SUBU Annual Review 2017-18

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2017 - 2018



Phew! 2017/18 was a challenging year but tremendously satisfying at the same time with significant progress on many fronts. The spirit of SUBU has always been for the elected Officers to work with staff and volunteers on projects, campaigns, representation and student related issues in general. How else would we be able to achieve so much in one academic year! Sometimes we rely on the passion and energy of a few students which makes what we offer feel a bit inconsistent when these students leave. Over the last two years the Officers and staff have worked very hard to ensure projects and successful groups ‘stick’. From the outside it is sometimes hard to figure out exactly how a Students’ Union works. Elected students provide the lead on representation and campaigning, whilst staff provide the knowledge, expertise and experience to provide services and support the Officers.

All of the above is supported by our Trustee Board, made up of externals, students, plus elected exec and staff members. We are grateful for the unpaid time they give to guide our strategy. We are immensely proud of all the elected Officers and the staff of SUBU. They all do incredible work to represent students and to offer services to them at the same time as encouraging them to be ‘empowered’ and to grow and develop by doing things for themselves. Learning by doing - and occasionally making mistakes - is a key feature of the SUBU approach. We also can’t fail to mention the diverse and more representative engagement that we have seen over the past two years, which has been one of our proudest achievements as a Students’ Union. We recognise the need for SUBU to remain accessible and inclusive to all students regardless of race, sexuality, gender, ability, nationality or class and we can’t wait for you to read about all the incredible events and initiatives that have happened this year in this booklet.

Best wishes, Daniel & Alan

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We are more than a Students’ Union



Our aim is to create a space for students to realise their potential, to create friendships and to provide a foundation for students to express themselves, their culture, and their ideas in a safe space. We’re a home away from home, a place for our student members to meet, hangout, laugh, cry, joke or debate serious issues. We do what we do to enable our students to feel engaged, valued, and empowered. As a student led organisation, we pride ourselves on being the beating heart at Bournemouth University. For many students, SUBU provides a space for them to develop skills, relationships and a knowledge of societal issues which we feel students can take with them long after they graduate. This has been our journey, and everyone at SUBU has worked tirelessly throughout the year to deliver excellence, drive change, and embody the ideals that we strive to firmly instil within our students; tolerance, acceptance, diversity, and friendship.

We hope you enjoy taking a look back at our journey this year as much as we have enjoyed making it happen 3

AWARDS & SUCCESS It has been another wonderful year for achievements at SUBU. Our many engaged students and Officers together with our hardworking engagement and commercial Departments have won recognition both locally and nationally for their exemplary efforts, talents and innovation.

Thank you to everybody who has worked tirelessly and passionately to improve the Students’ Union at Bournemouth University developing it to be an ever better experience for the next generation. DANIEL, BROOKE, EBONY, ALEX AND CHARLIE (FULL-TIME Officers 2017/18).

Sports & Societies Festival

4,000 Participants Refreshers bigger than ever

Sports & Societies Festival; an annual give it a go week which has seen engagement in sports and societies go through the roof

Bournemouth Pride


Over 200 students attended the 3rd annual Bournemouth Student Pride

BME Champions


BME Awards Over 250 students attended the second annual BME Awards to celebrate diversity and success



Union Officer Elections A record breaking 30 candidates for the Union Officer Elections

Liberation Campaigns Introduced 6 Liberation Campaigns to support students, based on ethnicity, gender identity, disability & sexual orientation.

Student Pride

National Societies Awards

BME Awards

Union Officer Elections

Summer Ball

Freshers’ Fair 5


I feel very proud to have completed my role as President over the last two years. I remember back in March 2016 when I ran, I was nervous and never thought anyone would vote for me. I ran to be a Sabbatical Officer because I wanted to make a change. That change was to put diversity at the centre of SUBU. Even though these past two years have been very challenging, I am pleased to say that we have come a long way. I am delighted to have been the first Black President. It is also immensely rewarding to be handing over to another incredibly talented team of 5 elected Officers. This includes another Black International President and three other Officers from ethnic minority backgrounds. It is a testament to how progressive the students of BU are. I have no doubt that each of the new Sabbatical Officers will do an amazing job in making sure all students at BU feel effectively represented. 6

Student Research Assistant Scheme Lobbied BU for the Student Research Assistant Scheme which led to the University gaining a Silver in the (TEF)

Free Bus Service Lobbied BU for a Free Bus Service for Lansdowne taught students

BAME Actively engaged with BAME students through the Black Students and Students of Colour Campaigns

SUBU Debates Founded SUBU Debates in 2016 which has given a lot of students the platform to express their views

BME Awards/Black History Month Founded and organised BME Awards/Black History Month for two years

National Union of Students (NUS) First Full-Time Officer to get elected on three committees of NUS (Black Students Campaign 16/17, Society & Citizenship Zone 16/17 & International Students Campaign 17/18)



