Rag leadership roles

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Leadership Elections mental health zone chair rag leadership

For students who want to lead on fundraising, overseas volunteering and mental health projects. www.subu.org.uk/leadershiproles

WHAT IS RAG? Rag stands for raising and giving and is the fundraising arm of the Students’ Union. Rag organise loads of cool events throughout the year from volunteering trips overseas, London2Paris bike ride, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, a Skydive and many more! Do you want to help run these great events, raise money for charity and have something great to put on your CV? Then a RAG Leadership position could be the perfect role for you!

• Attend weekly Leadership Team meetings • Be an ambassador for Activities and promote all the great events that are run • Communicate with SUBU on a regular basis and keep them updated with what you are doing • Help and support students with activities, whatever event you are responsible for running • Keeping on top of emails

To be a RAG Leadership Team member you should be: • Organised • Friendly

What are the benefits of becoming an RAG Leadership Team member? • You get to play a key role in the shaping student fundraising at Bournemouth University • Meet new people and make new friends • Have fun while doing something worthwhile • Make yourself feel good while making a difference • Make yourself more employable. It looks great on your CV and you will learn many new skills which could include leadership, time management, budgeting, events planning, organisation, communication and collaborative working

• Have good time management • Work well in a team • Prepared to put the time in • Committed and dedicated • Passionate about your chosen sub-team! • Prepared to recruit student volunteers, fundraisers, help to run campus events, attend and support RAG events even if they do not come under your direct responsibility.

What can you expect from SUBU in the way of support? • Initial Leadership Training – this will be a half-day event in, to help you understand the leadership role

What are the key responsibilities of a RAG Leadership Team member?

• Goal setting and objectives at the beginning of the year

As a RAG Leadership Team member you will be expected to:

• Risk Assessment Training – this will be a half day event in Term 1, to help you understand risk assessment so that you can run your events safely.

• LEADERSHIP AWARD SCHEME – workshops are available throughout the year, to help you improve your leadership skills. • The Activities Team in SUBU will be your main point of contact for help and support with any of your events or campaigns. Every event or campaign should be discussed with them to ensure the necessary risk assessments have been completed and you’re getting all the support you need. • The full-time officers will be supportive of your events and will be happy to help if you would like them to – just pop up and see them on floor 1 of the Student Centre at Talbot Campus! • Team bonding/training session at a convenient time • Regular leadership training throughout the year as well as specific skills training where appropriate/needed. • Termly meetings with SUBU Activities Team to identify training/development requirements • On-going ad hoc support where needed



The Chair is an elected Part-Time Officer role and is responsible for overseeing and leading the RAG Leadership Team. You are elected into this role as you sit on the Activities Council which is a student representative body of all extracurricular activities at BU. As a Part-Time Officer on the Activities Council, it would be your responsibility to keep the council in the loop on what RAG are doing and take part in or organise campaigns/events with the help of the Activities Executives and SUBU to promote extra-curricular activities on Talbot and Lansdowne Campus.

Skills needed: You are responsible for chairing all RAG leadership team meetings. You will receive training to help you achieve all of this, and you will have an amazing team behind you, made up of both staff and student volunteers.

Vice Chair


The role of the Vice Chair will be to support the Chair, and the rest of the leadership team. This position entails a variety of things - from scheduling meetings to organising Leadership Team socials. You will be responsible for sending invitations and collecting apologies for meetings, as well as being responsible for minutes and circulating them. The Vice Chair will be the main point of contact via Email along with the Chair and will need to have extensive knowledge of all events hosted by their team. It is also the Vice Chair’s responsibility to collect data for the weekly Activities newsletter to ensure all things are adequately advertised.

Skills needed: You must be an effective communicator and be able to lead and coordinate meetings. The Vice Chair will need to attend all Leadership team meetings, so a flexible and adaptable person is a must!

The RAG Chair is expected to attend the National RAG Conference, held 29th August-1st September 2017. The Chair will need to attend all Leadership team meetings, so a flexible and adaptable person is a must. As Chair, you will also be expected to attend as many events, and campaigns as possible, that have been organised by your Leadership Team. To nominate follow the link below: www.subu.org.uk/elections

RAG Media & Comms Co-ordinator


This role is responsible for managing the Social Media Accounts and will share key information and updates with students and charities via Facebook, Twitter etc. You will need to come up with innovative ideas to get information across to students and update students as often as possible to what’s going on and what they can get involved in. It is essential that you work closely with the SUBU Activities Communications Assistant to ensure all Social Media activity is to a high standard and in-line with SUBU brand guidelines. You must be pro-active in getting information from the rest of the Leadership Team in order to effectively co-ordinate your content. You must have an in-depth knowledge of all events in order to effectively answer any queries that come through social media channels.

