. It’s those things all together that we try to do.
Visit Getta Clue’s new location at 1050 20th Street, Suite no. 180. Their hours are Monday to Thursday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; and Sunday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. On Second Saturdays they are open 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Stay tuned to Gettacluestore.com and/or Facebook.com/gettacluestore for an announcement of a Grand Opening Party sometime in March.
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
A Strong Foundation Black Map may be a new band on the hard rock scene, but its members aren’t lacking in experience Words Eddie Jorgensen • photo Jen Cash
usic fans don’t realize the immense amount of preparation it takes to successfully launch a new band. Schedules have to be arranged, songs need to be constructed and, most importantly, the members need to get along and work together. The countless, sweaty and long rehearsals held regardless of bad weather alongside the immense pressure each member puts upon his/her self can be daunting. Although point of origin shouldn’t be an issue, hard rock band Black Map, which features drummer Chris Robyn (Far), guitarist Mark Engles (Dredg) and bassist/ vocalist Ben Flanagan (Trophy Fire), have got all three potential problems working in their favor. Once more, they’ve garnered a strong buzz overseas by getting in front of people well before the release of their first full-length album. The band hit it off immediately after playing together for the first time and were recording within a month, eventually touring behind the end product, the magnificent Driver EP. And while the band hasn’t really embarked on a proper tour to promote their new album—…And We Explode on Minus Head Records—let’s just say it’s in the works. Fans of Sparta, Dredg, Far and the like will appreciate the new album for the ebbs and flows of the songs all the way through to the ambient outro “And We Explode Part 2.” “Code,” the opening track, kicks off the album after a nice atmospheric swell and showcases the band’s attention to both staccato rhythms and its open-ended chorus. “Chinaski” also finds the band expanding into emo-rock territory with great effect and rivals any of the members’ work with their previous bands. Also of worthy mention is “Head to the Hills,” which finds Flanagan and Robyn locking in perfectly amongst Engles’ handy fretwork. Submerge caught up with Flanagan in San Francisco as he was preparing for two shows at Bottom of the Hill and Sacramento's Blue Lamp, the latter of which would be canceled.
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
Has Black Map played out much thus far? We’ve only played about 45 shows at this point and eight local shows. We also did a two-week tour with Chevelle in the states on the West Coast in July 2014. You previously played in a band called The Actual. What was your experience like being signed to Scott Weiland’s Softdrive Records? I joined the band after they already existed. There was a lot of pressure from Scott and others to add a second guitarist/singer. Before I even played a note, I was in their music video. Scott is one of the most talented performers and is quite esoteric. We also were fortunate enough to do a couple weeks touring with Velvet Revolver. You also played with another well-known band, Dredg. Do you have plans to go out as a backing vocalist/guitarist? Dredg is very much a band and, yes, they’re still active. They recently toured in Europe without me. Me playing with them is just a matter of scheduling and need and depends on the material they’re playing since they have done album anniversary shows. Your last record with The Trophy Fire was released in 2013. What’s happening with that band? The band is dormant but not dead. The guys are close friends and we don’t have anybody yelling over our shoulder to keep busy. Right now I’m concentrating on Black Map and promoting this record. Where do your bass lines come from? I pretty much write all my bass lines. The skeletons of the songs come from either Mark or myself. Of course, when it comes to the songs I wrote, I write everything.
“And We Explode Part 2” has an early M83 vibe. Are you into electronic music? I love ambient electronic music, Depeche Mode and ethereal Brit-pop. We recorded this over much time and decided that we would end the album and cleanse the listener’s musical palate. What was it like working with Aaron Hellam and his Hellam Sound studio? Aaron is a really great friend and we have great history with him. He knows how to talk to us but he is definitely helpful with adding little extras and 90 percent of the time he’s right when giving input. It’s cool, though, because his studio is in a building connected to our rehearsal space. It’s called Jack London rehearsals. Where did you end up meeting Chris Robyn [drummer of Far] and how did this collaboration with Mark Engles come about? It’s pretty random. Dear Kerosene was my previous band. We needed a lawyer to do a trademark on our band name and Eddie Meehan from ground(ctrl) recommended our music. There’s a song we had called “Trust” that he liked and we developed a mutual admiration for each other’s music.
Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas
1517 21st street sacramentO
San Francisco is expensive. How can you afford it and still tour? I am a bartender at a place called Leopold’s in San Francisco. It’s Austrian and German fare. Minus Head paid for a lot of things like transportation costs and have been awesome thus far.
Open Daily at 4 pm
events calendar
What can fans expect from your upcoming show other than, obviously, songs from the new record? We’re going to play the record in its entirety since we haven’t played “Stranger” and “And We Explode Part 2” in Sacramento yet. We’ll also try to do a cover song or two to break things up.
How are you going to promote the new record in 2015? Touring? Definitely. We’re in the midst of booking more shows in the West Coast and then hope to head back to Europe early in the year. At present, we don’t have a booking agent but we are looking hard for one now for national and international tours. Any festival plans for 2015? SXSW? It’s definitely possible that we will play. We got asked last year to play two parties, but it wasn’t worth it financially. How was the tour of the United Kingdom? It couldn’t have been better. The Driver EP came out long before the European tour. We purposely had the four-song EP so we could have something to sell. We also have vinyl coming out soon. Any Bay Area bands that you’re currently into? My two favorite bands are called Picture Atlantic [Brit-pop trio] and Eyes on the Shore, who play earthy rock ‘n’ roll. What bands would you like to support or open for next year? That’s a loaded question. There are so many bands we’d love to share the stage with. Obviously, Queens of the Stone Age, Baroness, Failure and Deftones are high on the list. There are many others that I can’t think of but there are definitely many more. We’ve talked to Abe Cunningham from Deftones and have our fingers crossed that they’ll have a slot on one of their tours.
Any plans to return and play Sacramento proper in 2015? Since we had to cancel our show for personal reasons, I’m going to rebook this early in the year.
fri. january 23 8pm
sun. february 1 8pm
CaSTle | (Waning) aSTral CulT
Karma To Burn Sierra | SanS SoBrieTy CrimSon eye
sat. january 24 8pm
Terra ferno heaT of damage Surviving The era sun. january 25 7pm
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Have you been getting good feedback from social media? Yes. I think we all are responsible for that. All of the band members outside of Black Map support us and you will find information about us on their Facebook pages and websites as well. There’s no reason it all can’t be shared since we all have the common goal to be seen and heard by as many as possible. Where is your biggest fan base outside of the Northwest and California? I think in all the markets we’ve played with Chevelle have helped us gain some new fans. We still haven’t played the East Coast or Midwest yet but hope to play all over this year.
916.704.0711 starlitelOunge.net
thurs. january 29 8pm
ÆnimuS | aeThere ex SCienTia vera PeTroglyPhS WraTh of TideS fri. january 30 8pm
mau | WhooPie QaT Braden SCoTT Band SPidermeoW sat. january 31 8pm
SorTa liKe heaven (Cure TriBuTe)
dj Bryan haWK
Happy HOur mOn - fri 4 tO 7 pm
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thurs. february 5 8pm
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Have you heard any rumblings from the other members of Dredg or the other guys’ bands about Black Map? They all seem to like the band, and I’ve heard nothing but positive feedback. Any extra songs in the can for the next record even though yours was just released in late October? We’re just starting the process of writing. We’re not a band that wants to put out something every two years. We plan to write well throughout 2015. Do you feel like Black Map is getting more response than any of your projects? Yeah, definitely. My previous band, The Actual, had some pretty big legs under it since we were signed to an imprint through the majors. It’s just nice to see the reaction, and we’ve all put in a lot of time in this industry.