My entire journey with SUBU has been amazing. A challenging one I have embraced and loved none the less. The memories and my experiences will stay with me forever, and I am thankful to have been given the opportunity to represent students in an area that I believe is an integral part of the University experience. In my second year in the role of Vice President Activities, I have had the opportunity to expand on my achievements from my first year, and accomplish some of the bigger projects I had originally set out to do. I am particularly proud of my work on our Academic Societies Patron scheme, and the relationship we’ve built with SportBU. It has been a whirlwind of two years, and I want to thank everyone who has supported and encouraged me throughout my time here. 8

Wednesday Activity Afternoons Made progress on Wednesday Activity Afternoons with an aim to ensure no lectures are timetabled so students can engage in extra-curricular activities

Society Patron Scheme Developed the Society Patron Scheme to support and increase the number of Academic Solutions

Inclusion Sports League Organised the Inclusion Sports League; An inclusive sports league that gives students with disabilities the opportunity to play competitive sport

SportBU Events SportBU Events Worked closely with SportBU on a multitude of events like Varsity and It’s a Knockout ensuring students who play sport are represented

Sports & Societies Festival Founded Sports & Societies Festival; an annual ‘give it a go week’ which has seen engagement in sports and societies go through the roof

Supporting Societies Introduced Club of the Month and the Big Committee Meeting to not only celebrate achievements of societies but create a discussion forum for student leaders to share ideas and knowledge



This year in SUBU has been one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life and something I will remember for a long time. Looking back on who I was a year ago, I can’t believe that so much has happened in terms of my professional and personal growth in such a short time. Being a Sabbatical Officer is a truly unique experience that’s difficult to describe at the best of times but what is easy to explain is how amazing it has felt to be able to work with students and everyone involved in SUBU throughout the year. The work I’ve been involved in has given me a clear path of the career I want to pursue and the kind of person I want to be in and out of work. For that, I’ll always remember SUBU and those who gave their constant support for getting me to this point. 10

Community Council Elected and co-opted a full Community Council made up of roles I felt would best fit the work I wanted to do this year. Have worked on campaigns around student safety and period poverty

Inclusivity Working to make SUBU and BU more inclusive by delivering presentations to all staff and SportBU on Trans and Non-Binary issues including pronouns, as well as improving links with AFC Bournemouth

Jobs & Volunteering Fair SUBU and Careers BU held a Jobs and Volunteering Fair giving students volunteering and employment opportunities. 45 Organisations attended with over 950 student attendees

Student Welfare Working towards safer nights out by meeting local councillors and officials to improve student welfare

Community Wardens Hired and trained the Community Wardens as well as ensuring the free bus service for Lansdowne taught students continues

Lansdowne Wednesday Afternoon Bus Have worked with BU Staff through the year to ensure the service remains active regardless of route changes



My time at SUBU has not only improved my confidence but through my role I have been involved in work I never saw myself being part of. This has included hosting Government Ministers to representing students’ academic interests on a national level. While my degree was in hospitality, as Vice President Education I have found a whole new industry of interest to explore in the future and the impact of that has been huge for me. The experience of being a Sabbatical Officer has been invaluable and I am so excited to see where the future takes me along with the skills I’ve gained. One of the best things about being a Sabbatical Officer for me has been the seeing the impact that work I’ve done and supported has had on the students I represent. That feeling will be something I will take with me wherever I go.​


Free Printing Secured free printers for all BU students to use in response to student feedback on the cost of printing

Biodegradable Straws In response to the growing awareness of single use plastic, SUBU has banned plastic straws in The Old Fire Station and provides biodegradable straws in SUBU outlets

Higher Education Hosted Nicola Dandridge (CEO, Office for Students) and Sam Gyimah (Universities Minister) at separate events where issues such as student finance and value for money were discussed

Masters Research Conference I helped two students to plan and run a Masters Student Research Conference which will hopefully continue next year. The event was supported by local businesses and CEL who provided prizes

Lecture Capture Recent developments include upgrades in 2 lecture theatres and BU has committed to 80% of learning spaces being set up for lecture capture by 2020

Anonymous Marking I have continued to push for anonymous marking to be implemented across the University, including a new feature that will allow for anonymous marking planned to be introduced in January 2019



The past two years as the Vice President Welfare has been an unforgettable experience that I am very grateful for, I have learnt so much in this role that I know I will take with me. It has been great to work with such a variety of students full of enthusiasm and passion and always keeping me on my toes. Seeing the Mental Health Zone thrive this year has been truly amazing, it has been such a pleasure working with a team who all care so much about improving the wellbeing of their peers. Another highlight is the development of the Liberation Campaigns and the positive impact they have had on the different student groups at BU - I cannot wait to see them flourish in the future. I want to say a huge thank-you to everyone I have worked with and been supported by within SUBU and the wider BU community.


