Nerve Magazine Issue 4

Page 8

Should Valentine’s Day Exist? Designed by Kayla Annakie

Written by Georgina Barnes


o. That’s it. That’s the argument. Okay fine, maybe I’m being a bit too cynical but Valentine’s Day is just another day on the calendar.

It’s an excuse for shops to push out a consumerist commercialised load of tosh. Don’t get me wrong, who wouldn’t love a box of chocolates and a giant teddy bear the size of, in essence, you? But then what? That teddy bear will sit staring at you forever until you’re single and alone. No thanks. More importantly, us students need to be saving our money for the important stuff, like getting the VKs in priorities, am I right? Even worse, what if you’re that unfortunate person on the rota having to work the day when all the soppiest, grossest couples come into the restaurant? I feel sick even thinking about it. Valentine’s Day is just full of CRINGE. We have to be put through the torture of walking down the street and being smothered by loving couples.

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I feel

sick even thinking about it.

You can’t escape. It’s like your own personal nightmare, especially if you’re single! I mean come on people, this day is just cruel to those who without a significant other in their lives... other than their pet. No-one will be dancing to single ladies in the club without crying. What’s the point in even going out? Honestly though, it does also boil down to painful envy of those being given amazing romantic gestures, making you think - well when’s my Prince Charming coming to pick me up in a rose-filled jet? Where’s my Tiffany ring and bouquet of flowers? Well, they’re not coming. They’re just not. So should Valentine’s Day exist? Absolutely not - you can shove your flowers and bum shaped chocolates, I don’t WANT THEM. Okay, maybe the chocolates can stay.

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