Just hours before press time, our contact was 95% sure Black Map would be playing the Boardwalk Grand Reopening Weekend with Earthless and Brubaker Friday, Feb. 6. The all ages show starts at 8 pm; doors open at 7. Tix are $12 and on sale now. To order ...And We Explode and to keep up on their calendar, go to Blackmapmusic.com
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
S u N dAy
January 25
T u E S dAy
T u E S dAy
January 27
f R i dAy
february 10
T h u R S dAy
february 19
fair struggle Main event • Picture Yes
february 13
f R i dAy
february 20
P L AY I N G T H E A L B U M I N I T ʼ S E N T I R E T Y & G R E AT E S T H I T S
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January 9
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January 28
february 14
SAT u R dAy
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february 21
White Minorities • slaves of Manhattan
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January 21
los rakas • tel cairo
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January 31
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february 27
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January 23 philadelphonic.com gloveshotsauce.com
S u N dAy
february 8
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
w E d N E S dAy
february 18
SAT u R dAy
february 28
Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas
S u N dAy
March 1
SAT u R dAy
M O N dAy
March 9
S u N dAy
March 21
T h u R S dAy
March 22
March 10
T u E S dAy
w E d N E S dAy
April 15
life in 24 fraMes • stand out state
SAT u R dAy
T u E S dAy
April 9
April 11
S u N dAy
April 19
March 24 S u N dAy
April 12
T u E S dAy
April 21
M O N dAy
April 13
SAT u R dAy
April 25
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T h u R S dAy
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March 12
SAT u R dAy
March 28
T h u R S dAy
April 2
All Shows All Ages
Tickets Available @ dimple Records, Armadillo Online: AceOfSpadesSac.com By Phone: 1.877.GNd.CTRL OR 916.443.9202
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
The Next Big Stage
Panamanian-born Bay Area hip-hop stars Los Rakas gear up for Coachella
Words Andrew Bell
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
oachella is arguably the biggest festival in the world. Tickets sold out in just under 40 minutes this year for the two weekendlong festival that will include AC/DC, Drake, Florence and the Machine, Jack White, Lil B and over a hundred other musical acts including Panamanian cousins Los Rakas. For those of you who haven’t been using their albums as a post-hyphy Rosetta Stone, Los Rakas is composed of MC Raka Dun and Raka Rich. The name Los Rakas is derived from Rakataka, a Panamanian slur for people from the ghetto. The duo is from Oakland by way of Panama and has been all over the country, captivating crowds with their bass-heavy bilingual mixture of dancehall, hip-hop, soul, reggaeton and R&B that can only be described as Raka music. There was no business model when Los Rakas got started. There wasn’t a detailed plan to bridge a cultural gap by becoming one of
the most successful Urban Latino rap groups in history. They just wanted to make music. “In the beginning we didn’t really think ‘What genre we gonna do? Are we gonna rap in Spanish or in English? Who’s gonna be our audience?” explained Dun. “We were just creating and performing anywhere.” The Panabay duo has come a long way from peddling mixtapes on Oakland street corners in 2006. Last year, Los Rakas released their first album on Universal Records. El Negrito Dun Dun Y Ricardo received rave reviews, reaching No. 1 in the iTunes Urban Latino Charts. The pair spent 2014 hitting festival stages both nationally and internationally, including Reggae on the River, Supersonico and Cali Roots, and became one of the first Latin acts selected for the Honda Civic Tour alongside Mexican EDM heavyweights 3BallMTY. The duo is one of only three Latin acts at this year’s Coachella including Chicano Batman and Nortec Collective’s Bostich and Fussible. Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas
In one of the most pleasantly unexpected In the wake of last year’s success, Los musical moves of 2014, new wave legends Rakas find themselves lined up to step onto Blondie reached out to Los Rakas to feature one of the biggest music festival stages in the on Blondie’s song “I Screwed Up” for their world this April at Coachella. The feeling is new Ghosts of Download album. The track is a understandably still a little surreal for the pair. playful apology for a drunken night driven by “It won’t hit me, like, I won’t believe it until an infectious Cumbia rhythm and finished off I’m actually rocking on stage. I don’t think with verses from Rich and Dun. we’re nervous as much as anxious to get on “She was looking for something different stage. We love performing,” Rich explained. and they called us,” explained Rich. “The bigger stage just gives us more room to “We didn’t believe it at first,” Dun jokingly do more kicks and more jumps.” explained. “I talked to Rico [Raka Rich] and Before Los Rakas takes the Coachella he’s like, ‘Do you think it’s the real Blondie stage, however, they will be departing on The or is there some new school Blondie we don’t Rapture tour alongside a couple of the most know about?” prolific West Coast lyricists of all time. The El Negrito Dun Dun Y Ricardo follows the tour joins the duo with hip-hop legends Zion I duo’s critically acclaimed underground albums and Locksmith, and hits Sacramento at Ace of Chancletas y Camisetas Bordada and Raka Spades Feb. 17. “Our first tour was a hip-hop Love as well as a host of popular singles and tour with The Grouch,” Dun said. “From there features that gained them we did reggae tours and international recognition. Latin tours, but we’re Although it is their first happy to be back on a “In the beginning we major record label release, hip-hop tour because didn’t really think the Raka duo says the that’s how we started.” recording process was The duo is also ‘What genre we gonna the same as it always has busy working on their do? Are we gonna rap in been for them. “Ever since second studio album Spanish or in English? our first mixtape, Panabay with Universal, but Twist 1, we called it a as of right now they Who’s gonna be our mixtape for legal purposes are keeping details audience? We were just but in our minds we heavily under wraps. were creating an album,” According to Los Rakas, creating and performing explained Dun. “Every there is no working anywhere.” project we do we think of title or release date it as an album, whether currently, but they – Raka Dun, Los Rakas it’s an EP or a mixtape were able to divulge song, we treat the track a little bit about the like it’s our album song.” musical direction they were headed in on this El Negrito Dun Dun Y Ricardo continues next project. “We’re trying to give people a the Raka tradition of genre-bending and little bit of everything we do in one album,” covers bases from hard-hitting dancehall hits Rich explained. “This time we wanna put like “No Tan Listo” to some deep hip-hop everything in one plus some new genres you storytelling on “Sueño Americano” before haven’t heard us hop on before.” ending on a highly danceable house/future After years of hard work, gaining bass note with “X-Tacy.” The duo took an corporate sponsorships, touring the world and Outkast-esque approach to El Negrito Dun Dun gaining major record label success, Los Rakas’ Y Ricardo and split the album right down the music has never deviated from its original middle with Dun taking the first half and Rich intention. The Raka movement at its heart is taking the latter. The album showcases Dun still the same as it was when the cousins first and Rich’s individual personalities while also stood on Bay Area street corners selling mix providing the seamless musical fusion that tapes out of the trunk. The Raka philosophy Los Rakas fans have come to expect. still centers around fearless creativity without Last year also saw another childhood boundaries. “It’s all about positive vibes,” fantasy come to fruition for Los Rakas when explained Dun. “And not being afraid to just the Panabay duo had one of their songs be yourself.” selected for the soundtrack of their favorite video game. El Negrito Dun Dun Y Ricardo’s Missed out on those Coachella electro-cumbia/dancehall banger “Hot” was tickets? Los Rakas will play Ace of featured on EA Games’ FIFA 2014. When asked Spades Tuesday, Feb. 17 when the if they played FIFA before being included in Rapture Tour rolls into town with Zion I and Locksmith. The all-ages the latest edition’s soundtrack, Dun laughs. show is $15 and starts at 6:30. Visit “We’ve been playing FIFA since the ‘90s,” he Losrakas.com or Aceofspadessac. explained. “So that was a dream come true.” com for more info.