Mental Health Zone Set up the first SUBU Mental Health Zone and worked closely with the students throughout the year providing training, workshops and the overall promotion of positive mental health at Bournemouth University

Liberation Campaigns

Mature Students Programme We ran a first of its kind programme of events for Mature Students and Student Parents organised during arrivals period


Introduced 6 Liberation Campaigns, each led by a committee of students who self identify within under-represented groups of students

I collaborated with Dorset Rape Crisis and the Women’s Campaign to put together a programme of events including a debate, film screenings and discussions

Hate Crime Reporting Centre

Range of Campaigns

Hate Crime work awarded HEFCE Catalyst Fund and national delivery of keynote speeches leading to BU becoming an official 3rd party hate crime reporting centre

I have continued to work on varied campaigns including Black history Month, Mental Health Week, LGBT+ History Month, Bournemouth Student Pride and International Women’s Week


ACTIVITIES Over 2,500 students are directly involved in SUBU Activities, and we’re excited to share some highlights from our year! Activities is made up of over 120 student-led Clubs, Societies, Networks, RAG (Raising and Giving), one-off Passion Projects, and plenty of events.

Activities have had another successful year. Over the past five years, we have seen an exponential increase in the engagement of students with Activities across campus. We’ve seen an increase of 18% in membership as of March 2018 from the previous year.

she Refre2018rs Fair

We offer experiences and training to facilitate our students becoming well-rounded graduates with a varied and transferable skill set.

Beyond the 2,500 students we work directly with, thousands more benefit from the events and opportunities provided within the BU community, such as “Sports & Societies Festival” and “It’s a Knockout”, creating a record breaking year!

4,000 Participants Refreshers bigger than ever

5 Star Clubs

Endorsement Unanimous endorsement from ESEC of Societies Patron Scheme


30% increase in 5 Star Clubs

2017 local impact project of the year at the National Student Fundraising Awards for their work with Dorset Blind Association



FTO nominees were members of a club or society committee 16

We aim to create a space where every student at BU can find something to get involved with to enrich their journey; offering opportunities varying from 5 minutes, to year-long leadership programmes.

Allocated to Clubs and Societies from Activities

Running the Cycling Club for the last 4 years has helped grow my confidence

VICTOR LEACH Organising events, trips, socials and working with companies for sponsorship deals has given me a huge variety of skill sets which look amazing on my CV and have helped in finding a great job. Being able to piece everything together in my final year and run a trip for 45 cyclists to the French Alps for a week was definitely the highlight of my University experience. From logistics and insurance to risk assessments, my role in the Cycling Club has allowed me to gain an in-depth understanding of areas that I never expected. A massive thank you to SUBU for always being there for us and fully backing even our most ambitious of goals. You’ve been an epic part of my University experience and I know our members feel the same way.


DEMOCRACY AND EQUALITY The Democracy & Equality Department in SUBU exists to support and maximise democratic engagement across the Students’ Union. SUBU recognises that for various reasons students don’t all enjoy the same access to services as each other &

The Team facilitates the SUBU Executive Committee and all of the democratic processes within SUBU including Big Student Meetings, Liberation Campaigns, various student councils and we organise all internal elections for Full-time and Part -Time Officers. 2018 saw a record

We continue to work towards our aspiration of complete democratic engagement.

Record breaking numbers of nominees with 52 students elected across Executive Committee, Councils and Liberation Campaigns

6 Liberation Campaigns Introduced to support students, based on ethnicity, gender identity, disability & sexual orientation.



We aim to embed equality, diversity and inclusion across the Union in order to help deliver SUBU’s mission that we will make a positive impact on the lives of all students.

breaking number of candidates nominated for Sabbatical positions (33 nominations in total) as well as the most diverse set of candidates ever.

Union Officer Elections


that our privileges aren’t equal in terms of our resources (time, finance, health, care responsibilities etc.)

BME Awards Over 250 students attended the 2nd annual BME Awards

16 New Leaders Mental Health Zone introduced with 16 student leaders.

Bournemouth Pride Over 200 students attended the 3rd annual Bournemouth Student Pride

History Months

SUBU’s most successful commemorations yet of Black History, Disability History & LGBT History months

Working in the Democracy and Equality Department has broadened my employability skills

GENEVA GUERRIERI Working in the Democracy and Equality Department has been a great experience for me, it’s given me the opportunity to meet lots of great people and broaden my employability skills. We have a great team of people who work with other Departments in SUBU as well as the students, although the best part of my job is knowing I am making a valuable contribution to the student experience at Bournemouth University.


ADVICE Our qualified Advice Workers listen to students’ concerns, identify the options available and support students’ to find a resolution. Accredited by the Advice Quality Standard and members of AdviceUK and the National

So far this academic year we have advised 917 students, helping them to realise their potential. We have increased partnership working with Faculties and BU Professional Services ensuring we are understood and recognised. We have emerged as a major collective force for all students, coming out of our shell and truly influencing policy review.

