subnetTALKs 2015

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Jasper van Loenen Open & DIY Mi. 14.1.

TALK Everyone draws inspiration form other works, and when working with code you often use snippets written by others. So why keep your projects to yourself? The DIY (Drone It Yourself) Kit v1.0 is a modular kit comprising easy to assemble components of a quadcopter. With the 3D printable files and shopping list online, everyone is able to build his or her own kit and to turn anything into a drone.

SPEAKER Jasper van Loenen is an artist/maker living in Rotterdam. His main interest lies in connecting the digital world to the physical, giving abstract systems a tactile presence. For this he uses a variety of materials and techniques, preferably open source.

TALK I’m interested in the use of e-textile, interactive textile, wearable technology as a medium in art, performance art. For this I’m researching the aesthetic of e-textiles / wearable and what kind of interactivity are used. Is the use of e-textiles / wearable a new kind of language appearing in art / performing art? What kind of experiments are out there? How does experimenting with e-textiles turn into a new kind of medium by evolving the function and aesthetics? And by evolving do they get better in their quality

SPEAKER Anja Hertenberger is an artist who works with interactive installations, performance art and e-textiles. Anja is involved in V2_‘s ETextile Workspaces, is teaching interactive design and interactive textile, curation for the Media Art Festival Friesland and recently she organized the SOFT symposium at The Royal Academy of The Hague in the Netherlands. At the Royal Academy of The Hague she is busy to setting up an e-textile / wearable technology lab. During the last years her artistic work has been exhibited in Germany, the Netherlands and other European countries.

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Anja Hertenberger e-textiles / wearable technology as a medium

Mi. 11.3.

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Ricardo O’Nascimento

wearable technology: beyond gadgets Mi. 15.4.

TALK Nowadays we hear that wearables are the next frontier in technology. Big amounts of money are invested on devices that promise us a more efficient and comfortable life. Ricardo O’Nascimento will share his vision on how wearable technology can be much more than smart watches and fitness tracking bands. There are a whole new unexplored categories of wearables to come that maybe won’t make your life more efficient but certainly will make it more interesting.

SPEAKER Ricardo O’Nascimento is an artist and researcher in the field of new media and interactive art. He investigates body-environment relations focused on interface development for wearable devices, interactive installations and hybrid environments. He is the founder of POPKALAB - a design/research studio focused on innovation in the field of wearable technology. He holds degrees from PUC São Paulo, SENAC São Paulo and the and the University of Arts and Industrial Design Linz (Department of Interface Cultures). Currently he works at his studio in Rotterdam and teaches at some places.

TALK The presentation will be about art and citizen science projects anticipating a technological upheaval due to the progress in Synthetic Biology. Looking at the rise of DIYBio and at art with biological qualities, which is becoming even more sophisticated and diverse, sheds a little light to the implications of this biotechnological revolution on society and social practices.

SPEAKER G端nter Seyfried has a background in medicine and psychology, from University of Vienna and fine art, digital art and media art, from the University of Applied Arts Vienna (Department of Digital Art). He works as an independent artist and part time at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Department of Art and Society/Art and Knowledge Transfer. Bildcredit: Sue Sellinge



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G체nter Seyfried

DIY Biology and Bioart Mi. 13.5.

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Karla Spiluttini

Material Practices Mi. 10.06

TALK Künstlerische Tätigkeit an den Grenzen zwischen wissenschaftlichem Forschen und freiem ästhetischem formalistischem Gestalten. Karlas Werke finden ihre Inspiration in den open cultures Praktiken der Maker Kulturen, im räumlichen Entdecken durch verschiedene Formgebungen und Strategien und durch die Verwendung von reaktiven intelligenten Materialien. Material Practices möchte die Frage aufwerfen, ob Arts-based Research sich durch spielerische Herangehensweisen von einer wissenschaftlichen Ernsthaftigkeit entfernen darf und welche Konsequenzen daraus hervorgehen.