Skills needed: You will need to be knowledgeable in using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, snapchat and any other forms of social media, in order to reach students. It is essential that you are a competent communicator, who can seek out information that is appropriate for the audience.

RAG Lansdowne Co-ordinator


As the Lansdowne Officer it is preferred that you are a Lansdowne student. This is because the role is focussed on Lansdowne and we would like a member of the committee who is familiar with the environment and needs of Lansdowne students. Primarily as this role is new, the Lansdowne Officer will need to research what it is that Lansdowne students need i.e. small events or big events? The successful candidate will need to engage with halls of residence to create a sense of community on Lansdowne. The Lansdowne Officer will need to work closely with the rest of the Leadership team. You will need to be assertive; occasionally you may need to remind the Leadership Team that there is life outside of Talbot! You will be expected to promote, and support meetings on Lansdowne. You will be expected to work with the Lansdowne Council to ensure they are aware of RAG events for Lansdowne students and halls to make sure it is accessible to everyone.

Skills needed: Skilled Communicator, Team player, comfortable working remotely from the committee, pro-active and committed to Lansdowne student fundraising, friendly and confident, comfortable approaching and chatting with students.

RAG Hitch Co-ordinator


The RAG Hitch Cordinator is responsible for organising two charity hitchhike events, LEGGIT! and LOST!. They will be expected to oversee and lead all aspects of the events. These include: Promoting, preparing for and hosting information & participants meetings, answering queries, keeping track of the fundraising process and monitoring the teams throughout the duration of the events. On the day of the events, the hitch coordinator is responsible for co-ordinating participants and the RAG Leadership team. You will have the support of the Activities Team in SUBU and should allocate roles to RAG reps and Leadership Team members to ensure smooth organisation and success of the event.

Skills needed: You must be approachable and enthusiastic about your events, you must have a willingness to learn and be open-minded, but above all you need to be organised!

RAG Overseas Co-ordinator x2


The Overseas Co-ordinators are responsible for cordinating all adventure leaders/ international trips and reporting on their progress to the Leadership Team and SUBU. The position would require you to aid with the recruitment of students for the trips as well as team leaders for each trip. You will need to work with the Social Media co-ordinator to promote the trips as well as working with the Reps Co-ordinator to gain the help of RAG Reps to promote the event. You will work with the team leaders and support them with any needs they have. You need to ensure you receive monthly updates from team leaders on their teams fundraising and will need to pass this information on, collated to SUBU. You will be a point of contact for the charities and organisations that RAG will be supporting and working with on these trips. With the assistance of the team leaders you will also run regular fundraising workshops for the students participating in expeditions.

Skills needed: You will need to be a “do-er”! There’s lots of running around after people. You will need to be in constant contact with various stakeholders so a skilled and efficient communicator is a must!

RAG Reps Co-ordinator


This role is responsible for recruiting and managing RAG’s student reps. You will be responsible for the training and development of the reps, with the idea that they will move up to leadership positions in the future. You will be expected to maintain their motivation and interest in RAG. The role also includes assisting other Leadership Team members with events and coordinating the reps to ensure all events are supported with people power. You will be responsible for organising socials within the RAG Leadership Team and RAG Reps to create a sense of community.

Skills needed: You must be a people person! This role is all about creating and maintaining relationships and even when there isn’t an event on, you will need to keep the Rag Reps engaged – You can’t just call on them when they’re needed!

RAG Community Events Co-ordinator


As with all RAG roles the Community Events Co-ordinator needs to have a passion for working with charities whether it’s creating awareness or raising funds. The Community Events Co-ordinator is responsible for running a range of events, often those that are held more locally. These can include a Santa Fun Run in December and smaller events to get the community and students involved such as ‘Rehome a duck day’. You will also be expected to boost the reputation of RAG in the community and promote all the great things RAG do for charity. You will be expected to work with the SUBU Activities Team, communicate well with senior members of staff as well as collaborate with AUB student’s union. The role of the Community Events Co-ordinator also covers engaging and supporting clubs and societies in fundraising by promoting opportunities available to them through RAG, as well as by encouraging and supporting any fundraising events or projects the groups would like to run independently. You will be working closely with the representatives from RAG’s core charities and will be responsible for emptying the fundraising pots around campus regularly.