Our partnership working has extended to local and regional networks, sharing best practice. We recruited student volunteers with the aim to be more accessible and approachable. We have worked with BU Financial Support and Student Wellbeing to create referral systems and secured the Advice Quality Standard with the highest level of compliance since our first AQS audit in 2009.

917 Clients

Advice Crew Volunteers

With 1079 cases and enquiries

Student volunteers for the first time via the Advice Crew

AQS Audit

104 Hours of Professional Development

8 Areas of good practise in AQS Audit

96.3% Recommend 96.3% of respondents are likely or very likely to recommend us to a friend 20

Association of Student Money Advisers. We provide independent, confidential and non-judgmental advice, supporting students with housing, money, academic, consumer, employment and personal issues.

Development focus on the Advice team

BU Partnership Increased partnership working with BU

I feel like part of the BU community now I’ve SUBU done SUBU!now I’ve Ivisited feel like partAdvice. of the Well BU community visited SUBU Advice. Well done SUBU!

ANONYMOUS STUDENT Such a fantastic team. Full of knowledge and guidance. So willing to help and explore all options. Boosted my confidence that there’s a way forward. Can’t fault the team, I will recommend them to anyone I think could benefit from them (which is probably most people as I’m in first year and many have underlying questions that they feel are silly to ask). I feel like part of the BU community now I’ve visited. Well done SUBU!


REPRESENTATION Students’ Unions are constituted to democratically represent the interests of their students. In SUBU this is supported by the work of the Representation

This year has been another positive one in the world of Student Reps. Over 700 Student Reps were elected and the Rep team worked hard to ensure as many of them as possible attended face-to-face training. This year has seen some impressive leadership events run by Reps in a bid to achieve the highest level of SUBU Leadership Award; two Masters

level Reps organised a Research Conference for Masters Students to share and discuss their research projects with their peers. SimOn remains a successful tool for Reps to collect feedback from their students. There are now four other Students’ Union around the country that use the tool with a further Union that is committed to using it next academic year.

700 Student Reps

Leadership Award

Received Essential Rep Training

74 Reps took part in the SUBU Leadership Award, 11 achieving level 5

Speak Week

Skills Development

2842 pieces of student feedback collected across 2 Speak Weeks

184 students participated in the 29 skills workshops over the year


“You’re Brilliant!” Awards

Close to 5000 students from 123 Programmes across BU provided feedback 22

Department who facilitate a Student Rep system to ensure the student voice is heard at all levels of BU; the team support Student Reps to collect feedback.

355 Awards were submitted recognising 285 staff members

I hope I have helped improve the student experience for current and future students

STEPHEN WHALLEY Being a Student Rep has greatly contributed towards my most enjoyable year at BU. This year, I have had the opportunity of working with a great deal of wonderful individuals, Students and Staff alike. I have also learned important skills like professionalism, leadership and management, through Rep and Leadership training. These skills I hope to utilise in my future career. Finally and most importantly, my feedback has been given through SimOn, Student Forums, Faculty meetings, Speak Weeks and more. Through raising these issues, I hope I have helped improve the student experience for current and future students of BU. Student Reps know first-hand what Students want and need and for that reason they are incredibly important. If you want to improve your course, the University, or your University experience in general, then I greatly encourage you to become a Student Rep. 23

COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERING The SUBU Community Team look after student volunteers, and volunteer leaders, and help students to contribute to the local community and environment when they are at University.

This year we have seen students get involved in a wide range of volunteering opportunities. From cleaning Bournemouth’s beaches to reduce ocean plastics to supporting the homeless through helping at the local soup kitchen, students have really been working hard to make an impact on the local Bournemouth Community. Particular successes have included our Christmas Hamper

making for the Bournemouth Foodbank; which went out to hundreds of local families living on the breadline, a Christmas 5 Minute Volunteering crafting day; in which we donated various items to charities for use over the Christmas period. The Well-Fair was of particular note, where students raised awareness of how volunteering can have positive impacts on mental health and wellbeing.

No Poverty

Life Below Water

Collaborated with Bournemouth Food Bank supporting local people living in poverty

Students organising and participating in beach cleans reducing Ocean waste

Zero Hunger

Life on Land

Collaboration with the charity Hope for Food to end hunger

Conservation Rangers organised various conservation days

Good Health & Wellbeing

Partnerships & Goals

This year’s Well-Fair raised awareness of mental health issues 24

Students can volunteer during their free time; helping local charities and organisations to supporting people in Bournemouth and the surrounding area.

Our volunteer groups have collaborated with local charity partners

Volunteering has helped me make the most out of my University Experience!

