2018 - 2019
FOREWORD “…A YEAR OF CONSOLIDATION” For the first time since 2014, the past year has had all five full time officers brand new to their roles. Following on from the major shift that SUBU has made since 2017, which has seen diversity become a significant foundation of our work, the election in March of four ‘BAME’ (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) full time officers was also a first.
BU continues to listen to SUBU and to respond promptly and professionally. Making student activities and the academic student experience more inclusive is something of a priority for us especially with regards to national evidence regarding the black attainment gap and access to Higher Education for some groups.
And the appointment of Irfan (Head of Student Engagement) has further accelerated our work on diversity, liberation, widening participation and social justice and mobility. SUBU is changing to reflect the significant changes in the student body over the past four or five years, exactly as a Students’ Union should. Sometimes this change is hard to enact and influence but overall we have made great strides on these things and look set to continue on this route next year as most full time officers have been re-elected.
Please read through this review document and join us in recognising how proud the officers are about their students’ union – SUBU, and, most importantly the students who in their thousands participate, comment and make us the way that we are - a democratically led, representative organisation. Enjoy!
Our aim is to create a space for students to realise their potential, to create friendships and to provide a foundation for students to express themselves, their culture, and their ideas in a safe space. We’re a home away from home, a place for our student members to meet, hangout, laugh, cry, joke or debate serious issues.
The whole ‘engagement’ with SUBU has changed and the officers and their ‘lived experience’ are leading and influencing us on that. For 2019.20 we will have three elected officers who are undergraduates (two of whom are doing placements with SUBU), and two international Masters students. This brings a significant and diverse ‘student experience’ to the student leadership team.
We do what we do to enable our students to feel engaged, valued, and empowered. As a student led organisation, we pride ourselves on being the beating heart at Bournemouth University. For many students, SUBU provides a space for them to develop skills, relationships and a knowledge of societal issues which we feel students can take with them long after they graduate.
Best wishes, Ade & Alan
This has been our journey, and everyone at SUBU has worked tirelessly throughout the year to deliver excellence, drive change, and embody the ideals that we strive to firmly instil within our students; tolerance, acceptance, diversity, and friendship.
We hope you enjoy taking a look back at our journey Printed on cocoon Pure Natural Silk A recycled paper containing 100% post consumer waste and manufactured at a mill that is certified with ISO 14001 environmental management standard. Pulp used to produce this product is not bleached.
this year as much as we have enjoyed making it happen 3
One World Festival
Worked with SUBU Communications department and BU Marketing and Communication to ensure we have coherent information sharing to students using all means of communication medium.
Led this years One World Festival on the 5th of March. To promote cultural activities and diversity of students, through cuisine, performance and art. It was well attended by over 1,100 students.
Post Study Work Visa
SUBU Debates
Campaigned nationally with the National Union of Students and other students union across the UK to bring back post study work visa for international students.
Continued to uphold free speech policy in SUBU Debates and encouraged more controversy to ensure more healthy debate, and equal opportunities to all students in all debate events.
Food Quality in Dylan’s
National Campaigns
Worked closely with the commercial department in SUBU and ensured we provided more options for students in Dylan’s Kitchen & Bar and introduced a Student Saver option for students during lunch time.
Marched with other Students’ Unions and NUS to demonstrate on the peoples vote, and working relatively with the liberation campaigns to foster inclusivity.
University life as a student is meant to be the best life every student should experience and it’s been fascinating to see all students experience and engage themselves with varieties of activities we give to them during their time at BU. As serving Union President it’s my mission to see that strap line come into reality. The past 10 months has been a whirlwind and I have enjoyed every moment of it, from nominating myself for the election back in March and being elected as the Union President has been a challenging but an exciting journey. I am glad for the opportunity given to me to develop personally and professionally and this experience has given me the chance to positively change lives every day. I’m delighted as an officer to work with the staff and everyone at SUBU whose vision is to make a positive impact in every student’s life irrespective of their background, race, gender and sexuality.
Activities Roundtable
Top Tips Released weekly top tip videos for clubs and societies members and committees to learn more about how to make their society the best it can be; specifically geared towards earning the coveted five star status!
Star Scheme
Handover Template
Ensured that this year, the star grading system was more accessible and realistic for societies to achieve, with a fairer and more defined benefits structure. This resulted in a record breaking number of five star clubs.
The team created a easy to use, detailed template to facilitate the handover of society committees year to year, minimizing the loss of continuity between leadership teams.
Lansdowne Sports Survey
Skills Workshops Facilitated a series of workshops dedicated to reinforcing skills required when running a successful organisation – these are the transferable skills that we’re so proud of our leaders leaving BU with every year.