SPEAKER Karla ist Medienkünstlerin, Forschende und Unterrichtende. Sie erhielt Diplome der Transmedialen Kunst und der Medienwissenschaften und war Resident Researcher am V2_ in Rotterdam. Ihre künstlerischen und wissenschaftlichen Schwerpunkte liegen in der Materialforschung, der Phänomenologie von Maker Kulturen und dem spielerischen Umgang mit Elektronik. Letzteren vermittelt sie derzeit österreichweit an Universitäten und Hochschulen. Bildcredit: Olivia Wimmer

TALK The interest in Sonja’s ongoing research and creative process, lies in the human body and the unexpected diversity of the human ecosystem, in its ‘social network’ and in our changing perspective on the human body. She is fascinated by those tiny creatures, which we call microbes. We have ten times more bacterial cells than human cells in and on us. If 90 percent of cells that constitute our body are not human but bacterial, how do we have to re-imagine the human and where could this new knowledge lead?

SPEAKER Sonja Bäumel is a trans-disciplinary artist and researcher based in Vienna and Amsterdam, whose work mediates between clothes and body and between fiction and facts. Sonja is co-founder of the Amsterdambased WNDRLUST, as well as Vienna-based Dunbar’s Number collective. Her work has been exhibited internationally at for instance: Anthology Film Archives New York, Ars Electronica Festival Linz, MAK Vienna and Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei. Currently she teaches at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam.

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Sonja B채umel

Refashioning the microbial body Mi. 14.10.

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Irene Posch

Computer/Craft Mi. 11.11

TALK The talk introduces investigations towards a combined manual and digital fabrication space. Drawing from the distinct qualities that relate to these different backgrounds, bring the aim is to find new aesthetics, forms and functions that can emerge when the two are brought together and complement each other. The research and experimental works are embedded in a wider exploration of diverse materials and routines of making and into historic and present influential developments of (textile) crafts and computational technologies.

SPEAKER Irene Posch is a researcher and artist, currently working at the University for Applied Arts and at the Institute for Design and Assessment of Technology in Vienna. Her work focuses on the integration of new technologies into the fields of art and craft and vice versa. It has been presented internationally, among others at FutureEverything, Ars Electronica, V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media and the Eyebeam Art+Technology Center NY.

TALK In an era of continuous development, cutting edge technologies facilitate communications and the quest for understanding our place in the world, yet they give rise to questions regarding social interactions and the cultural heritage of the post-digital era. Hand-crafted technological artifacts focus on social interaction and the engagement of the public with Do-It-Yourself (DIY) and Do-It-Together (DIT) practices, and learning by doing techniques. This talk aims to reflect on the creation of unique artifacts that permit the users to interact with their bodies and their surroundings through a playful exploration of art, tradition and technology and provide a subtle, but fertile field of experimentation towards social change.

SPEAKER Afroditi Psarra, PhD is a multidisciplinary artist and a researcher working with e-textiles, DIY electronics and sound. Her interest focuses on concepts such as the body as an interface, contemporary handicrafts and folk tradition, pop iconography and retrofuturistic aesthetics. Her work has been presented at numerous platforms like Siggraph, Ars Electronica, Transmediale and CTM, Amber, Piksel and MakerFaire Rome between others. She has worked as an intern on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing at Disney Research Zurich. She currently lives and works in Athens.

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Afroditi Psarra

Hand-crafted Futures Mi. 9.12.

Das Anliegen von subnet ist es, Kooperationen mit kulturellen und universitären Institutionen in Salzburg einzugehen und damit das Netzwerk des Publikums wie auch der potenziellen RednerInnen zu erweitern und neue Einflüsse zu erhalten. Ort: KunstQuartier, Bergstraße 12a, 5020 Salzburg Beginn: 19:00 Sprache: siehe Angabe (Deutsch oder Englisch) Dauer: eine Stunde FS1: fs1 sendet subnetTALK Dokumentationen: subnetTALK ist eine Kooperation zwischen subnet und Contemporary Arts & Cultural Production, Schwerpunkt Wissenschaft und Kunst (Universität Salzburg in Kooperation mit der Universität Mozarteum). Mehr unter:


subnet und ConArt, Schwerpunkt Wissenschaft & Kunst, laden SpezialistInnen und Interessierte im Rahmen des subnetTALK dazu ein, über Themen im Spannungsfeld Kunst, Technologie, Netzkultur und Gesellschaft zu diskutieren. Beim subnetTALK handelt es sich um ein offenes Dialogformat: Der RednerInnen gibt den Impuls und fügt sich schlussendlich in die Dialoggruppe ein. Ziel von subnetTALK ist es daher, einen Raum des persönlichen Dialogs und Austausches zu schaffen.


subnetTALK goes Contemporary Arts & Cultural Production Offenheit, Austausch, Netzwerk

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