VAISHNI PATEL Volunteering this year has been such a rewarding experience which has come with so many benefits. Being a part of the volunteering team has not only helped me to build my skill set and gain valuable experience, but has allowed me to meet so many new people, take part in innovative projects, create memories and really make a positive impact. There’s has been so much to get involved with and doing so has really helped me to make the most out of my University experience!


STUDENT COMMUNITY WARDENS The Community Wardens are students in a paid role, who patrol the streets of Winton and Charminster closest to the Talbot Campus where there is a high volume of students living in private rented accommodation.

The Wardens speak to student and non-student residents about community matters, and help them to settle into the community together.

This year the Wardens regularly patrolled 62 roads in the BH9 area closest to Bournemouth University. Community Wardens attended regular meetings of the Winton Action Group Forum, at Winton Library, to discuss local matters with residents, Winton Police and town council representatives. Residents have commented that the Student Community Wardens have made a significant difference in helping students to settle into the community at Bournemouth University Successful Noise Abatement Campaign.

Good Health & Wellbeing Signposting students to SUBU Advice if they have housing issues

Life on Land Wardens help students to understand recycling responsibly in student housing

Zero Hunger Wardens signpost students in housing to SUBU Advice regarding bills 26

Partnerships & Goals Partnership with Bournemouth Borough Council on how to recycle responsibly

Sustainable Cities & Communities Wardens prevent recyclable and reusable clothing and household items going to landfill

Quality Education By helping students settle in the community, students are able to complete their education

This role has given me the opportunity to develop crucial skills for my graduate career

RACHEL TSANG Community Wardens has been a great opportunity in allowing me to interact with local residents, as well as student residents. It has been an enjoyable experience and this role has allowed me to understand the thoughts of the local residents and what improvements can be made in the community. This role has also given me the opportunity to develop some skills which are crucial for my future graduate career, such as time management skills, building initiative and being proactive, together with planning & organisation skills.


GREEN Sustainability at SUBU is something we are very passionate about. This year we have added a new workshop into the SUBU Leadership Award schedule, ‘Preparing for our Changing Planet’ this workshop gives students the tools needed to understand and live SUBU has recently taken part in a large scale events audit to ensure we are doing everything we can to run a sustainable Summer Ball and Fresher’s Fair. The Big Give has launched again and donations are rolling in for our chosen charity partners, the British Heart Foundation, the Trussell Trust, Bournemouth Street Support and Margaret Green Animal Rescue. The Green Taskforce is a student group who campaign to help

students understand what sustainability is, and to help students learn how to make greener choices and live more sustainable lives. They help students to understand their impact on the planet now, and in the future, by helping them to better understand the environment and sustainability. Green Taskforce Students have worked on campaigns such as Sustainable Food Campaigns as well as Zero Waste, Ethical Cosmetics and Fairtrade Awareness.

Quality Education

Life Below Water

Student Reps trained in the NUS Sustainable Development Goals

A Plastic Ocean screening raised awareness of impact on our oceans

Sustainable Cities & Communities

Life on Land

New workshop; ‘Preparing for our Changing Planet’ in Leadership Award

Responsible Consumption & Production The Big Give: students donate their unwanted items to charity 28

sustainably in a changing world. SUBU has become more involved in BU’s Eco-Campus Certification which promotes sustainability best practice across the whole of the University.

Fruit plants introduced on campus by the Permaculture Society

Partnerships & Goals SUBU awarded the Dorset Devils as the Sustainable Charity of the Year award

I’ve loved being able to share my passion to be eco-friendly with everyone

CHLOE HUMPHREYS I’ve really enjoyed finding innovative ideas to encourage the students at Bournemouth University to be more eco-friendly. I have found it challenging to balance my studies and the Green taskforce, but I’ve loved being able to share my passion to be eco-friendly with everyone. I have been inspired to continue and push myself to be greener and am now considering a job role in sustainability.


INSIGHT AND POLICY SUBU’s Insight and Policy Department is fundamental in providing SUBU, its Full-time Officers and BU with evidence-based research and insight about the current and future issues that matter to students. Hugely successful pilot for the

SUBU leading GOAT is (Go Out And the Talk)way Teamin student – over thefeedback year a teamcollection of 12 and reporting. Our Department students had conversations with work SimOn producing 1,176 with students aboutdata, important tailored means that a issues likereports, anonymous marking record 10,323 student and financial concerns. Thisopinions will roll about their academic and out for 2016-17. overall student experience were represented at Faculty R&I’s work with SimOn feedback and institution level. data means that more accurate results were shared faster with This Department’s partnership work with who BU’sneeded Centretofor the people hear Excellence it and act on itand – by Learning the end of (CEL)



this year, IT, Library, Estates and

Student Services willstudent all have voice has ensured the received reports on what will feedtailored into institutional and students think of them. national changes to assessment and feedback. This is something · which continually a top priority R&I is a is partner in BU’s Fair Access for students, shown by comments Research project – this is exploring on and in the National howSimOn to create a level playing field Student Survey for students at BU,(NSS). regardless of

theirhave background. This has been We collected student so successful the project and is opinions onthat assessment about to be in used nationally an feedback three waysasincluding example ofresearch good practice. peer-led & focus groups, which will continue next year.