Led several open house sessions where staff were dedicated and available to field any questions about SUBU Activities, Clubs & Societies, Networks and RAG – queries about how to make the most of your BU experience.
Worked with SportBU to begin the research surrounding how to deliver sports services to students based in Lansdowne. The results from this survey will be vital in creating better access for all of our students.
I’ve been involved with SUBU since the moment I got here, and I won’t take it back. Having experienced SUBU and its various opportunities as a student, it motivated me to become a full-time officer. Ensuring that these same opportunities - and more - are accessible to all Students. Being a full-time officer has allowed me to be involved in a new capacity and has pushed me further out of my comfort zone. This year wouldn’t have been successful without our amazing Students, who have been with us throughout the past 11 months. We have grown together, laughed together and even cried together. There’s still a lot more to do and in my second term, we would reach more milestones. But until then, I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to, all of our Students and staff who make BU the best it can be.
Being at SUBU has been one of the best experiences of my life and I am really proud to have the opportunity to represent every student at BU.
Find a Housemate
International Student Network
Organised SUBU’s find a house-mate event; creating a safe space for student moving out of the halls to network and find who to live with.
Introduced SUBU’s international Student Network. To create a community for our international students in SUBU and to boost international students’ participation and representation in SUBU.
Housing Fair
Vegan Food Options
Worked with SUBU Advice and Community to deliver SUBU’s biggest housing fair. We had over 1000 students visit the building and several stalls from Bournemouth Council, Fire Service and an external lettings agent.
I was able to work with the food provider for the university to introduce more vegan food options on campus. We have since then had more vegan food options across the shops on campus.
Exam Bus Service
Bus Fare Maintained
Lobbied the university to provide a free midnight exam bus service for students during the second semester exams. This was the first of its kind with the intention of a further and frequent service next semester.
Lobbied the university to maintain the current bus fares for the fourth year running and for the 19/20 academic year.
Having been elected just 6 months into my journey at BU, I have learned a lot and gained so much from being a full-time officer. In this role, I challenged myself, learned and unlearned, but most importantly I have represented students in areas that matter. I am very proud of every little achievement we had this year despite it being difficult and challenging. None of which would have been possible without the support and trust from students. This is why I am happy to have been re-elected, to continue making sure every student gets the best out of their time at BU and SUBU. A big thank you to everyone thus far and looking forward to working with you for next year.
Founded Table Talk at SUBU; A Series of Events that explore, race, education, equality and social justice.
Why Is My Curriculum White? A campaign lobbying for a more representative/diverse curriculum for all BU students; challenging existing thoughts and preconceptions in education.
BME Research Project
BME Champions
A series of focus groups and surveys aiming to understand the lived experience of BME students at Bournemouth University.
APP Working Group Making sure that Education and the overall BU Student experience is accessible and equitable for all; enhancing the student voice.
SUBU Structures Working on SUBUs structures and outputs to warrant that SUBU remains fit-for-purpose and guarantees the success for our students.
BU Placements Lobbied for better financial and wellbeing support for all BU students who have taken a short or long placement.
If you were to tell me a year ago that I would be SUBU’s first Black Vice President Education, delivering presentations to 100s of students and working to dismantle disparities that 1000s of Students face daily, then I wouldn’t have believed you. From running SUBUs first ‘Why is my curriculum white?’ campaign, to conducting a research project that looks at the Lived experience of BME Students and working with BU staff to make Education more accessible, my first term has been nothing less than empowering. Deciding to dedicate my placement year to be a Full-time Officer has been one of the best decisions I have made to date. These past 11 months have stretched me in ways that one would have to experience themselves to fully grasp what it is like. But if I could describe this experience in 3 words, they would be; Challenging, Transformative & Rewarding.
Mental Health Awareness Promoting positive wellbeing and stigma reduction by raising awareness of mental illness, mental health resources and the five ways to wellbeing.
Set For Success Helped student keep calm during January and May study seasons by running wellbeing events. Massages and animals are ALWAYS a big hit!!
Wellbeing Workshops
Firstly, I would like to thank SUBU for the support and guidance I have received since being successfully elected as Vice President Welfare and Equal Opportunities. Without the team, I would not have been as effective or successful, and I am grateful for this amazing opportunity to represent the 20,000 students at Bournemouth University.
Ran a three-week resilience intervention that led to increases in wellbeing levels and coping skills. Hosted Milk for Tea for a discussion on identity and masculinity.
Sexual Harassment Awareness Raised awareness of consent through a consent debate, posters, interactive games and an event at Fusion Festival.