2708 J Street Sacramento 916.441.4693 HarlowS.com THE TINg TINgS
1 /29
WEDNESDAY 6:30PM $18 all ages
1 /21
1 /22
8PM $15adv
9:30PM $10adv
7PM $8adv
1 /23 1 /25 TUESDAY
5:30PM $18adv all ages
7PM $18adv
1 /27 1 /28
8PM $17adv
1 /24
6:30PM $18 all ages
2 /09
7PM $18adv
Eric BEllingEr PoRTlAND CEllo PRojECT ApplE Z Too MANY ZooZ ARE Too | BIg STICkY MESS
romAn miroshnichEnko / mArio olivArEs THE NEW MASTERSoUNDS THE HEARD
5:30PM $20
Will kimBrough / BrigittE DemEyEr
9:30PM $12adv
5:30PM $10 all ages
supEr huEy
9:30PM $12
1 /30 1 /30 1 /31 1/31
times are d o or times*
COMING SOON 02/03 02/04 02/05 02/06 02/07 02/10 02/11 02/12
The Motet Nothing Particle Zoo Station Steelin’ Dan The Dodos luciano Wiliam Fitzsimmons 02/12 Big Smo (late)
02/14 Mumbo gumbo 02/14 Midnight Players (late) 02/17 Wild Child 02/19 Alo 2/20-21 Tainted love 02/22 Crystal Bowersox 02/24 Tory lanez 02/27 Purple ones 02/28 Nicholas David 02/28 Petty Theft (late)
03/01 03/02 03/05 03/07 03/11 03/14 03/16 03/21 03/25
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
Mali Music David Cook The outlaws Foreverland Dj Premier and Royce Da’ 5’9 Cheryl Wheeler Trash Talk Felipe Esparza Everyone orchestra
It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll… and we LOVE It Rebel Punk’s debut album, Love/Hate, is scientifically proven to make you more badass Words Alia Cruz
ebel Punk isn’t punk,” clarified drummer John Quesada. “It’s kind of how The Killers aren’t killers.” Rebel Punk is an El Dorado Hills band with roots all over the world, who play good ol’ rock ‘n’ roll. No crazy dramatics here, the lyrics are clean and all sounds are the cries of guitars, drums and bass only. Simple rock ‘n’ roll from experienced musicians who can rely on their honed skills with instruments. The band will release their first album, Love/Hate, at the end of the month at Blue Lamp.
“We first started out as a cover band. We would be working on everything from Johnny Cash songs to The Clash,” said Quesada. One practice session, however, founding member and vocalist/guitarist George Palacios showed up with some original material. Eventually the band found itself cranking out so much original content that they struggled to narrow it down to the 12-song track list that would become Love/Hate. The band reminded me of Social Distortion with a hint of The Clash. They encompass a sort of badassery that is expressed with class
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
and cleanliness. Love/Hate blends the classic rock that you imagined was played in garages throughout the ‘70s, tinged with an attitude that would get these tunes blasting through the speakers of a dude flying down the 101 on his Harley. The band says they are “High octane rock ‘n’ roll,” after all. Rebel Punk consists of a bunch of really hardworking dudes. For instance, Craig Dieterich plays bass and backing vocals but is a construction superintendent by day. Matt Vijeh does guitars and backing vocals but also works as a garbage man (the garbage man, according to him). When Quesada isn’t holding it down on drums, he can be found cruising down California’s freeways as a big bad truck driver. Cue the Sons of Anarchy opening song. The band regularly shreds in a garage in EDH, where they have shockingly only had the police called on them twice. “When they showed up, they said, ‘We followed the
kickass music to this garage. Rock on, but ya gotta stop by 9 p.m.’” Quesada fondly reminisced. “Then the cop cracked a beer and threw up some devil horns while we played our next song.” Keep it brutal, EDH. Before every live performance, the group sticks to a strict regimen of pre-show rituals, mostly consisting of shots, “typically Jäger for Craig, Patron for Cack [Quesada’s nickname] , Jack for George, and cold Tanqueray for Matt. Cack usually screams for a few more shots during the set,” the band said via email. You can find Rebel Punk playing everything from indoor venues with two-hour sets to large outdoor events including food truck parties, marathons and charity events. They also played Pat Walsh’s anniversary radio show on 93.1 KFBK. They are even looking forward to finally breaking through and possibly playing the Sacramento Concert in the Park series.
Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas
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“When [the police] showed up, they said, ‘We followed the kickass music to this garage. Rock on, but ya gotta stop by 9 p.m.’Then the cop cracked a beer and threw up some devil horns while we played our next song.” – John Quesada, Rebel Punk, on band rehearsals in El Dorado Hills
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abstract entertainment The new album was written from 2010 to 2014, and recorded at the superior Pus Cavern with Joe Johnston. Pus Cavern is the local alt-music recording Mecca where everyone from Cake to A Lot Like Birds to The Brodys has laid down tracks. Most of the material was written by Palacios. Originally hailing from Spain, he penned the songs to reflect his relationship with American culture and assimilating to it. Palacios expresses his disparity with some aspects of our culture, as well as his love for it (hence the album title Love/Hate). The song “Down in the USA” is easily the tune that most reflects the feel of the album as a whole. It is about Palacios coming to the United States on vacation from Spain, meeting his now-wife and deciding to stay in the States to be with her. The album naturally progresses from tamer jams in the beginning and starts to loosen into controlled chaos in the end. The drums become more heavy-handed and quicker, the vocals are a tad more demanding and embracing of said chaos. The second to last track off of the album, “What I’m Looking For,” starts with an Elvis Presley-type entrance before osculating into guitar riffs that would make Brody Dalle swoon. Track five, “Breaking Down the Walls,” is a perfect example of this band’s seamless rock ‘n’ roll style. It focuses on the relationship between the guitar and vocals and rolls smoothly binded together until the end of the tune. The band’s influences, which include Social Distortion, Metallica and The Ramones, ring true in their music. SubmergeMag.com
Stylistically and lyrically, they have the attitude and they certainly have the guitar playing to back it up. On the night of their CD release at Blue Lamp, Rebel Punk will release their first ever music video. A1 automotives was more than happy to let them film their video amongst his hot rod collection, some with paint jobs that surpassed more than $35,000. “It was so fun, yet tedious,” said Quesada. “We had to redo our song at least 50 times to make sure we got the right shot. The folks over at MC2 productions produced the video by rigging the garage with tons of Go-Pro cameras. It was cool because we even strapped one to the back of a hot-rod, and we all loaded in the car and let the camera tape us speeding off into a cloud of dust.” The video will be released at Rebel Punk’s album release show on Jan. 31 at Blue Lamp, where their 12-song lineup will keep that rock rollin’ all night long.
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Nolan & the Last Action Heroes
Wolfhouse, Slattern V, Dynamic Fuzzbombs 9pm • $6 Prep your liver. Rebel Punk’s album release show on Jan. 31 at Blue Lamp is destined to be the best party you don’t remember. Also playing will be locals The Phantom Jets and The Toasters, traveling all the way from New York. It’s $10 in advance ($12 at the door), but if you hit up the band on Facebook, you can get in for $5. Check out Facebook.com/ rebelpunkmusic or Bluelampsacramento. com for more details.
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saT jan 27
Jem & Scout
Pomegranite, Garble 9pm • $5
CeLeBRATiNG 80 yeARS oF BuSiNeSS! Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
music, comedy & misc. Calendar
jan. 19 – feb. 2 submergemag.com/calendar
FREE: reggae soul and funk concert
FREE: an action packed comedy-adventure film about the special bond that develops between a plus-sized inflatable robot and prodigy
FREE: alternative indie pop concert
FREE: from Nickelodeon’s All That and Kenan and Kel, 90’s music mash up followed by comedy and Q & A
FREE: New Orleans second line brass band
FREE: indie rock concert
THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES THUR • FEB 12 • 7:30P • UNIVERSITY UNION BALLROOM Stage production based on Eve Ensler’s monologues with real women exploring intimacy, vulnerability and sexual self-discovery. Tickets are $5 for Sac State students, $7 for community college students and $10 for the general public. Tickets are available at www.SacStateUNIQUE.com
FREE: 2014 American satirical drama film that focuses on a group of African American college students at a predominantly white college
FREE: hypnotist
1.19 Monday
The Blue Lamp Acoustic/ Spoken Open Mic, special guest Creeper, 8 p.m. The Boxing Donkey Open Mic Variety Night, 8 p.m. Capitol Garage Open Mic Night hosted by Musical Charis, 9 p.m. Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m. Fox & Goose Open Mic Night, 7:30 p.m. Goldfield Open Mic Night hosted by James Cavern, 9 p.m. Louie’s Cocktail Lounge Karaoke, 9 p.m. LowBrau Motown on Monday’s w/ DJ Epik, 9 p.m. Luna’s Cafe Nebraska Mondays w/ Swimming in Bengal, Black Futon, 7:30 p.m. Press Club Blood Cabana, Stalking Distance, Competing, 8 p.m. UC Davis: Jackson Hall Gregory Porter, 7 p.m.