How’s SUBU 4 You? 2017

Continued Work with BU

SUBU’s annual evaluative survey had 1,009 student responses

Supporting students as paid members of Programme Review Panels

Speak Week Analysis

SimOn Data

We analysed and collated over 2,600 student opinions from Speak Week campaigns

Rent Guarantor Schemes We surveyed students on their experiences of rent guarantor schemes 30

The research provides insight on the student experience to inform and influence policy development, at SUBU, BU and on a national level.

Produced tailored reports on 10,323 student opinions collected from SimOn

@SUBUInsight Insight and Policy is now on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

I am very eager to see what exciting things the Department has planned for the next year

OLIVER THOMPSON It has been an absolute honour to have been the Communications Assistant for the Insight and Policy Department this year. Being the first in the role, I was provided with a lot of support and had the ability to have formed a digital media presence for the Department to promote the great work we have done from this year. I have felt valued and I am very eager to see what exciting things the Department has planned for the next year. Seeing the development of fellow students in regards to the wonderful Debate and GOAT team in which some have even achieved their SUBU Leadership Award has been inspirational and motivating! I have really enjoyed being part of this Department and I have learnt many positive skills and attributes that I can take forward into the future!


The Go Out And Talk team is SUBU’s Student Research Team, supported by Insight and Policy The GOAT Team has a substantial impact on improving the student experience. Made up of 15 student volunteers, the team are trained to collect face-toface feedback, using tablets to record student responses to questions about areas of their student experience.

Goat Champions

Student Responses

15 students were trained to be part of the GOAT team over the year

GOAT team have collected face-to-face feedback from 411 students

Voluntary Hours

Assessment and Feedback

GOAT team have volunteered 96 hours collectively

Research Projects There were 3 research projects over the year e.g. additional language learning 32

The research collected by GOAT is analysed and turned into reports, which the GOAT students can get involved in. These reports are then presented to staff e.g. at BU committees, so that SUBU can work with BU to make changes that benefit students.

Collected research for BU’s Centre for Excellence and Learning

SUBU Debates allows students to debate important societal issues, supported by Insight and Policy Debates have been on racism, political violence, sexual consent, plastic pollution and the influence of social media. Students involved in organising SUBU Debates are called SUBU Debate Champions. Debate Champions set the topics for debates; help to plan and

Debate Champions 28 students were trained as debate champions over the year

Debates We had 5 debates over the academic year.

promote the debates, and lead areas of running the debates on the night. The debates are informal discussions with an expert panel, made up of academics, students or externals and proceedings are led by a debate champion who acts as a host.

Attendance Our most attended debate had 83 people in the audience

Panellists We have had 3 academics and 4 externals as panellists

Topics The topics for each debate are chosen by debate champions



COMMERCIAL SUBU’s commercial services include nightclub venue (The Old Fire Station), a traditional café bar (Dylan’s Kitchen & Bar), two cafés (Ground Up Café),

These services are staffed by a team of students, supervised by students and managed by a dedicated team of full time staff. The performance achieved in the delivery of these puts SUBU in the top quarter of all Students’ Unions. SUBU constantly strives to deliver best value for its members, whilst raising funds for SUBU and

maintaining a quality that keeps our students coming back. The challenges for 2017 have included increases in wholesale costs of goods, increases in student wages and the collapse of our key shop wholesaler. Despite these we expect 2017/18 to outturn ahead of our forecast and be one of our best years.

Student Staff

Live Music

200 student staff, 20 in duty management roles

Member of Music Venue Trust, fighting for live music venues

Disposable Cups

Our Ethics

Levy on disposable cups in our coffee outlets

Price Match Shop price match against the big supermarkets 34

the Student Shop and the UK’s largest Summer Ball. SUBU also raises £120k each year in external sponsorship.

Minimum alcohol price, 100% fairtrade coffee and no tobacco

Payment Systems Installed pay by card or phone system in all outlets

The Old Fire Station has been vital to my development as live sound engineer and lighting

MICHAEL DEVNER The Students’ Union’s club offers full technical training from the ground up for students like me, with little to no previous experience. This is not something that is really seen in the rest of the industry. Becoming a Production Manager in my second year accelerated my development as a personnel manager and improved my live sound and lighting skills greatly. In my second year I’ve provided sound support for artists like The Dead Kennedy’s, Newton Faulkner, Marmozets & Dappy. I’ve also had the opportunity to light some of my favourite DJs and acts, including: DJ Hazard, General Levi, Skepsis, Holy Goof and Darkzy. The opportunities arising from working in a role like this are vast, especially when combined with my Music and Audio Technology degree. It allows me to practice the concepts I learn in University almost daily. After my second year at The Old Fire Station I feel I am a more confident and outgoing person in general. I’d like to thank all my co-workers and managers for making The Old Fire Station a great place to work. 35

COMMUNICATIONS The past 12 months has been another great year for the Communications Department with our new staff really driving forward progress in both digital communication and the quality of our video output.