Evaluating Student Services Collaborated with students on their final project to evaluate the Student Services at BU, which informed an awareness raising campaign.
Student Projects Collaborated with various students from HSS, liberation campaigns, and other courses to help them fulfil their ‘dreams’!
It has been great to work with such a variety of individuals full of enthusiasm and passion. Seeing so many students thrive has given me a great sense of fulfilment. Making a positive difference to the student experience has been extremely rewarding and I am going to miss SUBU dearly. This year I have learnt an incredible amount, and I will take these experiences with me wherever I go. Being successfully elected has got to be one of the best things that has happened to me. Thank you!
The AAEM Campaign here at SUBU Bournemouth, represents the students who are from Asian, Arabic and Ethnic Minorities, creating a safe space for our students. The campaign is a voice for our students which will help them express their opinions and help them feel included within the community of Bournemouth, as well as the community within University. The campaign allows others to experience the different backgrounds of our students by hosting cultural events, getting to know each other and much more.
In November 2018 then collaborated with BU Society of South Asia, BU Nepalese Society and BU Indian Society and had a large Diwali Celebration open to all students (also known as the Indian Festival of Lights). This was a fantastic evening held at The Old Fire Station, with over 100 students attending an evening full of culture with food, singing, dancing and music.
Payal Nayee
Asian, Arabic and Ethnic Minority Students’ Officer
Essentially the black student’s campaign is a Liberation Campaign that holds the Students’ Union and University to account by challenging discrimination and hate. Our Campaign promotes intersectionality and it aims to achieve the maximum impact for all students. We give talks to the wider community and council regarding issues pertinent to the black students and we also have regular meetings with the police in Bournemouth to see how we can further their participation within the black community.
We connect our student members, enabling students to build friendships and share experiences and to act collectively in highlighting issues, raising awareness and campaigning for change. We have been highly successful this academic year, by holding multiple events like the mental health interactive seminar, we had our first ever BSC launch and we were key note speakers for a black history month Windrush event.
Nana Umoh
Black Students’ Officer
LGB+ STUDENTS CAMPAIGN The LGB+ Campaign has had a brilliant year, working hard to ensure that LGB+ students feel safe and represented. We ran a social every 2-3 weeks, and held 3 LGBTQ+ club nights - creating a fun and welcoming community. Events included a Q&A panel in which we answered a lot of people’s burning questions about gender and sexuality.
The year was wrapped up with another successful Bournemouth Student Pride and after party. We’re looking forward to achieving even more next year!
The Trans and Non-binary Students campaign at Bournemouth University is here to represent trans and non-binary students, raise awareness of struggles experienced in our communities, host safe spaces for trans folk from all walks of life to socialise and relax in, and fight for better rights and protections at the University and in the Students’ Union.
Rowan Rrathcell
We run workshops and lectures to educate those who want to know more, push forward motions both for ourselves and in solidarity with other campaigns in Big Student Meetings and represent trans and non-binary students at the annual NUS Trans Conference, and collaborate with the LGB+ Students campaign on socials and club nights for Bournemouth’s Queer Students.
Astrid Johnson
LGB+ Plus Students’ Officer
LGB+ 16
Trans and Non-Binary Students’ Officer
WOMEN STUDENTS CAMPAIGN The women’s campaign is open to all who self-define as women, including (if they wish) those with complex gender identities which include ‘woman’, and those who experience oppression as women. As an autonomous campaign, we are led by and governed by women across the campus. The officers, committee and policies are decided at the conference which is attended by women student representatives.
Throughout the year, we worked on key areas identified by our policies to better the experience of female students. We did this by running campaigns, and collaborating with other liberations campaigns within the university, backed up by research and training activists to fight for the change they want to see on campus and wider society.
Zoe Taylor Women’s Officer
Student Pride
Black History Month
International Welcome
BME Awards
One World Festival
ACTIVITIES Activities have had another successful year. Beyond the c.3,000 students we work directly with, thousands more benefit from the events and opportunities
Almost 3,000 students are directly involved in SUBU Activities, and we’re excited to share some highlights from our year! Activities is made up of 137 student-led Clubs, Societies, Networks, RAG (Raising and Giving), one off Passion Projects, and plenty of events. We aim to create a space where every student at BU can
provided within the BU community, such as “Sports & Societies Festival” and “Freshers’ Fair”. We also ran our inaugural “Committees Conference”.
find something to get involved with to enrich their journey; offering opportunities varying from 5 minutes, to year-long leadership programmes. We offer experiences and training to facilitate our students becoming well-rounded graduates with a varied and transferable skill-set.