1.20 Tuesday
Ace of Spades Saving Abel, Fair Struggle, Picture Yes, Main Event, 6:30 p.m. Back 9 Bar & Grill Karaoke, 8 p.m.
GALLERY HOURS: MONDAY–FRIDAY 10:30 AM–3:30 PM EVENING HOURS: WEDNESDAYS & THURSDAYS 5:00 PM–8:00 PM For more info: (916) 278-6997 or www.theuniversityunion.com/gallery
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
The Blue Lamp Derrick Williams Memorial Benefit Show w/ The Nibblers, Hennessy, MICjordan, P.O.O.R, D Monsta, 8 p.m. Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m. Kupros Craft House Open Mic, 9 p.m. LowBrau Le Twist Tuesdays w/ Haunted Summer, Sam I Jam, Adam J, Roger Carpio, 9 p.m. Old Ironsides Karaoke, 9 p.m. Pine Cove Open Mic Night, 9 p.m. Powerhouse Pub Rock On! Live Band Karaoke, 8 p.m. Press Club Helms Alee, Shadow Limb, Battle Hag, 9 p.m. Shine Open Jazz Jam hosted by Jason Galbraith, 8 p.m. Sidetrax Rhythm w/ DJ Rockit, Crescendo, Spire, Evolve, 9:30 p.m. Torch Club Dan Cioper, 5:30 p.m.; Hibbity Dibbity, Sean Lehe, 8 p.m.
1.21 Wednesday
Ace of Spades Hed PE, Powerman 5000, Knee High Fox, White Minorities, Slaves of Manhattan, 6 p.m. Badlands Trapacana w/ IMF. Dred, TAMEsta and Guests, 10 p.m. Bar 101 Open Mic, 7:30 p.m. The Blue Lamp G4tro, Baysho Business, April Foolzz, Punky, Beast Bruh, Miss Zee, Myron Carter and More, 8 p.m. Club Car The Double Shots, 7:30 p.m.
Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m. Fox & Goose Northern Soul!, 8 p.m. Harlow’s Eric Bellinger, 7 p.m. Mix DJ Gabe Xavier, DJ Peeti V, 9 p.m. Old Ironsides Open Mic, 9 p.m. Powerhouse Pub WTF Wednesdays, 9 p.m. Press Club Butch vs Femme (Reunion), Bitter Fruit!, Lips of Renegade, 8 p.m. Shine Midtown Out Loud Open Mic, 8 p.m. Torch Club Acoustic Open Mic, 5:30 p.m.; Reds Blues feat. Kyle Rowland, 9 p.m.
1.22 thursday
Bar 101 Karaoke, 7:30 p.m. The Blue Lamp Evolution (Electro/Indie Dance/Indie Rock/Brit-Pop) w/ DJ Dark Star & DJ Davie Xander, 8 p.m. Capitol Garage Karaoke w/ Jeff Jenkins, 10 p.m. Club Car Songwriters Showcase, 8 p.m. The Coffee Garden Open Mic Night, 8 p.m. Crest Theatre Jeff Bridges & the Abiders, 7 p.m. Dive Bar Dueling Pianos, 9 p.m. Fox & Goose Marty Cohen & the Sidekicks, 8 p.m. Harlow’s Portland Cello Project, 8 p.m. The Hideaway Bar & Grill Trash Rock Thursdays, 9 p.m.
Level Up Lounge Karaoke, 9 p.m. Louie’s Cocktail Lounge Karaoke, 9 p.m. Mix DJ Eddie Edul, DJ Peeti V, 9 p.m. Pine Cove Karaoke, 9 p.m. Powerhouse Pub Zac Hacker, 10 p.m. Press Club Jucifer, Cura Cochino, Church, 9 p.m. Shady Lady Hot City, 9 p.m. The Stoney Inn Country Strong, Two Steps Down, 9 p.m. Torch Club Mind X Quartet, 5 p.m.; ZuhG, Con Brio, 9 p.m.
1.23 Friday
Ace of Spades G. Love & Special Sauce, Matt Costa, 7 p.m. Back 9 Bar & Grill Mindflowers, Max Pain and the Groovies, Said the Shotgun, 8:30 p.m. Bar 101 D.A.P., 9:30 p.m. The Blue Lamp Free Up Fridays (Reggae) w/ DJ Wokstar and special guests, 10 p.m. Capitol Garage Fyah Fridays w/ DJ Jaytwo, 10 p.m. The Colony Control, Good Neighbor Kids, Sages, Salythia, 7 p.m. District 30 Louie Giovanni, 10 p.m. Fox & Goose Be Brave Bold Robot, CFR, 9 p.m. Golden Bear DJ Crook, 10 p.m. Goldfield Michael Beck Band, 9 p.m. Harlow’s Apple Z, 9:30 p.m. Hideaway Mother of A Girl, The Harbor, Sealegs, 8 p.m. Kupros Craft House Peter Holden, 9 p.m.
continued on page 24
1.21 1.23
Slaves of Manhattan Hed PE, Powerman 5000, Knee High Fox, White Minorities Ace of Spades 6 p.m.
Louie Giovanni District 30 10 p.m. Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas
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Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
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Lake Tahoe Golf Course FNCTN Winter Music Series w/ Forrest Day, Big Sticky Mess, 8 p.m. Luna’s Cafe Hannah Kile, Ruby Fradkin, Emily O’Neill, Kate Sprawka, 8 p.m. Midtown BarFly That Thing on Friday w/ Ben Tension, Shaun Slaughter, X-Gov, The Scheme, 10 p.m. Mix DJ Gabe Xavier, 9 p.m. Old Ironsides Kevin Bacon Tribute w/ 50 Watt Heavy, Whiskey & Stitches, Blame the Bishop, Jem & Scout, Mike Blanchard & The Californios and More, 7:30 p.m. Pine Cove Karaoke, 9 p.m. Powerhouse Pub 8 Track Massacre, 10 p.m. Press Club DJ Rue, 9 p.m. Red Hawk Casino Nathan Owens Band, 9:30 p.m. Sammy’s Island Bar and Grill Essex Party Band, 9:30 p.m. Shady Lady Current Personae, 9 p.m. Shine Anton Barbeau, Ryan Behling, Erik Spencer, 8 p.m. Starlite Lounge Castle, (Waning), Astral Cult, 8 p.m. Thunder Valley Casino Resort Decades, 9:30 p.m. Tommy T’s 2 Steps Down, 9 p.m. Torch Club Pailer & Fratis, 5:30 p.m.; Mia Dyson, 9 p.m. Veterans Memorial Auditorium (Grass Valley) Jeff Bridges and the Abiders, Jessie Bridges, 8 p.m. (Sold Out)
1.24 Saturday
Back 9 Bar & Grill Defyant Circle, The Left Hand, Sour Diesel, Animism, 8:30 p.m. Bar 101 Ariel Jean Band, 9:30 p.m. The Blue Lamp AP9, Draztic Music, Creeper, 9 p.m.
