1 minute read

How often are you unable to attend lectures, seminars and booked events on campus?

One third of students reported attending all lectures, seminars and booked events on campus.
However, 40% of students said they were unable to attend campus weekly and additional 28%monthly.
It is concerning to see such significant numbers missing lectures, seminars and booked events with such regularity.
A minority of students attend all lectures and events on campus
(195 out of 619) students said they attended all lectures, seminars and booked events on campus.

26% While
27% of students 24 or under said they attended all lectures and events on campus of first year students said they attended all lectures and events on campus
36% of postgraduate students said they attended all lectures and events on campus
32 % of students 30 or over said they attended all lectures and events on campus
“Make lectures more engaging and have more communities. Some of the lectures I’ve been to have been rather boring because of the teaching style being lacklustre, like I’m still in middle school.” First year student, aged under 21.