Five Star Clubs
38% increase in 5 STAR CLUBS.
100+ committee members trained at inaugural Committee Conference.
Academic Socs
£48,000+ allocated to Clubs and Societies.
Academic Societies have seen a 45% increase since 2017-2018.
JENNIFER RICHARDSON-JACK The opportunities provided by SUBU Activities are not only memorable highlights of my university experience,
More Involvement 20% increase in unique members.
RAG Students have raised over £61,000 for charity with the support of Bournemouth RAG.
but they have also been a platform to practice leadership skills, grow in self confidence, and focus on achieving personal goals outside my studies. 21
ADVICE A free, independent, non-judgemental and confidential advice service to all BU students. Our qualified Advice Workers listen to students’ concerns, identify the options available and support Recruited three student staff to form the Advice Crew, taking Advice on Tour to promote the service and deliver key messages to students on each site and in halls of residence. Collaboration with BU in delivering financial capability events and materials which are well received by students at each site. Collaboration with the Lansdowne Managers, visiting students in
students’ to find a resolution. We are accredited by the Advice Quality Standards and members of AdviceUK and the National Association of Student Money Advisers.
Portsmouth and Yeovil, delivering a ‘Snack Chat’ for student parents and supporting the Christmas and Easter student parent events to promote the service.
I feel like part of the BU community now I’ve
Central role in planning and delivering the most successful Housing Fair to-date. Distributed 2000 Exceptional Circumstances flyers to staff and students, raising awareness of the new policy.
Promo 270 hours of service promotion/outreach.
visited SUBU Advice. Well done SUBU!
Money Saved students £85,145*.
More Involvement
Advised 1035 students* (11.4% increase on last year).
95.7% likely/very likely to recommend the service to a friend.
ALANIS, NIMRAH, MIRRIAN ADVICE CREW The role of Advice Crew has allowed us to be part of
Student Cases
1209 cases and enquiries * (11.9% increase on last year).
the community and learn transferable skills.
*Data period: 01/09/2018-10/5/2019.
COMMERCIAL We run a range of exciting commercial services at Bournemouth University. In our portfolio we proudly employ a team of students, under the guidance of full time staff, to run a nightclub, two cafés, a bar eatery This academic year started with a very successful combined marketing campaign to deliver our best-ever online engagement results with 67% of the new intake joining us. The success was largely down to strong partnership working with BU and ResLife. We have started work on an accessibility charter through a scheme run by ‘Attitude is
and a shop. All of these operate at levels that place them in the top quarter of such services in any UK Students’ Union.
Everything’ which largely focuses on the accessibility of events to deaf and disabled people. We have also engaged nationally through the Music Venues Trust and UK Music with respect to removing racial bias in the authority’s approach to urban music.
Fully Accessible Venues Attitude is Everything’ - applying for Bronze charter mark. This is awarded for work to increase accessibility to deaf and disabled persons to music events.
Sustainability Is Top Agenda We have been working with BU to achieve an 80% campus recycling rate through better waste systems, reducing single use packaging and changing student behaviours.
High Performing Operation At SUBU we have a £3.3m turnover top 20 commercial students’ union (out of 150 SU’s).
Focused Full Time Management Our full time staff team are focused on releasing the potential of our student staff and engaging them in the business of great service.
JEFF COLLIE Having had no prior work experience before my coming to BU, the Students’ Union has offered me
Well Trained Student Staff Students are our secret weapon. Over the last year we have employed c200 and we promote the best of them to be our supervisors. 24
employment within a safe environment in which I have learned to be accountable and work alongside students from many differing backgrounds. 25
COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERING The SUBU Community Team look after student volunteers, volunteer leaders, and help students to contribute to the local community and environment when they are at university.
This year we have seen students get involved in a wide range of volunteering opportunities. From cleaning Bournemouth’s beaches and doing organic gardening in the local community garden, to supporting the homeless through helping at the local soup kitchen. Students have really
Students can volunteer during their free time; from helping local charities and organisations to supporting people in Bournemouth and the surrounding area.
been working hard to make an impact on the local Bournemouth community. Particular successes have included our Christmas Hamper making for the Bournemouth Foodbank; RSPB Pull-a-Pine at Arne Nature Reserve, and helping at the Hope for Food charity for the homeless.
No Poverty
Life Below Water
Supporting local people who are living in poverty- FoodBank Project.
Students organising beach cleans, helping reduce plastics in our oceans.
Zero Hunger
Life On Land
Ensuring nobody in Bournemouth goes hungry - Hope for Food Project.
Going into the Dorset countryside for regular conservation days.