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
Cafe Colonial The Moans, The Lowmen, The Community, Rat Stomp, 8 p.m. Capitol Garage Feel Good Saturday’s w/ DJ Epik, 10 p.m. The Colony Harms Way, Disgrace, Enough Said, Axis, Drown, 7 p.m. District 30 Glowbal Party w/ DJ Elements, DJ Luigi, 10 p.m. Fox & Goose Merdog, Spangler, Dick Larson, 9 p.m. Goldfield Westbound 50, 9 p.m. Harlow’s The Ting Tings, Kaneholler, 8 p.m. Harrah’s Lake Tahoe G. Love & Special Sauce, Matt Costa, 8 p.m. The Hideaway Bar & Grill The Scouse Gits, Ogres, Drive-Thru Mystics, DJ’s Tim Matranga & The Vinyl Avenger, 8 p.m. KBAR Z Rokk, 9 p.m. Kupros Craft House Harley White Jr. Trio, 9 p.m. Level Up Lounge Guest DJs, 9 p.m. Luna’s Cafe Be Brave Bold Robot, Devin Farren, Willie Ramsey, 8 p.m. Main Stage Theater (Grass Valley) Dan Hicks and The Hot Licks, 8 p.m. Mix DJ Eddie Edul, 9 p.m.
Old Ironsides Nolan & The Last Action Heroes, Wolfhouse, Slattern V, Dynamic Fuzz Bombs, 9 p.m. Pine Cove Karaoke, 9 p.m. Powerhouse Pub Tragically White, 10 p.m. Press Club DJ Larry Rodriguez, 9 p.m. Red Hawk Casino Nathan Owens Band, 10 p.m. Rockband University Drown, Method, Downturn, Axis, Spinebreaker, 7 p.m. Sammy’s Island Bar and Grill Max Cabello Jr., 9:30 p.m. Shady Lady Golden Cadillacs, 9 p.m. Shine The Soul Shine Band, The Boneyard Rattlers, 8 p.m. Starlite Lounge Surviving the Era, Heat of Damage, Terra Ferno, 8 p.m. Thunder Valley Casino Resort Clean Slate, 9:30 p.m. Tommy T’s Country DJ & Dancing, 9 p.m. Torch Club Jenn Rogar, 5:30 p.m.; Daniel Castro Band, 9 p.m.
1.25 sunday
Ace of Spades Tyler Farr, 7 p.m. The Blue Lamp Sullivan’s Wright, Cash Cartel, Midnight Brothers, 8 p.m. Broderick Roadhouse Karaoke w/ DJ Jazcat, 9 p.m. Cafe Colonial Mercy Music, No Red Alice, 8 p.m. Capitol Garage Karaoke w/ Jeff Jenkins, 9 p.m. Distillery Karaoke, 8 p.m. Harlow’s Too Many ZooZ, Are Too, Big Sticky Mess, 7 p.m. Mix DJ Konflikt, DJ Gabe Xavier, 8:30 p.m. Powerhouse Pub Albert Cummings, 3 p.m. Press Club The Storytellers (15 Year Anniversary Show), The Flower Vato, Ky (of Recorded Freedom), 5 p.m.
Peace Killers Joy, Buffalo Tooth, Removed Starlite Lounge 7 p.m.
Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas
Shady Lady Peter Petty, 9 p.m. Starlite Lounge Joy, Peace Killers, Buffalo Tooth, Removed, 7 p.m. Torch Club Blues Jam, 4 p.m.; Front the Band, 8 p.m.
1.26 Monday
The Blue Lamp Acoustic/ Spoken Open Mic, 8 p.m. The Boxing Donkey Open Mic Variety Night, 8 p.m. Capitol Garage Open Mic Night hosted by Musical Charis, 9 p.m. Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m. Fox & Goose Open Mic Night, 7:30 p.m. Goldfield Open Mic Night hosted by James Cavern, 9 p.m. Louie’s Cocktail Lounge Karaoke, 9 p.m. LowBrau Motown on Monday’s w/ DJ Epik, 9 p.m. Luna’s Cafe Nebraska Mondays w/ Ghiadub Quartet, Swedlow Trio, 7:30 p.m. Press Club Bubble Butt Dance Party w/ DJ Lady Char, 9 p.m.
Please support the advertisers that support Submerge! This publication would not be possible without our wonderful advertisers. Visit them and tell ‘em Submerge is the reason. SubmergeMag.com
1.27 1.28 Tuesday
Ace of Spades The Expendables, Fortunate Youth, Katastro, 6:30 p.m. Back 9 Bar & Grill Karaoke, 8 p.m. The Blue Lamp Murderlicious, RGB, 9 p.m. Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m. Harlow’s An Evening with Roman Miroshnichenko and Mario Olivares, 5:30 p.m. Kupros Craft House Open Mic, 9 p.m. LowBrau Le Twist Tuesdays w/ Metal Mother, Sam I Jam, Roger Carpio, Adam J, 9 p.m. Old Ironsides Karaoke, 9 p.m. Pine Cove Open Mic Night, 9 p.m. Powerhouse Pub Rock On! Live Band Karaoke, 8 p.m. Press Club Ghost Parade, The Body Rampant, Streetlight Fire, 9 p.m. Shine Open Jazz Jam hosted by Jason Galbraith, 8 p.m. Torch Club Quinn Hedges, 5:30 p.m.; Hans & the Hot Mess, 9 p.m.
Ace of Spades Silverstein, Beartooth, Hands Like Houses, Major League, My Iron Lung, 6 p.m. Bar 101 Open Mic, 7:30 p.m. The Blue Lamp Hobo Contraption, Jake Nielsen’s Triple Threat, Devon Galley, Sumpin Diffrnt, 8 p.m. Club Car The Double Shots, 7:30 p.m. Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m. Fox & Goose Northern Soul!, 8 p.m. Harlow’s The New Mastersounds, The Heard, 7 p.m. Luna’s Cafe Irish/Celtic Night w/ The Glens of Smow, Sambandha, 7 p.m. Mix DJ Gabe Xavier, DJ Peeti V, 9 p.m. Old Ironsides Open Mic, 9 p.m. Powerhouse Pub WTF Wednesdays w/ Moon Mantis, The WreckAge, 8 p.m. Press Club MindFlowers, The Baddest Beams, Kaz Mirblouk, 8 p.m. Sacramento State: University Union Redwood Room Nooner w/ Brian Chris Rogers, 12 p.m.
Torch Club Acoustic Open Mic, 5:30 p.m.; Keri Carr Band, 9 p.m. UC Davis: Jackson Hall The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, 8 p.m.
Photo by Jon Knox
Bar 101 Karaoke, 7:30 p.m. The Blue Lamp Jeff Turner, DJ Eddie Z, J. Terrible, Mickey Tiltz, 8 p.m. Capitol Garage Karaoke w/ Jeff Jenkins, 10 p.m. Club Car Songwriters Showcase, 8 p.m. The Coffee Garden Open Mic Night, 8 p.m. District 30 Digit Formless, 10 p.m. Dive Bar Dueling Pianos, 9 p.m. Fox & Goose Chicken & Dumpling, 8 p.m. Harlow’s Sage Francis, The Metermaids, Mr. P Chill, 6:30 p.m. The Hideaway Bar & Grill Trash Rock Thursdays, 9 p.m. Level Up Lounge Karaoke, 9 p.m. Louie’s Cocktail Lounge Karaoke, 9 p.m. Mix DJ Eddie Edul, DJ Peeti V, 9 p.m.
Le Twist Tuesdays w/
Metal Mother Sam I Jam, Roger Carpio, Adam J LowBrau 9 p.m.
Old Ironsides Karaoke, 9 p.m. Pine Cove Karaoke, 9 p.m. Powerhouse Pub Brodie Stewart, 10 p.m. Press Club Oscar Goldman, Task1ne, Luke Tailor, Just A Konsept, 9 p.m. Shady Lady MG4, 9 p.m. Starlite Lounge Ænimus, Ex Scientia Vera, Aethere, Petroglyphs, Wrath of Tides, 8 p.m. Torch Club Mind X Quartet, 5 p.m.; Patrick Contreras Kingdom, 9 p.m.
UC Davis: Vanderhoef Studio Theatre Empyrean Ensemble, 7 p.m.
