
Welcome to the Speak Week 2021-2022 Report. This document summarises the results for each of the two Speak Week initiatives run by SUBU during the 2021-2022 academic year. The first of these took place 22nd-26th November 2021. The second ran from 21st-25th March 2022.
What is Speak Week?
Speak Week is a student feedback initiative run by SUBU twice during the academic year. We ask students questions to understand more about your priorities and so that we can work to improve your university experience. Each Speak Week involves SUBU launching a survey in which we ask students a set of topical questions, framed around a particular theme. We then use your answers to drive student-centred change across the University.
Why do we run Speak Week?
We do this because SUBU’s mission is to empower students, and to support students to shape their university and community. We do this in partnership with BU.
What do we do with your feedback?
The results of this report, along with any other feedback that SUBU collects throughout the year, informs the work that we do. We use feedback from students from a wide variety of sources to gain insight into the issues that students are facing. This insight allows us to make sure that SUBU’s work is based on what you need.
How does SUBU represent the student voice?
Speak Week is one of a range of projects we deliver each year that enable students to positively influence their education and environment. Other ways to give feedback and make your voice heard include our Academic Rep system, SimOn, How’s SUBU For You, and the You’re Brilliant Awards.
If you have any questions about this report, or about the work that SUBU does to represent the student voice, email reps@bournemouth.ac.uk.
At a glance
This year’s Speak Week surveys tackled a variety of issues. We asked you questions about a range of topic such as your studies, your involvement in clubs and societies, and your use of student venues.

Here is what you had to say about some of the key issues facing students at Bournemouth University
of students feel that they belong to the Bournemouth University student community.
of students think that SUBU has a clear stance on being an inclusive Students' Union.
International Students
said that climate and culture shock were the top two areas of challenge when starting their studies in the UK. of students are satisfied with the balance of faceto-face and online learning they receive.

of students agree that it is easy to find a good space to study on campus.

65% of students weren’t aware of the Chapel Gate facility.
The results pages overleaf provide a more detailed breakdown of the results of this year’s Speak Week initiatives.
Where relevant, the numbers of respondents per question have been included with results. This number varies as the survey provided respondents with the option to skip questions.
If you would like more information on any of the results included in this report, please contact reps@bournemouth.ac.uk.
Belonging to your student community
students feel like they belong to the BU community
out of 86 responses).
students feel like they belong to their faculty

out of 86 responses).
students feel like they belong to their course community
out of 86
like they belong to their Student
out of

Hybrid learning and hybrid working
the last few years, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, university courses have been increasingly taught online. Most courses are now predominantly taught face-to-face, and before this there was a balance of face-to-face and online learning.

you said that overall, your experience at university is what you expected (45 out of 86 respondents). However,
of you disagreed (23 out of 86 respondents).
you said this was due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic (14 of 67 comments). Out of 410 respondents, you told us that you spend an average of
your “university” time on campus.
happy or unhappy
49 % of students said that at least half of their lectures were recorded so that you can watch them afterwards (42 out of 85 respondents).
Bournemouth University are trying a mixture of at-home and in-office working for some staff.

We asked you to tell us more about how you prefer to contact academic staff.
44 % of students (21 of 48 comments) said they prefer to contact academic staff online (either via email or via Zoom). However, a further 38 % of students (18 of 48 comments) said they prefer to contact academic staff inperson.
The main take-away was that different approaches work better for different people and there is no “one size fits all” approach.
Your student support

You told us the key study skills that you would like the university to help you develop are studying effectively (9% of 112 comments), time management (6% of 112 comments), and revision (6% of 112 comments).
of students said that they had taken part in a library study skills workshop (83 out of 400 respondents).
of students that took part in a study skills workshop said they were very useful.
of students said that it is easy to find a good study space on campus when they need to (43 out of 54 respondents).
of students agree that the library is a good place to study (56 out of 80 respondents). You told us that the spaciousness (12% of 122 comments) and the quiet zones (11% of 122 comments) were what you most like about the library services.
of you agreed that the library at Talbot campus should be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (143 out of 204 responses). You told us this would improve your study time (39 out of 143 “yes” responses).
You told us that more group study space is what you would most like to change about our library spaces (9% of 90 comments).

of students told us that PAL (Peer-Assisted Learning) has helped to support their learning at BU (22 out of 84 respondents).
of students said that they were satisfied or very satisfied with the Careers Service at BU (112 out of 183 responses).
SUBU: Your Students' Union

strive to be an excellent Students’ Union that helps you create the best university experience for yourself, your community, and your future. To better understand what we can do to help enhance your university experience, we asked you about SUBU.
of students said yes (209 out 344 responses).
& SUBU do to support your student experience?
3 things
Events & activities (58 of 344 comments), mental health and wellbeing support (42 of 344 comments), and better communication (30 of 344 comments) were the top three things that you said we could do to support your student experience.
asked students
about their interest and
of students are a club/society committee member (88 of 344 responses).
of students are interested in SUBU’s student-led “Beach Champions” project (87 of 344 responses).
of students are interested in SUBU’s student-led “Climate Action Student Team” (95 of 344 responses).
What can SUBU do to amplify minority voices?

Awareness & promotion (65 of 344 responses)
Events & workshops (54 of 344 responses)

Provide better student voice platforms (31 of 344 responses)
We asked how SUBU can work with BU to encourage active allyship.
You said we should run events (34 of 344 comments) and educate people on allyship (28 of 344 comments).
77 % of students agree that SUBU has a clear stance on being an inclusive students’ union (68 of 88 responses)
We asked how SUBU could help in enhancing your Student Experience.
You told us that SUBU is doing well and that more events and activities would enhance your experience.
International students
Around 2,600 students here at Bournemouth University are International Students. We wanted to better understand the key challenges for International Students.

You said that the key areas of challenge for you as an International Students were:
ClimateCulture shock
Managing finances and costs
Meeting people


International Students said their main challenges in their academic studies were understanding the language and adapting to the teaching style at University.
of International Students who completed the Speak Week survey said they had contacted their academic advisor (47 of 59 respondents).
of International Students said that they would benefit from a support programme that has a social and informal setting (41 of 59 respondents).

Your student venues
Chapel Gate:
Chapel Gate, based next to Bournemouth Airport, is a 65-acre sports facility owned by BU and home to a variety of sports including football, rugby, hockey, cricket, squash, table tennis, archery and rifle shooting.

We asked you to tell us more about your experience with Chapel Gate.
65 % 56 %
of students (263 of 403 respondents) said that they were not aware of Chapel Gate.
of students travelling to Chapel Gate would do so via car (27 of 48 respondents).
The number one reason students said they travelled to Chapel Gate was to watch football (7 mentions across 48 comments).
We asked what would encourage you to travel to Chapel Gate.
You said more events at the venue (80 out of 315 comments) and that you wanted us to advertise the venue more (68 out of 315 comments).

go to TOFS said they felt