IYESHA TURAY Being a volunteer has been one of the best experiences at uni. Without SUBU volunteering I wouldn’t
Good Health & Wellbeing Volunteering opportunities - where SUBU highlighted the positive effects volunteering can have on mental health and wellbeing. 26
Partnerships For The Goals Our Student Led volunteer groups are matched with local charity partners.
have signed up at the soup kitchen and I wouldn’t have met some of the most thoughtful and amazing people I’ve ever met. I wish I had signed up sooner! 27
SUSTAINABILITY ACTION HUB Sustainability at SUBU is something we are very passionate about, and student leaders have created a Sustainability Action Hub; a group of student leaders and volunteers who
Sustainability Action Hub students, created a social enterprise called The Green Loop, and they were able to get NUS Sustainability funding to build a polytunnel on campus. In January they also obtained a local allotment, and have been propagating and growing foods organically and sustainably. Students are able to sample the food at events on campus, and learn about
campaign to help students understand what sustainability is, and to help students learn how to make greener choices and live more sustainable lives.
growing their own food organically and sustainably. Also The Big Give end of year clear out campaign has launched for the 6th year running. Donations are rolling in for our chosen charity partners, the British Heart Foundation, Hope for Food, The Trussell Trust, Hope AOK Rucksack Appeal, Bournemouth Street Support and Stray Dogs Sanctuary.
Quality Education
Life Below Water
Student Reps trained in the NUS Sustainable Development Goals.
Students ran EcoBrick building sessions on campus to learn how to make EcoBricks and encourage others to reduce their plastic consumption.
Sustainable Communities
Life On Land
Obtaining NUS Sustainability funding for a food growing polytunnel and local allotment to grow food.
Organically grown vegetables and fruit are being grown on the allotment.
JAKE HILL SUBU is an amazing place that brings people together. It has been a real joy to work with them over the past
Responsible Consumption The Big Give has been reducing the
amount of rubbish going to landfill. Last year we saved 180,581kg of C02 emissions, and the weight of 2.9 adult elephants going to landfill.
Partnerships For The Goals SUBU partnerships include British Heart Foundation, Hope for Food and Stray Dogs Sanctuary.
year. Through SUBU I have networked with many different people from a range of disciplines and found so many like-minded people I may not have talked to before. 29
STUDENT COMMUNITY WARDENS The Community Wardens patrol the streets of Winton and Charminster closest to the Talbot Campus where there is a high volume of students living in private rented accommodation. The Wardens speak to student and non-
Residents have commented that the Student Community Wardens have made a significant difference in helping students to settle in to the community at Bournemouth University. Community Wardens have also been pivotal to the Big Give campaign this year by
student residents about community matters, and help them to settle in to the community together. This year the Wardens regularly patrolled 87 roads in the BH9 area closest to Bournemouth University.
helping to ensure students and non-student residents know about the Big Give street collections for donations and where donation bins are on both campuses, halls of residence, and the local community.
Good Health & Wellbeing
Partnerships For The Goals
Signposting students to SUBU Advice if they have housing issues.
Partnership with Bournemouth Borough Council regarding recycling weekly waste responsibly.
Life On Land
Sustainable Communities
Wardens help students to understand recycling when living in rented housing.
Wardens prevent recyclable and reusable clothing and household items going to landfill.
DEMI SWEENEY Community Wardens has been an amazing
Zero Hunger
Quality Education
Signposting students to SUBU Advice for help with domestic bills and their monthly budget.
By helping students settle into housing, students are able to concentrate on their education.
opportunity that has provided me with a variety of invaluable experience and skills that I can take forward into my future career. 31
DEMOCRACY AND EQUALITY The Democracy & Equality Department in SUBU exists to support and maximise democratic engagement across the Students’ Union. SUBU recognises that for various reasons students don’t all enjoy the same We aim to embed equality, diversity and inclusion across the Union in order to help deliver SUBU’s mission that we will make a positive impact on the lives of all students. The Team facilitates the SUBU Executive Committee and all of the democratic processes within SUBU including Big Student Meetings, Liberation Campaigns, various
access to services as each other & that our privileges aren’t equal in terms of our resources (time, finance, health, care responsibilities etc).
student councils and we organise all internal elections for Full-time and Part -Time Officers. 2019 saw just under 3,000 votes cast with a total of 27 candidates nominated for Sabbatical positions as well as the most diverse set of candidates ever. We continue to work towards our aspiration of complete democratic engagement.
Union Officer Elections 2,942 votes cast with a total of 27 candidates nominated for Sabbatical positions, as well as the most diverse set of candidates ever.