Ace of Spades Lindsey Stirling, 7 p.m. (Sold Out) Back 9 Bar & Grill Chaos In Minds, Re-Existence, Kaidan, 8:30 p.m. Bar 101 Brian Chris Rogers, 9:30 p.m. continued on page 26
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The Blue Lamp Task1ne, California Bear Gang, The Gatlin, Flossalini, Spyda The Boss, Penny, DJ Epik and More, 9 p.m. Capitol Garage Fyah Fridays w/ DJ Jaytwo, 10 p.m. The Colony Mos Likely, Deadweight, Decent Criminal, Screaming Mimi’s, The Enlows, 8 p.m. Fox & Goose Black Knight, Satellite, Punch-Out!, 9 p.m. Golden Bear DJ Crook, 10 p.m. Goldfield Kenny Frye Band, 9 p.m. Harlow’s Will Kimbrough, Brigitte DeMeyer, 6:30 p.m.; Duran Duran Duran, 9:30 p.m. Kupros Craft House 50 Watt Heavy, 9 p.m. Mix DJ Gabe Xavier, 9 p.m. Old Ironsides Hans & the Hot Mess, Toulumne, Rich McCauley, 9 p.m. Pine Cove Karaoke, 9 p.m. Powerhouse Pub Super Diamond, 10 p.m. Press Club DJ Rue, 9 p.m. Red Hawk Casino Brodie Stewart, 9:30 p.m. Sammy’s Island Bar and Grill Cover Me Badd, 9:30 p.m. Shady Lady Julie & the Jukes, 9 p.m. Shine Jason Galbraith Band, 8 p.m.
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
Starlite Lounge MAU, Braden Scott Band, Spidermeow, Whoopie Qat, 8 p.m. The Stoney Inn Rodeo After Party w/ Stephan Hogan, Jackson Michelson, 7 p.m. Thunder Valley Casino Resort East Wind, 9:30 p.m. Tommy T’s Buck Ford Band, 9 p.m. Torch Club Pailer & Fratis, 5:30 p.m.; Island of Black & White (Live Album Recording), 9 p.m. UC Davis: Vanderhoef Studio Theatre So Percussion, 7 p.m.; Bob Ostertag, 10 p.m.
1.31 Saturday
Ace of Spades Trigger Hippy, 7 p.m. Bar 101 Yer Mom Rocks, 9:30 p.m. The Blue Lamp The Toasters, Rebel Punk (CD Release), The Phantom Jets, 8 p.m. Cache Creek Casino Banda Machos, 8 p.m. Cafe Colonial Verbal Abuse, Highway Murderers, Atom Bomb, Beerlords, 7 p.m. Capitol Garage Feel Good Saturday’s w/ DJ Epik, 10 p.m.
The Colony In the Silence, Dream In Red, Battle Hag, The Echoing, Wandern, 7 p.m. Crest Theatre Antsy McClain, Daniel Champagne, 7 p.m. District 30 Panic City, 10 p.m. Fox & Goose Salt Wizard, Instagon, 9 p.m. Goldfield Dylan Scott, 9 p.m. Harlow’s Super Huey (Huey Lewis tribute), 6:30 p.m.; Hip Service, 9:30 p.m. KBAR Z Rokk, 9 p.m. Kupros Craft House Trio Las Cruces, 9 p.m. Level Up Lounge Guest DJs, 9 p.m. Luna’s Cafe David Houston & String Theory, 8 p.m. Main Stage Theater (Grass Valley) Jesse Cook, 8 p.m. Midtown BarFly Throwdown w/ The Golden Pony, French Horn Rebellion (DJ Set), Sister Crayon (DJ Set), My Cousin Vinny, DJ Tripz and More, 9 p.m. Mix DJ Eddie Edul, 9 p.m. MontBleu Resort Casino The Guess Who, 8 p.m. Old Ironsides Jem & Scout, Pomegranate, Garble, 9 p.m. The Park Ultra Lounge Nick Ferrer, DJ Passion, 10 p.m. Pine Cove Karaoke, 9 p.m. Powerhouse Pub Superlicious, 10 p.m.
Press Club L.A. Witch, Monster Treasure, Death Party at the Beach, Vasas, 5 p.m.; DJ Larry Rodriguez, 9 p.m. Red Hawk Casino The Spazmatics, 10 p.m. Sammy’s Island Bar and Grill A-Train, 9:30 p.m. Shady Lady Ross Hammond, 9 p.m. Starlite Lounge Sorta Like Heaven (Cure tribute), DJ Bryan Hawk, 9 p.m. The Stoney Inn Rodeo After Party w/ Cripple Creek, 7 p.m. Thunder Valley Casino Resort Rhythm Vandals, 9:30 p.m. Tommy T’s Country DJ & Dancing, 9 p.m. Torch Club Jesse Abbey (of Musical Charis), 5:30 p.m. UC Davis: Jackson Hall UC Davis Symphony Orchestra, 7 p.m. UC Davis: Vanderhoef Studio Theatre So Percussion, 10 p.m.
2.01 Sunday
The Blue Lamp Superbowl Party & BBQ w/ Kill The Precedent, 2 p.m. Broderick Roadhouse Karaoke w/ DJ Jazcat, 9 p.m.
Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas
Photo by Charr Crail
There Goes the Neighborhood Comedy Jam w/
Connor McSpadden Nick Larson, Alfonso Ochoa, hosted by Larry the Bartender Laughs Unlimited 8 p.m.
Capitol Garage Karaoke w/ Jeff Jenkins, 9 p.m. Distillery Karaoke, 8 p.m. Mix DJ Gabe Xavier, 9 p.m. Powerhouse Pub Briefcase Full of Blues, 3 p.m. Press Club Sunday Night Soul Party w/ DJ Larry Rodriguez, 9 p.m. Sol Collective Las Cafeteras, Chicano Batman, World Hood, 8 p.m. Starlite Lounge Karma To Burn, Sierra, Sans Sobriety, 8 p.m. Torch Club Blues Jam, 4 p.m.; Sactown Playboys, 8 p.m.
2.02 Monday
The Blue Lamp Acoustic/ Spoken Open Mic, 8 p.m. The Boxing Donkey Open Mic Variety Night, 8 p.m. Capitol Garage Open Mic Night hosted by Musical Charis, 9 p.m. Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m. Fox & Goose Open Mic Night, 7:30 p.m. Goldfield Open Mic Night hosted by James Cavern, 9 p.m. Louie’s Cocktail Lounge Karaoke, 9 p.m. LowBrau Motown on Monday’s w/ DJ Epik, 9 p.m. Luna’s Cafe Nebraska Mondays hosted by Ross Hammond, 7:30 p.m. On The Y Hemlock, 8 p.m. Press Club Urban Pioneers, The Western Tates, HonkyDonky & Heartbreaker, 8 p.m.
Comedy Crest Theatre John Mulaney, Jan. 30, 7:30 p.m. Laughs Unlimited Best of Open Mic Showcase, Jan. 20, 8 p.m. SubmergeMag.com
Cheryl “the Soccer Mom,” DJ Sandhu, Lance Woods, Chadd Beals, hosted by Troy Nelson, Jan. 22, 7 p.m. Carl Labove, DJ Sandhu, Jan. 23 - 25, Fri. & Sat., 8 p.m. & 10:30 p.m.; Sun., 7 p.m. Carlos Rodriguez, Steph Garcia, Dennis Martinez, hosted by Chad Beals, Jan. 28, 7 p.m. There Goes the Neighborhood Comedy Jam w/ Connor McSpadden, Nick Larson, Alfonso Ochoa, hosted by Larry the Bartender, Jan. 29, 8 p.m. Keith Nelson, Lee Levine, Jan. 30 - 31, Fri. & Sat., 8 p.m. & 10:30 p.m. Luna’s Cafe Open Mic Comedy, every Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. STAB! Hosted by John Ross, Jan. 21, 8 p.m. Punchline Comedy Club Hanging with Carlos Rodriguez, Jan. 22, 8 p.m. Carly Aquilino, Ronn Vigh, Colleen Watson, Jan. 23 - 25, Fri. & Sat., 8 p.m. & 10 p.m.; Sun., 7 p.m. Jonathan Kite, Dan Gabriel, Stuart Thompson, Jan. 29 - 31, Thurs., 8 p.m.; Fri. & Sat., 8 p.m. & 10 p.m. Sacramento Comedy Spot Open Mic, Sunday’s and Monday’s, 8 p.m. Improv Lab, Harold Night & Gordon Teams, Wednesday’s, 7 - 10 p.m. Gag Order & Improv Jam, Thursday’s, 8 - 10 p.m. Top 10 Podcast, Friday’s, 7 p.m. Anti-Cooperation League, Saturday’s, 9 p.m. Tommy T’s Rocky Osborn, Jan. 22 - 25, 7 p.m. Mike E. Winfield, Jan. 29 - 31, 7 p.m.