Skills needed: You need to be creative! In this role you are expected to generate new opportunities to fundraise in and around campus and encourage students to get involved. You will need to be a pro-active, approachable and smiley!

RAG Clubs and Societies Co-ordinator


The Clubs and societies coordinator is responsible for liaising with all clubs and societies regarding their fundraising, this includes supporting and facilitating their fundraising as well as collecting the fundraising totals in order to effectively report on BU student fundraising. Skills needed: You will need to be approachable, self-motivated, resilient to knock backs and open minded.

RAG External Campaigns Co-ordinator


The external campaigns coordinator is responsible for organising on campus events for national campaigns, for example Children in Need, Movember, Comic Relief and any other national campaigns you can think of! You will be expected to oversee all the aspects of organising and running these events. You will get help from SUBU staff, the RAG committee and RAG reps.

Skills needed: You must be a person who has great new ideas and is able to act upon them, you will be self-motivated, approachable and a team player is a must!

All members of the RAG Leadership Teams are responsible for helping to promote other events alongside other leaders! You will be expected to make yourself available for meetings and promotion outside of your specific role.

Key Dates: Elected roles - for these you need to nominate yourself and get elected. Nominations for elected roles open: 25th April 2017, 10am Nominations for elected roles close: 11th May 2017, 5pm Essential candidates Briefing for elected roles: 12th May, 6pm 2017, (Shelly LT) Campaigning for elected roles: 17th May 2017 Announcement of Elected roles: 18th May 2017 Voting ends: Friday 19th May 2017

For details and nominations form go to: www. subu.org.uk/elections appointed roles for these you need to fill out an application form Applications for appointed roles open: 3rd May 2017, 9:00am Applications for appointed roles close: 18th May 2017, Midday 19th shortlist Interviews for appointed roles to be held: 22nd to 25th May 2017 Appointment of leadership team: 26th May 2017 First compulsory committee meeting & social: 5th June 2017, Midday – 5pm.

For details and application forms go to: www. subu.org.ukleadershiproles

WHAT IS THE MENTAL HEALTH ZONE CHAIR? The SUBU Mental Health Zone is made up of students who are passionate and engaged in promoting positive wellbeing and mental health for students whilst studying at BU. The Mental Health Zone Committee is made up of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Communications Officer, Lansdowne Officer and Events Officer. The rest of the Zone is made up of the Committee, plus: 7 x Campaign Project Leaders 2 x Peer Support Project Leaders 2 x Peer Training Project Leaders Together the Mental Health Zone will be responsible for improving the student experience, promoting positive mental wellbeing and challenging mental health stigma achieved by running campaigns, events and managing peer support and peer training. The Vice President Welfare, Democracy and Equality team and SUBU Advice will be the main point of contact for help and support for the Zone.

MEntal health zone Chair


The Mental Health Zone Chair is an elected Part-Time Officer role and is the chair of the brand new SUBU Mental Health Zone. The person in this position is responsible for leading the Mental Health Zone and supporting the Project Leaders, alongside four other officers. You are responsible for chairing all of the Zone meetings. You will work with the Vice President Welfare and SUBU staff to interview and appoint the four Mental Health Zone Officers, who along with this position will be responsible for the running of the Mental Health Zone. You need to be understanding of mental health issues, how they affect students and be passionate about improving the student experience, promoting positive mental wellbeing and challenging mental health stigma. We are looking for a passionate and dedicated student who wants to create change for BU students. You are not expected to be a mental health professional. You are elected into this role as you sit on the Welfare Council which is a student representative body of all welfare issues at BU. As a Part-Time Officer on the Welfare Council, it would be your responsibility to keep the council in the loop on what the Mental Health Zone are doing and take part in or organise campaigns/events with the help of the Welfare Council Executive Officers and SUBU, to promote positive welfare on Talbot and Lansdowne Campus. You will be expected to attend monthly Welfare Council meetings. As a Part-Time Officer you will receive leadership training throughout the year as well as specific skills training where appropriate/needed. Additionally to this, the Mental Health Zone Committee will receive full training and team building to ensure you feel supported and empowered in your position to drive the success of this new initiative. You will have an amazing committee alongside you, plus support from both staff and student volunteers.

Skills needed: You must be an effective communicator and feel confident in leading and coordinating meetings. The Chair will need to attend all Zone Committee meetings and Welfare Council meetings, so a flexible and adaptable person is a must!

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