6 Liberation Campaigns The Liberation campaigns contnue to support students, based on ethnicity, gender identity, disability & sexual orientation.
BME Awards
BME Champions
Over 200 students attended the 3rd annual BME Awards.
15 New Leaders Mental Health Zone continues in its second year with 15 student leaders.
Bournemouth Pride
Over 150 students attended the 3rd annual Bournemouth Student Pride.
As an international student, I struggled feeling History Months SUBU’s most successful commemorations yet of Black History, Disability History & LGBT History Months.
part of the University, however, with the opportunities provided to me by SUBU, I have become much more confident, comfortable and involved. 33
INSIGHT AND POLICY SUBU’s Insight and Policy Department informs and influences policy and campaign development at SUBU, BU and on a national level. We do this through
Our Department continues to produce tailored reports for BU and SUBU on student feedback from SimOn – so far this year 8,365 student opinions about their academic and overall student experience have been reported at faculty and institution level. We work closely with BU on projects to develop meaningful student engagement with their academic
undertaking research to produce evidence-based reports and briefings on key student issues, building understanding of the student experience at BU.
and overall student experience. Examples include student-led research/ focus groups, partnering with BU’s Academic Quality Department to establish students as fully-paid panel members for programme reviews, and holding a student consultation event exploring the university’s strategic measures for students who are under-represented at BU.
How’s SUBU 4 You? 2018 1,063 students responded to SUBU’s annual student evaluation survey.
Speak Week Analysis Analysed results from 5,387 student comments are supporting Full Time Officers’ work.
New BU Students 1,163 students rated their first 2 weeks at BU to inform positive change.
Responding To Consultations E.g. Independent Review of the Teaching Excellence Framework.
BRAD BARNARD Being a Student Researcher in the Go And Talk Team
Meeting Briefings Lansdowne Sports Survey Reported findings from 529 students who responded to this consultation.
For student representatives and staff to enhance the student voice at key institutional meetings.
(GOAT) enabled me to feel comfortable speaking to people I would not typically interact with, helping me to overcome several social barriers. 35
LANSDOWNE Ally, Sophie and Andy make up the SUBU team at Lansdowne. Based in Studland House they provide support and information and a vital bridge for students to interact with all our SUBU services. We have excellent relationships with BU staff and the local community, regularly attending meetings to ensure student feedback is effectively relayed to SUBU departments. We continuously strive to ensure students have equal opportunities to involvement with our Student Engagement departments. This year we recorded an increase in students joining and forming Clubs
Student Parent Events
They offer pathways to involvement, representation, activities, volunteering and are able to connect students with SUBU Advice.
and Societies with the Occupational Therapy Society excelling themselves with recognition at the SUBU Activities Awards. We have hosted a number of events and highlights including Mental Health Day, World Happiness Day, NHS 70th Birthday and the Healthy Heart run to name a few!
Three amazing events; Freshers Family Zone, Christmas and Easter Parties.
Facebook group and Instagram pages are proving popular and expanding!
Service Improvement Project
SUBU Student Lounge
Supported a record number of 150 students attending 20 presentations.
Is having a summer makeover, designed by staff and students!
HANNAH COLLIS SUBU have been an invaluable support to the Occupational Therapy society, signposting in the
24 Hour Microwave
Engine Room
Studland House now has the first 24 hour microwave!
Exciting plans to host Freshers’ events, activities and more!
right direction and influencing positive outcomes. Their encouragement has helped to drive the society members. Thanks! 17 36 36
NERVE MEDIA Nerve Media, SUBU’s student media project, continues to go from strength to strength and features five different arms ranging from an award-winning radio station to a monthly magazine.
2018/19 has been an especially ground-breaking year for Nerve Radio. After making large scale operational and technical changes at the beginning of the year, the station has gone from strength to strength with producers and presenters pushing creative boundaries plus the formation of a local FM station partnership.
Nerve offers a wide range of opportunities for people interested in heading into the media industry or those students who just want to ‘have a go’, and this year over 200 volunteers have been involved.
The year kicked off with an incredibly impactful event with the station’s charity partners - Dorset Mind, to highlight the problem of student suicide. This was recognised nationally with a nomination by the Student Radio Association for an award.
248 Students Involved
Roadshow At Six BU Open Days
One of the largest single volunteer student group that happens in SUBU.
The team regularly help promote BU at the many open days through the year.
Unique Partnership
Nerve Magazine
Working with Hot 102.8fm has given students more real world opportunity.
6 issues of our 64 page magazine designed and distributed to thousands of students.