Jan. 21-Feb. 22 Ideation Capital Stage
Misc. 20th Street (Between J and K) Midtown Farmers Market, every Saturday, 8 a.m. Axis Gallery Get In Where You Fit In by Manuel Fernando Rios, through Feb. 1 B Street Theatre 5 Songs: A World Premiere Comedy by Jack Gallagher, Jan. 18 - Mar. 1 The (Curious Case Of The) Watson Intelligence, through Feb. 7 Blue Cue Bar Bingo, Wednesday’s, 9 p.m. The Blue Lamp Naughty Trivia!, every Wednesday, 8 p.m. Blue Line Gallery The Crocker-Kingsley Competition and Exhibition, through Feb. 21 The Boxing Donkey Trivia Night, every Tuesday, 8 p.m. Brazilian Center for Cultural Exchange King and Queen of Carnaval 2015, Jan. 31, 6 p.m. Capital Stage Ideation, Jan. 21 through Feb. 22 Capitol Garage Geeks Who Drink Trivia Night, Wednesday’s, 9 p.m. Crocker Art Museum Arte Mexicano: Legacy of the Masters, through Feb. 1 The Provoke Era: Japanese Photography from the Collection of SFMOMA, through Feb. 1 Toulouse-Lautrec and La Vie Moderne: Paris 1880–1910, Feb. 1 - Apr. 26 Fox & Goose Pub Quiz, Tuesday’s, 7 p.m. Goldfield Free Line Dance Lessons, Tuesday’s, 8:30 p.m. Bar Games Night: Beer Pong, Corn Hole and More, Wednesday’s, 8 p.m. Harris Center for the Arts Bodytraffic, Jan. 24, 7:30 p.m. Historic Old Folsom Farmers’ Market, Saturdays, 8 a.m.
Little Relics Boutique & Galleria Early Works by Pete Wedel, through Jan. 31 Luna’s Cafe Poetry Unplugged, every Thursday, 8 p.m. McClellan Conference Center Art of Beer Invitational, Jan. 30, 7 p.m. Midtown BarFly Salsa Lessons, every Wednesday, 8 p.m. Mondavi Center - Jackson Hall Wendy Whelan: Restless Creature, Jan. 24, 8 p.m. Old Soul at the Weatherstone Diversity: The Artworks of Noël Sandino, through Feb. 10 Pine Cove Trivia Night, Wednesday’s, 9 p.m. Press Club Flex Your Head Trivia, Tuesday’s, 8 p.m. Sacramento Central Library Gentrification and Growth In Midtown w/ Historian and Author William Burg, Jan. 27, 6:30 p.m. Sacred City Derby Girls Warehouse Roller Derby 101, Jan. 24, 1 p.m. Season Opener: Sacred City Disciples vs. Sintral Valley Derby Girls and Sacred City Sacrificers vs. Resurrection Roller Girls, Jan. 31, 6 p.m. Shine Farallon Review Party, Jan. 22, 7 p.m. Sleep Train Arena Professional Bull Riders Built Ford Tough Series, Jan. 30 - 31 Union Hall Gallery Joy Ride by Somboun Sayasane, through Jan. 31 White Buffalo Gallery CONTINUUM by Terese Garcia, through Feb. 7 Various Downtown Restaurants Dine Downtown Restaurant Week, through Jan. 24 Sacramento Bacon Fest, Jan. 19 - 25 Verge Center for the Arts Current Exhibition: Couchbleachers by Nate Page Stories on Stage Presents: Tobias Wolff, Jan. 30
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
The grindhouse
Hooyah…kinda American Sniper Rated r Words Jacob Sprecher Movies about war are polarizing. Movies about war are especially polarizing during Oscar season. American Sniper is no exception. Directed by Clint Eastwood, who in five years will be a nonagenarian, American Sniper is based on the life of Navy Seal Chris Kyle, “the most lethal sniper in U.S. military history.” Released in 2013 as an autobiographical account, Sniper the film strives to recreate his wartime trials and tribulations, both at home and abroad. Hollywood heartthrob Bradley Cooper was tapped on the shoulder to portray Kyle, and over the course of 134 minutes, Eastwood takes us from Kyle’s Texas roots as the son of a patriarch, through his four tours of duty in Iraq, whereupon he tallied 160 confirmed kills and the endless respect and admiration of his combat brethren. But for all the “Legend” (his nickname), Kyle’s life back in the States between tours is far from ideal, as the continued killing and horror leaves him a distant father and husband. If all that seems familiar, well, that’s because it’s basically The Hurt Locker. Trade one field of life-and-death military expertise for another, and you’ve got the exact same story. Which isn’t to
ic t u e ap ive r e h A Tlternat A
make light of Chris Kyle, soldiers with PTSD or the sacrifices anyone makes in the name of whatever aspect of life they deem most important…it just is what it is as far as original film goes. American Sniper simply adds very little to the war genre as far as newness. In fact, the family angle feels not only tired, but pretty much flops throughout. Sienna Miller does her best to summon up the angst, fear and confusion of a wife/mother left in the lurch, but with little commitment to the thread in general, there just isn’t much of anything to work with. The tick-tock of American Sniper is its gritty war violence, which is precise, abundant and unflinching. You could certainly make the case that this as well is nothing new, but attention to detail and realism can go an awful long way in a war drama. There are scenes in this movie that take your breath away; and Cooper is absolutely believable as a soldier, which is easier said than done. I recently re-watched Blackhawk Down, for example, and was mortified by how truly awful Ewan McGregor is. With a rifle in-hand he resembled something akin to a naked Roseanne Barr on roller skates. And when was the last time you watched Platoon? Charlie Sheen gives a performance worthy of 10,000 laughs, and that thing won Best Picture. And don’t even get me started on Lone Survivor. You may hear the critique that Cooper’s dialogue is simplistic and clichéd, hickish even, as it frequently references God, country,
brotherhood and the like, but let’s be real here. Most great war films present soldiers to be eloquent wordsmiths, poets in the face of death with just the right speech for just the right moment. But for every Hemingway, there are countless G.I. Joes. That’s not meant to be insulting, it’s just that films like The Thin Red Line, fabulous as they may be, are not especially accurate representations of the average soldier’s vernacular. And while it may be insensitive for Kyle to refer to the eastern part of the world as “evil,” or its people as “savages,” it’s worth remembering that 44 percent of the American military is from the South, with Kyle a Bush-loving Texan. This is how lots of people think, so why not portray as such if that’s the truth behind the character? Whether you feel Eastwood is presenting this story for the sake of pushing his own agenda, or just wants to paint a semi-accurate picture is up to you. But even the battle-centric aspect of the film isn’t without its flaws. There’s a clunky thread that attempts to follow and link the exploits of a fellow Iraqi sniper, as well as a rather preposterous finale. And at times it feels as if Chris Kyle’s story isn’t being told so much as it is being showcased, the body count racking up more like a video game than a film. All told I was surprised to see American Sniper receive as many nominations as it did, especially that of Best Picture. But then again the Academy seems to have a never-ending soft spot for films of this ilk, be they exceptional or just worth seeing.