Communications has performed competently through 17/18 in keeping the 17,500 strong BU student body informed, entertained, and engaged with a fast moving and ever-changing Students’ Union. The annual ‘How’s SUBU for you?’ survey showed how much students demand effective communications and we have achieved improved

communications satisfaction rates year on year. Comms has also been working on refreshing SUBU’s corporate identity and is about to launch this with our new website platform and Freshers’ Welcome Mailshot.

Online Videos Over 116 videos on Facebook with over 149,627 total views

Website Traffic

Freshers’ Fair UK’s best Freshers’ Fair Runner-Up 2017

Social Media Reach

Has increased by 10% on our website -

Increased Instagram followers by 30% and doubled feed and story content

Student Newsletters

Designed Campaigns

Rebranded, with roughly 3000 views per issue


Amongst other achievements, just after SUBU’s biggest Summer Ball event in June last year, our Summer Ball video reached 203,000 people - including our target audience - BU Students.

64% Increase in completed campaigns

Becoming a Graphic Designer for SUBU has given me a great start in the industry

JAMES HARRIS Being part of the Communications and Design team has been a fantastic experience that I am very grateful for. Working as a Graphic Designer at the Students’ Union has offered many opportunities and gateways into the industry and to develop my skills, in addition to being part of a community of like-minded people who are a pleasure to work with. Working alongside the Comm’s team has allowed me to create a range of projects, artwork and designs around the University and on social media for a number of well known events and promotions. SUBU is a great place to work while at University, and I highly advise it to anyone that would like to progress in their career and make new connections.


NERVE MEDIA Nerve Media is SUBU’s student media project, comprising an award-winning radio station, news team, magazine, TV station and website, plus a host of supporting technical crew. It’s run entirely by over 100 student volunteers, and welcomes students from any course

The 2017.18 year has been particularly positive for Nerve’s Radio Department having had record-breaking interest levels in the autumn term evidenced by the first meeting filling the 5th floor of SUBU with 70 keen volunteers. Later in the year in April many of these same students produced and broadcast shows to the local community during Nerve FM’s 20th successful year.

Another highlight this year was the full Nerve Media team undertaking the task of media coverage at SUBU Summer Ball. Over 20 teammembers celebrated and raised awareness of the UK’s biggest Student Ball utilising all media channels. This summer, having had much use, Nerve can look forward to its studio equipment being upgraded and new decoration to inspire the next generation of BU students.

20th FM Broadcast Covering a 10 mile radius

Nerve Magazine 7 Editions, with readership of 35,000 per year

Elections Coverage Record SUBU Full-Time Officer elections covered by the News Team 38

or experience level. On offer are a wide range of opportunities and activities both for students who plan to enter the media industry and want experience, or those who simply want to ‘have a go’ and meet new friends.


Successful Varsity Outside broadcast event

Equipment Radio studio equipment upgrade

Nerve has honestly been a life-changing experience for so many people

CONNOR MORRIN You gain valuable experience about the industry whilst also learning so much about yourself and your own talents. I was Radio’s Station Manager this year and its great to see how much more confident all of our presenters have become just after a year. If you have always been interested in any form of media entertainment, make sure to join Nerve as it’s the perfect opportunity to grow and learn. Nerve is going from strength to strength each year and I am really excited to see what the future holds for this creative platform.


LANSDOWNE Ally and Sophie are the two staff based permanently at the Lansdowne as the SUBU staff “representatives”. We operate an open door policy and we collaborate across

We regularly attend BU meetings in order to keep abreast and feedback HSS specific information. This ensures that we can fully support the varied and more unusual student demographic within the Lansdowne framework. We work very closely with the Res Life team helping to create great links and connections for the students in halls to get involved in SUBU. We also work to ensure that Lansdowne based students have the same opportunities to get involved with all of our Student Engagement Departments, becoming a Student Rep for their cohort, opportunities to volunteer and also promote clubs and societies that are most relevant to HSS Students.

SIP Projects Supported over 100 students for the Service Improvement Projects

New Furniture


SUBU Departments to ensure we can offer pathways to involvement and representation. We are able to provide Advice at signpost level and refer to the SU Advice Office based in BG07 in Bournemouth House.