CHUCK ADOLPHY I’ve been lucky enough to have the opportunity to run Nerve Radio this year which has offered some
Heard On Nerve First
Nerve delivered the exclusive announcement to the world of our Summer Ball line-up.
invaluable experience through problem-solving and building relationships with people. 39
REPRESENTATION A vital function of a students’ union is to ensure the voice of the students are represented and fed into every level of the University, making sure it is heard and listened to.
2018-19 has been another great year for Student Reps. It started with the SUBU Rep. Team redesigning the Essential Rep Training. In response to feedback, the session was made shorter and more interactive, focusing on more engaging ways of learning. This was met positively by the students who attended and is something that
The SUBU Representation Team facilitate this system and support Student Reps throughout the year.
will be built on for 2019-20. RepFest ‘19 was held in February to keep Reps engaged with their role as they start a new semester. This was an afternoon of pick and mix workshops to both enhance their role and broaden their skills beyond it. This year it featured a brand new workshop; ‘Women in Leadership’ which was a highlight of the day.
‘You’re Brilliant!’ Awards
96% of Students Reps trained by SUBU.
Over 300 ‘You’re Brilliant!’ Awards have been submitted for 213 staff members.
Over 8000 students’ views represented via SimOn.
10% of Student Reps involved in the SUBU Leadership Award.
GEORGIA HILL As a Student Rep, I was able to challenge myself, develop some of my skills, and learn more about the
Speak Week
Skills Development
A phenomenal amount, over 5000 pieces of feedback captured during Speak Week.
54 training sessions offered throughout the year.
people that surrounded me on my course. Hearing students’ views was interesting, but having the ability to help was extremely rewarding. 41
COMMUNICATIONS SUBU’s Communications Dept has operated a very busy year, communicating with 18,000+ BU students and serving the in-house requirements of over 8 departments and 11 student officers providing support such as artwork design, video production and press Communications has performed excellently through 18/19 in keeping the 18,000+ strong BU student body informed, entertained, and engaged with a fast moving and ever-changing Students’ Union. The annual ‘How’s SUBU 4 You?’ survey showed how much students demand effective
communications and we have achieved improved satisfaction rates year on year. Comms has also been working on refreshing SUBU’s corporate identity and is about to launch this with our new website platform and Freshers’ Welcome Mailshot.
Launched A New Website SUBU’s re-designed website launched in August 2018. Thousands of students can now access our services easily.
Increased Instagram +60% We now have more Instagram followers than ever, engaging students in the exciting events and campaigns going on each day.
+183% Freshers On Facebook Our 2018.19 Freshers’ Facebook group was joined by 3000 new students which was a 183% increase on last year!
coverage. Through our operation we have provided over 1500 hours of labour to student creatives and the new generation of digital workers.
526 Design Jobs Completed Over 12 months the comms department has completed over 526 design campaigns creating assets for over 15 different channels.
Video Over 100 new videos have been broadcast on both our Facebook and Youtube channels to showcase the very best of SUBU and promote opportunities for students.
Student E-Newsletters We send out key communications to our student network, with approximately 2000 students hungry to read the next issue of our weekly What’s On student email.
BETHANY VAUGHAN SUBU helped me to develop my skills and confidence as a web developer and has been instrumental in achieving my goals. 43
ACCOUNTS AND ADMIN As well as welcoming you at SUBU’s Reception desk on the first floor, the Accounts and Admin Team look after all the paperwork and payroll for SUBU.
This makes us a mine of useful information so if you have any questions we’re a really good place to start.
Our team is made up of Lynda and Sarah on the front desk, who will always welcome you and in the office we have another Sarah, Gina and David. Between us we’ve been here for over 60 years and we’ve answered literally thousands of questions from students just like you.
I’m really proud of them Questions
SUBU Payroll
We’ve answered hundreds of them from ‘where’s the Library?’ to ‘where do I find Clubs?’
We paid up to 200 students every week.
Sign Language The Receptionists completed an introductory course helping us to communicate even more.
We ensured all our stationery purchased was as environmentally friendly as possible and encouraged greener driving in our vehicles too.
Lost And Found
We successfully return everything from phones to old trainers.
We arranged minibuses for Clubs and Societies – eight of them one weekend!
and I’m sure they can help you too.