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Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas
Sacramento’S neweSt country Bar, reStaurant, and live muSic venue Mondays
Open Mic night hosted by
James Cavern fri Jan 23
21+ / 9Pm / free
sat Jan 24
21+ / 9Pm / free
fri Jan 30
tuesdays 21+ / 9Pm / free
Free Line
Dancing Kenny Frye Band sat Jan 31 21+ / 9Pm / free
fri feb 6 21+ / 9Pm / $15
sat feb 7
21+ / 9Pm / free
Bar gaMes Beer pOng cOrnhOLe
Big Buck hunter 1st thursdays
Live cOuntry BanD
JameS otto with special guest
Mckenna faith
fri feb 13
21+ / 9Pm / free
sat feb 14
21+ / 9Pm / free
coMing soon:
3rd thursdays
feb 20 Madison hudson
JOhnny cash cOver BanD
feb 27 dave russell band feb 28 buck ford
Mar 6 stephen hogan
Live Music & cOuntry DJ Dancing
Mar 7 branded Mar 14 chris gardner band
1630 J street (Corner of J & 17) SaCramento goldfieldtradingpost.coM
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
g.love & special sauce
matt costa
A c e o f s p A d e s • 1417 R s t R e e t • s A c R A m e n t o • 18 & o v e R • 8 : 0 0 p m
the ting tings HARlow’s
sAcR Amento
the new mastersounds HARlow’s
sAcR Amento
the motet nothing
the heard
sAcR Amento
tony molina
sAcR Amento
jan 23
jan 24 wednesday
jan 28 tuesday
feb 3
feb 4
the BoardwalK grand reopening weeKend!
BruBaKer [membeRs of KAi Kln, victims fAmily & tHe blucHunKs] feb 6 BlacK map
tHe boARdwAlK • 9426 GReenbAcK l Ane • oR AnGe vAle • All AGes • 8:00pm
sAcR Amento
Springtime Carnivore • tiaraS
sAcR Amento
the monophonics
sAcR Amento
sAcR Amento
10 : 0 0 p m
sAcR Amento
sAcR Amento
le on saay, frid 3
jan 2
lee Bannon
sAcR Amento
sAcR Amento
A c e o f s p A d e s • 1417 R s t R e e t • s A c R A m e n t o • A l l A G e s • 7 : 0 0 p m
sAcR Amento
sAcR Amento
mar 10 monday
moon hooch sturgill simpson the dead milKmen ex hex [membeRs of wild flAG / Helium] neutral milK hotel sooludt •
mar 6 tuesday
b l u e l A m p • 14 0 0 A l H A m b R A b lv d • s A c R A m e n t o • 2 1 & o v e R • 8 : 0 0 p m
feb 19 friday
the twighlight sad trash talK / ratKing
feb 17 thursday
[All femAle led Zeppelin tRibute] HARlow’s
feb 13 tuesday
the t sisters
feb 10 friday
wild child
deSert noiSeS • goodnight texaS
feb 9 tuesday
gene WaShington and the ironSideS • idea team
c R e s t t H e A t R e • 1 0 13 K s t R e e t • s A c R A m e n t o • A l l A G e s • 8 : 0 0 p m
mar 16 thursday
mar 19 friday
apr 17 tuesday
apr 21 friday
may 20 wednesday
jun 10
abstract entertainment
aBstractpresents.com ticKets availaBle at: ticKetfly.com
ticKets for harlow’s shows also availaBle at harlows.com ticKets for crest theatre shows also availaBle at crestsacramento.com ticKets for the BoardwalK shows availaBle at: theBoardwalKpresents.com ticKets for ace of spades also availaBle at aceofspadessac.com and 916.443.9202
You’re Only Young Once… Luckily James Barone jb@submergemag.com
pinBacK the dodos
the shallow end
Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
Teenagers, am I right? Honestly, I don’t know how parents deal with them. It’s a lot worse now than it was when I was a kid. Like, how can you keep them from doing crazy shit when they have the Internet and whatnot? Back in my day, we had pager codes, but you could only get so far with those things. They were just boring, digitized numbers, not noodz of that girl in chemistry class. Like, 911 or 143 or…um…I don’t know. We were fucking idiots. Nowadays, teenagers are still fucking idiots, but they have all this awesome stuff. They have a computer more powerful than the ones that sent humans to the moon back in the ‘60s, and it’s right in the palms of their hands, but all they do is take selfies with them. But then again, there’s no better time to make bad decisions than in your teen years. You could fuck up royally and still grow out of it and become a big movie star like Mark Wahlberg. When he was a teen, he committed, well, he committed hate crimes. There’s really no other way to put it. He bullied black children when he was 15 and used racial slurs against them, and when he was 16, he attacked a Vietnamese man with a stick, and tacked on a few racial slurs for good measure. He served his punishment for these crimes and genuinely reformed himself. Now he’s 43 and a decent member of society. He even has a charity that reaches out to troubled children called the Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation. It’s raised a bunch of money for a worthy cause. Plus he was an executive producer for Entourage, which is my favorite guilty pleasure that I don’t feel any guilt for taking pleasure in. So you can turn it around, which I guess is all we can hope for in the case of Cheyenne Phillips and her boyfriend Dalton Hayes. The teenage couple went on a two-week crime spree that started in their hometown of Grayson County, Kentucky, and ended this past weekend in Panama City, Florida. They were being dubbed a “modern day Bonnie and Clyde,” because I guess crime sprees are cool as long as you’re young, reasonably good-looking and in love. Fortunately, their crime spree—which involved some stolen cars, some with guns inside, check fraud and damaged property— didn’t end in some shoot-em-up, blaze-of-glory kind of way. Phillips and Hayes were taken into custody without incident. Both were caught sleeping in a stolen truck. Hayes, 18, may face a few felony charges,
but Phillips, who is just 13 (HOLY SHIT) was taken into custody by protective services. I suppose we could squabble about what the hell a 13-year-old girl (who definitely doesn’t look her age) is doing dating an 18-year-old dude, but perhaps it’s for the best. Maybe young Cheyenne learned a valuable lesson that she should have better taste in men. And maybe Hayes learned it’s better to date older women with cars, so he won’t have to steal them. Life lessons are important, and we’re never too old to learn them. Take Nik Stauskas for instance, rookie shooting guard for the Sacramento Kings. He’s not a teenager anymore (he’s 21) but Woodhaven, Michigan, high school senior Jamie Guerra still is. Via Twitter, Guerra asked Stauskas, who played his college ball in Michigan, how many retweets it would take to get Stauskas’ girlfriend, Taylor Anderson, to accompany Guerra to the prom. For whatever reason Stauskas responded with what I guess he thought was a big number: 10,000. Anderson playfully agreed to go along with it. To be sure, 10,000 isn’t necessarily a small number. You couldn’t eat 10,000 eggs in one sitting, for example. But the World Wide Web and eggs are two entirely different things. The Internet loves shit like this. Guerra had his 10,000 retweets in a few hours and a date with Anderson, who will most likely leave a wake of boy-teen drool behind her as she struts into the prom. Stauskas invited himself to be a “chaperone,” because, though he may not be great at estimating the power of the Internet, he’s clearly not stupid. These “news” items made me think back to what being a teenager was like. I definitely wasn’t running from the law with my sexy underage girlfriend. And I certainly wasn’t playing basketball—or even using the Internet to hook up with basketball players’ girlfriends. I wasn’t even cool enough to have a pager. I was boring with a capital B. I read in the school’s library to avoid eating lunch in the cafeteria. But that’s not why I’m happy I’m older. It’s because in my advanced age, even though I can’t run up a flight of stairs without having to take a nap after, and every day I find a new thing on my body that inexplicably hurts, I’ve just about got everything figured out. I’d share my vast knowledge with you now, but I’m unfortunately out of space. Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas
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Issue 179 • January 19 – February 2, 2015
Dive into Sacramento & its Surrounding Areas
January 19 – february 2, 2015
black map ready to explode
Wizard World Comic Con brings
Norman Reedus
The Art of Beer
It's Beer. It's Art. It's Heaven.
to Sacramento
Rebel punk What’s Not
The Storytellers and Awaiting the Apocalypse
to Love?
getta clue mission to marrs
celebrate their anniversaries at The Press Club
queen sheba Bread Conquers