We are working towards the growth of Academic Societies and more tailored volunteer activities on site for the Students. At more local level we have an excellent relationship with the Neighbourhood Policing Team and Dorset and Wilts Fire Service, each supporting the SU with campaigns and Freshers Fair inclusion. We have also extended our excellent relationship with the Lansdowne Church and plan to work together next year forming a strong alliance to support the postgraduate and international community with local events and activities.

Photo Project Photographing HSS courses in clinical skills practice sessions

Lansdowne Latest

£6000 worth of furniture purchased for the BOHO Lounge

Relaunched a monthly HSS specific email promoting news and events



We had the first ever Speak Week in Yeovil

We have 3 new noticeboards across Lansdowne 40 17 40 40

SUBU have been an integral part of my time at University, I think largely driven by their presence in the cafĂŠ at Studland House

LOUISE RICH They have always been very friendly and welcoming and will often pop out to say hello to students. I think this creates a really inclusive feel for students and visitors alike. Recently SUBU were involved in a service improvement project I was working on. Their input was invaluable and nothing was too much trouble. I had no idea they would want be so involved and it was really nice to get to know the team and find out a bit more about the kind of help they can offer.


ACCOUNTS AND ADMIN Lynda Davis and Sarah Prince are SUBU’s Receptionists and you will find them at the top of the first flight of stairs in The Student Centre.

They are your first point of call with any queries and can signpost you to all the other Departments too.

In the Accounts Office we have Gina Amor and David Hanks, who look after the Student Payroll and can help with your Tax queries and holiday pay. They also look after all the payment side of things for the whole of SUBU, arranging payments for everything from sandwiches to stationery in our shop to beer and bands at The Old Fire Station.

I’m really proud of them, and I’m sure they can help you too.


SARAH NEWLAND I’m Sarah Newland the Finance Manager. Between us we look after all the accounts for SUBU which has a total income of over £4 Million. My team deal with an incredibly diverse variety of queries and situations and I’m really proud of them, and I’m sure they can help you too. 42


Adeyinka Balogun, SUBU President

Lea Ediale, Vice President Activities

Abidemi Abiodun, Vice President Community

Lenrick Greaves, Vice President Education

Having studied at BU and volunteered with SUBU, I have had the privilege to watch our Union become more accessible and fun.

As a student who has volunteered on the SUBU Executive committee for two years, former Chair of the Activities Council, two-time conference delegate for the National Union of Students (NUS) and president of one of SUBU’s largest societies, I am confident that I will be a great Vice President Activities for SUBU.

The role of the VP community is a very crucial one to the student experience because whilst we are students of BU, we also automatically become part of the Bournemouth Community which is why I feel great to have been elected to represent students within this role.

As students, our Academic success is very paramount regardless of what we are here to do. We have paid 9k or more to come to University and it is only fair that we get value for money.

This has not only impacted my student life but also the lives of many positively. Working for SUBU as an Executive Committee Member, Council Officer for Lansdowne and an NUS Conference Delegate for 2018, I have gained a great experience to understand how SUBU works and what we need to take this great Union forward.

Being part of a society has changed my life and I believe I have the right attitude and passion to make a change in this role. I will engage with all students, promote the successes of every club and society and will always be there to support.

As a Volunteer on the Lansdowne council, I have understood the need to maintain inclusion, integration and wellbeing of students within the local community and I believe this knowledge will help me succeed as VP Community.

I am so grateful to have been elected as the SUBU President for 2018/19. Well done to the outgoing Sabbatical Officers especially my predecessor Daniel Asaya who has been a source of inspiration to many through his dedication and leadership skills.

I am looking forward to working with all my colleagues to ensure all students get the best representation possible 43

Over the past year, our education has been under attack; from the government increasing fees, to Lecturers providing poor assessment feedback. As VP Education, I will work closely with the University to tackle the BME Attainment gap, lobby for a 24hr Library and many more.

Bradley Powell, Vice President Welfare and Equal opportunities University is considered to be one of the best times of your life, and this is something every student should experience. As VP Welfare and Equal Ops, I will continue the great work that has been achieved so far. This includes increasing the awareness of Liberation groups and University Mental Health Day, to work towards equality for every student. Furthermore, I have worked with a team to develop the new student well-being service, a project funded by MIND. This has given me a valuable insight into the areas of student experience that need improvement.

Speaking to so many students during the elections has really opened my eyes to a lot of issues that students face. Whether that be mental health problems and how more awareness needs to be done, or the housing crisis facing students especially international students with no UK guarantors. As a student who currently volunteers with SUBU on the Executive Committee Member, Lansdowne council, I have had a rounded experience at BU and I hope to bring the skills I have gained into the role.

Ade Balogun SUBU President Elect 2018/19 43

SUBU’s next Vision will follow the goals set out by the United Nations in 2015 designed to ‘Transform Our World’ and put us on a path to a sustainable, ethical and fairer world. We look forward to sharing this new vision with you at the start of the new academic year.



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