SARAH NEWLAND I’m Sarah Newland the Finance Manager. Between us we look after all the accounts for SUBU which has a total income of over £4 Million. My team deal with an incredibly diverse variety of queries and situations and I’m really proud of them and I’m sure they can help you too. 45
If all the SUBU VISIONS that followed our first in 1996 were ‘wordclouded’ they would have found key themes If all some the SUBU VISIONS that
Welcome to the team Joanna!
followed our first in 1996 around development; were ‘wordclouded’realising they would have found some key potential ; positive impact; themes around development; realising potential ; positive impact; supporting: advising: supporting: advising: empowering; being ethical and environmental : open, empowering; being ethical honest and trusting.
and environmental:
open, honest and trusting. I think those words neatly sum up what I have been trying to do for 25 years for students and SUBU staff and officers. I have thoroughly enjoyed my role although it has been challenging at times, especially trying to blend sabbatical officer ideas, involvement and influence with managing the staff who quite rightly also have their own ideas and plans for improvement.
As the youngest person to be on the Trustee Board, elected NUS Delegate, Promo team member and Senior Res-Life Assistant, I have developed a well-round wealth of knowledge and experience to be your next VP Welfare and Equal Opportunities. Being at University and being involved has provided opportunities, to not only make new friends but to develop as a person. SUBU has opened up many doors for new possibilities for many students, including myself. So I can't wait to be a part of this next phase in SUBU's journey and effectively represent all Students at BU. See you in September!
Joanna Ann VP Welfare & Equal Opportunities 2019/2020 46
The truth is that my style is more to try and empower and facilitate and co-ordinate between the groups rather than ‘lead’ in a more directional style.
A massive thank you to BU for their support and their help to SUBU and to me personally. It was a true partnership that took flexibility on both sides. By continuing to believe and trust each other I remain convinced that the student experience at Bournemouth will continue to shine brightly. I would be the last person to suggest that I did all of this on my own. A big thanks to all these incredible sabbaticals: Alli, Melissa, Mike, Claire; Jon, Jess, Bob , Danni, Chris , Paula, Alicia, Toby; Frazer, Gwen ,Morad, Maria; Tommy, Di, Huw, Nev; Tommy, Aidan, Hetty; Emily, Mike, Anna; Sian, Dave; Charlie; Sian, Den, Aimee; Daniel, Will, Nat; Will, Nat; Helen; Molly, Ben, Sarah; Ben, Jenni, Sarah; Adam, Angela, Sam; Fred, Scott, Adelaide; James, Scott, Hannah; Toby, Neneh, Ko; Toby, Philli, Jesse, Kate; Louise, Murray, Sophie, Ruby; Murray, Sophie, Annie, John; Chloe, Ellie, Reece, Peter; Chloe, Ellie, Reece, Jon; Daniel, Charlie, Georgia, Jamie, Brooke; Daniel, Charlie, Brooke, Alex, Ebony; Ade, Abidemi, Lenrick, Lea, Brad. AND our Board members since 2012 when we became a registered charity: Chris, Graham, Pat, Will, Kate, Ian , Martin, Jenni, Catriona, Arthur, Richard, Alexis, Sophie, Toby, Louise, Murray, Chloe, Daniel, Ade, Mark, Lisa, Josh, Imuetinya, Esta, Courtenay, Lota, Karen, Jack, Devon, Roseanne, Geneva, Natasha, Benjamin, Alexandra, Joanna, Ryan, Dinuka, Nasim, Mark, Sonia, Sol, Zainab, Doug, Teniola, Garry, Vivien, Scott, Adam, Aaron, Vaishni, Robert, Libby. AND, last but not least a very special thanks to these SUBU staff who are still with us (in chronological order): Richard, Alan D, Lynda, Angus, Lesley, Sarah, Doc, Bobbie, Ally, Debbie, Gina, Jane, Sam, Luciana, Tony, Alexis, Sophie, Gillie, Kerry, Emma, Andy, Jen, Sophie, Neil, Hanna, Sarah, Matt, Helen, Adam, Ria, Tom, Sarah T, Josh, David, Rupert, Soheon, Lauren, Laura, Irfan, Ilze, Charlotte, Margaret, Stella, Nicky, Georgina, Dawn AND of course all of those who worked for us and have since moved on.
This seems to me to be the best way of managing a Students’ Union but I recognise that the world has changed and retirement and grandchildren are beckoning. I have worked with some incredible people, both elected officers and SUBU and BU staff and am extremely grateful for their patience, forbearance and achievements for students and the BU student experience. I believe that Students’ Unions are a key part of the UK Higher Education experience. If the academic community provides learning through knowledge we provide learning to students through experience, seizing opportunities and along the way learning about life and relationships at their own pace and at a level that suits them. We don’t mark or judge them.
Alan James General Manager Students Union at Bournemouth University 47
SUBU’s next Vision will follow the goals set out by the United Nations in 2015 designed to ‘Transform Our World’ and put us on a path to a sustainable, ethical and fairer world. We look forward to sharing this new vision with you at the start of the new academic year.
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